nfwfu'v iww- wv i Wi1 iPrjwyynwpip i. wpyyn v mw -'Wr" WW ir-i.liliir Mfw . TEOB NEW AGE. POli'J .LAND. OEEGON. fa : BANKS OF NORTH DAKOTA : FiRST NATIONAL BANK BISMARK, MOUTH DAKOTA Emtmhllmhmd n 1B7B. OmpUml, $100,000. Intmi-mmt Paid ewi Tlmm DmpomUm O.B, LITTLE, President. F. 1). KENDItlCK, Vice President. 8. M. PYK, Cashier. J, L. HUM.. Asst, Cashlor. GENERAL BAMKIMO BUMIMESM TRANMAOTEO. Red River Valley INational Bank: FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA. R. S. LtlWIS, President. JOHN S. WATSON Vice President. J. V. VON MBIM, Cashier FKBO A IRISH, Assistant Cashier. Capital and Surplus THE JAMES RIVER NATIONAL BANK Of JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA. The Oldest and Largest Banking House in Central North Dakota Collections made on all points in North Dakota. Foreign and domestic exchange bought and sold. Telegraph transfers to all parts of America. BILLINGS. MONTANA, ADVERTISING mi ifcisNrt sMhi-T-i $ North Real Estate Loan & Title Company Established January I, 1892. Financial Af;ontM for Eastern and Local Investors Intereit and Principal Collected and Remitted Without Charge. Pole agent (or tlio unlo o( llurllntrtan and city or jllllltiK" For unlo on easy ayinonts. OflluuM OppoMlto tlio BILLINdS WELLS & DICKEY COMPANY WoW Tho Oltfost Roal Estato Company In thoStato. Ettabllahod 1B73. Oapltnl A Surplum, $138,000. Choice Heal Estato Loans nn Personally Examined Parma on hand at all times forsale. Improved and wild lands In tho Famous James Itlror Valley District, the bread basket ol ho world, for sale ott enny terms. Ask fur our State Map and Dcscrlpttvo Ilonklet. deference: American exchange National Hank, New York; Northwcstorn National B n MlnnoaiolU, Minn. J James Itlvcr National Hank, Jamestown, N. I). BILLINGS Meat Market J. ZYWERT Telephone 174 Billings, Mont. JAMESTOWN, N. D. Adams Furniture Co UNDERTAKERS Embalming & Shipping a Specialty North Dakota State License. JAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA r MISSOULA, MONT. A. M. STEVENS & CO. Fruits, Confectionery, Produce & Groceries OUR SPECIALTY, BUTTER AND EGGS Fresh Fruits In Season 222 Hlggins Avenue. Telephone 14. MISSOULA MONTANA GEO. PRINGLE Manufacturer ot and dealer In Italian and American Marbles, Scotch, Swedish and American Granites. MONUMENTS. TABLETS AND HEADSTONES A large assortment ot the aboro always on band or manufactured to order. Designs sent on application. My facilities for producing and furnishing the tkvst work lu the state are uuexcelled. MISSOULA, MONT. Murphy -Greenough Co. Successors to MURPtHY & WORDEN r , Wholesale and retail dealers In Staple and Fancy GROCERIES V i Missoula Montana Henry Greenhood Wholesale 1 Wines. Liauors and Clears J? 325-327:HlgKUM Avenue MISSOULA MONTANA B1S0,000 $ ri . imrrnTiniMA Northwest Town Lots, the best lnrcitment In the New Court Housa MONTANA Minnesota Bakery OTTO ANDERSON, Prop. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND PIES EVERY DAY Strictly Home Baking NO ALUM OR AMONIA USED 2904 Minnesota Ave., Billings, Mont. r FARGO, N. D, MARSH & BALL, Livery Solo and Hoarding Heavy Draft and Flno Driving Homes for Kali!. Hearses, Hiickh and Currlnues Out). Postolllcu. Telephone Call 137. FARQO, N. D. THOMAS ERDEL IMPORTER AND WIIOI.nSAI.IIR OP COFFEES, TEAS AND SPICES Fargo, - North Dakota JOHN MONSON TRUNK MANUFACTURE Famplo TruiikH ami Cases inailo to or ilt'r. ItepulriiiK dono prumptlv. Old 1'ruiikH Tiiknii In Kxelmnuo. H'ttv your trunks wlioro thoy muku them and tmvo your money. Telephone 774, 614 front Street. FARGO, N. 0. T. E. YERXA PARdO, N. 1). Staples Fancy Groceries Fruits and Cigars. OppoHlto N. F. Depot Lidgerwood-Fargo Creamery M. HENDRY, Mgr. Manufacturers of and Dealers in Fancy Butler, Ice Cream, Milk, Cream and Buttermilk. Wholssili and Rittll Telephone ia8. 718 Front St. FARQO, NORTH DAKOTA. Luger Furniture Co. Largest House Furn ishers in the West UNDERTAKERS a EMBALM EAS Tel. (42 L 12-14 Broadway FARGO, N. I. GREAT FALLS OTKAIN UKOS. Largest House In Northern Mont una. Carry it Full Line of Everything In IIIIV 0001)3, CLOTHING, SHOES, IHlOCKItlKS, CKOCKKKY and TINi WAKE. Bend us your Mall Order. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Greet Kali, Montana W1I. 0K0H0E, . (Successor to Oeo. Berthold) UNDERTAKER 4 EMBALMER. Open day and night. Telephone M. Graduate of Champion School of Embalming; Licensed from Colorado and Montana. 4ii9 Central Avenue, Great Falls, Montana W. If. LKAItn, Pres. II. imrSKTII, 1st Vice rros. and Bee. W. I.. JOHNSON, 2nd Vice I'ros. and Treaa CASCADE STEAM LAUNDRY, W. II. Leard, Manager. Telephone 74. WUrst Aye. North Short order work a specialty. Oreat I'nlls, Montana Cloths Mini, Woman, Hoy In Modern Up-to-Dato Fnohlonablo Clothing at 1'opulur Prices. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men and Women. Q rent Falls, - Montana. JOHN I). IIYAN, President. D, J. Hl'.NNEHSV, Vice President, JOHN II. MOItONY. Cashier. K. J. IIOW.M AN, Ass't fashlor. MAItK OKINNEIt, Ass't Cashier UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of GREAT FALLS, Capital, IJO0.U00. MONTANA. Deposits, 11,200,000 ASSOCIATE 11ANKB: Daly Hank A Trust Co,, llutto. Daly Hank it Trust Co,, Anaconda, H. M. MOOItK, (Iteforetiro Conrad Hanking Co.) LEWIS UOALHWICK, County Commissioner Cascade Co MOORE & ROALSWICK REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE, INVESTMENTS. Agents for The Nelson Coal Co., ot Band Coulo. Office: Ilasement of Conrad Ilank. Oreat Falls, Montana K.A.ItKlt'IIF.1., President. W. F.HKNHIIUHCII. Vice President. II. W. UIIUNWALDT, Sco. A Treas THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY Ilroworfl and IMtlora of extra quality Ingor beer. "American Family" bottled beer a specialty. Ofllco: 109 Control Avonuo. P. O. Box 80. Q rent Falls, Montana. THE BEE HIVE STORE. HIGH CLASS Orooorlos, Crookory, Dry Goods, Tlnwaro, Houso Furnishings, Ladlos Tailor Mmdo Suits FOSTER, JARDING & CO. Great Falls, Montana CONRAD BANKING COMPANY, GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. Paid up Capital ludlvldual ltcionilblllty.. l 100,000 . 2,000,000 O.CONItAl), President. JAMllHT.SI'ANKOnD. Vice Pre, ami Manager. P. -KELLY, Cashier THE MONTANA BREWING GO. rtrowors and Hottlers ot Extra Tale, Bohemian and Export Deer Bottled Boer a Specialty. Oreat Falls, - - - Montana. Model Bakery , CHAS, SCHUMACHER, Prop Fancy Bakery and Confectionery Bakery Lunch 133 N. Main St, Opp. Post Office Helena, Montana Blazier's.,. No. 248 Burnsido Street, Bet. Second and Third, PORTLAND, OREGON The Best of Wines, Liquors and GictM X i.'.K fc MMlPIIBir . v.."s. . aSVtt4 ISJRPWr Stranger Is the man of the house In? Servant Yes, but the woman of the houso won't let him come out! Fuslonlst I believe In tlio office seeking the man. Ilcjrular That's all right If you don't want the offlce. Brooklyn Life. Many a rich father has discovered that It Is easier to get a daughter off his hands than to keep n son-in-law on his feet Philadelphia Record. Dob Gosh, Rob, whero'd you rake up those seedy old shoes? Rob Why, man, thoso are my patent leathers. Bob But tlio patent has expired, eh? Miss Carryo Moore fiho calls him her intended. Aro they engaged? Miss Cutting Illntz No, but sho Intends to marry him. St. Paul Pioneer Pi-ens. Nipped In the Bud: Actress I have been robbed of my Jewels. Hotel Clerk It won't do nny pood; thero Isn't a nowspaper in tlio town." Town Top lcs. "I can always tell when you are go ing to tell a He," said Cregg to I.egg. "How?" aBkcd Lcgg. "I hoc you open open your mouth," said Cregg. Town Topics. Mabel Why didn't you scream when ho put his arm around you? Ethel I wanted to, but couldn't, and when I could I didn't want to. Butto Inter Mountain. Undoubtedly: "I see that somebody says thero Is no such thing as luck In business." "Ho must be one of the lucky ones who have succeeded." Exchange. Kllio Silly! DoIIm don't cat any thing! Bertie Don't, eh? Well, that old one of yours that I cut open was stuffed chock full of breakfast food. Woman's Homo Companion. "And do you think," he asked, "that men progress nfter death?" "Well," h)io replied, "If they don't It would ut most seem useless for some of them to die" Chicago Record-Herald. What Sho Did: "And what did you do when your doctor told you you would havo to ipilt wearing n corset and give up sweets?" "I sent for an other doctor." Chicago Record-Herald. Mahoolc N'lxt tolme 01 pass wld a loldy, Mulligan, yo'vo got to remove yer hat! Mulligan And suppose 01 ro fuse? Mahoolo Then, bednd, yo'vo got to removo yer coat Chicago News. Ernie No, sho Isn't going to marry Claudo after all. Ida But they soy ho can quote Emerson nnd Browning. "Yes; but tlio other young man can quoto Sugar nnd Steel." Chicago Dally News. How Ho LoHt Her: She I supposo If a protty girl should como along you wouldn't caro anything about mo any more. Ho Nonsense, Kate! What do I care for good looks? You suit mo nil right. Exchange Quick Action: Elrst Russian You say the fight was quickly over? Sec ond Russian Yes; It was finished bo fore you could say Jackopollusky Roblnsonopolotoksky! Now Orleans Times-Democrat "Really," said Mrs. Oldcastlc, "your llttlo dinner Inst night was Quito recherche." "Oh, dear," her hostess groaned, "I Just knew that now cook would make a botch of It somo way." ChU'Hgo Record-Herald. She Havo you ever mot my two dearest friends? They nro Just lovely nnd so devoted. He How long havo you kuown them? Sho Why, I'vo known Annette nearly ten days and Margaret almost a week. Clovcland Plulu Denier. "You should strive to nppeal to tho Imagination and tho human Interest of your pupils," said the principal. "I do," answered tho teacher, 'but It Is very hard to convlnco tho boys that Hector and Achilles wero an great men as Corbott and Jeffries." "Mamma, what would you do If that big vase In the parlor should got brok en?" said Tommy. "I should spank whoever did It," said Mrs. Banks, gat ing serenely at her llttlo son. "Woll, then, you'd better begin to got up your musclo," said Tommy, gleefully, "'cos papa's brokon It." "But. mnmmn," protested Miss Bui yon, "why aro you sending out Invita tions for a diamond wedding? You haven't been married nearly long enough for that." "What's that got to do with It?" demandea .Mrs. liuiyon; "your father's financial standing would make anythlug less than a dia mond wedding ubsurd." Chicago Evening Post. A weekly nowspaper recently pub lished the following In Its "Answers to Correspondents" column " 'Wo lure two npplo trees In our garden,' writes Ella, 'and In tho spring they ore covered with such lovely pink and white blossoms that I pull them off for table decorations. Now I see that there are no apples on tho trees. Do you think that this Is likely to bo because I pulled tho blossoms off Y " lu a Tangle: "By Jove, old chap!" said Mr, Maklnbrakcs, with enthusi asm, "your wife must have been a mighty handsome woman when sho was young. Even In all these years she hasn't changed so much though, of course, It couldn't have been many years since she was young and hand somebut when you come to think how llttlo It takes to mako somo peoplo look old, you know you wonder how sho manages to conceal tho ravages that Isn't exactly what I mean, but she's the youngest-looking woman for her for her have you got a match? My elgar has gona out." Chlcugo Tribune. Rome Older Thau Romulua. Excavations conducted by Prof. Alroll in Homo's forum prove that tho eternal city existed long before tho tlrao of Romulus, Its supposed founder. Prof Alroll asserts that Ktruscuns es tablished the city of Romo on Aventlne hill, from which they descended to tight the Snblncs. Making War on lMmunito Hata. Enthusliutlc members of tondon's Audubon Socloty propose a law to au thoriro tho confiscation of all hats dec orated with the plumage of sous birds. rUHNlBIIKD ROOMS for rent. Hath, and 9th streets. 388 Everett, between rarx MUS. M. KKKKLE. FUKNIHHEI) ItOOMK-87 N. Fifth 8treel. First class In all of its departments. Home cooking. Mrs. 1n Jeune Prop. CHOICE WINES AND I.IOUOIIS. THE CAarLE Qua. Wahlgrcn, Proprietor. Pool and Bil liards. Phone North 410. 2.H Washington Bt. Portland Oregon. For a good social time call and see JOHN WOIDA. fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Telephone Clay 63. 400 Ollsan St., Portland, Or NEIL O'HARE. Oceanic Exchange. Choice Wines, Liquors and Clears. Free Lunch. Cor Kiisscll and llrcndle Bts Portland, Or. rOIIN KKLI.V General Isurance Agent, Fire and Marine. Fcottlsh Union & National Ins. Co., Edlnburg and London; Western F. and M. Assurance Co., Toronto, Can. 82 Third st Columbian Illdg. Established In 1892. Phone White IV Btlll Under Same (Management THE CRONISE PHOTO STUDIO. THE TltOVEHB, Props. Send In your order for n Group of tho Twenty nicnulal Session. Eldredge Mock, cor. second Commercial and Chcrnekota 8ts eaiem, vie. c. A. WATSON DRUGGIST 88 North Third Btreot PORTLAND OREQON JOHN G1DSON THE APPLETON CAFE Houthcst corner Blxth and Everett 8ts. PORTLAND OREGON nrn E STEIN 430 Washington street. McGlashan, proprietors, own stelu. II. Grimm and C. It. Come aud get your PORTLAND, OREGON. J-JIOH (lltADi: PIANOS FOR RENT AND SALE On easy payments, Pianos tuned nnd repaired II. HINHHEIMER 72 Third Street Portland Oregon R1 OV Ql'ACKENIIUBH Plumbing and gas fitting. Jobbing Prompt ly attonded to. Bhop phone Hood 887. Itcs PhoneHcott 1012. 270 Oak st. bet. 3rd and 4th streets. PORTLAND, OREOON. OURIST BAI.OON James Travers, Prop. Rest wines, liquors aud cigars. Phouo Clay lOli. IX N. Sixth 6t. PORTLAND, OREGON. .c RESCENT CAFE Flno inrs, liquors and cigars. B. M. Rich ter, proprietor, zai Crosby stroct. Phone Un- PORTLAND, OREGON. QRAND CENTRAL IIAIl I. BERNSTEIN FINE WINES, LIQUOU8 A CIOAR8 Everything first-class Telephone, Main HIS 01 N, Third 8t. PORTLAND OREGON AU GARMENT!) Intrusted with us are thoroughly Inspected by us before aud after wanning. All repairs dona FREE OF CHARGE Buttons Sowed on and Socks Darned OREGON LAUNDRY CO. COI.SC0-3&8 East Oak St. Phoue East IS PORTLAND OREGON LE ROY HADLEY Successor to MARTIN DEALER IN STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES Oregon Phone Main 767 435 Washington Street. PORTLAND, OREGON TRY US ! I F YOU WANT the Brightest and Best Messenger In town or have large or small packages of any kind to be delivered by wagon or boy, ring up MAIN 29 CITY MESSENGER & DELIVERY GO. 106 SIXTH ST. 0p. MERRILL'S CYCLE EMPORIUM HE VICTORIA. A. W. Olutsch. Chas. Clemens. N. E. Corner Seventh nnd Ollsan Streets. Newly Furnished Rooms. Htcam Heated. Hot and Cold Water throughout. First class liar Room In connection. PORTLAND, OREGON. JsTOROARD A PETTERSON , MERCHANT TAILORS. Phono lllack 29M. N. W. Cor. 3rd and Yam- r ( 1)1 rn ' i 1 . , hill Streets, ENTRANCE 263 YAMHILLi C Rock Springs O Lump or Range A Is the Very Best L, House F u e VULOAN GOAL GO. 329 Ilurnsldo St. Phone Main 27TA SMITH'S U-RE-KA METAL POLISH Cleans everything silver, brass, copper, nickel or nny other metnl, wood work, win dows, etc. Usod by cvorybody, sold every where. Phono Mnlti 693. Manufactured only by C. D. SMITH & COMPANY 303 WntorStrcot. PORTLAND, OREGON ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded. Telephones Columbia 760, Oregon Red 1861 Prescription - Druggists 07 North Third Stroot PORTLAND - - OREGON Tim COURT lUIHtntoHt BALEM ORE TIIH HAMILTON OS Sixth St PORTLAND ORE MEL.. H AMIL,TOIN Leading Brands LIQUORS AND CIQARS Phono, Main 3090 PORTLAND OREQON The PALMER HOUSE Formerly the SPALDING The most complete Compartment House In tho Northwest. Particular nttontlon to Tour ist aud Tranclont Custom. Steam Heat, Has Lights, Porcelain llaths. Ono block from Ho tel I'oriiauu, uregonlan JlullUlng, Marqt Grand and Cordray'a Theater. Telopli Usui inn .. 4MKII1 lfW.l, IVUtl Suite or Slugle. Main 18M. Rooms by Day, Week nr Month en irs. a. i.arson, rroprieior. 3504 Alder St. S. E. Cor. Park. If you want to be sure your Cream is rich and your Butter the best there is J Order it from o HAZELWOOD Rush orders for train time a specialty. We can deliver on 10 or 15 minutes notice PORTLAND Phone 154 SPOKANE Phone Exchange 12 Something New Calvert's Delicatessen 405 Washington Street I-IOJV.E COOKIINO Lunches put up for travelers nnil picnic parties EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE aiVE US A. CALL PORTLAND OREQON M. S. COPELAND Millinery and Suit House Fine and Medium Millinery and Suits at Very Reasonable Prices We Aim to Build Up a Bus! ncssin Portland and Vicinity by Treating People Right and by Selling at dose Figures Come and Lookt Least, Whether YouBuyorlNot J J J J 382 Washington St PORTLAND OR )OTVFDS O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA BAK1N0 POWDER, FUMORtWO EXTRACTS Akdufefurity. FirvtstFlivor. Oruritf SrrcMh, ItaseAiMt frkei aOSSET&DEYERS PORTLAND, OMMON. Livingston advertising. jmxh noB KKf r.te tmMm White and Other Breads, Pies. Cakes, etc. Also a nice line of confectionery. Dread shipped to all points in tha stata. .lvlpgstou, Montana. ONE OE THE BEST 8ALOON8 IV UVrUO BTON. WM. GRABOW. Fine brands of all kinds of llfiuors. Wholesale dealer In Jos. Bchlils Brewing Co Milwaukee Lager Beer. Livingston, Montana UNION MEAT MARKET. A. O.HASELER, Prop. CHOICEST FRESH AND SALT HIEiTS Game and Fish In Season. Livingston, Montana. Employment Agency MALB AND PliMALU. Can furnish employment to all classes oMabor. Terms reasonable. Real Estate, Loans and Collections. C, 0. KROHNE, Agent. Office Opposite Postofflce, Livingston, Montana F. B. TOLHURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. F.M.ATKIN, PHOTOGRAPHER. Park viewi furnbhed for Touristi during season. Kodkk Work, Developing, Printing and Mounting. Livingston, Montana. COLD STORAGE MARKET WM. HRUZA, PROPRIETOR Wholesale and Retail Dealer In ALL KINDS OF MEATS Private Car Supply a Specialty. Lower Main Btreot. UIVINOSTON. MONTANA- LOVEUCE & Wl. DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Groceries Flno Teas, Coffees and Spices. Com ipl )lc te lino of Canned Goods. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Postofflce Block, Corner Calender and Second Streets. 'Phone J8-B Livingston, Montana Bozeman advertising. DOnAllT YATES, Dealer in Fresh mnd Salt Mmatm And Poultry. Manufacturers ot sausage and lard. Fish and game In season, oienian, ..... Uontama Statement of the Condition of tlu COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK, of Bozeman, Montana, At the Close of Business, Sept. 15, 190a (No. 4963.) CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00. Surplus and Profits, $83,941.54. -OFFICERS-JOSEPH KOUNTZ, President. K. BUOOX MARTIN, Vice Fre. OKOROE COX, Cashier. L. REESE WELLS, Aast, Caaklw mOHAKT A YATES, Dealar la FRESH AND $111 HUTS and Poultry Manufacturers of sausage and lard. Fish and gams in Mason. Baseman, Montana. J. A. JOHNSTON, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES J Mala St, West, Bozemaa, Meat. ef. . JAOQUEMMi OO. JEWELERS BSfSS J-- tewr:,tt