The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, December 06, 1902, Image 5

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    Hfjmr.WW IMM
Established 1896. A. P. Orlffln, Mutineer.
Omcc, 242J Stark Street, Concord Unlldinp,
Portland, Orcpon.
0.' A. Ulttcr Portland, Oregon
E. It. Holmes -Spokane, WiMhltiRton
F l'rlu Kecblo nnd 91ft I'ncillc A .-.,
K, H. llruco ...( Tncmnn, Wash'
Waldo liogel Walla Walla, Wah.
Tn lnsuro publication, all local now mint
reach ui not Inter than Thursday morning of
each week.
Subscription price, one year, pnyablc In ad
vance, li.U0.
J Mrs. Joseph Wisdom is quite 111 with
tho grip.
Mrs. Pctor Leo lins boon suffering
with an attack of neuralgia.
Miss Blancho Crawford Is slowly re
covering her health.
Mr. Frank Montera and sister, Mrs.
Geo. Carter, of Victoria, B. C. nro tho
guests of Mrs. A. Yates of 307 Couth.
i Quarterly meeting serviced will he
hold at nethol A. M. E. church De
cember 14.
Miss Ella Slcdco, of Tacomo. Is tho
guest of Mrs. Mitchell of 18th and
East Morrison.
On Thnnksglvlng Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
"Watson entertained Mr. nnd Mrs.
Joseph Prcscott nnd Mrs. J. Qreen.
On Thnnksglvlng Mr. nnd Mrs.
Joseph Wisdom entertained Mr. nnd
Mrs. Robt. Perry, Mr. R. Hill and Dr.
Mount Olivet DnptlBt church ser
vices nt 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m.
Public cordially Invited to nttend.
'Seventh nnd Everett.
On tho 30th Inst. Mr. nnd Mrs. C.
A. Rlttor ontrrtnlned Miss Orneo Ross
Miss Edna Duncnn, Mr. S. Meredith
nnd .Mr. Chns. Allen.
Mr. Jns. N. Fullllove received the
sad news of tho death of his mother
nt Cnnton, Miss., on tho 3rd Inst., after
an lllnoss of about four weeks,
Mrs. A. Duncan dispensed tho boa
pltnllty of Thnnksglvlng dny by en
tertaining nt dinner Mr. nnd Mrs. C.
A. Rlttor. Miss Edna Duncan nnd Mr.
S. Morcdlth.
Pendleton Smith nnd Mildred Strndo
woro quietly .married at Elsie Hngens'
Wednesday evening, 4 p. m., Rev. Tol
son officiating. Thoy will bo homo to
tholr friends nt CO Elln street.
Mrs. Jnno Leo of Washington, D. C,
Id tho guest this week of her nephew,
Mr. Jns. E. Watson, of this city, whllo
on routo to Vlctorln, B. C. where she
expects to reside In tho future.
Mr. Ed. Bnlmor mot with tho mis
fortuno to break one of tho bones In
his hand In attempting to move a
crate of. fruit. Ho Is compelled to
tnko n vacation, but Is rapidly recov
ering. Tho frco Thanksgiving reception nt
Bethel was well attended and every
body expressed thomselvon ns being
well, pleased. Tho little Missed Day,
Rhodes nnd Edwnrds served dainty re
freshments. Tho Thanksgiving feast at Mr. Wm.
Washington's residence on Qulncy
street, was partaken of by Mrs. L.
Watcrford, MJbb M. Mooro, Mr. Frnnk
Douglas, Mr. H. Vaughn nnd Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Washington.
Services nt A. M. E. Zlon church,
13th nnd Main street, Sundny, Decem
ber 7, at 11:00 n. m. and 8:00 p. m.;
Sunday school nt 1:00 p. m. Seats
frco. Public cordially Invited to at
tend. Rov. C. B. F. Moore, pastor.
A .meeting of tho members of tho
Afro-Amerlcnn council Is called for
Wednesday, December 10. nt tho Beth
el A. M. E. church, G8 N. Tenth, for
tho purpose of arranging for their nn
ntial celebration, A full attendance is
earnestly requested.
Services nt Bethel, 68 N. Tenth
street: Preaching, 11:00 n. m. and nt
8:00 p. m.: clnse mooting, 12:15 p. m.:
Sunday school, 1:00 p. m. By request
tho famous songster. Frank T. Mor
rell, will sing n baritone solo, "Tho
Palms." All aro cordially Invited.
Tho fact that Booker T. Washing,
ton is to visit tho coast this month
should cnuso a movement to bo mndo
to Induco him to como to Oregon. The
Now Ago suggests thnt some of our
prominent citizens call a meeting to
that end. Who will take tho initia
tive? Mrs. II. M. Gray of 840 First street
gnvo a Thanksgiving dinner In
honor of tho now pastor of tho Zlon
A. M. E. church, Rov. C. B. F. Moore.
Thoso present woro: Mrs. R. C. Wil
liams, Mrs. E. A. West, Rov. C. B. F.
Moore, Mx. H. II, Hunter and Mr. G.
Wi Johnson.
Where did tho gentleman dlno on
Thanksgiving, who declined an invi
tation to partake with his sister and
her family on the grounds that ho and
his brother were to dino together.
The brother says he has not had tho
pleasure to bo In his company for
more than two weeks.
On the 19th Inst, a comedy drama,
entitled "A Bachelor's Exclusive
Club," in three acts, will be presented
at tho Bethel A. M. E. church. Some
, of tho best talent in tho city has con
i sented to take part and nro rapidly
perfecting themselves In their differ
ent characters. Admission, 15 cents.
The committee In chargo of the en
tertnlnment given nt tho Baptist
church last month desire to stato that
owing to unforeseen circumstances
the canvass for votes was Interfered)
with and the nwardlng of tho ring was
necessarily iererret until a inter uaie,
Duo notice of tho time will be given,
A number of tho friends of Mrs. M.
A. Powell, tbo daughter of Mrs. A. i
Yates, who lately returned from tho
South land, tendered her a pleasant
surprlso ' on Wednesday evening.
Music, songs nnd cards caused tho
evening to pass swiftly awny. Lunch
wns served nt midnight, after which
thoso present b'ado adieu to tho
Ono of tho most unique entertain
ments of late wns tho pantomime en
tertainment given nt Mt. Olivet Bap
tist church on Friday evening under
the leadership of Mrs. E. Hunter.
Quito a number wcro present nnd n
neat sum was realized. Excellent
olnn chowder was served by tho com
mittee. Tho Interest In tho sowing circle for
the benefit of the Zlon church Is In
creasing. A largo number o( useful
nnd hnndsome articles have boon com
pleted nnd Indications point to n suc
cessful fair which will be held In tho
church on tho 23d nnd 24th Indt. The
next meeting will bo hold Monday
evening at the residence of Mrs. Lulu
Enston, 411 Seventh. All Interested
nro Invited to nttend.
Miss Irene Bnrnnrd entertained n
number of hnr llttlo friends on Friday
November 28th. ultimo. It being the
nnnlvorsnry of her birthday. The
hours passed swiftly away, tho
llttlo ones being pleasantly employed
with various gnmes. Light refresh
ments were served. Amongst thoso
present wcro: Ulysses Thomas, Ora
Rhoods, Mnrtha Leo, Eliza Day,
Georglo Edwards. Louisa Logan,
Ornco Lognn, Dplllo Waterford and
John Lognn.
Tho Daughters of Hope meet ovory
Wednesday afternoon at tho Bethel A.
M. E. church. As several applications
for membership havo boon received
nt each meeting tho now society bids
fair to become oultc nonulnr. It is
under tho leadership of tho following
officers : W. Princess, Goorrlo Ed
wnrds: V. Princess. Bcntrico Watson;
R. Con.. Ulysses Thomns; L. Con.,
Louiso Lognn j Keeper of Robes, Oro
Rhondes: Keopor of Seals. Eliza Day;
Treas., Irene Barnard; Inner Onto
Keopor, E. B. Plununcr.
Rev. C. B. F. Mooro, tho newly ap
pointed pnstor of tho A. M. E. Zlon
church In this city, nrrlvcd In tho
city on Monday, tho 24th Inst. Ho
filled tho pulpit morning nnd evening
on tho 30th. On nccount of the- In
clement wenthor tho concregntlon was
not ns largo as usual. Rov. Mooro Is
dignified In nppenrnnco; a calm but
lmprcsslvo speaker and his discourse
shows him' to uo well rend and n sound
rensoner. The membora of tho church
aro to bo congratulated on their good
fortunate In securing such a lender.
Como ono! Como nil! At tho First
A. M. E. Zlon church, Main nnd 13th
street, Sundny, December 7th, punch
ing by our new pastor, Rov. C. B. F.
Moore, nt 11:00 n. m.t toxt, Gen. 19.2C.
Hid subject, "Many Fleo Under Ter
rors of Natural Conscience, But Whon
These Subside Thoy Look Back and
Aro Lost." And nt 8:00 p. m. tho Rov.'s
sermon will bo largoly, if not wholly,
addressed to tbo young men and wo
men of this city. His text. Proverbs
4:26. His subject: "Tho Habits nnd
Amusements of tho Young." AUo
there will bo special song servlco by
tho choir.
Tho first result of bringing tho Jim
crow enr law before tho courts In Now
Orlenns results in n dismissal of tho
chargo against tho officers of ono of
the lines of street cars who refused or
neglected to hnvo tholr cars parti
tioned off as tho law directed, although
tho law has been In forco in that city
only since tho 1st of November. It
was gonerally disregarded and now
slnco tho rofusnl of the courts to pun
ish for tho violation of tly snmo It
is apt to becomo n dead letter but it
would bo better to hnvo it carried to
ono of tho higher courts and decided
on Its merits.
On tho 11th Inst, tho now orchestra
started under tho management of Mr.
A. H. Lognn will glvo their Inltlnl en
tertainment nt tho Union hitll, on Stnrk
between First and Second streets. -The
object of tlio entertainment Is to rnlso
means to nsslst to defray tho expense
of procuring Instruments nnd other In
cidental expenses. Tho object Is a
worthy ono nnd desorvlng of liberal
patronage. Tho members of tho or
chestra are: 1st violin nnd loidor.
Geo. Carnahan; piano, Miss Bonnlo
Thomas: 2d violin, Miss O. Gray; cor
net, A. H. Logan; bnss, E. D. Crumble,
They will bo assisted on this occnslon
by some of our lending talont.
In many ways tho President Is show
ing that ho doeB not Judpo a man by
tho color of his skin. Two of his
latest acts that havo endeared him to
the Afro-Americans of this country nro
his refusal to withdraw his nominee
for a prominent office in South Caro
lina when objected to on account of
color and In tho appointment of two
of our leading representative cltlzons
tn Important lucrntlvo positions, viz:
Thos. T. Fortune ns a special commis
sioner to investigate tho condition of
our Insular possessions and John S.
Durham, of South Carolina as assist
ant nttorney to tho Spanish Claims
On Tuesday the 16th Inst. Now
Northwest Lodge .will celebrate Its
18th anniversary at their hnll south
east corner Second and Yamhill. Tho
following program has been arranged:
Opening chorus, by tho Lodge: nd
dress of welcome, J. E. Watson, N. G.;
violin solo, Geo. Carnahan with piano
accompaniment by Miss B. Thomas;
address on Now Northwest Lodgo. C.
A. Rltter. P. N. F.; recitation. Miss C.
Gray; solo, J, W. Payne; address on
the order In general, Howard Sprowll.
P. N. P.; duet, Mesdames Gray and
Newman; toasts and sentiments, F, D.
Thomas, P. N. F., toast master. A
cordial Invitation Is extended to all
of their friends to bo present on this
occasion. Admission free.
on Tuesday evening tho A. M. E.
zton church wns filled. It being tho
occasion of a double function. A re
reptlon to tho new pastor, Rov. C. D.
F, Mooro. as well as a farewell recep-
tlon to tho family of Rev, J. W.
Wright. The exercises wero opened
with singing followed by a prayer by
Rev. O. W, Tolson of the Bethel A. M.
E. church, dolcct reading by Mrs. R.
C. Williams, address of welcome by
Rov. Tolson. Lack of space forbids a
more extended notice of Rov. Tolson's
remnrks which were hearty ringing
words of cheer nud welcome. Mes
dames Newman nnd Gray's duct wns
rendered In their usual excellent man
tier, after which Rev. Mooro respond
ed id nn eloquent address which won
tho hearts of his auditors. Mr. W. II.
Carter's boss solo closed tho pro
gram, after which a pleasant hour wns
parsed In tho vestry In social conver
sation nnd nn opportunity was given
to become acquainted with tho now
pnstor, whilst light refreshments wcro
Mnth, Holson Is a victim of somnnm
bullsm. Why don't mo waiters glvo n bone
fit for their bIcic comrade, Mr. George
Tho Now Ago Is in groat demand on
Saturdnys by all tho waiters, but wo
aro sorry to sny that very few nro
subscribers. Only n borrowpr and a
rubber neck.
We nro glad to say that tho waiters
at Tho Portland, with few exceptions,
nro lenrnlng tho nrt of saving tholr
earnings. hnvo bought homes
nnd paid for thom and othors nro buy
It Is quite nmuslng and some times
Interesting to hear David Leo nnd In
telligent Jim, two old wnr vetorand,
discuss tho merits and demerits of cer
tain men and measures. Leo wns In
the civil war and Jim wns nn officer
In Coxoy's nrmy. Loo may hnvo
fought, or ho .may havo not; wo hnvo
bis word thnt ho did of course.
Ho has no scard to show for It. Jim
during his famous mnrch across tho
country to Washington fought nny
old thing to cnt ho could get. But
from tho wny ho choked n mnn this
week ho wnnts to ro-onllst In somo
kind of war.
E. S. BRUCE, Correspondents.
Tncoma, Wash., Dec. 2, 19p2.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jones, of North
E street entertained friends at enrds
Tuesday night.
Tho 39th annlvarsary of tho Eman
cipation will bo eelobrated In Tncoma
on Jnnunry 1, 1903, at Columbus hall.
Mr. and MrB. H. P. Lawhorn ontor
tntned friends from Santtlo at tholr
now homo on Stato street Thanksgiv
ing Day.
Miss Mnbol Walker hnd as guests
for dinner Thanksgiving Dny: Miss
Mabel Doago, Messrs. Louis Hill and
Jno. R. Dnvls.
Tho programmo for tho Knlghtd of
Pythias entertainment which Is to bo
hold Dccembor 31 nt Odd Follows
hnll on A street, will bo announced
On Inst Wednesday ovonlng Rov. J.
D. Peddlgrow general lecturor nnd or
ganizer of tho Colored Protective
League of America mndo an address
at tho Allen A. M. E. church 14th and
G stroctd.
On Monday evening of Inst wcok tho
young ladles of tho Allen A. M. E.
church gavo a literary and musical
entertainment to aid tho trustees of
tho church. Quito a noat llttlo sum
wad realized.
MIbb Ella SIcdgo loft last Wednes
day for Portland to bo gono all win
tor. On tho evening prior to her de
parture sovornl of hor frlonds woro
out at her cozy llttlo homo on 34th
street and aftor partaking of tho lux
uries which wero prepared for tho oc
casion all bade her good-byo, wishing
that she will return before tho winter
Is over.
Miss Ethel Butler entortalned at
dinner Thanksgiving Day: Miss Bar
bara Davis, of Seattle; Messrs. Edw.
F, Meyer, of Bremerton and E. S.
Bruce. The dinper wns proparcd sole
ly by Mlsd Butler which demonstrated
hor ability In that lino. She has few
equals If nny superiors. Nothing could
havo been Improved upon. In tho
evening n fow friends wero asked
down In honor of Miss Davis and Mr.
Moyer. Prof. Jno. Hnll was on hand
with hla orchestra and tho tlmo wns
spent In dnnclng. At twelvo o'clock
"Homo. Sweot Homo" wns 'played,
much to tho regrot of all present.
WALDO BOOLE, Correspondent.
Walla Walla, Wash., Dec. 4, '02.
Miss Marion Minion returned from
a trip to La Grande.
C. A. Strong, of Pendleton, was a
visitor to Walla Walla yesterday.
Mrs, Ella Davis entortalned n few
frlonds at her hame, 212 9th strcot,
Monday evening.
Mrs. Ollle Clark, who has been vis
iting hor mother In San Jose, has re
turned to Whlla Walla.
Mr. Chas. Birch has bought a nice
llttlo home on Fourth street. Let others
follow Brother Charles.
Mr. A. J. Taylor has opened a Ken
tucky Hardware storo In Alder street.
His chief line Is skates.
Preparations for n grand ball to bo
given on tho ovo of Christmas by tho
men of tho 9th cavalry aro woll under
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. T. Williams havo
returned from a trip through tho
Coeur d'Alono country where they en
Joyed sleigh riding and zero weather.
Tho annual fair of tho RlBtors open
ed at Armory Hall Monday evening.
Director Gung'l of tho Ninth Cavalry.
Band and his musicians rendered ex
cellent selections and wero among tho
leading attractions of tho fair.
Sixteen thousand emigrants havq
left Norway this year, chlolly for
North America. Lust year's total was
The oldest licensed village alehouso
In England Is said to be the George
Inn, In North St. Philip. The license
dates from 10T.
Mother Willie, I hope you never do
anything so wicked ns to tie tin cans
to dogs' tails. Willie No'in. I never
do iiothlti but hold tho dog.
Baron Henri do Rothschild, who Is n
distinguished physician and specialist
In Infantile diseases, nut only drives
motor cars, but manufactures them.
David Crosby Foster, president of
tho Poughkeepslo Savings Bank, Is be
lieved to bo the oldest bank president
In the country, being OH years old.
The cheapest postal service In tho
world Is that of Japan, where for two
sen about seven-tenths of n penny
letters are conveyed nil over tho em
pire. When freo from Ico tho Yukon River
Is nnvlgablo for largo steamers 1,005
miles, a distance more than twice us
great ns that from Chicago to New
An unfortunate brlckmakcr nt Ho
nan, China, has been fined -'0,000
bricks for n misdeed. The nlternntlvo
was to be beaten nnd' handed over to a
Tho Jews of Pnlestlno nre entirely
descended from Jews who returned to
thnt land from Europe. Most of them
speak u corrupt form of the German
Captain McKcuzle, of the whnllng
bark Ptntlna, recently captured u pure
white whale, tho first he has seen In
tho twenty-flvo years that ho has fol
lowed tho sea.
Several St. Petersburg merchants are
organizing a private expedition for the
exploration of Northern Slberln, with
n view to ascertaining Its commercial
resources nnd possibilities.
Lord Alverstone, the lord chief Jus
tlco of Englnnd, Is president of a
madrigal society, nnd often goes
straight from tho law courts to Its
monthly meetings, where he sings his
part with tho greatest enjoyment
The white-marked tussock moth Is a
natlvo of North America, It ranges
the territory east of tho Rocky Moun
tains and attacks almost every varie
ty of shade, fruit and omnmental
trees, with the exception of the coni
fers. The French colonies on the west
coast of Africa aro Increasing In Im
portance every year and aro receiving
zealous attention from tho French gov
ernment. Tho United States exported
to these .colonies In 1000 (057,200 worth
nnd received therefrom products to
tho value of fOOl.lOS.
New York has 1,323 fewer stables
and 8,000 fewer horses than in Decem
ber, 1800. Tho decrenso Is attributed
to tho dlsappeiuance of horse cars on
surface lines. Expert observers think
thnt tho automobile, nt tho present
rate of Improvement, will banish tho
horse from business tratilc within four
or llvvears.
Novel flrst-nhl-to-the-lnjured boxes
aro to bo scattered In tho streets of
Paris. Outwardly tho apparatus re
sembles a lamp-post letter box, and It
contains a medicine chest, a fold
ing stretcher and a telephone for sig
naling tho neirest ambulance station.
Access to tho box Is gained by break
ing a glass panel.
Tho popular vote In Mississippi has
decided that tho portraits of the fol
lowing ten prominent citizens of the
State shall be placed on tho walls of
the now cnpltol: Jefferson Davis, J, Q.
C. Lamar, E. C. Walthall, James
George, 8. S. Prentiss, J. M. Stone,
Georgo Polndexter, William Sharkey,
Georgo Footo nnd J. L. Power.
Tho regulation of nutomobllo speeds
Is likely to prove an Increasingly seri
ous matter. In n Into lustnuco careful
measurement for two furlongs showed
n speed of eighteen miles mi hour, yet
tho driver testified that ho wus not ex
ceeding n rnto of six miles, Perhaps
some Inventor may supply police au
thorities with a cheap continuous
speed recorder whoso attachment to
motor vehicles may bo made compul
sory. As an Instance of tho observnnco of
tho Sabbath In Scotland, nn English
paper tells of n postman having a
routo between Stirling and Blalrdrum
inond. Ho was observed to rldo a bi
cycle over his six miles on week days
and to walk the snmo distance on Sun
day, and when asked why, replied that
ho was not allowed to uso tho ma
chine on Sunday. An Investigation
followed, nnd the postman's explana
tion proved to bo correct.
Tho most curious part of nn adver
tisement now running In somo of tho
English papers of a wonderful charm
"worn by Phnrnoh 4,000 years ago,"
and guaranteed to "bring success In
buslines, fortune In speculation nnd
happiness in homo life, health,
strength and vigor," nnd for sale by
tho advertiser, Is a report, Incorpo
rated In tho advertisement, from St.
Chad HoHcuwen, of tho British Mu
seum, certifying thnt tho artlclo sul
mltted to him is often found on Egyp
tian mummies, nnd "its magical use Is
Two of (i Kind,
Oyer Bald heuds remind mo of kind
Myer-What's tho nnswer?
Gyer-They can never dye.
Never Jutigo a woman's cooking by
the apologies she makes for it.
"A Llttlo Outcast" Is tho most con
spicuous drnmntlc sensation of the
hour. It is a stirring and coherent ro
mantic play tn four nets and bovoii
scones, and Is played by an nblo cast.
As to tho matorlnl aspects of
the production, such ns scenery,
costumes, furnlturo nnd tapestries,
n high degrco of excellence, has
been reached, and theator-goors will
bo treated to many views of mag
nificent stngo settings. "A Llttlo Out
cast" will bo presented nt Cordray's
Theater for ono week, commencing
with tho mntlnco Sunday, December
7, Tho usual ladles' and children's
matinee will bo given Snturday.
Neatly furnished rooms nt reason
ublo rates apply to Mrs. Annlo Yntes,
307 Couch street.
Always ask for tlio famous General
Arthur cigar. Esbcrg-Qunst Cigar
Co., general agents, Portland, Or.
For first class dental work and
Erompt attention, go to tlio Now York
lontal Parlors, Fourth and Morrison
Money to loan, on furniture, pianos,
or any good securities. Notes and
moragnges bought. 8. W. King, room
45 Washington building.
Call at Kunt'ou & WntkiiiH, dealers in
cigars, tobacco nnd confections, soda
witter, etc. 03 bixth stieet, Portland,
Tho Yaklnm Market, II. A. Brascn,
'mnnngor, fresh nnd cured ment nnd
poultry, 149 First street. Oregon
'ptiono Main U8'J. "
Ford & Lnws, successors to J. T.
Wilson, auctioneers, household furnl
turo nnd bankrupt stocks bought nnd
sold. Ofllco nnd salesrooms 182 First
street, Portland, Oregon. Columbln
'phono COS; Oregon 'phono South 261.
French Dyeing and Cleaning Works.
All work dono nt very inodrcnto prices.
Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of
ladies' and gent's clothing. Morn
ing cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Do
Icau, proprietor, 455 Qlisan street.
We want your trade. Music half
Erico; musical instruments of all
inds, cash or installments. ' H. II.
Wright, wholesalo and retail dealer in
music and musical merchandise
Tho Music building, 340 Wasighnton
street, Portland, Oregon.
F. E. REACH & CO.,
Tho Pioneor Paint Company, make n
specialty of selling the best things mndo
in paints. 1 1 on so Paint, Floor Paint,
Barn Paint, Fence Pnlutnml Roof Paint;
Enamels, Varnishes, Colors, Stains,
Cementico KnUomino nnd general build
ing mntorial. 1115 First St., N. W. cor
Aider, Portland, Oregon.
When tho ordlnnry citizen Intends
to go cast, or send fjr frlonds or re
latives to como west, tho cholco of
routes Is a question that always
bothers him. Ho wnnts to know If
tho samo routo ho used once, some
tlmo ago, makes tho same connec
tions, If tho prlco 1b tho sumo, If It
costs tho samo to go cast that it
did to como west. Possibly ho has
heard or read of famous points of In
terest In tho west or middle west thnt
ho overlooked on tho trip ho mado
Did not seo thom becnusn he had not
tlmo; did not know ho cculd for tho
snmo monoy; did not know ho could
got n dtopovor. There aro hundreds of
questions ho would have asked, many
things ho would like to hnvo soon nnd
many accommodations h could hnvo
enjoyed, only, ho did not hnvo tlmo to
look Into tho subject, and It was too
much bothor anyway.
Hero Is a suggestion thnt will nnvo
you all that trouble, vexation and re
gret. Tho Illinois Central Railroad
Company runs cast nnd and Bonth
from St. Pnql, Omahii mid St, Louis,
nnd north from Nfiv Orleans. At
theso points it connects with nil tho
western trunk lines, nnd through
thom, with nil tholr wontorn connec
tions. Tho Illinois Contrnl does not
enro which lino you uso In the wost,
northwost, central west or southwest,
becnuso It connects with all of thom,
nnd Is absolutely Impartial to all. All
you havo to do la to drop us a note
toll lid your dostlnntlon nnd starting
point. la th nro anything In tho
whole glorious west that you want to
kco on tho wny? Mention It. Wo will
arrnngo for It If It can bo dono. Per
haps you will want a stopover. Wo
will arrango that too If it is pnsslhlo
for anyono to do it. Just mnko a sug
gestlon as to tho western lino nnd wo
will olnbornto It for you; toll you tho
tlmo you should start, when you
should nrrlvo at destination, what no
commodatlons you will onjoy, whnt It.
will cost you, an Itlnornry for tho trip,
nnd will do anything that wo possibly
can to mako your Journoy plonsant
and comfortablo. That's what wo nro
hero for. Wo havo hoadquurters In
Portland; agents In Portland nnd So
attlo, nnd traveling agents thnt will
como nnd talk It ovor with you nny
tlmo nnd nt any placo In tho North
west without Its costing you a cent
moro than n postngo stamp. Chicago
business Is n specialty with us, but
wo havo our own rallB In n dozen dif
ferent states east of St. Pnul, Omaha
nnd Now Orlonns, and can tlckot you
tn thoso gateways over a dozen dif
ferent routes. Wrlto uh. By the way,
do you want n nlco wall mnp of tho
I'nltod Stated, Culm and Porto Rico?
Send mo nix cents to pny postage
Cnmm. Agt. lIllnolH Cent. Ft, It.
112 Third St., Portland, Oregon
J. Kocder. M. MaMuert
Choice Wlnc, Liquors and Cigars. Follwood
leer. I'hono clay Iw. 115 N. "Hi St.. Portland
1. W. TICK, Prop.
Choice Line of Wlno, Liquors and Clgarit.
Oregon Phono llood KM.
(or. Fourth and Onk Ms. Portland, Or,
l'or a good social tlmo call and sco
Flno Wines, Liquor and Cigars.
Tclcphrno Clay fi.1. 4C0 Ollsan St., Portland. Of
General Imrance Agent, Fire and Marine,
"cotllsli Union ,fc National Ins. Co., Kdlntmrg
uid London; Western F. and M. Asinranco Co.,
Toronto, Can. hJj Third st., Columbian llldg.
P. f. HALL.
Cor. Commercial ami Ktnnton 8ts., Portland!
die. VlnoiiLlitioii and Fine Cigars. Oregon
Phone Pink 413.
GKOCKIUKS. Freo delivery to all parts of th
City. WO Ijimilio St., corner llasalo.
Portland, Or. 'Phono Scott S71.
Oceanic F.xchaiiRC. Cholco Wines, Liquors
tut Clears. Free Lunch,
Cor Itnsiell and llrendle Hts Portland, Or;
Ofllcc: Seventeenth and Front Hlreeti
Portland, Oregon.
mm: kxciianui:.
fleorga BcbeckL
101 Third Hi reel North.
For l'rihli Dread, Cakes and PIJ Bally.
A Fresh Lino of Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Kt.
MltB. K. N. nUCKANAN, Proprietress
T i:im oiiifl, rrops.
Cyrus Nolle. Whiskey, leading llrandt c4
Wines and Cholco Cigars. Hoclalty, Otympla
Oregon 'Phono South 1071.
41 N. Sixth HI., Cor. Couch. POHTI.AMD,Oft.
John Kve rson, Proprietor.
Dealer lu
('holes Wines, Liquors and Olf art.
II Alblua avenue, corner ltlver stretL
Alblna, Oregon.
Sealer In OrocerUs, Fruits, Confeetlonery
Corner ot Ninth and tutsan BtrMte
Ous Mankrrti, Prop.
Alt Kinds of Dread, Cakrs and Pin. Hobs-
made Drrad a hpeclalty, Satisfaction
0 Will Isms Ave.
Portland, Or.
KII.I-H .V OHM, Prop.
Oregon Phone, ftiuth 1WL
leading Drandsot
WriM mud Ohmlam Olmt
41 N. Sixth Htnct, Cos. Couch.
Bavaria Beer Hall.
LOU IB KLUU, Proprietor.
Cor. Second and Oak His. rflDTLAMD, OC
Northeast corner ol GlUan
and rluveuth SI),
A Cholie Collection ol Wlues and Llqoar.
Imported and Domestic Clgara,
13.1 Sixth Street,
lietwccn Ullikii and Iloyt. Portland, Orego
Iniorter and Jobbers.
20C-2UH Hvcond Ht.,
Doth Telephones Main 116, Portlaud, 4s.
A. II. II U ltd KH, Prop.
Imported and Domestic Wines. Liquor
and Clgurs. Weluhatd's llcvr.
Phono Oregon lllajkms
B. K. Corner Bccond and Oak Utreeta,
Proprietor, liarkvepor.
Where can bo found llucst of Ll.juor, Wlnea
uinl Cigars,
Oregon Phono Clay (87,
Corner Blxth and Flaiulors. Portland, Or
rniir. fopllaii,
JOHN K(KLI'NI), Proprietor,
Telephones. Orcgou Itod 931; Columbians,
115 First Street. Portland, OrepM.