"vwyr THE NE' AGE, PORTLAND, OREGONi ' MM,M""7fTTT7rT7TrUuuwii"-j-''1'1' '' ' " 1, 1..H...1 1 ... ....... -- r . , " i iih MHiiini SISTERS OF CHARITY Use Pe-ru-na for Coughs, Colds, Grip and Ca tarrhA Congressman's Letter. In .ivory country of tho clvillzod world Slaters of Cbnrity nro known. Not only do tlioy minister to tho spir itual and intollcctuul nccda of tlio chargoa committed to tholr enro, but tboy also mlnlstor to tboir bodily nrodfl. With bo many children to tako enro of, find to protect from climato and dia eaBO, thoao wleo and prudont Slaters havo found' Poruna a novor falling safeguard. ". )Dr Hartman rocoivos many lottors from Catholic bisters from all over the United States. A recommend recontly recblved from a Catholic Institution in Detroit, Mich., reads as follows: Dr. S. B. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio: Dear Sir: The young Rlrl who used tho Pcruna was suffering from laryngi tis', and loss of voice. Tho result of the treatment was most satisfactory. She found great relief, and after further uso of the medicine wo hope to be ablo to say she is entirely cured." Sisters of Charity. The young girl was under tho caro of the Slater of Charity and used Peruna for catarrh of tbo throat with good re ults, as tbo obovo letter testifies. Bond' to Tho Peiuna Medici no Co., Columbus, Ohio, for a I roo book written flip Morning After. "If truth Is found at tho bottom of a woll," ho roma ked, thoughtfully, "re moreo may bo said to bo locatod at tho bottom of a glass." TheyWork While You Sleep. While your mind ml body rest, Cascareti Can dy Cathartic repair your digestion, your liver, Sour bowels, put them In perfect order. All ruggtsts, 10c, Sic, Wc. The Savage Breast- "Her music is said to bo quite stirr ing." , ''It' 1b; the neighbors are always stirred up over it." Sleeping Volcanoes A thin, vapory smoke, lazily ascending1 from its crater may be the only visible sign of life in the sleeping- volcano, but within is a raging- sea of fire, molten rock and sul- Ehurous gases. Those who make tboir omes in the peaceful valleys below know the danger and, though frequently warned by the rumblings and quakings, these signs of impending eruption go unheeded. They are living in fancied security when the giant awakes with deafening roars and they are lost beneath a downpour of heated rock and scalding ashes, Thousands of blood poison sufferers are living upon a sleeping volcano and are taking desperate chances, for under the Mercury and Potash treat- ment the external symptoms of the disease disappear, and the deluded victim is happy in the belief of a complete cure, but the fires of conta gion have only been smothered in the system, and as soon as these min erals are left off will blaze up again. Occasional sores break out in the mouth, ared rash appeargon the body, and these warning symptoms, if not heeded, are soon followed by fearful eruptions, sores, copper colored splotches, swollen glands, loss of hair and other sickening symptoms. Mercury and Potash not only fail to cure blood poison, but cause Mer curial Rheumatism, necrosis of the bones, offensive ulcers and inflamma tion of the Stomach and Bowels. The use of S. S. S. is never followed by any bad results. It cures without the slightest injury to the system. We offer 1,000.00 for proof We will mail free our special book on Contagious Blood Poison, which, gives all the symptoms of the disease with full directions for home treat ment. Medical advice is furnished by our physicians without charge. TH SWIFT SPEOifW CO.. ATLANTA. OAm by Dr. Hartman. Tho following lottor is from Con gressman Mcokiron, of Napoleon, Ohio: Tho Peruna Mcdlclno Co., Columbus, Ohio: Gontlomon: "I have used several bottles of Peruna and feol greatly bonoflttod theroby from my catarrh of tho bond, and fool encouraged to bo liovo that its con tinued UBO Will ful- Dvid Mcoklion. ly oradlcnto n disease of thirty yours' standing." -David MooklBOn. Dr. Hartmnn, ono of tho boat known physicians and surgeons in tho United States, was the first man to formulate Peruna. It was through his genius and portovorance that it was intro duced to the medical profession of this country. If you do not dorive prompt and sat isfactory roiults from the uso of Poru na, writo at once to Dr. Hartman, giv ing a full statement of your caao, and ho will bo pleaaod to gho you his val uable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0. An Unfailing Sign. Blio I know you would proposo to mo tonight. Ho Why? "I saw tho moon ovor my left Bhoul dor." Life. For forty year's Tlso's Cure for Con sumption lias cured coughs and colds. At druggists. Price 25 cents. Canadian Holidays. Canada has tho moat holidays of any British colony. Including Sundays, Canadians havo nlnety-flvo holidays yearly. Sowllnr Oreen, Xy., March 84, 1903. Gtoatlamani Tor ovr four years X suffered g-raatly from a or case of contagious blood poison. Z went to Hot Spring's, staying there four montha at a big expenaa. I then con aulted physloian, -who preaorlbod Keroury. Nothing did a any rood, in fact, the treatment proved more harmful than beneficial. I Mentioned my case to a, friend, who told me that S.B. S, had certainly cured him. Zat once commenced lta uae, and in alx xnontha could find no trace of the die eaae whatever. Thia waa about two years ago. X continued S. S. 8. for aome time to make aure of a perma nent cure, and Z can truthfully aay X am entirely well. ' X). V.. 8A2TDEBS. GjWWalpHsV njiiifWTiVKk JYUIflRsvlilUll IlliSa that it contains a mineral ol any de scription. S. S. S. is an antidote for contagious blood poison, and the only radical and permanent cure known. It destroys every atom of the virus and puri fies and strengthens the blood and builds up the general health. A cattleman says that all cows lie down on their left side, and never on their right, unless tho left Is Injured. If a hen lays an egg n week tho year through It will Just about pay for her feed, and every extra egg will yield a pro lit. "I nm told thnt Mr. Tcrkaslo has pro posed to Miss Tenspot," said Miss Frocks. "Election bet?" nsked Miss Bunting. The gypsies have an old cure for rheumatism. They carry a good-sized piece of brimstone In tho pockot, and wnrraut It to cure tho worst cases. Mrs. Dearborn Ilnvo you a speaking acqunlntnnce with thnt woman next door? Mrs. Wabash A speaking ac quaintance? I know her so well that we don't speak nt all. In n bog on the Island of Zcoland, Denmark, n votlvo bronzo chariot has been found with tho Imago of n horse ten Inches high In front and with tan lnlnod gold sun on one side. Ono of tho oldest coins In tho world, tho Gcrmnu thnlcr, Is disappearing. It Is to bo replaced by a four-mark piece, equivalent to our American dollar, as tho live-mark pieces havo been found to bo too heavy. After a beggar named Tletro Cavan na hnd died of chronic starvation In n wretched hovel nt Allcssnndrla, Pied mont, It was found thnt ho had be queathed $30,000 In bnnk notes to the local workhouse. "Tho color green mado Parnoll so un happy," snys T. P. O'Connor, In M. A. P., "that he anticipated every ovll from tho night of ltfl, nnd thought Ire land's misfortunes woro mainly duo to green being her color. Mmo. Loubct, wlfo of tho French President, believes In co-education. At a recent meeting of n society of French mothers she brought down upon her head scvoro criticism In advocating American methods In training gtrls. When Kansas was first organized as a Territory In 1854, Its area Included part of tho present Strrto of Colorado, extending as far west bb tho crest' of tho Rocky Mountains, Denvor, Lcndvlllo, Pueblo. and Colorado Springs arc now located on former Kansas soil. A decoction of coffco hunks has been used as a remedy for malaria by Dr. Hcstrepo, of Medlllln, In the Stato of Antloqula, Colombia. It was found effective In cases whero qulntno failed, and In other diseases as well, such as enteric colic and chronic dysentery. Sweden has tho oldest vossol In tho Baltic, porhaps lu tho world, In tho schooner Emanuel, built In 1740, first a plrato and now used In tho lumber trade. Tho Danish schooner Mnrcn, also In the lumber trade, was built In 1800, Is still seaworthy and has been owned by ono family for 102 years. Pork plo fanciers In England nro dis turbed. A firm of gluo manufacturers has published tho fact thnt n customer who bought n largo amount of gluo naked If there was any deleterious ma terial In It. On Inquiry It was found thnt ho meant to uso tho gluo In mak ing pork pies, and tho salo was can celed. , , Extraordinary results from subcuta neous Injections of normal horso serum In eases of extrcmo exhaustion or of Inability to nsslmllnto food nro report ed In a lato number of the Lancet. Ono cuflo Is thnt of an Infant nt tho point of death, after oxygen hnd been used for days, that was pulled through by, tho Injections. Tho bequest of Professor Jncobl, of Berlin, In tho Interest of co-education Is said to bo the first of Its kind over made by a man. Ho has bequeathed 10,000 marks to tho University of Ber lin with tho proviso that tho university shall not come lu possession of tho money until at least two departments are open to women as regular students. Probably tho most leisurely worker among dramatists of tho day Is Arthur W. Plnero. Ho coufesscs to taking a couple of years over a piny, nnd some times longer. "Iris" was written nnd rewritten until vory Httlo of tho orig inal remained. "Tho Gay Lord Quex" was copied out no fower than twelvo times, and "Tho Second Mrs. Tan- queray," peruaps ins most successful play, also Involved a great amount of labor. Members of tho faculty of Vassar College aro negotiating for tho pur chase of tho houso In Nantucket, tho blrthplnco of Maria Mitchell, tho as tronomer. If the property Is secured tho Nantucket Maria Mitchell Associa tion will bo formed to preserve this historical landmark In tho interest of Vassar College. Tho present owners nro relatives of Maria Mitchell and have given tho society an option of $1,000 on tho houso and land. Tho houso was built In 1700 nnd has been In the Mitchell family for elghty-flvo years. Jean, JuBsleu, a French cynic, writ ing In tho Paris Hevue, expresses gravo doubts of tho elllcacy of Ameri can schools and unlvorsltles. He avers that tho latter aro governed by inero endowment seekers, men of shrewd address and of high social position, who can confidently nnd successfully ap proach millionaires with requests for additions to tho great funds accumu lating under university control. These vast sums, M. Juasleu avers, are wast ed In tho construction of great build ings, and the call no of education Is not proportjouaaely advanced. We never rodo fifty miles on a train In our life that we did not see some one with his shoes off. "Dr, August Koenig'a Hambsig Breast'Tea," writes Mr. F. Batech, of Horln, Wis., "enabled mo to got rid of an obstinate cough; wo fool vory grateful to tho dlseovoror of this medicine." Striking Similarity. Bnchley Why is a woman liko tlmo? Boned let Becnueo sho novor fails to Cot her man in tho end. Barhloy No; becauso shorovoala all things. Exchange Tho Marriage Record. "Why did you decldo upon such a Buddon marriage?" "Woll, youvBeo, Arthur got ono of those French automobiles, nnd I got to thinking that a husband in tho harness might bo worth a good donl moro than a lover in tho wreck." Chicago Itocord-IIerald. The Kind of Seeds Thnt Yield. Liko everything eleo, thoto nro good seeds nnd bad seeds. Seeds that grow and aeeds that don't grow; Beods thnt yield and seeds that don't yiold, and a Httlo thought given now to tho sclo tlon of tho .feed you'll ne'ed, will be found time well spont, though realized much better at the harvest If you soloct tho world-famed Ferry's Beeda tho kind that always yield. For nearly half accntury Ferry's Seeds have been known and sown wherever good crops nro grown, until farmer and gardonor alike have learned todepondupon tholr mom tier fill reliablo growing and yield ing qualities, year after year, to tho exclusion of all others. Unfortunntoly tho Bcod business seems to afford a moans for many un scrupulous people, who aim to blind tho unwary to quality, through little ness of price nnd boantful claims ; who in reality have nothing to substantiate tholr clplms, no roputation nt etako, no paBt record as proof. It-is bottor to pny n Httlo moro for tho seed and bo assured ot a great deal moro at tho hnrvost by sowing Ferry's Soods. Tho 1003 food Annunl, which is cont froo, postpaid, will bo found unusually in teresting nnd instuctlvo. Writo for it today. Address D. M. Forry & Co., Dotroit, Mich. Ills Unlucky Choice. "Miss Qinr," began young Gaboy, "or may I call you Ginovrn " "Call mo what you liko," alio said, with n bright smile. "Woll, I liko Gin," he whiaporod. And thon ho realized, as alio turned her phiz from him,, that ho had blun dered. Chicago Trlbuno. Napkins. Napkins became popular in Franco sooner than in England. At one time it waa customary at great Fronch din ners to chango the napkins at overy courao, to poifume them with roao water and to have them folded a differ ent way for oach guest. THE "PERr-ECT" LAMP. Stewart & (Irani, Portland, Or., Placing a Wonderful Lamp on the Market. Tho "Perfoctod Match-Llghtor" lamps advortlsod'in our columns today by the Stewart & Grant Lighting Co., of Portland, Oregon, aro well worth tho attention of nl houioholdors and storo- I keepers. Tho Inventors, having had yonrs of t'porionco in using, soiling and repairing all standard makes of gaeoiwio lamps, nttvo curuiuny uusignuu this "Porfeoted" lamp, bo that tho do facta of other lamps havo boon avoided nnd many important improvements Btib-titutod. Everbyody interested should eond to Stewart & Grant Lighting Co., 43 -Third street, Portland, Oregon, for pictures and full description of this now"Porfocted 'lamp, bales agents nro wanted in overy city and town in tho United States. A Alan of the People, "la ho aman of tho peoplo?" "I guess so. lie mado himaolf out of tholr inonoy." Detroit Froo Pro so. Rough on Father. Pordlta If you continue much longer to play carda with my father, I won't marry you." Jack DaHbing If your father con tinues to play cards much longer with me, I won't need to marry you. Conservation of Energy. "What was your ltloa in having Bertha learn typewriting?" "Weil, the waa always drumming with her fingers, and I thought sho might aa well do it to some purpose" Love. "Did ho marry for love?" "Yes, of monoy." Detroit Freo Preaa. Had drown. First Comedian Ton years ago I waa a poor boy. , Second Comedian Any change since? First Comedian Yea, Now I'm a poor man. What It Coats. "Do you find you automobile very expensive? " "Oh, on an avearge 50 chlckona, 10 dogs a few ducks and three children run ovor every year." Youth's Unrestraint. "Don't you sometimes long for your childhood's happy days?" said the sen timental person. "Yos," anawered Miss Cayenno, there aro times when I would enjoy hanging on the fence and making faces, at eople I don't HkH instead of having to ea: 'How do you do, dear? 80 glad to see you,' Interested. Stranger I tell you I like to see young lovers. Second Strangor Ah, you must be an optimist, my friend? Strangor No; I ruu the ice cream parlors. Chicago News. TACOMA ADVERTISING J. F. DAVIB.S Fancy and Staple Groceries Telephone, Main 472. 1020 Taconia Avo. TAOOMA, WASH. A. A. ALLEN, Manager The Singer Manufacturing Co. Telephone, Red 2375. US 12th St. TACOMA, WASH. Tacoma Shoe Co. F. 0. FISHER, Prcs & Trcas. Phono, Onk 244. 0C0 Pacific. Ave. TACOMA, WASH."' H. W. MEYERS & GO. Dcalori In FURNITURE, STUVES, RANGES. Hardware, Glassware, Mixed Paints Telephone, James 2370. 1021 Sa. eleventh St., Cor. K. TACOMA, WN. Thomas Bennett Dealer in New ami Second-Hand Furniture Stoves, Carpets, Tin ware and Crockery. 901 Tacoma Ave, Tacoma Wash. IRA Vauoiun. l'rcs. II. I. Vauoiian, Tress. U. a. Wynkooi', Vlco l'reS- ami Hocy. .Wynkoop-Vaughan Company URUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS Ninth and Pacific Ave. TACOMA WASH. THE BOHEMIAN JOHN J MCMILLAN, l'rop, FURNISHED ROOMS Telophono, Main 210. 100 Tenth. St. TACOMA, WASH. Kelly's Transfer J. II. KPI.LV, Prop. Wood and Coal for Sale MOVING A SPECIALTY Steam Healed Rooms for Storing Pumlturo. Telophono, Main 401, Office and Residence 931 Tacoma Ave. TACOMA, WASH. THE ARCADE J. F. MURl'IIY, l'rop. Dry Goods X Men's Furnishings Cor. 1 3 and Pacific Avo. TACOMA WASH. TEA AND COFFEE Aro th ?reat popular drinks of tho country. How Important to have it nice and fresh roast ed of Dickson, the Coffee Roaster 1538 1'aclflc Avenue, TACOMA, WASHINGTON. It Makes Your Mouth Wator As you illce off a succulent piece ol the lender limit Leef procurable at our taMlstiment. Of courao much deitnds on the cook don't blame It all on tho butcher but we'll take chances on that lor wo know our mean aro Al cuti. Bay Glty Market. Tmt. Main 0. 111B fmollla Aw, IDAHO ADVERTISING. 1 SOLPU KCHKEIUEIt. Funeral Director. 918-920 Front Btrcot, Opposite R. It. Depot Fark. Doll phone 212P. lnd. phono 489. 11019K, IDAHO. s TATK DANK OF IDAHO. Welter, lilnho. CAPITAL, $50,000. Sihrard Shalivwnlil, President. Ctms. J. Sclwyn, Cashier. Alao hm n brunch nt Cumbrlilue. Idaho. The) People's Unnlc. Solicits your business.' , mllK COMMERCIAL, HOTEL. A, Illnkoy, Proprietor? First pIrsi In nil respeots. Special attention rIvoii to eonuiiorolnl moil. Long dlstanoo tela phono In connection. NAMl'A, IDAHO. The Bank of Nampa. FllED 0. MOCK, Cashier. WE SOLICIT YOUR I1U8INKS9. NAMl'A, IDAHO S' TAK LIVERY, FEED AND 1IUA11U1NU Sl'AULK First class rlRs furnished to all points. Spe cial ram to Kmmetl, Star, I'carl amlSnaka Hirer. Bpoolal attention given to commorolal men. W. J. DUVALL, Proprietor, NAmpa, Idaho. Hotel Weiser, Wclser, Idaho. BARTON & BRIZENDINE, Proprietors. Freo Snmplo RooniH. Itatca ronson ablo. MlnerH', Stnekincn'H and Com mercial Men's lleadiiuarterH. LurgeHt nnd bent appointed liotol in Wcfltorn Itliilio. Room with bntli, Hteum beat and electric cull build. Har bor Hbop in connection. The Idan-ha IDAH A HOTEL CO., Ltd., Proprietors ' K. W. SCIIUHFHT, Manager. 110I8K, IDAHO. OPENED JANUARY, 1901 AMERICAN TLAN. RATES $2.50 AND UPWARDS. Headquarters for Tourists, Mining Men nnd Commercial Travelers. Prescott, Brandt & Co., Offlco with J. II.OItAVIIILL, Immigration Ant. O. B. L. It. R. REAL ESTATE AGENTS The Rrvat home land mild cllmnte, para mountitlu nlr, line witter, Tho doath rate U lower In Idaho than lu any other stato In the Union. No cyclones, storms or hllizards. First premium on (rult nt the World's Fair, ChlciiKO, 1K93; Paris Imposition, 190U. First premium on Lambs at Chicago Btock Show, IVUO. (lold, silver, copper, roal, line timber. (Irow wheat, oats, hurley, corn, all kinds ol cultivated Krassvs, ami vegetables to perfec tion. We will bo pleaded to ihmv you flue Irri gated lauds at Nampa, llolse, Caldwell, I'ayetta and other points. Wo have bargains in lauds' from 110.00 per ncie up. Correspondence so licited. Address PRESCOTT, BRANDT & CO. Room 6, lllekey llulldliig, NAMPA, IDAHO FOR CHEAP HOMES And How to Reneb Tbein, Call On or AddruHH J. H. GRAYBILL, Traveling Immigration Agent Oregon Short Line Ry. NAMPA, IDAHO. CITY LAUNDRY GO. Gents' Work a Specialty. Phones: Oregon 429, Columbia 410. FOURTH AND COUCH STS., PORTLAND, OREGON LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library Tho Best In Current Litsratun 12 Completc Novel Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 PER YEAR ; 25 CTS, A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITBILf iiiiSsVw..