n . THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON TACOMA ADVERTISING! TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. .-v I TACOMA ADVERTISING Hopkins Bros, DRuaaisTs. Prescriptions are our specialty. Orders by telephone) promptly delivered. Cars to all tmrtdnf Ihoclty pass otirdoora. 8, V, cor. JC and '. r lit)) Hln. Telephone Main 351. THE LOUVRE. WII.MAM BIllUHO, l'rop. Tlrfit lirninln nf Imported mid domestic Wines, r,liijorK mid Clcnrit Hula (limits for I'arker lljc I ino l'rte l.unch. leluphone James 2131. MM 1'ntine Au'tiuo. Jjo'j Commerce Htreet. Tacoma, Washington. THE NORTH POLE. IIJ NVMAN, 1'roprlotor. Vine Mines, Mijiiom mid G'lirnrs l'rcsh I.ngcr liter nhvnjs on draught. Telephone? llliick 1072 I'lrst Balonn from N. X' Utjxjt lhiu I'actlic Avenue, cor. 17tu Htreet, lacoma, Washington. A. S. JOHNSON & CO. Uholi'pnle mid retail dealers In Paints, Oils, Brushes, Glass, Wall Paper1 Wo carry n full lino of Hnom Moulding, Doom, Windows, l.tc llstlmnlrs given on I'npirltig mid (ilarlug. lei. John '."Oil. mo I'ailllc Avenue. TACOMA, WASH. People's Cash Grocery H A SUA ItH, 1'roprlotor. NliolcMilo and retail dealer In Staple mid I'miuy Grotorles, Tens, Cef feoH, SplucH, Etc. Trlrpliono Main 101 Wt I. Hlnut, tor, Mulh. Tacoma, Wash, When You Want Anything Good ...TO EAT... Try I lie grnrer tit corner Ekvonth nnd O Hu rntronlzu I Iuihu that ratroulzo Us. J. LINUUURO. Ttl Mnln3.1l 1101 0 Street. Opp Court llouno. Tacoma, Wash J. KAUFMAN. Dialer In FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES, CROCKERY, ETC. Term Ueiuunalilc. 033 C Htrcet, Tacoma, Wash. SUNRISE BAKERY. D Mcl'lllIltSON, 1'roprlotor. All kinds of Bread, Pics, Cakes, Etc. Wedding: and Birthday Cakes A Specialty. Tr.i.r.riioNi; hi:d vm. 1107 South K St. TACOMA, WASH. C. O. MELUNGER. Funoral Dlrooior. Kmlmlnilng n Specialty ly Mel , t llngt-r Bios. Ofllco I'hinio Main 231. Itciddvncu I'houo John 2311. 010 Tacoma Avo. 'lacoma, Wash Olell lion. Harry II Hchlg LIEN'S PHARMACY. l'urmorly Central Drugstore Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles Prescriptions a Specialty. 1102 Tacoinn Ateuuo. Tvlopliouo James 111. Tacoma, Wash. Tacoma Baking Co. Wholesale Manufacturers o( BREAD, CAKES, ETC. 1)13 Tneoma Avenue, Tacoma - - Washington TKI.KI'IIONK 43. TACOMA CARRIAGE and BAGGAGE TRANSFER COMPANY. Ofllco 102 Tenth fit,, Houtlieasi comer of A. TACOMA, WASH. Micks, Coupes, Carriages, Baggage Wagons At All Hours. lAiHUMigcra and llaggagp transferred Irom tvttdtmrsand hotels to and liom all IhisIs and (rains. Hand your I'livcls for hniigitiio to our ineMi'iiRors, who lll meet ouou all lin-om-Sue trains and boats. Klrt clam Mrr. Open llltlulil. All rigs l '! "T. O. .V. II, T. Co." Do You Wear Shoes? It to Fisher, The Shoe Man would Ilk to you. A inorougnir up iu uaie iuro orrjiug all I ha UKI.IAni.h tuakis of shots (or lueu, women and children. VUH MKN-KdwlnClappaho; Tha I'ackara sum; The J, . Turuer shoe, KOH UVDIK3 Ta "Queen quality ttuM Tb Kulturastux. Fisher, The Shoe Man. M laiao Ayb-, stora at KrewU, Taooata, Waa, ' I 1 Ml - II II JUST Ui:CKlVED A flno lino of no cities in fall Buttings. C. C. T. CLAUS. UNION GROCERY CO. Dcalcri In Staple and Fancy Groceries, Etc. I'honc, Main 267 Cor. 13 and Tacoma Ave. TACOMA, WABH. QAYIIK DltUQ CO. The most reliable place to buy drugn and patmt mullclnm, etc. 1 hi sterols noted for It cnrnfulncss In filling prescription and for fair t rlcei. HOG i'aclflc Avcnuo Tacoma, Wash. i hi:iuki:n hti:am laundiiy J.M. I.upton, Mgr. Kqulpped with new tin-to-dato machinery. No rough or eaw-cdgoruirnand collars. Hlgd gluimorilomcstlo finish. Work first-class anh Rtire to please. Telcphono SSI. Comer Humo and It 81s., Opp. firemen's Hall. rpiiu PAcino i.iquoh and wink house. N. KKUTKIt, l'roprlctor. Tho best of Mines, Liquor and Cigars. i auiny iraue a epeciimy, Tel. Hcd 1731. m I'acino Ave. 1C03 Commerce Ht. Tacoma, Washington rpm: JUNCTION. M. CHRISTIAN, Trop. Kino Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Telephone IJlack 1673. Cor. Tactile Avenue ana Jcllcrson St., TACOMA, WASHINGTON T OCAIj BOUVKNIItS AND J J UNMOUNTKD I'HOTOS. HOLT'S ART STOItE. Frames Made to Order. I'lctures of All Kinds. Nlatlonery and Art (loods. Tel. lllack 277,1. No, 703 O Street, near Chamber of Commerce. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. MICHAEL BROS. " DRuaaisTs. JclTerson and l'aclllo Avenues , TACOMA, WASHINGTON, W. W. Wing. 0. 11. Wing, Jr. KASTEItN LAUNDRY. WINO Illt03.,l'rops. Wo I.atuulur Anything. 7UraclfleAvo. Tel. Main 208. Tacoma, Wash. D KNABKL, lv ' Proprietor of 1IIK OEIIMAN IIAKKIIY AND COFFKR 1'AItl.OltH. Fresh llrsad and Cakes dally. Ornamental Cakes a specialty. Only the best and purest maletlal imeil In our llakcr. llrcad delivered (no in any part of tho city. Telephone I'ark 791. 1117 l'aelllo Arenue, Tacoma, Washington. jotiisoiiild & co. I'ort Tovrnsend, Washington. HlliriMNO AND COMMIHH1QN MKUCHANT8. Cuslom House llrokvrs and Htevedoros. Established 1S. Iltanch olllccs lacoma and hcattlo. KENTUCKY LIQUOR CO. Tetcr Haudberg, l'roprlctor. WINKS, I.IQUOUS AND CIOAR8. Pole a co nt for (lulnrss Slnut and Dais' Ale. (Head llros. Ilnltllug). Kutahllslicd IRHI. Tele phone Main ('.). I14U I'rtfllln Avouuoi 1139 lommerieHt. lacoma, Nashlngtou. OLLARD IRON WORKS. Foundry, Machine and Forge Shops. Heavy Iron Work. Iron and Brass Castings. Northern l'ndflc Docks nnil at Bnlloy St. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. We have everything you need in the Drug and Patent Medicine Line. YIRQES & CO., Druggists. 1 14a Pacific Avo. DAVE O ROSS Dave Gross Co. Cloaks at Wholesale 920 Pmotlhi Avm. TAOOMA MNf NEW YOMt Parsian Dye Works E. J. OLOTIIEU, Prop. We Clem, Press, Dye or Repair Clothing Telephone, Bed 875. It O . llllls Whewt Why do you have your olHco ns hot ns nn orcn? Willis It's thoro I mnko iny dally broad. Town nnd Country. Grandma So thnt Ii j'our nnrrot. ray dear! Ethol Yes. crnndnin: but nntui says we'd better Bell lilin now that you've como to live with us. "Why, linrold, I'm surprised I Yon should wait until tho blessing Is nsk cd." "I did ask mine." "You did?" "Yes: and God snld 'Go ahead!"' Life. Class In history: Teacher Jamie, can you tell mo why Lincoln Is called tho martyr President? Jnmlc 'Cnuse ho has to stand for nil tho Lincoln sto ries. Ex. "So you nro going to get an automo bile?" "Yes;" ansWered the mnn who Is nhvnys thinking of his health; "tho doctor sayB I must walk more." Washington Star. Mrs. Fortyodd A man ls,ns old ns ho feels, but a womnn Is ns old as sho looks. Mr. Oldbeau Really, mndnm, that doesn't apply to your case, I'm sure. Chicago Dally News. Tho Drowning clubs of Iloston: "Do you still rend Drowning In Boston?" "Oh, denK no. Wo all learned him by heart long ago. Wo merely dis cuss hlui now." Chicago Itecoid-Her-aid. Dorothy Say, auntie, Is religion something to wenr? Aunt Julia My dear, why do you ask such foolish questions? Dorothy 'Cause papa said you used your religion for n clonk. Judge. Euddy Thoro Is ono thine about Flanders that L like. Ho never has anything to say about his aches nnd pains. Daddy No; but ho's nil tho time bragging about his splendid health. Iloston Transcript. MIbb Ascum Wasn't thnt Sir. Honda I saw you walking with Inst evening? Miss Coy Yes. Miss Ascum He's n lauded freeholder of tho county, Isn't Im? Miss Coy (blushing) Well-cr-ho Isn't qulto landed yet. Philadelphia Press. Sho waH n teacher In jono of the lower classes, and sho was trying to remind tho young scholar of tho letter r. "Now, Tommy, what comes nt tho end of dinner?' "Oh, yes, plug-pong!" shouted Tommy, Joyfully. Youkera. Stntcsman. Tourist Do theso racing nutotno biles give you farmers much trouble? Native No end uv It! It's got so now that when wo sco n dark, funeral shaped cloud approaching wo don't know whether to run fcr n gun or a cyclono cellar! Puck. Forgot himself: Mrs. Honpeck Wo hev blnluurrled twenty years to-day, Hlrnm. Illrnin (with n sigh) Yes; for twenty years 'We've fought Mrs. Honpeck (scowling) What? You old wretch! Hiram (quickly) Life's bat tles together, Mlrandy.-Judge. No cnll for leisure: "What, you hack to work, Peto? When' I saw you fall off tho building yesterday I never ex pected to see you work ngnln." "I fought dnt, too, boss. Hut mnh wlfo douo let mnh accident nssurnucc ox plait Inst week." Indianapolis News. First Comedlnn Did you score n hit with your now speclnltyV Second Comedlnn Did I? Why tho audience gnzed In open-mouthed wonder before I wns half through. First Comedlnn Wonderful! It Is seldom that nn en tiro nudlenco yawns nt once. Chlcngo Dally Nowh. "Are you tho defendant?" asked n mnn lu tho court room, speaking to nn old negro. "No, boss," wns thu reply. "I ain't dono nothing to bo called names llko that. I'so got n lawyer hero who does tho dpfonslng." "Then who are you?" "I'so tho gentleman what stolo tho chickens." "Education," suld tho Impassioned orator, "begins nt home." That's where you're oft," snld tho calm spec tator; "It begins In tho kindergarten, Is continued In tho bonrdlng-sehool, foot-ball Held, Paris, Loudon, nnd Wall street, and ends lu cither Sing Sing or Nuwport."-Llfo. Cholly (proudly) Ily Jove! I'm quite n professor of swimming, don't you know. I taught Mabel Gnley how to swim In two lessons. Jack Gad! That whs a quick throw-down. Cholly (In dignantly) What do you menu? Jack Why, she lot mo glvo her ten lessons bofore sho learned. Ilrooklyn Life. "The now railroad has been a great blessing to us," says n rural exchange; "lu less than six weeks wo got enough damages out of It to build a town hall aud grade tho cemetery. A few more enterprises of this kind, aud our town will rise to heights undreamed of lu tho history of uow settlements!" At lanta Constitution. Easily Explained: Nurse (of Insane asylum) I can't make out what alls that new patient. Sho keeps scream ing, "Mondays lu January, tlrst and third Thursdays, Sunday afternoons, seooud and fourth Wednesdays, Tues day evenings In February," and things like that. House Doctor That's easy. She's a society woman trying to keep track of her friends' reception days, Judge. Scleuce: "Wasn't it a terrifying ex perience," asked his f rleud, "when you lost your foothold and went sliding dowu the mouutaln side?" "It was ex citing but extremely Interesting," said the college professor; "I could uot help noticing all the way down with what absolute accuracy I was following along the line ot least resistance." Chicago Tribune. TACOMA ADVERTISING GAWLEY FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS Makers of High Grade Saw Mill Machin ery and Mill Specialties. Cor. 2lst and A St. TACOMA, WASH. Phono, Red 1041. Consumers Go-Operative Bakery JOHN PLUIIAlt, Mnnogor. Cakes, Pies and Gonfeotionery Ornamented Cakes a Specialty BREAD AT COST Two Loaves of Bread for 5 Gents Telcphono, ll'ack 1815. UOS Tacoma Ava. TAOOMA. THE STAR Livery & Boarding Stable A. EFAW. Boarding Horses a Specialty. Phono, Main 130. 1134-30-38 O St. TAOOMA, WASH.- CEM CEREAL COMPANY MANurAcrunxM or Rolled Oats. ' Daijy Bread Flour. Cereals of All Kinds. Feed. - THE BEE HIVE Lunch Counter and Restaurant O. WISSINOCR A M. C. RUSSELL, Props. Tho only first-class nnd up-to-date Rotduurnnt now open nnd doing busi ness at 1544 Pacific Avenue. . Our coflbo is unexcelled. SIdo dishes sorved such isacnoJ in no other Rca tuurnntJu this city. Open All INIght POPULAR PRICES. SEATTLE ADVERTISING VTOinitWEBTKIlN 1UON WOKK8. Manufacturer! ot Steamboat, Mill nnd Mining Machinery. Water Front, Foot ot University St. Telephone I'IKK 73. Seattle, Wash. Schwabaoher Bros. 1 Co., In. WHOLESALE GROCERS COFFEE ROASTERS Agents (or tfcrnan Cortez, NVhito Knight and Fontella Cigars. l'roprletors of Happy Homo and Silver Shield Brand Canned Goods. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Wittier-Mo Machinery Gi. Manufacturers and Dealers In Saw Mill, Shingle Mill and Planing Mill Machinery. Engines, Boilers, Etc., Etc. Complete Mills Our Specialty. Cor. Jack ton St. and 8econd Ave. South, 8EATTLE, WASHINGTON. Bar' Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have RcataUkhed their butt- la PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street A full stock of Bar Fixture, Bil liard and Pool Table. Bowlta? Alleys and Supplies always oa hand. - r EASY PAYMENTS. J. Q. REDDICK, Manaar. HENRY LO?TGSTRETH, Pres. JOHN R. ARKLEY, Sec. and Trans. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOHA, WASHINGTON. Wrlto for copy of hnndsotno illustrated booklet on Tacoma, just issued. WILLIAM W. MILNEH. DEQE & MIL.INER. t Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters Solo Agents for Hart, Schnflhcr & Mnrx nnd Alfred Benjamin & Co.'b r Tnilor-Mado Suits, Raincoats nnd Overcoats. Finest Lino of Ilnber dnshory and Hats in Tacoma. Up-to-Dato Morclinndlso nt Popular . Prices. :::::::::::: 1108 Pacific Avenue. G. L. HOLMES FURNITURE COMPANY Patronize the House that has hut One Price, and that the Right Price. "Live and Let Live" is our motto, Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Crockery and Glassware, in fact, everything to furnish a simple cottage or a palace, either for cash or on installments. Nos. I IOI to 1105 Second Ave., - Seattle, Wash. Nos. 923 and 925 C Street, - Tacoma, Wash. Tacoma Brass and Machine Works J. BAMEORD, Proprietor. ...MACHINISTS... Agent and Bulldtn of the Flynn Shlnijle Machines and Meteor Gasoline Engines. DRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Telephone Main 477. Fifteenth and A Sts., Tacoma, Wash Frye Bruhn & Co. 1310 l'sclllc Arenue, Tacoma, Wash, t Wholesale and Retail Butchers Meats furnished for Railroads and Steamboat Lines. John Blebenbaum. M. O. Baker. Grand Central Hotel. BIEOENIIAUM A DAKKH, l'roprletors. . 1211 -12J3 Pacific Avenue. froo 'Bus To" and From All Trains and Boats. Rooms 50c, 75c, $1.00. Rates $1.00 a Day Up. American and European Plarl. TACOMA WASH. Merchants' Delivery Co. Forwarding Agents for Northern Pacific, Great Northern, Wells Fargo and American Express Compan ies! Swift & Co. Omaha Packing Co. American Paper Co. Etc Damage to and from Trains, Hotels, Etc. Telephone Main 168. 936 Commerce St. Tacoma, Wash. Photo Supply Co. Kodaks and Supplies. TACOMA. 903 Pacific Ave. McLean, McMillan 4. Co Wholesale and Uetail r GROCERS. Proprietors ot tlie Laurel brand of high grade groceries. TelephcMSM, Mala 517 and Main 500. 3 fUl-13 C Street , 913,Commarc Street TACOMA. -- - WASH. ItassssU' JAMES II. DEQX TACOMA, WASHINGTON BLAKE'S DAVE BLAKE, Prop. Finest Resort for Gentlemen on the Pacific Coast. 161 Washington Bt., 8KAT1I.K. 116 Fourth St, OfVMPIA. 10tB fjtelffo Awm.TA OOmvi. . TUB Puget Sound Iron S Steel Works Machinists, Engineers and Iron Founders Marine, Saw Mill & Mining Mncliln-. ery. Loiniing Engines. Works, corner T onty-flrst nnd A Sts. Phone Main 257. Tacoma, Wasnington. HUNT & MOTTET CO. Dealers In General Hardware Mill AUD LOGGERS' .SUPPLIES. I60I-I603-I505 Pacific Avenuo TACOMA, WASH. H. Hohenschild Co. FOREIGN and DOMESTIC Dry Goods Gents Goods, Notions, Etc. 932 Pacific Ave. Tacoma. CAUFORNU HANOUUNDRT Telephone, Black 1713. All work guaranteed. Gentlemen', clothing kept in thorough repair. Any losses uiude good immediately, 1152 Commerce Street TACOMA WASH. John Donahue Manufacturer ot and Dealer la ...LUMBER Basra 111 aa4 Oaaea Tweatyfkst aai Deck Si. Tilujtw MaJsa 3. T m R 1 w 4,. V , N m sm ; 1