mwm,$mtmM!$smmm3M - -H,..,, V----in!".Mr'121?rJ XiST r.T TtO t.,i -.EL' .Itrfa lU. 1 1 . ,Z,U Aw.1 .fiKo "THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. Br 1 v l3 J? A 1 LA TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. HENRY LONGSTRETII, Proa. JOHN R. ARKLEY, Sec. and Trcas. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOHA, WASHINGTON. Write for copy of handsome illustrated booklot on Tacoma, Just issued. SUNRISE BAKERY. D. McPHEUSON, l'roprietor. All kinds of Bread, Pics, Cakes, Etc Wedding; and Birthday Cakes A Specialty. TELEPHONE 11KD 1500. 1107 South K St. TACOMA, WASH. THE JUNCTION ERICH BII1UU0, Proprietor. 1524, lftM, UA rnclflr Avenue, Tacoma, Wash. :i, itat, i'iJ I'ncinr Avenue, lacoma, no One-half Mock from N. I'. Depot. Stop- 'I'onimir an street ci lelephone lllack W3. AH tho Lending liranda of Imported Liquors, Mines mid Cigars Carried in Stock. Fresh lleer Al- wayr on Tap. One of tho Finest Places in tho City. THOMAS 8. HURLEY, Manager, lies. Tel. John 801. KOUKllT McCULLOUOH, Socrctary. Kts. Tel. John 8ii. TACOMA TOG AM) BARGE GO. Tuai FEARLESS, FAIRFIELD, FAVORITE nnd FALCON. fleneral Towing. Coal, llallast and Water furnished. Scow and tor Itcnt. Tho "Fearless" Is llttcd with powerful flro and vrrcking pump. All business commtinlca tlotii to he nddnssoil 1 aroma Tug and llargo 'o. Olllco! Padllo Cold Htorago liulldliiK, Northern l'aclllo Dock. Telephone Main f9. Tucoiua, ashltigton. Wm. B. Coffee Plumbing Go. Inc. Guarantee Everything Thoy Do. Headquarters for Bathroom Trimmings Established 1888. 1015 A Street Phono, Main 070 TACOMA WASH C. C. MELLINGER. Funoral Dlrootor, Embalming u Specialty by Mel linger Bros, Ofllco Phono Main ail. Rcsldenco Phono John 2541. 910 Tacoma Avo. Tacoma, Wash. Ole n. Men. Harry O.Selvlg. LIEN'S PHARMACY. Formerly Ceutral DrugStoro. Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles Prescriptions a Specialty. 1102 Tacoma Avenue. Telephone James 141. Tacoma, Wash. Tacoma Baking Co. Wholcsalo Manufacturers of BREAD, CAKES, ETO. 043 Tacoma Avenuo, Tacoma - - Washington Ben Olson PLUMBING Hot Water Heating, Gas Fitting, etc. Telephone Main 392. 1130 Commerce St. Tacoma, Wash. OCCIDENTAL MARKET JAMES LONOMIRE, Proprietor. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS. POUL TRY AND GAME IN SEASON. 1702 Jefferson Ave. Telepbooe Janes 6238 TACOMA, WASH. FULTON MARKET Dealers In Butter. Eggs and Cheese, Fresh and Salted Smoked Meats. All Kinds ol Poultry and dame In'Beasoa Highest Market Price raid for all Kinds of Poultry, Veal, Etc, 1906 Jefferson Ave. Telephone Main Hi RAINIER MARKET rattflo Ave. Telephone 277 TACOMA VASH. yUNCKEll nOTTLlNCl CO. Manufacturer! and Dealers In SODA AND MINERAL WATERS Barsaparllla and Iron, Olngor Ale. Phone, Red 1GS0 23-23 Jefferson Avo. TACOMA, WASH M ONTY'S THIRST BTORK Dcrlln Building. 1 13 South 11th Bt. Tclophone; Main 1W. TACOMA, WASHINGTON s AYRE DRUO CO. Tho most reliable plaro to Imy drugs and patent medicines, etc. Ihlsstorols noted for Its carefulness In filling prescriptions aud for fair prices. 1100 Pacific Avenue Tacoma, Wash. rnHU PACIFIC LIQUOIt AND WINE HOUSE. N. REUTKR, Proprietor. Tho best of VUncs, Liquors aud Cigars. 1 amlly TruJo a Specialty. Tol. Red 1731. IK! Pnclfle Avo. 1605 Commerce Bt. Tacoma, Washington Hopkins Bros. DRuaaisTs. Prescriptions are our specialty. Orders by telephone, promptly delivered. Cars to all parts of tho city pass our doors. 8. W. cor. K and Eleventh Bti. Tolephone Main 344. A. S. JOHNSON & CO. Wholcsalo nnd retail dealers In Paints, 01!, Brush, G!as, Wall Paper Wo carry a full lino of Room Moulding, Doors. Indows, Etc. Estimates given on l'o poring and Ulailug. lot. John 2011. 1309 l'aclllo Avenue. TACOMA, WASH. Tclophono Main 03. Opposlto Tacoma Hotel ROYAL DAIRY. MILK, CREAM AND ICE CREAM. No. 913 A Btreet. Tacoma, Wash Telophona C2 830 O Street. J. L. Roberts &. Son UNDERTAKERS Mrs. M. J. Finn, Assistant Tacoma, Wash Homo Mado Pastry Flue CofToe Oysters and Oatno In Reason VIENNA CAFE ROIIERT BICKER, Prop. 1311 l'aclllo Avenue, Everything First Class aud up-to-Dte TACOMA, WASH THE LOUVRE. WILLIAM BIIIURO, Prop. Rest brands of Imported and domcstlo Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Hole agents for Parker Rye. Flno Freo I.unch, Telephone James 2131. 1300 Pacific Anuo. 1303 Commerco Btreot. Tacoma, Washington. We have everything you need in the Drug and Patent Medicine Line. VIRQES & CO., Druggists. 114a Pacific Avo. UNION MARKET B. H. McKEE, Proprietor. Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. All Kinds of Poultry and Game in Season. TELEPHONE MAIN 317. 1104 South K St. TACOMA, Wash THE STAR Livery & Boarding Stable A. EFAW. Boarding Horses a Specialty. Phono, Main 130. 1134-30-38 O St. TAOOMA, WASH. mm CEREAL COMPANY MANUrACTUBXBa OF Rolled Oats. Daily Bread Flour. Cereals of All Kinds. Feed. HJ H. A. DURR, Proprietor ol Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted and One of the Best Lauadries la the Northwest. 1309-11 O Btreet 1310-12 Commercial Street Telephon Malu AM T-tcoma, Vaihlngtoa i v -vy-zwi Walla Walla Advs. D EPOT LUNCH COUNTER. FRANK M. CUMM1NQB Proprietor. All Kinds of Lunches Put Up for tho Traveling Puhllc. WALLA WALLA, WASH. LEWIS. W. HEATON Manager Ptemrd Unttmrimktng Pmrtorm. Graduate Embalmer and Dtslnfector. Licensed by Illinois State Hoard of Health. Member National Association of Embalmers. P. O. Box 782- Thone, Main 149. WALLA WALLA WASH. J. W. COOKKRLY. Undertaker and Qencral Funeral Furnisher. Embalming a Specialty. Babcock's Brick Block, 114 First St. Telephone Black 691. WALLA WALLA, WABH. pALL AT 120 AND 122 MAIN ST. SCIIWARZ'B SALOON Lunch Counter and Club Rooms open at all hours. 120 and 122 Main Btreet WALLA WALLA, WASH A. BCHWARZ, Prop CITY BREWERY MRS. J. H. STAHL, Prop. Dealer In FINE EXPORT LAGER BEER. Beer In bulk or bottles. All orders promptly lilted. ..CHIGAGO STORE.. Posioffloa Block. Wo aro solo agents for tho Gordon Hat, Walk-Over Shoo, Hart Shaftnor Marx Clothing, Wo would appreciate a eharo of your patronage Walla Walla, Washington. McKean's DRY GOODS STORE Clothing, Shoes, Hats, and Mens' Furnishings Office: Fourth and Main Street WALLA WALLA - WASH Walla Walla Bottling Works. ALL KINDB OV Soda Water and Bottled Beer. CHAS. VON THRON, Prop. Telephone White 171. 209 liast Aider Street. Walla Walla, Wash. Sacramento advertising T)AlLROAD EXCHANGE. TONY 8ILVA, Manager. Flno Wines, Liquors, Cigars. Private entrance on Third btnet. Oieii day and night. Capital Phone 212. Buuset Blue '.Md. Corner Third and K Btrcets, bacramonto, Cal, plONKER BAKERY. H. 6CHNETZ, Proprietor. Flno Bread, Cakes. Pies, Rolls, Doughnuts, Etc., Eto , of All Kinds. Phones; feunsot, Black CJ3; Capital, 3V7. 121 J Street, SACRAMENTO. KIRK, GEARY & CO. Photographic Supplies Sacramento and San Francisco, CALIFORNIA. SEND FOR CATALOQ. ENNIS-BROWN COMPANY. WHOLESALE FRUIT I PRODUCE Commission Merchants. Butter, Cheese and Eggs Potatoes, Onions and Beans In Car Lots a Specialty. Oregon and Nevada Products a Specialty J00 to U0 I Street and 1001 to 1 123 Front Street, SACRAMENTO, CAL Billings advertising. E. ERICKBON. W. J. BCOTT. HILLINGS STEAM LAUNDRY. Work turned out on short notice. We make a specialty of Traveling Men's work. Billings, Montana Paul McCormlck, B.O.Bhorey, Ctuu.fii.ear, President. Vice President, Cashier BILLINGS STATE BANK BILUN08, MONTANA, CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00. DIRECTORS-. H. C. IIOHTM 1CK, Cashier South Omaha National Bank. A, C. JOHNSON, Vloe Pres. American National Bank, Helena. PAULM'CORMICK, Merchant and Btockinan. O. O. GRUWKLL. Real Estate and Stockman. 1). Q. BHOItEY, Btockman. A. U. BARTH, Btockman. CUAH. UI'EAR, Cashier gsmem Dyer Minn Ferris is 83 years old. Would you think It? Dueli Not out loud. She Would you be willing to die for me?" He Why, I'm dylug for you nowl" Town and Country. Bank Examiner Where Is the cash ier? Gono to tako a rest? President No. ho'a jcono to avoid arrest. Bos ton Globe. Kitty Constnnco hns been painted by Mr. Gnmborgo. Sbo la delighted with It. Maude I seo; It Is a picture rather than a portrait. Boston Tran script. Miss Summit How that young Moa roc girl has Improredl Miss I'allnado Hasn't fiho? Why, I can remember when slio wan such a modest llttlo thing. Ex. , Tho Stayer: "Isn't It hard to loso your daughter?" "No, not this one; I could havo married her oft a year ago. It Is her older sister that's hard to lose." Houston Post. Schoolmistress Johnnie, who was It that prompted you then? I heard somo one whisper that date to you. Johnnla Please, ma'am, I expect It was his-. tory rcpcatln Itself again. Thlnne Oh, I wish I had your volcol ' Thlckke No doubt you would enjoy using It. Thlnne No, 'tain't that; but I war thinking If It wero mine I could stop It when I liked. Tit Bits. Undisputed: "Havo taxpayers no rights?" demanded tho Impassioned or ator. "Certainly," replied a man in tho back row; "they havo the right to pay taxes." Detroit I'reo Press. Molly When you spoko to papa did you tell him you'd got fifty pounds In tho bank? George Yes, darling. Molly And what did ho say? George no borrowed Itl Boston Globe. "Do you think, then, that men de scended from chimpanzees?" asked Wllllo Wellington. "Somo did," an swered Miss Caycnno, "and somo more ly remained stationary." Washington Star. Hannlgan Sure, theio scales Is no good at all fur mo. They only weigh up to two hundred pounds, an' Ol'm near to two hundred and fifty. Flan nlgan Well, man alive, can't yo git on thlm twlco? A Soft Heart: Freddy Boo-hoo I Sissy's gnno and killed that little fly on tho window." Mother I'm glad to seo my llttlo Freddy Is so tender-hearted. Freddy It Isn't that I w-wnnted to k-klll It myself. Plck-Me-Up. "And what did you say," asked tho caller, "when ho told you that your plo wasn't like tho plo his mother used to make?" "Well," replied tho hostess, with n toss of her head, "I mado a fow remarks llko my mother used to mnko." Syrncuso Herald. "Huh!" grumbled Mr. Sklnnay, who wis being uncomfortably crowded by tho Jolly looking fat man In tho trolley car, "Uicso cars should charge by weight." "Think so?" roplled the fat man; "then thoy wouldn't think It worth whllo to stop for you." Phila delphia Public Ledger. A countryman nnd his son "put up" at a city hotel. Son out seeing tho town. Old gent comes down from his room at midnight nnd says to tho night clerk: "Has my son como In yot?" Night Clerk Guess not Haven't seen him. Old Gent Well, you needn't sot up for him nny longer. Tho woman was dong her shipping. Tho counter Jumper handed her a pack. ago, and sho slowly turned away. "Do I need anything else?" she absent ralndedly naked. "You havo Just bought soma lawn," ventured tho dork; "don't you thlak you will need somo hose?" Princeton Tiger. Every doctor knows the man and woman who try to oxtract free mod leal advice. Ono such Inquirer groot. cd an eminent physician with this remark: "I hear flsh Is nn excellent brain food. Do you think so?" "Kx cellent" was tho reply, "but In your caso It seems n pity to wnsto the flshl" Strong on Etlquotto: Bill Oh, yes, ho's great on etiquette Jill Is that right? BUI Suro! Why, ho was tell ing me only yesterday that If a man is smoking whllo WHlklng down the street with a lady, tho cigar should al ways be In tho hUIo of tho mouth fur thest removed from tho lady! Boston Transcript. An Accommodating Cook: Mrs. A (at the 'phone) Walt a minute till I ask Bridget. It she has no objections I'll be delighted to lunch with you to-morrow. (A moment lator) : On, hello! Mrs. B., yes, I can, Bridget says I can. Isn't it lovely? Thanks, ever so much. Good by. Mrs. B. (soliloquizing envi ously) What wouldn't 1 give for a cook llko that! Detroit Free Press. "Never heard what broke up their friendship? Dear me! I thought ev ery one had heard that. Brown Is on gaged, you know." "Oh, yes! I've heard that Was White in love with the same girl?" "No, no. Not nt all, But White saw her portrait In Brown's room and asked whose it was. 'It's a picture of my fiancee!' said Browu. White examined It critically, nnd then put it down, with tho remark that she must bo. very rich. I don't know what happened after that, but Whlto was taen homo In a cab and neither of them wus seen out of doors for a week " An It In Now. Son You're always telling me not to do soinethln'. Mother That's what mothers nra for, dear. Son Well, you needn't glvo yourself Mich airs over It; for if It wasn't for me you wouldn't bo a mother at all. Ally Sloper's Half-Holiday. Sbakspcaro was handicapped be cause there wero no automobiles In hli day to blow up and kill tho villains In his plays The hand that cradles the rocks rui tho yvorld. Life. COLFAX ADVERTISING M' ODEL STEAM LAUNDRY. Laundry called for and delivered free of charge Traveling men's laundry delivered tho same day without extra charge We make a socla1ty of fine silks and woolens. 'Phone Red 91. North Main St. Colfax, Washington. IRA MOORE, Mgr. J. N. BCOTT, Prop. Interior Warehouse Co. BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO, Managers. General Warehouse System Both 0, R, & N, and N. P. roads. All Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold. A. M. SCOTT, General Agent. Colfax, Washington. J. A. Perkins & Co. Railroad Land Agency In connection. REAL ESTATE. FARM LOANS Bargains In Farm Lands and City Property. Correspondence Solicited. Colfax, Washington. IF YOU FEED STOCK of any kind, it will pay you to buy one of Cariey's Rotter Feed Mitts THE ONLY MILL manufactured that will properly prepare Oats. Wheat or Barley 10 they will thoroughly digest when eaten by stock. THIS MILL will KILL WILD OATS. Manufactured in Five Sixes, by Carley Brothers, at Colfax, Washington. MR. DEALER, It will pay you to han dle this Mill, as the terms to you arc ex tremely liberal. National Laundry 113-1(5 Second Street Soutk Great Falls, Mont. JOHNSON & CASKY, Proprietors Work Done on Short Notice. The Only First Class Steam Laundry in Great Falls. Telephone 99. Hygiene Kola Co. Manufacturers of Pure KOLA TONIC WINE Made from Kola, Celery and Pepsin licwnre ol Worthless Imitations O. I'. CLAKK, Sole Propr. 282 Second St. Portland, Or. Phone Main 285 P. Johnson & Co. Peerless Pure Foods Co. Wholesale Dealers in Flour, Feed and Grain Manufacturers Pure Foods. Mill and Office Fourth nnd Hoyt Sts. PORTLAND, OR. OREGON FUEL COMPANY 344 Morrison Street, Be tween Seventh and Eighth. Coal, Coke and Charcoal. Fir, Oak, Ash and Kindling Wood. TELEPHONE 65 PORTLAND LAUNDRY CO. II. A. CHAPMAN, Manager. Gents' Work a Specialty Newly Fitted and One of the Best Laundries In tho Northwest. OREGON TIIONK MAIN 410. 40-42 North Ninth Street. PORTLAND, ORB a. M. MBARB. Pres. MARION WILCOX, Beo. THE UNITED CARRIAGE GOMPAHV Rubber Tired Carriages, Coupes, Taliy-Ho Rigs and Carry-Alls. BOARDING AND CARE OF HORSES A SPECIALTY Phone. Main 222. 153 Eleventh Street, Cor, Morrison PORTLAND OREGON LoewenbergS Going Co. U anafacturers of and dealers in Stoves, Ranges, Hollowware and Household Specialties Handled br all first-Class Dealers Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest In the Market. 229 to 235 Taylor Street, 183 to M Second Street, Portland, Oregon J ! LA GRANDE 1 CKDAR VALLRY BALOON. llolverson A Chrlstofferson, Prop. FINE WIN KB, LIQUORS A CIOARS. La Qrundo, Oregom. TJLUE FRONT SALOON. K. THORBON, Proprietor. Ono of tho Best Places in La Grande to Get a Nice Drink. LA ORANDE, OREOON Palace Saloon CHA8. ANDERSON, Prop. All kinds of Fino Liquors and Cigars. La Grando Oregon KERR&VERNAN All Kinds of Caso floods, The Finest Key West Ci gars In the City. aiVE US A TRIAL, La Grande Oregon THE MINT SALOON O. L. MELLQUIST, Prop. nrPT RRANDS OF WINKS AND LIQUORS IMPORTED AND DOMKSriO C1UAKH.... Corner Depot Btreet and Jefferson Avenue. LA BRANOe, OK. A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY Lt Grands, Onzon. Work returned same day as received If so requested without extra charge. C. S. & L F. DUNN, Proprietors J. T. Williamson ABSTRACTOR. Prompt Attention Given to All DiibIuchs Beforo U. S. Land Olllco. Platn nnd Abstracts of Records a Specialty. Ofllco in Lewis tfuilding, Opposite Somrnor liouso. La Grande, Oregon The EAGLE Saloon ULRICH LOTTES Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars Lunch at til Hours All Kinds of Case Goods on Hand Jefferson Ave. La GRANDE, OREGON Roseburg advertising T riE UMPQUA rtAKKRY FRESH BREAD DAILY. ries. Cakes. CooVles. Doughnuts, Runs, Rolls ireain runs, caiccs isrriociais, raruei and llanqueti Mado to Order, E. JENNIN08 aud MRS. FREEMAN, Props. Vhone 416, Roseburg, Oregon Entertainers: CHAS. OILYIN. HILL PROTZUAN The Monogram I'KANK KHNNIiDV, Prop. Cyrus Noble, Bourbon and Rye Wills- Ides. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ROSEBURG, - OREGON. The LITTLE DRUG STORE Near the Depot, Roseburg, Oregon, Where rou can find the BEST QUALITY OP Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Stationery, Etc. M. F. RAPP, Proprietor. F. B. RISLEY & CO. Dealers In Flour, Feed and Groceries Country Produce Bought and Sold Cash or 2n Trade. Sheridan St.. Opp, Depot ROSEBURG, ORE Butte City Advertising JVATE BAV1NQB BANK TTndA. . attw.1atnn still (nr4.HI,.ftnn T terest paid on depotlts. Bells exchange avail' ablo In all tho principal cities of the United States and Europe, collections promplr ai- lenuea .o. BUTTE, MONTANA. Always Open. We Never B1ep. Telephone and telegraph orders promptly answered (Secretary Mount Morlah Cemetery As sociation. Notary Public JOSEPH RICHARDS TUB nUTTB UNDERTAKER Practical Embalmers and Funeral Directors. 140 Vtest Park 8U Tclophono T7. Residence 409 South Montana Street, Telophona 7CW-M. BUTTE, MONTANA. SMOKERS' ARTICLES, CIOARS TELEPHONE 491 JULIUS FRIED Cigarettes ana Tobaccos 33 East Broadway DUTTE, MONT. Butte Transfer Co. THOS. LAVELU, rroprlctor. Baggage nd Passengers Checked TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. Baggage Stored Any Length of Time Froo oi Charge. Phono No. 403. OPEN ALL NIGHT MONTANA DRUG CO. Exclusive Jobbers of Drugs Stationery and Cigars. State Agents "BEN HUR" nnd "LA 8INOKRIDAD" Cigars. Only exclusive wholesale house in Montana. 902 to 914 E. Front Strut, Telephone 515. BUTTE, MONTANA Dm J. Hennemmy Mercantile Go DEPARTM ENTS Groceries Carpets Dress Good's Draperies Domestics Furniture Notions Bcddinp; Men's Clothing- Crockery Furnishings Cloaks Hats Millinery Shoes Boys' Clothing Tailoring: Stationery Butte Montanm WORLD rackage Express Messenger Bervto. Tela phone 'Ml. BUTTE, MONTANA. TROY LAUNDRY CO. Will call for and deliver that laun dry. Ring up Telephone 2. Re member Troy Laundry, Telephone a. 232 South Main Street. BUTTE, MONTANA. SEATTLE ADVERTISING Sohwabaoher Bros. S Co., Ino. WHOLESALE GROCERS COFFEE ROASTERS Agents for tlernan Cortez, White Knight and Fontella Cigars. Proprietors of Nappy Home and Silver Shield Qraad Canned Ooods. BEATrLE, WASHINGTON. Tuiud inn Columbia Tuohi Main II BONNY & WATSON C0J ( SUCCESSORS TO ) BONNY & STEWART rOKIBlL DIRECTORS AND (MBALMCM Lady Assistant AN C-,tfi fWncfl ways lnAttendanc.l3CulIW"il5U Railroad Ave. foot of Conn St, Phone Main 971 NORTHWESTERN IRON WORKS Manufacturers of Steamboat, Mlll'and MteJaf Machinery. Agent-Mlets A Weiss Kerosena Engines, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON M "JfWLi .Mr--t-fcM vsfripc)ft$Vf"l J , r,, .tL ;uttttL4at