THE IflW AGE, POItTLAND. OREGON. 1 . ly The New Age A. D. GRIFFIN, Manager. Ollloo, 'ii'ti Hlnrk Ht. Concord IIIiIk i I'nttlHtiil. Orecon. Knlcrcit nt tlio po'tolllco nt Portland, Oregon, su second cliui tnnllcr. simsuuipiiDN. OnoYnnr, I'uyabln In Ailvnncn 43.00 Established b. J'rlntcd at 215 fjtnrk Ht, Third Kloor. COI.OItKD MEN'S UIOHTS. Tlio I'rcsldcnt'H nr-tlon In appoint IriR n Negro for collector of ciiBtoms nt ChnrloBton, 8. C, nroiiBcd a violent protest from tlio "Illy whlto" ropuh UcunB, even moro tluin from tlio demo crats, but their thinly veiled thremta tind nbiiBo only Btrengthcned hltf do termlmitlon, iiiiIcbb tlio appointee could bo shown unfit on nom'o other ground thnn tnat ho was n NoRro. Tho people of tho North will Bustaln the President. It Ih time that It wan Ron orally undorntood and conreded that colored cltlzcno have an much right to bo In tho country, nnd to participate In tho Kovornmont, according to their numborB, wealth nnd ability, ns other pooplo. It lii truo that mnny Southern Negroes nro aB yet unfit for flolf gov ernment, but UiIh defect Ih not alto gether or ovon cllolly duo to rnclnl chnrnctorlBtlcB; they are nliio In lnrgo part duo to centuries of ctiBlnvcniont nnd opprrsHlon by tho very pooplo, or tholr ancestors, who now deny them their natural nnd acquired rights. "Whenever, In tho fnco of tlio ob ntaclen of Inhorltnnro nnd environ ment, colored nion hiktopiI In mnking themBclvcfl n UBoful forco In society far moro crodlt Ih duo to them than to whiten who achlovo equal distinction. Tho Negro Ih tho Hoclal equal of all men wIioho nttalnmentB nnd hnbltB nro similar to IiIh own. Soclnlly men nniRt ntnnd upon tbolr Individual morltR nnd not upon their nnrcMtry. Any hnsls of Boclnl ntnndlng except that of per- ftnnnl merit Ih nbHiird, and Itfl recogni tion among n pooplo Ih ovlilcnco of do Konorncy. Tho American notion that n whlto man Ih "better" thnn n blnck man bccntiHo of IiIh color Ih an Billy ns that othor American notion that bo clnl dlntlnctlon Ih given by ono'rf father's nhlllty nH n monoy-gottcr, or tho Ilrltlsh notion thnt tho Ron of n lord Ib noceHBnrlly entitled to defer enco not given to one of cqunl ability nnd UHofulncHH who Ih tho Bon of n "ponsnnt. Such Idens nro too utterly nonHonrilcnl for thin ago of tho world. If tho colorod rnco in tho South Ih n monnco to civilization, It Ih not ho liocniiHo of Itfl color, hut bccaiiRO of Ignornnco, to ovorcomo which oppor tunltlcB hnvo not been freoly nnd fair ly given. StntcnmnnRblp nH well ns humnnlty TequlroH thnt everything poHHlblo bo lono to mnko colored men (It for tho duties of cltlzcnRhlp. And they nuint bo mndo ho fit, not by ruthlesaly IhniRtlng back Into tho mlro thoso "wIiobo vigor onnblcH thorn to Htrugglo out of It, but by oncnurnglng nil to tmilonvor by nRsurlng them nnd giving cwltlenro thnt porHonnl fltnoHH for tho duties of cltlrnnHhlp whnll ccrtnlnly bo followed by Itfl rownnls. This tho President In mibHtanrn proolnlniB, nnd the world will honor him for It. A UNION'S IIR80LUTI0N. Tho Cooks' and Walters' Union of Bncrauinntn composed of whlto men, lias ndnpted a resolution asking the rommlttco In chnrgo of an lunugurnt Vnll and bnuquot to stipulate In Its rontrnct thnt "nono but whlto holp nnd members of that union bo employed," provided thnt In case tho local Union nhnll not ho nbln to furnish n BUtllelent number of men tho cnteror shall havo tho privilege of employing additional "whlto" help. Why should there bo nny rucIi discrimination between whlto and colorod citizens on an oe cnslnu of thin character? Shall n com mittee HiippoHod to bo representative of tho people of Sacramento undortnku to draw tho color lino In such fashion? Surely tho Fifteenth Amendment to tho Federal Constitution has not yet lieou forgotten, In letter or In Hplrlt. Not content with asking thnt the local Union shnll hnvo tho preference, tho innkera of this extraordinary tequest mnko plain their discrimination ngaluut colored men by tho further de mand that In enso tho local Unlot: tthnll not bo equal to tho occasion other "whlto" help may bo permitted. This astonishing request Is tendered nil tho moro absurd and odious by the fact that colorod men nro recognized ovorywhoro ns superior waiters. They nro usually employed In that cnpnclty on rallioads, stenmboatH and in mnny leading hotels nnd prominent private families. What would this tyrantcnl Union, that has not n spark of gener osity, liberality, fraternity or com mon eomtesy, In their souls, havo No Kroos to do? Rtmvo. probably or per haps they would enjoy going out nnd lynching n few Nogioes. A Union thnt would pass bueh n resolution ns this ought Itself to be ostrneUed, mm its members go hungry to bod for want of a Job, I A HIDEBOUND HOWL. Tho Memphis Sclmltnr Ih one of tho radical Negrophoblst papers that on several occasions have Insulted the President because of his recognition of the rights, tho citizenship, of tho Negroes, by appointing one of them to a federal ofllco; but bis lnltlnl offense, which such hidebound Ncgro-hntors as the Scimitar enn never forgot nor for give, was Ills Invitation to Hooker T. Washington to luncheon. Thnt was n mark of distinction which tho Scimitar cannot suffer to bo offered to a colored mnn, but tho North will hardly permit tho South to fix n code of ethics for all parts of tho country, for burnings hanglngH nnd mutllntloiiB nro n part of their code, nnd wo do not enro for that sort of amusement up hero, President Roosevelt very properly paid duo respect to tho greatest mnn in tno Houth touny, and tlio proper thing for the South to do Is to ratso a whlto mnn who Is grcnter that Booker T. Washington, and The Now Ago will guarantco that ho will bo wined nnd dined ns freely In the North ns the great up-bullder nnd enlighten or of tho blnck rnco hns been. Tho South ban not todny ns useful a man In Its borders nn this man with Negro olood In bis veins nnd the Southern mnn who does not npprovo nnd encour ngo his work of prnctlcnlly educating his raco Is the mnn, rather than tho Negro, who ought not to hnvo the right to vote. Prince Chowfn, etc., ninny bo qulto a fellow in his own country, but ho would rocolvo only bnro civility If ho over comes to Portland ngnln, Congress Is in session ngnln, but tho country Is "all right," In snlto of that. You havo most of a month yet to help niako this a good year. Scnttlo Is a good town, hut It did need reforming some. ThnnkBglvIng in over, but Christmas Ls coming. ONYX FIELD IN NEW YORK. Imprisoned Hotiller HoIiU the Hecret of ItH Whereabout. One of Uucle Sntu'i soldiers, who Is n prisoner on Governor's Island, la looking forwnrd to the day when he Is to be set tit liberty with ti good deal of eagerness nnd plensnnt anticipation. He holds tho secret to an onyx Held In the northern part of this State, and his detention on Governor's Island Is the only thing that stands between hint and a handsome reward for locating the field for n company thnt has been formed by a number of capitalists to quarry the stone. The soldier has a standing offer of $1,000 In cash. $2,000 In stock of the company, and a place with the company ut a salary of jl'O a week ns long ns the quarry pays, A stranger visited Governor's Island Inst week nnd obtained permission to talk with the prisoner. It was then the offer wua made, and the story leaked out A Tribune reporter met tho visitor on the boat coming oor from the Island to the Mattery. "We have made a substantial offer to the soldier." he said. "If he will direct uh to the onyx field, but he steadfastly refuses to dlvulgo a syllnble until lie is released. The soouer he obtains Ills fredoin tho sooner we will be able to renp our harvest. We realize that thoroughly, and will mnke every effort to have his term shortened. Powerful Influences will be brought to bear on the authorities nt Washington, nnd we hope to free hltu soon. He Is wldo awake to this fact, and makes his re lenso one of tho conditions, "He discovered the onyx field neel deutnlly. Ileforo he onllstetl In tho nrmy he lived In the upper part of the State, and was an ardent hunter after big game. One day, whllo out with his gun, he spied a deer and gave clinse. The deer led hi in over u rocky hill. The sides of this hill were very steep, nml to ascend It the hunter had to cut niches In tho stone to get a foothold. He was attracted by the brilliancy and beauty of the pieces of stone, nnd placed several of them In his pocket. When he returned lo Syrneiiho, where bo lived, he gave these pieces to some of his friends as souvenirs. A piece of tho stone, with Its history, came Into my possession, nnd I recognized ut once that It was valuable onyx. I had It tested, nnd found that It was of the very best quality, and that tho small piece which I possessed, measuring perhnps a square Inch, was worth 50 cents, uncut nnd unpolished." New York Tribune, New Idre lluii). M, Trobst, a native of Oenevn. Is experlnientlni; a new llve-tiiiv. liiK eoMinuo which lie has Just Invent' cd, It la made of India rubber mid lias a lurfjo uponlnj: In tlio center, xo that It can bo easily doiineil. So buoy. nut U It tbat, when worn In the water, nearly half the Inxly ronialns above the Hiirfaoe. You would be Mii-prlsed at learniin; how many pwiple there are In the world who bathe lit wash bowls ami are btlll ha'iy. relloHAten nimtoirToo Shii. Harbor How'h the nuor, blrY Cu!ltomel, Dldu't know 1 was holug shaved. Harbor (flattered) Very glad, I'm sure, sir. Customer I thouuht I wna lmin.. sandpapered. rick'Mo-Ui). A NatRblo Kxeoptlon. The thing that moat Impressed Mar garet on her first visit to the Old World was the tombs of noted people who bad met n violent end. Klug, queens, princes, princesses, lord", la dles, sohllers nnd priests all, It hooiu ed to her, had been poisoned, stabbed, beheaded, drowned or burned at the stake. In Paris most of the celebrated dead hnd been beheaded, and after n few days In that city the little girl be gan to bo really depressed by the list of horrors which sho deciphered from the various tombs and monuments. One day, says the New York Tribune, she was tnken to Napoleon's tomb, and soon became plunged In deep thought. "Was he a nice man, papa?" she nsk cd, at length. "Yes that Is well, on tlio whole, he wasn't so very bad." "And he did lots, did he?" "Of course he led armies and was made consul of France nnd flnnlly em peror, but Waterloo finished hltu, and then " "Did bo die?" "Afterward but first they sent him to St. Helena." "What I meant was, did ho die plain, papa? Oh, Just tell me that he died plain!" and Margaret clasped her hands, "Perfectly 'plain,' I'm hnppy to say." "Ohl" said Margaret, unclnsplug her hands nnd drawing a deep breath of satisfaction. ..ESMOND .. HOTEL. Portland, - - Oregon. Front and Morrison Streets. KATKSt European Plan, 50c to $ .0 Ptr Day American Plan, $ to $2 Per Dai OSCAU ANDKItSON, Malinger. J. C. I'KNDKOAST. Chief Clerk. Phono lied 19JI. CODK8: llconoiny, linker' l'otntoo McKinley Mitchell. Dealer In All Kinds of I'Ali.M PItODUUi:. drain and Commission Merchant Wheat, Oats, Barley, Hops, Potatoes and Wool. IIIIANCIIKS: florvalu, Oregon; Hubbard, Oregon. aoa Stark St. Portland, Oregon Warehouse Fifth and Hoyt. Griswold & Phegley TAILORS 131 Sixth Street. : : THE UNION SAVINGS BANK. H. K, corner llrnadw ay ami Ninth rltreeta, OAKLAND, OAI. Capital dock fully iall, $.WO,000. Surplus ami umllvltU'tl proiltn, l.V),uuu, W O llfiiihaw, nrt'atilcnt; (!. K, Palmer, vice IirmMoiit; A. K. II. Cramer, cnnhler. lloanl of directum: Win.fl. Heimhaw, Thou, I'rather, II. H. l-'arrcllr, O. K. I'almor, II. W, Mvi'k.'luoa. Cntllln, hlielby K. Martin, K. W. Henahaxv, A, K. II, Cramer, (itsj. K. Grant, Chan. T, lt(xlolh. Hate paid on all savings deposits, 3 33 per cent, A general banking business transacted, Kz- cnango on an commercial renters, lH)Klts June M, Wl, H,S97,a9.l3. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Oakland. Northeast Corner Touth and liroadway. Capital stock paid up, 300,000. 1' K liowles,preldont, I,. 0, llurpee, cashier; E. N Walter, assistant cashier, Directors: I'. K. Howies, W. II. Tajlor, K. W. ltuiion. I.. C. Morehouse, V. II. Metcalf, K, A. Heron, W. II. Chlckerlnif, L. 0. lluro, W. hormiii. Principal corrciniideuts; American Nation al llauk.hau l'ranclsco; National Park Hank, Now York; First National llauk,han Kraucisco; Corn Exchange National Hank, Chicago. hells exchange on all tho principal cities of Euroo. Hotel Crellin FRED A JORDAN, Prop. Situated In the most conveni ent business part of the city. AMERICAN PLAN. Convenient to All Cars and Trains Cor 10th and Washington Sts. OAKLAND, CAL. Aetna Banking and Trust Company BUTTE, MONTANA . Capital $100,000.00 Under stale supervision. Five per cent interest, payable quarterly, paid on deposits Monoy to Loan on Roal Estato T. AUO. HEINZe. Pmuldent A. B. OLEMEMTS, Oauhler CEO. D. FLUS, Pram J. O. PENue, VlottPrmi. CAPITAL STATE Limited Banking in all its branches. Your business solicited. BO!SE, tTl I VKIl KItONT SALOON. C. 11. Ffnks, 1'rop CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS & CIGAKS. HO Xorthrup St., Cor. 11th & X. Thono t'lny 2)3. Trlvftto Rooms 1'ortlntnl, Oregon iMI'EHIAIi DltUO CO. fil Sixth Street North, bctHccn Davis nml Kvorett. Oregon 'Phono North 107(5. rortlnml, Oregon mm: iiest iikands or case goods. THE PORT OP PORTLAND. H. I.UDW10, l'rniirlotor. Kino Wfncs mitt Mnuori of nil kinds. 6J North Sixth Street. l'jrtlnml, Oregon E DWAItl) HAM Oregon 'l'hono Hood 250 Up'tO'Dtito STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. Phono Orders Promptly Killed. 108 rimt Street. Portland, Oregon J oiin i'iii:m.. MERCHANT TAILOR. No. 01 sixth Street, corner 1 Ino. For lino work In tho Tailoring lino call at No. 01 Sixth Btrcot. where ou will got tho llncst work In tho city. TO LOOK WKLL AND DRKSS WKLL Send your laundry to tlio UNION LAUNDRY Incorjiorntcd. WIM.AHI) WAItNKIt K.J. MANNING I'res Vice l'rea J. a. iu:ai Kcc'y TELEPHONES Bnnnet, Main 1U7; Capital, No. 721. Corner Tenth nnd O Streets, Sacramento, Cat SPOKANE ADVERTISING Kuropcan Plan. Ilooms Anc. to $2.00. Hooms slnglo or en suite, with or without bath. GRAND HOTEL It. 0. HAM.IDAV. Proprietor. Newly Furnished. Elevator, Steam Heat. Electric Lights, Call Bells, Etc.. Etc Cor. Howard St. and Main Ave. Tol. Main 28. SPOKANE, WASH. E. J. DYKK, President. F.LKWI8CI.AKK. Vice President. C. E. M'HHOOM, Cashier. W. M. 8HAW, Assistant Cashier, Exchange National Bank 8I'OKANE,WABH. CAPITAL, $250,000. Surplus (50,000. Undivided Troflts, 1185,000. THE SLOANE-PAINE CO. 521 and 523 Sprague Avenue SPOKANE, WASH. Imporimrm of Fine Teas, Coffees and Fancy Groceries. Dmmlmem In Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. II. LOUIS SCIIKIIMEHIIOIIN l'rcs. ami Mgr. C. It. nilOWN Vlco l'res. A. 11KNHAM Treasurer. II. K. YEAOEU becretary. Quick Parcel Delivery Co. 720 First Avcnoc. BAGGAGE and PARCEL DELIVERERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Rotnin yonr chocks ami exchange with our lluiriniuo man who is at ricoot on arrival all trains, 0 ran go color cap. Phono Main 517, Special rates to Commercial Travelers H. F. MEAL. Oaifth. FAY B. YOUNG, Aant Vaah'r BANK OF IDAHO IDAHO HOTEL COST 91,000,000. The Portland H. O. BO WOtS, MmnmamF. Amorlcan Plan, $3 Pop Day and Upward HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AMD COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Portland, Oregon THE HELENA E. C. GREENE, Maiucr. AMERICAN PLAN. An Up-to-Date Hotel. Is Be ing; Refurnished Throughout. RATES: $3 and $4 Per Day. Free Sample Rooms to Commercial Men. HELENA, MONT. Southern Hotel BUTTE, MONT. Rates, $1 to $1.50 Per Day DAN TEWEY, Prop. Kurn-C-Me. HOTEL STATE Under New Management. W. A. KOONTZ, Prop. First-Class Dining Room. American Plan. Bar in Connection. Free Sample Room. Free Bus. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS Walla Walla, Wash. The White House F0K YOUH Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. EVER WILLING to SERVE YOU RALPH E. GUICHARD, Prop. Telephone Ited 061 102 Main Street. WAIXA WAIXA, WASH. The Hotel Ridpath SPOKANE, WASH. MRS. M. EATON, Mgr. A Strictly First-Class and Modern Hotel for Tourists and Com mercial Men. The Finlen R. B. TAYLOR, Prop. Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men. The Only Hotel in the City American Plan $3.oo to $S,oo Per Day. PORTLAND. Dewey Palac CHAS. WEISIDE, Manager. Everything new and up to the times. Table and rooms the best the market affords. Auembly hall. Barber Shop. Billiard rooms. Bowling Alleys. Electric Lights. Hot and cold water. Rooms en suite with bath. Livery stable in connection Steam heat. Best beds and rooms in the country. The bar is sup plied with everything you want. Bank in the building. Everything up-to-date. Nothing missing. Head quarters for tourists and commer cial men J J J J J J NAMPA IDAHO. The Spokane (European Plan.) The Leading Hostelry in the State of Washington Headquarters for the Traveling Public Special Sample Rooms with Arc light. 50 NEW BATH-ROOM SUITES Elegant Public and Private Dining Rooms. SPOKANE, WASH. HOTEL PEDIOORD T. J. PEDICORD, Prop. Heated by Steam. Hot and Cold Baths. Electric Calls and Electric Lights in every Roam, j j . EUREPEAN PLAN Rooms 50c, 75c and $1.00 Per Day. Meals, 25 Cents. Freo Bus and Free Samplo Rooms. 209-13 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE Hotel Cadillac EDQAR E. K. SCHMITT, Prop. Strictly First-Class. Mod ern. 'European Plan. Sin gle or en Suite. j o j Reservation by Wirr. Commercial News Headquarters. SPOKANE, WASH, HOTEL WHITMAN ALLEN & LARKIN, Props. A New Hotel With Modern Improvements. COLFAX, WASH. HENRY HEWETT & CO. Fire and Marine Insurance. Rooms 2G nnd 27, Sherlock Building. Cor. Third and Oak Sta. TORTLAXD, OH. '? i UUTTE. MONT. L? sfc .a .t.AtsBk-. Ms-ftsrBi1rflti-'-At-...... , , MfaV,..ftoft a',jMi,, ,..Awi.& ,Wilisn.W- .tmViK Ajksi.- 4&usVlttitaHji .