Triklilllinll"'li''i'Ml'l'''MgWl'W'WrlWTIIWWIIl THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. J.Rocdcr. N. Mnrquart SEVENTH A GLIBAN EXCHANGE. Choice Wine. Manor. and Ulnars. Ke II wood Eeer. 1'bone Clay ten. 115 N. "lit St., Portland E UK OAK CAFE. r. W. PICK, Prop. Choice Line of Wines, Liquor and Cigars. urcgnu innnc iioou Ki i. Cor. Fourth and Oak tit. Portlnnd, Or. For a good social time call and co ' JOHN WOIDA. FIno Wlnc, Liquor and Cigar. Tclcphcno Clay C3. 4C0 Olltnn Bt., I'urtland. Or JOHN KKI.I.Y General hnrance Agent, Fire and Marine. Fcottlsli Union .t National In. Co., Kdlnburg and London; Wevirrn r, and M. Assurance Co., Toronto, Can. fc'JJ Third t., Columbian llldg. P. F. HALL. Cor. Commercial and Btantnn BK, Portland Ore. Wine, Mqtiots and l'luu Cigar. Oregon Phone Pink 413. V. M. PRESTON. GROCKRII& Free delivery to nil part of the City. .'! Uirralce St., corner lUrsalo. Portland, Or. 'Phono Scott 871. NEIL O'HARE. Oceanic Exchange. Cholco Wine, Liquors and Clears. I ire Lunch. Cor Russell and llrendle St'., Portland, Or. T HE WESTEIIN LUM11EII COMPANY Ofllce: Seventeenth and Front Street. Portland, Oregon. T HE EXCHANGE. Gcorgu Scbeckl. FINE V. INKP, MQUOKS AND CIOAU3. WEINHARP'S 11EEU. 101 Third Street North. pAI.L AT S31 FIUST ST, For Fresh Dread, Cnlcs and Pies Dally, A Frcth Lino of Groceries, Tea, Coffee, Etc. MR8. E. N. BUCHANAN, Proprietress. mm: baranac cafe. JL EILI5 & OHLS, Tror. Cyrus NoMo Whlslcy. Loading Brands of Wine and Choice Cigars, bpcclally, Olympla Veer. Oregon 'Phono South 1971. 41 N. Sixth St., Cor. Couch. POItTLANl), OR. A LU1NA FEIlltY EXCHANGE John Everaon, Proprietor, Dealer In Choice Wlnet, Liquor and Cigar. 18 Alblua avenue, corner Illver street. Albtna, Oregon. c ALL AT NINTH AND GL1SAN SI'S. J. M. RYAN, Dealer in Grocerle, Fruit, Confectionery and Haling. Corner of Ninth and GUsan Streets i MEItlCAN 1IAKEIIY. Qui Mankertx, Prop. All Kind of Bread, Cake and Pie. Home made Bread Specialty. SalUtsctlon Uunruuteed. 00 William Ave. Portland, Ore. THE 8AUANAC CAFE KILLS & OHL8, Prop. Oregon Phone, South 1971. CYUUS NOBLE WHISKEY. Leading Brands of Yttnom nd Cholam Olgmrm, 41 N. blxtu Street, Cor. Couch. TORTLAND, OREGON Bavaria Beer Hall. LOUIS KLUG, Proprietor. Cor. Second and Oak fits. PORTLAND, Or. TOE BYNF8 SALOON. Northeast corner of Gllian and Seventh 8ts. A Choice Collection of Wine and Liquor. Imported and Domcitlo Cigar. c. P. JONE8. CIGARS, TOBACCOS, CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, ETC. 183 Sixth Street, Between GlUau and Iloyt. Portland, Oregon JJENRY FLECK ENSTEIN 4 CO. WHOLE8ALE WINES AND LIQUORS. Importers and Jobbers, 206-208 Second St., Both Telephones Main 115. Portland, Or. T HE BAVARIA 8ALOON A. B. BUROER, Prop. Imported and Domestlo Wines, Liquors and Cigar. Welnhard' Beer, Phone Oregon BlasklSU B. X. Corner Second and Oak Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. ADOLF PETTERSON, OLOF 8WENSON. Proprietor. Barkeeper. THE STOCKHOLM. Where can be found finest of Liquors, Wines and Cigars. Oregon Phone Clay 887. Corner Sixth and Flanders. Portland, Or mllE POPULAR. JOHN ECKLUND, Proprietor. Telephones: Oregon Red 9; Columbia M. Jt6 Flirt Street. Portland, OregMU BUSINESS LOCALS. Neatly furnished rooms nt reason' ublo rates apply to Mrs. Annlo Yates, 307 Couch street. Always ask for tho famous General Arthur cigar. Esburg-Gunst Cigar Co., general agents, Portland, Or. For first class dental work and prompt attention, go to tho Now York Dental Parlors, Fourth and Morrison streets. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notes and moragnges bought. S. W. King, room 45 Washington building. Call at Euneon ecWntkins, dealers in cigars, tobacco and confections, soda water, etc. 03 Sixth sttcet, Portland, Oregon. Tho Yakimn, Market, H. A. Drasen, manngor, fresh and cured meat and poultry, 119 First street. Oregon 'phono Main 980. Ford & Laws, successors to J. T. Wllson.nuctlonuors, household furni ture and bankrupt stocks bought and sold. Ofllco and salesrooms 182 First street, Portland, Oregon. Columbia 'phono G05; Oregon 'phono South 261. French Dyeing and Cleaning Works. All work done at very modrcato prices. Dycing'and cleaning of all kinds of ladies' and gent's clothing. Morn ing cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. Do leau, proprietor, 455 Glisan street. Wo want your trado. Music half prico; musical instruments of all kinds, cash or installments. II. II. Wright, wholcsalo and retail dealer in musto and musical merchandise Tho Music building, 319 Wasighnton street, Portland, Oregon. F. K. REACH fc CO., Tho Pioneer Paint Company, mako a specialty of colling thu bust things inadu in paints, limine Paint, Floor Paint, llarn Paint, Fenco Paint and Itoof Paint; Knnniels, Vanishes, Colors, Stniim, Comentlco Knhomino and general build ing material. 1115 Firm St., X. W. cor- Aider, Portland, Oregon A DOZEN DIFFERENT WAYS. When tho ordinary cltlzon intends to go cast, or send f jr friends or re latives to como went, tho cholco of routes Is a question that always bothers him. Ho wants to know If tho samo routo ho used onco, some tlmo ago, makes tho samo connec tions, if tho prlco Is th'o samo, If It costs tho samo to go cast that it did to como west. Possibly ho has heard or read of famoup points of In terest In tho west or middle west that ho overlooked on tho trip ho mado Did not sco thorn bcrauso ho had not tlmo; did not know ho cculd for tho samo money; did not know ho could get a stopover. Thoro aro hundreds of questions ho would hnvo aBkod, many things ho would like to havo seen and many accommodations ho could havo enjoyed, only, ho did not havo tlmo to look Into tho subject, and It was too much bother anyway. Hero Is a suggestion that will save you all that trouble, voxttlon and re gret. Tho Illinois Central nallroad Company runs oast and and south from St. Paul, Omaha and St. Louis, ond north from Now Orleans. At theso points It connects with all tho western trunk lines, and through them, with all tholr wentern connec tions. Tho Illinois Contral does not caro which lino you uso In tho west, northwest, contral west or southwest, because It connects with all of them, and Is absolutely Impartial to nil. All you havo to do Is to drop us a note1 tell us your destination nnd starting point. 13 thoro anything In tho whole glorious 'west that you want to eeo on tho way? Mention It. Wo will arrange for It If It can bo done. Per haps you will want a stopover. Wo will arrange- that too if it Is possible for anyono to do It. .Tust mnko a sug gestion as to tho western lino and wo will elaborate It for you; toll you tho tlmo you should start, when you should arrlvo at destination, what ac commodations you will enjoy, what It will cost you, an Itinerary for tho trip, nnd will .do nnythlng that wo possibly can to mako your Journoy pleasant and comfortable That's what wo are hero for. Wo have headquarters In Portland: ogonts In Portland nnd So attlo, and traveling agents that will como and talk It over with you any tlmo and at any place In tho North west without Its costing you a cent more than a postage stamp. Chicago business Is a specialty with us, but we havo our own rails In a dozen dif ferent states east of St. Paul, Omaha and Now Orleans, and can ticket you to theso gateways over a dozen dif ferent routes. Write us.' Dy tho way, do you want a nlco wall map of tho United States, Cuba and Porto RlcnV Send me six cents to pay poatn. n. H. TRUMBULL. Comm. Agt. Illinois Cent. R. R., 142 Third St., Portland, Oregon. T IVER FRONT SALOON. C. II. Finks, Prop CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. i'o Northrup St., Cor. 11th A N. Phone Hay 213. Private Rooms Portland, Oregon rMFERIAL DRUO CO. M Sixth Street North, between Davis and Everett. Oregon 'Phone North 1976. Portland, Oregon T HE BEST BRANDS OK CA8E GOOP8. THE PORT OF PORTLAND. II. LUDWIO, Proprietor. Fine Wines and Liquors of all kinds. (5 North Sixth Street. i Portland, Oregon NEW HOUSE DRESSES. THEY ARE NEITHER ELABORATE NOR SEVERELY PLAIN. Itnther, They Aro Mmlc Attractively Simple Novelty Nut Bought After Borne I'rctty Creations of Up-to-Dutc Mulcoru tihowii in Illustrations. Now York correspondences AUisiiY do cur rent ftiHliIons In house (h'osscM find expression hi high- ;y ly wrougui mmici-i, nor is severity their chnritctcrU- tic. Knthcr a ro they mnrked by tin attractive sltupllc Ity front which novelty of cut or finish tuny or may not Btnnd out. On the whole, few novel fancies nro displayed in tlilH field. To put them there would be, you sco, carrying fine wares to the wrong market. That Is, novelty Is In tremendous demnnd In drcss-ups nnd street nttlro nnd hnrdly Is needed In houRc gowns, to which It might bring the suggestion thnt tho mnlccr had misunder stood the gown's purpose Now nnd thon, of course, there's a house dress PMr) i JM VMSV' i V iV1 GREATER ELABORATENESS UNUSUAL IN HOUSE GOWNS. mado contrary to all this, but such ore only exceptions that provu the general rulo as stated. Light colored transparent cloths nnd oft silks nru leading goods for Indoor wear. Lndles' cloth and broadcloth In very light weaves, In soft grays, tans, oyster and white, aro ofton chosen. They nro prettily trimmed with heavy lace in black, cream, white or ecru. Yak lace Is used extensively for them. It Is a very coarse lnee, comes In ecru or can be dyed to match the gown, nnd would re semble torchon were It not mnch heavier. This lnee Is put on In applique bands or medallions, the material cut out from bs neath, showing a contrasting silk lining. VelvoU are seen now and then in house gowns, but not often. They are very simply made, the bodice usually having a front of soft white mnterial and a hand- somo collar of lnee or batlsto ombroidory. Needlework both In white and batlsto NEW IDEAS IN NEGLIGE GARMENTS. Is used widely for trimming house gowns. Skirts are made with as much consid eration of tho fashions as though the gown were to be worn outdoors. They are pleated in various ways, and supplied with front or side panels of silk, lace, velvet or some embroidered material. The entirely plain skirt Is rare. There U much to choose from In se lecting material and trimming. This fact should be borne in mind m consid eration of the pictured house gowns and tho specification laid out tot Uwst by their designer, for the latter are not hard aniL fast, nnd with knowledge of current fiiHhlons, miy homo drcflHiunkcr ran adapt to her needs. For the first of these dresses, thnt of tho Initial, a light gray nun's veiling Is proposed, with cream lnee plnstron, black velvet rib bon and steel buttons for trimmings. At the left hi the group in tho first large picture is a model for which is siiggcNtd a combination of blue and white striped Saxony llniuiel nnd plain white limine), black velvet ribbon outlined with fancy white silk lintld as the biittlemeiit edg ing. Next this, see white etamlne. llul giirlnn embroidery, gilt buttons and ruby rod velvet belt, and ponder the last of the trio ns In light green silk mid wool ollc, white silk embroidered In pule pink elillToii roses and leaves for the front baud and yoke, and banding of narrow pink simtiiclic. Coining to the field of tea gowns, and the reiiltn of elaborateness Is Invaded. Really the proportion of these gowns that are ns elaborate as evening or reception finery Is not small. This Is due, In some degree, to tho fact that the present man ner of ten gown will stand all kinds of elaboration and much of It. While many hang loosely all around, tho old time fit ted back gown Is reappearing In beauti ful materials. The latter may bo worn until Inter In the day, In appearance re sembling n house gown. Its skirt mid hodh'n usually arc cut in one. The back from neck to hem Is In deep side or box pleats stitched down smoothly, a belt of ribbon or stitched velvet starting from either side of tho back. Tho front Is loose, filled in with an Immense plastron of white chlfTon, lnee, or soft material, knotting nt the bust nnd cut out slightly at throat. Spotted light colored velvets are often used for such gowns, nnd gran ite silks, satins and brocaded materials nre correct style. A handsome gown was black velveteen, thv front of tho pabst lemon chiffon over tho sumo shndo of silk, tho belt burnt orango vclvot. Cape collars are liked, and thoso of batiste embroidery nre protty on whlto or deianlu tints. Gowns all stencilled out, the cut-out edges embroidered with white silk, are fine. Tlioy nro mndo oror light colored silk. Granite silk and satins nru beautifully embroidered In oriental color ings, or are trimmed with Persian paso- uieuterles. Bulgarian trimming Is liked on white cloth. Whlto lawn or muslin Is not seen cither In tea gowns or dressing micqueH. Narrow velvet ribbon, olthor In black or colors, often Is used for trim ming, and black Inco appears frequently. The sketches of tea gowns at tho left In the second large picture would bo stylUh and handsome If carried out In white silk crepe do chine, ecru lace, white silk cord ornaments, black velvet ribbon and bu tiste mbroldury, for tho first one, and white broadcloth, narrow Persian em broidery, tucked white chiffon and whlto and gold lace, for the other. l? guipure Ux the color of the gown trims a handsome costume of blue wool Telling. A flat effect over the shoulders and lon stole ends In front are very promlneut ftv tore) of Uu latest furs. PORTLAND HOTEL NOTES. W. R. Pecks got a big set bnck. A. D. Lewis Is ft victim of rheumat ism. Mack Oliver Is second Peter Pon der. J. II. Williams, tho Jolly old Texan, Ir on deck again. Mr, 15. M. Johnson lost his situation on tho 25th Inst. Wm. Peoples will soon Join a mln ntrol troupe, bo tlioy sny. J. C. Lognn hns mado domo vnluablc Improcments on his residence. Wolls and Slodgo, two dlnlng-cnr swell waiters paraded hero Inst wcok. W. II. Holds hns resigned ns team Rlcr nnd returned to tho hotel a sad dcr but a. wiser mnn. Tho wnrblor wnrblorod to tho rjicat satisfaction of all present on Inst Sunday ovenlng at Ilethel church. Beginning on Thanksgiving frll dress suits will bo tho costumes worn by tho waiters at tho Portlnml Hotel for dinner. W. IT. Lnwrenco, bettor known ns Prlnco Honry, resigned his position insi wcok, nui no win long uo remem bered by ono gentleman. Drunken waiters faro hard with Head Walter Loimn. If all bond wait ore would do likewise tho colored waiter would bo mora In demand. E. D. Rutherford loft on tho 2.1d for his homo In Columbia, South Caro linn, whom ho will lead to hymen's nl tor ono of tho prominent young lndlou of that city. Greatly surprised was Prof. Nowton Ilrown whon ho returned to his ronm Inst week and found that tho hoimo was bolng torn down ntul tho piano that ho had nald n month's rent oh taken out. Ho bnroly escaped with his trunk. COMING ATTRACTIONS. Nearly ovoryono who hears, tho o qulslto Oormnn dialect of Dan and Chan. A. Mason, leavo tho theater with tho Impression that tlioy nro both rcnl Gormans and spenk tlm language fluently, however, such n not tho enso and Dan'n dfnloct Is on. tlrely cultlvntod, being perfected by long practice In tho portrayal of numerous Gorman dlnloct pnrta nnd tho closo study of tho Gnrmnn-Amor-lean cltlzon as ho really ovists. Chns. A. Mitson speaks Gorman fluently nnd (onpoquontly tho work of translating the parodies which thoy Elng on Into pnnulnr songs Into rng tlmo Gorman falls upon him. "Now Dnn docon'l undorstnnd n word ho Is singing," said ChnrlcH, "ho sings nny words I tench him for theso ragtlmo Gorman songn nnd as ho Is fond of playing a llttln Joko on mo occasionally I could not resist tho tonvptntlon on ono occasion to Instruct him In n. fow words which lo my knowledgo never existed In tho German lnngungo or any othor. It was a short solo ho had to sing nnd bb I told him It was tho German trnnrf lr.tlon of a particularly good story ho told mo In En el I nil ho thought It might mnko n. "hit" nnd on tho night ho Introduced It wnR "all Hwolled tin.' Ah ho camo off without oven cnuslnr a laugh or tho falntost suspicion o. npplnuso, ho remarked, "thoro wns evidently something wrong with bin dialect or olso thov didn't rnro for P." I told him tho Joko, but tho wny ho got back at mo for it will romntn n secret as far as I am concornod. This nttrnctlnn will nppnar at Cor dray's thcator ono wcok. commonclng with Sunday matlneo, Nrvombor .10, Thoro will bo tho usual Saturday mat Into. THIS WAS A MAN OF TACT. And He Knew How to Dent with the Oentler Hex. Anyono who visits the fino residence portions of tho suburbs has noticed tho absence of yard fences. If there had been any the Incldeut hero related would not have occurred, Ono of thu many lino old gcntlomen of the city had gone out to look over a lot ho has boveral blocks beyond tho boulevard, says the Detroit Free Press. Ills interest was purely proprietary, for tho lot Is vacant and grown with the usual mixture of grass and weeds. He knew that It would be there and that no one had built n bouse on It or donated a sidewalk In front of it. Hu simply wauted to sco It, becauso It was his. While ho was gazing nt tho spread of grass and weeds It began to rain and hu started for a street ear lino ns fast ns his spring attack of rhcuuintlMU would permit. In the next block hu discovered an open umbrella bowling before a stern wind nnd It was an occa sion when ho thought It best to accept tho goods that tho gods offer. With tho protection thus afforded ho walked more slowly and felt In a better humor toward tho world. "Ill, there!" he hoard behind him, but not being accustomed to be 'hied' at ho limped on and casually counted the steel ribs In thu artificial canopy, liefore he took In tho situation tho shouter was by his side. 'What do you mean by stealing that umbrella off my veranda? I left It out there to dry and the next thing I seo Is you hobblln' off with It as bold as brass. If you wasn't Jd nnd crippled I'd havo you arrested." "Rut, my dear woman, I found It," "Don't you 'dear woman' me, you old fraud. 01' me thnt umbrella." Ho explained and expostulated In vain. Then ho drew n big wallet nnd wanted to buy tho thing. "My, my," he exclaimed at last, "who would think that a woman so bcuutlful could bo so relentless?" Then she held tho umbrella over him until be got a car and told him thnt sho would keep an eyo on tils lot for him. Most men who Tmss a" fresh nalnt sign, touch the paint to seo If It Is still fresu, ana it boiuo one nas not care lessly left the sign hang since yesterday. THE NEW AGE. KMnbllnhcd 189rt. A. I. Or lain, Malinger. Ol!lce,24'4 Stark Street, Concord llulldtng, Portland, Oregon. A0KNTS. C. A. Hitter Portland, Oregon i:. It. Holme ..yiHiknnc, Wellington K. Trim Kechlo and) Uir. I'nclllc Avo., K. H. Itrueo Tnootmi, Wash1 Waldo ltogel Walla Walln, Wash, To Insure publication, nil Inrnl newi must reach us not Inter than Thursday morning of each week. 8nbcrlitloii price, one yenr, jmynblo In ad vance, file. CITYIN3WS Owing to tho fact that wo go to pi ess a day early tnls wook our sj clcty notes nro somewhat limited. We lenrn thnt Rev. W. T. Riggers, vlio Is now stationed nt South Omabii, Is Buffering from a suvero ftttrtck of tho grip. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter recent arrivals In tho city, nro now located at 3G1 Oak street. Thoy expect to remain permanently. MIbo ninncho Crnwford has boon iiulto 111 for tho past two weeks with nn attack of typhoid fo''or. Sho la nlowly recovering. "1 holps to smoke thnt cigar'" Oor readers would hardly bollovo thnt thtso rcmnrkn ominnted from a lndy's lips, but such was tho enso laBt week In this city, Services nt tho A. M. E. Zlon church, 1.1th and Main streets, Sun day, Novombcr 30, nt 11:00 n. m. and 8:00 p. m. Seats free. All cordlnlly Invited to nttond. REV. C. H. MOORE, Pnstor. Services nt Ilethel A. M. E. church Sundny, Novembor 30: Preaching nt 11:00 n. m, nnd 8:30; clnss meeting nt 12:15 p. in.; Sunday school, 1:00, p. m. All nro cordially Invited w thoso sorvlcos. Tho "Tacky" soclnl at Ilethol A. M. E. church was quite n puce'ess. Tho amount tnkon In wns $21.2.1, procoodtt for first payment on tho piano. Wo thank nil who gnvo tholr nflslstnnco. Ilethel will bo adorned with hor piano Sunday. Tho commltteo In chnrgo of tho i: rnngomenta for tho colobratlon of tho 18th nnulvorsnry of Now Northwest lodge, No. 2554. O. U. O. of O. I havo decided on Tuesday tho lCth Inst., ilnD tholr hall, Second nnd Yamhill, nB tho place of holding tholr cclobrntlon. All tnelr frlondn nro Invited to moot with them nnd tnko part In tho Jollification. Owing to unoxpoctod delnyH Rov. O. D. Mooro did not nrrlvo In tlmo to ofllclnto nt tho A. M. E, Zlon church on last Sunday. Ho nrrlvod on'Mon day morning nnd on Friday oven lng a reception was tendered him aa well nB a farowoll reception to tho family of Rov, J. W. Wright, who ox pect to lenvo for Los AngolnR next week. Tholr mnny frlonds will miss them very much In social circles as well as In tho church work. Mr. Frod C, Huntington, represent ing tho firm of Ennla-rSrown Com pany, wholcsalo fruit and produro commission merchants of Sacra mentn, Cnl ban boon In this stntn for tho past two weeks buying applod mid potatoes. Mr. Huntington wns In Portland on the 20th Inst. His Arm Is ono of tho Inrgost nn-' most ontei prising In California, nnd If nny of the farmers In Oregon and Washington will communlcnto with them thoy will undoubtedly find n good mnrkot for any produco thoy wish to dlspoHo of. Tho riiiccoBH of our collector Is firntlfylng In .moro boiihuh than ono. Wo nro pleased to learn that our pa per Is appreciated and thnt If not ro reived Ih greatly missed. Wo havo lcarnod thnt tho subscribers nro ready and willing to pay up In most cases If tho mattor Is brought to tholr minds nit wo hnvo with n mlstnkon Idoa of kindness nllowod tho bills to run fo. r. length of tlmo nnd find thnt nil would rnthor hnvo tho blllH prosontod when duo. Wo will In tho futtiro it tend to this part of the bunlnosH more promptly nnd will ondonvor In tho fiituro nH In tho past to presont ft pa per which will merit tho support of our cltlzonB, Wo hoo from our oxchnnges that In i.onio rospocts our slstor stnto Is fur ahead of Oregon. In flpnknnn M, Kmmott Holmes linn held n nosltlon In tho County Troasuror's olllco for over two years, serving under domo rrntlc offlclnlH. Whilst undor u repub lican administration Mr, Chas, 8. Parkor has received a doslrnblo po Hltlon In tho nudltor'H olllco. In Oro gon It scorns thnt tho only offices In tho renrh of Afro-Amorlransaron fow Janitors' positions. Why nro our peo ple not rocognlzod to n grontor ox tent? Where dons tho fault llo? Gin It bo all with tho Anglo-Snxon or la somo of It duo to oursolves or self ip printed leaders? THE COMPANION'S CHRISTMAS PACKET. Can you think of n gift moro coi tain to bo nccontnblo than n year's subscription to Tho Youth's Compan ion? Is thoro nny ono, young or old, who. having onco had tho papor lit his bands nnd looked through It, did not wish to posBOsa It for his vory own.? It Is a gift which, far from los ing Its freshness nB Christmas recedes Into tho past, grows moro delightful, moro necessary to ouo's onjoymont week by week. If you wish to mnko a Chrlstmn'.' presont of Tho Youth's Companion, send tho publishers tho niuno and ad drcsB of tho porson to whom you wish to glvo Tho Companion, with $1.75, tho annual subscription prlco, Thoy will send to tho nddrosa named Tho Companion's Christians Packet, nil ready for Christmas morning, contain ing tho Chrlstmns nutnbor. Tho Com panlon Calendar for 1003, litho graphed In twelve rolora nnd gold, and subscription cortlncato for tho fifty two Issues of 1903, Full Illustrated announcement of tho new volumo for 1903 will bo sent with samplo copies of tho papor to any address freo. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 144 Dorkoley Street, Boston, Mass. 3 1 i 1 Mi