"iMW-f" J THE NEW AGKE, JfOIlTIiAND, OREGON. J : BANKS OF NORTH DAKOTA : FIRST NATIONAL BANK B IBM ARK, NORTH DAKOTA Emtmhltmhmd In 1B70. Ompltml, $100,000. Intmrmmt Paid on Tlmtm Ompomltm C. 1J.LITTLK, President. K. I). KKNDIUCK, Vice President. 8. M. l'YK, Cashier. J. I.. 1IKLL, Ant. ('Mhter. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Red River Valley INational Bank PAROO, NORTH DAKOTA. R. S. I.HWIS, President. JOHN S. WATSON Vice President. J. W. VON NII'OA, Cashier I'RDO A WISH, Assistant Cashier. Cnpltnl and Surplus $ISO,000 THE JAMES RIVER NATIONAL BANK Of IAMESTOWN, NORTH DAKOTA. The Oldest and Largest Banking House In Central North Dakota Collections nude on all points In North Dakota. Foreign and domestic exchange bought and told. Telegraph transfers to all parts of America. : BILLINGS, MONTANA, ADVERTISING : North Real Estate Loan & Title Company Established January 1, 1892. Plnunclul AjjontM for EiiHtorn unci Local Investor! Intereit and Principal Collected and Remitted Without Charge. Hole atcnt for the sale ot lliirllnicton and Northwest Town Lots, the best inreitment In the city ol lllllltiKi. for title oil cany paymouts, OffleuM OppoHlto tin Now Court Houwe BIL.L.IINCJS MONTANA WELLS & DICKEY COMPANY ioWS Tho Oltfost Roal Eatato Company In tho Stato. Eatmbllahod 101 0. Ompllal A Surplum, $138,000. Choice Ural Kstato Ixintinim PoMonally F.iamlncd Farms on hand at all times forsale. Iinpr.irwl anil wild lands In the Famous James Hirer Valley District, the bread basket ol ho world, for sato on cany tonus. Ask for our Htate Map and Pcicrlptlrn Hoolriet. Ilfrretirc- American Exchange National Hank, New York; Northwestern National D n Minneapolis, Minn.; James Hirer National Hank, Jamcutown, N. 1). BILLINGS Meat Market J. ZYWERT Telephone 174 Billings, Mont. JAMESTOWN, N. D. i Adams Furniture Co UNDERTAKERS Embalming St. Shipping a Specialty North Dakota State License. JAMESTOWN. NORTH DAKOTA ......................... MISSOULA, M0NT.J A. M. STEVENS & CO. Fruits, Confectionery, Produce & Groceries OUR SPECIALTY, BUTTER AND EGGS Fresh Fruits In Season 222 Hlgglns Avenue. Telephone 114. MISSOULA MONTANA GEO. PRINGLE Mauiilaoturor ot and dealer In Italian and American Marbles, Scotch, Swedish and American Granites.) MONUMENTS. TABLETS AND HEADSTONES A large allotment nf the abore always on baud or manufactured to order. lol:n sent on application, My faollltltn for prodiiclnir and furnishing the ikost work lu the stato are unexcelled. MISSOULA, MONT. Murphy - Greenough Co. Successors to MURPflY & WORDEN Wnelesala and retail dealers In Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Missoula Montana r Henry Green hood Wholesale 4 Wines, Liquors and ICigars J25-327Jllglas Avenue MISSOULA MONTANA Minnesota Bakery OTTO ANDERSON, Prop. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND PIES EVERY DAY Strictly Home Baking NO ALUM OR AMONIA USED 2904 Minnesota Aye., Billings, Mont. r 1 FARGO, N. D. MARSH & BALL, Livery Sale and Hoarding Heavy Drnft and Fino Driving Homes lor Hnli'. IIoarHt'H, HuckH mid CiirringPH Opp. I'oHtolllco. Telephone Cull 137. FARUO, N. D. THOMAS ERDEL IMPOKTIIK AND WMOI.IISAI.I2M OP COFFEES, TEAS AND SPICES Fargo, - North Dakota JOHN MONSON TRUNK AiANUFACTURHR Famplo TrunlcH anil Ciihcm nmilo to or der. Repairing ilono promptlv. Old TrnnkH Titkon in KxcIiuiiko. Utiv vonr trmikH where they imtke thpin nuil hiivu your inonoy. Telephone 774. 614 I'font Street. FARGO, N. D. T. E. YERXA FA Rao, N. D. Staples Fancy Groceries Fruits and Cigars. Oppowlto IS. P. Depot Lidgerwood-Fargo Creamery M. HKNDttY, Mgr. Manufacturers o( and Dealers in Fancy Butter, Ice Cream, Milk, Cream and Buttermilk. Wholesale and Retail Telephone ia8. 718 Front St. FARUO, NORTH DAKOTA. Luger Furniture Co. Largest House Furn ishers in the West UNDERTAKERS & EMBUMERS Tel. 14! L 12-14 Broadway FARGO, N. D. GREAT FALLS QTKAIN 111108. I.nrKcit Hotue In Northern Montana. Carry a Full Line of Kvcrythlnir In DJIY GOOIJ3, CLOTHING, BIIOKH, (IK0CHKIK8, CltOCKKHY anil TIN WAKE. Bend us your Mall Orders, fratlftfactiun Guaranteed, Oreat rails, Montana w it. ononoE, (Successor to Oeo. Berthold) UNDERTAKER 4 EMHALMER. Open day ami night. Telephone 59. Graduate (if Champion School of Embalming; Licensed from Colorado and Montana. Vi Central Arenuc, (Ircat Falls, Montana W. It. LKAIll), Pren. II. DO rHK.nl, 1st Vice Prei. and Sec. W. L. JOHNSON, and Vice Pre. and Treaa CASCADE STEAM LAUNDRY, V. If, Leard, Manager. Telephone 71 117 First Are. North Hhort order work a specialty. Orcat rails, Montana Clothu Man, Woman, Hoy in Mclorn Up-to-Dnlo FuHhlonablo Clothing at Popular Prices. Visit Often the Popular Priced Store for Men and Women. Qrcat Falls, Montana. JOHN I). IIYAN, Prcntdent. I). :. II K.NNHBHY, Vice rrenldent, JOHN (I. MOIIONY, Cashier. K. J. 1IOWM AN. AM't Cannier. MAKK SKlNNKIt.An't Cashier UNITED STATUS DEPOSITARY. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. Capital, 1200,000. Deposits, 11,200,000 ASSOCIATE I1ANK8: Daly Hank A Trunt Co., initio. Daly Hank V Trunt Co., Anatuuda. B. It. MOOKK, (Itefcrenrn Conrad llanklnK Co.) I.KWIHIIOAMWICK, County Comniluloner Cascade Co MOORE & ROALSWICK REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE, INVESTMENTS. Agents for The Nelon Coal Co., of Band Coule. Oftlce: Dasement of Conrad Hank. Oreat Falls, Montana E. A.ItKICIir.l., I'rcdldont. V. K.HKNOMI.SUII. Vice rraatdont. II. W. OKU.N WAI.DT, Hoc. Si Treas THE AMERICAN BREWING & MALTING COMPANY IlrowurH nnd Ilottlcra of extra quality Inner beer. "American Family" bottled boor a upeciulty. Olllco: 109 Contrnl Avenue. 1. O. Ilox 80. Qrcnt Falls, Montana. THE BEE HIVE STORE. HIGH CLASS OroooHos, Orookory, Dry Goods, Tinwaro, Houso Furnishings, Ladles Tailor Maco Suite. FOSTGR, JARDING & CO. Oreat l'alli, Montana CONRAD BANKING COMPANY, GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. Paid up Capital .. 100,000 ludlvtdual Ucspou-lbtllty ., 2,000,000 O.CONRAD, President. JAMllSTHTANFORD, Vice Pre, and Manager. P. KK1.LY, Caihler THE MONTANA BREWING GO. Ilrowors nnd Itottlors of Kxtra l'ulo, Bohemian nnd Export Boor Bottled Deer a SjK'clalty. Oreat Falls. - - - Montana, Model Bakery CHAS. SCHUMACHER, Prop Fancy Bakery and Confectionery Bakery Lunch J33 N. Mln St, Opp. Post Office Helena, Montana Blazier's... No, 248 Burnside Street, Bet. Second and Third, PORTLAND, OREGON The Vest ot Wines, Liquors and Cigan '10iHiliHKIJlipBi FAULTS OF LIFE IN LONDON. Boial Cliansea Iforei Ileen Great, hat Mot Always for the Hetter. One It constantly hearing Jeremiads boat tho condition of society nt tho present day, about Its Immorality, its extravagance, Its vulgarity nnd all tho other sins In either tho social or tho religious calendar. I do think that there has been n growth of extrava gance In living In London during the last decade or two which has its dan gers. As an old Londoner of thirty I four years' standing I have seen (changes In the manners of tho city which amount to a completo transfor mation. I remember well the time when there wasn't really a good restau rant In all London and when men lind to be content with dining and supping in the back parlors of public houses. You got very good food In those dark, low-celllnged, stuffy rooms, and I ro member when you were considered to bo doing very well when you handed the somowhat time-worn and Ill-clad waiter twopence or threepence as n tip. I Nowadays you go Into a restaurant which Is palatial, and you suo men especially If they belong to tho Stock Kxchangc giving hugo tips that In olden times would hnvo pnlil the prlco of a wholo dinner for linlf a dozen friends. And the tipping never seems to end. You tip 0110 waiter for 0110 thing and another for another, and you tip the carver and then you tip tho man who gives you your wine, nnd ns you are leaving you tip tho porter who puts on your coat and tho other porter who calls your cab, It is, In fact, be coming almost impossible for men of modorato means to go to most of tho restaurants of to-dny. Society has been transformed and not altogether for the better by two things that havo been going on togeth er, xne llrst is tiie lmpoveriNtiineut or one great class and tho other tliu en richment of anothor. There Is not so pitiful or helpless a being in tho world as tho Ilngllsh aristocrat who has fall en on evil days, nnd countless numbers of them aro in that position. Tho re duction of rents to a linlf or a third of what they onco wero is not accom panied by tho pcAvcr to abandon titles and several country scats and town houses nnd nrmlrs of servants nnd nil tho other thing which nppertnln to an ancient fntnlly. Thus thero comes that economical problem, which is qulto the snmo In oh senco, whether It dcnls with largo sums or small, whothor tho people who aro assailed aro splendid paupers In Hoi grarla or sordid paupers In Whltcchap el. Side by side with this Impoverish ment of a section of the upper classes thero nro the gigantic fortunes which have been mnde in the course of a few years, especially in South Africa and Wcstorn Australia, and It Is this com bination which Is accountable for somo of tho evils of our time. London M. A. P. HE "LOOKED IN." Only n narrow nlley separates tho pressrooms of two of tho nfternoon papers of Chicago. Both go to press at the samo hour. When tho wnnn copies of tho 3 o'clock edition of ono psper como forth, a copy Is taken at once to the city editor of tho other pa per, who scans it closely, to cntch for his own later edition anything he may have missed. Meanwhile n slmllur sceue Is enacted across the alloy. One afternoon, as tho city editor of one of the papers int nt bin desk, a young man walked briskly In nnd ad dressed him.. "City edltorr he naked. The editor nodded. "I'm from the Mnll," said the young man. "Mr. Smith sent me over to seo what you had that wo haven't got about that school story." The city editor sut aghast. "Hey7 What?" ho stammered. "Say that again, young man." "Mr. Smith wants to know whnt you'vo got about that school story that we haven't." "Say here get out, you!" explod ed the city editor. "I don't know who you are, but get out of hero, qulckl" Then taking down his telephono and calling up bis rival across tho alloy, ho asked: "Sny, Smith, who did you scud over hero?" "I didn't send anybody ovor. Why?" The editor of tho Nowslettor relntod tho Incident "What did ho look llko7 Oh. I say, here, I know. That was my 'wild man.' I hired htm yesterday. It's his first Job. I told him to 'Look In tho Nowslettor, and seo whnt they'd got on tho school story that wo haven't.' He looked in, did ho?" There was n roar of laughter lu both olllces, but It was turned to tho "wild man's" sldo when tho managing editor, who heard tho story, declared that a mfln who went ahead when ho thought ho wob right was worth u higher sal ary. It aro IHHtlnotloiiH. Tho politician who endeavors to make a now speech from the rear pint form of a car nt each station of a railroad has often to cudgel his brains for inspiration. Tho Chicago Trlbuuo tells how one of them left a tine im pression. "What town is this?" he asked his secretary us the train stopped. "lonla," was the reply. "My countrymen," said the politi cian, Impressively, a moment later, "your beautiful nnd thriving city has a rare distinction. Besides Its com merce nnd manufactures, besides Its charming location, besides, I may mid, the stalwart men nnd fair women who Inhabit it, so many of whom I seo before me, besides the bright nnd win. some children who nro also here, tho hopo and mnlnstny of tho republic Wslde all these, I say, your lovely city" He grow truly eloquent. Ills eyes tlnsbed, his tones rang clarion clear, and he shook his clenched list at tho xenlth, " has the rnre distinction of benr ing a name that has only tlvo letters and yet has four syllables!" The applause, as tho train moved away, was deafening. Somo chlldreu cry, while others bawL, pUIlNIHHKI) ROOMS Kor rent. Hath. 388 Everett, between Park and 9th streets. MItH. M. KKKKLK. FUKNI8IIKD I100M8-87 N. Fifth Slreel. First class In all of Its departments. Home cooking. Mm. IO Jeuno 1'rop. CHOICE WINES AND I.IOUOK8. THE CAHTI.K Ous. Wahlgren, Proprietor. Pool and nil-Hard-. Phono North 4 10. 234 Washington Bt. Portland, Oregon. For a good social time call and see JOHN WOIDA. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Telephone Clay C3. 4C0 Glltau Bt., Portland. Or NEIL O'HARE. Oceanic Kxchangc. Cliolco Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Free Lunch. Cor Kui-ell and llrcndle Bta., Portland, Or. rOIIN KKI.I.Y flencral Isurancc Agent, Fire and Marine. Fcottlsh Union Si National Ins. Co., Edlnburg and London; Western F. and M. Aimurance Co., Toronto, Can. Biyi Third tt., Columbian Illdg. Established In 1892. Phone White Id Btlll Under Same Managemeut THE CRONISE PHOTO STUDIO. THE THO VEU8, Props. Hend In your ordor for a Oroup ol tho Twenty pceond lilennlal Be-slon. Eldrcilgo Block, cor. Commercial and Chcmckcta Bta., Balem, Ore. Q A. WATSON DRUGGIST 88 North Third Street PORTLAND OREGON JOHN GIBSON THE APPLET0N CAPE Bouthwc-tcornerBlxthand Everett Bts. PORTLAND OREGON nrn E 8TEIN 4.10 Washington street. II. Grimm and C. It. Media-hail, proprietors. Como aud got your own stein. PORTLAND, OREGON. JJIOH GRADE PIANOS FOR KENT AND SALE Ou easy payments. Pianos tuned and ropalred II. BINBHEIMER 72 Third Btrect Portland Oregon jDOY QUACKENIIU8H Plumbing and gas fitting. Jobbing Prompt ty attended to. Shop phono Hood 887. Res Phone Scott 1912. 270 Oak it. bet. 3rd and 4th streets. PORTLAND, OREGON. 'OURI8T SALOON James Travcrs, Prop. Rest wines, liquors aud cigars. Phono Clay 1912. 120 N. sixth Bt. PORTLAND, OREGON. 'RE8CENT CAFE Klnewinei, liquors and etgars. It. M. Rich tor, proprietor. 220 Crosby street. Phone Un ion tori. PORTLAND, OREGON. QHAND CENTRAL I1AU I. I1ERNHTEIN KINE WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS Everything first-claas Telephone, Main IKS 91 N. Third Et. PORTLAND OREGON LL GARMENTS Intrusted with us are thoroughly inspected by us before aud after wanning. All repairs done FREE OF CHARGE Buttons Sewed on and Socks Darned OREGON LAUNDRY CO, 36.366-3i'8 East Oak St. Phone East 13 PORTLAND OREGON LE ROY HADLEY Successor to L. MARTIN DEALER IN STAPLE and FANCY GROCERIES Oreeon Phone Mass 767 435 Washington Street. PORTLAND, OREGON TRY US ! IF YOU WANT the Brightest and Best Messenger In town or have large or small packages of any kind to be delivered by wagon or boy, ring up MAIN 29 CITY MESSENGER & DELIVERY GO. 106 SIXTH ST. Opp. MERRILL'S CYCLE EMPORIUM 'UK VICTORIA. A. W. Olutsch. Cha. Clemens, N. K. Corner Seventh and Ollsan Streets. Newly Furnlihed Rooms. Btvam Heated. Hot and Cold Water throughout. First class Dar Room In connection. PORTLAND, OREGON. N OROARD A PETTERSON MERCHANT TAILORS. Phone Illack 2953. N. W. Cor. 8rd and Yam- hill Streets. ENTRANCE 263 YAMHILL. C Rock Springs O Lump or Range A Is the Very Best L, H o u s e Fuel VULOAN GOAL OO. 329 Ilurnsldo 8t. Phono Main 27.6 SMITH'S U-RE-KA METAL POLISH Cleans everything silver, brass, coppor, nickel or any other metal, wood work, win dows, etc. Ued by everybody, sold every where. Phono Main C93. Manufactured only by C. D. SMITH & COMPANY 803 Waor Street. PORTLAND, OREGON ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded. Telephones Columbia 7W, Oregon Red l&fti Proscription - Druggists 67 North ThlrUStroot PORTLAND - - OREGON TUB COUKT 101 Stato Ht SALEM ORE TIII3 HAMILTON M Sixth Bt PORTLAND ORE MEU HAMILTON Loading Ilrands LIQUORS AND CldARS Phone, Main 3090 PORTLAND OROQON The PALMER HOUSE Formerly the SPALDING The mot complete Compartment House lu the Northwest. Particular attention to Tour ist and Tranrlent Custom. Htenm Heat, (las Lights, Porcelain Ilaths. Ono block from Ho tel Portland, Oregonlan llulldlng, Marnuam Grand and Cordray's Theater. Telopnoue Main IBM. Rooms by Day, Week or Mouth en Suite or Single Mrs. A. Larson, Proprietor. 350K Alder St. S. E. Cor. Park. If you want to be sore your Cream is rich and your Butter the best there is o Order it from o HAZELWOOD Rush orders for train time a specialty. We can deliver on JO or 15 minutes notice PORTLAND SPOKANE Phone 154 Phone Exchange 12 Something New Calvert's Delicatessen 405 Washington Street HOME COOKIINO Lunches put up for travelers and picnic parties EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE aiVEJ US A CALL PORTLAND OREGON M. S. COPELAND Millinery and Suit House Fine and Medium Millinery and Suits at Very Reasonable Prices We Aim to Build Up a Busi ness in Portland and Vicinity by Treating People Right and by Selling at Close Figures Come and Look at Least, Whether You Buy or Not J J J J 382 Washington St PORTLAND OR O SPICES, 0 COFFEE,TEA4 BAKING POWDER, FLAVORING EXTRACTS AMitfefNrty. flrvesrFlivor. 3rcUrt$rrjyh,fcasoiN Prices. CL0SSET6DEVERS PORTLAND, OftEGON. Livingston advertising. JJ-UKLLER-a HOMK BAKERT White and Other Breads, Pics, Cakes, etc. Also a nice line of conleotlonery. Bread shipped to all points In th stata. ..lTlngiton, Montana. NE OK THE BEST BALOONi W """ 8TON. WM. GRAB0W. Fine brands of all kinds of liquors. U'kl...l. rinalar In Jo. HrhlltS Brewing OO'S Milwaukee Lager Beer. Lirlngston, Montana UNION MEAT MARKET, A. O.HASELEIJ, Prop. CHOICEST FRESH AND IT MEATS Game and Fish In Season. Livingston, ----- Montana. Employment Agency MALD AND P13MALG. Csn furnlah employment to all classM of labor. Terms reasonable. Real Estate, Loans and Collections. C, 0. KR0HNE, Agent. Office Opposite I'oitofflce, Livingston, Montana, F. B. TOLHURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. F.M.ATKIN, PHOTOGRAPHER. Park views furnished for Tourists during season. Kodkk Work, Developing, Printing aat Mounting. Livingston, Montana. COLD STORAGE MARKET WM. HRUZA. PROPRIETOR Wholesale and Itetail Dealer in ALL KINDS OF MEATS Prlrst Car Supply a Specialty. Loner Main Btrsst. UIVINQSTOM, MONTANA. LOME & INDEn, DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Groceries Fine Teas, Coffees and Spices. Complete line of Canned Goods, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Postofflce Block, Corner Calender and Second Streets. Thone J8-B Livingston, Montana Bozeman advertising. DOUARTA YATES, Dealer la Fresh antl Salt Meate And Poultry. Manufacturers ot isuiage and lard. Fish and game tn seuon. Boieman Ueataaa Statement of the Condition of th COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BAKU, of Bozeman, Montana, At the Close of Business, Sept. 15, ipoa (No. 9C3.) CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00. Surplus aMd Profits, $83,941,96, OFFICERB JOSEPn KOUNTZ, Preidcnt. K. BROOX MARTIN, Vice Pres. GEORGE CfJx. Cuhler. L. REESE WELLS, "u t. Caihl BOH ART YATES, Dealer In FRESH AND SILT MEATS nd Poultry Manufacturers of sausage and lard. Fish and game In season. Bozeman, Montana, J. A. JOHNSTON, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES Main st. West, Bozeman, Mo.1. JEWELERS Diamonds W.t.. T W8wfe?Vh7, . In