. km-, vc-jim j fiPTfai " rs-ff, ,r ?. JfWWg'W- . f ,. - . i KW X f 1. - -w c QhA4 $4 ' n. t . 1 Vi "UT M)Wm(miMiHiwt"i' " """'"" l4..rJlWiMlijWM'HlBiIW HWililniTVnn,"Tr -.. MWMWWW W . . Ml.' " f no - It ft. ' 1 ' rilit: : - r -"-vX" - W 7 VOL. VII. PORTLAND, OKEGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1902 NO. 38. MBHMMPIbpbjHPbjIJSIIIIIPPbbbIMBMJbiPPsW Br ' . X 4 Kf-ntt- - I ' Lj K .. it - XJLlxJbj IS K " WbtsAW A- P FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFS!?Kia?b' Paginated Depositary and BMnanelal Agent of the United 8taUa. rraaideat. X. W. Corbstti eashler, K. a. Wlthlngtont assistant cashier, J. W. Newklikj eeoonc " w mliunt eashler. W, C. AWord. Letters of eredlt Iseusd. arailable In Xurope and tbe Eastern sutei. Bight exchange end Manaphlo transfers sold on New York, Boston, Chicago, Omaha, Bt. Paul, Ban Franolsoo and the principal polnu lu tha Northwest, Sight and ttma bills drawn In sums to ault on London, Ri, Berlin, rranklort-on-tha-Maln, Hong Kong. Collection mad on favorable terms at all accesitbla points. LADD TILTON, BANKERS 5S&8SL established la ISO. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest allowed on time deposit. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit leanee available la Earope and the Eastern state. Sight exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington, Chicago, 8t. Louie, Dnve, Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore goa, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Britiah Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Bong Kong. - COPFMAN, DOBSON & CO., BANKERS. CHEHAUSr VASHINGTON. Founded f &B4 Oldest and Largest Bank in Southwest Washington BANK OF COMMERCE, BOISE, IDAHO. OFFIOItnni B. F. OLDKN, President; M. AI.KXANDKIt, VlcePreildonlt II. N. COF- FIN, Ceihlcr; J. M. II AINKS, Asilstant Cashier. DIKKOi'UItti Itobt. Noble, Thou. UavU, II. V. Olden, J. M. Ilalnci, J. E. Yatce, J.B. Morrow, T. Regan, M. Alexander, K. It. Collin. ;mmunimt Bmnkm. Flemm, Oorpormtlonm ancf Indlvldunlm IToocfratof avt turn Mt LHfemi Tmrmm Banmlmtmnt Wltn Mauna Banking. lack 4 scHnj,n GQLD M)NES AND INVESTMENTS BAKER CITY, 0RE80H. TBPf YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE EASTERN OREGON GOLD FIELDS. EXAMINATIONS AND REPORTS A SPECIALTY. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. FIRST NATIONAL, BANK Walla Walla, Wellington, (i'lrtt National Bank In the State.) Transacts a General Banking Business. CAPITAL 1100,000. BURFLU8 $100,000. fJCVI ANKENY, President. A. II. REYNOLDS. Vice President. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Pendleton, Oregon. Capital, 170,000.00. Surplus and Undirided Profits, $60,000.00. RESMtVE AGENTS First National Bank. Chicago. III.; First National Bank, Portland, Oregon; Chemical National Bank, New York, N. Y. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Ivl Ankany, President j W. F. Matlock, Vice Prealdent: O.TJ. Wade, Cashier; II. O. tiuerensy, Assistant Cashier; J. 8. HcLeod, W. S. Brers, W. F. Matlock, II. F. Johnson. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK PENDLETON, OREGON. Organized March I, 1880. Capital, 50,000. Surplus, SG5.000. Interest allowed on time deposits. Exchange bought and sold on all prin cipal points. Special attention given to collections. W. J. Famish, President; J. N. Teal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris, Cashier. I OUR OPTICAL DEPARTMENT HAS Five Reasons for it f Count 'Cm. 1. No charge for testing. s 2. Thorough examinations with modern scientific instruments. 3. Courteous treatment, 4. Our Glauses improve Count 'Em. 5. Very llcasonablo prices. Remember the Placo. Willamette Iron and Steel Works. Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers, PORTLAND, OREGON. OEtlQNKRS AND BUILDERS OF... Marin and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Saw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery, ' Roll Grinding and Corrugating Machinery, Power Transmission Machinery. W ara constantly developing; Modern ur up I tO'OatO plant enSUIOI KB- CORRESPONDING! SOLICITED. "S I NEW LIFE TO u, S.VW ffiK,oS Anchor Sreal Combination ol Strength and Beauty, Tms Tib Txat m: See Our Anchor" Clamp You would be surprised II yon knew how Utile it would cost )ou to fix u that old fence, better send for soma Anchor Clamps and Uprights, and a pair ol our pinchers, and make your old wire ience look like a new one. ANCHOR FENCE i u fttrnnr that Sink that ft must U Cattie, Sheep and FARM, RAILROAD r eialBT SSTCM USOKB. WiMs lar TiUm aa4 CaialeaM. Aaaals Wasted la very Tewm. LIMITED. A. R. BURFORD, Cashier PROVEN TO BE A BIG SUCCESS Wo don't hurry patients. the looks. JAEOER BROS., Jewelers and Opticians. 290 Morrison St., bet. Fourth and Fifth Machinery for special purposes, wnlM mwiiu .bVUt.l.lf WIU VWIVIMI.WI, OLD FENCESI Clamps and Uprights. Taa Old Fanes. Tbi amchox Fsxca. looks so nice and farmtra sometimes high priced. II Hog Tlgttt. nNiraauraftaleU AND LAWN FENCE. w The Portland Anchor Fence Co. 74 NfceJaJ St., PORTLAND, Orsu EVENTS OF THE DAY GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OP THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprehensive Review of the Import ant Happenings of the Past Week, Presented In Condensed Form, Most Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Readers. An earthquake in Central Asia caused great loss of llfo and proporty. Prodldont Roosevelt gavo his first dinner party In tho renovated white house. Non union minors testify to vlo lonco and boycotting during tho coal strike. New England senators opposo rati fication of tho treaty with Newfound land regarding coast fisheries. An association has been formed by 150 loading pottery manufacturers. United States will rccognlzo tho war blockade. Congress has ordered favorable re ports on tho eight-hour bill, tho army staff bill and tho now Philippine cur rency bill. Tho House has passed tho bill re ducing tho tariff on Imports from the Philippines to 25 per cent, of the Dlngloy rates. German warship captured n Vono zuolau schooner, cut down her main mast, and then abandoned her in a disabled condition. Tho now monitor Nevada was glvon her trial trip at Rockport, Mass., and showed n speed of 12.95 knots, ex ceeding her contract dpeed by 1.45 knots. President Castro states that Ven ezuelan rebels are holping tho allied powers; allies want United Stated to guarantee payment of claims against Castro, but Secretary Hay refuses; Franco and Holland send Bhlps to tho scono of blockade. A negro chargod with tho murdor of a whlto .man was lynched In Ala bama. A cousin of King Alfondo of Spain was nrrestod In an Illegal gambling house. Tho Imperial Council, Order of United Friends, is found to bo hope lessly bankrupt. A beggar who died in a Now York hospital was found to bavo over $100 000 in his possession. Gormnny will demand some sort of apology from Vcnozuela In addition to paymont of her claims. nnnfllrtlnir nnlltlcnl Interests In Congress tlireuton" to prevent tho ad mission of any now states at all this session. Tho United States Steel Corpora tion, by a recent purchado of two Im mense plants, acquire a practical monopoly of Its lino. Venozuola has given Mlnlstor Row on, United States Minister, full pow er to effect a cettlomont with Eng land, Germany and Italy. It is definitely decided that Presi dent Roosevcjt and a party of dlstin guldhod men will make a tour of tho Northwest In tho Spring. Orders for tho disposal of Dewey's fleet during tho holidays show plainly that they aro not to threaten Vene zuelan troubles in any way. Miners continuo to Bpring damaging testimony against tho coal operators. A fruit company with a capital of $4,500,000 has boon organized In Cal ifornia, John D. Rockofellor has contributed another million to tho University of Chicago. Germany approves of tho Unitod States' protedt against tho Venezu elan blockade Ohio Rlvor roso 12 foot in 24 hours and swept nwny coal-laden barges valued at 150,000. Tralnwreckers removed a rail from an Alabama road and caused a bad wreck. No fatalities, A coroner's Jury decided that Mrs, Mary Collins, of Scattlo, was mur dered " by dtrangulation. The houfto has passed tho sennto bill appropriating $22,000 for a light house at Mukllteo Point, Wash. A noted Umatilla chief named Five Crows was found dead near Athena, Ore. He was drunk when last seen alive. Secrotary of War has sent to con gress an cdtlmato of $60,000 for a new hospital at Vancouver barracks, Wash. A company of crack rifle shots is being organized among mountaineers In Montana to go to tho aid of Presi dent Castro. Admiral Dewey has been ordered to keep his fleet together near Venezu ela, presumably to escort .American ships through tho "peaceful blockade" of La Guayra. President Gorapers, of tho Ameri can Federation of Labor, testifies be fore strike commission that operators aro directly responsible for Importa tion of ignorant foreigners. Tho Japanese government had or dered several largo X-ray .machjnes to be used In the mint for photographing employes who are suspected of swal lowing coins. The coins show plainly on the photographic plate. PRIiSIDENT COAMNQ WEST. Secretary Now at Work on Itinerary A Word to Entertainment Committees. Washington, Dec. 20. President Roosovelt Is already giving ills atten tion to tho Western trip which ho plans to tako In tho Spring. Secre tary Cbrtelyou Id at work on the itinerary, or, rather, tho itlncarlcs, for ho ! Is making sovoral. At least threo trlpH will bo laid out, and cir cumstances will determine which shall bo chosen. If stato affairs aro urgent it will bo tho shortor one, whllo If affairs aro going dtnoothly, tho President will bo away six wcekd or moro. Chicago will bo visited early in tho trip, as It Is tho plan to carry out tho programmo which was Interrupted by tho operation on tho President's leg. Then ho will go to Milwaukee, through Wisconsin, to St. Paul and Minneapo lis' and westward to tho Ycllowstono Park, and on to the Coast, stopping nt Puget Sound cities, Portland and San Francisco. Tho President has In vitations from ovory stato In tho Un ion west of tho Mississippi River. Local committeos making plans will do well to havo regard to tho President's desiro that Secretary Cor telyou bo Included n all plans for an tertalnlng tho President. This rcmln dor mght seem superfluous, but oxpor onco has shown thnt It 1b not. There nro 19 reasons, any of which is good and sufficient why tho Preoldont wants his bocrotary to bo at his olbow day and night, In carriages, at din ners, nt prlvato residences whoro ho may bo entertained, and at public functions. Any plans which nro not to this effect will havo to bo altorod. NATIONAL CALAMITY. Santa Maria Still Active-Price of Necci altlca So High Few Can Duy Them. Guatemala City, Guatemala, Dec. 20. It Is probably duo to somo gov ernment Instructions that tho papers horo havo not said anything with rcf orenco to tho eruption of tho, Santa Maria volcano, which can bo consider ed, becauso of Its mugnltudo ns a national calamity. Tho losses suffer ed by German capital aro not less than $6,500,000, consisting of houses and machinery destroyed, nnd tho destruction of tho present coffeo crop. If the total destruction of .many other properties belonging to other foreign ers, ob wo)l ob to nntivoa, 1b added to this amount, tho actual losses ascend to a fantastic sum. Tho volcano lq still in activity and n nowTeruption Is feurou at. any. timet. Suffering Is Indescribable for, besides tho loss of coffeo, which Is estimated at about 300,000 quintals, tho corn and wheat fields nro ruined. Owing to tho unusually high rnto of oxchango, business is entirely par alyzed, for nil Imported attlclcs havo reached such prices that very fow persons can nflord to buy them, and most of tho merchants soil just enough to cover tholr cxponscs. The worst part of tho prosont bad condition Is that no ono knows how or whon it will clinngo, nnd It is al most unenduablo Just now. Articles of first necodslty havo reached Inac cessible prices, and tho poor rlnss of people nro suffering thorofrom. REMODELED A CLUB FOOT. Surgeon Lercnz First Crushed It, Then Tormed It as Nature Should. New York, Dec. 20. Dr. Loronz has for tho flrnt tlmo slnco ho nrrlvod In Now York oporated on a club foot. Tho patient was a 4-year-old girl. Dr Lorcnz knoodod and twisted tho crip pled foot until it was as soft and pli able as a plcco or putty. Tnon no deftly molded it Into Hb propor form, nnd nnnouncpd that tho operation was completed and a plaster cast waa fit ted to tho foot. Tho doctor said that tho child should bo allowed to uso nor foot as much as sho could after four or five days, and thnt It would bo nocorfsary to koop tho cast on for six or seven months, after which Bho could walk. Four operations for congenital dis locations wore performed and at their cloBo Dr. Lorenz showed that hq was n tired mnn. THIS IS SANTA'S MJSIEST YEAR. Prosperity Has Enabled Mini to Break All Previous Records In Lbcrallty. Now York, Dec. 20. Mall monoy order records havo been broken In tho Central postofllco, Wedncsday'd trans actions amounting to $1,168,741. This included .money orders Issued, both domestic and foreign, tho ceitlflcates of deposit Issued to out-of-town post masters, monoy orders pad nnd monoy order drafts. European ad vices brought tho Information that the Incoming Christmas mall would bo much larger this year than ovor before. Tho Cymric, bound for Now York, Is said to havo on board 260Q bags of mall. Tho Etrurla is also coming with 1805, tho Kalsor Wllhelm dor Grosso with 660 and tho St, Louis with 300, a total or 5365. Warning to Westerners. Washington, Dec. 20. Tho Secro tary of tho Treasury went to tho Ilnr Iem dinner in a Tuxedo coat. That was a sin a violation of tho law of etiquette almost Inexcusable, For tho President or tho United States was thore, and whero tho President or tho United States Is, It Is a full dress function. This might bo a good thing to remember when tho Presi dent Is on Ills visitation, of tho West next Spring. If you havo a long-tailed coat get It out. NEWS OF OREGON ITFMS OP INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS OP THE STATE. Extensive Apple Canning Establishment Started at Ltnnton Driving Sugar Pine Logs Down Rogue River Large Supply of Wood for State Insane Asy lumForeign Voters la Astoria. Candidates for U. S. senator are ex ceedingly numerous. Linn county jail is full to overflow ing, the first time in several years. The city elections at Monmouth woro vory quiet, there being only ono ticket in the Hold. A hobo was sentenced to ono year in tho penitentiary for stealing a jar of jam. It was his second offense W. U. RupboII, an actor, was ar routed at Helix ou tho chamo of having played a copyrighted play without per mission. Registration in Astoria previous to tho ' recent elections showed' moro forolgn-lxirn voters than nativo Amer icans thore. Tho O. It. & N. contomplatos putting a dining car on its through trains and cutting out tho stop nt tho famous Log Cabin eating houuo at Meacham for meals. About 30 momhors of tho Marion County Itar association will try to havo a continual session of tho criminal de partment of tho stato circuit court in augurated at the con,lng soagiou of tho legislature. A drivo of 100,000 foot of pino legs is on its way down tho Rogue river. If tho drive ia successful 'many more will follow, as there is a vast quantity of Ann sugar pine in the Upper Rogue river country. An oxtonelvf and profitable apple canning industry has been started up at l.lnnton. There ia an almost unlim ited eupply of the fruit good for cook ing, but for which thoro is no market in its natural atato. Six Albany boys aro under arrest for tormenting a Chlneso swill-gatheror, nnd finally assaulting him and striking him on the hrad-with n-rockr, rendering him InsonHiblo, They nro liablo to torms in tho penitentiary for tholr frolic. Tho hoard of truetcos for tho stato ineauo asylum accepted -,100 cords of hhr fir uood at from II. OH', to H tmr cord, 40 cords of oak at f 11.80, for tho main buildings, nnd t)50 cords of Fucond-growth fir at from $2.25 to $2.50 per cord, nnd 100 cords of old fir for tho farm buildings. Tlio Northern Dol Norto mining dis trict, just south of Waldo, Jonephiuo county, is becoming ono of tho most ac tho mining districts ot this section ol tho West. Since tho ricli copper Hh covorioa made thoro last spring a num ber of minors havo gone into tho dis trict and many claims havo boon tuken up and nro being developed. Commissioner Hermann line recom mended the repeal of tho lieu laud luw. Tho Multnomah club of Portland has commenced airangemunta for holding a street fair. Linn county sportsmon aro taking activo measures to cecuro tho enact ment of bettor gamo laws. All concur in the opinion that hunting for tho market should bo entirely prohibited. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat WallaWalia, 7071cj blue, stem 7rl($70u; valley, 767flc. Ilorley Feed, $23.50 per ton; brew ing, $24.00. Flonr Host grade, 3.00(34.10; grah am, $3.203.60. M 111st uffsIlran, $19.00 per ton; middlings, $23.50; shorts, $10,50; chop, $18. Oats No. 1 white, $1.16I.17Ki gray, $1.12)1.15 per cental. Hay Timothy, $10311; clover, $0.00; cheat, $80 per ton. Potatoes Rest Burbanka, G070c per sack; ordinary, 60o0o per cental, growers' prices; Merced sweets, $1.75(3 $2 per cental. Poultry Chickens, mixed, He; young, 10c; liens, Utilise; turkeys, live, 13 14c; d rested, 1517; ducka, 50 per dozen; gooso, $0.6u 07. Cheese Full cream, twins, IflHid 17c; Young America, 17$C$18), factory pricea, lOlc lesa. Uuttor Fancy creamery, 27)l9B0c per pound; extraa, 30c j dairy, 20 22c; store, 15018, Eggs 2535o per dozen. Hopa New crop, 2320o per pound. Wool Valley, 12&15c; Eastern Oregon, 814c; mohair, 26828c. Reef Grosa, cows, 33)o per pound; ateera, 4c; dressed, 687c. VMl-7K98Xr. Mutton Qroaa, 8c p pound; draasad, 6c. Lambe Qroaa, 3)-c per poasd: drwawd, flXc Bog OreM, 69)10 par psMuadt draad, 707 c WILL NOT RESIST. United States Admits War Blockade set La Ounyrn Is Vnlld. Washington, Doc. 10. Tho state da partrtont has recoived no response thus far to tho messages tout to tho Euro pean forolgn oulc-es rolativo to tho arbU tration proposition. It is not known horo whother President Castro will con sent to apologise as u condition prece dent to arbitration, but it is hoped that Minister Bowon can induco him to do so If this will bo nufllciont to moot tho domands of the allies. It ia pointed out here, however, that tho further prosecution of attacca on Venezuelan forts will mako an adjustment much moro difficult. If apologioa aro tendered and ac cepted, then tho critical phaso of the situation will be removed and soma time may he spent in an arrangement of the basis upon which arbitration should bo conducted. This will be a difficult problem, for it is anticipated that tho allies will baso their accept ance of the arbitration on an agreement by Venezuela to instruct tho arbitrators to accept certain principles in advance which would commit Vonezuola to a recognition of a debt of alwut $15,000, 000. Still, the statu department ia hopeful that arbitration will prevail, for the alternative is now retained to bo actual war between tho allies and Vonezuola. It is believed here that Germany, at least, la not anxious to cntor upon this stato. A declaration of war would nt onco clothe tho Venezue lans with tho full rights of belligeren cy, nnd this might gieatly protract the efforts of tho allies to aubduo President Castro. Horr von Hollebon, the German am bassador hero, has gone to New York, and Count Quadt, tho secretary and charge d'affaires, ia transacting what ever businosa the embassy has with the stato department, forwarding to Berlin such matters of information touching the situation in Veneauela aa aro forth coming from Mr. Howon. Tho navy department lias no an nouncement to mako respecting the or dors to be glvon to Dewey's ships, and it was ropeatod that tho solo purpose and aim ol tho department is so to place the voeaola, a few at each import ant port, that tho mon may enjoy them sieves Chritsmna week without overtax luir tho facilities at any one point. Secretary Moody spent n good part of tho day before the houso naval commit tee, in continuation ol his explanation ol tho recommendations made by him In his annual report for tho bettermont of tho navy. BOXERS BREAK OUT AOAIN. Swarming Around Two Cities Regulara Unuble to Disperse Them. Victoria, 11. 0., Duo. 10. Mull ad vices received from Chungking, in tho ciV.ecluian province of China, report that both tho cities of Melchou and Kaitlngfu havo had their gatea clored and a statu of seigo declurod, owing to tho numerous bodies of armed IIoxoih in their vicinity, it Iwing feared by the officials that tho insurgents may take the cities by surprise. Trcops were sent to rniau tho siege of tho two cities, but fui od. It is reported from Pokln that Yung Lu, first grand secretary of China, who, since Li Hung Chung died, is tho most powerful mun in China, is anxious to resign. The empress dowagor proposes to abdicate next jear, and Yung Lu wlehoH to anticipate tho event by plac ing himsolf beyond tho range ot conse quent complications. RELIEF TOR SETTLERS. Favorable Report Made on Moody's Land Urunt Lieu Bill. Washington, Doc. 10. Tho senate publiu lauds committee today favorably reported Reprot-entativo Moody's hill proposing to givo to Peltiers on The Dalles military wagon road hinds and upon railroad lauds, wIhiho entries were erroneously allowed by tho interior de partment, under tho mistaken idea that tho lands fettled upon were u part of tho public domain, hut which were af terwards held by tho superior court to ho prlvato lands, tho right to credit for residence upon a now homestead for a timo equal to the time they resided on tholr original tract, except that each such settler must Iho at least one year ou his now homestead. There ia now little doubt that tho hill will fli.ully puts and bo signed by tho president. Ohio River on the Rampage. Cincinnati. O., Doc. 18. Tho rlso In tho Ohio River In tho 24 hourd end ing with 8 a. in. was 12 feet. Tho swift current today swept 80 coal barges from their moorings nnd most of thorn Hunk. All the harbor boats. went la pursuit, but only about 30 hargOB woro reco voted, Sovoral men wero on tho floating barges and ono Is reported missing. Tho loss on the barges is estimated at $50,000. China Will Pay In Silver. Washington, Doc. 10. Unofficial ad vices havo reached here that China in tend i to pay Iho next installment of the Boxer indemnity In ailvt r. The repoits indicate that China is driven to this courso by the fact that all ol her revenues aro payable In silver and the great internal financial strain make it impossible to obtain gold, 3 " i i. A iHfr., nf.'ikuShl . Jti. l 1sf-wflr-afl -a Mftn mMAtJIA ryJM( &:.