F m w$ tu mrmn,mii,trmiiiA- THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. F TOPICS OF THE TIMES. "Tlili tut how Bsflh-li! Is nbovo nil n rcndlns nfjo, ninny people rend thu Hlbloi" Tho nnd cnHo of Clinrlus M. Scliwnb etiouhl lio u witmiiiK to tliu Aiiiurlcun "hustler" nml tlila In no Joko. The Crown I'rlnro of Slam mnnnged to filduHtuj) nil the fivu-ndvertlslin,' In tentions of tliu Bouhretteu and chorus Clrls. Tho nvurniru woiiinn imiy not ho nhlo to tell 11 Joke, hut hIio cnu tell thu ecent of cloves nt uny hour of tho tiny or night. Why In tho new urrlvnl alwnyy cnllcd "n boiiiieliiK boyjf" llecnime he innkert you bounee out of bed like a rubber ball nt 2 b. in. A. MlRBotirl farmer owiih n inulo that In thirty-four years old. How did he happen to lei thu lirltlsh reiuount agents get pnnt7 Ilnrry Lehr says Colonel YVnttcraon Is rude. .Mr. Lehr has not gone so far, however, as to threaten to slap thu colonel on tho wrist. Tho man who backed Ilnldwln Is fit ting out another polar expedition. Ills enthusiasm evidently lias his discretion down mid Is sitting on It. For some reason or other wo often rend that some man or other has "dis appeared suddenly." It would bo truly remarkable to read of one who disap peared gradually. Oom Paul's book complains of harsh treatment. There Is only onu way for Oom to get even, mid that Is to head a big trust mid soak It to tho lirltlsh consumer, Ambitious youths should not Jump hastily to tho conclusion that thu quickest and surest way to get rich Is to become n burglar or train robber. Occasionally onu of thesu fellows Is nabbed. It Is stated that Mr. Cnrncglo hns teen giving nwny money nt tho rnto of $45,000,000 a yesr. How thu British fovenuuent would Ilka to hnvo the cash to npply to steamship subsidies nd so offset American competition! The man who offered n prize for the woman who would write him tho bust lore letter failed to muko tho most of Ills opportunities. Ho would hnvu had aoro fun If he had offered to glvo the 'prlio to the girl who proved herself wost proficient In the matter of making .lovo to hltu personally. " There Is n disposition to decry hobby tiding as uu occupation unworthy of ti nan with a full Intellectual equipment. Thu man of one Idea may bo u boro nt times mid Is commonly so voted by people with no Ideas mid no paramount Issues, but, after all, he Is the man who accomplishes must, and without his In alsteut purpose and continuous Indus try In thu particular propogauda to which ho devotes himself many of thu luUueuces which make for progress and from which the human racu derives an Immeasurable aggregate beiiellt would cease to bu operative. ' A great spirit was released from Its human bondage when Kllznboth duly Stanton died. Her name Is largely attached to tho equal suffrage move ment and she did furnish much of tho bruins of that movement for moro than half n century. Hut she did more than that. Hho left tho Impact of her life on all thu statute hooks of her country. Knterlng her father's Inw otllco at an early age, shu was thu llrst to point out tho hard mid unjust rules of the common law as to married woman mid tho amelioration of that law was her life work. Moro than that. She was a successful wife mid mother. Where Is there another womnu who has con trlbuted so much both to thu laws mid to tho race? Marie Corelll has touched upon some unpleasant truths In her diatribe against uncultured and Illiterate Amer icans who emphaslzu their vulgarity with their millions. Tliwio samu folk tueut with little sympathy In their own country, where It Is felt that they dls credit the nation by thu exhibition of those traits which Miss Corelll con demns. Hut Mich people are not the whole of thu false coin of Immunity. There are crude, pretentious, vulgar au thors, who exert quite as had an Intlii cuce with spurious tales which would pass oft tho shallow for the profound and bait thu credulous with Irreverent mystical nonsense. In her moments of self-searching Mlos Corelll may perhaps think of some such person. There Is mi ocean of difference 1k tween housekeeping mid homo-making. One Is a business, thu other mi art. Many women maku great suc cesses In tho business who fall abso lutely In thu art, Their houses are perfectly kept. Kvery department Is run with euro nml exactness, There Is never u failure to meet demand; but It Is not n lioiue. A homo for thu comfort, happiness mid health of tho family, There Is no department of housekeeping that Is not made to yield to thu needs of .my member. There Is never a crisis of temper If u meal Is Into or tho convenience of u member demands a change In the hour, A few minutes -yen, even n number of minutes-pent !u UliuHy converse lu tho morning, the call of n friend, or tho sudden deslro for an hour's outing, never, seems to tho home-maker a vio lation of tho moral code. .Dust docs not cause a nightmare or disorder a display which love and charity ngreo to call nervousness. Not things, but souls, arc tho objects of the homo maker's carp. She values peace moro than system, happiness moro than reg ularity, content moro than work ac complished. Yet, with It nil, her homo, when she touches perfection, Is the essence of regularity. It Is this that makes home-making an art. The young mail Is having his turn. A distinct feature of the times Is Im portance of tho part being played In nil great affairs. President Itoosevelt became 41 years old recently. IIo Is the youngest President tho nation over had. It Is the day of young men. Great fortunes aro mndo nowndays early In life, or else, tho chances aro, they nra not mado at nil. Young men set their marks In whntcver calling they chooso mid go upward to them In leaps and bounds. Most attnln their places In thu social plan beforo middle life. It Is a period of electrical rapid ity In all things. Hy striking colncl deuce, nearly nil tho grent rulers of Kurope nro comparatively young men, While one of thu youngest rulers of nations, President Itoosevelt Is tho senior of several. For Instnncc, Nich olas of Itussln Is only 34 years of age, while William II., of Germany, Is n yenr younger thnn tho President. Queen Wllhelmlun, of nollnnd, Is young enough to bo the President s daughter, having been born ns late as 1880. Kunng Hsu, Emperor of China, hns hut 20 years to his credit, while Sultan Abdul Azr.lz, of Morocco, wns born In 1878, nml the Khedive of Kgypt Is only i!8. King Cnrlos, of Portugnl, Is another who Is Junior to tho Presi dent, having boon born lu 1801, whllu his near neighbor, Alfonso, of .Spain, has not reached his seventeenth birth day. Ferdinand, of Bulgaria, Is still another, ho having first seen tho light In 1801. Alexander, of Sorvln, Is qtiltu a youth In comparison with him, how ever, hnvlng been born In 1870. King IMwnrd VII., of Grent Ilrltaln, Is onu of those called a young ruler, but ho la n grandfather nnd Is 17 years older thnn President Itoosevelt. All of theso como Into their places by heredity, nnd age has no effect In their selection. It Is by chanco nlono that nil but two or three of tho leading sovereigns of Ku rope nro noiow tno traditional ago when rulers are supposed to rlpca Into sufficient wisdom. Apart from huniauttnrlnn senti ments, tho budgets of tho nations need but casual study to couvlnce onu of the folly of wnr. Of course, there hnvo been wars where the highest princi ples have been Involved. Thero have been from time to time, and probably will recur as long as man Is ninn, con ditions thnt demand betterment nnd arouse tho loftiest Instincts of liberty nnd self-preservation In a nation, even to the point of drawing tho sword. Hut Mnrs Is uot long on principle. Greed, Jealousy, tho bnrbnrlc lovo of blood It self, too often nro the ruling Incen tives on ono sldo or tho other In Inter national contests. And when the strife Is over there Is not only suffering nnd misery In thousands of homes ravaged by tho battlo demon, but there Is ns a generality n heritage of debt thnt, with Its nccumulntlng Interest, falls heavily upon tho shoulders of poster ity, Take tho national debt of Grent Ilrltaln. This yenr It Is estimated nt nbout 53,8.10,000,000, nnd of this over one-fourth is directly traceable to wars during tho Inst sixty yenrs. A billion dollars of wnr debt left unpaid by ouo country in less thnu two gen erations! Over two-thirds of this nrose from tho South African war nloue, whllu the Crimean war Is down In tho treasury books of John Hull at over $:J0O,O0O,0O0. The rest Is mndo up from expenditures In the Canadian In surrection and China war lu 1841, tho Katlr wnr of 1810, tho Abyssinian In 18(10, tho Husso-Turklsh nnd South Af rican wars of 18780, mid tho Egyptlnn operations of lSSll. Not n wnr In thu list wns a contest to n duality with any great power And yet, how mod ern warfare, as exemplified lu tho re cent Uoer conflict, has swollen tho to tall No wonder the treasury Is a good braku on thu War Departments theso days! It costs enough, surely, to keep up mi nrmy nnd nnvy of decent size lu this wenlth-produeliig mid wealth-distributing era, but a war for suprcui ucy between Grent Hrltuln mid Itus sln, for Inst nice, would bo won only nt the cost of, practical bankruptcy. Thu greatest ally of the International 4 arbitration mid universal peace proj Is thu cost of war. How tho Cities (J row. Thu cnlendur year 1001, according to a recent report of tho United States geological survey, was the greatest lu thu history of thu country In city building. Korty-two cities submitted reports to the department In response to Inquiries mid thesu bhowed thnt the total number of permits Issued lu thoso cltl.es were 85,571, ns ngnlnst 08.417 for 1000, a gain of 17,151, or 25.07 per cent. Tho value of the build ings erected on these permits In HHU was ?:7'.M7;i,tVll, compared with Jf-tli'-Bill ,585 In 11)00, i gain of $180,057,010, or 51 per cent. Illg Carrier Pigeon Itaee. Two thousand three hundred carrier pigeons recently took part lu n race from Koine to Client. After ti man has done wrong, ho more thoroughly understands thu ltn portnnce of keeping a t-vcrvt. If thu average man's salary were ri short as his memory ho would statu to death. TACOMA ADVERTISING Tacoma Trunk Factory. Trunks, Traveling Dags, Suit Cases and Telescopes. REPAIRING DONE. 730 Pacific Ays. Tacoma, Wash. S. POSNER. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions. Cloaks and Suits. 946 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. TIIOMA8 8. I1UIILF.Y, Manager. Ilea. Tel. John 801. KOUEItT McCULLOUOH, Secretary. Ilea. Tel. John 831. TACOMA TUG AND BARGE GO. TUOS FEARLESS, FAIRFIELD, FAVORITE nnd FALCON. General Towing. Conl, Ilallaat nnd Wntcr furnished. Scow and Ilargca for Itcnt. Tho "Fearless" la lilted with powerful tiro ntnl wrecking pumps. All business communica tion! to he niUlrt'M(l Tnromn Tug anil llnrKO Co. Ulllco: l'aclllo Colli Storage building, Northern l'aclllo Dock. Tclephono Mnln W. Tacoma, Wellington. H. A. DURR, Proprietor o Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted and Ono of the Best Laundries in the Northwest. 1S09-11 c Street lSiiMS Commorclat Street Telephone Main KM Tacomi, Washington E8TADU8UED MM. To The Trade: D. M. HOFFMAN & CO. , i EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE DEALERS Aro now open for business with the largest nnd llncat stock in tho city. Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1340 Pacific Ave, Phono Main 609. The only exclusive wholesale house In Tacoma. Boarding Mows a Specialty. Tel. Main 4W CLARK'S LIVERY and TRANSFER STABLES JOHN CLANK A EON, Proprietor!. Hacks and Rigs Famished on Short Notice No. 1310 A Street, Tacoma, Washington. CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS and Gents' Furnish ing Goods. Belter than the ordinary and extra cost Best lighted and most convenient store In the city. DiGKSON BROS. GD.l Cancral Out fit tars , U2Q-22 Pacific Ave. Tacoma ! ! SPOKANE ADVERTISING Wholesale and Retail WHISKIES Wines and Cigars. DURKIN. Telephone Main 731. filile nnd Spraguc, SPOKANE Tor tho Latest Styles go to VV. W. DREYFOOS THE HATTER M FURNISHER New Club BulM-ng Cor. Riverside and Washington SPOKANE, WASH. Established 1687. Arthur D. Jones & Co. (Incorporated.) Cor. Illvcrtlito Aro. anil Lincoln St. Telephone Main CM. Real Estate. Renting. Property Agent. Lands. Insurance. Loans. Capital $20,000. Agent Hillyard Townslte Co. W7 Itlrcrfldo Avrnuo Empire Stato Uufldliig BI'OKANE, WASn. THE HIEBER Brewing & Malting Co.'s BOTTLED PILSENER Lager Beer rhoro, 205. SPOKANE, WASH. SPOKANE DRUG CO. Wholesale Drugs The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug; House in the State. SPOKANE, WASH. Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madison Street, SPOKANE, WASH. Union Iron Works Iron and Brass Founders and Machinists. Mining, fimeltlnir and Saw Mill Machinery nd Supplies. KiiKlnca, llollora, Hoists, Crush, era, Ho:so Whlma. I'ulloya, Hhaltlwr. Etc., Etc. Heavy lllacksmllhlni; and Kepalr Work a fine dally. Write ua for eatlnmtes. Tel. Main 3. Codes: Llebor's, Morelug it Neal. Olllc and Works, Montgomery St. and S. P. & N. Ry., Spokane, Washington Crystal suflttni Laundry A Specialty of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED TEL. 570. Near cor. Division and North River Av. NATIONAL IRON WORKS Manufacturers of Siram Enctnrs, Boilers, Elevators, Archi tectural Iron Work, Quart; Mills and Crush ers, Concentrators, Ore Cars, Buckets and General Mining and Mill Machinery. Every description of Wrought Iron Work, Iron and Brass Castings. Machinery and Boiler Repairs a Specialty. J. H. BOYD, Prcs. and Manager. Tel. Mnln 176. Spokane, Wash SPOKANE DRY GOODS COA1PANY Importers and Jobbers Dry Goods Notions and Furnishings CIRce and Salesroom Riverside and Mill St .nntin VW W.V4LUiiV BV KAIL ANOWATKK. A WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS nCTWEF.X n l Lcnvcs Union Depot 1'ortlnnit For MnvKcrn. Itnln. Arrive? i Inn Deft lor, 0 1 n t a k n u 1 o ' Un Ion Depot Wcxtport, Clifton, AMorln,' Wnrron ton, I'lnvcl, (leur linrt 1'nrk nml Sen tide. AMorln ,t Fcmlioru KxprcM hall). Astoria Kxpress Ually. Portland B:W)n. m. 11:10 a. m. n:55p. m. (2:30 p. in, 9 MO p. m. Dallj except Saturday. tPnturilnv onlv. Ticket olllce, IIM Morrison street, and Union depot, I'ortlnud. J. C. MAYO, Gen. rasa, Aent, Astoria, Or. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will leave Portland, foot of WnnliltiRton St., Bnnitny, Tuesday and Tlmrfday evenltiK nt o o'clock, for f-ntirlcx Island, ft. Helena, Cuplei, Deer Island, .Marlins, Kalnmn, Xcer City, Ilanler, Mt. Collin, ilHKer, bulla, Oak Point, Irceiuniis, .MauiHiilllo,Clattl,anlu and all way taudliiir. HW A Ticket Means moro than your moro transportation If It Is over NORTH-WESTERN LINE C. St. P. M. & O. Ry. It means that you will havo every luxury and comfort the utmost courtesy from all employes a safo trip and ono that will bo a pleasure and delight. It la tho Short iLine to Chicago And the BEST as well. Anything you wish to know about Comfortable Traveling will bo gladly told by C.J.ORAV. H.L.SISLER. Traveling Agt. UeneralAgt. 348 Alder Street, I'ortUml, Or. TICKETS To and from all POINTS EAST SHOUT I.1NK TO ST. PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND IMlI.NTH KAHT. Through I'alace and Tourist Sleepers; Dining and Hutlet Smoking Library Cars. DAILY TItAIXS. FAST TIME. For ratea, foldera and full Information regard, ing tickets, routea, etc., call on or address II. DICKSON', City Ticket Agent, Portland, Or. J.W. l'HALON'.T. l'.A., 1 Third St., Portland, Or. A. U. C. DF.NNISTON. O. W. P. A.. CL! First Ave., Seattle, Wash. White Collar Line Portland -Astoria Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT." Dally round trip except Sunday. TIMK OAltU. Leaves Portland ..7S00A. M Leaea Astoria 7:00 P. M Through Portland connection with Steamer Nahcotta f rwra 11 aco and Long lleach iolnts. White Collar Line tickets interchangeable with O. It. A N. Co. and V. T. Co. tickets. TheDalles-Portland Route STEAMERS "TAHOMA" and "METLAKO" Daily trips except Sunday, Str. "TAHOMA." Leaves Portland. Mon., Wed., Frt .... 7;0O a. M i Usui The Dalles, Tues., luur. Sat., 7:u0 A. M Str. "METLAKO." Leaves Portland, Tue., Thu.. Sat 7:00 A, M. Leave The Dalles Mon., Wel., FrU...7:W A, M. Landing and otllco: Foot Alder Street, lloth phones Main S51. Portland, Utvgou. AGENTS. J. W. CItlCIJTON A. K. 1TLI.KK WOLFOltD A WYLRS. I1BNRY OI.MSTK.U) . JOHN T. UtTTKN . J. C. YATT A. J. TAYLOR ... Tbe Dalles,. Ore. .Hood Klvor. Ut M Ulle ialmofl. WAab, CaMou, Wash. StswiiMjti, Wash. Yuncoumr. W ash Atorta, Ore. E. W. CRICHTON, rortland, UfCfOn via ItV KAIL ANIJ WATKIt, & ... lmim. ww.uLMim Short Line and uwbon Pacbto DEPART TIME SCHEDULES Portland, Or. ARRtVK i Chicago Portland Special S:M)n. m. via HuntliiKton. Fait Ijtlfp, Denver, Ft. vtortli.Oiiialm, Kansai City, Ht. l.oiils,Chlcai,'oiinl Katt. 4:30 p.m. Atlantic Expre 8:N) p.m. vlo Huntington. Walla Walla lwla. ton, Hpokalie, Mill. neapolls.Ht. Paul, Duliilh. .Mllunii. kec,Clilcat!0.t;Kat 8:10 a.m. St. rani Fast Mall u:!5 p. m. via BpoLano b'att Lake. Denver, Ft. Worth.OmatiH, Kansas ('Ity, Ht. .otil9,CnlcHKoaiiil Kaat. 7i00a. in. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE lltOJI l'OltTI.ANll. IWji.ni, All tallliiK datei tibject to change For fan Francisco ball every 6 days. 6:00 p. m. Dally Kx.Hiimlay Mill ii. in. baturday 1U;W p. in. Columbia Rltir itiamm. lo Astoria and Way Landings. B.oo p. in. Kx. Sunday C:45a.m Mon., Wed. and Frl. WIMamtlla fllvar. Water permitting. Oregon City, Now berg, Haloin, Inde pendence, Corvul. lis mid U'hv Land Inns. About fl:uu p. m. Tuca., Thu Sat. 7:00 a.m. lues.. 'I'll ii r. and Sat. Wlllamalla and Yam. hill Hirers. Water permitting. Oregon ('Ity, Day ton,, ti Way I.aud Higs. 3::w p. m. Mon., Wed. and Frl. I.v. Itlparla 4:06 a. m. Dally except Saturday Sniki River. Itlparla to Lcwlston I.v.I-oiTlston 8:0X1 a. m. Dally except Friday. A. L. CRAIQ, General Passenger Agent, l'ortland, Or. C. W. 8TINOKK. City Ticket Agent, Thlrk and Washington Streets. TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND mm Depart. Arrive. Pugot Sound Limited 7:25 A.M. CMS P.M. Kansas City .t St. Louis Social 11:10 A. M. 11:10 P. M. North Coast Limited 3:30 P. M. 7:00 A. M. Taroma-Seattlo Night Express 11:45 P. M. 3:05 P. M. Take Puget Pound Limited or North Coast Limited for Cray's Harbor points. Take Puget Sound Limited lor Olympla direct. Take Pucot Hound Limited or Kansas Clty St. Louis Sclal for points on South llend branch. Double dally train aervlco on Oray'a Harbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland and Ta coma and Seattle. A. D. CIIAItl.TON, Assistant General Painencer Agent, M Morrison St., Portland, Or. EASTvia SOUTH C3M :xcri. A. lDf U!0CDN4.HASTAi l(n HCUTE5 pi LK.VVE DEPOT, SIXTH AND IIOYT STS. AltltlVE 8:30 P.M. OVKItLANI) EX PKrS TKAINS for Salem, Itoeburg,Ash. laud, Sacramento, Og. den, San Francisco, Molave, Los Anuelea, Kl 1'afco, Now Orleans and the East. At Woodburn dally except Sunday, morn lug train connects with tralu forMt. An gel.Silverton.llrowna. vllle, Sprlnglleld and Natron, and Albanv local for Mt. Angel and Slhertou, ...Albany Passenger... ..Corvallls Passenger.. 7:45 A. 3L, 8:S0A.M. 7:00 P. M. 4:00 P.M. 7:30 A.M. II 4:50 P.M. 10:10 A.M. 5.-50P.M. .Sheridan Passenger.) ji:25A.M. Dally. IIDally except Sunday. YAJ1HILL DIVISION. I Paxenger Depot, foot of Jellerson street. Leave Portland daily for Osw ego at 7.20 A.M. 12:30, 1.55, S-38, 4.4J OY, h:U) P. M Daily except sunda. 5i. s:w, A. M., Sun, n..i) I P M. Sunday only. V. 51. Arrive at Portland dally at 8 A M . 1 810, 4;, C-15. 7:i, lu p. il. Dallv except mn I day 8:85 ,t-5u A. M : except Monday, J2 W Uavefor Hall dally extept .-.unday. 5 0j P.M. Arrive Portland, a . .U ' ' Hrt tio' o's un ale U)lii lVrtUnd, ar. rameiiui and an KruticlMxi Nn rati- 17 ttrn rltM and tU n.l ilu-s ei ,uj t!,. iinluiltii tlecier nrrt ilavs d. ii i Hi. els t ! oris i 'i i ai d I ur it ! MPlV HUM, llnSnilU ant A lltl I V Va,LiKuu - reeis MuueMai-.TU- M m i .Jtk ili 't'ltMfth-'1'- uiLrLtJu -J.