THE NEW AttE, PORTLAND, OREGON. TACOMA ADVERTISING Hopkins Bros. DuuaaisTs. Prescriptions nro our speclnlty. Orders by tclchmu liromptly delivered. Cum to nil 1'nrtHof the city pain our iloors. 8. W, cor. K find El ,11th tils. Telephouo Main Oil. THE LOUVRE. WILLIAM MllUltO, l'rop. Hest brnmls of Itnportrd and domestic Wines, Honors mid t'lrnin. Bolii nevlitn for 1'nrttrr Kyo. 1'lno l'rcu I.imcli. Telephone Jnmcn 3131. law l'nclllo Avenue. 1303 Commerce Htrect. Tncoma, Washington. THE NORTH POLE. 1IJ: NYMAN, Proprietor. Flno Wines, Liquor nnd Clpnr. Fresh Lager Ilccr nltrn)Rou draught. Telephone Jllnck ir.72. First Pnloon from N. I. depot. ISM l'aclllc Avenue, cor. 17th Htrect. Tacoma, Wmililjigtoit. A. S. JOHNSON & CO. Whnlcsnto nud retail dealers In Paints, Oils, Brushes, Glass, Wall Paper1 Wo enrry a full lino of Itoom Moulding, fxiom, Windows, Kto. Kitlinntcs k'viii on l'np;rlliK nlid (llazliitf. Tel. John V0I1. 3U l'aclllc Avenuo. TACOMA, WASH. People's Cash Grocery H. A. Hi:.Mt8, Proprietor. Whiilcsnlu and retntl denlor In Staple and Fancy Oratories, Teas, Cof fees, Spices, Etc. Telephouo Main I'll. Vol J. Htreut, cor. Ninth. Tacoma, Wash, When Von Want Anything Good ...TO HAT... Try the grocer at corner Eleventh and O Wo I'atroulteThone that 1'atroiiUu Us. J. LINDBIiRd. T.'l. Mnln Ml. 1101 0 Rtroot. Ojip. Court House. Tacoma, Wash. J. KAUFMAN. Dealer In FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES, CROCKERY, ETC. Terms Itiiuunnblo. 633 (' Htrcet, Tacoma, Wash. SUNRISE BAKERY. D. McI'II EI180N, Proprietor. All kinds of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc. Wedding and Birthday Cakes A Specialty. TELEPHONE ItEI) 1500. f J07 South K St. TACOMA, WASH. G. C. MELLIKGER. Funanal Dtrootor. Embalming a Specialty by Mel 1 Injt-r I Iron. onieo Phono Main 331. Itcsldoiico Phono John 2511. 910 Tacoma Ave. Tacoma, Wash, inaaonnani Olo II, Lieu. Harry II.Bclvlg. LIEN'S PHARMACY. Formerly Central DruKbloro. Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles Prescriptions a Specialty, 1103 Tacoma Avenue. Telephone James 111, Tacoma, Wash. Tacoma Baking Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of BREAD, CAKES, ETO. 013 Tacoma Avenue, Tacoma - - Washington TKI.KI'IIONK 43. TACOMA CARRIAGE and BAGGAGE TRANSFER COMPANY. onliti 1M Tenth Hi., Houtlii'int comer ot A. TACOMA, WASH. Hacks, Coupes, Carriages, Baggage Wagons At All Hours. rimenirora and ItavptKo transferred from rt'.ldt nee and hotels to aud from all boats and trains. Ilumt our cheeks for buxKUKi) to our iiieieiiKer, mihi will meet you on all luoom- Ini; trulusaud toats, Hrt vlu.s I.hery. Open Ini; truln ullliliiht All riH marked "T. O . v n, T. Cl Co.' Do You Wear Shoes? If so KUher, The Shoe Man would Ilka to sea you. A thoroughly up-to-dato store carrying 11 tho ItKI.IAlil.K tuakia of shoe (or tueu, women aud children. fUlt MKK-rMwlnClappsho; Tho Packard hoe; The i, B, Turner shoe. FOK UD1KH-The queen Quality ho TU4 Kullur shoe. Fisher, The Shoo Alan. Wt Paclflo Aveuae, fsauca itort at Kventtt, Ttcooi, Wult. TACOMA ADVERTISING J LSI' RECEIVED A flno lino of novelties in fall Huttitipp. C. C. T. CLAU8. UNION GROCERY CO. Dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries, Etc. Phone, Main Sfl7 Cor. 13 and Tacoma Ave. TACOMA, WABil. s AYItK IHIUO CO. The moit reliable place to buy drURS and patent mdlclnrn, etc. This store Is noted tor Its carefulness in filling prcscrlptlolii aud for fair rices. 1100 1'aclftc Avenuo Tacoma, Waah. A hekii:i:n steam laundry J. M. I. Upton, Mgr. Equipped with new up-to-dato machinery. No rougn or saw-cdRoculiK and collati. Hlga plo or domestic finish. Work first-class auh sure to please. Telephouo 381. Corner Humo and 11 Hts., Opp. Firemen's Hall. mllU PACIFIC LIQUOH AND WINE HOUSE. N. ItEUTElt, I'roprlctor. The best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. i-amuy iraua a opecuy. Tel. ltcd 1731. IVfl raclflo Ave. Ifioi Comtiierco St. Tacoma, Washington rpHK JUNCTION. M. CHItlSTIAN, Prop, I'lne Wines, Liquors aud Cigars. Mack 1073. Tclophon. Cor. 1'aclflc Avenue and Jcirerson St., TACOMA, WABHINOTON LOCAL SOUVENIItS AND UNMOUNTED PHOTOS, HOLT'S AUT STOItE. Kraines Mado to Order. Pictures of All Kinds. Ktatlouury and Art (loods. Tel. lllack 3773. No. 7W 0 Street, near Chamber of Commerce, TACOMA, WABHINOTON. MICHAEL BROS. DRUGGISTS. JofTerson and l'aclllc Avenues., TACOMA, WASHINGTON, W.W.Win. (I. II. Wing, Jr. EASTERN LAUNDRY. WING llltO.S., Prop. Wo Launder Anything. 7111'aelfloAvo. Tel. Main 290, Tacoma, Wash. D KNADEL, 1V Proprietor of THU OKItMAN IIAKKHY AND COFFEH PA It 1.0 Urt. Freih llrvad and Cakes ilallr. Ornamental Cakes a rpvnlally. Only the best and purest maturlal iifcd In our llakery. llread delivered freu toanv part of tho cltv. Tulephona Park "VI. 11)7 Paclllo Avenue. Tacoma, WashliiKlon. ROTHSCHILD & CO. Port Towniend, Washlnitton. HIUPPINO AND COMMISSION MF.ItOIIANTS. Custom Hoitso Ilrokur. and Utevudorus. Kstaulbhcd 1U8. Ilranch otllces Tacoma and Houltlo. JKNTUCKY LIQUOR CO. Peter HnmltierK. Proprietor. W1KKH, I.IO.UOHS A.NI) CK1A118. Pole accnt for Ouliieks' Hiimt and Ilitma Ale, (Herd Ilros. lloltlliiK). Kstatillshed IMI. Tele phoiiu Main (.IK). II to Puelllu Avenue; US) L'omiuert'o bt. Tacoiuu, WmlilnRlon. OLLARD IRON WORKS. Foundry, Machine and Forge Shops. Heavy Iron Work. Iron and Brass Castings. Northern Pacific Docks and nt llailoy St. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. We have everything you need in the Drug and Patent Medicine Line. VIRGES & CO., Druggists. 114a Pacific Avo. DAVE GROSS Dave Gross Go. Cloaks at Wholesale 020 Paclflo Avo. TAOOMA and MEW YORH Parsian Dye Works E. J. OLOTHKR, Prop. We Glean, Press, Dye or Repair Clothing Telephone, Red 875, 1109 O 9trU TAOOMA. FROM HUT8 TO PALACE8. Improvement Ilnvo Kntered Into the Lives of Hnvrnllnn.. It Is n fnr cry from n grass-thatched hut to n modern palaeo with plllora and porticoes, stone foundations and marblo floors, but n few short years has wit nessed this change In Hawaii, the beau t If ill summer garden of the Pacific Ocean. It Is less than a decade since the people of that country lived almost exclusively In huts, wlndowless and with but one door for Ingress and JIODKIIH HONOLULU HOME. egress. From a distance theso 'nablta- tlons looked not unlike haystacks that dot tho prairies of the West. Hut civili zation took root easily In tho tropical country. Tho brown-skinned, sunny lllsposltlonod people were apt at Imita tion, and tho manners nnd customs of America soon became tho manners and customs of Hawaii. Now tho Isl ands tire modernized nnd Americanized. Tho huts have given way to hnndsomo palaces aud well-built domiciles. Tho dirt lloors havo been replnccd with pol ished woods nnd glancing marble. Tho OLD NATIVU inVKLLI.NQ HOUUK. thatched roofs are supplanted by thoso of tile, Blnto and hIiIdkIch. Tho towtiH havo licen chniiKed iih If by limbic from fdoveuly, trrcKularly maRHcd Iiouhoh to HtrnlKht HtreetH, handsome dwellings, and Hawaii In uow abreast ot tho world. WHY PYRAMIDS WERE BUILT. Orcat l'llou liroctccl for Advertise moiit of tho IMinruoha. The of the Delhi aud Ilennrcs olmervatorlea lies for ua In tho fact that they recall a tltno In tho past when ntitrouuiucrH koukIU for cxnctncsH by tho erection of Iiuku structures of Htone. Of thetie the (,rront pyramid Is by fnr tho Kveatcst and moHt perfect example. Hrltnln has Its own monument Stone hoiiKe which has been claimed as, If not Indeed an iiHtronomlcal oliKervatory, nt least an astronomical temple, and many attempts have been mado to de termine the date at which It was erect ed. Tho dllllculty, not to say Impossi bility, of solvit))- this problem In tho present state of tho monument may bo Inferred from the fact that tho dates which different careful observers havo deduced for Its erection extend over a period of more than 'J.OOO years. Tho real work of astronomy was never done In edifices like these, says n writer In Knowledge. Nor, Indeed, does It require much knowledge of hu man nature, essentially tho samo S,000 years ai.'o as to-day, to seo that tho truo secret of tho pyramid, the amply sutll clout cause for Its building, was the vanity of the ruling Pharaoh. Allko at Delhi, at Ghlzch and on Salisbury plain, as by tho Kuphrates, to "inako a name" was the exciting motive. Astronomers may have been employed to superin tend the work, astronomy, or tho cult of the celestial bodies, may hove been the excuse, but tho rcnl object was ad vertlscment. Tlio ruiplno Hand. It will be noted that several Filipino bauds turned out to help welcome Gov ernor Tnft upon his return to Manila. Those who are In a position to know arc of tho opinion that n welcome that could bo planned without tho assist ance of a Filipino band would be much more nccepiatuc to me ouo who re ceived the welcome. A Filipino bnnd Is said to bo a cross between n hurdy gurdy aud n creaking farm wngon. It Is ti mingling of tho tender notes of the fussy-gujusy with tho more strident tones of tho tree toad. A Filipino band when playing en masso can bo heard clear across a narrow street, but whllo It may not bo ear-splitting It Is peculiar ly irritating to hearing appliances that aro not accustomed to Its liner atroci ties. Tho natives claim that one can bo acclimated In n comparatively brief time, more or less. And yet persona who have lived thero several years still Insist that when they hear u Filipino band they want to go right away and hldo In tho refrigerator. Cleveland Plain Denier. The number of consumptives In Ger many is estimated nt over 2U5.000. If a man ia Inclined to bo foolish a silk liatwoa't savu hlta. TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. HENRY LONGSTEETH, Trcs. JOHN R. ARKLEY, Sec. and Trcas. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. . TACOriA, WASHINGTON. Write for copy of handaomo illtntratcd booklot on Tacoma, just issued. WILLIAM V. MILNEK. DEQE .ffc MIUINER. Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatterc Solo Agents for Hart, Schaflncr & Marx and Alfred Benjamin & Co.'a Tnilor-Mado Suits, Raincoats and Overcoats. Finest Line of Haber drsl orv and Hats in Tacoma. Up-to-Dnto Merchandise at Popular Prices. : : : : : : : : : : : : 1108 Pacific Avenue. G. L. HOLMES FMITUBE COMPANY Patronize the House that has but One Price, and that the Right Price. "Live and Let Live" is our motto Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Crockery and Glassware, in fact, everything to furnish a simple cottage or a palace, either for cash or on installments. ....... Nos. IIOI to 1105 Second Ave., Nos. 923 and 925 C Street, Tacoma Brass and Machine Works J. BAMFOItD, Proprietor. ...MACHINISTS... AccnU and Dulldtn of the Flynn SWncle Machines and Meteor Gasoline Engines. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Telephone Main 477. Fifteenth and A Sts., Tacoma, "Wash Frye Bruhn & Co. .1816 Pacific. Avenuo, Tacoma, Wash. Wholesale and Retail Butchers Meats furnl'hod for Railroads mid 8 team boat Lines. John Klobcnlaum. M. (. linker. Grand Central Hotel. bikiii:niiaum a iiakku, Proprietors. J2I1-J2I3 Pacific Avenue. Frco 'Bus To and From All Trains nnd Boats. Rooms 50c. 75c, $1.00. Rates $1.00 a Day Up. American and European Plan. TACOMA WASH. Merchants Delivery Co. Font ardlng Agents for Northern Pacific, Great Mcrthern, Welb- Pargo and American Express Compan ies! Swift & Co.t Omaha Packing Co.) American Paper Co. Etc Dagag8 to and from Trains, Hotels, Etc. Telephone Main J 68. 936 Commerce St. Tacoma, Wash. Photo Supply Co. Kodaks and Supplies. TACOMA. Pacific 903 Ave, McLean, IMillan & Co. Wholesale and Retail GROCERS. Proprietors of tho high grade groceries. Laurel brand of Telephones, Main 517 and Main 500. nil-13 O Street 012 Commerce Street TACOMA WASH. MaaawMMMMMaw&QBas JAMES II. DEGE TACOMA, WASHINGTON Seattle, Wash. Tacoma, Wash. BLAKE'S DAVE BLAKE, Prop. Finest Resort for Gentlemen on the Pacific Coast. 1C1 Washington St., SlUni.E. 110 Fourth Bt, OI.YMPIA. 101B Paolfo Ave. TAOOMA. Tim Puget Sound Iron S Steel Works Machinists, Engineers and Iron Founders Mnrlno, Saw Mill & Mining Machin ery. Lodging Engines. Works, corner Twenty-ilrbt und A Sts. Phono Main 267. Tacoma, Wasnington. HUNT S N10TTET CO. Dealers. In General Hardware MILL AND LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. 1601-1503-1505 Pacific Avenue TACOMA, WASH. l Hohenschild Go. FOREIGN and DOMESTIC Dry Goods dents' Goods, Notions, Etc. 932 Pacific Ave. Tacoma. CHI id mwi Telephono, Black 1713. AH work guaranteed. Gentlemen's clothing kept in thorough ropair. Any losses mado good immediately, 1152 Commerce Street TACOMA WASH. John Donahue Manufacturer ot and Dealer In ...LUMBER Fiwrolll and Office Twenty-first end Dock Sta, Tdejiuocc Mah 229, Tacoma, Wash. TACOMA ADVERTISING GAWLEY FOUNDRY &MACHINE WORKS Makers of High Grade Saw Mill Machin ery and Mill Specialties. Cor. 2ist and A St. TACOMA, WASH. Phono, Red 1041. Consumers Co-operative Bakery JOHN PLUHAtt, Manngor. Calces, Pies and Confectionery Ornamented Cakes a Specialty BREAD AT COST Two Loaves of Bread for 5 Cents Telephone, Black 1815. HOB Tacoma Avo. TAOOMAm THE STAR Livery & Boarding Stable A. EFAW. Boarding Horses a Specialty. Phone, Main 130. 1134.30-38 O St. TACOMA. WASH, CffiE CU COMPANY MAKUrACTUUKtU OF Rolled Oats. Daily Bread Flour. Cereals of All Kinds. Feed. THE BEE mVE Lunch Counter and Restaurant O. W1SSINOUR & M. C. RUSSELL, Props. Tho only first-class nnd up-to-dato Restaurant now opun and doing busi ness at 1544 Pacific Avenue. Our cofieo Is unexcelled. Sido dishes served such is servo 1 in no other Res taurant in tills city. Open AH INight POPULAR PRICES. SEATTLE ADVERTISING TaOUTUWUSTKUN IKON WOltKS. Manufacturers of Steamboat, Mill and Mining Machinery. Water Front, Foot of University 8t. Tclophona P1KK 73. Seattle, Wash. Schwabaoher Bros. 8 Co., Ino. WHOLESALE GROCERS COFFEE ROASTERS Agents for Ilcrnan Cortez, White Knight and Fontella Cigars. Proprietors of Happy Home and Silver Shield Brand Canned Goods. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Ititiicr-Corliin Minery Co. Manufacturers and Dealers In Saw Mill, Shingle Mill and Planing Mill Machinery. Engines, Boilers, Etc., Etc. Complete Mills Our Specialty. Cor. Jack on St. nnd Second Avo. South SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established" their busi ness In PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowling Alleys and Supplies alway on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager.