THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. J TOPICS OF 1 THE TIMES. Observe the promotion of Wu TIdr fnnj? mid never innko fun of the man who nska questions. Along conicH the nx trust. It will be followed by the hnmmor trust Then what will tho knockers do? There to a rumor In Vienna that Leo 'pold "Is suffering from a mental aber ration." Austria 1b catching up to tho news. Tho defunct peanut trust might have known that It couldn't comer the prod uct, with so ninny peanut politicians In active competition. suttng as tt was meant to be; but as a whole the proposition conveys a pleas ing suggestion that submarine voyages are ceasing to bo experimental and be coming safe. Tho English name Phtholopnyrrh Ih pronounced Turner. Yet wo wonder that England Is falling behind In thu mad race for wealth! It has been found that antitoxin will euro rattlesnnke bites. It Isn't likely, however, that the new euro will make much headway In Kentucky. What does It matter If tho Missouri iVallcy Homeopathic Association did pass a resolution condemning tho klssV Who cares for kissing lu homeopathic doses, anyway? Tho superintendent of tho public nchools says good spellers are born and not made. Still, most of thorn have to lcartl more or less before they got along very fur. Only a few playmates of Queen Vic toria are living now. According to the number of them that havo died recent ly she must havo had a large circle of acquaintances as a little girl. Porto Itlco had a lively campaign. At least half a dozen men wero killed lu election rows. After this who can doubt tho fervor of the I'orto Itlcans In their desire to bu thoroughly American? Tho succession of patriots does not fall. Ah Secretary Hay said to tho Grand Army men lu Washington, "Tho men of to-day nro as good Americans us the men of yesterday, and the men of to-morrow, with God's blessing, will bo tho same." President Patton of Princeton declar ed before his recent resignation that our national conscience Is hi Imminent danger on account of tho great deslro for luxury and wealth which Is pervad ing this country to the detriment of all other ambitions. It cannot be denied that prosperity has Its perils and that a dulling of the conscicnco ns to tho means and methods of gaining wealth Is not the least among them. It lu doubtless truo that the mcro published statements of tho vast sums of money accumulated by certain Individuals In these days and tho still vaster amounts represented lu the capitalization of cer tain trusts and "combines," have the effect upon some minds of arousing dis content, Inordinate desire, and reckless ambition. Tho corollary of all this would seem to be not to make an end of prosperity or even of large accumu lations of wealth, since these things, on tho whole, work for good rather than evil, but to press forward moro Btrcti uously than ever In the development of higher Ideals among men, lu the en forcement of sound morals and puro religion, by which men aro taught that the highest and most enduring happi ness comes not through riches, but through right living. If we aro to fortify ourselves as a nation and a peoplo against tho Insidious workings of that spirit of greed, sclllshncss and sordid commercialism, springing out of tho possession of wealth and Its lux uries, It can only bo by a still greater Insistence upon thoso forms of educa tion making for tho development of the spiritual nature. Leslie's Weekly. TACOMA ADVERTISING Tacoma Trunk Factory. Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases and Telescopes. REPAIRING DONE. 730 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. S. POSNER. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions. Cloaks and Suits. SPOKANE ADVERTISING Wholesale and Retail WHISKIES Wines and Cigars. P46 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. Our compliments to that Gorman prince who has made an offer for Miss Goolet, and wo beg to say that our girls never marry unless they think they love, although, In the case of titled foreigners, they sometimes act on lusulllcleut evidence Tho wear and tear on tho tires of a heavy automobile Is reckoned by one expert to bo equal to four or live cents h mile, which Is more than the cost of fuel. When tines for exceeding tho speed limit and damages for accidents caused by frightened horses are added to the cost of the sport, It will be seen that the ordinary citizen must still con tent himself with a special train. "A beautiful building," Ulshop Potter once said of a modern but medieval looking church ho had been asked to dedicate, "with only threo faults: you cannot see lu It, you cannot hear In It, you cannot breathe In It." When tho question for debate Is why church-go-lug Is on tho decline, let tho disputants not forget to look Into tho matters of church lighting, acoustics and ventilation. The Indian should havo been taught to do something. He should have been trained along practical IIiu'h even while lie was making a scholar of himself. If lie developed a peculiar aptitude for languages, some particular science or lilgh art, then It might have been well enough to encourage him lu every pes Hlble maimer to broaden and till him wolf. He, like many others, has been taught to make a show and scatter, and lu this day mid time the last state of such graduate Is worse than the first. A correspondent of tho Bookman calls attention to tho remarkable Im provement lu tho mechanical and artis tic makeup of American books In tho last decado or two, especially lu Juve nile works. Tho Illustrations In tho children's books of twenty years ago wero Indeed "something fearful and wonderful to behold" as compared with the average Juvenile volume of the present year. In spite of tho enormous Increaso In the number and variety of children's books, tho Illustrations In most of them aro highly creditable. Many of the best nrtlsts In the country are devoting their talents to this kind of work. The fact to one of happy au gury for the artistic sense of tho ris ing generation. Even the Improvement In Illustrations and binding, however, Is not so remarkable as the Increase lu tho number of Juvenile books annu ally put upon the market An exam ination of the publishers' announce ments shows that tho list of new Juve nile books Is considerably larger than that of now Action for adults. Most of theso volumes find a profltablo market, for tho publishing of children's books has proved to bo a profltablo branch of the trade. Tho next generation will be a generation of omnivorous readers, If a multiplicity of Juvenllo books can educate them Into that habit. Wheth er this Is a dcslrublo consummation la another question. It is by no means certain that the phenomenal Increaso In tho amount of Juvenile fiction Ih a matter for congratulation. Tho aver nge story for boys or girls Is fully as ephemeral as the average adult novel. Happily there Is every reason to be lieve that tho boys and girls do not ac tually read as much as the largo sales of Juvenllo tiooks would Indicate. Tho sales Indicate tho gift-giving propensi ties of prosperous parents and friends rather than the reading habits of the children. Tho latter ns a rulo pay more attention to the pictures than to tho text, except whero the stories are read to thorn. For this reason ho Increasing exeelleuco of tho Illustrations In most fortunate. THOMAS S. IIUKLKY, Manager, lies. Tel. John 601. K01JE11T McCULLOUOIt, Secretary. Itci. Tel. John 851. TACOMA TOG AND BARGE GO. TC08 FEARLESS, FAIRFIELD, FAVORITE and FALCON. General Towing. Cool, Ilallast and Water furnished. Scows and llamea (or Kent. Tho "1'cnrlem" Is lilted with powerful nro and wrecking pumps. All blisliucs communica tions to ho addressed Tacoma Tug and Ilargo Co. Olllco; I'aclllo Cold Htorago building, Northern Tactile Dock, Telephone Main (9. Tacoma, Washington. DURKIN. Telephone Main 731. Allle nnd Spraguo, - SPOKANE For tho Latest Styles go to W. W. DREYFOOS THE HATTER Ai F New Club Building Cor. Riverside and Washington SPOKANE, WASH. BY II AIL AND WATER. ASTORM&C0LUMBI1 n n WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS UETWBKN Portland, Astoria Seaside Established 1887. Arthur D. Jones & Co. (incorporated.) Cor. IMvcrsldo Avo. and Lincoln St. Telephono Main CoS. Real Estate. Renting. Property Agent. Lands. Insurance. Loans. Capital $20,000. Agent Hlllyard Townsite Co. 107 Riverside, Avenuo Kmjilro Btato Uulldlng SPOKANE, WASn. H. A. DURR, Proprietor of Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted nnd One of the Best Laundries In tho Northwest. 1S09-11 C Streot ' Mlo-12 Commercial Streot Telcphouo Main KM Tacoma, Washington THE H1EBER Brewing & Malting Co.'s DOTTLEQ PILSENER Leaves Union Depot Portland 8:00 a. m, (l:Mp. m. )2:3up.m. For Margcrs, Italn Icr.Clatskanlc Westport, Clifton, Astoria, Warren ton, Hlnvcl, dear hart Park and Sea side. Astoria A Seashore .Express Daily. Astoria Express Dally. Arrives Union Depot Portland 11:10 a. m, 0:40 p.m. Dally except Saturday. if aturdnv only. 'Icketolllce, 255 Morrison street, and Union depot, Portland. J. C. MAYO, Ocn. Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. IIT It A IE, AND WATKIt, 4$o S&o ib TfflO OREGON Shot Line and ejnhon Pacific DkTAKT Chicago Portland Special B:u0a, m. via Huntington. At'antlo Express 8:60 p.m. via Huntington, St. Paul Fast Mall C:15 p. m. via Spokane TIME SCIIEOUt.ES Portland. Or. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Wortli.Omatia, Kansas City, St. Louls,Chlcagoand East. Walla Walla l-owls-tou,Bpokane,Mln-ncapolls,St. Paul, Dtlluth, Mlltfan-kec,UhlcagoAKast Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, Ht. Louls.Chlcagoaud East. Anmvi 1130 p.m. 8: 10 a. m. 7i00a, m. .V . A ,. IA OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE ritosi 1'ohti.and; " ' SHAVER TRANSPORTATION GO. STEAMER GEO. VV. SHAVER, Will lcavo Portland, font of Washington St.. 8umlay, Tuesday and Ihursday evening nt 6 o'clock, for f-iuivlcs Island, fit. Helens, tuples, Deer Island. Marlins, Kalama, Necr City, Hauler, Mt. Collin, Maygcr, Stella, Oak Point, Frt'cmans, Manzaulllo,Clatskaiile ami all way landing. Lager Beer rhone,205. SPOkAtSE, WASH. SPOKANE DRUG CO. Wholesale Drugs ESTABLISHED 1884. To Tho Trade: Ctiptnln Otto Bvordrun, tho Swodlwh Arctic explorer, who returned from tho polar rcKlotm about tho hiiiiiu Unto iih Hubert K. I'enry, htm been Invested by KIiik Oscar of Sweden with tho cnuul crosa of St. Olaf, and by Kuiperor Will lain with tho Prussian Order of tho Crown of tho first class. In addition, a pension of JfSH) a year has been settled upon him lu Sweden. This Is thu way they recognize achievement lu Kurope. "When I'eary receives the honors and re wards ho deserves wo will make noto thereof. One thlliK that the census tells us Is that thu Indians aro not only not dls aippenrliiK, but that they actually have Incrcnsed 110,000 since 181H). Thoso who JukkIo with tlKiires say, aUo, that there tiro unite as many Indians in tho coun try to-day ns there were when It was discovered. Taking this Into considera tion with tho wars they hnvo none throiiKh, not only with tho white men, tint between themselves, we shall have to readjust our previous opinions nnd Acknowledge that after all they uru n pretty tough, enduring nation. Moi-Katt Does Give Tip. "My tips to servants ou tho Oceanic amounted to $13," tuild n traveler who came over with J. l'lerpont Morgan. "Tho rulo Is to glvo $2.50 to tho tnblo stownrd, $'2.50 to tho bedroom stow aid. $1 to tho bathroom stownrd, $2 to the check steward, $'J to the smoking-room steward, $1 to tho shoeshluo steward nnd $5 to tho chief steward, lu easo ho has performed special cour tesies. Ah theso special courtesies wero wnutlup; on my trip, I cut tho chief steward out and gave tho deck steward $1 because h6 took excellent earo of me, reserving tho best place for my steamer chair, etc. I saw Mor gan give tho chief stewnrd $100, mid It was generally understood among tho help that all would faro In proportion, I guess ho gave tho tablo steward $50."-Dotrolt News. D. M. HOFFMAN & CO. EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE DEALERS Aro now open for btiRlneaa without largest and finest stock in tho city. Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1340 Taclflc Ave, Thono Main 699. The only exclusive, wholesale house In Tacoma. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in the State. SPOKANE, WASH. Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. tZO Madison Street, SPOKANE, WASH. Boarding Horses a Specialty. Tel. Main 4M CLARK'S LIVERY and TRANSFER STABLES JOHN CLAUK A BON, Proprietor. Hacks and Rigs Furnished on Short Notlci No, 1210 A Street, Tacoma, Washington. Union Iron Works Iron and Brass Founders and Machinists. itlllllllK. kJ and supplies. Knglnes, Hollers, Hoists, Crush,. era, llo:o w mini, ruiioyi, thiamin Smelting and Saw Mill Machinery m llnll.iu. Uh.ll h Hi . UllVlffi (..l,tllK. Heavy lllacksmllhlug and Itepalr Work aSpo. dally. Codec Wrlto ui for estimate. Llober'i, Moreing & Neal. Ktc, Ktc. Tol. Main 43. Office and Worki, Montgomery St. and S. P. & N. Ry.. Spokane, Washington A Ticket Means moro than your moro traiiajiortntloii If It la ovor NORTH-WESTERN LINE C. St. P. M. & O. Ry. It means that you will havo every luxury and comfort tho utmost courtesy from all employes n safo trip and one that 111 ho a pleasure and delight. It Is tho Short Line to Chicago And the BEST as well. Anything you wish to know about Cotnfortablo Traveling will bo gladly told by C.J. OR AY, Traveling Agt. H. L. SISLGR, Ueueral Agt, S4H Alder Street, I'ortUnd, Or. l.-ui p.m. All tailing datei aubjeel to change ForPau Kranclsco ball every 6 days. Dully Ex. Sunday fiiliuti.m. Saturday lUibU p. in. G:46a.m Mon., Wed. and i'rl. i 7:00 a.m. 1 ties., Thur. and Hat. Lv. ltlparla 4:0oa. m. Dally except Saturday Columbia' mr' Sliamtrs. To Astoria and Way Landings. WlllamstH River. Water permitting. Oregon City, New berg, Brtloin. Inde pendence, Cnrval. Us and Way Landings. Wlllamtll and Yam. hill Klars. Water permitting. Oregon City, Day ton, A Way Laud lugs. Snske Rlnr. Hlparla to Lowlston 0:00 p. m. .t'Bf-.i B.oo p. m. Hx. Sunday About fl:w p.m. Tuc.,Thu., Hat. 3:30 p.m., Mon., Wod. ami Krl. I.r.IiTlston 8:00 a. ml ' Dally except Krlday ' TICKETS To and from all POIINTS EAST via Tourists In Switzerland will soon tmvo n choice of mMisnttoual cxporl ences. If they do not caro to climb Mont Hlitnc, they nitty innko a "nub merged excursion" lu n sulmmrlno boat In Luko Geneva. Tho IkmU will travel twenty-tlvo miles untler water uml n jnUo nnd n half on tho surface, tick eta for tho trip will cost twenty-five dollars, ami each nnsseiiKor will re celvo n Hfo Insurance policy for twen-ty-llvo humlrttf dollars. Tho guaranty of Uiauranco la not, perhaps, so rcuu- Who's MovoV When StelulU, the chess player, lived In Vicuna one of hts pupils In tho gamo was Gustavo Kpstelu. nuioiig tho rich est bankers of tho Austrian capital. One day tho teacher puwled over a po sition so long that Kpsteln said, Impa tiently: "Well?" Hut soon tho bank er himself was In a hole, nnd his too prolonged meditations wero Interrupted with a desrespectful "Well?" "Sir, don't forget who you nro and what I am," said Kpsteln, angrily, but Stelnlti retorted: "On tho bourse you aro Ep stein and I am Stelnltz; over the board I am Epstein and you aro Stolultz." Nashville American. A Joko Klther Way. Friend You call that a Joke? You'll never bo able to sell tt. Humorist Well, lu that caso It will bo a joko ou mo. "I see, and If you do sell it It .will bo a Joko on tho editor." Smart Sot. No Wonder, lllggs They say young Squander lelgh Is unable to hoe his own row. Dlggu-Naturally. He's a rake. CLOTHING, SHOES, HITS md Gents' Furalsb lag Goods. Belter than the ordinary and without extra cost Best lighted and moat convenient atoro in tho city. DICKSON BROS. CO. General Outfitter 1120'M Pmolfto Ave. Tmooma Crystal st Handand Laundry A Specialty of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED TEL. 670. Near cor. Division and North River Av. NATIONAL IRON WORKS Manufacturers ot Sttam Englnts, Boilers, Elevators, Archi tectural Iron Work, Quart! Mill and Crush er, Concentrators, Ore Cars, Buckets and General Mining and Mill Machinery. Every description of Wrought Iron Work, Iron and Brass Castings. Machinery and Boiler Repairs a Specialty. SIIOltT LINK TO ST. PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND 1'OI.NTS KAST. Through l'alaeo anil Tourist Sleepers; Dining mi.i jiiiuvt ouiukiuK i.iurary vara. DAILY TItAINS. FAST TIME. For rates, folders and full Information regard, lug tickets, routes, etc., call on or address H. DIOKFON, City Ticket Agent, Portland, Or. J.W. 1'HAI.ON.T. I'.A., ru -mini Ht., Portland, Or. A. 11. C. DKNN1STON, O. W. I'. A.. 612 First Ave., Seattle, Wash. A. L. CRAIG, 7 General I'asacngcr Ageut, Portland, Or. C. W. HTINOKIt, City Ticket Agent, Thlrk and Washington rltrcets.. TIME CARD OF TRAINS" PORTJUAIVD - Depart. Puget Sound Limited...... 7:23 A. M. Kauaaa City & Ht. Loula Helal 11:10 A. M, North Coast Limited 3:S0 P. M. Tacoma-Beattlo Night Express 11: P, M, Arrive 6:43 P. M. 11:10 P. M. 7:00 A.M. 3:05 P.M. Tako Puget Sound Limited or North Coast Limited for dray's Harbor points. Take Puget Sound Limited lor Olvmnln illrnot. Take Puget Bound Limited or Kansas City. St. Louis Special for points on South ueuil uraucii. Double daily train service on nmv'n Ifarhnr branch. Four trains dally between Portland and Ta coma and Seattle. A. D. CIIAM.TON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 233 Morrison St., Portland, Or. White Collar Line Portland -Astoria Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT." Dally round trips except Sunday. TIME OAUU. Leaves Portland 7:0OA. M Leaves Aatorla .. .7:00 P. M Through Portland connection with Steamer Nahcotta from Jlwaco and Long Beach points. White Collar Une tickets Interchangeable with O. It. J: N. Co. and V. T. Co. tickets. J. H. BOYD, Pros, and Manager. Tel. Mala 176. Spokane, Wash SPOKANE DRY GOODS COMPANY Importers and Jobber Dry Goods Notions and Furnishings Oificc and Salesroom Riverside and Mill St Spokane Wash TheDalles-Portland Route STEAMERS "TAHOMA" and "METLAKO" Dally trips except Sunday, Str. "TAHOMA." Leaves Portland. Mon., Wed., Frt 7:00 A. M Leases The Dalles, Tues., Thurs. 8at,7:0O A. M Str. "METLAKO." I eaves Portland, Tues., Thu.. Sat 7:00 A. M. Leaves The Dalles Mon.. Wed., FrL.7:u0 A. M. Landing and ottice: Foot Alder Street. Both phones Main ML Portland, Oregon. EASTva SOUTH LEAVE 8:S0P.M. 8:30 A.M. AGENTS. J. W.CHICHTON The Dalles, Ore. A. K. FULLEH Hood Itiver.' Ore WOI.FOHH A- WYUK3.... White Salmon, Wash. 1IKNKY OLMSTKAD .... .. Carson Wash JOHN T.TOTTEN ...Stevenson. Wash. J.,l5.VAT., Vancouver. Wash. A.J.TA"kLOK Astoria,Ore, E. W. CRICHTON, Portland, Oregon 4:00 P.M. 7:30 A.M. 114:30 P.M. DEPOT, SIXTH AND IIOVT BTS. OVEKLAND EX- PRLS3 TItAINS for Salem. Iloseburg.Ash- jbiiu, cacramemo,ug den, San Francisco, Molave, Loa Angeles, hi Paso, New Orleans and the East. AtWoodbum dally except Sunday, morn Ing train connects with train for Jit. An gel.Sllverton.llrowns. vllle, Sprlngileld and Natron, and Albany ! for Mt. Angel and Sllverton. ...Albany Passenger ..Corvallls Passenger.. .Sheridan Passenger. Mm 0 OCttNi, SHASTA 2 AltniVE 7:43 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 10:10 A.M. 5;S0P.M. D 8:23A.M. Daily. yUally except Sunday. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street. if.elvvfu,n.,?i."L'.rP.,weo :aVm!; 11:30, 1:55, 3:25. 4;40 6:23, 8:30 P. M. Dally except Sunday 3:30. :), A. M., fi:05, U:!a P.M. Sunday only, 8 A. M. Arrive at Portland dally at 8:30 A. M. 1-35 d.'vV 6iu-VW' x1? V' M' Dail5r bu"r i Ki - ,,U.:W A, M:i e"P' Monday, 12:40 A.M. Sunday only, 10:03 A.M. ' IaTe(or Dallas dally except 6unday, 6;05 P.M. Arrive Portland, 9:30 A.M. Itebato tickets on sale between Portland. Sao. ramentoandSan Jrancisco. Net rates, 117:20 first class and 111 second class. Second class, lucludes sleeper: first class does not. TlCketS tO K&HtAPfl TUllnta an. .'... klmn TRALIA. C1IISA' Ox0l"'-U " AUS. cjjy f ,CKET OFFICE, corner Third and. w ashington streets. Phone Main 71i ( ;