TTTfC 303TV AGE, POETLAND. OREGON ; Bf- i t r .- fTPr.5 dw rJ Now York litis n German population of 800,000 nnil Chicago lias 440,000. The twenty-live Invest London the aters scut 118,000 peoplo and enm $ao 000 n night. England gets" nl)ont $5,000,000 worth of now gold from Africa every month and $7,500,000 worth out of Australia. Miss Vlila aolilsti'ln, the woman candldato In Victoria for a seat In tho Commonwealth Senate, was not elect ed, hut sho received 51,000 votes. The annual loss from the burning of buildings In tho United Stales Is about $ia,V)00,000( not Including cost of In wuraiico and tho appllunccs for flro pro tection. A bore put down at Cesqnock, near aialtloud, In Now South Wales, recent ly pouctrated, at a depth of 21)0 feet, a Moam of coal twenty-seven foot In thickness. In a divinity essay written by nn Jingllah schoolboy appeared tho follow ing passage: "So ho sed unto Mosses. Como forth; but ho coino llfth and lost tlio Jobb. Morrul, Git up urly." Mr. Chumberlaln Is said to b a ic- ma rkably prollclont political atngo imanogcr, appreciating and knowing (he value of a dramatic entrance quite iih well as Sir Henry Irving or Mr. Jleerbohm Tree. It Is stated that over 2,700,000 tons of dust ejected from tho Houfrlero vol cano In St. Vincent have fallen on the Island of IlorbndoH. Tho dust, contrary to expectation, has been found to have no fertilizing value. Public rovetiuo of (Ireat Ilrltaln (from April 1, HW.'I, to tho latest dato nt hand nmountod to .'27,8-10,7iW, n de crease of $a8,0O-l,70ri from Inst year. Expenditures were $502,738,225, a fall ing olT of $101,714,0(15 from last year. Tho value of exports to tho United States from Panama In tho fiscal year 3003 amounted to $103,312, of which $50,707 was the vuluo of hides, $10, 074 India rubber, $27,805 cocobolo nuts, 510,608 ivory nutH. $13,372 deer skins mill $0,008 coffee. Phonographic records of Emperor William's voice, on metal matrices, will bo tho flmt deponlta made in Uio phonotlc nrchlvos that aro to bo kopt at Ilorvard University, and in tho Con Rrcsstonnl Library and tho National Musoum nt Washington. Tho Husslnu government has olnbor atcd statutes on general llfo lnsurnnco by tho state Tho buslnosn I to bo intmstod to Uio govornmeutnl savings banks. All kinds of policies will bo issued and tho Insured will participate In tho prolltn of tho buslnosn. Oobra Gcorjro Salem, nn Egyptian, who entered tho Missouri University lost fall and Is taking tho four-year courao In agriculture, Is so wnll pleased with his work that ho has succeeded In pcrsundlug several of his friends in Egypt anil Turkey to como and take n atmllur ctiurso In some American col logo. In commemoration of the Indian princess Pocahontas, who died at aruveseud, England, whon about to anil to Virginia with her husband in 1010, St. George's Church. In Wupplng, is to have a pulpit mado of wood brought from Virginia. Pocahontas is burled in tho chancel of St. (Jcorgo's Church. The (Jreco-Uomnn chariot In the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Now York, ouo of tho now exhibits, has ex cited groat Interest among artists and urchacologlstri. Its preservation was duo to tho fact that It wan burled by tho nshes of Vesuvius. Many other treasures were found In tho same neighborhood, some of which Karon Itothschlld bought and presented to the Louvre. The chnrlot In question Is two-wheeled and Is perhaps tho rarest In Uio world. Feb. 13 wan the centennial of the uno of steam traction on railroads. It wan onlv n live-ton moving engine run nine r tho Mertbyr Tydlll eourso. Its ii,'nior wan Ittehanl Trevltblc, a CornlHhi.iiin. It could draw llfteen tons at a rate of live iuIIch an hour. It had an eight-Inch cylinder and toothed wheels, which caught In notched rails and helped It over hard places In tho track. Only a few trips were made by It, for tho experiment was not com mercially profitable. TALENT HA8 DEVELOPED EARLY. Precocious Yon n But or Who Aro Mak ing Their Mark In the World. At Grand Ilaplds, Mich., there is a proeoclous child who recites selections from Kipling, Paul Uiureuoo Dunbar, Eugene Fiold nnd .lames Whltcomb Itlley with apparently as much appro-, elation of the demands of tho pieces in tho matter of expression nud dlnlect ns many a professional elocutionist. This child in Louise Hemlngtou Fay, Illi yearn old, dnughtcr of Mrs. Helen Itouilngton Fay. Sho conies naturally by her talent, nn her mother in nn elo cutionist and has appeared more or I Ma in public ever since sho was u few yearn older than her daughter, lie ently I.oulso gave readings from Kip ling and Dunbar before tho Elocution Club, und tho event has been tho talk of Its members over since. She has also appeared lit public on several oth er occasions, Tho child's mind does not seem taxed In the least by her (work. A youthful Inventor has Just built a wireless telegraph apparatus which ho ban operated with success In the phys ical laboratory of the Indianapolis Manual Training High School. He It Arthur Verger, 10 years old, who will be graduated with tho Juno class. Berger conceived Uio Idea four years ago of tanking a wlroless telegraph ystora. Ho gathered nil tho knowledge- he could of tho Marconi system from sclentltlc periodicals. When fa pillar with tho apparatus and tho fundamental principles ho began his lint machines. They were crude af fairs, but demonstrated tho soundness of the principle on .which ho hud built Laat year, during hi study of elec tricity in advanced physics, Merger be pin the construction of u second net pt instruments, with many improve ment upon bin former sytwu. Tho construction or a wireless tele graph system Is not tho first apparatus made by llcrgor. Ho has invented an automatic letter-folding machlno de signed to facilitate tho work of the mailing departments of large business firms. Tho machine folds the letters, puts In any advertising matter de sired, such as a return postal cord, seals tho letters and puts tho stamps on. It Is a Hlmple device, and n child could opernto tho machine. Hergcr is perfecting tho letter-folding apparatus und expects to put It on tho market soon. "Tlbblo" Page, a dangher of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Page, of Payson, Utah, is tho latest musical genius of Utah. Though only 0 years of age, tho child plays tho cello In dance music and ex ecutes dllllcult accompaniments to vio lin selections by her father. Tho llttlo girl was born June 27, 1807, and even beforo sho could walk was humming tunes. After hearing her father play tho violin she would hum the melody, and when her hands wero powerful enough to lift n bow she picked up tho knack of handling It, fololy by observation. At tho end of a week, having hnd n fow lessons In tho methods of placing tho fingers, sho could play bass parts by ear with her father. Tho child practiced until sho was nblo to piny waltzes, nil by ear, nnrt now she accompanies her father In dif ficult numbers. Sho hns been piny Ing her part In the orchestra during a six months' tour of Utah, Idaho nnd Oregon. In addition to her other ac complishments Uio llttlo girl is a clover duncer nnd sings well. DIFFICULTIES OF 8TEPMOTHER. Home of the Trials Which lleiet the Iiith Hhe Must Tread. Stepmothers often hnvo to meet many dIUlculUcs quite unknown to the mother whose children nro quite hor own, with no one to contradict tho re lationship. And it is too truo that there nro always those who aro look ing for llaws In tho "new mother" who has taken charge of another woman's children. Will sho treat them prop erly? Will she caro for them, nnd will Uiey lovo her? And will she teach Uicm to forget their own mother? Meddle somo women are constantly on tho lookout for somo fault to 11 ml with tho stepmother. And yet n woman who undertakes this noblo mission Is often as capable ns tho own mother might hnvo been to rcur tho young folk, und frequently Is very fond of children, which trait, uftcr all, Is half tho battle. Ono woman who took up the chnrga of caring for stepchildren found that ono llttlo boy wan extremely nervous nnd sensitive. In regard to his school work, In particular, ho was very anx ious, and questions or words of sympa thy only seemed to tend to mnko lUm fool nioro worried until ho would bo III. At Inst Ids new mother learned thnt ho was what Is termed "slow" In school, and that his toucher was mark ing his nritlimeUc lessons below par principally because ho did nut work out his problems nfter the usunl rules, but after a fashion taught him by his now mother, who hnd methods of her own. Tho boy had grown so nervous over his fullures that the stepmother thought best to take him out of school for a term, and help him herself by Individual teaching. Not being In touch with tho methods used In this particular school, sho could only point out to the child tho princi ples of the work, after which ho would rendly apply tho regular school system taught In tho text book, with good re sults. This experiment, far from set ting lilm back In his school progress, plnced him In a position to "skip" a year's work, and ho eventually entered high school ahead of what would have been his regular time This through the efforts of his stepmother, whom ho loved with all his heart, nud which love did not grow dim when he bccnuift a young man and went out to meat tho trials of tho world. Now ork Sun. Tlio .Mint Was Consoled W. K. Vundcrbllt, Jr., 1b nn enthu siastic motorist. While speeding ono of his red devils along a Long Island road ho saw a man and a dog far ahead of him, the dog running in and out of the bushes, As he whizzed past a moment Inter tho dog darted out ahead of Uio ma chine to hark at It, was run over nnd Instantly killed. Mr. Vnnderbllt stopped his machine and returned. "I'm very sorry, old man," he said te tho man. "Will that iiiuko It all right?" He held out a tlfty-dollar bill. "It will," said the man, taking It. Then, as the machine Hew away down tho road, ho looked sympnthotlcally at tho remains nnd Mild: "Poor llttlo dovll. I wonder whoso dog It U?" Then Thero Wna Hllimoo. A well-known Knglltth nctor wna otic-o, whllo n you UK mini, touring throtiKli tho iuovIiiooh. Ono iiIkIK when IiIh eiio ou mo ho wan nervous, mul on koIiik upon tho hIuko could hardly speak. Tho nudlonco was great ly dUplt'iihOd, nnd "thing hcgiui to como lila wny." Mo utood thlo hoin liardment for a fow mlnutea until Kroou head of cnliliiiKe xped liy hi ear. Stopping to tho front of tho wtage, ho rnlHHl liU hand for tdlcucc, and ex claimed; "I came hero tonight determined t pleiiHO an Interested audience, but I Hluceivly regret that any porxon has lost his head over tho matterl" Not Appreciated. "Now, Tommy," said tho fond moth or. "when you see pooplo your nenlor standing you must ask them to nt down, and they'll like you." "I asked old man Sparks to sit down, nnd ho tried to lick me," replied Tom my. "How was that?" "Tlio pavement was wet and slip pery." VrcpurtU for Hhowcra. "I hope," fuld tho thrifty old farm er, "tlmt you luivo Bomothiiig laid up for n rainy day." "Suro thlugi" rvplled hl nephew from tho city. "Pvo got ovontoon bor rowed umbrellna." Disorder In a political meeting sel dom begins until after It is called to order. Fortuukto U tho wait who can bor row cuough uiouey to pay hU debt. SPOKANE t . D. BUCHANAN Funeral Furnishings Embalming and shipping a specialty 810 Itiveralde Ave. Tel. Main 681 81'OKANK WA81I Cascade Steam Laundry Goods Galled for and Deliv ered to Any Part of the City Phone Main 286. 911 Bridge Ave. SPOKANE WASHINGTON D. K. McDonald Real Estate and Mortgage Loans tfrlto for price llet of Farma. lloomf 8, 7 and 8 Wolrerton Muck, cor. ltlvoralde and Mill. SPOKANE, - - WASH. THE WARWICK TURF EXCHANGE. Telephone Main Ml. 20 lllvcraldo Avo.,Spo kano. l'oola aold nn all Chicago and Now York race, an well aa all big evente. Special wire on all aportlnR event. Out of town cumin) alona from rcpoiill)lo partica received by tela phono or telegraph and placed immediately. The Warwick Dar and drill Alwayaln tho lead In tho mattor of lunah. eon, ahort order and wet good. SPOKANE DRUG CO. Wholesale Drugs The Only Exclusive Wiholtsale Drug: House in the State. SPOKANE, WASH. Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madison Street, SPOKANE, WASH. Whelmlc and Retail BREAD, ICE CREAM, PASTRY SENGFELDER'S Salesroom and Office S. i I Howard Street Factory S. 207 to 213 Washington Street Phone Main 306 We ship everywhere and anywhere Spokano Dakar y Oo. B. L. GORDON & COMPANY VI-IOL,I2SALJ3 QROCliRS SPOKANE, - - WASH. COKNHK MUX AND K. It. For Fine, Up to Date Meu's Fur nishings, go to Youle Bros. MEN'S FURNISHERS Telephone Mniu 1800 508 Rivorsido Ave, Spokane, Wash, lUAMUAUYLHMIINb: Peasley Transfer Co. Freight, Baggage, Furniture Moving, Storage Phones; 9U Main St. aoiSIt, IDAHO Lewiston Furniture and Undertaking Co. WIIOMSSAMS AND RETAII, Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Lac Curtains, Portiers, Window Shades Linoleums, Couches, Iron Beds, Undertaking. Telephone 821. I. O. O. F. Building:, E. Main St LEWISTON, IDAHO The Raymond Lcwbton, Idaho Is beta? Improved In every way possible. I he leading: hotel in the city. Commercial trade our spe cialty. SUI.DICK BR0. Tttgxltlon iinANOAnVFRTIINfif I Iff. I.XS. IIS. !..... WMIO. 'UK CA8H OUOCEHY, 1 T. Roland, Proprietor Staple and Fanrr Ororcrlca, Wlnea and Liquora for Family (Jan. 200 North Twelfth St., cor. Kearney I'hone Hood 21 1 I'ortlamd, On s TATE DANK OP IDAHO. Wclscr, Idaho. CAPITAL, $50,000. Edward Shalnwnld, 1'reaWlcnt. Chaa. J. Eelwjn, Cashier. Alan ha a branch at Cambridge, Idaho. The I'eople'a Hank. Solicits )our bualncta. DIIUNZEI.L'8 KXCIIAKQB J. M. IlKUNZr.Lt, A CO., Tropj. Cholccat Qualities of Wines, Liquors and Clean A First Class llcaort NAMPA 1DAHC E. j:. SMITH J. O. BMIT1I COSMOPOLITAN BAR HuiTll linos., l'ropa. Fino Wlnea, LIquora and Cigars. Opp. Now Depot. NAMPA, IDAHO C. W. Mooro, I'rc. Geo. F. Rcdwajr, Caahtor Peter Bouna, V-I'rca, 11. F. McAfoe, Aaat. " FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF IDAHO CAPITAL 8TOCK 1100,000 SUM'I.UH AMI PHUFilU (10,000 DIKUCTOKS I'JCTJCn ROKMA C. W. MOOn ClIAKLEM IIlMROn I.KONAIID I.OUAN M. K. McCautt IIOISU, IDAHO BANK OF NAMPA. Ltd. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000.00 Eitabllihcd 1S99. Dower Palaco Hotol Bid' FHKD O. MOCK, Trcaldent T. J. CONHOY, Vlco-Prealdcnt C. It. II1CKKY, Caahler FUAN'K JKKKINHO.V, Aat't Caahler NAMPA, IDAHO Boise Transfer I Storage Go. II. M. Hell Phono A-10 Ind. Phono 1U Light and heavy hauling. Con aignmenti of freight left In our aharge will receive prompt atten tion. Storage at reasonable rates. See that you give your baggage to Boise Transfer S Storage Go. South Tenth Street, J. HOSIINIIUItO AltUHUUA.COim Pocatello Mercantile Company WHOLUSALU Wine, Liquor AND Cigar Merchants.. Pocatello, Idaho Drink Old Fort Hull Whlaitoy Smoke Senator Shoup Clgara J, A. Murray. I'rclJcnt, I), W. SlanJroJ, Vice I'rclJcnt Wm. A. Anthfa, Caahler I.N. Anthea. Aaat. Caahler THIS FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Pnuutolloi liliiltu. POCATOLLO, IDAHO E. D. HARRISON THE JEWELER Watches, Diamonds. Silverware and Novelties. Watchmaker and Joweler. Watch Inspector O. S. L. II. H Poca tello, Idaho, l'ino Watch Kopairiug a Specialty. JJyea Testetl l-'reo. POCATULLO, IDAHO Mai lory & Lydon Livery, Feed aud Sale Stable C and Fourth Sts, Lewiston, Idaho Cat I a Anawertd Say or Night rhone 371 White Front Livery AND CAB STABI.ES Illnnard, Fountain & Randall, Ftopra. I.UWISTON, IDAHO Lewiston Steam Laundry 94 Third St. Telephone 2041 C. II. Schroeder, Mauager Satisfaction Guaranteed. Work iciurutu same uay wuen oruereu. 1 ! NORTH YAKIMA 1 TtTOnTH YAKIMA KUKNITUHK CO. Huge, Carpet, Draperle. Iron I)eds, Wall Paper, Etc. Funeral Directing and Embalming. ' I'hone 481: Night Phone 691. 223 Yakima Avonuo. North Yakima, Waah Yakima Stables H. L. TUCKER, Prop. Fino Turnouts at Short Notice Tot. 221. Cor. Front and A St: NORTH YAKIMA, WASH. MEADOW BROOK CREAMERY II. Q. WEINSTEIN COMPANY. Manufacturer of Fancy Creamery BUTTER. North Yakimn, Wash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of North Yakima, Wash. (No. XU3.) Capital Stock. $50,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $5 1,569. J 7 Statement at C'loso of Ilualneaa, Sept. 13, 1SXX1 W. M. I.AI1D. I'rcatdent. C1IAS. (lAKI'lINTKIt. Vlco Pre. W. I HTKINWKO. Caahler. A. II. I'M.S'i:, Aaat Caahler READ'S ..Steam Laundry.. Special orders returned H.imo dny. Domestic IImImIi or j1ohh. No raw edpt'8 on col I lira or cuffs. Gut ucqualiitvd with our methods. Our Laundry Work Is tho Comfortable Fltable, Wearing Kind. LAUNDUY AND OFFICII PIRSTANI) A STRUBTS, 'Phono fid. North Yakima, Waah 18 South Second St. Itcaldenco 701 X, 4th St E. L. SESSIONS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Completo line of burial caaca, caaketa, robea, auna, rrnjicr aim anuea. KmbaluiliiB and alitpping o( bodies a apeclil ty. 'Phone 523. North Yakima, "Wish, j ELLENSBURG j W c. vi:ntvoiith. N. P. LUNCH ROOM. KUenaburg, WuililiiKton, All Trains Stay 10 Minutes for Lunch -pLLKNBllUlta STKAM I.AUKPKY. 8HAT8Vi:i.L A HAVEN. Tatronlte a Home Iniluatrjr. (iooila Called (or and DeUreret! TKLEl'lIONE BED 151. J. H.8MITIIFOK, I'rcaldont. C. Il.bTEWAItT, Vlco I'roaldent. C. W. JOll.NBO.N'E, Caahloi WASHINGTON STATE BANK. ELLENSBURG, WASH. DMKCTOH9' Jacob Kurth. C. J. Ixrd. J. H. bmlthwn. C. 11. Stewart. Joa. Htovenaon. C.W, Johnaone Oakland advertising c ATE ANN' BAKEKV, Telephono Kt HUGH HAMILTON. Birthday and Wedding Cakea artistically ornamented, 6(51) to 677 Twelfth Street. Bet. Jeffenou and Clay Eta. Oakland, Cal. PEOPLES EXPRESS CO. 412-418 Ninth Street, Oakland. CaJ. Phone Main 325. No extra charge for checking baggage at hotels and residences. Our agents are on the trains, also an agent at Sixteenth St. Station. All baggage delivered promptly, Mesmer Smith Co. 1118.26 Washlaxtoa St., Oaklaad. Headquartera tor Men's Underwear, Hats, Overshlrts, Neckwear, Etc. Footwear for AU. dOOD TREATMENT AND ONE PRICE ONLY. 1Y KAIL ANI WATBIt, OREGON Shorj Line and union Pacific THREE TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Through Pullman Standard ana Tourlat alecpliiKcara dally to Omaha, ChlcnRo, Spokane Tourlat aleoptna; cara dally to Kansaa Cltys Through Pullman Tourlat aleepltiK cara (per aonally conducted! weekly to Chicago, Kauaaa City, St. Louts and Memphla; reclining chair cara (scat free) to the East daily. DirAiT TIME SCHEDULES Portland, Or. Aantri Chicago Portland Special tt'iOa. m. via Huntington, Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth.Omaha, Kanaaa City, St. I.oula.Chlcagoand Halt. 4:30 p.m. Atlantlo Expresa 8:15 p.m. via Huntington. St. Paul Fast Mall. 10 :30 a. a. St. Paul Faat Mall 6:00 p. m. via Bpokant Atlantlo Kzprcaa. 7:1 a.m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE rnust roit-riiAND. isoop.i All calling datai aubject to change For Pan Franclaco balltrory 6 day 6:00 p. Datlr Kx.Hunilar aibun.m. tatnrdar lUiCU p. in. Columbia Rlr Sttamars. To Aatnrlaand Way l.andlnga. S.00 p. m, Ex. Sunday C:45a.m. Hon., Wed. and Frl. Wlllamalli Rlitr. 8:30 p.m. Tuci.,Thu,, Bat. Salem, Indopon. aud waylandltiKa. 7:00 a.m. Tura.. Tliur. and Bat. Yamhill 4:30 p.m. Mon., Wad andrrl. OreRon City, Dayton auuuayianuiuga. Lt. Rlparla :CJa. m. Dally excopt Baturday Snaka Rlt.r. LT.Lairltton 8:0u a. m. Bally xcpt Friday. ltlpaila to Iewltton A. L. CRAIG, General 1'aaaeuger Aieut, l'ortland, Or , C. W., City Ticket Ancnt, Third and WaahliiKton Btreotf. THE SIGN sm OF THE &Ck BEST OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY 3 3 The North Coast Limited ELECTRIC LIGHTS, ELECTRIC FANS, STEAM HEATED, SOLID VESTIBULED In ftict an tip-to-iltito train, and tho beauty of it all in tho fact that it docH not cost you any nioro to travel on thin train than it does on any other. Try it and your vordlct will bo, it is tho Crack Train of Them All A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 355 Morrison St., cor. Third, Portland, Oregon. SHORTEST A1NP QUICKEST Tho shortest lino is not always tho quickest nor is tho quickest lino always the shortest. Tlio Burlington Kouto to tho Southeast is both. It is shorter AND quicker than any other lino from tho Northwest to Omaha, Kan sas City, St. Louis, and EVERYWHERE beyond. Another good thing about it is this: You don't change cars. Tho St. Louia Special runs through to Kansas City without change. Only ono change to Omaha, Denver and St. Louia. Tickets, bertha, and Information, at office ol connect ing lines, or front R. lOOThlrU ItY ItAII. ANIMVATKIl. A RIVER RAILROAD CO. 1 THROUGH PARLOR CARS tlKTWKEN Portland, Astoria? Seaside Leaves UNION BEI'OT For MayKcra. "Haiti Icr, CliitsKnnlc Wcatport, Clllton, Aalnrln, Whrron. ton, Kluvel, dear. liartrarkandBva. aide. Aatoria A Pcaaliore Kx press Dally. Aatorln Kxprcaa Dally. Arrives. Dally 8:in. in. Daily. 11:10 11. til. 7:00 p.m. 0:40 p. 111. C. A.BTKWAKT, J. C. MAYO, Comm'l Agt., 218 Aider Bt O. F. A V. A. Telophonu Main 000. D KLIGHTFUL KOUTE AYL1GHT HIDE 17AY CHAGS EE1 CANONS A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Sco Nature, in nil hor jlor!oUH beauty, nud then the nemo of liian'H handiwork. Tlio first ia found nlotiK tho lino of tho Denver & Itio Grando llnilroad, tho hitter at tho St. I.ouIh World'Bl'alr. Your trip will ho ouo of ilenmirc make thu most of it. For Information nnd ilhiBtrntcd literaturo write V. C. McBRIDE, Ocncral Agent PORTLAND, OREGON "As the Crow Flies" The shortest lino between Min neapolis, St. Paul aud Chicago ia lAjiif.ia tho route of tho famous North western Limited Tho Train for Comfort" Every night in tho year IlcforoatartltiRon a trip no matter where write tor IntereatlnK informs. Hon about comfortable traveling. II. L.HI8I.KH. Oen'lAirent, 13i Third street, I'lirtlainl, Oregon. T W. TKA8DA1.K, Ucnural racniror Aitent. Ht. l'aiil, Minn. Ask the Agent for T I C K B T S VIA To Spokane, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Chicago, St. Louis and All Points East and South. 2 OVERLAND TRANS DAILY Tho Flyer and tho Fast Mall X- Splendid Service Tp-to-dato Equipment Courteous Employes Daylight trip across tho Cascado and Rocky Mountains. For Tickets, rates, foldera and full infor mation call on or address H. DICKSON, C. T. A. 122 Third Street, PORTLAND s. a. yerkes, a. W. P. A. 612 Firat Avenue, SBATTLB, WASH. W. FOSTER, TICKET AQGNT. Stret. PORTLAND Jr aaHjatULflaffwT k aH 1 tr iwfttfffl3i'iwputlbwriiii"'ifyfi ; "' "