The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, December 06, 1902, Image 8

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CHAITKU XX Continued.
Tho crowd growlnB excited on tho
beach, tho Hhotits of tho Btinorlnton
dent to Dr. Moore, who was leaning
over tho fence, tho rngo of tho cap
tain at liolng kept waiting, all com
bined to kcop away any chanco of
roadlng my lottor, anxious as I was U
do so.
"lt'rt no uso waiting, captain," sold
tho superintendent, as ho hobbled up
tho pier. "Dr. Mooro says tho nurso
Is out In tho Inclosuro and has not
boon seen slnco 7 o'clock thin morn
ing. Toll tho authorities I sent you
off, nnd, If sho Is found sho can go
tomorrow, on with tho noxt boatload."
"Como, Charley, Jump on board;
tlioy aro Just starting."
"I don't think I'll go," ropllcd Char
loy. "Not go! not go!" exclaimed tho
old man full of tHtonlshmont. "I
thought everybody wns so anxious to
go away, nnd horo, In tho very first
boatload, thoro nro two missing;
como, Jump nboard!"
"No; I'll wait till tho next."
"Perhaps you will not bo allowed
to go by that," said tho Ancient Mnr!
nor, with an ominous shako of bis
"I'll Mmnrn II." wns tbo only reply!
nnd with that Charloy strolled back
toward tho pollre quarters.
Thon amid half-hearted cheers from
tho crowd tho boat moved slowly
nway. and wo, sick at heart, stood
watching her until sho beenmo Indis
tinguishable nmld tbo Incoming steam
ers. Thon wo turned earn to our sev
eral homes, they to discuss among
themselves tho altered nspect of af
fairs, and I to road tbo Iettor which,
llko a boy's first sovereign, was burn
ing In my pocket. At tho ond of tbo
pier tho siiporlntcndont wob waiting
for mo.
"This Is a strango business, doctor.
Hho couldn't luivo got out. and yot sho
Isn't In tho Inclosuro. Whoro can Hho
"I am Hiiro I don't know; splrltod
nway, porhmm," 1 replied, laughing.
"You may laugh, doctor, but noth
ing would nstonlBh mo about that wo
man; sho comes down horo as a com
mon nurso, and yot Bho corresponds
with a member of tho government.
Why, I'vo Bont tho lottorB off myBolf.
Thou Bho manages tho doctor, tho
gravo diggers, tho pntlontd, and ovory
tody In that lncloHitro, as Bho likes;
mid I don't much wondor, for when
Hho has sunt for mo Bomotlmeu to uslc
for things over tho fonco, why, bless
your hoart, Bho does as sho likes with
mo. I wontlur whoio Bho Is?" ho add
ed, after u pause.
"1 don't know, but I Biipposo Bho
will turn up," I replied, anxious be
yond moasuro to get away and road
my letter.
Onco out of sight of tbo pooplo,
Homo of whom 1 know had neon tho
lottor passed to mo, I hurried out of
tho path Into tho scrub, and sitting
down, pulled tho bulky onvolopo from
my pockot. It contained throo separ
ate documents. Tho II ret was an or
der on tho govornmont to pay to mo
tho Balnry forty pounds duo to her
for sorvlcoB rendered; tho second wna
nu order on tbo bank with a check
(both Blgned and witnessed) for llfty
pounds deposited there; and tho third
was tho letter that was to explain all.
Though written In a bold, II rm hand,
I experienced tho greatest dllllculty In
deciphering tho words. Tho throb
bing of my heart ami brain made my
eyes unequal to their duties; tho
wordB wore blurred ami run togothor.
At length, after many oftoita, I reud
us follows;
"Dear Doctor Hlgby You will find
Inclosed tho documents I prnmlsod to
send you; please do with them as I
nsked. You will. I fear, have somo
diniculty In making Wurron tako the
money, but when ho lenrns that I
linvo no fuither ubo for It ho will, 1
believe, no longer hesltato. I havo
told him thnt In the ovont of IiIh want
ing u friend In tbo future, you will
do what you enu. In this I am sure
I am not mnklng a mistake.
"Now, there Is only one thing left to
do. and that Is to wish you good-bye.
I have been n thorn In your slilo; I
have dono you great Injuries; thoro
Is no hopo for you while I llvo. There
fore, I havo doelded to tako tho only
courao open to mo. That Is, to opon
tho door myself, anil let myself out
of a world that hns been for mo any
thing but a sueroHB. You must not
pralno mo or hlamo mo for this, nor
think It wicked or cowardly, kind or
herole. Hollovo mo, It Is neither. I
tun Blck of life; and even If I hnd not
your happiness to think of I should, I
think, havo taken tho samo courso;
and n r far as Its being wicked from
my point of view It Is tho exact re
vorao. Wickedness means something
opposod to what you used to call tho
dlvlno and kindly ordor of thlnrs, nnd
I havo found myself opposed to tlila
kindly order, miroly tho best thing for
myself nnd everybody concerned Is
to tako myself out of tho way, For
dnyB past I havo thought of you b
you woro when you camo to seo Ar
thur. Will you think of mo In tho fu
hiro as I wib then? I know I don't
dosorvo this. I deserve, If you nro
just nnd JiiBt only, to bo thought of
us n womnn driven mad by tho posses
sion of lovo sho did not want, and tho
want of lovo Bho could not get. Haw
not my Ufa been mndo up of tho stuff
they mako tragedies of n big henrt
Bonred with disappointments, n lit
tlo llfo of grent sorrows, ended with
it erlmo? If It Is n crime, which I
doubt; nnd If it Is well.
' 'nottor Bin tho whole sin, auro that
Ood observes ,
Than go llvo my llfo out llfo would
try my uorves.'
"And my uorvca havo been tried
"I am Borry to boo by this morning's
paper thnt Mr. and Miss Phillips
havo left for Adelnde,' but you can
telogrnph to them to como back, can't
vnnt Nnw. ennd-bvo! Mnv tho rest
of your Hfo bo ns happy ns It deserves
to ImH And will you somotlmcd Iu
your leisure speak to your wlfo of tho
bolter aide of mo? M. MILNE."
It was four o'clock In tho afternoon,
and I was standing at tho mouth of
Warren's cave, afraid to enter. For
there, on tho bed of dry ferns, Just vis
ible In tho Boml-darkncss, I could dis
cern an ominous bundle Uio outline
of a woman's form. All day I had
wandored about tho grounds, endeav
oring to obtain somo traco of tho lost
nurse. My pooplo, 1. a., thoso outside
tho Inclosuro, had soon nothing of
hor, but thoso Insldo wero unanimous
In their belief that sho had gono to
Manly, somo said by tho road, in tho
early morning, and somo bollovod that
with hor strango omnipotence sho
hnd obtained tho uso of a boat and
been taken away. Tho only actual ev
ldonco of hor movoments wns obtain
ed from tbo grave-digger; ho had scon
hor walking right away toward tho
Heads. Though It might bo that sho
had Intended to throw nny ono that
was watching hor off tho scent, I do
elded to stnrt In that direction. I
had no doubt In my own mind that
sho had destroyed herself, but oxper-
ienco taught mo that no woman din
by her own hand without leaving
traces behind. If n man drowns him
self bis hat Is found floating down
strenm; a woman's will ho carefully
hlddon In a roccss of tho bank, out
of tho wind's way, with tho strings
nnd hor glovea nently rolled up and
packed Inside 'Twns somo such ovl
denco as this I was hunting for, but
from rock to rock, from cliff to clilf
I clambered without finding n traco of
her. I had been sonrchlng tho coa3t
from tho extreme point of tho Heads
right around, missing neither cavo no:
promontory, for two hours, when sud
denly I found myself upon my flat
rock, with my bath In tho ccntor. I
ant down to rest mysolf upon tho
very atono behind which I had hidden
thnt morning when Wnrrcn's cavo
llrst bocamo known to mo. As I
looked along tho rough outllno of tin
hill above, ovor which I had watched
tho moving hoad of Mrs. Warron, nnd
bo lenrned hor husband's hiding placo,
suddenly tho thought struck me
Wurron'B cavo. Wan It posslblo that
iilio hnd chosen that as her Inst rest
ing place? An Indcticrlbnblo horror
of that placo, and yet nn Irreslstlhlo
fascination for It, seized mo. Thoro
wns no longer any hopo of saving hor;
If bIio had sought death sho was long
slnco dend; howovor, I must see; and
so waking up tho remnants of my
courago, I startod, with my heart now
throbbing against my ribs nnd now
motionless, to clnmbor up tho faco of
tho cliff.
And thoro sho lay llko a- child
asleop, with her hoad upon her out
stretched arm nnd without n musclo
distorted; for It wur opium sho hnd
takon taken long hours since nnd
tho empty bottle wns besldo hor. A
book hnd fallen from tho other hand;
It was n copy of Drowning, thnt I hnd
given her yenrs ngo (whon Drowning
wiib my manlal; It wna open at "Ho
foro nnd Aftor," tho poom from which
sho hnd quoted In hor last letter to
mo, only now It was "Aftor ' that hnd
boon Inst load. I had to kneol to got
tho light on tho book. And so, close
down to hor. nnd now witnout iirona
of hor. or of death. I. too, read "Af
tor;" and If you chnngo n word or two
wns anything moro lit nnd npproprl
nto? Wns ovor poom moro nppllcnblo?
"Tako tho clonk from his faco nnd at
II rat
Lot tho corpso do ltd worst!
"How ho lies In his rights of n man!
Death hath dono nil death can,
And absorbed In tho now llfo ho loads,
Ho rocks not, ho hcods
Nor IiIb wrong nor my vongennco;
both strike
On his sciiBCB alike,
And nro lost In tho solemn and strange
Surprlso of tho change.
"Hnl What nvnlls death to oraso
Ills offense, my dlagraco?
I would wo wore boys as of old,
In tho uolila by tho fold,
Ills courage, Cod's pntlouco, man's
Woro so easily borne.
"I Btnnd horo now, ho lies In his placo,
Cover tho faco."
I did not cover tho faco; for now,
robbed of Its wickedness and Its oa
partly for wlrkednoss, clothed with
n eiUm, restful penrefulness, It wis
very beautiful to look upon, now, nnd
only now, could I reulUo what this wo
mnn was with her dovlls enst out.
"You will think of mo na I waa tho
first tlnio you enmo to seo Arthur?"
alio hnd nsked. "No," I said aloud, ns
I Binoothed down hor hair, "I will
Ihlnk of your as you nro now; I will
think of you nB I seo how you might
hnvo been hnd your surroundlnsa been
different, you poor child, wrockod not
because you wero unsenworthy, but
bochuso your llttlo son was unship
worthy." Tho reader will, porhnps, think It
strango thnt, nB I sat thoio, no thought
crossed my mind of tho trouble this
woman lying dead at my8ldo had
caused mo.
Tho fart la, I had freely nnd fully
forgiven her. oven ns Ood forgive..
Moro than that, I had ceased to hold
her responsible, and even If I had not
forglvon her before, It wns tlmo I did
now, For had sho not dlod for mo?
Yes, dlod for mo, nnd with n broken
henrt. too. "Cnn't wo touch theso
bubbles but they break? Lovo Is bo
different with us inenll'
"Hut you, havo solved tho grrnt mys
tory now, my child." I thought. "You
havo gono through tbo shock of It, nnd
tho pain of It, felt 'tho fog in your
throat, tho mist In your faro.1 nnd I
nlmost envy your knowledge" Thon
I kissed her nnd roso to go.
I stood for n moment nt tho mouth
of tho ravo. wondorlns: what I should
do noxt. My first linpulso wns to
leavo hor hlddon thoro, nnd build up
with rocks tho front of the cavo.
What good could come of an Inquiry?
I asked myself. And what fitter grave
could sho havo than that, tho scenes
of bo much of hor goodness and
closo to tho sea sho lovod so dearly?
Dut a moment's consideration told
mo that such a courso would not only
bo fraught with danger, but would
nlBo destroy tho very purposo of her
wholo sacrifice of herself; for how
could Colonel Pelham toll If Bho woro
dead or not, unless somo publicity
woro given to tho fact? With tho
thought of Colonel Polham came
tho memory of her mentioning
thnt they hnd gono to Adeladc,
bound for England. Hor sharp
cyea had seen tho announce
ment that mlno had missed. With
ono Inst look nt hor, I hurried back to
tho telogrnph ofllco, where two cir
cumstances my having chargo of tho
stimulants, nnd tho operators weak
ness for thom gave mo unlimited
Hurriedly I wroto out four mes
sages, all worded In tho samo war:
"Tho nurso has taken poison, nnd hor
dead body has boon found In n envo
on tho ocenn side." Ono, nnd tho first,
I sent to Adolado, directed to Colonel
Pelhnm, to meet tho vessel In which
I found ho hnd takon pnssago; ono I
sent to Dr. Mny, adding to his: "Toll
Phillips," and so Insuring Colonel Pel
ham's receiving tho nowB; tho third
I Bont to tho Treasury; and tho fourth
to tho Bonlor government medical of
ficer, adding to this last request that
I might hear at onco what stops wore
to bo taken.
Then I went to tho store with tho
object of telling tho superintendent.
I heard Chnrloy'a volco ns I ncarod
tho placo; ho was speaking loudly, and
had evidently hnd somo misunder
standing with tho old mnn. As I en
tered, ho snld, nddrcsslng mo. "The
superintendent dcclnros ho will re
port mo for not returning to Sydney
whon ordered to, sir, nnd I say that
by doing so ho will only get mo Into n
great row without doing himself nny
good; It cnn't do him any good, can
"I don't think ho will report you.
Charloy; but won't you go nwny now?
I want to talk to tbo superintendent."
Whon Chnrloy loft tho Btoro I fol
lowed him and told him to go up to
my hut nnd wait till I camo, and on
no account to go nway. Then I camo
back and told tho old follow my nows,
and tho steps I had tnkon to Inform
tho authorities.
"Thoro Is nothing to bo dono, I
Biipposo," ho said, "but to wait tho
government reply; and when It comes
will you kindly havo It sent up to
Thon I wnlkod quietly In tho direc
tion of my houso, wondering how tho
nows would affect Charloy.
From tho window ho saw mo ap
proaching, nnd enmo down to moot
"VhnfB tho nows. sir?"
"Sho Is dend. Chnrloy."
"Dond, doctor, dend! Ah! well I
know It; but whoro Is alio? Whoro Is
"In Warren's cavo. Will you go and
seo her?"
"Not alono."
"Woll. I will romo with you."
And together wo wont Bllontly
ncrosB tho hill, with tho Jonlous oyes
of tho old man upon us. Tho sun was
sotting now in nil thoso mnjestlo
splendors, and with that luxuriance
of colors that this country, nnd this
country only, sees with nny frequency;
tho winds wero hushed; tho Blcop of
tbo ocenn only broken by llttlo wnvo
lota lenplng restlessly In their dronms
of bygono days; when they had boon
mndo to danco to tho wind's piping.
Tho nbsenco of all llfo on my rock
below nnd In tho enves nround, tho
bushed nnd silent mournfulncss of
everything, formed n fit Betting for
tho sndncss thnt hung nround our
henrts nnd mndo ovon breathing dif
ficult. Not a word wns oxchnnged b
tween us till wo reached tho mouth
of tho cavo; thon Charley, putting his
hnnd on my Bhouldcr, snld: "I wont
go In, doctor; I cnn't Btnnd It."
"Nonsonso, my good follow! I will
go first; you follow."
And ho wo ontored tho prosonco of
tho dond, tho grent frnmo of tho mnn
nenr mo shaking llko thnt of a child.
Tho rnys of tho sotting sun lighted
up tho envo, nnd dnncod upon tho
wnll nbovo hor head llko n thing of
For sovernl seconds wo Btood with
out n movomont or a word. Then I
lookod up Into Chnrloy'a faco, and saw
tho tears streaming down his chooks.
Half nshnmed of them, ho wiped thom
hurriedly nwny with tho bnck of hU
hnnd, nnd shook himself from bend to
foot, to regain, If posslblo, his self-possession.
Tho following morning I Instituted
nn Inquiry Into tho causo of donth of
Miss Mllno. nllns Nurso Emily.
Chnrloy administered tho oath to tho
witnesses, nnd na ho enjoined them to
toll "tho wholo truth," I snld to my
self: "Tho wholo truth? No mnn but
myself knows, or will know thnt, and
I I will hold my penco."
That afternoon tho best of tho cof
flim wna selected, and Chnrloy nnd I,
with loving hnnds placed hor, still In
hor slooplng nttltudo, Into It, and cov
ered her for n shroud with tho sea
scented ferns thnt sho had chosen for
hor last bed. And thon, whon tho
men had lowered hor into tho grnvo
nnd gono ngaln, I took from my pock
et tho prayer book that now for tho
sixth tlmo wns called into requisition,
nnd with Charley for chief and
only mourner, standing nt tho
foot of tho grnvo with bend
bent and arms folded, I rend
thoso solemn words, the dlvlno Inspir
ation of which Is proved by tbolr nov-or-fnlllng
nppllrablllty, nnd Chnrloy'a
henrt gnvo out n llttlo groan of nssont
ns I read: "Wo glvo Theo hearty
thanks for that It hnth pleased Theo
to deliver this our Blstor out of tho
miseries of Oil sinful world."
P. S. Upon the last proofshect of
the Inst chapter of this book (which,
with tho rest, has been Bent to
n friend In tho country to look ovor),
I find tho following rutting from tho
Sydney Morning Herald, pasted diag
onally: ooooooooooooooooooo
o On tho nth Inst., nt All o
o salntB. Mnnly. N, S, W.. by o
o tho Row Dr. May, A. A. Rig- o
o by. M, R. C. S. 13.. to Edith, o
o only child of Colonel Pel- o
o ham, R. A. o
Golden Riile
V. 0. KHLLEY, Proprietor.
Headquarters for
Traveling Men.
Free Ibis to nnd from depot. Ono of
tlio leading hotels of tho city.
Successors to
391 Washington St., cor. Tenth,
President. Secretary.
J. 11. CAim, Manager.
Frank Schmitt & Co.
Manufacturers of
Fir, Silver Pine and Cellar Doors
and Finishing Material.
Phono Knst 4S,
Kast Taylor and ., ., ,
Lat eighth Htrcota. Portland, Oregon
Saw Mill Machinery
Flouring Mill Machinery
Marine Engines and Boilers
Fourteenth and Northrup Streets
TMlcon Klcctrio Lnmps reduced to 15
cents each, or $1.76 jer dozen.
Use theso Lamps with proper voltage
and mako your light tho cheapest and
Portand General
Electric Co.
Seventh and
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European and American Plan.
Furnished in First-Class Style,
New hovse, newly tarnished, two blocks Iron
Union depot .All the rmodern Improvement,
nre-prool, tot and cold water, centrally lo
fated. .
Rates, $1 and $1.25 a Day.
MUc, Baths ,
Cor. Sixth and GlUau, Portland.
rErr-.t-aFvtt'.'.-J'j fV-
Furniture, Carpets and Stoves
Cut This Out and Get a Redictlon at
Henry Jennings.
172-174 First Street.
Cttablltheri Jan. 1. IBB9.
Incorporated July 8, 1891.
Portland Coffee and Spice Co.
For tho Trade Only.
Tea, Coffee, Spices, Baking' Powder,
Extracts, Etc.
OUU BPECIAT, BRANDS: Spices. Acme. Mult
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S4-2B Front Street,
tiet. Amh end Ankony.
Fourth and Yamhill Sts.
RENA 8TINS0N, Ladr Assistant.
Gcorgo Miller.
IHrnm Fugitt.
Wagner Cafe
Phono Main Sit.
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Cornfortnbla Quarters for Coinmcrcinl
and IhiHlnos Men.
Star Brewery
Brewers and Bottleri ot
Hop Gold Beer
Vancouver, Wash,
Oast Third nnd Burnslde Sts., Port
land, Oregon.
I Do You
I Know the News ?
You can have It all (or
X Per
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5UC Month
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Z tlon. Try It for a month. A sampla Z
Z ropy "111 be mailed to you free. Ad- Z
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Largest and Most Complete Assortment of all Kinds of Rubber Goods.
ft. E. PKABK, President. F. M. BHKPAKD, JK Treasurer J. A. SIIKPARD, Secretary
The E-c- ATKNS & co
Atkins Saws are
Loewenberg &
920 to 233 Taylor Street
t to 104 SaommdStrmmt
i r i
Phones: Oregon Main 77a, Columbia 430.
AH goodi wholesale and retail.
204 Yamhill St., nr. Third, PortUnd, Or
Dealer in all kinds of
Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Etc.
Ham and Bacon a Specialty.
Phone, Clay 584. 95 N. Seventh St
Telephone Red 951.
Prlrate rooms.
' Gambrinus Garden Saloon.
Andrew Bwanion, Prop.
Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
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No. 248 Burnslde Street,
Dot. Second nnd Third, i
Tho Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars
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Western Feed & Fuel Co.!
Dealers In all kinds o(
Try tho famous
Doth Phones.
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Dunning & Campion.
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roitTLAND, oiu:go.v.
Oregon Phono Main 430. Columbia Thono 430
Night calls ring night boll.
W. I.. McCab,
K. 8. Hamilton,
Also Honolulu, ft. I.
HoadOUIoos Taooma, Wash.
Cable Address: M CCA UK
J4 Water Street, Liverpool.
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ami Cafe...
130 Filth Straot
II Monogram and III Gyrus Noble
A Rosort ton Gontlomon.
'Phone OregonMaln 008; Columbia 407
Quantity Any 8tyU "i
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Going Company
Stove Ranges,
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JHandled by AH First
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Royal Steel Ranges Are
the Best and Cheapest
in the Market