imiwmii raw irTrr r-r'rrrni-f3fy T" mi miwim Kf n vwewy sf iiuWiSHWlHi THE JBW AGS, POBTIiAND, OREGON. iuWWWII4HIWWWWHH h' ;h SOUTHERN OREGON (RUTIN HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail Hardware :' STOVES AND TINWARE. Willamette Street, EUGENE, OREGON T HE UMPQUA BAKERY FRESH BREAD DATLY. Ties, Cakes, Cookies, Doughnuts, Buns, Rolls Cream run's. Cakes fsr Socials, Partlei and Banquets Made to Order. E. JENNINGS and MRS. FREEMAN, Trops. Phono ,410, Rosoburg, Oregon v LAY &' 1IENDER80N All Kind o( .........FURNITURE..... Practical Embalmers and Undertakers. Order by telegraph fillet! promptly. ' Phono Black 47. Cor. Willamette and 7th St. EUQENE CITY, OREGON. St. CHARLES HOTEL .: ' TOHN GIBLIN, Prop. Mrtt:ciak" Accommodations and Prompt terr ' Ice.'. Largo Sample Qooms lor Commercial Traveler!. Phone 7. . Cor. First ad Washington St. ir . Albany, Oregon. . . " Entertainers: CHAS. OILVIN. DILL PROTZMAN The Monogram FRANK KENNEDY, Prop. Zyrus Noble, Bourbon and Rye Whis kies. Imported wines, Liquors and Cigars. ROSEBURG, - OREGON. WILKINS' Railroad Eating House Furnished Roomi In Connection. UN THE NEW TWO-STORY BRICK Just South of th Depot. ROSEBURa '- - OREOON. :Chickcri Supper with Hot Biscuits. ' ' AU Trains Stop Thirty Minutes. Buyless &. Stormer. 3 c! P. BARNARD,: Proprietor of flosehurg-Marshfield Stage Line Empire Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Saddle Horses nnd Stylish Slnglo and Double lUjrs at All Hours. ROSEBURQ, OREQON. ' THE HOUSE FURNISHING GO. (Incorporated.) Manufactureri of "WQven Wire Mattresses. r, Carpets, Portlers, Rugs. Laco Curtains. Shades, Furniture. Wall Paper, Picture Frame, Mattresses, Redding. SWv Uadertaklngand embalmings specialty ?sL Stores at Albany and Balera, Ore. 7 Factory at Albany, ore. Masonic Temple, Albany, Obxqon EMPIRE Uvery Feed and Sale Stable C P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs At All Hours. Transient stock glren the Terr best of care. Bates alwaya reasonable and satisfaction guar, anteed. Mont Mill 01, Cor. Rose and Oik Sti. ROSEBURG, OREGON. The LITTLE DRUG STORE Near the Depot, Roseburg, Oregon. Where you can And the .BESTQUAUTY OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes1, Stationery, Etc. , MF. RAPP, Proprietor. ' When in Medford STOP AT TheNew Nash Hotel TOST CLAM IK XVKKY FAKTICULAS. J. ' W. J, MMIILTOH. ft.prhltJ.MM'4 FfMt Strift' Pwt,Md' The Dalles Advertising TRYING TO MAKE Hill STOP in nnd order a bag of Dalles Patont or IVhlto River Flour for her baking tho housewife is continually raking of her husband, but if ho forgets she will order it horse! f, for tho lover of good, white itnd delicious bread will never tteo any other afler sho experiences tho satisfac tory remits of tho Dallos Patent Flour. It is iniulo from choico wheat and milled by tho best procoss. Manufactured by W. W. M. Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. LEADING BUSINESS TTRMS OF EASTERN OREGON. T OUI8 HUNZ1KER. ' PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry,, Op tical Qoods, Cat Glass. 720 Main Street. PENDLETON, Oregon I qiHK owl. A GENTLEMAN'S RESORT. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. GtvoUia Call. Opp. Depot, Loft Hand Walk. 8M1TH A ROCKWELL, Prop. La Qrando, Oregon THE MINT SALOON 47. L. MELLQUIST, Prop. PERT BRANDS OF WINES AND UU.UOKS . IMPORTED AND DOMES no CIGARS.... Corner Depot Street and Jefferson Avenue,. LA BRAHOE, Olt. E. Y. Jron. Prtjst. F E. Junn, fiee'y and Treai. ThkkokiE. Fct.L, Manager Incorporated, 1S96 Capital Stock. $10,000 PENDLETON Woolen Mills Manufacturer of FleeceWool Blanketsjndian Robes Cassimeres, Flannels Pendleton, Orm The Leading FURNITURE DEALER OP EASTERN OREGON IS ..M. A. RADER.. Funeral Director and Embaimer Lady Assistant. FKNDEKTON ' OltEQON 'Rates ?.60 .For Day and Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AMERICAN) A. GEISER, Proprietor. Commercial, Family 'and Tourist Hotel. BAKER CITY, OREGQN For First-Class Liyery BEE The New Livery Stable C. L. SMITH', Proprietor. Second Street near I a'lghlln Street. The only Up-to-Date Livery in The Dalles. Telephone No. 27; Longdis tance 1871. The Dalles, Oregon. L.W.CARNAHAN. President. C. H.UARDNKIt, Vice President W. W. TEHKY, Treasurer. Portland Implement Co. JOHN DEERE PLOWS, HARROW8, ETC. FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. ETEREtT.WASNinTII.UfEITiSEiaTl W. C. BICKEL1IAUPT, JT. W. BROOKS, Frost. See. and Tree. Everett Flour Mill Co, Manufacturer and Exporters of FLOUR Everett, Washington, U. S. A. W. J. RtlCKER, Vice Pros. WM. TENNANT, Oeul. Mgr. F. W. SUMNER, President. .U.SUMNER, Vlco President Sumner Iron Works. Manufacturers of Marine; Mining and Mill Machinery Water Tuba and Tubular Boilers. Evcrott, Washington. BOBBINS TRANSFER CO. General Transfer Business. Storage and Free Sample Rooms Check nnd deliver your bnjrjrngo for 2Ec. per pieco four blocks north or south of lluwitt avenue, and between all trains and boats. Thrco days' freo storape. All work nnd prices guaranteed satisfactory. Phono 371. EVERETT, WASH Model Laundry and Toilet Go. J. W. DUKR. Proprietor. A specialty of Ladles' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED. PHONE 31. lata Hewitt Avo. Everett, Wash. Centralia Advertising, nENY YOUR LAUNDRY WORK TO GENTRALU SUM UUNDRY. Hand Laundry. Best Work In Town, Phono 50. M. A. WARING, Proprietor, 1 THE OLYMPIC. - Opp. N. P. Depot, Centralia, Wash. Straight Whlsltloi and 'Koy West Cigars a specialty. Olymplallooron Draught Dottle Goods a specialty. JESSE LATSHAW, Proprietor. THE CHEHAUS FLOURING MILL GO. HORTEN HASKELL & CO., Proprietor!. Flours, Feed and all Kinds of Mill Stuffs. MANUFACTURERS OF Haskell's Brands of Flour, Haskell's Oest Fancy Patent, ' Haskell's Daisy. CHEHALIS, WA8II. Burety Bonds. Notary 1'uMlo. Entabllshod 16S9.- A. L. COFFMAN & CO. Successors to ColThian & Koppner. Real Estate, Insurance, AND RENTAL AQENCY. Money to loan on Improved farms at low rates of Interest. List your farms with us If you want to sell them. Bonds, warrant! and other securities bought and sold. Phone 20. Chehalls, Washington Q. F. TILLY. Undertaker and Embaimer IIOQUIAM, WA8H. FINE CHAPEL AND MORGUE ON J STREET. AUERDEEN, WASIU BEARDSLEY BROS. Licensed Embalmers for State of Washington. FINE PARLORS and MORGUE 103 Wialikafc. Street; ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Procriftloea Accurately and Care fully Cetapouaoed. Telephone Columbia 7JO, Oregon Bed 1M4 97 mmmlii Ttdm9tmmmt CIRCUS MEN LIVE IN COMPORT. Nowadays Performer of the Ring Travel In Stylo. "now docs a circus man or woman live while on the rond?" said n circus man to a reporter for the Knusns City Journal. "Why, they llvo better than over before. We curry almost 1,000 peo ple, ntid I doubt If you enn find one of Hint number who Is' discontented with his or h?r lot. Several yenrs ngo It was customary with the majority of circuses to provide Inferior cars for their busi ness sinlt nnd performers nnd compel the laborers to sleep under the big red wagons or tho tint car. The passage of time has changed the order of things. Circus folks now travel ns well, If not better, than the majority of men nnd women who nre continually moving from one portion of the United States to the other In search of pleasure. "Our business staff nnd performers live In spacious Pullman cars. The beds aro soft nnd roomy nud the bed clothing Is nlwnys fresh nud clean. TJ10 circus hns twelve I'ullninus of this kind, and on each one Is n porter, whose duty It Is to polish the shoes of all the occupants each night, look after the laundry and make the beds and sweep nnd dust tho enrs. These curs nre vcstlbuled nud nt the hend of the train Is an extra long dining car,' where the mnjorlty of the people nte fed. This diner Is looked nfter by a competent Btownrd, with n stuff of good cooks nnd wnlters, nnd breakfast nud dinner nre served there each day. The performers take their luncheon on tho circus grounds imme diately nfter the pnrnde. "Tho laborers, Including the drivers, ennvasmpu, hostlers, property handlers nud nnluial men, nro served with thrco menls on the grounds. The food pro vided Is of the best, nnd there Is al ways plenty of It. Every laborer has n bed. The drivers and hostlers hnvu swinging bunks In the curs, directly above their horses; tho animal men nre nccommodnted In co.y little staterooms fitted up In tho big elephant enrs, while tho property hnudlers nnd enuvnsmen sleep In conches that greatly resemble tourist cars. Kveryono hns good quar ters nnd splendid food, nnd, In conse quence, It Is seldom thnt a complaint Is heard." JUDICIAL DECISIONS . . . v- A majority of tho stockholders of n corporation nro held in Mnynnrd vs. Looker (Mich., CO L. It. A. 027), to have not vested right to elect (he di rectors, which will bo Infringed by 11 statute giving the minority stockhold ers tho power by cumulative voting to elect a reprcseutntlvo membership In the board of directors. A iegulnr full-rnto non-coupon rail road ticket Is held, In Loulsvlllo Hi Nnshvlllu Railroad Company vs. Kly man (Tenu.), CO L. It. A. 700, In tho nbseuco of an agreement to tho con trary, to bo good for n continuous pas sage to destination only, nud If tho Journey necessitates n chnngc of trains It Is held thnt It must bo continued on thu next available train. Sureties on a gunrdlun's bond, tnken upon motion of a surety on a former botid for thu purpose of procuring hs release, nro held, In Abshlro vs. Hal yer (Ky.), 0(1 L. It. A. 030, to bo Untile, equally with tho Btirety on tho former bond, for tho past ns well us futuro defalcation of the guardlnn, although tho motion seeks to relievo tho former surety from future liability only. The organizers of 11 corporation nro held in Vermont Marble Company vs. Declez Grnidto Company (Cul. R0, L. It. A. 728), to bo liable to pay In for tho benefit of creditors tho fuco value of the stock Issued by them, although they mado no written subscription, but agreed orally that tho stock should bo sold to them as fully paid upon pay ment of a fraction only of Its faco value. A devlso to trustees for accumula tion for a period of thirty years when the property is to bo distributed ac cording to directions as to possible con ditions existing at thnt time Is held In Andrews vs. Lincoln (Me.), 30 L, It. A. 103, to bo void us creating nn unlawful perpetuity, although tho trus tees are empowered to appropriate por tions of tho Income to the support of testator's son nud his wlfo nud tll6 education of tho grandchildren. A street car conductor's trip report as to fares taken Is held, In Culllhau vs. Washington Water Power Com pany (Wash.), 60 L. It. A. 72, to be ndmlsslblo In evidence In corrobora tion of his testimony that he received no transfer on a trip, for alleged In juries during which an action has been brought against tho compuuy by one claiming to havo ridden on that trip and to havo paid fare with a transfer, (vhere It was made before he know of tho accident or that any question as to his having taken a transfer would arise. Don't tell your troubles. It doesn't do any good, nnd besides It takes up the other fellow's time who wants to tell you bis. It's easier to explain your neigh bor's failure than your own misdirect 4 fort. . fififeaja BBM Walla Walla Advertisements. LEWIS W. HEATON Manager Plemul UndartaUlnw Pmrtmrm, Graduate. Embaimer and Dlslnfector. Licensed by Illinois Stato Hoard of Health. Member National Association of Embalmors. P. O. Uox 782- Phone, Main 149. WALLA WALLA, WASH. T W. COOKERLY. Undertaker and General Funeral Furnisher. Embalming a Specialty. llflbcock'i II rick lllock, ',) First St. Telephone "lack 691. WALLA WALLA, WASH. T)RYAN nitos. Now Livoty, Feed and Sato Stable. Rubber Tired Hack! a specialty. Carriage calls attended to night or day. Southwest cor. Bccond and Alder Binds. Telephone 07. WALLA WALLA, WA8H. TIIODKLIUKERY. CHAS. RETZER, Proprietor. All kinds of Cakes, l'lcs, Candies, Etc. Goods delivered to any part of tho City. No. 3 First Strrot. Walla Walln, Wash. mltlv SENATE. ' ' GEO. RETZER ff"CO. FIRST-CLASS BAR. FINE IMPORTED CIGARS. WALLA WALLA, WA8H. Til'i'OT LUNCH COUNTER. FRANK M. CUMMINO?, Proprietor. All Kinds of Lunches Put Up for thu 'Jr.iuling Public. WALLA WALLA, WASH. McBride Bros. LIVERY STABLE. Rubber Tired Hacks a Specialty. Baccac Wagons. . WALLA WALLA, WASH. Telephone 66.' N 124 E. Main St. THE WALLA WALLA Steam Laundry Can Suit You. Special Ordsrs Returned the Sami pay. Phono, Black 151. 1 HOTEL DACRES S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly SiniOIl HoUSC Rattst $2.50 to $3.00. WALLA WALI .A, WASH. GILBERT HUNT CO. Machine Shop and Foundry Manufacturers of Pride of Washington Threshers, Self Feeders, Drapers and Machlno Extras of Every Description. pair Work a Specialty. Catalef ui Free. WALLA WALLA, WASH. A. L. LORENZEN. Real Estate Broker. LOANS NEGOTIATED.' Informatics furnished regarding Wal la Walla and Umatilla Counties. No. G Main Street, WALLA WALLA, WASH. Baggage and Omnibus Transfer ...COMPANY... Office 8. W. cor. Fourth and Stark St. Telephone 639. PORTLAND, OREQON Exchange Your Crudes With Messenger 00 Traias and order Carriages or Coupes. Baggage checked at resi dence to any destination BraceboMcea: Hotel Portland! United Ctu 4a- Co., SeTcoth and Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, Mr. IEJIHBflliprjHpHkSprtrpp Walla Walla Ate p ALL AT 120 AND 122 MAIN ST. SCIIWARZ'8 SALOON Lunch Counter and Club Rooms open at all hours. 120 and 122 Main Street WALLA WALLA, WASH A. SCHWARZ, Prop T HE DANK EXCHANGE FRED POST, Proprietor Ono of tho first clns saloons of Walla Wall, wherb you will to treated right and all of tho finest brands of Liquors ami the best brands of Cigars always on hand . WALLA WALLA WASH D EUUS & STAHL Finest saloon In tho city All tho latest and best brands of Liquor SIA S. Bccond Street WALLA WALLA WASH mHE ELK SALOON JOHN BACHTOLD, Prop. 121 Main Btrcat WALLA WALLA WA8S "mHE SMAILS" m Strictly First Class liar BMA1LS 11HU9., Props. WALLA WALLA WASH mHE PORTLAND LUNCH COUNTER . Tho licit Meals In tho City WALLA WALLA WASK B UTZ, THE TAILOR Alwaya on hand a full assortment of LATEST FOREION AND DOME8T10 CJOOD REST WORK, RED ROCK PUICE8 A perfect lit guaranteed , Cornor Fourth and Alder Sta. WALLA WALLA WAS! nACHTOLD A ACHF.RMANN Importers and' Wholesalo Liquor Merchant A cents For Schllts Mllwaukoo Deer A 11 0 fit. Louts 1n Sutter Homo Wines Astl Urandles Yellowstone Whiskey Cedar llrook Whiskey Jesso Moore Whiskey Cream Ryo Whiskey Avondalo Club Ryo Jas. E. Pepper No. 11 Aldor 8t. WALLA WALLA Phone White SSI WASH Our Stock Is bloomlns; with Shoes for Fmll mutt Wntmr that aro Just as beautiful and graceful as the season and our customer demand. Every woman will be delighted with tho added graco that will bo glren by our new Fall mnd Wlntmr Shoes snd every man who has an cyu for th beauti ful will be charmed. McKean's DRY GOODS STORE Clothing, Shoes, Hats, and Mens' Furnishings Offlcci Fourth and Main Street WALLA WALLA - WASH NETTLETON'S SHOES ARE- GENTLEMEN'S SHOES And you will always find a nice lino of thu latest styles here. Wo also carry tho best lino ol. 13.60 Shoos in tho city. THE CASH SHOE C(K O. N. HATCH, Manager. PHILLIPSJRIM CO. Trunks Made to Order Also Taken in Exchange. TRUNK8 REPAIRED. 811 Morrison 8t., Opposite Poitoflk ,1 i