The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, December 27, 1902, Image 1

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NO. 39.
""iWSVPyTO" ' v VlKW
Designated Depositary and Vlnanolal Agent of tha United States.
raatdeat.B.W.Cotbtni eeshler. B.O. Wlthlngtoni assistant cashier, J. W.Nswkliki second
assistant eubler, W. C. Alrord.
Letter el eredlt Issued. atallaMe In Xnropa and tha Eastern states. Bight oxchsare and
4taapnlo traniUri told on New York, Boiton, Chicago. Omaha, at. Paul, Ban FtmoImo and
tfciprlMlMl points lu tha Northwest. Sight and ttma hills draws In sums te suit London,
rath. Berlin, mnklort-on-tha-Malu, Hong Kong.
Collections made on favorable terms at aU aooeeslble point. ,
established In lSBt.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Collection! mada at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit issued
tradable in Europe and the Eastern states.
Bight exchange and Telearaphle Transfers told on New York, Washington,
CfeJcero. St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, Ban Franclico and varloui points in Ore
goi, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia.
Kxohange told on London, Farii, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong.
Founded" 1884. Oldest and Largest Bank in Southwest Washington
orFIOKnRi B. r. OLDEN, President: M. ALEXANDER, Vlea Presidents n. N. COf.
FIN, CMhltrt J.M. IUINKS, Assistant Caihlsr.
SlKKUTOItm liobt. Noble, Thou. Uavli. II. F. Oldtn, J. M. Italnct, J. X. Yatu, J, D.
Morrow, T. Regan, M. Alexander, F. K. CoRln,
Am ml avtJra Flrmm, Omrtmrmtlonm anaf fafrefara Itmmmtrmtl wi
' f Ae Mm Llmmral Tarmm Vmnmlmtmttt With Maund Mmmklna.
:ack & schmitz, rnin mimltc Aim imwcctmcmtc
Walla Walla, Washington. (First National Bank Id the 8tate.)
Transacts a General. Banking Business.
CAPITAL 1100,000, BURPLUB 1100,009,
CKVI ANKENY. President. A. H. REYNOLDS. Viae President. A. R. BURrORD, Cashier
Pendleton. Oregon.
Capltal,-70,000.00. Barplus and Undivided Profile, $60,000.00.
RESERVE AOKN.T8 First National Bank, Chicago. III.; First Xatteaal
Sank, Portland, Oregon; Chesalcal National Bank, New York, X. T.
OFFlOKtfB AND DIRECTORS Levi Ankeny, Preeident; W. W. Matloek,
Tice President: O. B. Wade, Cashier; H. O. Gnerensy, Assistant Cashier; J. S.
feLeod,;W S. Byars, W. F. Matlock, H. F. Johnson.
Organized March I, 1880. Capital, 850,000. Surplus, 956,000.
Interest allowed on time deposits. Exchange bought and sold en all prin
cipal points. Special attention given to collections.
W. J. Furnish, President; J. N. Teal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris, Cashier.
Five Reasons for It
4 Count 'Em. 1. No charge for testing.
2. Thorough examinations with modern scientific instruments.
3. Courteous treatment, We don't hurry patients.
4. Our Glasses Improve the looks. '
sj Cowat 'Ban. 6. Very Reasonable prices.
ftemenber the Place. 290
Willamette Iron
Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers,
Marin and Stationary Engine) and Botlars.
Saw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery,
Roll Grinding and Corrugating Maohlnary,
Powar Transmission Machinery.
We 'are constantly developing; Modern Machinery for special purposes, wMek
or up-to-date plant enables us to build accurately and economically.
gar- oorrispondenoe solioitbd. -earn
, tg,"V$BfS& Anchor
net CoahUattoa el suanita aa4 Beaaty.
Tna Tra Txat Baess.M
See Our Anchor Clamp
Tea weald ae surprised It 70a knew
new little It would cost yon to Sx up
that old fence. Better send for some
Anchor Claasae and Uprlsjhts, and a
yalr e eur pinchers, and make jroar old
wire fence look like a saw one.
ANCBOB riNCX looks so nice and
la so strong that tarinsre aoatstlaiae
think that U Bust be his a priced. It
tsa'l, thoosh.
Cam Cattle, Sheep a4
VsMe Uf Met aad Cam! etas.
Aaeate Wasted la
JAEQER BROS., Jewelers and Opticians.
Morrison St., bet. Fourth and Fifth
and Steel Works.
Clamps and Uprights
Tan Old fanes. Tax Axcxoa raven,
He TtgM. it Km. furs after slestaa
The Portland Anchor Fence Ce.j
rvaanaai era., man sssrw,
Number of Dead In Russian Earthquake
Disaster Now Reported 5,000.
Aebkaba, Ruesian Turkestan, Doc.
20. Evon tbo worst of tbo earlier ro
ports of tho recent onrthquako disaster
at Andijan quite underestimate the ap
palling losa of lifo. A telegram today
from tho econo of tbo catastrophe put
tho number of victims in tho native
quarter of tho town at 4,000. Already
800 corpses have bcon disinterred from
tho ruins. Tho work of excavation pro
gresses slowly.
Tho Btate treasury, containing n
000,000 roubles, is in the ruins, and
excavations to got the monoy aro car
riod on under tho supervision of a
strong cordon of police. Tho water in
tho wolls has disappeared, and a gene
ral subsidence of tho site of tho town is
feared. Large numbers of laborers aro
being sent to excavate. Sappers havo
arrived and aro expected to make mora
rapid progroes. Tho shocks continuo
with increasing violonco. Tho area of
eelsmio disturbance' comprises 200
squaro vorsts. The Russian population
is camping at tho railroad station,
whore GOO cars aro placod at the dis
posal of tbo population. Tho local
government officials are quartered in
cars, tiheds for tho destituto are being
built as rapidly ns possible Free Eoup
kitchons hbvo boon started and ofllclals
aro aiding tho departure of tho inhab
itants by distributing food, monoy and
free railroad tlckots.
End Came Peacefully to Aged Prelate of
English Church.
London, Deo. 20.- Tho Most Row
Fredorlck Temple, archbishop jf Can
terbury, and prlmato of all England,
who has been ill for wmo timo past, is
dead. Tho archbishop passed away
quito peacefully at 8:16 o'clock in tho
presence of his wifo and two sons. His
death had been anticipated for somo.
days, and only the archbishop's re
markable vitality enabled him to coun
teract his extremo weakness. Tho final
collapso occurred about 0 o'clock, and
ho was unconscious toward tho end.
Tho prlmato died of old ago. The
scono in Westminster Abboy, at the
coronation of King Edward, was one of
tho earlier indications of his falling
strength. Then came the collapse in
tho houso of lords at the conclusion ofji
vigorous speech in support of tho edu
cation bill. Ho had not left his bod
since. Ho will bo buriod at Cantor
bury. Tho' bishop of Winchester is
considered likely to be his successor.
The funoral of tho archbishop will
take place Saturday at noon, in the
Canterbury cathodral.
Mr. White, tho United States chargo
d'affaires, was among tho callors at tho
urchbishop's palaco today.
Soldier Spent Nine Years' Savings In 20
Days, Then Committed Suicide.
Chicago, Dec. 20. First Sergeant
William H. Russell, of the Twentieth
United States Infantry, has committed
euicldo by shooting himself in tho head.
Russoll roceived his discharge Decem
ber 2, together with over $700 in back
pay and allowances. He ro-enlisted
the next day and was granted a three
months' furlough. Hu started to spend
bis furlough and' his money by buying
a barrel of beer for his old company.
Since that time, 20 days ago, he has
spent his entlro ssvlngs. The body is
now at Fort Shoridan, awaiting instruc
tions from his relatives, who live in
North Carolina.
Russell was 33 years old and unmar
ried. He enlisted nine years ago
from Kansas, served against the Indi
ans, in Cuba and in the Philippines.
He was a well known marksman and
had a good army record.
Froze to Death In Wyoming.
Cheyenne, Wyo., Dea. 20. John
Donovan, a pioneer resident, veteran of
tho Civil war and Indian tighter during
the early days in Wyoming, is dead at
his home in this city. He had been
ill for some time with paralysis, and
his wife being away at the time, he
made an effort to attract tho attention
of the neighbors by throwing a pail
through the window. He was unable
to get back to bed and froze to death
on the floor,
Plague Epidemic In Manila.
San Francisco, Dec. 28. The trans
port Thomas brings news of a fresh
outbreak of cholera in Manila. When
the Thomas left there 30 cases of chol
era were being reported daily. Army
surgeons arriving on the Thomas say
the disease is raging unchecked in the
southern provinces. In Ilo Ilo the
death rate is very heavy and the au
thorities seem powerless to check the
Crown Princess Ran Away.
Dresden. Saxony. Dec. 26, The
crown prinobss of Saxony fled from her
home on the night of liecember 11 or
12. amttrdine to the Dresden Journal.
She is said to have suddenly, in a state
of Intense excitement, deserted her
family at Salesborg and to have gone
abroad. The Saxon court functions for
the winter have been canceled, includ
ing the New Year's reception,
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happenings of the Past Week,
Presented In Condensed Form, .Most
Likely to Prove Interesting to Our
Many Readers.
Many disastrous and fatal railroad
Negro Murderer hanged by a mob
in Kansas,
Delegato from tho Philippines ex
plains their nocdB.
British sea captain murdorcd by na
tives of New Hebrides.
Gcorgo Carter shootd his wifo and
then kills himself at Eugono.
Flro destroys city hall and city re
cords of Marlborough, MUbs.
Jealous lover lies in wait nnd shoots
young woman near Baker City.
President Roosovelt advises Castro
to appeal to Tho Hnguo tribunal.
Pretender to throno of Morocco
wishes to mako wnr on Christians.
Great tncrcaso in trade with tho
Island possessions of tho United
Christmas 1b generously obsorvod
cmong tho Inmates of tho Btnto insti
tutions at Salem.
Tho popo takes steps to arrango
legal Boparatlon of Crown Prlnco nnd
Princess of Saxony.
Young hnlfbrcod, 'supposed to bo Im
plicated in tho Almtra tragedy, Is
killed at Keller, Wash.
The. President spent Christmas with
his family at tho Whlto Houso Instead
of at his old homo at Oyster Day.
Cab drivers of St. Louis aro all on
a strike for an lncrenso of wages.
Out of 670 drivers in tho city, 390 aro
out. .They will drive indopendent
carriages until the ywln their de
mands. Bubonic plague has broken out on the
Pacific coast of Mexico.
Ex-United States Senator Dwight M.
Sabln., of Minnesota, is dead.
The food supply has begun to grow
short .la Caracas, in consoquenoo ' of tbt
Tho federal supremo court has decid
ed that death on tho gallows invali
dates insurance policios.
Senator Uacon doclaros that the
United States will havo to fight to up
hold tho Monroo doctrino.
Trains throughout tho Mlddlo West
are dolaycd from 10 to 12 hours on ac
count of Hovero snow storms.
Fire In tho piano factory of Ernest
Cablor llros., Now York, destroyed half
a million dollars worth of property.
A train wreck on the Monon road in
Indiana resulted in tho death of two
men and tho serious injury of two
For the last five months the Internal
rovenue receipts have shown a decrease
of $20,003,470, as compared with the
corresponding period in 1001.
Eight-hour bill reported favorably
to tho Sonato,
Ten persons killed In wreck on the
Southern Pacific.
German Socialists preparing for
bitter election fight.
JeffrloB falls to knock out Dutte
miner in four rounds.
Portland labor leaders plan to form
a Coast organization.
Humports, tho great French swln
dlor, captured in Madrid,
Funeral services of Mrs. Grant at
Washington and Now York.
Senator Morgan warns Congress
that both Isthmian canal routes may
bejost. j " 1
Dill to opon the south half of tho
Colvfllo reservation introduced In
Blizzard In Rocky Mountain and
prairie states blockades railroads and
kills livestock,
Washington Lewis and Clark Com
mission recommends a state appro
priation of $100,000.
Holiday trade the most active on
Kaiser Wllhelm welcomes Ambas
sador Tower.
Anarchist kills sister anarchist wbo
rejected his love.
General Increase in railroad rates
to bo made at New York.
Terrlblo blizzard blocks railroads
In Wyoming and Colorado.
The House passed the pure-food
bill with llttlo opposition.
Houso committee reports favorably
on Department of Commerce bill.
Woodmen of the World bold suc
cessful "log-rolling" at Dallas.
New light station at Desdemona
Sands soon to be inaugurated.
Governor of Michigan forbids Cor-bett-McGovern
fight In Detroit.
Hunter tells how he killed Fltz
rerald. but hi victim's father says
It la false.
President and Foreign Ministers Observe
the Day With Festivities.
Washington, Dec. 26. Snow, which
began falling late laBt night, gavo
Washington a genuine Christmas ap
pearance. Public and prlvnto busi
ness woo practlcnlly entirely suspend
ed. Interest contorod In tho happen
ings at the Whlto House. Early in tho
morning tho Prcsldnnt, nnd all tho
members of his family repaired to tho
library, whero presents wero exchang
ed and many boxes and packnges
which had como from' out of town
opened. There wero a largo number
of callors, and mnny glftB In tho shapo
of handsomo floral ploccs wero re
ceived. Soon after breakfast, tho President,
Tncodoro, Jr.. and Lieutenant Fergu
son, of tho Rough Riders, who Is n
Whlto House guest, took n long horse
back rldo, returning In tlmo to Join
tho rest of tho family at luncheon
with Commander nnd Mrs. Cowlos.
At tho homes of tho Cabinet officers
tho day was quietly observed, whllo
nmong tho Embassies nnd Legations
clnbornto preparations hnd boon mndo
for celebrating. Official dinner par
ties wero given by tho British nnd
Russlnn Ambassadors. Tho Argen
tine Minister nnd wife gavo n chil
dren's party nt tho Legation, whllo
tho Minister of Peru nnd his wifo en
tertained n numbor of Poruvlnn stu
dents in tho various schools and col
leges of tho United States.
Tho President nnd Mrn. Roosevelt
entertained n numbor of friends nt
dlnnor. Tho tnblo wns set In tho new
ly furnished state dining-room. Tho
KuestB Included Sonutor and Mrs.
Lodgo, John Lorigo, Captain nnd Mrs.
Cowlos. John Elliott, of Now York:
Mrs. Charles H. Dnvls. Miss Davis,
tho Messrs. Davis and Robert Fergu
son. At tho Mexican Embassy thp feast
day was celebrated by a suppor to
King Edward Playa Lord Bountiful and
The London Poor Have a Feast.
London, Doc. 26. King Edward and
Queen Alexandra spent tho day at
Snndrlngham, this being tho first
Chrlstmas'tholr mnjostlos havo spent
nt their favorite rcsldonco slnco their
accession. Tho royal family, Includ
ing tho Prlnco of Wales. PrlncesB Vic
toria, tho Duchess of Fife and Prlnco
and Princess Charles of Donmnrk, at
tended an early servlco nt Snndrlng
ham church, which wnB beautifully
decorated." Tho King afterwards per
sonally dlroctod tho annual distribu
tion of tho beef nnd gamo to tho em
ployes and tenants on tho Sandring
ham estate.
London nnd tho south of England
gcnornlly enjoyed an unusually cold
day. In splto of tho low tompornturo,
thoro was tho usunl gathering In Bat-
tersoa Park, whoro 20 mon who tnlio
their opnn-nlr early morning dip all
tho year round had tholr Christmas
cwlm In tho lako. Silver inodals woro
presented to sovornl among tho bnth
ers who had not missed a alnglo dny
during tho provlous year. Tho pro
vnlllng distress among tho unemploy
ed brought forth an unusual number
of churltablo dinners In all sections
of London, especially In tho East End.
A sovoro galo swept tho north coast
of Groat Britain and caused consider
nblo damago to shipping and water
front property on tho Clydo and tho
President Too Busy to Play Santa Claus
at Oyster Bay,
Now York, Doc. 26. For tho second
tlmo In 15 years, says a Pross dis
patch from Oystor Bay. President
Roosovolt did not act as Kris Kringlo
In person at tho Covo school, whoro
his children wero taught prior to Ills
olovatlon to tho head of tho Nation.
Last year tho President could not
spare the tlmo to como horo, and this
year ovents havo boon pressing too
fast about him to admit of his coming.
Somo dnya ago Mr. Roosovolt ont
n llttlo slip of paper bearing his au
tograph, which enabled tho principal
to deal moro liberally with her charg
es than sho had beon nblo to do bo
fore. The sleds, gamed and dolls
wero moro costly than usual and tho
candles in grontcr quantity. There
woro two treo Instead of ono, nnd
Miss Provost, tho principal, read a
lotter from President Roosovolt toll
ing tho boys and girls how sorry ho
was that ho could not ho with thorn.
A telegram was sont to tho Presi
dent tolling him how much tho chil
dren appreciated his gifts and wish
ing him many moro years In his pres
ent position.
Death of Col. Lock wood.
New York, Dec. 27. Colonel Henry
Clay Lockwood Is dead, In Bellovue
Hospital, of a short illnoss, Ho was
63 years old. Colonel Lockwood was
educated for tho bar, and enlisted In
1802 In tho Union Army. Ho was bre
veted Major for gallantry at tho
storming of Fort FlBhor.
Ho was tho author of "Tho Aboli
tion of tho Presidency," In which ho
advocated a plural oxecutlvo, to bo
known as tho Executlvo Council,
which should bo chosen In Joint ses
sion by tho two houses of Congress,
and several other works.
Frost Stopped a Warm Heart.
Duluth, Minn.. 26. Georgo Plydoll,
aged G5, with his arms full of Christ
mas presents for friends and rela
tives, fell from cxhautlon when with
in flvo feet of his homo, and froze to
death last night. Plydoll lived all
alone In a little house near the har
bor front, where be conducted a con
fectionery and cigar store.
New Church at Brownsville A Chrlstmaar
Pardon from Oovernor deer Prosper
ous Hop Raisers of Yamhill County
0 rent Prune Industry at Dallas The
Roscburg Poultry Show.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elliott, ot
Dallae, celebrated their golden wed
ding anniversary December 23.
Governor Goer has granted a foil
pardon to Georgo Morey, who waa
sorving a lifo centnco for killing Gun
liorry in Portland in 1803.
A night pumpman at tho White
Swan mino, at llakor City, Is deed
from falling into an old shaft contain
ing boiling hot water from tho exhaust
of the engine
Tho Southern Paclflo has been peti
tioned by the interested residents in the
neighborhood to mako some importaaht
changes in its train eorvlce on tha
Yamhill division.
Tho agont of the Oregon raft com
pany roports good progress in obtaining
tho right of way for tho proposed log
ging railway up Milton crook, and sur
veyors will bo plucod In tho field at
once to take lovels.
Tho no Methodist church ' ai
Brownsvlllo was dedicated last Sunday
morning. After tho ceremony wae
completed tho sum of $1,200 wae
pledged by the people to pay off the re
maluing indebtedness.
J. H. Olds and son, pioneer hop
raises oi Yamhill county, have leased
20 acres near Lafayette and aro setting
it out to hops. They contracted their
hops tliis year at 13 cents, but they
won't contract next yoar's crop.
The poultry show at Roseburg hae
closed, and was a great success in every
way. As a novel testimony as to the
climate of Orogon, the judge ot tha
show was furnished with a dish of
fiesh-plcked raspberrios every morning.
Frank Wallace, a Grant county sheep
man, was recently arrested on a charge
of stealing 28 valuable bucks, bnt wae
subsequently acquitted, He now
brings suit for $10,000 damages against
his accusers, ono of whom is couuty
stock inspector.
The pruno Industry around Dallas
is bolng enlarged this Beuson, as evi
denced by tho largo sales of nursery
stock being made. J. 11. Nunn, agent
for a Portland nursery, roports having
sold to dato ovor 10,000 pruno treea
this fall in tho lniinoulato vicinity ot
Dallus, with largo orders on hand un
filled. This locality last season had
very near a full crop of Italians, which
it is claimed cannot bo said of any
other locality in the world. The fruit
was par oxcollont, and 60 per cent ot
the crop was shippod diroct to London,
10 carloads leaving Dallas in a single
Prof. G. L. McKay, head of the
dairy department of tho Stato Agri
cultural Collego of Iowa, says:
"Thero Is no question In my mind
but that uulry products and bacon
pork can bo produced cheaper In
Oregon than In any othor country in
tho world." Prof. McKay has visited
Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Ger
many, and Eongnnd, and his Investi
gations on this subject mako him an
authority unsurpassed.
Wheat Walla Walla, 70o; bias. ,
stem 78o; valley, 76c.
Barley Feed, $23,60 per ton; brew
ing, $24.00.
Floor-Best grade, 8.00(94.40; grah
am, $3.203.G0.
Millstuffs Bran, $10.00 per ton;
middlings, $23.60; shorts, $10,60;
chop, $18.
Oats No. 1 white, $1. 15(51. 17tf;
gray, $1.12X1.16 per cental.
Hay Timothy, $11912; clover,
$0.00; cheat, $8D per ton.
Potatoes Best Burbanks, 609700
per sack; ordinary, 6QU0o per cental, ,:i
growers' pricee; Merced aweeta, $l.76g)
$2 per cental.
Poultry- Chickens, mixed, 0o;'
young, P10u; hens, 0c; turkeys,
live. 17a 180! dressed. L'OO'iUW-
ducks, $77.5U per dozen; geese, $
8,60. m
Cheese Fnll cream, twins, 10 Ha)
17Xc; Yonng America, 17Kai8Xi
factory prices, ldlu lees.
Butter Fancy creamery, 27)e80e
per pound; extras, 30c; dairy, SB
22Kc; store, 1618.
Eggs 26086o per doses,
Hope New crop, 23926c per pound.
Wool Valler. 12916o: Eamfern
Oregon, 814c; mohair, 26928c.
Beef Gross, cows, 898Xe par
pound; steers, 4c j dressed, 607c.
Mutton Gross. 80 net twaadt
dressed, 60,
Lenbe Gross. SKe net aeaaslt
dreesed, 6Ke.
Hogs Greet, flXeeXeper eaa,
dreaaad. 797 e.
'iJtLL tfeo.