Imu-m n-jsawEiS . - . j l THB KBTW AGE, POBTIiAND, OREGON. m tx THE NEW AGE A. D. GRIFFIN Mnnogw. Offlca 4JK Second St., cor. A(b, Rooaas 1 astd 1 Portland, Oregon. Xntared t the pottofflce at Portland, Orafon. M Mcond-clui matter. SUBSCRIPTION. Om Year, payable In advance $ 2.01 BaUbllshad um. Printed at JU Btark 8treet, Third VVoor. '- VVTOftttM SXD x I EDITORIAL I tlon. On such a question thoro nro al ways two sides to bo considered, and botli nro entitled to a hearing. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT. CONVENTION NEXT WEEK. Noxt week tho democrats will hold their county convention, and then tho county nominees of tho two principal parties can ho compnred by tho vot ers, who tako Interest enough In them to do so, though unless In one or two enscs thcro Is no doubt of tho success of tho very good republican ticket nl ready nominated, and which will poll about tho full party strength. Some dissatisfied republicans, It Is still ru mored, will opposo ono of tho candi dates for stato senator, but this feel ing of opposition tnny dlo down be foro tho day of olcctlon. Shorlff Stor ey has announced himself as an In dependent candldnto for tho samo of flco ho now holds, and ho will, no doubt, poll a largo voto, as ho Is con Hldcrcd a "rustler." If tho democrats put up a strong candidate for this of flco tho light between tho threo will porhnpH ho tho most Interesting of any, because as to most other candi dates, no body will liuvo much doubt of tho result. Tho republican congressional and ntatu conventions will nlso bo hold noxt week, and the main point of In terest will center upon tho nomina tion for representative In congress, for strong prcssuro will bo brought to bear upon delcAntcH to give Moody Homo support, after ho has jiindo so strong n showing In Eastern Oregon. So fnr, howovur, thoro Is no ponltlvo Indication that any of tho delegates will do othorwlHo thnn to follow their Instructions. Souators Mltcholl and Fulton nro anxious to linvo Wllllnmson returned, nnd their wlBhcn nro likely to prevail. If Moody, however, comes down with a Mtrong majority from Eastern Ore gon, ninny Multnomah dolegntes will feel Inclined to support him. There will nlso bo Homo bard work ilono In tho stnto convention by as pirants for presidential electors nnd delegates to tho nntlonnl republican convention, positions that nro covet I'd by many good men. Tho selec tion of a candldnto for food and dairy commissioner, and for district at torney In this county, will also nrouso consldorublo Interest. Thoro aro lead colored fceople, of course, and when n negro resorts to vlolenco and crlmo ho Is likely to provo a pretty tough customer. Dut a good deal of tho troublo In tho South, and occasionally In North ern communities, is that so many whlto peoplo forget or do not rccog nlzo tho fact that tho Negro has rights as a man and n citizen, oven if ho goes wrong. Ho is no moro n criminal under tho lnws on nccount of his misdeeds than a white man Is who docs tho samo things. Hut it Is tho common fashion to treat him as an ultra crlmlnnl, a crenturo who, chiefly on account of his rnco and color, and not becauso of the espec ial enormity of his crlmo, must bo ex terminated, and that, too often, with bnrbarous cruelty. And when tho Negro perceives that thcro Is ono punlshmont or often none for tho offense of tho whlto mnn, and another punlshcment for tho black man who has douo no worse, his human nature nsscrts Itself In protest, and some times In nets that do his own race great barm. When ho becomes des pernto ho censes to caro for olther personal or genernl consequences. Tho Negro Is not to bo excused for his nets of violence or crlmo, but In some tustnnces thcro has been great provocation, nnd considering that ho has not had tho white mnu's udvnu tages be Is often moro rather thnn less excusable for his acts. If Williamson wins? Hearst may pick up Bomo delegates, but ho could get few votes in tho election. Judge Carey's advlco will have great wolght with tho delegates, though ho has resigned his chairman-ship. Sheriff Storoy doesn't have to con tribute to tho campaign fund. e Flnloy can do Justlco to tho job of holding an Inquest on tho Multnomah county democrats. Tho democrats will concontrato their fight at a few points. 'J'HE UUIILINOTON, Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars. It. K. Mistier, proprietor. 243 Alder street, between 2nd and 3rd. Phone Main 2850. Pri vate rooms. POIITLAND, OltEOON. W. I.. McCabi, Seattle. E. s. Hamilton, Tacoma. M'GABB & HAMILTON .. STEVEDORES .. PUGET SOUND Also Honolulu, H, I. Head Of floe: Tacoma, Waah, Cable Address: McCAIlK GRACIE, BEAZLEY & CO., Agent 14 Water Streel, Liverpool. Portland Club anil Cafe... 130 Fifth Street II OUR SPECIALTIES: Monogram and III Cyrus JNoble Whiskies. A Retort for Gontlomen. 'Phono OrcgonMain 008; Columbia 407 Will tho Into voto straight? Independents mostly Thoro will bo plenty of candidates for Bherlff to select from. Ilrownell will cut a convention again. figure in tho A. FOOLISH MOVE. LOCAL OPTION. Local option Is a good thing In theory, nnd on genernl principles, but the application of It .may bo misdi rected, nnd a local option law, framed by extremism, or Impractical peoplo, may be mado to servo purposes that lire liil'iilcul to largo business Inter ohIh. This hcoiub to bo the case with the proposed local option law to be voted upon next June. Apparently It Is Intended to give any community or contiguous territory tho right to decldo for Itself by ballot whethor It will have prohibition of tho liquor truffle within Its borders. This Ik all right, but as it mutter of fact such is tho law now. That Is, a majority of tho voters of nny precinct can defeat tho petition for a saloon therein, uud often do so. No saloon can bo estab lished uud maintained In any country or suburban precinct except upon the potltlon of it majority of tho legal voters thoroof, and If opposed by a temonstrnnco containing tho names of moro voters than thosa attached to tho petition, tho license cannot bo grouted, This sceuiH to bo n reason nblo degree of local option us to tho liquor traffic. Tho proposed law la lit sovoral ro upects moro drnstlo and Is calculated to Injure business interosts, that help In their way to mako up tho life and prosperity of a largo town. Whllo tho liquor tralllc results In much evil, It Is a nocossnry ovll, except ns it Is brought upon themselves by persons who indulgo In liquor drinking to ox cess, nnd local option, nor prohibition .will now reform humanity In this ro epect to nny appreciable extent, and Kloug with this Industry of making and Belling beer unj liquors other and innocent Industries nro intimate ly associated and bound up. This in iluatry suppUos a groat numbor of tenants tor buildings, employs a great army of working inon, buys a consid erable portion of tho farmers' nnd vlnoyuralst8 crops, and pays u big fraction of national and local taxa- Some colored people, It Is reported nro planning to hold a national polit ical convention nnd nomlnato a can dldnto for president. This may serve to amuse them, but It will not bo an net calculated to bo of benefit to tho Negro race. It Is well enough for colored peoplo to tnko nu Interest In politics, uud even to ask for some re cognition In polittcnl affairs, hut It Is not wlso either to nceontuuto "tho rnco question" by such a move, or to throw nwny votes Unit would better be cast for tho party and candidate that best will servo their Interests, Uy voting together In some of the Northern stntes for n Negro cnndl late, tho Negroes might possibly ren der such stntes doubtful, or more doubtful than they would otherwise be, but It would be puro folly thus to aid In the election of a democratic president, nnd In tho restoration of power of tho Southern democrats, who deny Negroes the right of citi zenship. It Ih not likely that a Negro candidate would got enough votes to put President Roosevelt's election In Jeopardy, but It would be foolish for sovoral reasons to offer Negro voters this temptation. They nro frequently charged now with trying to put themselves In it portion of antagon istic equality with tho whites, and they would better do nothing Ilka Ihls, oven for nmuseinent, to encour age and Justify this uccusatlon. Thcro promises to bo n lively fight In tho domocrntlc county convention next Wednesday. Assessor and county commissioner aro Important ofllccs, nnd politics should not bo aloho considered In filling them, W. A. MILLEP BAKER All Kinds of Dread at Wholesale and Retail Prices. Free Delivery. PHONE SCOTT 3802 315 Holllday Ave. Portland, Ore. Emerprias Brewing Co. WARWICK TURF EXCHANGE 131 FOURTH STREET Bmt. Aldmr .nil Wmmhlnglmn St.. The Old Corner J. A. COLFELI. Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars Phone. Hood 8A Cor. Pourteentn ana dllsan St. PORTLAND OREdON Commissions Received on all Eastern and California Races. Direct Wire on all Sporting Events Of San Francisco, Cat. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS IIENIIY MKIHTKIl, (lea. Agt. for Portlan vim Mm9t mimmmmmSIWmmSmmmmmmmmmMmaWMmaw IIUUMANN AND HAIUUS. It Is looking brighter In the llrst district for Hoprcsentntlvo Hermann than It did soon aftor Harris llrst announced his candidacy. For, al though Marlon county has elected delegates, a majority of whom Edward W. Townsend's new book, "Huro," containing "Chlmmle Fndden" matcrlnl, will be published by Dodd, Mead & Co. In an attractlvo form. McCluro, Phillips !c Co. report that Chnrlotto Perkins Oilman's now book, "Tho nomo; IU TTork nnd Its Influ ences," hns gone Into n second edition. Mrs. Hurnhnm'n first Christina Sci ence novel, "Tho Itlght Princess," pub lished by noughton, Mifflin & Co., Is now reported In IU twonty-fourtu thousnnd. "Moonlight and Six Feet of IU mance," by Dan Heard, tho famous Illustrator, Is announced for immediate publication by Albert llrnndt, publish er, Trenton, N. J. Probably no cover was over put on a work of fiction that received so much fnvorablo comment ns hns tho cover of "Tho Fortunes of Fill," Molly Klllott Senwell's new novel. Jules Verne declares that among boys' Iwoks his favorlto Is the "Swiss Family Itoblnson." whllo among "up grown" nuthors Dickens nnd Scott af ford him tho most InexhausUblo pleas ure Of all our humorists, alive or dead, Mnrk Twain is the most widely pop ular and tho most typically American. It Is not too much to vny that he la the most popular becnuse ho is tho most typically American. One of Mrs. Humphrey Wnrd's daughters, Miss Janet Ward, has late ly translated a work of Prof. A, Ju llcher, entitled "Introduction to tho Now Testament." It will be published by Smith, Klder A Co., who nre Mrs. Humphrey Ward's Kngllsh publishers. Mrs. Ward has contributed a prefaco to her daughter's work. Edmund Gosse, Joint author with Dr. Oarnett of tho monumental "Illus trated History of English Literature," that has recently appeared In four largo volumes, occupies tho position of translator to the llonrd of Trade, having held tho post over since 1875. Ho was born In Ixuuloii In l&M, thu oldest son of tho late P. II. Oosse, V. it, 8., tho eminent zoologist. W. II. Mallock's new volume will bo (ill) ia,,,i iIAMA i... n 11 it....... .... u...... for Harris, a cousldornblo number of n la entitled "Tho Veil of the Tern them favor Hermann, and they may P'0-" s,r- Mallock Is tho author of several volumes on religion ami scl ence, economic nnd social science, verses and novols. Tho chief aim of not ndopt tho unit rulo; nnd In some other counties, especially Douglas, Coos mid Jackson, tho Hermann 8on-,1,B writings bus been to expose tho tlment hns grown stronger and more rnl los f radicalism and socialism ,, , and to show thnt selenco taken by It solid. 'I ho result will donoml. llkulv. . o .,.,.,i .m i..i ... .-. w , w. . . ( VU4MJ tin, ai in nu lUPIO 1UI on Clacknmns and Washington, which aro yet unknown quantities. Hut llernmnn has many frlenda In them, us elsowhore, who think ho can do moro good for them than a now man can. And soiuo of them ar gue that ho is getting old nnd will In tho course of nnturo havo to let go nomo dny during their probable life time, whllo a young man llko Harris would want to stay torm aftor term till ho too was old. Tho result will bo In doubt till tho convention meets noxt Tuesday, 1 CAMPAIGN NOTES Will N. H. Illrd Ily to his coveted goal this time. Perhaps tho opposition of somo lawyers to Judge Fraior is a recom mondatiou for him. A good Btato dairy and food com mlsslonor Is suro to mako many ene in lea. What will Mr. Moody'a friends do religion. The Century Company publlshe nelen It. Martin's "Tilllo. a Mcnnonlto Maid," In unusually tempting form. Tho cover of groen cloth has a charm lag medallion head In tint of Tlllle, framed In a conventionalized scroll de sign, and tho numerous full page lllus trntlons, by Florenco Scovel Khlnn, nro printed in brown tones on deep cream paper, the tinted Insets helping to make an exceedingly attractive book. The story deals with life among the Pennsylvania Dutch, Samuel Merwln, co-author with Hen ry K. Webster of "The Short Line War4 and "Calumet K" has sent to the Macmlllan Company a new story entitled "The Merry Anne." ThU Is described as a vigorous smuggling story a conspiracy of smugglers to bring contraband whliky from Oana da across the great lake. One of the chief character! Is a United States revenue agent, who goee on the trail of the conspiracy. Interwoven is a love story. The book will have oelored Illustrations and decorations by Thom as Fogarty. Seme soup la pretty watery. Age of Deception. Hits EUlerlelgU If 1 had my life to live over again Mist Springer (Interrupting) Why, I thought that's what you were doing. Miss Elderlelgh What do you moant Miss Springer" Mr. Iluggius said you Extra Pale Hotliraii lliihemlnn and Kxport llcer. lied Seal Purler. Freo Delivery In all Parts of tho City, llcer Depot nndC'oldSlorago ut Portland, Oregon, 13th ami JohtiHon fcts. PHON13 MAIN 1922 C. O. PICK, Prop. All Work Guaranteed C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Co. IMPERIAL DRUG CO. 64 North Sixth St. Between DavIs and Everett PORTLAND OREGON FREE PHONE Main 1997 ---------------------- - - - - 1 u MTKD STATES LAUNDKY W. If. Harvard, Manager, wore a specialty. llleh-grado hand. Corner tiranu acnue. anu East Salmon street. A request ty man or phone East 63 Is all that Is necessary. roRTi.AMD, ortnaoN. Star Brewery Company Drawers and Bottlers of Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash, THE EDWARD HOLMAH UNDERTAKING COMPANY Funiral Eirectors & Embalmsrs Modern Ambulances Lady AuuUnt Telephone 607 220-222 Third St., cor. Salmon PORTLAND OREGON Cast Third nnd Durnsldo Sts., Port land, Oregon. OIIDERS ritOMITIiY FILLED. FAMILY TRADE MY Bl'EClALTY. FREE DELIVERY. A. MERGER'S FULL MEASURE HOUSE 108 SIXTH STREET Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars PORTLAND, OREQON. Phono Main 1414 Hates, Plannsand furniture moved, stored or pricked (or shipping. Flro-proot brick warehouse, Front and Clay. Express ami 1jhkkko hauled. 7I$ Of flam, Beth Phmnmm BBB, Stmhlm Blmok 1B72. Portland, Oregon Ms(Wj,itL v. fftKnWSTwi(7nnilmnnTfmmr 1 Tull & Glbbs Suoo.mmorm H. O. BREDEMA OQ. Second S Morrison Streets Furniture Carpets , Draperies We Nave What You Need WE HAVE THE TRADE ON FINE CIGARS. WHY? ' LA INTHORIDAD "HENRY THE FOURTH EL SIDELO " Good Reason? ALLEN & LEWIS, Distributors, Portland, Oregon KSTAULIHUKU 1B81. INCOIU'OItATBD 1S07. AILEIN & LEWIS. Shipping & Commission Merchants WHOLESALE OROCERS. To saro time address all communications to tho company. Nos. 46 to 84 Tront St. North, PORTLAND, ORBOON. F SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Sunday, Tuesday and 'Ihuriday evening at S o'clock, for Hauvlrs Island, Ht. Ilelens, Caples, Will Iravo i'nrtland. foot nl Washington St., Deer Island. Martins, Kalumti, Necr City, nuiiiiT, .-hi. i.unin, .muvkit, mciia, uaic I'oini. Fret'iiiaus, Mauianlllo.Clatikanie and all way landluv. Do You Know the News ? You csnlmvp It all for ' ' i Per Month 50C Month In Tho KvenliiR Telegram, of Portland, OrtKon. It Is tho UrKesterenltiK news, paper published In Oregon: It contains all the news of the statu and of tho na tion. Try It for a month. A satnpla ropy will be mailed to you free. Ad. dress THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. 444 TMEJZAWSArS lOSSl THAT YOU CAN DRINK ISiHH '" I X IF YOTT TE2LNT TO - IWWl $ xxrrTrzxr ?MW-r ss74rfl WM i? H m . Tf m. iLaLaM ill H CCZ lUUlMJ- HZ) mX 111 I I GrCWJr0' ISEATTLEBREWINCl I MsfvtWl1!m MALTING CO. $ bJ Dllfctv SCATTLE.WASH.U.SA. Q XBmmmmBmmmmBBmmmmwmwM a I, i v ELECTRICITY IN YOUR HOME Brings comfort and cheer fulness during the long win ter nights. Enjoy a few comforts while you are alive for you are a long time dead Portland General Electric Co St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co. Wholesale Hardware, Ship Chandlery, aud General Supply oiore ior contractors. Agents for Roebling's Wire Cable and Judson Dynamite & Powder Co. St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co. Tacoma, Wash. SC)C)(2)fi)cS)(S)(2(2)(2)(2) ) UNION MADE MT. HOOD SHIRTS Made "A Little Better Than Seems Necessary" BY The Best Workmen I FROM ft e e 3 The Best Material WITH The Best Machinery 3 3 3 3 NONE CAN BE BETTER ! f 3 3 FLEISCHNER, MAYER & CO. f 3 MAKERS told him you wero UU last mouth, (PJl)