THB NEW AGS, POBTIiAND. OREGON ! THE NEW AGE A. D. ORIPPIN. Manaiw. Office AIM Second St., cor. Ath, Rooms 1 and 2 Portland. Oregon. -Kntared at the poitofflce at Portland, Oregoa aa second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION. Om Year, payable In advance S 2.01 JteUblUhad ISM. rrlnted at J15$ Stark Street, Third K.oor. I EDITORIAL THE TWO PARTIES. Tho main thing, from a political point of vlow, Is tho success of tho county and city. Of courso wrong things nro dono untlor tho wing of nnd with tho sanction of tho Repub lican party, but in tho main it Is right, sound, Bafo. It is tho party to depend on, to tlo to, to support. What Is tho Domocratic party to day? Whllo composed for tho most part of very oxcollcnt men, many of whom, locally, nro among Tho Now Ago's best friends, It Is a party of negation,, of do-nothing, or of doing tho wrong thing, or If it over would do a. right thing, It Is nt tho wrong timo. It Is a party of opposition that Is about oil. It simply opposos whatever tho Ilopubllcan party docs or proposes, though If In power It would do precisely tho samo thing. It Bcarcoly dared to opposo the Spanish-American war, but It opposed whatovor haB been dono as a natural nnd logical consequent of that war. It criticizes tho puuBlon liberality of tho Ilopubllcan party, but If In powor It would bo moro oxtravngant hoping to win votes. Even on tho tariff Us opposition to protection Is wholly thcorotlcal, ncadcmlcal; for when It comes to a voto almost every Demo crat In congress Ib tho highest sort of a protectionist as to whatovor his constituents nro Interested In. Tho Domocratic organs nro Just nrtw yelping rather blindly nnd fool ishly, omitting sounds much lllto hnylng nt tho moon, ngainBt Prosl drnt ItooBovolt. Ho is dangorous; ho Is oxpanslvo; ho is offuaivo; ho is too strenuoim; ho Ib this, that nnd tho other, nut If tho Democrats had boon In power, nnd had hnd Just such a prcBldont ns Itoosavelt, ono who hnd In nil things done, nnd Haiti exactly what ho haB, they would now bo "lauding him to tho skies." Thoy would have said ho was n Wnslflngton, n Joffurnon, nnd n Jack con, all rolled Into one. Our friends tho Domocrnts nro trying lo ralso an Issuo on tho trusts. How abBurd this Is when tho record Ik sennned. Clovelnnd, a Domocrnt, was In ofllco for eight years, nnd during n pnrt of that time hnd n Democratic congrosB In both branches to back him. Did ho over go nftor tho trusts? Never. Ho had nn nblo nttornoy-gonornl, Mr. Olnoy of Massachusetts, but ' nobody ever hoard of him proceeding under tho nitl-tniHt law ngnlnst any trusts or combine I corporations. Hut Presi dent Uoosovelt Iiiih dono something. Ho caused tho great anthracite strike, to bo settled by arbitration last year, favorablo to tho minors. That ono net Is muro than tho Demoeratlo party ovor did, or attempted, during Mr. Cleveland's whole eight years of bervlco. It proved tho power of such n strong, rcBohtto, pntriotlc man as Uoosovelt lu tho presidential chnlr. It proved that ho mennt to perforin as well as to promlso, How do wo know that Puiker, If elected, would do as much, would do any moro than Cleveland did? Then tho preal dent proceeded against tho Northern Securities company nnd knocked Its merger out. Now tho administration Is carefully gathering evidence to ptoceed, so as to succeod, ugalnst the coal trust, tho beef trust, and tho Btcel trust. Tho president will havo ull their scalps boforo ho gets through. lu tho faco of this record and pros-J poet, what undor tho shining sun of heaven does any anti-trust man want to exchaugo Itoouovolt for an un certain Democrat for? Hoarst? O, well, It Is only Hearst's bubbling boodlo that Is talking now. Tbo Domocrats may bo slow, and a party of moro negation, but thoy havo not gono ontlroly crazy yet. Thoro Is oven moro saulty In tho party now than when they nominated llryan. And this bolng so, thoy 111 novor cover what Is loft of tie party with a Bcarlot mantlo of shamo by nominating tho fol low Hearst, No, Parkor will bo nominated, and, judged by tho Democrats' own standards, ho Isn't us much of a Democrat as Uoosovelt Thero Is ono good, sensible, prac tical courso for tho Domoeratw to pursuo, though Tho Now Ago has no faith In their adopting its suggestion and that is to Indorso tho nomina tion of Roosevelt, ns, a good Demo crat, as well as a good republican. Hurrah for Uoosovelt. A MODEL ItlCH CITIZEN. Tho story published In tho Ore gonian this week about Mr. Ladd taking out a policy of llfo Insurance for $200,000, in addition to tho $50, 000 ho already carried, furnishes nn excuso, If a slight one, to say of courso without his knowlcdgo or consent a few words about this model rich man nnd citizen. It is too much tho world's custom to Bay nothing good of tho worthy and woll-worklng men nnd women till they nro dead; then they aro eulo gized, and their merits and vlrtuos o ..canted upon; but why not speak eomo good words of eminently good and useful men and women In n com munity whllo they nro living? Mr. W. M. Ladd probnbly cares ns little us almost any man for this sort of commendation; ho neither needs nor desires It; yet ho Is human, mortal, and ho would bo different from the icrt of humanity If ho did not appre ciate a kindly appreciative word, spoken disinterestedly Hko this, from whatever sourco It came. And whether ho thinks so or not, thero Is no good reason why Mr. Ladd should not bo tho Btibjcct of a com mendatory nrtlclo in n Portland nows paper, Ho ho Is a wealthy man, possibly Portland's richest Individual citizen. That of itself naturally at tracts some attention to him. And tho chnracter of n very wealthy man, his methods, his Ideas In rcgnTd to public and especially municipal af fairs, his disposition ns to charltablo enterprises, education, bcIciico, re ligion, nrt, nnd Improvement nnd progress generally, aro not only of Interest but of Importnnco. Such n man Is "a powor" In a community for good or 111; ho ennnot help being so If ho would. Now let us look brlelly nt this emi nent prlvnto citizen at a few acts of his, nnd see If ho s not dosorving of all good peopla'a esteem. A fow months ago 'ho, or tho estate which h" largely manages It wan doubtless really his individual net and gift gave a lot at tho corner of Fourth nnd Durnsldo ctrcots for n mission house situ a plnco whoro peoplo aro to bo "Bavcd'Vholped mndo bettor tho poor, tho depraved, the wicked, tho wretched, tho outcast, the des pondent, tho despairing thousands of them will hereafter bo helped, suc cored benefited, nnd to n greater or less extent "saved," and largely through this one man's benefaction. Hero Is teal charity, real religion. Not only hns Mr. Ladd dono this In dividually, but tho First Presbyterian church spends thousands annually In this kind of work nnd whllo It has many rich or well-to-do mombors, nil of whom help, Mr. Ladd no doubt al ways heads tho list. Doubtless If Dr. 13. P. Hill wore to tell what ho knows on this subject ho could say that ha baa practically carte blanche from W. M. Ladd to spoud whatever he chooses lu this sort of good work. In another and a different Hue Mr. Lmld'n publlc-splrltedness uppeara Mid that Is In the domain of art. If tho art lovers of Portland havo been favored and delighted and Instructed with tho view of tho world's best pi lutings or the best reproductions thereof procurable, they uro Indebted chlotly for that pleasure and prollt to W. M. Ladd. Ho has expended thousands of dollars to bring ple nties hero nnd display them, not for his own selfish gratification, but to please and benefit tho public. Consider If you can what a grand work tho Y. M. C. A. hns dono und Is doing In this city; inquire who Is llf best frlond and supporter, and tno answer will bo W. M. Ladd. And i-o wo might go on through a long list of this ono man's good, helpful, worthy deeds, but apaco forbids nnd It Is needless; our point must bo cleur. 4. quiet, careful, clean, business man; seoklng no public honors, nor public praise; looking carefully after ais own largo business, It Is truo, and adding gradually und rightfully to his largo fortune, but at tho snmo timo always remembering that ho Is a stoward, aud that his fortuuo Is lu a largo sense a trust-fund; a clear oyod, clcar-hcartcd, model rich man such la our townsman, William M. Ladd, This city would bo much richer If it had moro such men. MR. HERMANN. The continued and unreasonable at tacks by a few Demoeratlo papers on Representative Hornianu aro given llttlo consideration, but probably as Thero aro two sides to tho public of tho contro versy, nnd to Hermann's relations thereto. Undor tho looso land cases great amounts of timber nnd "stone and dosert" lands wero taken up and passed by pre-arrangement Into the hnnds of speculators and syndicates, and Hermann as land commissioner knew that was going on. So did all tho land office officials, and tho de partment at Washington, nnd every body. It was a custom, sanctioned by long usngo. Dut all of a sudden Sec retary Hitchcock turned reformer, and concluded that theso practices had gono too far ns Indeed thoy had, for not only wero hundreds nnd thou sands of real peoplo mildly perjuring themselves according to custom, swearing to "whlto lies" as everybody know but sharp syndicates, chief of which was that ono headed by Hydo and Benson, of San Francisco, woro obtaining great tracts of valuablo land by tho most audacious frauds, by means of dummy nppllcants, no taries nnd claimants. Tho dull, red tnpo Interior department finally "got onto" this game, nnd has secured a lot of victims in Its tolls, but it docs not appear that Hermann hnd any part or any knowlcdgo of theso frauds. The worst that can be said of him is that ho was rather "easy" with local land ofllco officials and lnud takers, along tho old custqmnry lines. But It appears on tho other hand that Hermann's policy, or Tathor por functory courso, was In ono rcspoct far better for tho peoplo than that proposed to bo pursued by his super ior officer and opponents and critics, which would havo offered railroad corporations. Just tho opportunity thoy desired to oxchnngo almost worthless for lmmcnso tracts of very valuablo land. In fact tho wholo public land ofllco business Is in n tnnglo, Is a "perfect mess," but thoro Ib no occasion to throw nil tho blnmo on our poor f i lend Dinger's shoulders. Dut ho can stand It. Ho will bo re-elected by n larger majority than ho was last year, and will very likely romnln In congress; to tho annoyance of his enemies nnd many aspirants for his place, until ho dies. WILLIAMSON WINS. Aftor Mr. Moody's failure to carry Eastern Oregon, tho nomination of Mr. Williamson followed ob a mnttor of courso. If Mr. Moody could havo carried Umatilla and Uakcr counties, i nnd so havo como down with a good majority of Eastern Oregon dole gates, ho would In all probability havo been nblo to win over somo Multnom ah county delegates, probably enough to lnsuro his nomination. It Is well known that n considerable proportion of this county's delegntos wero favor ablo to him, and whllo thoy would not liuvp lightly Ignored their Instruc tloiis by tho county convention, thoy would also havo considered tho very strong point thnt Eastern Oregon should have tho choosing of tho can didate. Mr. Moody made n gallant nnd ail-but MiiccesBful fight, aud comes cut of It honorably and with the ad nitration of a host of republicans of the district. Ho had to contend itgahiBt tho uctlvc opposition of Sen ators Mitchell und Fulton, which, of cnurso counted for u great deal, nnd even thon some trades had to be made by Mr. Williamson's managers in Eastern Oregon to prevent Moody from winning. Dut tho contest is over; Mr. Williamson Is tho man, and ho will bo supported by nearly all re publicans, and elected by a largo ma jority ovor any one whom tho demo crnts can nominate. , At least, so It appears now. Yet something depends upon tho man whom tho democrats nomlnnto next week, and upon tho second-thought temper of a great many republicans who nro dissatisfied to somo extent with tho "machine's" operations, I CAMPAIGN NOTES Next week the campaign will bo fairly on. e Voto tho republican legislative tick et straight. e District attorney and assessor im portant offices. It Is not always safe, Mr. 8cott, to rely on a big party majority. J, W, Bailey ought to bo nominated, What democrat wants to run agalust Williamson? Tho domocrats think they eloct a sheriff at least. might much ns thoy deserve, Except for Lawyer Dunlwny's in judicious attack, Judge Frazor might hovo been dropped. e e e Tho fight for tho sheriff's ofllco promises to bo a pretty one and might bo close. H. W. Scott will properly head tho delegation to tho republican national convention. He Is a largo flguro In Oregon. e e Judgo Caroy well deserves tho hon or bestowed upon him of electing him delegato to tho national convention. e e Mr. W. J. Furnish, tho Pendleton Danker, tho last republican candldato for governor, was a prominent flguro ot tho convention. Ho will como to tho front yet. N. Whcaldon, of Tho Dalles, candl dato for state senator, Is a very pop ular man, and will bo elected by a largo .majority. Furnished roomB from $10.00 up, at MrB. M. Kceblo, 388 Everett Btreet. Telophono Main 2001. Always ask for the famous Goneral Arthur cigar. Esberg-Gunst Cigar Co., general agents, Portland, Or. Call at Duchanan & Derrick, confec tionary and cigars, homomado can (Hob a local specialty. 2CC Third St. The Appltcon Cafo. First-class in ovory respect. Southwest cornor Sixth and Evorott Streets, Portland Orcogn. F. Germain, dealer In fish, game, poultry, etc. Canned goods a special ty. Phono Clay CI. 40G Qllsan street, Portland, Oregon. GOD'S ART GALLERY OF THE ROCKIES. Edyth Tozlor Wcnthcrred says, In a recont number of "The Exposi tion": "My first trip has recently been mado over tho world renowned Den ver & Rio Grnndo Railroad. Any at tempt at a pon plcturo would bo a Bncrllcgo. To upprcclato It Is to bco It and bo hold spellbound while you gazo on tho grand, glorious, beautiful and Bublimo. 'God's Art Gallery of tho Rockies" Is unsurpassed and fills ono'B soul with moro lovo for tho Cre ator, and you nro also Impressed with tho wonderful achievements of man who .mado It posslblo for tho traveler to enjoy tho plcturcsqucs of Amer ica." If you contcmplato a trip East, wrlto W. C. McBrldo, 124 Third street, Portland, Ore, for booklets picturing Colorado's famous scenery, and what ever Information you may desire. LEGAL ADVERTISING. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato ot Oregon for Multnomah County. "M. Bnrdo and D. J. Gregory, part ners doing business as Bardo & Greg ory, plaintiffs, vs. Great Western Marblo and Onyx Co., a corporation, nnd Holmnn Transfer Co., a corpora tion, dofontants. To Great Western Marblo & Onyx Co., a corporation, dofondnnt: In tho name of tho Stato ot Oregon: You aro hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against jou In tho above entitled cnuso on or boforo tho Oth day of May, A. D. 1904, nnd If you fall so to appear plaintiffs will apply to tho Court for tho relief domnnded In tho complaint, to-wlt: for n Judgment and decree against you for tho sum of 1400.00, together with Interest on tho sum of $200 from Octobor 28, 1003, and Intorcst on the Bum of $200 thereof from Novomber 28, 1002, until paid, said Interest bo lug at rate of C por cent, per annum; also for sum of $75.00 as nttornoys fees nnd for costs and disbursements of this suit nnd action; that Bald, sums of money bo decreed n first Hen upon all of tho personal proporty, consist ing of certain tools nnd .machinery, the samo being moro particularly set forth and dcscrlbod in tho complaint filed horeln, nnd roferenco to which Is hereby mado and snmo bolng mndo a part of this summons, said tools and machinery now being contained and stored In tho American Exchange Warehouso, at No. 182 Madison street, in tno city or Portland, Multnomah County, nnd Stnto of Oregon: also decreeing thnt said lion bo foreclosed and that said property bo sold as by law provided and tho proceeds thore- of applied to tho payment of tho said sums of money no by law provided; that tho defendant and nil persons claiming by, through or undor it bo barred aud foreclosed of all rights and equity therein and that purchaser tako such title as was had by said do fondant nt timo of making said chat tel mortgago, together with all tltlo which It has since acquired and nil tltlo acquired und held by its suc cessors, nnd assigns in Interest and that tho purchaser bo dollvered tho possession ot said personal property nnd that plaintiff, havo such other und further roller as to caulty shall appertain. This summons Is nubllshod by or der of tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County, duly made and entered tho 26th day of March, 1901, In and by which order It Is prescribed that this summons shall bo published for a period of six weeks. Tho date of tho first nubllca- tlon of this notice Is March 26. 1904. QILTNER & SEWALL. First publication March 26. 1904. Last Publication May 7, 1904. )UFUEN8E BUFFET. 215 Howard Street. Phone Main 80. V SPOKANE, WASHINGTON JOTKL ALDEKT John 8, fllmble. Proprietor. 287 Riverside Ave. Furnished rooms, bar and billiard room lu couuectlon. Hotel (.hone Main 1M1. SPOKANE, WAflHINQTON Scalloped Oyaterm, Roll fine ono pound of common' crackers. Butter a dish and put In a layor of crumbs. Pour off the liquor from tho oysters and add to It ono and one-half pints of milk. Wet tho crombs with this and put In a layor of oysters and small pieces of buttor, a llttlo salt and pepper. Alternate tho layers, the top ono being of crumbs, with more pieces of butter. Bent two ggs and add to them a cupful of milk; pour ovor tho top. Bako, covered with a tin, half an hour In a quick ovon. Romoro tho cover and lot them remain until brown. Baked Y.ub Omelet. Scant half cupful of Hour sifted with Just a pinch of baking powder, moist en with a llttlo milk to mix a smooth paste, then add tho yolks of throe or four eggs, lastly tho whites to which Is added about a toaspoonful of salt nnd beaten to n stiff froth. Havo your frying pan hot, and uso for grcaBlng It a piece of buttor half tho slzo of an egg. Bako lfVor 20 minutes lit a very hot ovon. Try It with a teaspoon, samo as custard, and If tho spoon comes out elenn It Is done. If dono' too much It will whey a trifle. Gluten Rolla. Throe cupsful of kernel flour, two ovon tnblcspoonfuls of linking powder, half a tcoBpoonful of salt, two cupfuls of milk; mix the flour, salt and baking powder together, then stir In tho milk; bent well. If baked in Iron roll puns, heat thorn well, brush with butter; If granite ware, only grenso them. This quantity will make sixteen rolls. Bako from twenty to twenty-five minutes. Mock Dnclc. Take a pleco of beefsteak, about 10 or 12 Inches In extent, and spread It with a layor of sago and onion stuff ing, roll up tho steak, tlo It In shape, put It In n deep dish, with hnlf a pint of good stock or gravy, and bako for about an hour, turning nnd bnstlng It frequently; remove tho strings, put tho meat on a hot dish, thicken tho gravy, pour it round tho meat, and serve. Cauliflower Fritter. First boll tho vegetablo till nearly cooked, plunge into cold water and break Into neat sprigs; drain theso In a slovo, dip Into thick, whlto luiuco, flavor with cheese, coyenno, pepper nnd alt, and lot them remain until cold; dip carefully Into frying butter, plnco in a frying basket and cook to a deli cate brown in deep fat Ralaln Puffs. Beat one-half cupful sugar, ono tea spoonful of butter to n cream; beat in one egg; add one-half cupful of milk, ono and one-third cupfuls of flour, two tcaspoonfuls of baiting powdor, ono cupful of chopped raisins and splco to tasto; steam for throc-quarters of an hour in cups one-half full. O run ire ruddltur. Dcat one tnblespoonful of butter and three-quarters of a cupful of sugar to-1 gothor; rub In two eggs and beat; add ono cupful of cracker crumbB, tho irmtpil rind and iulce of ono orunco and ono quart of milk; bako until the " v ..., n...... f ...lib. I.aln n,.Hl im custnrd "sots." Froatlnir far Cliocolnte Cnke. Make according to the directions for plain frosting, and beut Into tho whlto creutn three tablespoonfuls of grated chocolate, moistened to a paste with u very llttlo boiling water. Flavor with a llttlo vunllla. I.udy Cuke. One coffee cupful butter, one coffeo cupful milk, three coffee cupfuls sugar, four coffeo cupfuls flour, tho whites of ten eggs, tho juice of one largo lomon, ono nnd one-hulf toaspoonfuls of bak ing powder. Hickory Nut Muccaroona. Ono cupful hickory nuts pounded in n mortar, one cupful sugur, ono egg nnd a half, two tablespoonfuls Hour, mix well, then drop dessertbpoonfuls on greased paper and bake. Tli In s Handy to Know, Klour and meal should always be sifted before measuring. Itoasted coffeo Is ono of tho most powerful disinfectants. Water added to sour milk will give better results than adding swcot milk. Ono part of cornstarch to two parts bread dour Is equal to pastry flour for cakes. A small bag of sulphur kept where thero are red ants will quickly dis perse them. To brighten carpets, wlpe-them with wnrm water Into which has been poured a few drops of ammonia. Uso plenty ot sal soda in the kitchen sink. It prevents pipes from clogging with grease, nnd Is very cleansing.' Water bottles and cruets may bo easily cleaned with shot and soapsuds. Save tho shot In a small bottle, to us gals. A BUSINESS PROPOSITION. If 'you are going East a careful selection of your route is essential to the enjoyment of your trip. If it Is a business trip, timo Is the main consideration; it a pleasure tTip, scenery and tho conveniences and comforts of a modern railroad. Why not combine all by using the ILLINOIS CENTRAL, the up-to-date road, running two trains daily from St. Paul and Minneapolis, and from Omaha to Chicago. Free reclining chair cars, the famous Buffet-Library smoking cars, all trains vestlbuled. In short, thoroughly modern through out All tickets reading via the Illi nois Central will he honored on theae trains and uo extra fare charged. Our rates aro the same as those of Inferior roada why not get your monoy's wprthT White for full particulars. B, II, TRUMBALL, Commercial Agent, Portland, Ore. J. C. LIND8EY, T. P. & P. A.. Portland, Ore. PAUL B. THOMPSON. P. P. A.. Seattle, Wash. nriiE nunuNOTON, Wines, Liquors and Cigars. It. E. Mistier, proprietor. 241 Alder itrcet, between 2nd and 3rd. Phone Main 2850. 1'rl vato rooms. 1'OllTI.AND, OKEdON. W. I- McCadb, Beattle. E. s. Hamilton, Tacoma. ' M'CABE & HAMILTON .. STEVEDORES .. PUOET SOUND Also Honolulu, H. h Head Offtoo: Taooma, Wash, Cable Address: McCAMS GRACIE, BEAZLEY & CO., Agent 1,4 Wattr Street, Liverpool. W. A. MILLER BAKER All Kinds of Dread nt Wholesale and Retail Prices. Frco Delivery. PHONE SCOTT 3802 315 Hollidny Ave. Portland, Ore. Emerprias Brewing Co. Ol San Francisco, Cat. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS HEN11Y MElbTKIt, (Jen. Agt. for 1'ortlnn Extra l'alo Hofbrau Dohcmlan and Export fleers. Kid Hcnl Porter. Free Delivery In all I'nrtiof tho City, llcor Depot nndColdStorago at l'ortland, Oregon, 13th and Johnson fits. PHONE MAIN 1922 C. O. TICK, Prop. All Work Ouarantcod C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Co. Kates, Pianos and Furniture moved, stored or rucked for shipping. Klro-proot brick vrarohouso, Front nnd Clay. Express and baggage hauled. . ms OH lam, Bath Pttonaa 400, Staklm Blaek1B72. Portland, Oregon CU1VFR TRANSPnRTiTlflN fill bl bAMbK (JbU. W. SHAVEN, Will fcuvo rortliind, foot nl Washington St., Bunday.Tuesday and Thursday evening at ilng at a . Larries. r'ftiris ffw kaiiilny laluiiil Ut Ifuliieia 4'ia y.""v":'.," ."'J: !".'""!!' V" ; ns, Carlos, Deer Island, Martins, Kalavna, Nccr City, Itanlcr, lt. C'omn, .Ma)ger, Stella, Oak Point, Frccmans, Maniaiiillo.Clatskaulu and all way landing. ELECTRICITY ! h aWaaWmaVmmmaWBa PJHfhlV H THAT YOU CAN BRINK Hr3 HBJ " IF YOU TEZtKT TO - lSI H TIP IMW i ilLfl SkkkV 'II H Brings comfort and cheer fulness during the long win ter nights. Enjoy a few comforts while you are alive for you are a long time dead v Portland General Electric Co. Portland Club and Cafe... 130 Fifth Street OUR SPECIALTIES: Monogram ' and III Cyrus JNoblo Whiskies. ii A Resort for Gentlemen. 'Phono OrcgonMaln 008; Columbia 407" WARWICK TURF EXCHANGE 131 FOURTH STREET Bat. Aldar and Waahlnaton Sta. Commissions Received on all Eastern and California Races. Direct Wire on all Sporting Events. Phono Main 1414- Tull A Glbbm l SucoaaaoraH.O.BflEDENAOQ. 1 Second & Morrison Streets Furniture Carpets Draperies We Have What You Need . . n -m,m, MMB,MMl mi'- - Do You Know the News ? You can havo It all for 50c Per Month Month In Tho Evening Telegram, of rortland, Oregon. It la tho largestevcnlng liens paper published in Oregon! It contains all the nows ol tho state and of the na tion. Try It for n month. A sample copy will be mailed to you free. Ad- i aress THE TELEGRAM, jrorwana, uregon. A- IN YOUR HOME M ' rf, " '''AT j iHxf 'M -5 f v, if m r ,..nVy Uffaia. tmjJBWamEa