t BMaEpjlMMBBIMMBMMMBgaMBMMMlpMBgpMaBgiaWai -g 7TftV THE NEW AGE. POUTL.AND, OREGON. " p r, H W rl v 4 t" N r I ! I W TACOMA ADVERTISING Hopkins Bros. DRiiaaisTS. Prescriptions nro our specialty. Orders by tclcpliono irotiiit'r delivered. Cars to all pnrlscif Iho city passtiunloors. H. W, cor. K ml i:Kr nth His, Tclcpliono Main 351. THE LOUVRE. WIl.UAM 81HUIHJ, 1'rop. next brands of Imported find domestic Wines, Milium nnd Clpus. Hole agent for l'arkcr ' Itye. l'lno Free Lunch. Teluphono James 3131. 130J 1'utlllc Avenue 1J0 Commerce Street. Incoma, Washington. THE NORTH POLE. If J t NYMAN, Troprletor. Fine Wltics, l.lqtwrs nnd Cigars. Fresh Lager llcer ahriiys on draught. Telephone lllack 1072. First Saloon from N. l depot. 161U i'aclllo Atciiuo, cor. 17th Street. Tacoma, Washington. A. S. JOHNSON & CO. Wholesale nnd retail dealers In Paints, Otis, BrushM, Glass, Vail Paper1 Wo carry a full lino of Itoom Moulding, floors, Windows, Klc. Kstlmates glvtn on Tapering and (Hazing. Tel. John mil. IJ09 I'aclllc Avenue. TACOMA, WASH. People's Cash Grocery H A. HIIAHH, I'roprlotor. Wholesalo anil retail ilealor In Staple nnd Fancy Grot erics, Teas, Cf- fl'CH, Spices, Etc. Tclephono Main int. S01 1, Mtreut, cor. Ninth. Tacoma, Wash, Wlicn You Want Anything Good ...TO EAT... Try tlu grocer nt corner Kit vanth and Q Wo ('ntroulzu'lhiisu that I'nlroiilzo Us. J. LINDUliKd. Tel. Main 3.11. 1101 O Street. Opp. Court House. 'lacomn, Wash, J. KAUFMAN. Dealer In FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES, CROCKERY, ETC. Term ItcaiounMo, 038 C Htreet, Tacoma, Wash. SUNRISE BAKERY. 1). Mol'lllllttfON, Proprietor. All kinds of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc. Wedding and Birthday Cakes A Specialty. Ti:i.KI'IIONK UK!) ISM. 1107 South K St. TACOMA, WASH. O. . MELLINGER. Fun oral Dlnootoi. Embalming u Hpeclnlty by Mel llugrr ltros. Onico I'lioiiu Main 2.11. Kesldoiit'u l'liouo John 'AMI. 010 Tacoma Ave. Incoma, Wash Ole II. Men. Harry II Bclvlg LIEN'S PHARMACY. Formerly Central Drug Uloro, Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles Prescriptions a Specialty. 1102 Tacoma Atouuo. Telophono James lit. Tacoma, Wash. Tacoma Baking Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of BREAD, CAKES, ETC. 0W Tiu'oma Avenue, Tacoma - - Washington TICI.KPHONK 4.1. TACOMA CARRIAGE and BAGGAGE TRANSFER COMPANY. Offlco 102 Tenth HI., Southeast corner of A. TACOMA, WASH. Hacks, Coupes, Carriages, Baggage Wagons At All Hours. I'sut tiger and llaRgsgo transferred from rc.Mt noes ami liolel to and from all Wiata and trains. Hand lourt'lirrk for Iiskkhko to our iiu'ikviicers, who will meet you on all liiooin- llllt.l MRvlP, mi will mrri Jim n umun lug trains and loMs. Flr.l i'Ih.k l.lcry. Open allnliilil. All rlK inatkid "I'.tl. A II. T. Co." Do You Wear Shoes? II to llslit r, The Shoo Man would Ilk to sea you. A thoroughly up-lodato storo earning all the HKMAIU.i; limits of shoe for wen, women and children. KOlt MKN-lMwInCUppshooj The I'aciani h.o; Th J. H. Turner shoo. KOlt MINKS Ilia "Quceu Quality" ahoaj The Kulluro shoe. Fisher, The Shew Man. 9H l'acino Aveu-e, rush itow at Kyerett, Tacoma, Walk. TACOMA ADVERTISING J LSI' KE0E1VED A lino lino of 110oltleS ill iall BUltitlBC 0. 0. T. CLAUS. UNION GROCERY CO. Dealers In Staple and Fancy Groceries, Etc, l'houe, Main 307 Cor. 13 and Tacoma Ave. TACOMA, WASH. s AY11K DIIUO CO. The most reliable place to buy drugs and patent inidlclnis, etc. Tills store Is noted for Its enrnfuluesa In filling prescriptions and for fair i rices. 1100 I'aclllc Avenue Tacoma, Wash. a hi:iidi:i:n btkam laundry J. M. I.upton, Mgr. Equipped with new up-to-date machinery. No rougn or saw-edge cuffs nnd collars. Hlgd gloss or domestic finish. Work IlrsNjlsss anh sure to please. Telephone 381. Corner ltumo and II His., Opp. Firemen's Hall. mllE PACIFIC LIQUOK AND WINE HOUSE. N. ItEUTEIt, 1'roprlctor. The best of Incs, Liquors and Cigars. Family Trade a Specialty. Tel. Itcd 1731. 1WM raclflc Ave. 1C05 Commerce at. Tacoma, Washington rntlK JUNCTION. M. CHUISTIA, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Telephone lllack 1S73. Cor. I'aclllc Avenue and Jefferson St., TACOMA, WASHINGTON LOCAL SOUVENIUS AND UNMOUNTED PHOTOS. HOLT'S AUT 8TOIIE. Frnmrs Made to Order. Pictures of All Kinds, hlatlontry and Art (loods, Tol. lllack 'i773. No. 76.1 (! Street, mar Chamber of Commerce. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. MICHAEL BROS. DRuaaisTs. Jefferson and I'aclllo Avenues,, TACOMA, WASHINQTON. W. W. Wing. O. n. Wing, Jr. KASTKRN LAUNDUY. WING IlllOHl'rops. Wo Launder Anything. 7M Paclflo Avo. Tel. Main 290. Tacoma, Wash. D KNABEL, LX' Proprietor ol THK UKIIMAN HAKKItY AND COKKEK PA It 1.0 US. Fresh Ilrend and Cakis dally. Ornamental Cnlea a spirlulty, Only the best and purest material imed In our llaker). Ilread delivered (reutoan; part of tho clt, Tolcplione Park 7V1. 1117 l'aillte Avenue, Tacoma, Washington. JOTIISCHIM) & CO. Port lowiuend, Washington. SHll'I'lNO AND COMMISSION MEItCHANTS. Custom House Brokers and Slevedoros. Establl.hdd IK. Ilrauch ofUcei Tacoma and Scuttlo. JENT UCKY LIQUOlt CO. Peter Sandberg, Proprietor. WINKS, I.IQUOUS AND CK1AIIS. Hole agent for Outness' Stout and liass' Ale, (Head llros. llolllllig). Kstabllshed liWI. Tele, phone Main 6W. 1H0 Parllla Avuiuioj lUJ ('oiiimenuht. Tsioms, Wuihlucton. OLLARD IRON WORKS. Foundry, Machine and Forge Shops. Heavy Iron Work. Iron and Brass Castings. Northern l'nciflo Docks ami at Bailey St. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. We have everything you need in the Drug and Patent Medicine Line. VIRGES & CO., Druggists. 1 1 43 Pacific Avo. DAVE GROSS Dave Gross Co. Cloaks at Wholesale 920 Paaiflo Avo, TAOOMA mnd NEW YORK Parsian Dye Works E. J. OLOTIIUK, Trop. We Clean, Press, Dye or Repair Clothing Tolophone, Red 875. 0 O fON6 TAOOMA. TRUMPET CALLS. nam's Horn Bounds a Warning Note to the Unredeemed. T la easy to leave our Bins when wo lcnm to loatho thctu. ' Where no lovols lost nono will bo found. Tho truo llfo will bo n prtHHloii rntlicr tlinu a pastime. You cannot es capo tho cross If you servo tho Christ. A grout work will lift you abovo lit tlo worries. God always fills tho heart that will empty itself. Ho who loves his work never worries over his rewnrd. Tho nroma of n flower does not do pend on Its size. Ho who no longer knows sin no long er needs tho Savior. When our faith crowns Christ IIo will crown our faith. There Is n long step from VMy Fath er" to "Our Father." When ono tries to polish God's per fect work ho but pollutes It FORTUNE8 IN 8AMPLE8. Amount of Money Distributed In This Wiiy by Orent Ketnil r-tnres. Fow people realize tho oxteut of the sample department of tho modern re tail dry goods house. Fewer still re alize that when a bolt of dress goods comes Into tho house and Is unpacked, tho ilrst thing done with It Is to snip off a full yard for samples. As much of this goods Is 51 filches wide, the av crugo of 0110 yard to tho bolt Is low, as is tho price, fixed at 75 cents. A writer In tho Chicago Tribune makes the fol lowing estimates as to tho cost of sam ples given a way In that city: Ten big retail dry goods houses In dowu-town Chicago send out every year LHJ0,u(J0 yards of woolen dress goods, representing a retail price of 75 cents a yard, and only that an Individual cus tomer may satisfy herself as to what Is being worn, or, In one caso out of live, that she may order a dress pattern from ono of theso samples. Eighty thousand yards of silk are cut Into minute triangles, squares and par allelograms, meaning a retail loss of $80,000 a year to theso ten stores. And on top of .this, nearly every lino of goods In a house suffers from tho shears of tho sample-cutting department, ag gregating In these ten stores more thun $ 150,000 a year. In one of tho largest rotnll stores Ir. Chicago tho time for the sample tcrazo sets In about tho mlddlo of February for summer goods, and about the ilrst of September for winter goods. At such times 000 letters a tlay Is a fair average. In this house the silks, laces nnd liner goods generally tiro cut nt tho several retail counters, and cut only on order. For this purpose stimplo blanks aro sent down to tho salesman, nnd If other samples aro asked from the sample-cutting room, they aro "as sembled" from pigeonhole boxes and iunlled as soon ns tho list Is complete. "No 0110 not In tho business knows just how hard It Is to meet some of these requests," said tho manager of ono of tho largo departments for sam ple cutting. "It would take an expert mlnd-reailer, working In conjunction with tho owner of tho mind, to tlud It out with any certainty. There Is noth ing carried In stock In this houso that we are not abked to cut samples from. Cnlls for carpet samples tiro frequent, and many times n largo piece has to be cut from tho roll In order to glvu any Idea of the pattern. "looking at the seeming waste of cloth, It seems to be almost too heavy to bo considered, but every years tho territory of tho mall-order business is enlarging, until It has become one of tho great factors In the trade of every big retail house. Considered as an es tablished department that must bo kept up, the htimplc-cuttlug rooms aro Im portant as advertising centers. Send ing n bunch of new goods patterns to tho ordinary country town, wo might estimate, that nt least half a dozen families will see It; and oven If our re tail trade through mall orders Is not stimulated, we may suppose that many a country merchant Is lemluded of our Jobbing department by thcto students of btunples." A True Htorj. Robblo Mamma, do you llko stories? His Mother 1 IIUo truo ones, my child. Robbie Shall I tell you a truo ono? Ills Mother Ye. llobblo-ltut jou might not llko It. Ills Mother Oh, jes, I should If you told It. Hobble Ilut it Is qulto short. Well, ouco upon a time thero wus a water bottle UN Mother Yes; go on. Hobble And esterday I broko It; but I'll inner o-oh! do It again. .Cincinnati Kuqulrcr. mm CuinllU. norroughs I'm In hard luck, nnd I've come to you for tho loan of a ton-spot tint II- Markley Hut I hardly know you. llorroughs Yes, that's tho reason 1 thought you might leud It to me. Phil adelphia Press. Know Wliero It Hit Him. Why to What denomination Is your church T nrowne Well, I don't know for sure, but they charge ?500 a year for n pew on tho center aisle, Somcrvlllo Jour nal. Cats and some voters spnd a good deal of time ou tho fence. TACOMA ADVERTISING GAWLEY FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS Makers of High Grade Saw Mill Machin ery and Mill Specialties. Cor. 21st and h St. TACOMA, WASH. Phone, Red 1041. Consumers Co-OperatMakery JOHN PLUHAR, Manager. Cakes, Pies and Confectionery Ornamented Cakes a Specialty BREAD AT COST Two Loaves of Bread for 5 Cents Telephone, Black 1815. 1MB Taoontm Ave. TAOOMA. THE STAR Livery S Boarding Stable A. EFAW. Boarding Horses a Specialty. Phono, Main MO. 1134-30-38 0 St. TAOOMA, WASH. MANUrACTUllICM or Rolled Oats. Daily Bread Flour. Cereals of All Kinds. Feed. THE BEE HIVE Lunch Counter and Restaurant O. W1SSINOER A M. C. RUSSELL, Props. Tho only first-class and up-to-date ltcHtaurant now open ana doing (just ness at 1544 Pacific Avenue. Our colTee Is unexcelled. Sldo dishes served such is sero J in no other Res taurant in this city. Open All Night POPULAR PRICES. SEATTLE ADVERTISING MOUTHWKSTCRN IRON WOUKS. Manufacturers ot Steamboat, Mill and Mining Machinery. Water Front, Kootot University 8t. Telephone 1'llCK 73. Seattle, Wash. Sohwabaoher Bros. S Co., Inc. WHOLESALE GROCERS COFFEE ROASTERS, Agents for tlernan Cortez, White Knight and Fontella Cigars. I'roprletors of Happy Homo and Silver Shield Brand Canned Goods. SEATTLK, WASHINGTON. Her-Gorbin Machinery Go. Manufacturers and Dealers In Saw Mill, ShinRle Mill and Pinning Mill Machinery. Engines, Boilers, Etc., Etc. Complete Mills Our Specialty. Cor. Jackfon St. and Second Avo. South SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowline? Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. HENRY LONGSTRETH, Pres. JOHN. R. ARKLEY, Sec. and Trens. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOHA, WASHINQTON. Write for copy of handsome Illustrated booklet on Tacoma, just issued. WILLIAM W. MILNEIt. JAMLS II. DKQB DEOE & MIL.INER. Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters Solo Agents for Hart, SchafTner & Marx and Alfred Ilenjamln & Co.'i Tallor-Mado Suits, Raintoats and Overcoats. Finest Lino of Habcr dn8hory and Hats in Tacoma. Up-to-Dato Morchandiso at Popular Prices. : : : ::::::::: 1108 Pacific Avenue. G. L. HOLMES FURNITURE COMPANY Patronize the House that has but One Price, and that the Right Price. "Live and Let Live" is our motto, Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Crockery and Glassware, in fact, everything to furnish a simple cottage or a palace.. cither for cash or on installments. . . ...... Nos. IIOI to 1105 Second Ave., - Seattle, Wash. Nos. 923 and 925 C Street, - Tacoma, Wash. Tacoma Brass and Machine Works J. 13AMF0RD, ...MACHINISTS... Agtnti and Bolldtrs of the Flynn Shlnijle Machine and Meteor Gaiollne Engines. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Telephone Main 477. Fifteenth and A Sts., Tacoma, Wash Frye Bruhn & Co. 1310 Pacific Avenue, Tscomn, Wash. Wholesale and Retail Butchers Meats furnished for Railroads and Steamboat Lines. John Slcbenbaum. M. O. Dakcr. Grand Central Hotel. SIKUKNIIAUM & IIAKER, l'roirlotors. J21J-J2I3 Pacific Avenue. free 'Bus To and From All Trains and Boats. Rooms 50c, 75c, $1.00. Rates $1.00 a Day Up. American and European Plan. TACOMA WASH. Merchants Delivery Co. Forwarding Agents for Northern Pacific, Great Morthern, Wells- Fargo and American Express Compan ies! Swift & Co.) Omaha Packing Co.) American Paper Co. Etc Baggage to and from Trains, Hotels, Etc. Telephone Main 168. 926 Commerce St. Tacoma, "Wash. Photo Supply Co. Kodaks and Supplies. TACOMA. 903 Pacific Ave. McLean, McMillan & Co. Wholesale and Itetail GROCERS. Proprietors of tho Laurel brand of high grade groceries. Telephones, Main 517 and Main 600. 011-13 O Street 012 Commerce Street afsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBa99sM TACOMA, WASHINGTON Proprietor. S BLAKE'S DAVE BLAKE, Prop. Finest Resort for Gentlemen on the Pacific Coast. 1S1 Washington St., BKAT1LE. lit Fourth St, OIVMl'IA. 101B Paoltlo Avm. TAOOMA. THE Puget Sound Iron & Steel Works Machinists, Engineers and Iron Founders Marino, Saw Mill & Mining Machin ery. Logging Engines. Works, corner Twenty-ilrst and A Sts. Phono Main 257. Tacoma, Wasnington. HUNT & MOTTET CO. Dealers In General Hardware HULL AMI LUUUCnd dUiTLlCO. 1501-1603-1505 Pacific Avenue TACOMA, WASH. H. Hohenschild Co. FOREIGN and DOMESTIC Dry Goods Gents' Goods, Notions, Etc. , 932 Pacific Ave. Tacoma. Telephone, Black 1713. All work guaranteed. Gentlemen's clothing kept in thorough repair. Any losses made good Immediately, 1152 Commerce Street TACOMA WASH. John Donahue Manufacturer ot and Dealer in ...LUMBER Sawmill and Office TweatyfJrst and Dock SU. TACOMA. WASH. Tclei&oa Mala 289. Tacoma, Wash.