tmtmmmrv MtmAM y tf wj?Wf TELE KITW A(E, lJOIlTLANT, OREGON. r t 2. r4 Vf TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. HENRY LONGSTRETII, Pros. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOHA, WASHINGTON. Write for copy of handsome illustrated booklot on Tacoma, Just issued. SUNRISE BAKERY. D. MoPHERSON, l'roptiotor. All kinds of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc Wedding: and Birthday Cakes A Specialty. TELEPHONIC REI) 1506. 1107 South K St. TACOMA, WASH. THE JUNCTION ERICH BlllURO, Propttetof. X&2I, 160ft. 1.128 l'nclflfl Avcnuo, Tacoma, Wash. Ono-half Work from N. '. Depot, Stop- ll:ig jvoliit for nil street curs. lelephcmo Mack 1G73. All tho Leading Brands of Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars Carried in Stock. Fresh liccr Al ways on Tap. One of tho Finest Places in the City. THOMAfl fi. mmi.KY, Manager. Ken. 'I'd. John 801. ItOllEUT McCULLOUOH, Secretary. Ilea. Tel. John Ml. TACOMA TUG AND BARGE GO. TUOS FEARLESS, FAIRFIELD, FAVORITE and FALCON. General TowIiir. Coal, llnllast ami Water furnished. Scows and Marcos (or Kent. Tho "Ktarless" la lltteil with powerful lira ami wrecking pnmpii. All business communlca. Mom to tie addressed Tarmtia Tug and HarKO :). Olllcv: I'aeltln Cold Storage building, Northern l'aclllc Dock. Tt-lephnne Main 69. Tacoma, Washington. Will. B. Coffee Plumbing Co. Inc. Guarantco Everything Thoy Do. Headquarters for Bathroom Trimmings Established 1888. 1015 A Street Phono, Main 070 TACOMA WASH CO. MELUNGER. Funeral Dlraotor Embalming a Specialty by Mel linger Bros. Offlco Phono Main Ml. Realdonco Phono John 2511. 910 Tacoma Arc Tacoma, Wash. Ole B. Lien. Harry B. Selvlg. LIEN'S PHARMACY. Formerly Central Drug Store, Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles Prescriptions a Specialty. 1102 Tacoma Avenue. Telephone James 111. Tacoma, Wash, Tacoma Baking Co. Wholesnlo Manufacturers of BREAD, CAKES, ETC. 043 Tacoma Avenue, Tacoma - - Washington Ben Olson PLUMBING Hot Water Heating, Gas Fitting, etc. Telephone Main 392. 1130 Commerce St. Tacoma, Wash. OCCIDENTAL MARKET JAMES LONOMIRE, Proprietor. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OP FRESH AND SALT MEATS. POUL TRY AND OAME IN SEASON. 1702 Jcfftrsoa Ave. Telephone James 623S TACOMA, WASH. FULTON MARKET Dealers In Butter. Eggs and Cheese, Fresh and ' Salted Smoked Meats. ' All Kinds ot Poultry and Game in Season Highest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of Poultry, Veal, Etc, 1SOS Jefferson Ave. Telephone Main 2(3 RAINIER MARKET PacUo Ave. Telephone 377 TACOMA WASH. JOHN It. AKKLEY, Sec. and Trcas. YNCK11K BOTTLING CO. Manufacturers and Dealera In SODA AND MINERAL WATERS SarsaparlUa and Iron, Olngor Alo. Phone, lted 1GM 2323 Jefferson Avo. TACOMA, WASH jyjONTY'B TUIUST STORI! Berlin Ilulldlng. 113 South 11th Bt. Telephone, Main 101. TACOMA, WASHINGTON s AYRK DUUO CO. The most reliable plaro to Imjr drugs and patent medicine, etc. This store is noted for Its carefulness In filling prescription! and for inir prices. 1100 Pacific Avenue Tacoma, Wash. mllE PACIFIC LIQUOR AND WINE HOUSE. N. REUTKR, Proprietor. Tho best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Family Trado a Specialty. Tel. Red 1731. ISO! Paclflc Ave. 1606 Commerce Bt. Tacoma, Washington Hopkins Bros. DRUQOISTS. Prescriptions aro our specialty. Orders by tclcphono promptly delivered. Cars to all parts of tho city pass our doors. B. W. cor. K and Eleventh Bts. Tolephono Main 351. A. S. JOHNSON & CO. Wholesnlo and retail dealers In Paints, Oils, Brushes, Glass, Wall Paper Wo carry a full lino of Room Moulding, Doors, Window, Etc, Estimates given on Pairing and (Hating. Tol. John Wll, 1309 Paclflo Avenue. TACOMA, WASH. Tolophono Main W. Opposlto Tacoma Hotel ROYAL DAIRY. MILK, CREAM AND ICE CREAM. No. 912 A Btreet. Tacoma, Wash Telephono 02 030 O Street J. L. Roberta & Son UNDERTAKERS Mrs. M. J. Finn, Assistant Tacoma, Was Homo Made Pastry Flno Coffee Oysters and Oamo In Beaton VIENNA CAFE ROBERT BICKER, Prop. 1311 l'aclllc Avenue, Kvervthlng First Class unci Up-tc-Date ' TACOMA, WASH THE LOUVRE. WILIIAM BIBURO, Prop. Best brands of Imported and domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Sole agents for Parker Rye. Flno Freo Lunch. Telephone James 2131. 1300 Paclflo Avenue. 1305 Commerce Street. Tacoma, Washington. We have everything you need in the Drug and Patent Medicine Line. VIRQES & CO., Druggists. 114a Pacific Ave. UNION MARKET B. II. McKEE, Proprietor. Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. All Kinds of Poultry and Game in Season. TELEPHONE MAIN 317. 1104 South K St. TACOMA, Wash THE STAR Livery & Boarding Stable A. EFAW. Boarding Horses a Specialty. Fhono, Main 139. 1131-30-38 0 St. TAOOMA, WASH. (HIDE CEREAL COMPAHY MAKUrACTDKEBS OS Rolled Oats. Daily Bread Flour. Cereals of All Kinds. Feed. H. A. DURR, Proprietor ot Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted aad One of the Best Laundries In the Northwest. 1309-11 c Street 1310-12 Commercial Street Telephone Mala 320 Ticonu, Waxhingtoa Walla Walla Advs. TlEPOT LUNCH COUNTEK. FRANK M. CUMMINOS Proprietor. All Kinds of Lunches Put Up for tho Traveling Public. WALLA WALLA, WASH. LEWIS W. II EATON Manager Ptomrd UndmMmklnm Pmrtorm. Qraduato Embalmer and Dlslnfcctor. Licensed by Illinois Htato Hoard of Health. Member National Association ol Kmbalmert, P. O. llox 782- Phone, Main 119. WALLA WALLA WASH. J. W. COOKERLY. Undertaker and Gxncrnl Funeral Furnisher. Embalming a Bpeclalty. Babcock's Brick Block, 1i First Bt. Tclcphono Black 891. WALLA WALLA, WA81I. pALL AT 120 AND 122 MAIN BT. SOHWABZ'S SALOON Lunch Couutor and Club Rooms open at all hours. 120 and 122 Main Btreet WALLA WALLA, WASH A. 8C1IWARZ, Prop GITY BREWERY MRS. J. H. STAHL, Prop. Dealer In FINE EXPORT LAGER REER. Beer In bulk or bottles. All orders promptly illlcd. ..GHIGAGO STORE.. Pomtofflcm Block, Wo aro solo agents for tho Gordon Hat, Walk-Over Shoo, Hart Shaffnor Marx Clothing. Wo would appreciate- a share of your patronage. Walla Walla, Washington. McKean's DRY GOODS STORE Clothing, Shoes, Hats, and Mens' Furnishings Office: Fourth and Main Street WALLA WALLA - WASH Walla Walla Bottling Works. ALL KINDS OF Soda Water and Bottled Beer. CHAS. VON TJ1RON, Prop. Telephone Whlto 171. 20V East Alder Street. Walla Walla, Wash. Sacramento advertising -DAILROAD EXCHANGE. TONY 8ILVA, Manager. Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars. Private entrant on Third Street. Ojwn day and night. Capital Pliouesii Sunset blue aA. Corner Third and K Streets, Sacramonto, Cat, plONKER BAKERY. H. SCHNETZ, Proprietor. Fine Dread. Cakes. Pies, Rolls, Doughnuts, Etc., Etc., of All Kinds. Phones; Sunset, lllaclc KKi; Capital, 3V7. 121 J Street, SACRAMENTO KIRK, GEARY & CO. Photographic Supplies Sacramento and San Francisco, CALIFORNIA. SEND FOR CATALOQ. ENNIS-BROWN COMPANY. WH0LES1LEJM S PRODUCE Commission Merchants. Butter, Cheese and Eggs Potatoes, Onions and Beans In Car Lots a Specialty, Oregon and Nevada Products a Specialty 100 to 110 J Street and 1001 to 1123 Front Street, SACRAMENTO, CAL Billings advertising. E. ERICKBON. W. J. SCOTT. BILLINGS STEAM LAUNDRY. Work turned out on short notice. We make a specialty ol 1 raveling Men's work, Hillings, Montana Paul McCormlck, D.O.Bhorcy, ChSs. Spear. President. Vice President. Cashier BILLINGS STATE BANK HILLINGS, MONTANA. CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00. -DIRECTORS- II. U. UOHTW1CK, Cashier South Omaha National Rank, A.C.JOHNSON, Vice Pres. American National Dank, Helena. PAULM'CORMICK, Merchant and Stockman. C. O. ORUWKLL. Ileal Estate and Stockman. U. (J. BHOIIKY, Stockman. A. H. BARTH, Stockman. CUA8. SPEAR, Cashier OZONE FOR THE LAUNDRY. Element of the Atttionphere tlint Haa Proven n Vulunble Dliiliifcctnut. Ay every 0110 knows, ozone la an in dispensable part of the atmosphere wo breathe. It has recently been found to bo of great valuo as a disinfectant lu some laundries of Paris. It has been introduced under tho auspices oi tho ciiy government A location In th St llonoro market was given for thi purpose and tho entire plant will rovert to the corporation at the expiration ot tweuty-flvo years, during which period the entire works are to ho open'to 1- spectlon by delegates and students ot hygienic methods of laundering. The ozone in this institution Is used for tha purpose of disinfecting tho bundles o( clothing immediately upon their arrival at tile laundry. Tho method is such that articles' pass rapidly through the various proc-1 esses from tho first reception to the final delivery. Tho electric current destined for lighting tho establishment and for the "ozoners," which are uotu-1 ated by eight motors, Is developed by two vertical engines of flfty-flve-horao power each, coupled directly to two dynamos of thirty-seven kilowatts each, a total of seventy-four kilowatts. I'ho "ozftners" nro located in a special room expressly guarded against possi ble intrusion, becauso of the danger from tho high potentials utilized for tho work. A package of soiled apparel on arriv ing Is nt once marked with a designat ing tag which remains nttachod through tho various processes up to de livery. Tho first move after tagging hi to throw the bundles Into 0110 of several huge tanks. This being com pleted, tho cover Is hermetically scaled and the ozonc-saturutcd steam la turned on. At the expiration of about twenty-five minutes the tank or cylin der Is discharged from the bottom and the contents nro now freed from nil posslblo chanco of Infection from the microbes of smallpox, scarlltlua, tuber culosis, etc., so that tho employes of tho laundry can manipulate tho arti cles freo from all fear of contagion. l"H-H-l"Mf"MH- PIE IN NORTIILRN INDIA, 4Mt.4.4.H.4.-V45"H---H-'l"H-v "Pic, sir," said Henry Ward Beech cr, "goes with civilization; whero there Is no clvlllzutlou there Is no pic." Mlsi K. It. Bcidmore, tho nuthor of "Win ter India," gfvoa proof that Peshawar, In northern India, is nt least making an effort townrd civilization. It was bitterly cold that night In the government house of rest for trav elers; and as the two opposite doors of our grand salon of a room opened di rectly upon garden and court, wo had sweeps of ley air through It whenovcr a servant entered, and mieh currents ncross tho lloor from two-Inch cracks below each door thnt wo soon retreat ed to tho high strlug-bcds, and wrap ped in our rugs, longed for steam heated and furnaco-chccred Amerlcn. The small pocket of 11 llreplaco shel tered some hissing green twigs Hint smoldered and filled tho room with smoko which refused to escapo by n trnnsom window sixteen feet up In tho nbsurdly high windward wall. It wan a north window without cords, and wedged open to encourage further ley drafts that encircled us. Tho servant, bcnrlng the courses ot tho dinner, wns swept lu with a small gale each time, but wo dined well on the iisunl Iudlnn menu. The servnut made a final entry on the wings of the wind, bearing proudly tho usual Brit ish tart "But, missus " ho pleaded In In jured toneH when I, too, had said, "No, thanks!" I had too often Buffered In argu ments with British pastry to hazard It In far places, hut I relented to this courteous old soul, and guvo tha heitvy serving spoon tho swing and force of 11 golfer'H club, when pouff! pou-s-shl went n fountain spray of minute Hakes of truo puff-pnsto up Into tho nlr and down In showers nil over tho tablo. Wo gathered them up, every flimsy flake let, and with praises consumed tho servant's mnsterpleco, tho very npothe osIh of covered applo plo, the most su premely perfect tart tho British flag over floated over, away off thcro In tho shadow of tho Hindu Kush, on tho bor der land of tho "heart of the world," close to tho old Aryan homo of tho plo people's first ancestors. BUSY NEBRA8KA WOMEN. City of Lincoln Owen Much to Their Work unit WUdom, Lincoln, Neb., Is certainly n club town. With a population of something over 40,000, tho Womnn's Club mem bership of 013 Is remurknblo. In ac knowledging the $01 assessment paid In recently to tho general federation, tho treasurer, Mrs. Knumi M. Van Verhten, wns moved to Inquire what method had been used to keep so many women Interested In tho club work. "I'leaso tell us how you do It," she wrote. The nnswer wns significant. The Lincoln club women always havo one practical object to work for out side their literary work, and they nev er have more than one. Tho fall and early winter months nro needed to de velop u plan according to their calcu lations, and the spring Is profitably put In concocting and considering now schemes. The largest thing accom plished by tho club Is tho high school lunch room, entabllBhed last year. On stormy days over 400 students patronize tho room, and thcro Is an nverago nttendnhee of over 300. A good hot luncheon costs nhntit 7 cents. This charge covers tho cost of tho food iiK well ax all other riinuliu; expenses of tho lunch room. Miss Lottie Who don, n gruduatu of tliu Boston Cook ing School, personally supervises the buying and cooking and the food Is hyBlenlcally rooked and served. The club is contemplating tho estnh Hshment of nn Industrial department, which will bo along the lines of a woman's exchange. Morn of It. "After all, It's a true saying that 'he laughs best who laughs lust.' " "Not nt nil, Tho really truo saying Is 'ho laughs best whoso laugh lasts.' " I'hllwlelphlu Press. More men would havo Indigestion It forced to cut their words. COLFAX ADVERTISING M ODEL 8TEAM LAUNDRY. Laundry called for and delivered free of charge. Traveling men's laundry delivered tho samo day without extra charge. Wo make a specialty of lino silks and woolens. 'Phone Red 91. North Main St. Colfax, Washington. IRA MOORE, Mgr. J. N. 8COXT, Prop. Interior Warehouse Co. BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO, Managers. General Warehouse System Both 0. R. & N. and N. P. roads. All Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold. A M. SCOTT, General Agent. Colfax, Washington. J. A. Perkins & Co. Railroad Land Agency lu connection. REAL ESTATE. FARM LOANS Bargains In Farm Lands and City Property. Correspondence Solicited. Colfax, Washington. IF YOU FEED STOCK of any kind, It will pay you to buy one of Carley's Roller Feetl Mills THE ONLY MILL manufactured that will properly prepare Oats. Wheat or Barley so they will thoroughly digest when eaten by stock. THIS MILL will KILL WILD OATS. Manufactured in Five Sites, by Caelcy Brothers, at Colfax, Washington. MR. DEALER, It will pay you to han dle this Mill, as the terms to you are ex tremely liberal. National Laundry i 13-1 15 Second Street Soutk Great Falls, Mont. JOHNSON & CASRY, rroprletori Work Done on Short Notice. The Only First Class Steam Laundry in Great Falls. Telephone 99. Hygiene Kola Go. Manufacturers of Pure KOLA TONIC WINE Made from Kola, Celery and Pepsin Beware of Worthless Imitations II. I', CLARK, Sole Propr. 282 Second St, Portland, Or. Phone Maiu 285 P. Johnson & Co. Peerless Pure Foods Co. Wholesale Dealers in Flour, Feed and Grain Manufacturers Pure Foods. Mill and Office Fourth and Hoyt Sts. PORTLAND, OR. OREGON FUEL COMPANY 344 Morrison Street, Be tween Seventh and Kighth. Coal, Coke and Charcoal. Fir, Oak, Ash and Kindling Wood. TELEPHONE ES PORTLAND LAUNDRY CO. II, A. CHAPMAN, Manager. Gents' Work a Specialty Newly Fitted and Ono of tho Best Laundries In tho Northwest. OREQON PHONK MAIN slO. 40-42 North Ninth Street. PORTLAND, ORB ft. II. MEARS. Pres. MARION WILCOX, Beo. THE UNITED GARRI1GE COMPANY Rubber Tired Carriages, Coupes, Tally-Ho Rigs and Carry-Alls. BOARDING AND CARE OF HORSES A SPECIALTY Phone. Main 222. 153 Eleventh Strut, Cor. Morrison PORTLAND OREGON Loewenberg & Going Co. Manufacturers of and dealers la Stoves, Ranges, Hollowware and Household Specialties Handled tr U First-Class dealers Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest in the Market. 220 to 235 Taylor Street, 183 to 104 Second Strout, Portland, Oregon : LA GRANDE : ! CEDAR VALLEY SALOON. Holvcrson & Chrlstofferton, Props. FINE WINES, LIQUORS A CIGARS. La Grande, Orogoa. TJLUK FRONT SALOON. B. TUORSON, Propriety. Ono of the Bent Places in La Grande to Got a Nice Drink. LA ORANDE, OREGON Palace Saloon CHAS. ANDERSON, Prop. All kinds of Fino Liquors and Cigars. La Grantto Oregon KERR&VERNAN All Kinds of Case Qoods, Tho Finest Key West Ci gars In the City. aiVE US A TRIAL, La Grande Oregon THE MINT SALOON O. L. MELLQUI8T, Pre. P.EST URANDS OF WINES AND LIQUORS IMPORTED AND DOMKHTIO CIGARS.... Corner Depot Rlreet and Jefferson Aouue. LA ORANDE, OR. A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY U Grande, Orison. Work returned same day as received If so requested without extra ohargt. C. S. & L F. DUNN, Proprietors J. T. Williamson ABSTRACTOR. Trompt Attention Given to All Business Beforo U. S. Lund Ofllco. Plata and Abstracts of Records a Specialty. Ofllco in Lewis Building, Opposlto Sotnuaor House. La Grande, Oregon The EAGLE Saloon ULRICHLOTTES Prop. Fino Wines, Liquors and Cigars Lunch at All Hours All Kinds of Case Goods on Hand Jefferson Ave. LA GRANDE, OREGON Roseburg advertising T HE UMPQUA I1AKERY- FBKSII BREAD DAILY. Fles, Cakes, Cookies. Doughnuts, Huns, Rolls Cream Puffr, Cakes fr Socials, Parties and HauquetiMado to Order, E. JENNINOB and MRS. FREEMAN, Props. Phone 418, Roaouurg, Oregon Entertainers: CIIAB. GILYIN. HILL PROTZUAN The Monogram I'KANK KliNNIiOV. Prop. Cyrus Noble, Bourbon and Rye Whis kies. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ROSEBURG, - OREGON. The LITTLE DRUG STORE Near the Depot, Iloseburg, Oregon. Where you can find the BBST QUALITY OP Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Stationery, Etc. M. F. RArP, Proprietor. F. B. RISLEY & CO. Dealers In Flour, Feed and Groceries Country Produce Bought and Sold Cash or Jn Trade. Sheridan St.. Opp. Depot, ROSEBURG, ORE Butte City Advertising OVATE SAVINOB DANK Under state supervision and jurisdiction. In terest paid on deposits. Sells exchange avail, ablo in all the principal cities of the United States aud Europe. Collections promply at tended to. BUTTE, MONTANA. Always Open. We Never Bleep. Telephone) and telcKraph orders promptly answered Secretary Mount Morlah Comi-tcry As sociation. Notary Public JOSEPH RICHARDS TUB BUTTB UNDERTAKER Practical Embalmer and Funeral Director. Hottest Park St. Telophnne 807. Rosldenc 409 South Montana Street, Telephone 703-M. BUTTG, MONTANA. SMOKBRS ARTICLES, CldARS TELEPHONE 49 JULIUS FRIED Cigarettes and Tobaccos S3 East Broadway BUTTE, MONT. Butte Transfer Co. TH08. LAVELLM, Proprietor. Baggage d Passengers Checked TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. Baggage Stored Any Length of Tim Froo ol Charge Phone No. 403. OPEN ALL NIGHT MONTANA DRUG CO. Exclusive Jobbers of Drugs Stationery and Cigars. State Agonta "BEN HUR" and "LA BINOERIDAD" Cigars. Only oxcloaiv wholeealo house in Montana. 902 to 914 E. Front Street, Tslephone 515. BUTTE, MONTANA Dm Um Hennesmy Mercantile Co. DEPARTM ENTS Groceries Carpets Dress Goods Draperies Domestics Furniture Notions Bedding Men's Clothing Crockery Furnishings Cloaks Hats Millinery Shoes Boys' Clothing Tailoring Stationery Butte Mont mm WORL,D ' Package Kxpress Messenger Sonic. Tele phone 'Mi, BUTTE, MONTANA. TROY LAUNDRY CO. Will call for and deliver that laun dry. Ring up Telephone 2. Re member Troy Laundry, Telephone a. 333 South Main Street. BUTTE, MONTANA. SEATTLE ADVERTISING Schwabacher Bros. 8 Co., Ino. WHOLESALE GROCERS COFFEE ROASTERS Agents for Hernan Cortez, White Knight aad Pontella Cigars. Proprietors ot Happy Home and Silver Shield Braa4 Canned Qoods. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Titian and CoLUMau 'Puomi Main IS BONNY & WATSON CO; ( SUOCkSSOM TO ) BONNY & STEWART rOMUlL DIBECTOHS AND IMIUUIIK Lady Assistant At- Ca-tHo IV-ict, ways In Attendance. 0C4llIC,(VaSH. Railroad Art. toot ot Conn St. Phone Main SIS NORTHWESTERN IRON WORKS Maaufacturcrsot Steamboat, Mill "and MUsa Machinery. Agent-MItU A Wslss Kerosene Engines. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON A nM.JftsJiaWj.Vrtl i. Y?i