i i&sikttaDnjei'i THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. SOUTHERN OREGON G RIFFIN HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail Hardware 6TOVE8 AND TINWARE. Wlllamctto Street, EUGENE, OltEOON milE UMrQUA BAKERY' FRESH BREAD DAILY. rici, Cakes, Cookies, Doughnuts, Duns, Rolls Cream Puns. Cakes far Socials, I'artloi and Banquets Made to Order, E. JENNINGS and MRS. FREEMAN, Props, fhone 413. lloseburg, Oregon TVAY & HENDERSON All Kindt ol FOP.NITUUE. Practical Embalmers and Undertaken. .Orders by telegraph flllod promptly. Plione Black 47, Cor. Wlllametto and 7th Sts. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. ST, CHARLES HOTEL TOHN GIBL1N, Prop. First-Class Accommodations and Frompt serv Ice. Large BamploQooms lor Commercial Travelers. Phone 7. Cor. First and Washington St. Alfcany, Oregon. Entertainers: CHAS, GILV1N. DILL PROTZMAN The Monogram TRANK KUNNUDY, Prop. Cyrus Noble, Bourbon nnd Rye Whis kies. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ROSEBURG, - OREGON. WILKINS' Railroad Eating House rurnlsbed Rooms In Connection. IN THE NEW TWO-STORY BRICK J tint South of the Dopot, ROSEBURd - - OREOON. Chicken Supper with Hot Biscuits. All Trains Stop Thirty Mluutcs. Buyloss & Stormcr. ,C. P. BARNARD, Proprietor of Roseburg-Marshfielil Stage Lino' Empire Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Saddle Heroes and Stvllsh Single and jjouuiu itiga in aii nuura. ROSEBURQ, OREGON. THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO. (Incorporated. Manufacturers of Woven Wire Mattresses, Carpets, Portlers, Rugs. Laco Curtains, Shades, Furniture, Wall Paper, Picture Frame, Mattresses, Redding. Undertaklngand embalmings specialty Stores at Albany and Salem, Ore. Factory at Albany, Ore. Masonic Temple, Albany, Oukqon EMPIRE Livery Feed and Sale Stable C P. BARNARD, Prop.1 Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs At Ail Hours. Transient stock given the very best of care. Rates always reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. Phone Main 51, Cor. Rose and Oak Sts. ROSEDURG, OREGON. The LITTLE DRUG STORE Near the Depot, Roseburg, Oregon. Where you can find the BEST QUALITY OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Stationery, Etc. M. F. RAFP, Proprietor. When in Medford BTOP AT The New Nash Hotel Wan CLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR. w. J. Hamilton. Propri.tor. 1 The Dalles Advertising TRYING TO MAKE Hin STOP In nnd order n bng of Dnllcs Patent or Whito River Flour for her baking tho housewife is continually raking of hor huBbantl, but if lie forgots who will order it herseff, for tho lover of good, whito nnd delicious bread will never uso any other nflor &ho experiences tho satisfac tory results of tho Dalles Patent Flour. It is made from choico wheat and milled by tho bast process. Manufactured by W. W. M. Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF EASTERN OREGON. TOUI8 HUNZIKEU. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Op tical Goods, Cut Glnas. 720 Main Strcot. PENDLETON, Oregon niHE OWL, A GENTLEMAN'S RESORT. Finest Wliio, Liquors nnd Clears. Giro Us n Call. Opp. Jcp t, Left Hand Walk. KMITH & ROCKWELL, Props. La Grande, Oregon THE MINT SALOON O. L. MELLQU1ST, Prop. BFRT RRAND3 OK WINES AND LIQUOUS IMPORTED AND HOMES 1 10 CIGARS.... Tomer Dcrot Street and' Jefferson Acuue, LA GRANDE, OK. E. Y. Jccd, Prest. F E. Junn, Seo'y and Treas. Tiiskox K. .!., Manager Incorporated, 1806 Capital Stock, 10,000 1 PENDLETON Manufacturers o( FlEOCeWGOl BlaillCetS, lildiail Rite Cosshncres, Flannels . Pondloton, Oro. The Leading AND OF EASTERN OREGON IS ..M. A. RADER.. Funeral Director and Embalmer Lady Assistant. rKNDI.KTON OREOON Rates $2.50 Tor Day and Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AMERICAN) A. GEISER, Proprietor. Commercial, Family and Tourist Hotel. BAKER CITY, OREGON For First-Class Livery BEE The New Livery Stable C. L. SMITH, Proprietor. Second Street near I a lgbltn Street. Tho only Up-to-Dato Livery In Tho Dalles, Telephone No. 27 j Longdis tance 1871. Tho Dalles, Oregon, L.W.CARXAHAN. President. C. II. GARDNER. Vice Pretldent W. W. TERRY, Treasurer. Portland Implement Co. JOHN DEERE PLOWS, HARROWS, ETC. FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. 188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore. EVERETT.WASHIHSTOH.IOVERTISEMEIITI W. C. DICKELHAUPT, S W. BROOK8, Prcst. Sec. and Treas. Everett Flour Mill Co. v Manufacturers and Exporters of FLOUR Everett, Washington, U. S. A. W. J. RHCKER, WM. TENNANT, Vice Prcs. Genl. Mgr. F. W. SUMNER. President. T. R. SUMNER, Vlco Prcsldont, Sumner Iron Works. Manufacturers of Marine, Mining and Mill Machinery Water Tuba and Tubular Boilers. Everett, Washington. ROBBINS TRANSFER CO. General Transfer Business. Storage and Free Sample) Rooms Chrck and deliver your bnpRftgo for 2c. per piece four blocks north or south of Hewitt avenue, nnd between all trains and boats. Threo days' freo storage. All work nnd prices guaranteed satisfactory. Phono 371. EVERETT, WASH Model Laundry and Toilet Go. J. V. DURH, Proprietor. A specialty of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED. - PHONE 31. lata Hewitt Ave. Everett, Wash. Centralia Advertising, OENY YOUR LAUNDRY WORK TO CENTRALIA STAR LAUNDRY. Hand Laundry. Rest Work in Town. Thono CO. M. A. WARINO, Troprlotor. THE OLYMPIC. Opp. N, P. Dopot, Centralia, Wash. Straight Whiskies and Key West Cigars a specialty, Olympln lleor on Draught, llottls Goods a specialty. JESSE LAT8HAW, Proprietor. THE GHEHALIS FLOURING MILL CO. HOHTEN HABKKLL & CO., Proprietors. Flours, Feed and all Kinds of Mill Stuffs. MANUFACTURERS OF Haskell's Brands of Flour, Haskell's Best Fancy Patent, Haskell's Daisy. CHEHALIS, WASH. Surety Bonds. Notary Public Established 1889. A. L. COFFMAN & CO. Successors to Coffni an it Keppner. Real Estate, Insurance, AND RENTAL AQENCY. Money to loan on Improved farms at low rates of lntorqst. List your farms 1th us If you w ant to sell them. Uonds, warrants and other securities bought and sold. Phone 20. Chehalls, Washington' Q. F. TILLY. Undertaker and Embalmer HOQUIAM, WASH. FINE CHAPEL AND MORGUE ON J STREET. N ABEUDKKN, WASH. BEARDSLEY BROS. Licensed Embalmers for State of Washington. FINE PARLORS and MORGUE 103 Wishkah Street. ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurate! and Care fully Compounded. Telephones Colombia 710, Oregon Bad UM PrmmorlftUom - Drugglstu 97 North Third S treat PORTLAND m m OREOQH FRENCH RAILWAY CUSTOMS A Beat Mny lie Held by leaving Cont in It. It Is to be feared that many English and American travelers In France ex pect to II nil tho name laws nnd regula tions obtaining on French railways as they are accustomed to at home; and when they llml that they are very dif ferent they nro apt to resent It an atti tude which occasionally results In col lision with the olllclals. Tho following hints on iolnts of railway customs and etiquette In connection with which trouble often ensues, nays London Travel, may not, perhaps, be nuperllu- 0113. Claims to a scat: The right to a seat, which has been engaged by plnclng uion It a coat or some other article, 1ms actually been legalized by a recent test case In tho French law courts, while this right In England de pends of course solely upon custom, nnd cannot bo enforced. Not only this, but In Franco each passenger Is legally entitled to the use of that portion of tho rack and floor Immediately abovo nnd below his sent. Control of windows: English travel ers often complain of the tendency of French travelers to keep tho windows closed unnecessarily. It Is tho best policy to put up with this annoyance, as an nppeal to the guard will not as ft rule bo successful. His sympathies nro likely to bo with his compatriots, who regard tho lovo of English peoplo for open windows ns n foolish fad, und' one. too, which Is dangerous to health. Smoking carringes: Tho rulo for smoking on French railways Is tho re verse of that which obtains In En gland. Though carriages for rumours nro provided, smoking Is permitted In any carrlago with the consent of tho occupant, nnd 111 practice almost every compartment except those labeled unities secules Is n smoking one. Tips to porters: English travelers are apt to Inveigh ngaliwt the greed und rapacity of French porters, espe cially at Paris Htntlons. This Is prob ably due to Ignorance of tho fact that at Paris termini the fnctour who retch es n cab from outsldo tho station and this Is usually necessary Is entitled to n gratuity and In Paris ono franc Is customary. This being tho case, tho ttuveler who presents him with n few coppers (which would bo civilly accept ed at a London station) must not bo surprised If ho Is confronted with black looks. Customs examination: At Calais, Uouloguo or Dieppe tho traveler should be on his gunrd against ncceptlng tho services of a tnnn hi semi-uniform (not n porter) who will offer to see tho traveler's luggngo through the customs. Ills services will cost you n feo of 2 shillings 0 ponce. CREATION'8 ANNIVERSARY. How the Time Una lloen Calculated by Astronomers. "Tho anniversary of crentlon" oc curred, wo lonrn, Saturday, Sept. l!0. Wo hnvo this on tho authority of tho Hiltlsh Chronologlcnl Astronomical As sociation, which ought to know. Tho association hus a grlovnuco ngalust Parliament, whleh Is responsible, It alleges, ror tho English solar year ns usually reckoned. Wo do not ask tho association tho old uuestlon: "Whero wast thou when tho foundations of tho earth wero laid?" But wo feel bound to ray that wo do not gunrnnteo tho nccuracy of tho rollowlug tabulated statement: Tho now year 6001 n. ra. on Sept. 20 Is: (iOOl slnco crentlon. 12.15 since thu tloodo In 1030. 3810 slnco tho call or 'Abraham. 2001 slnco Solomon's temple In 3000. 1004 slnco birth or Jesus Christ. 1871j slnco crucifixion In 4020&. 1831 slnco destruction or Jorusalciu in -10(10, Eras: It Is now 5003 years slnco Jowlsh era hoguu. It Is now 1320 slnco Mnhommcdnn era began. It Is now 120 slnco American Inde pendence. "Tho discoveries or tho year Just closing rotating to tho scleuco or time are or n very useful nnd magnificent clmrnctor," rays tho communication Just quoted from. Wo reel it Is our duty to present them to our renders. Thu chief or them nro "tho finding by calculations or tho procession or tho equinoxes or tho periodical heliacal rising gf thu star Slrlus, known ns tho Sothlc Cyclo or tho Egyptians, and tho discovery or the meaning or tho res tlvnl or thirty years observed In Egypt, namely: Every thirty years froin tho primo date or creation Indicated by tho sun entering each or thu twelve signs or tho zodiacal cyclo or 300 sidereal years." "It may now bo nlllrmed," wo nro told, "that we know with precision every natural year inndo by tho sun since tho beginning." Loudon Dally News. Quito with tlio Times. Tho popularity or ping-pong Is bring. Ing rorwnrd many experts at tho game, nud In ono city In tho Enst there Is a child barely two years old that shows a marvelous fondue for It. On being questioned ns to the manner In which the chlfd's tulents wero doveloped tho proud rather explained: "Yes, Wllllo is a good ping-pong play er, but ho ought to be. Why, ho cut his teeth on a ping-pong ball, nnd wo al ways spanked him with a racquet." What to Eat. A young married couple might Hvo on bread and cheese nnd kisses ir tho old folks would supply the bread and cheese. front get mad If you llud r I utton In your salad. It's part of tho dress ing. . Walla Walla Advertisements. LEWIS W. HEATON Manager Plamrd Undertaking Pmrterm. Graduate Embalmer aud Dlstnfcctor. Licensed by Illinois Stato Board of Health, Monitor National Association of Embalmers. P. O. Box 782- Phone, Main 149. WALLA WALLA, WASH, T W. COOKE11LY. Undertaker and General Funeral Furnisher. Embalming a Specialty. Hancock's Tlrlck Block, ;j First St. Tclcphono Black 891. WALLA WALLA, WASH. nilYAN BllOS. New Livery Feed and Sals Stable. Rubber Tired Hack a spt-olalty. Carriage calls attended to night or day. Bouthwcst cor. Second and Alder Striots. Telephone 07. WALLA WALLA, WASH. TliODELDAKEllY. CHAS. IlETZEIl, Proprietor. All kinds of Cakes, Pics, Candle), Etc. Goods delivered to nny part of tho City. No. 3 First Streot. Walla Walla, Wash. T HE SENATE. GEO. BETZEB A CO. FIRST-CLASS BAR. FINE IMPORTED CIGARS. WALLA WALLA, WASH. D El'OT LUNCH COUNTEU. FllANK M. CUMM1NOS, Troprlotor. All Kinds of Lunches Put Up for tho '1 raveling Public. WALLA WALLA, WASH. McQritle Bros. LIVERY STABLE. Rubtcr Tired Hacks a Specialty. Batgace Wagons. . WALLA WALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. 124 E. Main St. THE WALLA WALLA Steam Laundry Can Suit You. Special Orders Returned the Simo Day. Phono, Black 101. HOTEL DACRES S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly SilTlOll HoUSC Ratest $2.50 to $3.00. WALLA WALLA, WASH. GILBERT HUNT CO. Machine Shop and foundry Manufacturers of Prldo of Washington Thre?hsrs, Self Feeders, Drapers and Alachlne Extras of Every Description. flifalr Work a Specialty. Catalcgua Free. WALLA WALLA, WASH. A. L. LORENZEN. Real Estate Broker. LOANS NEGOTIATED, infnrmntitn furnMiud regarding Wl la Wullu aud Umatilla Counties. No, W Main Street, WALLA WALLA, WASH. KcflHsUBHKluHBia Baggage and Omnibus Transfer.PHILLIPS TRUNK CO. ...COMPANY... Office 8. W, cor. Fourth and Btark Bts. Teiepnonewa. poiitland. oiiEGON Exchange Your Check With Metteneer on Train and order Carriages or Coupe. linkage chi eked at resi deuce to any destination Branch offlces: Hotel Portland) United Car- rtagtf Co., Bvuth and Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, ,ttgr. Walla Walla Advs. n ALL AT 120 AND 122 MAIN ST. SCHWAUZ'S SALOON ., Lunch Countor nnd Club Booms open t sdt hours. 120 and 122 Main Stroet WALLA WALLA, WASH A. BCHWAUZ, Prop T HE BANK EXCHANGE FltED POST, Proprietor Ono of tho tlrst class saloons of Walla Watlsv whoro )ou will to treated right and all ot tho finest brands ot Liquors and the beat brands of Cigars always on hand WALLA WALLA WASH D E11U3 & BTAHL Finest saloon In the city All tho latest aud best brands of Liquor 810 8. Second Street WALLA WALLA XTASaT milE KLK SALOON JOHN UACHTOLD, Prop. 121 Main Street WALLA WALLA WAflt "milE SMA1LS" t Strictly First Class Bar EMAILS BUOS., Prop. WALLA WALLA WAS. T HE POllTLAND LUNCH COUNTER Tho Best Meals In tho City WALLA WALLA WABK IUTZ, THE TAILOlt Always on hand a full assortment ot LATEST KOitEION AND DOMESTIC UOOD BEST WOUK, BED BOCK PIIICK8 A perfect fit guarantcod Corner Fourth aud Alder BU. WALLA WALLA WAar TiACHTOLD & ACHEUMANN Iinportors and Whnlosalo Liquor Mercfeaata Agents For fichllts Mllwaukco Beer ABO St. LrmU Bsjssr Butter Homo Wines Astl Brandies Yellnwstono Whiskey Cedar Brook Whlkr Jciso Monro Whiskey Cream Bye Wblkj Avondalo Club Byo Jas. E. Pepper No. 11 AlclorBt. WALLA WAI.IA Phone White HI WASK ) Our Stock Is blooming with Shoes for FmM t Wntmr thataro Just ns beautiful and graceful as tho season and our customers; demand, Every woman will ho delighted with tho added graco that will b glvta by our new Pull mnU Yilntmr Bhoaa sod overy man who has an eyo for the baauU. ful will bo charmod. McKean's DRY QOODS STORE Clothing:, Shoes, Hats, and Mens' Furnlshlnpi Offlcei Fourth and Main Street WALLA WALLA - WAStt NETTLETON'S SHOES AltK- GENTLEMEN'S SHOES Aud you will always find a nlco lino of tho lutest styles hero. Wo also carry thu best liuo of 3.60 Shcos in tho city. THE CASH SHOE CO. O. N. HATCH, Manager. , Trunks Madft tn OrHpi- Also Taken in Exchange. TRUNKS REPAIRED 311 Morrison St.. . I ...-. I Opposite Po8toffic vf- L:iiiiii 5? J? jfcw2. m 5 i aaa.. mUk,,., MkUk ,. .