i&jmvsmar mflunvwra THE NEW AGE, POUTJjAND, OEEGON. w w 7TI f TACOMA ADVERTISING J.F.DAVIES Fancy and Staple Groceries Telephone, Mtitn 472. 1020 Tncoma Ave. TACOMA, WACH. A. A. ALLEN, Manager The Singer Manufacturing Co. Telephone, Itccl 2373. TACOMA, WASH. 118 12th St. Tacoma Shoe Co. F. O. FISHGR, Prcs&Trcas. Tliono, Oak 241. 0C0 fnclflc Ave. TACOMA, WASH. H. W. MEYERS & CO. Dealers In STOVES, RANGES, Hardware, Glassware, Mixed Paints Telephone, Jnmci 2370. 1021 So. Eleventh St., Cor. K. TACOMA, VN. Thomas Bennett Dealer in New snn Second-Hand Furniture Stoves, Carpets, Tin ware and Crockery. 901 Tncoma Ave, Tacoma Wash. IUA Va unit ax, Pros. K. P. Vawiii in, Trcaa. U. 0. Wynkooi, Vlco PrcS' mid bocy. Wyntoop-Vauglian Company DRUGGISTS Jli CHEMISTS Ninth and Pacific Ave. TACOMA ' WASH. THE BOHEMIAN JOHN J MCMILLAN, Prop, FURNISHED' ROOMS Tclcphono, Main 240. 100 Tenth St. TACOMA, WASH. Kelly's Transfer J. H. KELLY. Prop. .Wood and Coal for Sale MOVING A SPECIALTY Steam Heated Rooms (or Storing furniture. Telophono, Main 401, Offico and Residence 931 Tacoma Ave. TACOMA, WASH. THE ARCADE J. F. MURPHY, Prop. Dry Goods S Ken's Furnishings Cor. 1 3 and Pacific Ave. TACOMA WASH. TEA AND COFFEE Are th reat popular drinks of the .country. How important to have it nice and fresh roast ed of Dickson, die Coffee Roaster 1538 Pacific Avenue, TACOMA, WASHINQTON. ewrsifisl, It Makes Your Mouth Water As you slice off a succulent piece of the under roast leef procurable at our es tablishment. Of course much depends on the cook don't blame It all on tha butcher but we'll take chances on that lor we know our meats are AI cuts. JBay City Market, Tmt. Mala 8. 1118 Pmelfle Ave. JSS . " f-CB f " IDAHO ADVERTISING. DOM' It SCHREI11EK. Funeral Director. 918-920 Front Street, Opposite R. n. Depot Part. Doll pLono 212K. liul. phone 4S9. 11018E, IDAHO. OTATE DANK OF IDAHO. Welter, Idaho. CAPITAL, $50,000. fdtvnrd Shalnwnld, Chas. J. Sclwyn, President. Cashier. Also hn r branch at Cambrldgo, Idaho. Tho rcnple's llnnlt, Solicits your business. mllE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. A. lllnloy, Proprietor. First cIrss In nil respects. Hpcclnl attention given to commercial men. Long distance telo phono In connection. NAMPA, IDAHO. The Bank of Nampa. FHKD 0. MOCK, Cashier. WE EOLICIT YOUIl UUSINES3. NAMPA, IDAHO STAK LIVEIIY, FEED AND HOAUDINO BTAI1LK First clasi rigs Inmlshcd to U points. Spe clnl rntis to Kmmctt, Star, I'enrl and Snake Hlver. spcolal attention given to couimorclul men. W. J. DUVALL, Proprietor. Nnmpn, Idaho. Motel Weiser, Wclscr, Idaho. BARTOH a BMZEIIDIHE, Proprietors. Freo Fnmplo Rnotni. Rates reason ahle. Minent', Stockmen's and Com niereial Men's Hendipinrtors. Largest and host appointed hotel in Western Idaho. Rooms with bath, steam heat and electric call holla. liar bur shop in connection. The Idan-ha IDANHA HOTEL CO., Ltd., Proprietors 12. W. SCHUUFRT, Manager. LOISE, IDAHO. OPENED JANUARY, 1901 AMERICAN TLAN. RATES 2.G0 AND UPWARDS. Headquarters for Tourists, Mining Men and Commercial Travelers. Prescott, Brandt & Co., Oillco with J. II. OltAYIIILL, Immigration Act. 0. 8. L. It. R. REAL ESTATE AGENTS The. great home land mild climate, pure mountain air, line water. Tho dentil rate Is lower In Idaho than In any other alato In the Union. No cyclones, storms or billiards. First premium on fruit at the World s Fair, Chlviigo, 1893; Paris Exposition, 1900. First premium on Lambs at Chlcngo Block Show, 1900. Gold, silver, copper, cohI, flno timber, lirow wheat, oats, barley, com, all kinds of cultivated grasses, and vegetables to perfec tion, We will bo pleased to show )ou flue Irri gated lands at Nampa, IlolsiJ, Caldwell, Payetto and other points. We have bargains In lands from 110.00 per acre up. Correspondent,) so licited. Address PRESCOTr, BRANDT & CO. Room 8, Hlclcey Iiulldlng, NAMPA, IDAHO FOR CHEAP HOMES And How to Reaoh Thorn, Call On or Address J. H. GRAYBILL, Traveling Immigration Agent Oregon Short Una Ry. NAMPA, IDAHO. G9TY LAUNDRY GO. Gents' Work a Specialty. Phones: Oregon 429, Columbia 4(0. FOURTH AND COUCH STS., PORTLAND, OREGON LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best In Current Literature 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 per year ; 25 cts. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF CO-OPERATIVE PIANO CLUBS. A New and Popular Move by the Famous filler Piano House. Thla house, whoso progrosshe meth ods aro coming to bo known and recog nized throughout tho Northwoit, has lecontly inaugurated a system ol piano club foiling which exceeds anything over attempted in this country in tho way of providing tho peoplo with standard pianos at low prices. By this method members joining tho clubs sreuro their pianos at strictly wholesale prices by paying down an exceedingly small sum. Tho piano is immediately delivered and they aro given a wido limit of time in which to finish tliolr purchnso. Tho principle is merely that applied to wholesale purchasers, tho club Blanding in tho light of tho wholcsalo buver. High grade as well as medium grndo pianos aro Included in these clubs. Iho world famed Klmballs, Chlckorings and Wubers can bo secured by this method at a saving of from onu hundred to ono hundred and fifty dol lars. All tho pianos included in tho club aro on tho floors of tho salos rooms at Ellcrs Piano House in Portland, and prospective c'ub Joiners, may thorough-1 ly inrpect their instruments boforo . making their soloction. All tho in-1 struments in tho clubs aro standard makes and aro brand now. In addition to thofo nbovo mentioned, there aro the famous Do kcr, Dnl, llobart M. Cable, Wcsor, Lester and manj others. Pinnos aro delivered to club members upon their making their first payment, and n written guarantco for 11 vo years coinos with each piano, signed by its manufacturer and nleo by Ellers Piano House. Tho clubs aro four and each numbers 100. Members of Club A pay but (5. CO and finish thoir purchaso with weekly installments of $1 25. Club 11 mumburs pav but $7. CO upon dolivery of tho piano and finish paying at tho rate of $1.00 weekly. Club C miiko an Initial payment of 12.00, and balance In $2.00 weekly. Club D members pay $20 down and tho ro mainder of tho purchaso price in $2.00 weekly payments. Those desiring to pay all cash will save tho additional Interest. Pianos that soil regularly for $225 00 go to club munition) for $137.00; $275.00 instruments for $108.00; $100.00 ones for $187.00; and tho very best medium grade pianos that cannot be sold under the regular retail condi tions for loss than $350.00 will go to club members for $218.00. Tho saving throughout is equally groat and these contemplating tho purchnso of an In strumnut will do well to investigate this proposition. (letting the Drop on Hint. Ppcnsor Spasor (presenting n sonnet) You boo, I drop into poetry occasion ally. Editor Gadgrind (grimly) You bsoiii to have dropped clear through. PIT rriDsntnnr Cursu 5o tits or iiervou.aeal rl lit nerllr.t.lT'.iiinnir.KllD'inrftNem Bottom. Send for VUBK84.00 trial bnltUand treat. Lo. Da.ll.ll.KuNs.LM..V3IArcbSt..PlilttllrhU,l,Sk Ills Florida Trip. Doggs Jones is going to Florida for the winter. Noggs What for? Hoggs Because ho laid in oighty tons of coal last May Noggs i'hon why doesn't ho stay home? Hoggs Bwauio ho has just mado tho price of his southern trip out of the diamond dealer across tho way by Eolling him coal. fJood Cakes and Biscuits, Tho finishing touches which tho good housowifo gives to n cako or plo or pan of biscuits or other dish is what makes it either delicious and healthy or in sipid and unhealthy. If Monopole Spico? and Baking Powder aro used no fear not-d ho had about tho result. Monopolo Spices are stronger and moro fragrant und Monopolo Raking Powder bettor in overy way than any other brand. You'll thank us for calling your attention to it aftor you try thorn. Got them from your grocer. Wadhams Jc Kerr Bros., Mfgrs., Portland, Oro. Doth Smoked Dad Ones. Howitt How do you liko tho cigar I pavo yon? Jowott Oh, I havo smoked worse cigars. Hewitt You havo if you over smoked any of tho kind you gave mo. Judgo. The Bright Little Doy. "What do you expect to he when you bocomo of ago, my littlo man?" asked the visitor. "Twenty-ono, sir," was tho bright ono's reply. Yonkers Statesman. Cough " My wife had a deep-seated cough for three years. I purchased two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, large size, and it cured ber com pletely." J. H. Burge, Macon, Col. Probably you know of cough medicines that re lieve little' coughs, all coughs, except deep ones I The medicine that has been curing the worst of deep coughs for sixty years is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Three, sliesi J4e., anonch for an ordinary eoldi Mc.. Jut right lor IrouchltU, boars. ness, bard colds, U.i fl. most economical fox ehroulo cases and to keep on band. J. 0. AYKH CO.. Lowell, ; -. ap-. x, irs TRwfe A dollar loaned for a hundred years and compounded at 24 nor cent, will 'amount In that time to 92,051,709,101. I Germnn farms occupy nearly 1,000,- J 000 acres In Ceutrnl America, on which over 20,000,000 coffee trees are planted. Tliek scent of an otter Is conveyed to tho pursuing hound whllo under water by the "chain" of bubbles which marks its devious course. At Pllnltz, near Dresden, Is the larg est cnmellla In Europe. It Is 100 years old, about lirty feet high and has forty thousand blossoms each season. The agricultural returns of Ureat Britain for 1002 show that tho total ; under crops anil grass was 32,337,70T ncres n decrease of 20,480 compared with 1001. The new coinmnnder-ln-chlcf of tho Grand Army of the Republic, Gen. Stewart, Is but 51 years old. He enlist ed while n boy and served over four years during the war of tho rebellion. Among tho Hotsam and Jot sum thrown up on the beach at Rhossllll, Glamorgan, recently, was the body of a full-grown lion, which has since been burled by the coast guard in what Is known ns Fox's cave. Dr. Simon Newcomb, professor emer itus it mathematics and astronomy In Johns Hopkins University, has just had the honorary degree of doctor of philosophy conferred upon him by tho Chrlstlaula University. At tho present day, oil tho best au thorities, there are 2."0,000,OJiO Mussul mans In the world. Tho Christian pop ulation Is put at 417,000,000, but tho lucreaso of Islam Is more rapid than that of Its sister religion. The National Museum at Uolgrado has come Into possession of u collection of sixty-eight thousand Human copper coins recently unearthed nenr n Ser vian village. Tho oldest of them be long In the time of Caracalla. "You don't havo much to say on public questions?" "No," answered Senator Sorghum. "I nm very much Inclined to think that In modern affairs public questions nre of less con sequence than privato understand ings." American pottery manufacturers nre discussing a plan for tho construction of n special building at tho World's Pair appropriate In design anil of ceramic materials, so far as possible, In which to install everything In tho lino of clay manufactures. Upton Miller, a retired fnnner, 70 years old, living nt Mt. Morris, 111., has mado two articles of Inlaid furni ture, a bureau and a wnshstaud, tho llrst containing over 8,000 pieces of wood, tho other over 5,000 pieces, which he Intends to exhibit at tho World's Fair. , The per capita debt of Boston Is 30 more than that 'of New York City. Af ter Now York, with a per capita debt of $115, conio Cincinnati with 582, Hal tlmoro with $78, Pittsburg with ?08, Buffalo with $15, Philadelphia with $48, Cleveland with $31, St. Louis with $33 and Chicago with $10. The Duko of Dcvonshlro possosses ns an heirloom CJitmio Immune "Book of Truth." which Is said to bo" ono of tho rarest and most valuable books In Kuropc. It Is, nt any rate, worth six times us much ns the famous "Mnzarln" Illblo, tho most costly book In tho British Museum. Tho Into duko refused $100,000 for it. A Paris searcher after facts has mado the discovery that to Balzac belongs the honor of having Invented tho wood block pavement for streets. Tho first reference to It Is found In that author's comedy. "Mercndet," which was play ed at tho Fraucnlsc, In which Mercn det dilates on tho advantages of such pavement, since with wooden blocks In tho streets barricades aro Impossible. A Loudon Justice has Just mado an Important decision regarding dress makers' disputes. Ho will not havo dresses tried on In court, because "ho had long since coino to tho conclusion that with ordinary dresses any ludy could wenr a dress to mako It look ns if it did not lit," and ho wns also perfect ly satisfied that "any milliner or dress maker could pull it alKJUt and make it fit when It did not do so." Queen Wllhelmlnn's crown is very gorgeous. It Is of dull gold, only tho odges being polished. It consists of a crimson velvet cap inclosed In a cltclo set with sapphires und emeralds. The Imperial arches tormina to In sixteen points, eight of which aro surmounted by largo slnglo pearls, and tho other eight, bent toward tho center and thero crowned with tho globe and cros. nro set with nlno pearls each, which are graduated in size, tho smallest being placed at tho top. Vancouver uses tho septic tank sys tem for tho disposal or Its sewage. Thero nro three tanks, located nt differ ent imlnts In the city. Ono of these disposes of the sewage of 'n district Jhnvlng a population of 5,000 peoplo. I Tho American consul says: "Tho tanks nro covered, as tho bacteria work In the dark. On a recent visit, I found a scum between two and three Inches thick over the surface of tho tank; this scum. I was Informed, is composed of tho little microscopic Insects which consume nil the solid matter. Tho tanks had been In full operation for nbout eighteen months, only clear water had been discharged, and yet there was but a small layer, less than one-half of nu Inch thick, of ash, re maining at tho bottom of tho tanks." I With many a man tho loss of his reputation would be synonymous with good luck. A PASTOR WHO WAS BEFRIENDED BY AN tMPtROh1 Row II. Stubonvoll, of Elkhcrn, Wis., is pastor of tho Kvangolicnl Lu theran St. John's Church of that place. Itov Stutonvoll is tho pnasosor of two biblos presonted to him by Emperor William nf Germany. Upon tho fly loaf of one of tho bibles tho Kmporor Ima written in his own handwriting n text. This honored pastor, in n rocont letter to tho 1'otuna Mcdlclno Co., of Columbus, Ohio, says concerning their famous catarrli remedy, Potunn: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen: ' had hcmorrhtiges of the lungs (or a long time, and all despaired of mc. 1 took Peruna and was cured. It gave me strength and courage, and made healthy, pure blood. It Increased my weight, gave me a healthy color, and I feci well. It Is the best medicine In the world. If everyone kept Peruna In the house It would save many from death every year." . STUBENVOLL. Thousands of peoplo havo catarrh who would bo surprised to know it, be cause it has boon celled porno other nnmo than catarrh. Tho fact is ca tarrh is catarrh whorovor locntod; and another fact which is of equally groat luiportanco, is that Peruna cures ca tarrh whorovor located. Quite Intelligent. Watts I toll you, old man, I saw tho most romarkablo exhibition of an imal Intelligence today that could bo imagined, Potts What was It? Watts A brido and bridegroom ntnrtod from the Iioueo across tho stroct in which I live, and ono cf tho horses nttnehod to tho carriago throw a shoo. Now what do you think of that? ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills, Must Bear Signature of tf Fac-Slmlla Wrapper Below. Tsjtt assdl and cay t Wu aa avow. rOR HEADACHE. FOR 0I7ZINE1S. FOR RILIOUSKESt. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION ,,. tatrsuim nxstiuiLOTut. s .-MfeSci I rarely YtfU&le.sVWssi6 Hwwsnmnii CURE SICK HEADACHE. BESTFORTHE BOWELS If yo haven't a rejrular, bealtbf movement of Mm) bowels every daj, you're tick, or wll be. Keep rout bowels open, and be well, korce, In tboihapnor violent tiiij.lo or pill polsou. Is dangerous.. Tha if. rurco, in .i ilanu. Is dmiiire nmootuetl. eatleit. most perfect way o keeiilog the nmootuetl. eatleit. most perfect w. tnwsls clear and clean U to taaw CANDY w m. jw CATrtAHTia CATHARTIC maoiUMM MMTsiiiD ptMsant, Palatable, I'otent. Taste Qood, Do Hood, Merer Sicken. Weaken, or U ripe, 10c. Coo Wrfii for freo samp.e. and booklet ou healtu. Address K.r ll.f Baaws; t uy, CU ., Uul, .w Y,k, 31a KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN sTCMlIIrraisV.'ail;l:ssW;rs);tMTj CCntS WHtHt All Hit lAllb. Bent Uouib Sirup. Tastes Uood. CARTERS PlTTlE us Lima nntnt Ml tut ran?. vim i -WA Bent Uouin tlynjp. Tastes Uood. DM R9 I I" B In time. Bold by druitlna, HI ' XJQ viriTiTirii-iimrfp SAVED OY PE-RU-NA If you do not derivo prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Porn nn, writo nt once to Dr. Hartman, glv in a full Btatoment of your cato, and ho will bo pleased to glvo you his valuablo advico gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Dangers of Modern Education. Fond Mother Oh, I am so glad yon camo in I I don't know what on earth alls tho baby. Caller Shall I run for tho doctor? Fond Mother No, foran intorprotor. His French nurso left suddenly today, and nobody can understand a word lie says, Wave. III Ills ' IIS in The Solnno. Tho solnno Is n hot southeast wind, loaded with flno dust, which blows across Spain. It produces groat tin easiness throughout tho country. Tho Spanish hnvo a provorh which says: "Ask no favors during solnno." JOHN POOLO, PORTLAND, ORE. Foot ol Morrison Street. Can filvo you tho bost bark-alna In Hollers and I.iivlues, Windmills, I'll in p mid (lone ral .Machinery. Wood HawliiR .Machines a apoclalty. Mo us Ixiforo buyliitr. Preparing: for f Holiday Trade. MR. STORCKCHPilKt - We sell ou Nuts, Raisins, Dried I'rults, Vermont Maple Sugar, Dates, FIjts, Honey, ovorylhliiK you need for tho holidays; bdttor iiinllly nml lmtor prices than you can llud elsewhere. Head (or our Special Holiday Price Ust, or write us and wo will call on you. TO (lKOVI!RSi-Wo always buy CffKi.butior, cheese, apples, pears, unions and spuds. Havo you any losvllT lsl us know, II you wuut food price. WOLF & SONS. Wholesale Fruits and Produce. I0S FRONT ST., PORTLAND, OR. fS lQEBtS-H23& B3333aseS&i rTQSSJSQSHSQSK ft SAVE HOriFY nri YflllR FYFSIQUT lly Using the Perfected Match Lighter Gasoline Gas Lamp. The I'PJtPKfTKn pan r .,!. lly lx; lighted with a parlor match, II Kins 10 times tho light ofacnmiiHiiikeroslnulauipat hall tho uxmjiiiio and care. It has a Nlckel-hllver gen erator which does not scalo from tho action ol heat, and Clog thu tip, as brass does. Wo havo .Match Lighting Lamps (rum (J.76 up. Write (or claulara and prices, STEWART a GRANT LIGHTING CO. Inventors & MT 43 Third St., PORTLAND, OKI). Long Dlstanco l'houes Oregon, North 281 uoiumuia, wj, Agents wanted In every town lull, a UX2SS3'G2S'33a33 BSSSESiSi ' P. N. U. No. 4H-10O. 11 KN wrltlosjr todertiMn ! sjssif taw s7H if m II , ILjl