r - WWOgjKWi TELE yEW A&X PORTLAND, OREGON . The New Age REFORM IN PORTLAND. v,l"'lta',,'i",',l,,,,t",I,,l,,rv A. D. GRIFFIN, Manager. Offlon, U42J4 Hlnrk 8t., CJmieord ISli., I'ortlHnil. Oregon. Knlorcd nt tho iwtolllco nt Portland, Oregon, u socjinl class matter. r BiTHSouirnov. OnaTnr, I'aynliln In Advnncn ...... 12. 00 Established h. Printed at UVt fitnrk Ht, 'Diird J-loor. WHAT D0E3 HE WIANT? What (Ioch .Inck MUttliow want? lie Is already United States ninrslml, usHtunes to )io chairman of tho He inibllrau StaU) Central Committee, iinil la the practical posttnanter; now, wlint cIbp rioed ho want? 1'rob nbly a United Btatcs Hcnntorahli). 1 lie would jiIciiho let ub poor creatures know, wo would glvo him whatever he wantfl. He nhoiild probably bo president of tho United States, but Mr. Itoosovelt got In nliead of lilm. Let Edwnrd of England bow, and Wil liam of Germany duck his diminished head In deference. Jack Matthews Is one of the boctnes you lend about tho real thing owhb the postof flco, tho telephone ImihIiiobb, tho United States senate all ho hns to do to bo iniiHtor of this llttlo world Is to form a partnership with .T. P. Morgan and J. I). Rockefeller, and In a few years, or possibly tnonthi), ho may havo tho price. He should have. If "Jack" would Just frankly let us know what .moro ho wnntH wc would all give It to him frocly, and graciously. Hut wlint moro ho may claim Is what worrk'H us. Hut thoro Ih ono consolntlon; wo can spend our surplus citrih for Christmas presents, or bury It. Jack won't get quite nil of It. juixie iioaiiE. Tho rumors about Judgo Hoguo so far ns any discreditable nctlon on Ills part aro concerned, nro not to bo credited. Judgo Hoguo id a young mnn of high character, who will do Borvcdly tunko his mark in tho world. Tho dally papors that havo lont their spuco to Hlandors nbout htm could bo in much hotter business. Judgo Hoguo took occasion to Invcstlgnto, personally, cortnln conditions, for hlii Information, and it would ho bettor for this city nnd county If othorB would do tho Bnmo. Tho Judge linU ft right to go. nnd soo what wns going on, in fact, it woh a part of his moral duty; nnd tho elnndor that ho was intoxi cated was not only wholly unfound ed, hut In ovory respect uncalled for. Mr. Hoguo litis boon n vory compe tent nnd conscientious police Judgo, nnd tho public ought to recognize nnd toallzo tho fact, Instead of trying to tluow him down. WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS. Frank MuiiHoy, who undertook to Met u now paco in Jouinnllsuii n fow months ago, litis dropped back Into .magazine work where ho does not have to think hut onco a month, and not ut all If ho cares to Bort over otnor nioii'a thoughts and choose what ho Illtea, Tho regular, Htoady weekly paper la bocomlng moro mid more n force In tho world'u llfo. Tho dallies hnvo their use, of course, and cannot ho dUplacod; hut Mr. Hryan Is moro than half right when ho snys that tho woou.y la tho coining news paper. In tho weekly, iih thoro la not tho propor cliuuco in tho dully, la room and opportunity for deliberation, for "sizing things up." Tho dully must ho read, of courBO, but tho weekly tho right Bort of a weokly will hold Its own, and ho n power In tho land. TIM NEXT UNITED 8TATES SEN ATOH. Who will bo tho next United Stated BonatorT Mr. Scott will not havo It, If ho tolls tho truth, and no body who knows him auppo-es that ho la a liar. Among tho various men mentioned, Mnk-om A. Moody, looms up prominently, Mr. Moody Is tho logical man for tho position. This la said without hla kpowlcdgo or con sent, and ho probably cannot bo elect ed this time; but It ho chooaea to be n cnudldnto ho will ho eloctud later. Thoro la liable to bo a deadlock next winter in tho Oregon legislature, Thoro Is ono consolation, however, Jack Matthews can't get (ho office, though ho oxpects It. General Woylor's name la not In cluded In tho newest Spanish cabinet. Knotnloa of hla in thla country aro making much of thla fact, but their rejoicing la uncalled for, Probably "Tho Butcher" haa only gone oti a abort vacation mid will bo home In time to help form tho now cabinet which will ho duo about tho luat of next week. Tho colored people have no U8o for Biich peoplo aa Woylor, anyway, They ought to bo hustlod off tho(jiaw,oi) tlo carfh. j TUero Is a whole lot iof "monkey business" going on with reference to the gambling proposition. One fact Is; people will gamble; another fact Is, ofllclnld will uso tills weak hllosyn chnsy of liumanlty to get gold or sit vor. TJicbo fncta might ns well ho acknowledged. Our officials, from governor down to constablu, nro go ing to get something out of these prosperous times. Give It up, gen tlemen; lot ub play that thoro nre no honest men In olllce, and, that you would not bo honest yourself if you weie thoro. Lct'd tell tho truth, Hlnco it Is no Hcldoni told. It Is flhnmcful that there Is no ap parent respcctnbllity In placcB where cleanliness and perfection should bo looked for. If wo cannot hnvo any lefrom without a prominent official being properly subjected to nrrest, let us know nnd recognlzo that fact. Does It take a Judicial officor'B exor- tlonri, after 1 a, m. to detormlno whether this town Js In any respect vicious or vllo? Thla query presents a very interesting question, which will bo carefully studied and consid ered later. GOOD Short Storie$ At n recent dinner In New York, tho Rev. Dr. Mlnot J. Savage told a story of a lady who was iiBkcd: "Do you over think of getting married?" "Think," sho answered with asperity, "I worry." An applicant for naturalization nt Newport, It. I tho other day wna ask ed tho usual question: "Do you belong to any society to overthrow tho United States government?" "Yes," replied tho would-bo citizen, promptly, ,(I be long to tho Carpenter's Union." Not long ngo a well-known Washing ton statesman received tho following letter from n constituent: "Pense send mo snmo of tho volumes containing mo mortal addresses for dead members of Congress. There la nothing I read with so much pleasuro aa obituaries of Con gressmen." So freely hns tho ribbon of the Le gion of Honor been distributed In France, thnt It Is no longer considered such nu overwhelming honor to bo presented with It A pertinent story la told of ii Parisian who suddenly disap peared. The police, on being appealed to for aid, asked how ho might be Iden titled. "Oh," was tho answer, "that's cnay. Ho doesn't wear tho ribboa of tho Legion of Honor." A young heiress with a penchant for farming was explaining at length the many difficulties bIio encountered In pursuing her fad, "1 really am n farm er," sho protested, nnd then added, re gretfully, "although It must bo con fessed thnt almost nil I plant I lose." "Therein differing from mo," cour teously rejoined her table companion, n rising young physician, "for I tlud In my case that almost all I lose I plant." ThouiiiH A. Edlsoti Is deaf, but, like many whoso hearing Is defective, ho HomotliueH UiulerHtnuds what Is said when It Is least expected. Thoro woro vlHltora one day at hla laboratory, to whom, ns usual, ho was polite, al though busy, and ho patiently nnswer ed many questions unnecessarily shout ed at lilm. Finally ono of tho visitors, tho humorist of tho party, said to an other: "I bet he'd hear If wo ask him to tako n drink." "Yes," snld Edison, looking directly nt tho man, and smil ing, "I would; but no, thank you, not to day." Julian Krtlph says that on ono occa sion wueirtho Into Klug Kalakaua held n reception at tho Windsor Hotel, In Now York, ho stood In ft parlor with tho nldcrmaulc committee doing tho honors as tho peoplo pabsed by to shako the swarthy monarch's hand. All at onco n man reached tho king's sldo In hla regular turn, shot out of tho lino, gripped tho monarch's hand with a hearty grasp, and fairly shout ed: "Why, Dave, old man, how aro you?" "Why, Hilly!" said tho king, "I'm very glad to seo you' "Put It there again," said tho man; "It's a good many years, Davo, since you and I ran to tires together In Honolulu, Isn't It?" And tho king shook his hand again, smiling with delight nt meeting a familiar face among such a multi tude of strangers. Overworked. "Tho old tuuii was overworked and had to take a vacation1 "Hub ho been engaged In some big deals?" "No; ho took a uptton that he wanted to understand tho provisions of his tire Insurance policies, A few weeks' rest will put him all right again, we hope." Indianapolis News, BOISE CITV NATIONAL, BAINK. Capital I100.0W). rnlttd Statei pcpoaltorr. Surplus IW.OOJ. N, aihworth, Pivi htenl. It. n. Katmau, Vloa l'rvMeit. Alfred Koff, Caihler W.8. llruw. .W.IiUul Cashier. Iluiothr Uku. B. M Kastman. , , , " HHuuer Jainwu waiter A seneral Unking biuliieM traiiMctett. Interest allowed on time depojlt. Kxchanw drawn direct tm tho prlncll elite ot the l'nltedtate aud furtipe. Orafu tin Hong Kong, China, at han Kranc co rate (-racial attention gtteu to making wleetloni and handling bullion. Illghett price paid for all kind of warrant. I1. M.ailKKN, 1'iciUtent W.U.llAltNFfl, Vice 1'reiMent THE FIRST NATIONAL, BANK, Capital 1100,000 TMli OUUEST AND LAKUEST BANK IN PASADENA. Surplu. 15,000 DIKEClOKHi lM.atven Kruetlll. May II. Q. Bennett Thptua Karley A, K, McQutlltng V. K. Barne II. C. llotallng Sit l'ASADKNA, CAUFOUNIA. The Farm Hand t Is DisaDDearino-. t if Tho farm band's finish Is In plain sight nnd the farm horse Is headed down the snmo pike, says a mnn who has Just returned from the West. In their stead Is coming tho trnctlou en gine. Qut In thcprnlrlo region the tendency Ib nil toward big farms. The ngilcul tuinl unit out there hns been the quar ter section, or 100 ncres. Fow of the farmers nre satisfied now with BUch a small bunch of In ml, and they are reaching out all the time for more. heat and corn have been top ping tho market at such prices thnt nearly every fellow Is crazy to go Into inlslug them on a big scale. And they have tho money nnd the Intelligence to do It, nnd do It prolltably. Hlght hero Is where Invention comes In. On tho ordlnnry fnrm, wliere two or three men with the snmo number of tennis of horses can do nil the work, It Isn't really necessary to call on the ma chine mnn for artificial aid, but when the farming Is done on n big scale It pays better to buy a traction engine. These nro not the ordinary big, clumsy attachments to thrashing outfits, but compactly built llttlo fellows, with gas oline as the motive power. With them there Is no need of getting out nt ungodly hours In tho morning to feed and water a lot of animals. Five minutes' work fills the tank nnd mnkes tho machine ready to do your plowing, burrowing, or cultivating. Tho first cost of theso engines Is pretty Bteep, from $1,000 up. but It costs less to run them than It docs to feed horses, and they never get balky. They Inat longer thnn tho nvcrugo woik horse nnd they do ten times as much work In n day. Out In Nebraska I ran across a fellow with n gang plow, five In a row, hitched to ono of these little engines, nnd It was steadily moving across the 100-ncro Held and tearing up tho sod at a lively rate. This same man told mo that when It en mo to hnrrowlng he tacked on two or three big ones and did tho Job In n fouith of the former time. Potatoes arc plnnted nnd dug up with these engines. In planting a Inrge drop per Is used, Hnd In digging them a spe cial kind of (ilow Is employed. When It cornea tlino In tho fall to thresh, the cnglno Is coupled to n sep arator nnd the Job Is dono In short order. If It Is necessary during tho winter to grind feed for the cnttlo It Is tho work of but a few minutes to fire It up nnd start the mill. When grain Is to ho hauled to market several farm wagons nro nttached and the procession moves oft. Thoro Is scarcely n thing nbout farm work that these machines will not, do, nnd they nre growing more popular ev ery year. The average f armor thought the acme of comfort and perfection hnd been reached In the sulky plow and tho riding cultivator, which saved lilm many weary steps, and It hns not been without considerable trouble that ho has been Induced to take up tho trac tion engine. Hundreds, of theso nro now being manufactured and sold jv cry year. f Sixty-cent whent and BO-ccnt corn nro making western farmers, where 30 bushels of whent and (50 of corn Is an averago yield. Independently rich. A hundred ncres of wlient Is nil ordlnnry yield, and this alone Is enough to net a good tncomo on tho Investment. A bunch of cattle will pay tho ex penses, nnd his other crops nre velvet. Tho result hns been to run up the prlco of laud. Tracts that sold for ?'J5 two years ago bring $10 and flft, and $30 Innd of past years Is easily marketa ble at $.')0 and $00. Tho life Is much easier, tho work Is not ucarly so hard, nor tho hours so long. This hns tho good effect of making tho farmers' sons moro content with life on tho fnrm, nnd many of them go down to the Stnto Agricultural Schools and take n course In scientific agricul ture, returning better farmers aud hot ter citizens. "Hcnro Heads." In the hands of tho modern newspa perman, an ordinary Incident receives a melodramatic flavor, while a tragic episode Is mado trebly thrilling by sen sational headlines. Were Hamlet de scribed In n press telegram, the mes sago would be headed something like this, largo letters: "Appalling Trage dy In Denmark; King Murdered by His llrother; Young Court Lady Goes Mad aud Drowns Herself; Four Royal Per sonages Slaughtered!" "Tho Merchant -of Venice," Instead of appearing under that modest and com monplace title, would have been her alded by the liner ns "Extraordinary Venetian Trial: A Jew Moneylender Claims a Pound of Human Flesh!" In like manner Romeo aud Juliet would havo become "Deplorable and Pathetic Tragedy In High Life. Two Lovers Commit Suicide!" or something of thnt sort. These examples Indicate how Shakspeare's terse titles would have shot out If handled by the mod ern Journalist. KIIN'KSTM.MW. Caihter II. I. BTl'AUT, Ata't Caihter fff HWiinlsMiJlLiJHgaU.11.i fKll jtii&&H&si&4& Hotel jQr een Pasadena, Cal. ...ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF II. J. Donucrbcrg U.K. tindcinnchcr Oregon M'hotio North 3191. Columbia SIJ. Donnerberg & Ratfemacher PLUMBERS GAS AND STEAM FITTERS.-. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. No. 81 Fourth St. Hot. Stark and Oak PORTLAND, OR West Coast Oyster Co. Importers, Planters, Wholesale anil Ilotnil Dealers in Eastern and Pacific Coast Oysters Hoth 'Phones. 141 Seventh St. Portland, Ore UNION MARKET Northwestern Meat Co., Proprietors Dealers in all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats Family Trade a Specialty. Dotli Phones North 110(J. Cor. Sixth and Ournsldo Sts., Portland, Oregon For All Kinds of COAL' Domcitto and Foreign Coke, Charcoal Dry Fir ami Oak WOOD Go to the Oregon Fuel Co, 34 A Morrison Street. J.T. McCAllE, Manager. R. KNOLL. WINE AND LIQUOR MERCHANT. JESSE MOORE WHISKEY l'liiuiliod Supplied. Telqihono Bjutli 141. 370 Wnuhlngton St. Portlnntl, Oregon If. IttrrchborRer J. W. Sweeney Telephunea: Orcjon, Main 105. Columbia ISO. Hirschberger & Sweeney Sheet Metal Works. Galvanized Iron Cornices, Metal Roofing, GalvanUed Iron Skylights, Gravel Roofing, Asphalt and Felt Roofing Materials. 2t)2 Bunmiilo St. Portland, Oregon HOLIDAY GOODS! Just received n largo shipment of ORIENTAL CURIOS Consisting of tho latest Btylo Brass and Silvor Vases, Fino Decorated Chinaware, Embroideries, Netsukes, lhirsea, Indies' nnd Gentlemen's ltobcs and Jackets, Dnwvnwork suitahlo for Christinas pros cuts. Wo carry a yery largo lino of CHILDREN'S TOYS In our Second Floor Department. Andrew Kan & Co. Cor, Fourth and Morrison t Mark& Drug Co ; No, 515 GUsan Street. Corner Fifteenth. A complete and up-to-date stock of Drugs and Drug Sundries. Bring your Prescriptions to im; we willjfiU themwproaiptly and rL carefullY, tTi our, pccialyjUJjJUTTB. Kj i EI HBhWIp BE Hi uj Jit US U'!?WX." K?r3wifef- Tin nil in El" Mi' !" IV1 WSsPdunSISBn &B$aig2 HOTEL COST 91,000,000. Tho Portland H. O. BOWEH8, Mmnmmmi'. Amorloan Plan, $3 Pop Day and Up war A HEADQUARTERS FOIt TOURISTS AMD COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. ' Portland, Oregon THE HELENA E. C GREENE, Manactr. AMERICAN PLAN, An Up-to-Datc Hotel. Is Be ing Refurnished Throughout. RA1ES: $3 and $4 Per Day. Free Sample Rooms to Commercial Men. HELENA, MONT. Southern Hotel BUTTE, MONT. Rates, $1 to $1.50 Per Day DAN TEYVEY, Prop. Kum-C-Me- HOTEL" STATE Under New Management. W. A. KOONTZ, Prop. First-Class Dining Room. American Plan. Bar in Connection. Free Sample Room. Frc. Bus. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS "Walla "Walla, "Wash. The White House yon youk Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. EVICR WILLING to SERVE YOU RALPH E. OUICHARD, Prop. Telephone Red 661 102 Main Street. WALLA WALLA, WASH. The Hotel Ridpath SPOKANE, WASH. MRS. M. EATON, Mgt. A Strictly First-Clasc and Modern Hotel for Tourist and Com mercial Men. The Finlen R. B.TAYLOR, Prof. Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men. The Only Hotel in the City American Plan $3.oo to $S.oo Per Day. : owrfiTi i HiWiWi w giiiiiiiaiiiiiii'niwr r-issaiiWMJ1 5 t' : MONT. Li&.wKisfflfW&m!Task , PORTLAND. Dewey Palase CHAS. WEISIDE, Manage! .; Everything new and up to the Unuis;' 't Table and rooms the best the market affords. Assembly hall.. BtrciV ', Shop. Billiard rooms. Bowling' . Alleys. Electric Lights. Hot arid " . cold water. Rooms en suite with ' bath. Livery sUble in connection. , Steam heat. Best beds and rooms' in (he country. The bar is sup plied with everything, you want., Bank in the building. Everything' up to-date. Nothing missing. Head- quarters for tourists and comnier- ' cial men J J J j ,,' ,. NAMPA IDAHOl The Spokane (European Plan.) The Leading Hosfelry in the State of Washington Headquarters for'' , the Traveling Public' J Special Sample Rooms with Arc light.- 50 NEW BATH-ROOM SUITES Elegant Public and Private Dining Rooms. SPOKANE, .WASH. HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICORD, Prop. Heated by Steam. Hct and Cold Baths. Electric Calls and Electric Lights in every Room, o J J EUREPEAN PLAN Rooms 50c, 75c and $1.00 Per Duy- Monts, 25 Cents. Frco Bus and Frcb Sumplo Rooms. 209-J3 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE; Hotel Cadillac EDOAR E. K. SCNM1TT, Prop. Str!ctly First-Class. Mod ern. European Plan. Sin gle or en Suite. J J J Reservation by WJr;. Commercial News Headquarters. SPOKANE, WASH, HOTEL WHITMAN ALLEN & LARKIN, Prop A New Hotel With Modem Improvements. COLFAX, WASH. HENRY HEWETT & CO. Fire and Marine Insurance. Rooms '26 and 27,rSherlock Buildinf; Cor. Third and Oak Sts. i - o '. rpSTLAND, OJfc -mT A T ' 1 rim i Ji v Z