The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, November 29, 1902, Image 8

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    W s-y ia1.A
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"It Is no buBliicsa of initio," dho
said, "Hint you cliooao tq marry a girl
of MIsb I'olham'H "
"MIsb M1lno!" I Bald, Btornly.
"I havo no objection, I cay, to you
marrying MIhb 1'clliam," alio contin
ued, "but thoro nro cortaln difficulties
In tho wny tliat "
"Wliat do you mean?" I said. "What
fresh deviltry are you browing? Aro
you not satisfied?"
For, bb though tho blight of her ox
Istonco wore not sufficient, tho liorrl
bio thought crossed my mind that she
had yet nnother curso in storo for mo.
"Do you think," alio aaked, turning
to mo and nncaklng In a strnngoly gen
tle, piteous tone "do you think I am
Buch a fool as not to know that while
I Ilvo Colonol Polhntn will novor nllow
you to marry his daughtor? Ho will,
of course, think of mo always ns ho
know mo; and porhnps, after all, I am
not much altered, but I feci as though
tlmo hnd drawn my fangrf. You wont
(o Manly tho othor night; you had a
long Interview with Colonol Pclham;
you enmo homo mlsornblo, because ho
(old you ho would not glvo you his
daughter's hand until ho had proof of
my ilrath."
"How do you know all that?" I
"I guessed part. I dreamed tho rest.
Am I right? Why do you hoBltato?
Am I novor ngnln to havo an atom of
your confldonco?"
I did not stay to Innulro how she
know, for my belief In nor powers of
divination wns, at this tlmo, Ingrained
Into mo. Sho was always either mil)
or riupcrhumnn, nnd not to bo doubt
od, and therefore I moroly said: "You
nro right, but "
"Hut what?"
"Hut although your motives may bo,
nnd, I think, nro changed, you can not
help mo; you can not possibly "
"I nm not bo suro of that," alio re
plied; nnd then, with a llttlo laugh:
"t can do a good deal when I try."
Then eho rose to her feet, and holding
out her hand, said: "I nm going to
think this matter ovor very seriously;
I will lot you know tho romilt In a
dny or two. Thoro must bo somo rond
of esenpo; In mich a gonulno lovo af
fair, tho gods themselves ought to
Intorforoj thoy nro adeptH at thlw sort
of thing, nnd a follow fooling should
mnko thorn kind."
Tlion sho put out hor hand to go.
"Clood-nlifht. Dr. Hlgby. Do you bo
Hovo mo slncoro?"
"I do I do," I could not help ro
plying. "Aro wo frlonds again?"
"Wo nro."
"As murh nfl wo woro that night
whon" boro her voleo fnlterod por
coptlbly "you camo to noo my llttlo
boy, tho first tlmo you saw Arthur?"
A pal n anothor metamorphosis, nnd,
yo hoavp'is, suoh a oiuil My Nomo
sis, tho MIbb Mllno of todny. of yos
torday, of ninny and ninny a long, snd
dny was doad. pono. lost porhnps for
ovor. In tho birth of tho now woman
from tho nshp of a mother's lovo
thoro suddonly nroso tho mothor
"Wo nro ns good frlonds ns wo woro
tlion, perhaps bettor," I replied, in
nil sincerity.
And I would .havo nddod something
to mond, If It woro possible hor brokon
heart. Hut sho wns gono, lost In tho
dnrknofls, cnrrylng hor brokon heart
with hor.
Tho fnw dnyd following tho Inter
view Jimt recorded woro monotonous
nnd unovontful. I got through tho llt
tlo work I had, sent In my daily ro
port, ending ns usunl with tho request
that throo-fourtliB of tho pooplo should
bo removed, did my llttlo all townrd
helping any I could help, nnd throw
ing oil on very troubled wntors, read
tho paper In tho morning, n book In
tho afternoon, nnd at night apont nn
hour with Wnrron.
One ovonlng I think It wns tho sec
ond after tho Interview I found him
moroflo and mlsornblo and nltogothor
tinllko hlniHolf. I folt confident that
Momothlng bad hnppenod, and nntur
nlly nuuiootod It with Miss Mllno, Af
tor several fallurea to stnrt a conver
sation I said:
"Havo you booh Nurso Emily since
1 wiib hero?"
"I ain't sorn 'or," replied Wnrren.
without looking up, "but I'vo 'onrd
from 'or."
"Pad nows. Wnrren?"
"There's tho letter," throwing It to
nm. "I reckon yo can road It."
I opened, nnd rend half aloud:
"My dear Wnrron; I think It very
probable that I shall havo to lenvo
hero In a fow dny. Now, I shall try
nnd seo you ni'iiln before I ro. hut I
might not be nhlo to do so. Theroforo
I wrlto to tell you what I want you to
do when you go away,
"If you aro found you mny get Dr.
nigby lt Kd deal of trouble, and
bo punished yourself, so you had bet
ter udont tho following plnn:
"I will try and get your wlfo and
children removed at once; then you
muHt arrange to follow them. I need
not tell you how to dlscutso yourself
you havo had too much experience to
need ntiy ndvlco 011 that point. Put
when you get to Sydney you must
keei away from vour wlfo, as she will
lie tho center of a good denl of vul
gar curiosity. Tho best plan, I thlk,
will bo for yon to get nt onco tho
money (about ninety pounds) which
Dr. K'gby will provide you with, go
wtrnluht up tho country and tnko up
a peloptlon under nn assumed nnmo.
"Sottlo down nnd as soon ns It la
unfo let tho family follow If you
should llnd that kind of llfo disagree
able, In n year or two vou can sell,
porhaps at a good profit, your land,
and conio down again to somo coun
try town, Sydney will not bo snfo for
you for some tlmo to enmo.
"A It la Just possible I Bhall not
soo you again. I must thank you now
for what you havo dono for tho. You
havo boon a brnve. good fell' "nj I
tbmk you vory ulnccrely.
"I am not going to glvo you any nd
vlco na to tho future, because I hato
advlco myself, and then I don't think
I could glvo you any that would do
you any service. I novor tried to train
myself. If I did now, I should try to
bo good without being religious. Moat
pooplo try tho other system to bo re
ligious without bolng good. I am so
sorry for tho loss of your child. Your
wlfo, I am sure, is a much bettor wo
man than whon alio camo down, and
both of you havo learned things down
hero that will alter your characters
and mako you very fond ofsnch othor.
If In times to enmo you should over
want a friend, Dr. Rlgby will do all
ho can for you.
"Now, good-byo, and may all gobd
luck attend you! Your sincere frlond
nlwnys. NURSE EMILY."
I throw tho lottor down with n
vague, indcfinnblo suspicion of Its
moaning. For Bovoral seconds War
ren and I ?at In alienee. At length ho
looked up nnd snld:
"What docs It all moan, doctor?"
"I don't know any moro than you do,
"Whoro Is sho going to?"
"Again I don't know." rrr
"What about this monoy?"
" TIs monoy sho has saved."
"But why does aho want to glvo it
to mo?"
"I think aho fools aho owcb you
"Owoa mo something? I reckon It's
mo as owoa hor something."
"But you havo gono through a great
deal for hor, Warren."
"WVint, I'd llko to know?" qulto In
dlgnnntly. "Woll, you wont to Sydnoy throo
"An what's that asldo what Bho's
dono for mo? No," ho continued, with
a shako of his head, "no, I ain't n-goln'
to tnko that monoy. But, doctor,
wbero'H sho off to?"
"I don't know, Warren. Has your
wlfo said anything?"
"Yos; sho told mo as 'ow nurso 'ad
been down In tho mouth lntoly, and
mlsornblo llko, nnd 'ow sho'B act about
a good deal by 'ersclf."
Then Wnrren and I ant silent for
nwhllo. Tho samo lll-dellnod thought
wns probably running through both
our minds, but nolthor of us could or
dared glvo oxprcsslon to It. Then I
roso to go.
"Woll, thoro'a nothing for It but to
wait and boo whnt turns up, Wnrron?"
"I B'poso not," ho roplled, nnd, na I
loft tho cavo, added: "But I ain't
a-goln' to tnko that monoy."
At tho bottom of my heart, as 1
utrollod homo, lay a feeling of still
(I. o., non-offorvcBcont) glndnoss. Sho
who had nover lied to mo had promised
with her straugo omnlpotonco to ro
movo tho ImpodlmonU thnt aoparatod
Edith and myself. But nbovo nnd nil
nround thnt gladness lay a vaguo fear
of something that must como boforo.
At my homo I wiib glad to find Char
ley, who mot mo with his ovorlnstlng
"Woll, doctor, la 1IW worth tho Ht
Ing?" "Oorloualy, Chnrloy, why did you
coma up? I am suro thoro'a some
thing wrong."
"No nothing wrong; but thoro's
nowa; tho dispatch bont camo down
Just now with ordora for tho Biiporln
tondent. HoNgot mo to rend them, ns
ho had lost bin glasses. Well, the
nurso Is to bo aont away at onco;
Mrs. Wnrron nnd hor children nro to
go with her. I havo tho option of go
ing bnck to town or stnylng hero. You
nro to bo told that nrrangoments will
bo mndo to Oil your post within tho
next fow dnya, If you wish It. Now,
doctor, thoro'a something nt tho bot
tom of this, nnd I bollovo It 1b that
"Whnt makes you think thnt?"
"Woll, In tho first plnco, It la Just
those going thnt alio knows nnd likes;
thon I know from domothlng alio lot
dion thnt sho lived as housokoeper for
n tlmo with 0110 of tho mnmbors of
tho government, nnd hna somo Influ
onco with him. I think It's thnt tall
ono that wears a great frock-cont and
snya, 'yes, ma'am,' and 'No ma'am,'
whon ho sponks to a lady; I forgot his
nnmo. Will you go. air?"
"Of courdo I shnll go; ahnn't you?"
"Well, I wns dying to go tho othor
day, but now I am not ao anxious."
"In Vivo ngnln, eh?"
"Well not oxnctly; but thnt girl
damn It, air! sho'a getting ao kind
nnd nlco ngaln now, thnt upon my Ufa
I should bo In lovo with her ns much
as ovor If I saw much more of hor."
"But, then. sho'B going. Chnrloy."
"Yos: that'B why I think I ought to
stop. You see. doctor, thoro nro somo
snrtd of spirits that ono ought not to
get too fond of, nnd thoro nro somo
Borts of women that It's Just as woll
to koop away from. Womon, If you
como to think of It, doctor, nro just
llko spirits, and thoy havo tho antno
different Influences ovor a follow. You
know that book you lent mo, 'David
Copporllold?' Woll, thoro'a a girl In
thoro that always romlndod mo of Old
Tom gin nnd soda water thnt Dorn,
her name was. Woll, now, sho was a
pretty, sparkling. Innocent girl thnt
you could seo through at onco, that
idioored a follow without hurting him
a bit, too sweet, porhnps; but you
could got vory fond of her without
going mad, Then there's another girl
in that book; what's hor namo?"
"That'a her; now she's llko lager
beor, wholodomo, supporting, but free
from sugar and other ndulteratlons.
Thoro nro somo womon llko colonial
boor, nearly all sugar; thoy neither
cheer nor Inebrlato much; don't drlvo
you on to work, but keep you hanging
nbout tho cask. Thon thoro nro somo
womon and, sir, don't wo police aeo a
lot of thorn! thnt nro llko cheap
whiskey; they got hold of you and you
can't glvo thorn up, am) yet thoy nro
constantly getting you Into trouble.
You know how this stuff gnaws away
at your what did you call It?"
"Solar ploxus."
"Ah, that's It until tho fellow gots
mad; thon bo shies tho bottlo down
snd he swears off. Woll, there's
kind of woman that Haggles away at
tho poor dovil, her husband, until
ho goes mad, knocks her down
and clears out. Sho comes to
us, wo tako him boforo tho court, whoro
ho Is called all sorts of bad names,
and fined as woll for knocking a wo
man down."
"ServeB him well right, I think, foe
hitting n woman."
"I don't agroo with you, sir. I've
seen a good deal of It; and though I
nln't tho sort of man to hit a woman,
yet 1 nover aaw ono of theso devils
that I would not havo given ten times
tho walloping tholr husbands gave
thorn. Why, blesa your soul, doctor,
neither you tho magistrate that pass
es sentenso, nor ono out of ten in tho
court knowB to whntra pass these wo
men havo brought 'the art of nag
ging." CHAPTER XX. " "
Thero was qulto a crowd around the
pier as tho Plnnforo camo slowly
In to tako away hor flrat load of con
vnlcacontB. Thoy woro gathered In llt
tlo knots about tho beach, and as I
piisscd through them I hoard tho same
old murmurd of discontent, but now
mingled with loud complaints of tho
Injustice of sending a woman and hor
children, who had tho smnllpox,
straight from tho hopltal lnclosuro,
whllo they, only suspects, had beon
kept week after week, and, for nil
thoy know, would bo kopt for weeks
to como.
"Who aro going?" I asked as I camo
up with our old superintendent, whoso
thirty years' reign hero was closed so
suddenly and so lgnomlnlously by tho
Royal Commission thrco months later.
"Mrs. Warren and her family, Char
loy and tho nurso," replied ho, with a
grunt that expressed his dissatisfac
tion at tho wholo arrangement, and
added: "Thoro'd somo favoritism go
ing on, doctor, I know."
In a fow momenta, Mrs. Wnrren,
who had throughout acted woll tho
part of a widow, and hor supposed
orphans, nppcared In sight. Notwith
standing their Jealousy, thero woro but
four pooplo looking on whoso hearts
woro not movod by tho mournful pro
cession, as It wended Its wny down tho
steep cliff thnt led from tho hospital
Incfosuro. Tho Qovornmont had sent
down nn outfit of mourning for each
of thorn, nnd ns they flourished tholr
will to hnndkorchlcfs (tho mother, ns
an affoctlvo fonturo In tho pnrt she
was playing, tho oldest girl, I am euro,
from real Borrow, tho rest probably
from tho force of oxample, ovory heart
(but four) was movod, and somo of
tho women nnd children to actual
tears. And tho four oxcoptlons woro:
Flrat MlBd Mllno, who aaw tho em
barkation, I had no doubt, but from
what outlook I had no Idea; Wnrron,
who from tho early morning had takon
up his position amid somo rocks well
away toward tho Hoada; Charley, who
on tho veranda of tho poltco station
was wishing Ills mntos good-byo; and
myaolf, standing with ono foot on tho
boat and ono foot on tho plor, waiting
to help them on board.
Whon tho children woro comfort
ably aettlcd, I drow Mrs. Warren asldo
to tho top of tho plor.
"Aro you going bnck," I naked, "to
your old quartors In Subsox atrcot?"
"I think so, doctor; I havo nowhoro
olso to go."
"Well, at nny rnto," I said, nftor a
pauso, "you had bettor, directly you
aro settled, send ma a noto fo tho
Austrnllnn Club, saying whoro you
nro, and tny quiet until I como, which
will bo within a week. If tho Govorn
mont ngont calls on you, tako nothing
In final settlement until I havo soon
you; tako enough, though, to keep you
going; Wnrron will not bo ablo to
como nenr you."
"All aboard!" tho captain shouted,
as I led hor back to tho boat.
Just thon Chnrloy camo rushing
down nnd Jumped ovor tho Bldo.
"All aboard 1" again shouted the
captain, nnd thon Chnrloy, with a hur
ried glnnco around, stopped on to tho
pier ngaln.
"Whoro Is sho doctor?" ho whin
pored. "I don't know, Chnrloy; havo you
honrd nothing of hor?"
"Woll," snld Charley, "I can't say
I haven't honrd of hor, for I saw hor
lato last night, ovor nt tho ocean side.
Just ns sho loft she gave mo three
lcttors, and a beautiful ring to wear
In momory of hor; ono letter for me,
which I nm not to opon till I got ovor
to Sydnoy. ono to bo posted In Sydnoy
to you, nnd ono to go to a Colonol Pel
ham. I'll glvo you yourB now, doc
tor, but you mustn't road It now."
(To bo continued.)
TholJcnoflt ot the Doubt,
Quizzing a boy Is not always so easy
ns It bccui" Tho Cluclnuatl Enquirer
gives nn Instnnco In Which a man
named Smith camo out second best In
a pnsdago at reparteo with a boy
named Claude, who looks uftor the
hat-rack In a well-known restaurant
Mr. Smith stnrted out of the restau
rant after enjoying his ruenl, and was
seized, ns Claude handed htm his hat,
with tho lmpulso to quiz tho lad.
"Is this my hntl" ho asked.
"1 dou't know, sir," was the an
swer. "Well, then, why do you hand It t.
mo If you don't know whether It la
my hat or not?" asked Mr. Smith,
"Because It's tho one you bnnded to
mo when you camo In," answered
lllg Responsibility.
"Thero!" oxclaliuod tho absent mind
ed man, as tho train pulled out for Bos
ton, "I know I ehould forgot eoino
thliig." What la it?" asked his wifo.
'My pronouncing dictionary and
book of quotations and synonyms," re
plied tho absent minded man, petu
lantly. Philadelphia Rocoid,
A Sight.
"I ran't umiAr-rtand wliv thai Maudn
do Kaggly puts so much paint and pow
dor on her face."
No? Portias you have never
her face,' Baltimore Nowa.
Golden Rule
W. E. KELLEY, Proprietor.
Headquarters for
Traveling Men.
Frco Bus to nnd from depot. Ono of
tho leading hotels of tho city.
Successors to
394 Washington St., cor. Tenth,
President. Secretary.
J. 11. UARR, Manager.
Frank Schmitt & Co.
Manufacturers of
Fir, Silver Pine and Cedar Doors
and Finishing Material.
Phono Kast 44.
r.Mt Taylor nnd .. .
i:nt Eighth Hircots. Portland, Oregon
Saw Ulill Machinery
Flouring Mill Machinery
Marine Engines and Boilers
Fourteenth and Northrop Streets
Edison Electric Lamps reduced to 15
centH each, or f 1.76 per dozen.
Uso theso Lamps with proper voltago
and mako your light tho cheapest unci
Portland General
Electric Co.
Seventh and
Ador Sts.
European and American Plan.
Furnished in First-Class Style.
New house, newly famished, two blocks from
Union depot .All lbs modern ImproYements,
tire-proof, hot and cold waUr, cautraUy t
Bates, 91 and $1.25 a Day.
MmU Me, Bath a.
Cor. Slit ail QllMa, PortUaC
1 ,
w cm .,.,., strT-n nin 11
Furniture, Carpets and Stoves
Cut Thli Out and Get a Redaction at
Henry Jennings.
173-174 First Street.
Established Ian. I, IBM.
Incorpofsttd July 8, 1891.
Portland Coffee and Spice Go.
For tho Trade Only.
Tea, Codec, Spices, Raking Powder,
Extracts, Etc.
OUU BPF.CIAI, BnANIW: 8plces, Acme. Mult
nomah; linking Powders, Defiance, Double
Quick; Coffee, Royal Ulend; Sugar, zxzx liar.
S4.SB Front Strmmt,
Bat, Amh mnd Ankeny.
Fourth and Yamhill Sts.
REN 8TINS0N, L.df Assistant.
Gcorgo Miller.
Hiram Fugltt.
Wagner Cafe
l'houo Main 870.
1-18 Sixth St., Portland.
Com&ortablo Quarters for Commercial
and Btininefs Men.
Star Brewery
Urswors snd Uottlcrs o(
Hop Gold Beer
Vancouver, Wash,
East Third and Burnslde Sts., Port
land, Oregon.
Do You
Know the News ?
You can havo It all (or
t Per Cnr Per t
X Month OUt" Month I
In Tho Kvnnln Telegram, ot Portland,
Oregon. It Is tho largest evening news- T
pnpur piiblUhvd in Oregon: It rontalns X
all the nows ol tho state and of tho na. Z
tlon. Try It for a month. A samplo X
ropy wlllbo mailed to vou free. Ad. X
i arets
1 Portland, Oregon. 1
Any fill. Any Quantity Any Styl.
llubher noots nnd Shoes, Helling;, racking nnd llosn.
Largest and Most Complete Assortment of all Kinds of Rubber Goods.
B. B. PXABX, Preildent. K. it. BHKl-AKU. JR., Treaturvr J. A. 8UKPARD, Secretary
The Em Cm Atkins & co.
Atkins Saws are
Loewenberg &
SS9 to 233 Taylor Street
199 to 104 Seommil Street
I Sr 7 ' rjnt3 '5(f)
Phones: Oregon Main 77a, Columbia ,
All goods wbolciale and retail.
204 Yamhill St., nr. Third, Portland, Or
Dealer in all kinds of
Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Etc.
Ham and Bacon a Specialty.
Phone, Clay 584. 95 N. Seventh St
Telephone Red 931. Private rooms.
Gambrinus Garden Saloon.
Andrew Swamon, Prop.
Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Cor 23d and Washington Sts. -Portland Obi
No, 248 Burnslde Street, v
Bet. Second and Third, '
Tho Best of Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars
Coal - Coal - Coal
Western Feed & Fuel Co.
Dealers In all kinds of
Try the famous
Doth Phones.
Ofllco; 151 North Fifth St.
Dunning & Campion.
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
SCO Uurnsldo St., bot. Third and Fourth,
Oregon Phono Main 430. Columbia Phono 430
Night calls ring night bell.
W. I.. McCabi,
E. B. Hamiltox,
Also Honolulu, H. I.
Homd Ofttoea Taooma, Wamhm
Cable Addrons: McCAllE
14 Water Street, Liverpool.
Portland Club
and Cafe
130 Filth Street
II Monogram and III Cyrus Noble
A Romort for Gentleman.
'Phono OreeonMain 008; Columbia 407
Paolfio Qoaat Branch,
Mo. 60 First St root,
Portland, Orm.
Going Company
Stove Ranges,
Hollowware nd
Handled by All First
Class Dealers...
Royal Steel Ranges Are
the Best and Cheapest
in the Market.
nnnrf flairs nrv
s r
liik.f j- "-&& jiWttAi " Jti. y'
A. .aaywsssdiaia ii llMllsWiftsitf I '