ik.ti fftmmvsmter. I THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. I TOPICS OF I THR TAfCC a MMM-t M MjrMMKJ "Whnt'o good to cnt la bad to cat," nays n chronic dynpoptlc. If Hnll Cnluc litis collapsed It must Lave been from top heaviness. When a man tells you all his trou bles ho becomes one of yours. No disappointment can be qulto so In tolerable us disappointments In one's self. Happy Is the man who finds satis faction In doing Rood things that no body notices. The population of Siberia has doubled during the past twenty years, but not of Its own accord. Tho gluo trust will havo to lmvo both coheslvu and adhcslvo qualities in order to iniiliu a success. One of the hardest things In tho world Is to acknowledge a blunder which turned out to bo profitable. There are times, after all, when di vorces aro JUHtlllable. A man has se cured onu because his wlfo smoked cigarettes. About tho only mail In this world who always gets Just what's coming to him Ih tho villain In thu modern melodrama.. Another Frenchman has been scratch-t-d In u duel. The French duel may yet become deadly. There Is always thu pos sibility of blood poisoning. Ha rah Ilernhaidt's Hamlet was not liked In Ocrmauy. Thu (lermaus aro not accustomed to Hamlets that re quire u spy-glass obllgato. Noah, Columbus ami J. Herpont Mor gan have been referred to as the throe great masters of tho sea. Why should Noah mid Columbus bo mentioned? Ho tho Kaiser simply went to Eng land to nrrango for tho marriage of his soul In democratic America such match-making Is usually left to thu women. "No task rightly dono Is truly pri vate," said r. Woodrow Wilson, at his recent Installation as President of Princeton University. A noblo Idea lltly clothed. There Is something about tho namo of (hut boy burglar Pawpawllckl re cently taken hi charge by tho Chicago Iollce, which suggests a paternal duty that may have beeii neglected at home. True, one may lliul scriptural war rant for using n number of musical Instruments In divine worship, but Da vid seems to havo drawn the lino at tho huso ami suaro drum part of u brass baud. Tho daughter of the former Mnyor of an Kastern city recently surprised her father by telling him shu had been married Just a year. There Is something utmost uncanny about a woman who can keep u secret as long as that. Ami now It Is thu Sultan of Johoro who proposes to miiko a tour of the United States. This thing Is growluu no common that wu will soon make no inoro fuss over seeing an eastern po tentate than wo do now over one ot our own Justly celebrated kings of llmuice or Industry. Now that thu Doukhobors of Canada have appealed to thu Sultan of Turkey for hospitality ami shelter on the ground that they wish to llvu where they would "not bo compelled to obey laws miidu by man," many will Hud additional evidence that the sort of asylum they need Is onu with u wall around It. Tho present volume of Immigration mostly from tho countries of eastern lCurope, should receive tho considera tion of Congress nt thu coming short iiesslon. It Is not what a man enti but what ho digests that makes him tdroug. So It Is with nations. Can thu United States assimilate Into It liolltlcal system tho tribes that tire now contributing three-quarters of a intlllon u year to the population? "Father will gut everything In ad vance, boys," little Alexander of Maco lon used to say to his companions when iiowb emtio of Philip's victories 'ho will not leavo any great tiuk for me to slinro with you." Nevertheless, is Alexander tho Urvnt, ho discovered that his father had but touched tho rim of achlovomeut. General William llooth, fouuder of tho Salvutloit Army, utands us one of tho striking figure of tho Kuglluh-speaklug world; but In tho tremendous light for good, for tho res cue of the lower hulf of humanity, ho luts not pre-empted tho Held. Ills dis tinguished sous and daughters. In dif ferent lauds under whatever banner, uro carrying on what Is nt heart but one great task lit which workers throughout tho world nitty share. A Japanese gentleman named Suglm urn, living lit Hawaii, Is a great lover of truth. Ono day ho caught Ids wife In n lib. Ho wrote her a tender little note, enclosing his little linger, which bo had cut off with a meat ax, and tell ing her that ho would cut off one linger every day until she promised to quit lying. That Is characteristic of tho -Japanese, whose ways uro not our ways. They are a gracious folk and wise In their generation, But did the wife tell any more fibs and did the bus' band lose any more lingers? Certainly a flngcrless husband would be a stand ing reproach, to say nothing of his lack of ability to make the wife a living. Can you Imagine an American husband making this sort of a vicarious atone ment? Or an American wlfo cutting off a finger every time the husband tclH "a little lie" in business? In such a caso the poor wife wouldprobably bo a hope less cripple Inside of a week. Tho growing public appreciation of the value of the forest reserves, not only for tho needed timber supplies of tho future but for the preservation of tho sources of rivers and streams, will attract more than usunl Interest to the work now being dono by tho general land olllce In protecting these reserves and the recommendations for their fur ther preservation made In the report of tho Laud Commissioner. On Oct. 1 there were fifty-four forest reserves, embracing C0,17.ri,70T acres, an Increase of almost 14,000,000 acres slnco the last report. In the last llscal year 1,003 forest Arcs were discovered, which burned over 87,700 acres. The con stantly decreasing area burned over appears to demonstrate tho elllclency of tho government forestry forco and fully warrants n moro extensive po licing of the forested lands. -Tho Com missioner shows that with the present lutidequato forco the work has not only proved self-supporting but has brought rovenuo to tho government, that It has placed needed timber supplies within lawful reach of thu people and ban practically stopped timber depreda tions within the reserve limits. In addition to urging a large Increase In thu number of special agents to pro vent timber depredations and to pro tect public lands from unlawful entry thu Commissioner recommends legisla tion to protect game and llsh In forest reserves, tho uxtenslon of tho boun daries of Yellowstone Park, legislation giving tho President authority to set apart as national parks tracts of pub lic laud having scientific or historic Interest or containing medicinal springs. Tho Commissioner also re ports gratifying succi'ss In tho work of reforestation of the denuded areas that has been undertaken by the general laud olllce. Wu rush through life In such a hur ry, theso days, that there Is llttlo tlmo or thought for tho refinements nnd courtesies that In tho good old days of our grandparents were considered nec essary to good manners. Tho man or woman who has really good manners, nowndays, wu distinguish as being of the "old school." Unfortunately, the old school Is passing uway, and them Is no now school to tnko Its place. We seem to bo drifting Into the Idea that good manners aro a rather boresomu and Indetlnablo something in tho way of an affectation which wo may put on with our best clothes for weddings, parties and other such affairs, but not to bo carried nlxnit with us on ordin ary occasions. AVo have cut It out of business hours. Wo have come to re gard common courtesy as it time-consumer and n waste. Rapid communi cations havo corrupted good man ners, for tho speed with which wu can travel or transmit news has aroused n uorvous Impatlenco of delay which Is fatal to courtesy nnd manners both In spirit ami form. Wo no longer write tho good, long, warm, soul-satla-fylng letters that were written In tho old days. Formerly letters were digni fied and Interesting, but now they aro neither. Wo Imagine wo havo uo tlmo to write elegantly and In a spirit of Impatlenco wo scribble n few lines to some friend when there Is no escapo from tho painful necessity. And tho letters of today show that their wrlh lug Is n task, not it pleasure. Ouco upon n time It was good manners to hold old ago In reverence, but It Is not so nny more. Whatever wo may actu ally feel In tho heart, our attitude to ward tho old Indicates that Instead of regarding them with reverence wo con slder ago a synonym for Incapacity and boredom. Maybe wo mean all rlglif, but our manners are such that we must often cause bitter heartache In tho old, who, bred In a different school, can In terpret our thoughtless Inattentions only as downright disrespect. It Is an age of Ill-manners In both men and women. Tho Yoiiiik American Hplrlt. Sooner or later tho young American Is bound to Issue his own declaration of Independence, but usually tho young gentlemau-or lady, as tho caso may be waits until ho has passed tho kin dergarten stage before ho expresses his determination to go and live his own life, unrestrained by pareutul rules. Not so with n slender, blue-eyed young gentleman, aged 4, who has Just been Initiated Into tho delights of kin dergarten life, A day or two after his first experience In the wide, wldo world his nearest and dearest feminine relative having offended him in sumo slight matter, tho young man declared his Intention of leaving her aud golug off and living by himself, "People don't get aloug very well who live by themselves," alio remarked In answer; "something's likely to hap pen." "Huhl" was tho contemptuous an swer, "I can do It. I went to kinder gartcn two days by myself, and noth ing struckT Tho world Is gutting so highly edu cated that It Is now possible to tlnd a woman wlm makes a perfect pumpklu plo, aud who does uot prououuec. It "punkln." Thirteen Is never considered unlucky by tho mail who gets that number for tho price of a dozeu. TACOMA ADVERTISING Tacoma Trunk Factory. Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases and Telescopes. REPAIRING DONE. 730 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. S. POSNER. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions. Cloaks and Suits. 946 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. THOMAS H. JIURLF.Y, Manager. Ilea. Tel. John 8C1. ItOIIEIlT McaULLOUOH, Secretary. Res. Tel. John Sol. TACOMA TUG AND BARGE CO. TUGS FEARLESS, FAIRFIELD, FAVORITE and FALCON. General Towing. Coal, Tlallaat anil. Water furnished. Scows and Marge (or Kent. Thn "I't'iuliss" is lltlcd with powerful tiro and wrecking pumps. All business communica tions to lio addrt-Mcd Tacoma Tug and llarKO Co. Olllce: l'arlllc Cold Storage building, Northern I'aclllo Pock. Telephone .Main 69. Tacoma, Washington. ihfty tiiNNj ? H. A. DURR, Proprietor of Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted and One of the Best Laundries In the Northwest. inoo-ii c fitroot 1H10-12 Commercial Strcot Tclcphouo Main 320 Tacoma, Waihlneton E9TAHLI8IIED ltM. To The Trade: D. M. HOFFMAN 4 CO. EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE DEALERS Aro now open for business with the largest and finest stock in tho city. Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1340 Pacific Avo, Phone Main GOO. The only exclusive wholesale house In Tacoma. Boarding Horse a Specialty. Tel. Main 4M CLARK'S LIVERY and TRANSFER STABLES JOHN CLARK k BON, Proprietors. licks iid Rip Funlsfcid 01 Short Nitici No. 1210 A Street, Tacoma, Washington. CLOTHING, SHOES, HITS ibcJ Cuts' Funlsh iig litis. Eetter than the ordinary and without extra cost Best lighted and moat convenient store in tho city. DICKSOH BROS. CO. Cmmaiml Ouittttwf UQ-X rmnlftm Aw. Ti X;QQQalgg'aaB9gdjQr5Siy a a qqUMkK' Vim m.-Mii.i isfj w&J 3 ' CJ SPOKANE ADVERTISING Wholesale and Retail WHISKIES Wines and Cigars. ' DURKIN. Telephone Main 731. Allle and Spraguo, - SPOKANE For tho Latest Styles go to W. W. DREYFOOS THE HITTER AND F New Club Building: Cor. Riverside and Washington SPOKANE, WASH. Established 1837. Arthur D. Jones & Co. (Incorporated.) Cor. Riverside Avo. ami Lincoln St. Telephone Main Coo. Real Estate. Renting. Property Agent. Lands. Insurance. Loans. Capital $20,000. Agent Hlllyard Townslle Co. 07 Rlvcrtldo Avcnno Empire Htato llulUUng SPOKANE, WASH. THE HIEBER Brewing 8 Malting Co.'s GOTTLED PILSENER Lngcr Beer n.oro, 203. SPOKANE, WASH. -'-- ii SPOKANE DRUG CO. Wholesale Drugs The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in the State SPOKANE, WASH. Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madison Street, SPOKANE, WASH. Union Iron Works Iron and Brass Founders and Machinists. Mining. Smelting and Saw Mill Machinery nit Supplies. Engine, Hollers. Hoists, C'ruih. en, 1Io:ihi Whims. Vulleys. Shafting, Etc., Etc. Heavy lllacksmlthlng and Itepatr Work m Spe. clalty. Write us (or estimates. Tel. Mala 43. Codec Lleber's, Morelug & Neat. Office and Works, Montgomtry SI. and S. P. 4 N. Ry., Spokane, Washington Crystal Steam and Laundry Hand A Specialty ot Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED TEL. 670. Near cor. Division and North River Av. NATIONAL IRON WORKS Manufacturers ot Steam Engines, Boilers, Elevators, Archi tectural Iron Work, Quartz Mills and Crush ers, Concentrators, Ore Cars, Buckets and General Mining and Mill Machinery. Every description of Wrought Iron Work, Iron and Brass Castings. Machinery and Boiler Repairs a Specialty. J. H. BOYD, Pres. and Manager. Tel. Mala 176. Spokane, Wash SPOKANE DRY GOODS COMPANY Importers aad Jobbers Dry Goods Notions and Furnishings Office and Salesroom Riverside and Mill St Spokane Wash BY KAIL AMD WATIR. A STORII&C0LUMBI1 RIVER RUD CO. WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS ) nKTWKKN Portland; Astoria Seaside Loaves Union Depot Portland For Maygors, Rain ier, Clats lea ill o Vtcstport, Clifton, Astoria, Warren ton, Flavel, Ucar. linrtl'ark ami Sea side. Astoria A Seashore Express Dally. Astoria Express Dally. Arrives Union Depot Portland 8:00 a. 11:10 a.m. (I M p. m. (2:30 p.m. 9:10 p.m. Dally except Saturday. jSaturdav only. Ticket olllce, 255 Morrison street, and Union depot, Portland, j. c. MAY0. Gen. Pass, Agent, Astoria, Or. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION GO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will lcae Portland, foot of Washington St.. Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evening at i o'clock, for (-anvil' Island, St. Helen, Oaplus, Deer Islnml, Martins, Kalitmii, Necr City, Hauler, .Mt.('otlln,Ma)Kcr, Hlclla, Oak Point, I'ncinnus, Mausautllo,Clatkanlu aud all way landing. A Ticket Means more than your mcro transportation If It Is over NORTH-WESTERN LIKE C. St. P. M. & O. Ry. It means that on will havo oory luxury aud comfort tho utmost courtesy from all cmplojcs a safo trip and ono that will he a pleasuro and delight. It Is tho Short Line to Chicago And the BEST as well. Anything you wish to know about Comfortable Traveling will bo gladly told by C.J.dRAY, H.L.SISLER, Traveling Agt. General Agt. IMH Alder Street, Portland. Or. TICKETS To and from all POINTS EAST SHOUT LINK TO ST. PAUL.DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND POINTS KA8T. Through Talara and Tourist Sleepers; Pining and Hutlet bmoklng Library Cars. DAILY TUAIN8. FAST TIME. For rates, folders and full information regard ing tickets, routes, etc., call on r address II. DICKSON', City Ticket Agent, Portland, Or. J.W.i'JIALON.T. P. A., 1.-J Third St., Portland, Or. A. D. C. DKNNISTON, O. V. V. A., 6li First Ave., Beattlo, Wash. White Collar Line Portland -Astoria Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT." Dally round trips except Bunday, TIMS OAHU. Leaves Portland.-.. ......,........7:0O A. M Leave Aitorla,................ , .7:00 P. U Through Portland connection with Steamer Nahcotta from Uwaeo and Long Iteach poluta. White Collar line tickets Interchangeable with O. It. & N, Co. and V. T. Co. tickets. TheDalles-Portland Route STEAMERS "TAHOMA" and "METLAKO" Dally trip except Sunday, Str. "TAHOMA." Leaves Portland. Hon., Wed., Frl 7:00 A. M Leaves The Dalles, Tues., lburs.8aL,7.-0QA.U Str. IWETLAKO." Leaves Portland. Tues., Thu.. Sau......7 rt A. M. Leaves The Dalles Mon., Wed.. Fri..7:00 A, M. Landing and ottlce: Foot Alder Street, Both phoues Main sir. Portland, Oregon. AGENTS. J. W. CRICIITON The Dalles, Ore. A. K. FULLElt Hood Klver.Ore OI.VOK1) A WYKItS.,. White Salmon, Wash. HESHY OI.MSTEAD ., Carson Wash, iA,?..JT2TTEN .Stevenson, Wash! J.C.WYATT Vancouver. Wash. A.J.TAYLOH Astoria, Ore. E. W. CRICHTON, Portland, Oregon 51Mg"eieaAsMaafaMsPMtBaB via TrTuaBPI BBaJZstUiflflPRiT C al KmmSi I I XA1I. AMD WATKK, J ii HTft ft IM VoflLcfHo ; OREGON Shoit Line and union Pacific DarimT TIME SCHEDULES Porttsnd. Or. Anatr Chicago Portland Special 8:00 ft. m. via Huntington. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. ortlt.Omalia, Kansas Ulty, St. louls,0lilcanoid Earn. :30 p.m. At' initio Express 6:50 p.m. via Huntington. Walla Walla tawls. ton,Spoknne,Min. neapolls.Sl. Paul, Dllllltll, Jill MM!- kee.Chlcago&Eait 8: 10 a. m. St. Paul Fait Mall' C;lfi p. m. via Cpolano Ealt T.ake, Denver, Ft. Wortll.Omalia, Kaunas City, St. onis,ChlcaKoand East. 7:00 a. m. i l JL - OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE FltUM 1'OUTI.AND. (Mi p.m. All sailing datei subject to change For Ban Francisco . Cloo p. m. ball every o days. Daily F.x.VunOay ruMlti.m. baturday lUitU p. in. Columbia River Steamers. To Astoria and Way Landings. 1 oo p. m. Kx. Uuuday G:45a.m Mon., Wed. aud Frl. tVIIUmitls niter. Water permitting. Ungon City, New berg, Hiiloni, Inilo pendoure, Corval llsiuid Mar Land ings. About iw . 111. Tiles , Thu., bat. 7:00 a. in. luts.. 'Iliur. and Hat. Wlllsmslls and Yam. hill niters. Water permitting. Ort-Ktm City, Day lon.tti Way Land Ings. 3:30 p.m. Mon,, .Wed, aud Krl. l.v. Itlparla 4:06 a. in. Dally except Saturday Snske River. Itlparla to Lowlston Lv. La (vision, Jl.OOa.'m. Dally except, " Friday. A. L. CRAIQ, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. C. YY. STINOKIt. City Ticket Agent, Thlrk and Washington Streets. TIME CARD0F TRAINS PORTLAND Depart. Arrive. Puget Sound Limited 7:24 A. M. 6:14 P. If Kansas City & St. Louis Hpeclal 11:10 A. M. 11:10 P. U North Coast Limited ...... 3:30 P. M. 7:00 A.M. Tacoma-Seattlc Night Kxpress 11:43 P. M. 3:03 P. M Take Puget Pound Limited or North Coast Limited for Urav's Harbor points. Take Puget fciound Limited lor Olympla direct. . Take Pucet Bound Limited or Kansas Clty Ft. Louis Hpeclal for points on South Vend, branch. ' Double dally train service on Oray'a Harbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland and Ta coma and Seattle. A. D. CHAKLTON, Assistant Oeneral Pasienger Agent. 233 Morrison f i St., Portland, ur. EAST SOUTH LEAVE DEPOT, SIXTH AND HOYT 8TS. ARRIVE 8:30 P.M. OVERLAND EX. TRESS TRAINS for Balem, Itoneburg, Ash land, Sacramento. Og den, San Francisco, Mo lave, Los Angeles, El Paso, New Orleans and the East. AtWoodburn dally except Sunday, morn, lug train connect with train forMt. An-gel.Sllverton.Urowna-villa, Springfield and Natron, and Albany local for Mt. Angel and Silverton. .Albany Passenger. Xorvallls Paaengr Sheridan Passutiger. 7:43 A.M. 1:90 A.M. 7:00r.M. 4:00 P.M. 7:90 A.M. 114:50 P.M. 10:10 A.M. 3:60 P.M. y 8:25A.M. Dally. UDally except Sunday. YAMHILL DIVISION. P..UMM. 1aa IaaI nt TnATarcsin street. Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:20 A.M.. 12:30, I;55. 3:25, 4;40 6:25. 8:90 F. M. Dally except Bunday. 6:3tf, :, A. M., 8.0S, ll; ' Arrive at Portland daily at 8:30 A. M.. l:r s:io, 4;30, o:ia, t.w, io p. si. wuiy except j": day 6:35 ,10:W a. M.: except Monday, U.w A.M. Suwday only, 10:05 A. II. . Ieave for Dallas dally except Sunday, 8- P. M. Arrive Portland, 9:30 A.M. , , .. Rebate tickets on sale Utween Portland, fcao ramento and Sau Franclseo. Net rates, sn.ou first class and $11 second clase. Second cissa Includes sleeper: first .class does not. . Tickets to Eastern points and turope- A'so JAPAN. CHINA, lIONOLULtT and AUS- CITY TICKET OFFICE, teorner. Third ' Wathlocton streets. Phone Main 712. aVPnafirA H k m fMTLtfTTSald'iy 2j7 atMcr x-tu O QamiAjrcsJ-J' 1 I' i Jj&L,m.&& - jlL. - w imfc.-fcft HAilsJ.k