TO-S- TELE! NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OBEGCOT. t M P If .1 The New Age A. D. GRIFFIN, Manager. Ofllen, 24UK Sliirk 8t., Oonoard llltls;., Fortlauil. Oregon. Entered nt the postofUco at 1'ortland, Oregon, m wound class matter. BUIISORIPTION. OnnTnnr, Vujublti In Adranoo SJ3.00 Established 1890. I'rlntcil nt 2WA Htnrlc Bt, Third Floor. THE FIOIIT IN WASHINGTON. Tho fight In tlto republican ranks In the Stato of Washington In becoming moro strenuous nnd determined nfl tho tbno approaches for tho legisla ture to moot. Governor Mwllrldo In determined to forco hid railroad com mission bill through tho legislature nnd nt tho siimo time ho wants to elect Preston, nn nntl-rallroad man, to tho senate, but It Is very unlikely that ho can do either, especially ns tho delegation from King County, wlioro Preston lives, Is almost unanimously ngnlnst McUrlric'd rail road commission hobby. Tho rail Toad men, with tho Irrcslstlblo J, J. Hill nt their head, aro making a fight ngnlnst tho proposed obnoxious bill, nnd nro pretty suro to beat It. Pres ton novor had any reasonably good chnnco for election. Tho governor hna apparently mndo n great mlstako In forcing this Ismie. A "railroad commission would only harass and nnnoy nnd perhaps to soino extent "hold up" tho railroads, and would do tho pcoplo gonornlly no good whnt ovor. Tho railroads linvo built up nnd dovelopod Wnshlngton, and will do so moro and moro. It Ib chiefly duo to thfttn that Wnidilngton hns forged so fnr ahead of Oregon. And It would bo Bhcor folly for tho Wash ington legislature to pass laws to "cinch" tho railroads. Mr. Lovl Anker., of Wnlla W,alln, Btlll appears to bo well In tho lead as n Bcnntorlal cnndldntc. Ho Ib not es pecially n railroad candldnto; ho Is to n groat extent Independent of them; but ho Is not their enemy, rnthor Is friendly to them, ns long nB thoy keep within duo bounds, ns nny mnn aspiring to such a position nhould bo. Mr. John L. Wilson ex pects n largo nmount of help from Sonator Foster, but Ib not likely to got n groat many votes through tho senator's Influence. A Becrot bar l?nln mndo four yonrs ngo does not 'liavo nny binding forco now. It promldcs, however, to bo n very In teresting fight this winter over nt Olympln, TUB TELEPHONE HOLDUP. Tho Now Ago doesn't go .much on public ownership In gonornl, but ono thing this nnd othor cities, or tho gon ornl government, should tnko ovor, control and own, Is tho tolophono sys tems. Tho chargos nro too high, and tho service in many Instances Ib nbomlnably poor. Tho people mo fnlrly "hold up" by thoao tolophono monopolies, nnd tho wonder la that thoy hnvo endured tho prosont sys tem bo long. While thoy nro making ImmoiiHO profits, girl or women em ployes nro shamofully underpaid and overworked. It Is no wondor soma of thorn nro occasionally inattentlvo or disobliging. Thoy all, throughout tho country, ought to organise a un ion, ovory woman operator becoming n mombor, nnd then demand their rights, reasonnblo pay nnd houra of work, nnd go on a atrlko If their do. mantis woro not necoedod to. Tho public would bo with them' almost to a man, nnd woman, Instead of 5 or $G n wook, and a brief, light lunch, thoy should rocolvo twice na much wages nnd bo required to work only eight houra a day. Tho millionaire tolophono companies can well afford to pay Increased wages and grnnt ro tlucoil hours, at tho prices they chargo tho public. How long nro tho pooplo going to stand tho Impositions? FORTUNE'S APPOINTMENT. Tho President has again shown his dodlro and Intention fairly to recog nise tho colored citizens of tho coun try by tho appolntmont of Thomas Fortuno, editor of tho Now York Ago, to bo a special commissioner to our Insular possessions, a position that carries a Balary of 5,000 it year. Mr. Fortuno aftor Hooker Washington Ih perhaps tho nbleat and moat prom inent colored au In tho United States. Ho Is not only tho editor of tho Now York paper mentioned, but la an author of high roputo, a brll llnut writer and speakor, and a man of groat forco and Influence Though In business in Now York his rosldenco Is In Now Jersey, nnd to him, prob ably, moro than to nny othor ono man, Is duo repeated republican vic tory In that stato, in which nro many thousand of colored voters, Tho Now Ago cordially congratulates Mr, Fortuno upon hla appointment, and liaa no doubt that ho will mako nn excellent record In tho Important post Tho Virginia constitution, Intend ed to disfranchise Negroes, Is to be tested In congress nnd In the United States courts, and John G. Carlisle, tho eminent democratic lawyer, Is to manogo the case for the opponents of tho unconstitutional constitution. He will do It ad well ns nny man In tho country, If he la a democrat. It is tLmo for tho highest courts and congress to determine whether, In spito of tho United States constitu tion, Negroes can bo legally disfran chised. Nd body can find out whether "Jack" Matthews Is chnlrman of tho republican State Central committee, as well ns United States, marshal, or not. Thoro Is nothing small about Jack; ho can hold ono or two or three offices and not perspire a bit. A system of regularly retiring old employes on pensions will bo put into effect Janunry 1 by tho Union Pacific railroad company, which Is further evidence that all corporations, arc not "doullcss." Ex-Prosidcnt Cleveland is a groat fisherman, nnd now It Is hinted that ho Is fishing for n third term ns President. Mr. Hrynn can Btlll talk and write, but politically ho Is an away back number, all tho samo. The Council Is doing some good work; nt least tho councllmcn arc earning their salaries. Who will bo tho noxt senator from Oregon? Nouody can nnawer thlt? conundrum. Tho Council and Hoard of Public Works Bccm to bo pulling In opposite directions. Got rendy to huvo tho best kind of a Merry Christmas. FROM OUR EXCHANGES. St. Louis. Dec. R. Thoro will not bo n Negro building nt tho World'fl folr. Tho authorities hnvo ofllclally decided to follow tho gonornl classi fication of exhibits, which docs not rocognizo rnclal distinctions. Na tional or governmental divisions of exhibits nro tho only distinctions to bo observed. Cuba la threatened with n race war which, If It comes, will unquestion ably hasten annexation. Tho lenders of tho whlto element, foreign nnd na tive, of tho population of Havana aro bringing pressure, It Is said, to bear on President Palmn to constrain him to exclude Negroes from tho stato re ceptions In tho coming winter. Tho Negroes, on tho other hand, threat ened to ralso n disturbance If Pnlma refuses to Invito them. As tho No groca and mulnttocs number about n third of tho ontlro population of Cuba, nni. ns thoy nro clnmorous for recognition by tho government, the chances nro that President Palmn will bo placed In n vory embarrassing position by this rnco conflict. Sixty Pullmnn enr porters met In Saratoga last Saturday and formed nn association for tho purpose of abolishing "tipping." Thoy clnlm that tho compnny should pny portora living wngca nnd not compel them to depend upon tho generosity of tho trnvcllng public to mnko good. Wo aro with you men. Tho legislature of Louisiana passed n law providing for tho separation of tho rnccs on tho street cars of tho state, but "olndoflnltoly postponed" a mcasuro "to prouiblt tho living to gether In concublnngo of nny whlto person nnd Nogro of Negress." Isn't this consistency for you? Tho whlto mnn'8 deslro for separation from No gro women does not go as far as wo would like Who dares say tho Recorder Is wrong? Hero's what It says of Wnsh lngton: "Dookor T. Washington or nny othor Negro who, on such his toric nnd Importnnt occasions as tho colobratlon at Yalo sometlmo ago and tho Inauguration nt lrIncoton last week becomes a drawing card and is lionized by peoplo of rank on ovory sldo Is n character of whom overjr country or peoplo should bo Justly proud." A YOUNG WIFE'S ANXIETY. "How do you cook craps, Mrs. Fryo?" "Crops, my dear? What aro thoy?" "I don't know, but I honrd my hus band say something nbout shooting somo, nnd I thought ho might wnnt mo to cook thorn." Philadelphia nul letln. What Puulett Tommy. Tommy had been worrylug papa with tho usual number of unanswerable questions, nnd hail beon threatened with condign punishment It he did not keep quiet Ho tldgetod nbout lu si lence for some time, but at length broke out: "Pa, thoy say tho rain falls altke upou the Just nud tho unjust, doesn't it?" "Yes, yea. Don't ask silly ques tions." "And It Isn't Just to steal another man's umbrella, la It?" "Certainly not. If you ask any more" "Hut, pa, tho rain doesn't fall upon tho man that steals tho umbrella, and It does on the man that had his stolen. Funny, ain't It, pa?" London Answers. Critic ou tlio Ithliip. It Is stated that from the mouth to tho source of thu lthluc 725 castles, formerly the homes warlike chiefs. I are to be fouud overlooking Its waters. She Know Better. "Hero Is a man," sa'.d the defend ant's counsel, with a tremulous voice, "here Is a man handicapped nt tho very beginning of his life. From the time ho lay n helpless. Infant In fhe cradle to this day, when he sits helpless under the pressure of years and aflllctlon, ho has labored under tho name of Ishinael Ablnadab Watts." He was about to say more when tho plaintiff rose from her seat and shook n work-worn finger In his direction. "I expected 1 wns going to hear strange things In this courtroom," sho cried, with shrill Indignation, "but I didn't cal'latc on such foolish talk as that! There Dover's been a day in his llfo that Ahlmtdab's labored, nor thought of lnborlu'. He's the most shlf'loHS, lazy " Hut hero she resumed her sent, owing to sudden pressure from bur relative In the renr, nnd the counsel, a llttlo flushed, went on In a somewhnl differ cut strain. Youth's Companion. Not Original. "I suppose you have bulected an orig inal subject for your graduating ad dress," said the father. "Not exactly original," replied the member of tho. hlgh-hchool class, "but very Interesting." "What Is It?" , "Abraham Lincoln. "Ohio State Journal. When n man goes at things head Ih-M he often gets there with 'tli feet. ..ESMOND .. HOTEL. Portland, - Oregon. Front and Morrison Streets. ItATKSi European Plan, 50c to $ .50 Per Day American Plan, to $2 Per Dai OSCAR ANDKlttiOK, Manager. J. C. I'KKDKQAHT. Chief Work. I'hono Itcd 1031. CODKH: Kronotny, linker's l'otntoo McKinley Mitchell. Denier In All Kinds of HA KM I'KODUCK. Grnln and Commission Merchant Wheat, Oats, Barley, Hops, Potatoes and Wool. IlltANCIIKS: Gorvals, Ort'Kim; Iliibbiird, Oregon. aoaj Stark St. Portland, Oregon Warehouse Plfth and Moyt. Griswold & Phegley TAILORS 131 Sixth Street. i THE UNION SAVINGS BANK. 8. K. corner llroadway nnd Ninth Streets, OAKLAND, CAL Capital stock fully paid, f.UO.OOO. Surplus and undivided priitlls, tiao.uw. W. (1. Henshaw. president! C. K. Palmer; vlco president; A. K. It, Cramer, cashier. Hoard of directors:, Henshaw, Thos. Prather, K. H, Family, C. K. I'alinor, II. W. Meek, Thus. Crellln, hholuy H. Martin, H. W. Henshaw. A. K. II. Cramer, Geo, K. (Irani, Chas. T. Kodolph. Kate paid on all savings doposlts, 3.33 per cent. A general banking business transacted. Ex change ou all commercial centers. Deposits June 30, HKB, j,87,2CM3. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Oakland. Northeast Corner Tenth and llroadway. Capital stock paid up, iiMO.OOO. P. K. Howies, president: U O. Iturpeo, cashier; K, N. Walter, assistant cashier. Directors! P. K. Howies, W. II. Taylor, K. W. Kunyon. I., O. Morehouse, V. II. Motcalf, K, A, Horou, W. 11. Chlckerlng, L. U. Iluriee, W. Keron. Principal correspondents: American Nation, al llank.Han Francisco; National Park Hank, New York: First National Ilank,Sau Francisco; Corn Exchange National Hank, Chicago. Hells exchange on all the principal cities of Kuroo. Hotel Crellin FRED A JORDAN, Prop. Situated in the most convent ent business part of the city. AMERICAN PLAN. Convenient to All Gars and Trains Cor 10th and Washington Sta. OAKLAND, CAL. Aetna Banking and Trust Company BUTTE, MONTANA ,, , WmmNmi 01a0.B0a.Be Under state supervision. Five per cent interest, payable quarterly, paid on deposits Mommy to Loan on Rami Emtmtm F. AU0. HEIHZe. rrmmlttont A. a?. 0LCMCMTM, aca. P. FLU. Jm J. a. Pkmoe, vtomfrt CAPITAL STATE Limit Banking in all Us branches. T) IVEK FRONT BALOON. C. It. Flnki, Prop CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. UO Northrup St., Cor. 11th A N. Tlione Clay 213. 1'rlvnto Rooms I'ortlAtul, Oregon TMi'KitiAii imua CO. CI Sixth Street North, between Davis and Kverctt. Oregon 'I'hono North 107(1. 1'ortland, Oregon rnin: iiest iuiakus of cask goods. THE PORT 0If PORTLAND. II, I.UDWKl, Proprietor. Fine Wines and Liquors of nil kinds. 55 North Sixth Street. Portland, Oregon -TTDWAItD HAM. Oregon 'I'hono Hood 250 Up-to-Dnto STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. I'hono Orders Promptly Filled. 108 First Street. Portland, Oregon J ohn pki:m MERCHANT TAILOR. No. fit Sixth Street, corner Pino. For lino work In tho Tailoring lino call at No. nt Sixth Street, whero you will get tho finest work In tho city. TO LOOK WELL AND DRKSS WELL Send your Laundry to tho UNION LAUNDRY Incorjxjratcd. WIM.ARI) WAKNKK Prcs J. A. ltllAl) Sec'y F. J. MANNING Vlco Pros TELEI'IIONBS Bunpct, Mala U7; Capital, No. 721, Corner Tenth nnd O Streets, Sacramento, Cal SPOKANE ADVERTISING European Plan. ltooms fioc to $2.00. Kooms single or en sulto, with or without hath. GRAND HOTEL It. C. HAM.IDAY. Proprietor. Newly Furnished. Elevator, Steam Heat, Electric Light?, Call Bells, Etc., Etc Cor. Howard St. and Main Avo. Tel. Main 28. SPOKANE, WASH. E. J. DYER. President. C. E. M'lIHOOM, Casblor. H. LEWIS CLANK. W. M. 8HAW, Vice President, Assistant Cashier. Exchange National Bank SPOKANE, WA8H. CAPITAL, $250,000. Surplus 150,000. Undivided Profits, 185,000. THE SLOANE-PAINE CO. 521 and 523 Sprague Avenue SPOKANE, WASH. Importer f Fine Teas, Dmmlmrm n Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. Coffees and Fancy Groceries. H. LOUIS 8CIIKRMKHIIORN C. K. nitOWN Pres. aud Mgr. Vlco Pres. A. UENIIAM II. H. YEAOEK Treasurer. Secretary. Quick Parcel Delivery Co. 720 First Avenue. BAGGAGE and PARCEL DELIVERERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Retain your checks and exchange with our liak'uaeo man who is at depot 'on arrival all trains. Orange color cap. Phono Main S17, Special rates to Commercial Travelers .w fV. F. HEAL, FAY D. Y0UM0, Amat 0mA BANK OF IDAHO Your business solicited. HOTEL COST 91,000,000. The Portland H. O. BOWERS, Mmnmgmr. AmoHoan Plan, $3 Pop Day and Up war A HEADQUARTERS FOK TOURISTS AMD COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Portland, Orogonm THE HELENA E. C GRJEENE, Manager. AMERICAN PLAN. An Up-,to-Date Hotel. Is Be ing Refurnished Throughout. RATES: $3 and $4 Per Day. Free Sample Rooms to Commercial Men. HELENA, MONT. Southern Hotel BUTTE, MONT. Rates, $1 to $1.50 Per Day DAN TEWEY, Prop. Kum-C-Me. HOTEL STATE Under New Management. W. A. KOONTZ, Prop. Fint-Class Dining Room. American Plan. Bar in Connection. Free Sample Room. Free Bus. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS "Walla Walla, Wash. The White House FOR YOUIt Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. EVER WILLING to SERVE YOU RALPH E. OUICHARD, Prop. Telephone Red 661 102 Main 8tret. WALLA WALLA, WASH. The Hotel Ridpath SPOKANE, WASH. MRS. M. EATON, Mgr. A Strictly First-dan and Modern . Hotel for Tourists and Com mercial Men. The Finlen R. 8. TAYLOR, Prop. Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men. The Only Hotel in the City American Plan $3.oo to 5.oo Per Day. PORTLAND. Dewey Palace CHAS. WEISIDE, Manager. Every thing new and up to the times. ,. Tableand rooms the best the market affords. Aisembly hall.' Barber Shop. Billiard rooms. Bowling Alleys. Electric Lights. Hot and cold water. Rooms en suite with bath. Livery stable in connection. Steam heat. Best beds and rooms in the country. The bar is sup plied with everything you want. Bank in the building. Everything up-to-date. Nothing missing. Head quarters for tourists and commer cial men J J NAMPA IDAHO. The Spokane (European Plan.) The Leading Hostelry in the State of "Washington Headquarters for the Traveling Public Special Sample Rooms with Arc light. 50 NEW BATH-ROOM SUITES Elegant Public and Private Dining Rooms. SPOKANE, WASH. HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICORD; Prop. Heated by Steam. Hot and Cold Baths. Electric Calls and Electric Lights in every Room. J J J EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms 50c, 75c and $1.00 Per Duy. Meals, 25 Cents. Freo Bus and Frco Samplo Rooms. 209-J3 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE Hotel Cadillac ? EDOAR E. K. SCHM1TT, Prop. Strictly First-Class. Mod ern. European Plan. Sin gle or en Suite. j j Reservation by "Wire. Commercial News Headquarters. SPOKANE, WASH, HOTEL WHITMAN ALLEN & LARKIN, Props. A New Hotel With Modern Improvements. COLFAX, WASH. HENRY HEWETT & CO. Fire and Marine Insurance. Rooms 26 and 27, Sherlock Building. Cor. Third and Oak St. PORTLAND, OB. to which ho has beon assigned. motsE, IQAHO BUTTE. MONT.