THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. V 7 ,& TACOMA ADVERTISING J. F. DA VIES Fancy and Staple Groceries Telephone, Mnttv472. IOL'0 Tacoma Ave. TACOMA, WASH. A. A. ALLEN, Manager The Singer Manufacturing. Tclcphoue, Red 2375. 11812th St. TACOMA, WASH. Tacoma Shoe Co. F. O. FISHER, Pros & Trcas. Phono, Oak 244. OCO Pacific Avo. TACOMA, WASH. ' HW. MEYERS & CO. Dealers In FURNITURE, STOVES, RANGES, Hardware, Glassware, Mixed Paints , Telephone, James 2470. 1021 So. Eleventh St., Cor. K. TACOMA, WN. Thomas Bennett Dcalor in New ann Second-Hand Furniture Stoves, Carpets, Tin ware and Crockery. 901 Tacoma Ave, Tacoma Wash. IRA Vavokan, Prci. K. P. Vaooiun, Trcai. U. 0. WYNKoor, VIco PreS and Secy. Wynkoop-Vaughan Company DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS Ninth and Pacific Ave. TACOMA WASH. THE BOHEMIAN JOHN J MCMILLAN, Prop, FURNISHED ROOMS Telophono, Ma! 240. 100 Tenth St. TACOMA, WASH. Kelly's Transfer J. H. KELLY, Prop. Wood and Coal for Sale MOVING A SPECIALTY Steam Heated Rooms for Storing Furniture. Telophono, Main 401, Office and Residence 931 Tacoma Ave. TACOMA, WASH. THE ARCADE J. F. MURPHY, Prop. Dry Goods I Men's Furnishings Cor. 1 3 and Pacific Avo. TACOMA WASH. TEA AND COFFEE Are th irent popular drinks 0 the country. How important to have It nice and fresh roast ed of Dickson, the Coffee Roaster 1538 Pacific Avenue, TACOMA, WASHINGTON. It Makes Your Mouth Waist As you slice ofTs succulent ptcco of the ten-'er roast leef pmciirsolti at our is laU -t tuist t)( idurm, much depends on ' i" dn't Ua-ne it all on 'ho tu'ct' r- but We'll ta il.anc.ii on that fur we vnuw our u.eau ar Al cuts. in Jfj( Kfm 9& Tel. Main O. 1pQ Pacific Avo. ! vu...w ""BSciusiia CATARRH OF LUNGS. A Prominent Chicago Lady Cured by Pe-ru-na, Mies Maggie Welch, eecrotnry of tho Betsey Ross Educntionnl and Bonovo lent Society, writes from 328 North Btnto street, Ohicngo, III., the follow ing glowing words concerning Perutm: "Last fall I caught tho most severo cold I ovor had in my lfio. I coughed night and day, and my lungs and throat hocamo bo soro that I was in 7 !i(ppPi Miss Msgglo Welch, great distress. All cough remodtos nauscAteud mo, nnd nothing afforded me relief until my doctor said, rather in n joko, 'I guofs PerunA is tho only medicine that will euro yuo.' "I told him that I would certainly try it, and immediately sent for a hot tlo. I found that relief en mo tho first day, and as I kept taking it faithfully tho cough gradually diminished, and tho soreness left mo. It h flue." Maggio Welch. Address tho Poruna Mediacino Co., Columbus, Ohio, for freo Utoraturo on catarrh. No Misgivings. "How is business, Hans," oskod his acquaintance. "Veil," answered Hans, "if I can do so good in do pABt ne I lmf in do future veil, dot's how 1 hopo, somo more alrotty." A Tug at It. Bhc You must not kiss mo until wo are formally engaged. Ho Do you mean to say that you always insist upon that rule? She I'vo always tried to. Mothers will fina Mrs. rTlnslow's Booth. Ins; Syrup the best remedy to use for their Bblldren during th tsstblng period. Interested. Stranger I tell you, I like to see yoang lovers. Second Strangor Ah, yon must be an optimist, my friend. Stranger No, I run the ice cream parlors' Chicago News. Cremation. Not until 1884 was the first body cremated in England, Tho number of bodioa cremated annually has steadi ly increased since both in England and the United States. BT rrtnnr oun. if. flts r nerrotwoces rile aftrflnt.!T,.iu.f Ir.KII..'iGr.t Knr Zestonr. ScDdrorVKBnSM.OOtrulbotUaaDcltreAS (m. 1slU.U.Kus.LU1 ArchaL.I-UiUd.IpkU.i-i, Friendly. Myor Syiker is a friondly sort of a chap, isn't ho? Oyer Yob; ho'i most too friondly. Myer How's that? Oyer Ho no sooner quits shaking your hand than ho tries to pull your leg. Not Acquainted With tllm. "Nell's just crazy over Shakespeaer." "So he's her latest, is he? Whore'd sbomeet him?" Philadelphia Bulletin. MEUMATISM ACUTE AND CHRONIC, MUSCULAR, MERCURIAL, ARTICULAR AND INFLAMMATORY. barometers and most accurate in weather predictions, the increasing' pains in muscles and joints foretelling the approaching storm or the coining of bad weather. It is from these constant sufferers that the great army of rheumatic cripples is recruited. Their bodies are worn out by the incessant pains and tne joints oecorae so &uiienea nnu Dene thnt they are at last compelled to give up or hobble nbout on crutches. Nobody ever outlived Rheumatism; the disease never loosens its grip or leaves of its own accord, but must be driven out by intelligent and persist ent treatment through the blood, for Rheumatism of every variety and form Is caused by an over acid condition of the blood, and the deposit in muscles, joints and nerves of corrosive poisons and gritty particles, and it is these irritating substances that produce the inflammation, swelling and paina, which last as long as the blood remains in this sour and' acid state. To cure Rheumatism permanently the blood must be purified and invig orated, and no other remedy does this so well or so promptly as S. S. S. It refreshes and restores to the thin acid blood its nourishing and health-sustaining properties. And when strong, rich blood is again circulating through the body the acid poisons and irritating matter are washed out of the muscles Through our .Medical Department the pain-racked, despondent Rheumatic sufferer will receive lulpfi l'advice from Physicians of experienceand skill without charge. Write us fully a'jout our case. THE SVJ1FT SPECIFIC CO: ATLANTA, OA. , The Prince of Wales. Tho title of Prince of Wales is not Inherited, and lino usually been be stowed by patent and investure, though in a few cases tho heir to tho throno has becomo Prince of Wales simply by heing declared so. A Vnlunblc dold Piece. In 1787 n goldsmith of tho namo of Brashor coined a slxteen-dollar gold piece, which is now ono of the rarest of coins, thcro being but four specimens of it known, all of which are held at f .10,00 each. This raro piece has tho well known motto stumped upon it in this mixed-tip form: "Unium E Plurlhus." All Thnt Wns Ncccssnry. "You must abandon all husnioss caroa for tho future," says tho physi cian. "But I fear that I havo not yet ac cumulated sufficient money," protests tho multi-millionairo. "Sufllciont?" repeats tho doctor. "Why, my dear sir, you havo enough monoy to pay physicians' foes (or tho rest of your lifo" Bananas English Style. At English tables spoons aro served with bananas. If tho bananas aro served as a single fruit coureo, howovor, sherry is usually sent Around with it. A fow drops aro poured upon tho plate, nnd tho banana, stripped little bv llttlo of its Bkln, is dipped into this and thus eaten. In a Minute. Nodd Well, I wish I know how to pass away a fow hours' time. Todd Why, 1 thought you woro with your wifo just now. "I wns. I left lior in n restaurant looking over tho bill of fare." It Cnmo tlomc to Hint. Tho jokosmlth called upon tho father r 11... ......... i-.i.. ....1 -i.... - .t. 1 ui iiiu yuuiig mil iiiiu iiauuu lur mu damsel's hand in mnrirago. With a wrathful ohout tho old gen tleman kicked tho jokesmith from tho parlor into tho hnll, ou', of tho door, nnd down tho steps nnd across tho street, and as tho, young man fled thence ho called altor him: "Now, sir, you may rcalizo thnt many u truth 1b written in jest." Judge. OUR OFFICE DOOR. Word Worth Reading from Wise Bros., the Famous Dentists, of Portland. "Whenever our office opens to ad mlt a patient," said Dr. W. A. Wise, of Wise Bros., the great dentists, Fall ing building, Portland, Or., "we want it to be because the patient desires and expects only the best and most con scientious work. "That's the aim of our advertising. "Whenever our office door closes be hind a patient we want it to be the seal of satisfaction upon tho service given and friendliness for our practice to bring him again with friends. "That's the aim of our work. "Many pooplo still think that getting your teeth put in order,'or having somo extracted and new onos put in costs lots of meney and hurts. This is not so. It des not cost much money in our office, and it 'doesn't hurt a bit.' That exclamation from our customers is getting to be widely repeated." A Dee Line. The directnoss of tho beo's flight is proverbial. The shortest distance be twoen any two given points is called a bee line. Many observers think thnt the immense eyes with which tho in sect Is furnrshod greatly assist, if they I do not entirely account for, tho arrowy straightness of its paesago through tho air. Some people have been suficrinff from Rheumatism so long that they can scarcely remember the time when they were entirely free from an ache or pain, and have long since forpotten the joys of a painless existence. They are at the mercy of every ill wind, and their misery is aggravated by exposure to cold or sudden changes in the temperature. Tliev become walkintr Bowllnir Oreen, Xy. Osntlesnen: About ft year agro X was attacked by aouto Rhoumatlsra in my abouldera, arms and leas bolow the knee, Z conld not raise my arm to comb my hair. Doctors prescribed for me for over two months without giving- me any relief. X saw 8. S. S. advertised and decided to try It. Immediately I commenced Its use X felt better, and remarked to my mother that X was triad I had at last found some relief. I continuod Its use and am entirely well. X will always feel deeply Interested In the success of 8. 8. 8. slnoo it did me s much srood. Yours truly, MBS. ALIOK UOKTON. 811 Twelfth Street. nnu joints, arm lucimiua ukuiiccvciitc and Rheumatism is a thing of the past. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable medicine nnd does not derange the stomach like the strong mineral remedies, but builds 1 p the general health, increases the appetite and tones up the digestion. 5 Tl. ll.t.....(. 4- MB UlllUllUllltlC .. Maker of Breaks." f jHr-W-M--M----t-'5-,,,$-,S-,5--r--,5,-5--t-, A "break," In tho over-clintiglnR ver nacular of soohtl parlance, signifies gome unfortuunte chance remark thnt cither refers to or suggests some sub ject best to be avoided. Kveryonc knows how often such "breaks," as they are called, occur, niul how there seems to bo some perverse fate that makes one go out of one's way to talk of topics thnt must necessarily suggest the one forbidden. If there Is anyone at tho table, for Instnnce, who has sonic per sonal defect, tho Imp of perversity will prohnbly cause the most tender-hearted person present to drag thnt particular misfortune Into the conversation by al luding to some one who Is similarly nf nlcted. Or If there Is some family skel eton which must not bo spoken of, It will always be brought forward by proxy. "I am the most unfortunato Individ ual hi the world about such things," complnlned a young man recently. "It Is simply Impossible for me to steer clear, of any unpleasant topic. It Is like n lodcstone to me, nnd I nm drawn In Its direction whether I will or not. The other day I went with a houso par ty to tho M 's, who aro all abnor mally fat. 'Now, Bill,' I said to myself, 'remember, not one word about corpu lency!' Hut in spite of nil my efforts I managed to drag In the subject several times. To my horror, I hoard myself mention Bnrnum's fat woman to Mrs. M , speak of sotno one's death from fatty degeneration of the heart when conversing with Mr. M , talk ad miringly of Miss Mender's figure to Miss M , nnd allude to tho disadvan tage of carrying weight to young M , who nenrly broke his heart at college because he grew too heavy to compete in tho games. Thuro wns a perfect fa tality nbout It, and I nm sure they must have tAought I did It nil on purpose." "It wns worso with me," laughed the young woninn 'to whom ho wns speak ing. "I went to stay with some pooplo whoso prominent family trait wns a re markably large nose. Like you, I re solved beforehand never to mention tho defect, but tho prohibitive word so preyed on my mind thnt, on ono dread ful, never-to-be-forgotten tiny, I said to my host at tho tablo, 'Pleaso glvo mo some nose!' I Intended to ask for salt, bat the awful word got ahead of It and slipped out of my mouth qulto clear and distinct I was too much horrified to pass It off, nnd grew red as n peony, feeling ready to cry, but Mr. A burst out laughing. 'I know exactly how It happened, dear child,' he sntd, and you mustn't mind It a bit.' "New York Tribune. CITY HALL TOO 8MALL. Iroadoa Civic limine.. Hampered by Lock of Itooui. London has suddenly discovered that It ought to havo a respectable home for Its rulers. Ono of tho queerest of all the topsy-turvy thmgs nbout this center of the cmplro Is thnt probably 3,000,000 of Its Inhabitants don't know whero Its "city hnll" Ic. Tho building from which the world's metropolis Is LONDON'S C1TV HALL. ruled Is nn luslgnlflcnnt affair, hesldo which tho muulelpul headquarters of nny American city of 80,000 Inhabit ants would look imposing. It Is qulto overshadowed by the back part of William Waldorf Astor's house, which adjoins It ou tho north. Tho build ing Is too small to hold half of the departments of a concern that spends $30,000,000 n year and rejoices In gross debts of $250,000. Tho county council recently voted down a proposition to build a now city hull. Aflliilties Never Huilderi. There Is more of ideal love and mnr rlnge in the world than It Is the fash ion to bellevo. Affinities uru not to rare. But they are made, not born. After all, what aro affinities? People between whom attraction Is developed to a maximum, who think and feel nnd act In entire sympathy. It U Improh ublo that two people could meet mid discover such a bond of perfect sym pntliy. Such a condition would be too good and great to gain without a struggle. No two people havo tho muiio training nnd education, tho same en vironment, tho iamo conditions for tho formation of character and Inclination. Wo must make our nihilities. Cosmo politan. A Wntohful NurNo. Doctor Aim! (Jlud to see you doing bettor. So you slept well lust night, did you? Patient Who slept? Doctor Here's tho record: "Slept, blept, hlept." Patient Psham! That wns tho nurso. Interne. Atkcd niul AiiHworeil, He When poverty coiikm In at. tho door whai Is It love dues? She-Why, it fih'M out of tho dining- room window, of course. In cases whore bronchitis has become chronic from want of proper treatment in tho earlier stages, thoro is nothing -o good as Dr. August Koonig's ilnm mrg Breast Toa, in conjunction with strongly advised tho ufo of t. Jacobs Oil as nn outward applica tion along tho front of tho throat, from close up under tho chin to well down to tho top of tho chest: tho ono remedy assists tho other, and as Intended, they nork in comploto unison. Tho wonder ful penetrating power of St. Jacobs Oil "imblos it to reach tho ndhosion of for eign matter which linos tho bronchial tubes and which makes breathing more and more difficult. As these adhesions becomo inflnmed and enlarged, St. Jncobs Oil cantos such adhesions to break nwny, making expectoration ensl er and more freo. Dr. August Koonig's Hamburg Breast Tea, drank slowly and very hot, booths and heals tho parts, is comforting nnd quieting, stops tho cough nnd relieves tho breathing. This manner of treatment (nnd thoro is no other two remedies thnt will work to gethcr so successfully) reaches tho diffi culty from tho outside nnd tho insido at tno snmo time. St. Jacobs OU reaches tho roots of tho adhoBion, nnd assists Dr. August Koonig's Hamburg Breast Ton In clearing thorn; tho both remedies act in unision in healing and curing. Tho abovo remarks npply with equal force in cases of asthma, crcup, whooping cough, enlarged tonsils nnd all bronchial nffoetions. Every family should havo St. Jacobs Oil nnd Dr.Aug ust Koenig's Hamburg Breast Tea al ways in tho houso in order thnt thoy may be promptly used in tho first stages. Ofton the maladies develop with won derful rapidity,. and complications take place with equal suddenness. To Oct Out ot It Cheap. Mrs. Nmvconib (on being asked to contribute a dollar to help mnko up the doflelt in tho minii-tor's salary) ileal ly, I can't afford to glvo so much money; but I'll buy two chickens, n pound of coffee, a can of condonued milk, n bottlo of olives, somo cottngo clicoeu, n spnrcrlb nnd somo cut flowers for the church Btipper, tho proceeds of which aro to be turned in. Judge. Tho Swedish Drlde. A Swedish bride, if sho bo prudont and superstitious, will fill her pockets with bread before sho sets out for tho church, nnd to ovory poor person she gives a ploco, thus averting as many misfortunes from horiolf or hor hus band. . Better Than Home Canned. Wo know it is hnrd for you tobollevo that any fruits and vegetables put up in a cannery aro bettor than the ones your mother or wifo puts up, but that's just what wo mean to say about the brand Monopole You won't be sur prised at the statement, after you try them. Got Monopole cunnod goods from your grocer. Wadhams & Kerr Bros., packers, Portland, Oregon. Before the Cards are Dealt. Pho Not very popular in tho clubs, eh? He I should eay notl Ho knows when to quit in a poker gamo. Troubles of Ills Own. Bachlor I've got great nows for you, eld man. I'm engaged. Benedict Well, you noodn't come to me for sympathy. I'm married. A Realist. Currio Bighend is quite a character, le he not? Peters Yes. Hn is ono of those fel lows that are willing to make fools of themselves Just to show their individu ality. Judge. SLICKERS? why S, frgm OF fBRK COUR5H THE STAHDABD BRAND Or WATERPROOF OILED CLOTHING YOU HAVE MWATC BOUGHT Made in black or,yeHori of the best materials and sold with our warrant by reliable ckakra cvtrywherc A. J. TOWER CO.. BOSTON. MASS. ESTABLISHED 1836. -si PELES "I. u flVrfiil Hie torture, of Hie damned with protruillnir piles lirouulil nn liy constitu tion with which I was anilclrd for twenty yearn. I ran across your UASOAItl.'I'S In the town of Newell, Is., Bint never found anylhltiK to equal tliem. To-duy 1 am entirely free from piles and feel like a new nmo." G. II. Keitz, Mil Joues fat., Sioux City, Is. CANDY CATHARTIC TRAD! MANN BIS4STSSIO Plesitnt. I'.latabln. Totem, Tsite Oocx?, Do Coed, N.TerHlcken, Weaken, or Grl(e, lOo.IJc, We. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sl,,ll. Ko.,4; ().,;, (LI,,,.,, So t.rk. IIS Hft TO nflf1 rVllanl mi.raiitrnl by alldmr UUmU-UAO gin. iu tj U UK Tobacco II auU, JOHN POOLfi, PORTLAND, ORE. Toot of Morrison Street. Can vivo you tho Uit tmri;nliia In Hollers and .iiglii . Uiii'ImlHi, I'n nismi loene ml Mr'' 1. 1 if ry. Wood hawlmt Machines a specialty, n e us bc'oru LuylnK,'Hafti '... TJ- - - - ' Ct HtrviHflE All USE FAILS. lletti utiBjrup. Ta-iusCvitJ. In tin 1 b OMifn us. ' .)V.-fc'li-i.iWll... umm 11 raMfiSggyi IDAHO ADVERTISING. t DOM'tl SCIlllKIIlKtt. Funeral Director. 918-920 Front Street, Opposite It. It. Depot Park. Hell phono 212K. Iml. phono 4S9. 110I8E, IDAHO. (JTATK HANK OK IDAHO. Wclser, lilnho. CAPITAL, S3D0.000. fvilwnrd Shnlmvnlil, President. Chns. J. Potwyn,. Caviller. ' A1o hm n brunch nt CmbrlilR Mslio. Tho Pouplu's Hank. .Solicits your business. mltK COMMKIlCIAIi HOrKI. A. Hinkoy, Proprietor. First rlMi In all respcots. Special attention Rlvon to commorotal num. Long illstauoo tela phono In connection, NAMPA, IDAHO. The Bank of Nam pa. KlU:i O. MOCK, Cashier. VK SOLICIT YOUll 1IUSINKSS. NAMPA, IDAHO STAIl L1VKUY, FKKD AND llOAKDlNO 8TADLK First cUm rip. furnished to all point. Spe cial rntia to Kmmotl, Star, Prarl anil Bnaks ltlver. tipoolal attention given to cominorelal men. W. J. DUVALL, Proprietor, Numpa, Idaho. Hotel Weiser, NVclscr, Idaho. BARTON & BMZENDINE, Proprietors. Free Pnmplo Rooms. Kntcs renson ithle. Miners', 8toekmnn'ri and Com mercial Men's Headquarters. Largest and host appointed hotel in Western Idaho. Itooms with bath, steam heat and electric call bellH. Bar her shop in connection. The Idan-ha IDANII A HOTEL CO., Ltd., Proprietors K. W. BCHUBFKT, Manager. BOIS1C, IDAHO. OPENED JANUARY, 1901 AMERICAN TLAN. RATES $2.60 AND UPWARDS. Headquarters for Tourists, Mining Men and Commercial Travelers Prcscott, Brandt & Co., Offlco with J, II. UIIAYIIILL, Immigration Agt. O, H. U It. R. REAL ESTATE AGENTS The great home land mild climate, pare mountain air, flno water. The doatli tate is lower In Idaho than In any other stato In lbs Union. No c clones, storms or billiards. First premium nil Irult at the World's Fair, Chli'iiKO, 1893) Paris Kxponltlon, 1900. First premium on Lambs at Chicago Hlock Show, 1900, (Inld, silver, nipper, coal, fine timber. (Irow wheat, oats, barley, corn, all kinds at cultivated grasses, and vegetables to perfec tion. We will be plennod tn iliow you flue Irri gated lands at Numpa, llolse, Caldwell, Payette and other points. We huvo bargains in lands from 110.00 per acre U, Correspondouce so licited. Addruss PRUSCOTT, BRANDT & CO. Iloom S, Hlckey Ilulldlng, NAMPA, IDAHO FOR CHEAP HOMES And How to Reach Them, Call Ou or Address J. H. GRAYBILL, Traveling Immigration Agont Oregon Short Una (ly. NAMPA, IDAHO. CITY LAUNDRY GO. Gents' Work a Specialty. Phones: Oregon 429, Columbia 410. AND COUCH STS.f PORTLAND, OREGON LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LlOnARY The Best in Current Literature 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPF,RS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2. GO pen ycAn : 25 cto, a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IM ITSn r . ;r, j;