flflf THE NEW AGKR, PORTLAND, OREGON". J TOPICS OF TUB TIMES. ' A Intly typewriter lins become a Hon tnmcr. I'lobitfoly got tired of being dictated to. ' 'Admit wits lucky In nnother wny. Ho tiad no friends to come around telling lilm how lie ought to bring up his boys. ICIng Kdwnrd hns distributed 400 more coronntlon honors without notic ing the riilsod linger of William Wul dorf Astor. The surgeon who operated on King Xdwnrd says appendicitis Is really a ood thing. Ho speaks from tho sur geon's standpoint. Tho innn who killed his wlfo because he talked too much set an example which, If generally followed, would eoou exterminate the human race. Another time-honored proverb ex ploded. .Tubtuski, the giant, Is said to to tho longest Pole In tho world, and lio never knocked a persimmon In his life. Homo of the Independent steel com panies are getting rendy to light tho big trust. Or It may bo that they de vice to bo absorbed at prolltablo Ug urea. "Franco wants an easier dlvorco law. Accoidlng to reports, nu easier mar tlago law might obviate some of tho vlls. It Is so much trouble to get married that some people neglect to do It. Tho luminous and pregnant notion that tho motor vehicle Is a convenience, like a cab, not a medium of sport, like b race house, Is gradually penetrating 'the Intellects of faddists devoted to rapid motion. In tho nature of things It ought to take root and bear fruity incut for latter-day civilization. Tho continued unhealthy condition along tho Ambejemackonias, Kskwesk vrowajo and Meskaskeeseehunk rivers In Maine have Induced the State Hoard of Health to decreo that no further use of thu waters from these streams for 'domestic purposes shall bo made until their names have been boiled down. Quoeu Alexandra has revived tho use of tho word "lady," which has been tabooed by tho polite society of Eng land In favor of "woman" during the Inst decade, but reported proceedings of Yemnlo members of tho I-omlon "swag Kcr uet" lead to tho belief that her majesty Is premature In tho revival. Modern economy permits less and les.s to go to waste. It gathers up the frag ments, saves odds and ends, finds a tuo for what once was called worthless. Tho saving may tako a philanthropic turn, us In the case of a largo factory In Jena, (Ivruiniiy, which utilizes Its vurplus hot water In such a way as to -Klvo the laborers nearly a thousand iatliH a week. v"When tho eruption of Mont Pelco wiped out the city of tit. 1'lerro and destroyed more than thirty thousand 11 vim, thu world was aghast. Papers were crowded with details of tho ca 'UiBtrophe, and every lino was eagerly read, tiluco tho middle of July almost as many lives have been destroyed by the cholera hi Kgypt, yet the only nuws of that loss which has reached thu world at largo has been a fow lines In tho London papers. A curious com mentary on the power of thu spectacu lar and unusual, even In death 1 Impoliteness or uupleasautnets on tho part of salesgirls Is often attributed to thu 111 ulauners of thu women who fucu them on thu other side of thu counter. Often It Is, for salesgirls are only human, but tho Dry-Hoods Kcou omlst thinks there Is another cause. It snys of one store with which It Is fa miliar, "Uvery employe In It seems to bo good-natured. Why should there be nny difference In this respect between this establishment and tho average utore? Is not human nature about thu value thu world over? True; but there Is a difference. Tho proprietor of this store Is not only a merchant, but a gen tlemnu. Ho treats his employes with marked courtesy and consideration. Ah n consequence, they feel ho kindly disposed toward him and his huHluc.su that their good-will Is rcllcctcd In their treatment of his customers." Some storekeepers never llml out why It Is that so few of their casual customers become regulars. If nu Italian wants to praise n wo man most highly, huadoes not tell you vhe Is beautiful, or that she Is witty, or learned, but he sums up hue virtues by Baying who Is sliupatlca. What praise this really Is, and how much happier the world would bo It only a larger number of us deserved Itl Sympathy Is a great power as a maker of sun vhluv. Think of the most sympathetic iiiuu or woman you know, and think bow groat and cheering an Influence that person exercised over you In some time of trouble and anxiety. Very like ly you may have felt at tho time that liad you been alone you could not have Imruo the weight of care or sorrow, "but with the friend's sympathy were able both to bear It, and even to spare thought and sympathy for other people, Hyuipathy, like mercy, "blesseth him that gives and him that takes," and those who, as It were, padlock up their iwwcrti of sympathy, lose u great deal of the Joy of life. Among tho poor, jerhtips, thu quality Is more common Hutu umoug tho rich, for ccrtaluly wealth, especially that which has been hardly gained, seems to causo thu growth of a crust of selfishness round former kindly hearts and renders them hard, when poverty and sorrow would have made them tender. Those who have clung to tho Malthu sltui theory und have been apprehensive that population would Increase faster than food supply have occasion to ban ish fear for millions of years to come. Uacterla, with which nunio bo much of an offending nature Is connected, have their virtues, or rather wo should say there are bacteria and bacterlu. It has been found that some of the genus nro Important ngents In the growing of crops. Tho prospect Is that farmers will go the nearest drug store, purchase the special bacteria required, Inoculate tho soil and be sure of a harvest. The chief of tho division of chemistry at Washington is authority for the claims made for "bottled bacteria" as a commercial product and the vnlue of these organisms In Insuring a harvest. Another hopeful outlook Is the assur ance that what Is known as "MendulPs law" has been proved an established fact. This law relates to cross fertili zation. Its discovery promises to revo lutionize the hybridization of plants and to turn chanco Into certainty. For In stance, hitherto It has been Impossible to foretell what the seed from any va riety of tho apples of commerco would produce. Now by the hybridization of two self-sterile varieties tho variety produced may be perpetuated continu ously by tho seed produced. When one ndds to these two Important discov eries tho wonders effected In agriculture by thu uso of electricity there Is llttlo occasion to fear any failure of needed supplies. Intelligence and thrift left to themselves are easily able to ward off Multhus and his pessimistic theories. Human life Is a school. It begins In tho mother's arms and ends only on tho great Graduation Day when on your diploma and mine shall bo written oltnor "Well IJone," or "Depnrt." Tho boy or girl who believes that education is complete when commencement day has arrived makes a big mistake. That day Ih a mero passage way from school life to life's school. No innn or woman over gets too old to learn something In the school of life. Tho first lesson that must lie learned Is obedience. Duty la tho school master. Ho who falls to learn the first lesson will fall at all thu others. WhyV Uecauso character la tho A, It, O of successful life. Bril liancy, ambition, energy all theso aro worthless If the Inner voice of duty la disregarded. And this Is In tho very nature of things. He who cannot con quer himself cannot conquer obstacles outside of himself. To successfully or ganize material things a man must first organize himself. He must be in har mony with himself, with tho laws of his being. To become anything ho must be that thing. If ho achieves good ness ho must be good. If ho achieves greatness hu must lx great. Thu first lesson being learned, the others nro easy. Character, character, charac teryou can build any sort of success nu that firm foundation. If you build an anything less your success Is Ignoble success, and therefore, only successful failure. Why do men stumble, morally, all through life? Uecauso they stumble at the first lesson. If you learn to obey the 'call of duty, although tho other les sons may seem hard betimes and tho tears may fall on the page of tho book, you have only to say, "I tried to learn It, Teacher." And tho greatest of all Teachers will show you the solution. Indorsed tbo King's Comluot. Headers of tho Sketch will recollect that on tho occasion of tho recent visit of the king and queen to tho Isle of Man, an Illustration of tho royal party, Including Hall Catnu, who acted as cicerone, was published. Iir that pho tograph thero Is a picture of a small boy wearing Ids hat. Hu is Derwent, the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Cauie, and Is 10 years old. Only he and the Marquis do Several, the Portuguese am bassador, remained covered In tho pres ence of tho king, the marquis because ho does fealty to another sovereign and Master Derwent for a reason of hU own, which came out when tho photo graph had been printed and he was looking at It with his mother, "Der went," she said, "why didn't you take your hat off? Didn't you see that all the gentlemen did so?" "Yes, mother," he replied, "but I kept my eye on the king, because I knew whatever ho did would be all right, mj when he kept his hat on It would be right enough for me." Loudon Sketch. Tho Ainerlonn Iron "Plant." Tho Englishman was being properly surprised at thu rapidity with which the sky scraper was going up. "Deuh mel" he exclaimed, "It seems as if your buildings grow as rapidly as your maize." "Yes," replied tho Westerner, nn blushlngly, "and the process of raising them Is much tho same." "Fawncyl Wou't you explain fur ther?" "Well, you see, wo Just get an Iron plant, put It In tho ground, havo the street sprinklers water It, and In a mouth or six wcekB the sky scraper Is full grown." And, taking another Jireath, tho cou sin from over seas managed to believe It. Memphis Commercial-Appeal. In order to simplify soo!a MTalrs, It Ik suggested that every hosless have a printed bill of fare, so that hci guests will be prepared, when asked when they get home, "What did you liuve to eat?" A sure cure for Insomnia Is to hav someone knock on tho door and tclJ you to get up, - TACOMA ADVERTISING Tacoma Trunk Factory. Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases and Telescopes. REPAIRING DONE. 730 Pacific Avo. Tacoma, Wash. S. POSNBR. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions. Cloaks and Suits. 946 Pacific Avo. Tacoma, Wash. THOMAS S. IIUHLTCY, Manager, lies. Tel. John 8G1. HOliEUT McCULLOUOn, Secretary. Itei. Tel. John 851. NCOH TUG AND BARGE GO. TUGS FeARLESS, FAIRFIELD, FAVORITE and FALCON. Oeneral TnwlnK. Coal, Dallast and Water furnished. 8cmnnnil Ilnrgea for Kent. Tho "Fearless" In fitted with powerful lire nnd wrecking pumps. All business communica tions to io mid reused Tncomn Tug and llnrgo Co. Olllco: Tactile Cold Storago building, Northern Tactile Dock. Telephone Main K. Tacoma, Waihlngton. H. A. DURR, Proprietor ot Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted and Ono of the Bast Laundries in tho Northwest. 1809-11 0 Street 1310-TJ Commercial Strcot Tolophouo Main 320 , Tacoma, Washincton ESTAHLIBHED 1884. To Tho Trade; D. M. HOFFMAN & CO. EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE DEALERS Aro now open for business with th largest and finest stock in Uio city. Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1340 Pacific Avo, Phono Main 509. Tho only exclusive wholesale house in Tacoma. Hoarding Horses a Specialty. Tel. Main 499 CLARK'S LIVERY and TRANSFER STABLES JOHN CLARK SON, Proprietor. Racks and Rigs Furnished on Short Notici No. 1210 A Street, Taooina, Washington. , SHOES, HITS and Gents' Furnish lag Goods. Better than the ordinary and without extra cost Bot lighted and most convenient store In the city. DICKSON BROS. CO. General Outfitter IIMO-22 Pmolflo Ave. Taoemm ipaf uqrjllgaaiiaiiDrao7iffiSy CLOTHING SPOKANE ADVERTISING Wholesale and Retail WHISKIES Wines and Cigars. DURKIN. Telephone Main 731. Mile nnd Sprasue, . - SPOKANE For thu Latest Styles go to W. W. DREYFOOS TI HATTER MD FltllSIIEu New Club BuMngr Cor. Riverside and Washington SPOKANE, WASH. Established 18S7. Arthur D. Jones & Co. (Incorporated.) Cor. Klversttla Ave. and Lincoln St. Tclephono Main CM. Real Estate. Renting. Property Agent. Lands. Insurance. Loans. Capital $20,000. Agent Hillyard Townsite Co. 907 Ttlvcrsldo Avcntio Emplro Btato liulldlng SPOKANE, WASH. s THE I1IEBER Brewing & Malting Co.'s DOTTLED PILSENEn Lager Beer Phono, 205. SPOXAMZ, YfASIt. SPOKANE DRUG CO. Wholesale Drugs The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in the State. SPOKANE, WASH. Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madison Street, SPOKANE, WASH. Union Iron Works Iron and Brass Founders and Machinists. Mining. Smelting and Saw Mill Machinery nil Supplies. Engines, Hollers, Hoist. Crush ers, Ho:o Whims. Pulleys, Shading, Ktc, Etc. Iloavy lllacksiuithlng and Itepalrwork aSpo. clalty. Wrlto UK for estimate. Tel. Mulu 43, Codes; Lieber's, Morelug & Ncal. Office and Workf , Montgomery St. and S. P. ft N. Ry., Spokane, Washington Crystal srndand Laundry A Specialty of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED TEL. 670. Near cor. Division and North River Av. NATIONAL IRON WORKS Manufacturer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Elevators, Archi tectural Iron Work; Quartz Mills and Crush ers, Concentrators, Ore Cars, Buckets and General Mining and Mill Machinery. Every description of Wrought Iron Work, Iron and Brass Castings. Machinery and Boiler Repairs a Specialty. J. H. BOYD, Pres. and Manager. Tel. Main 176. - Spokane, Wash SPOKANE DRY GOODS COMPANY Importers and Jobbers Dry Goods Notions and Furnishings Office and Salesroom Riverside and Mill St Spokane Wash BY' ItATX AJfDIVATKU. STORIA & COLUMBIA R VER RAILROAD GO. with THROUGH PARLOR CARS nprwnuN Portland, Astoria Seaside LvaVCS Union Depot 1'ortliuiU t?- ........ tlti.T I t.na I or, C 1 ii t s k it lc'Unlon Depot vu'Mpori, uiuion, Astoria, Warren, ton, I'lavcl, Clear. linrt Turk nnd Sen tlilu. 1'urtluliU 8:00 a.m. AMorla A Heashore Express- Dully. Astoria Express Dally. 11:10 a.m. 0:40 p. m. fl:Mp. tn. (2:30 p.m. Dally except Satnrilay. ISntiirilnr mil v. Ticket otllce, 25J Morrison ttrcet, anil Union ucpoti I'ortianu. 1 J. C. MAYO, Gen. 1'nsi. ARcnt, Astoria, Or. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will leave Portland, font ol Washington St.. Ftimlay, Tuesdiiy and 'llnirnlnv uvciilni: nt ft n'nlnrtL' In- UniifL. Iwl.i.l.l U, Ifn1.. fl....1.. vivbn w ti.ii nn .oil... it, .t iivivtir, un'itn Deer Imiuiil, Marlins, Kiilnnin, Neer City, Hauler. Mt. Collin. Muyuer. Mullu. Oak l'olnt. rrecniaiis, Matizanlllii,Clatskimlu and all way lanuiiiK. A Ticket Mcani more thau your mero transportation II It Is over I C. St. P. M. & O. Ry. It means that you will havo every luxury and comfort tho utmost courtesy from all employes a safo trip and ono that will lo n pleasure and delight. It Is tho Short Line to Chicago And tho BEST as well. Anything you wish to know about Comfortable Traveling will bo Kindly told by C.J. OKAY, Traveling Agt. II. L. SISLRR, General Agt. 24H Alder Htreot. I'ortliind, Or. TICKETS To and from all POIINTS EAST via SIlOltT LINK 'TO ST. PAUL.DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO ANI 1'OI.VTS K.V8T. Through I'alace and Tourist Kleciicrs: Dining and llutlet Blunting Library Cars. DAILY TUAINS. FAST TIME. For rates, folders and full Information regard ing tickets, routes, etc., call on or address H. DICKSON'. City Ticket Agent, Portland, Or. J.W. l'HAI.ON'.T. 1A., Vii Third Kt., Portland, Or. A. 11. C. DENXISTON. O. W, P. A., 612 First Ave., Seattle, Wash. White Collar Line Portland -Astoria Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT." Dally round trips except Suuday. TIMK CAHU. Leaves Portland , 7i 00 A. M Leaven Astoria 7-00 p. M Through Portland connection with Steamer Nahcotta from llwaco and Long lleach points. TheDalles-Portland Route STEAMERS "TAHOMA" and "METLAKO" Dally trips except Sunday, Str. "TAHOMA." Leaves Portland. Mon., Wed., Frl. 7:00 A. M Leaves The Dalles, Tues., Tours. 8au,7;O0 A. M Str. "METLAKO." Leaves Portland, Tues., Thu., Sat 7:00 A. M. Leaves The Dalles Mon., Will., Frl-...7;u0 A. M. Landing aud otUce; Foot Alder Street, lkith phones Main S51. l'ortland, Oregon, AGENTS. J. W, CUICHTOX The Dalles, Ore. a. h. i-ui.t,f.K Hood Jttver, Ore WOLFOKO A WYER3..,. White Salmon, Vah. 1IEXKY OLMSTEAD.,..., . . Carton Wash JOHN T.TOTTKN.. ....... ...Stevenson. Wash. J.C. WYATT , Vaucouver. Wash. A.J.T.ULOU Astoria. Ore. E. W. CRICHTON, Portland, Oregon Iir KAIL AND WATEK, mm MMhtelm mm IP Wnwn PAamc AND rii.iT TIME SCHEOULES A.n,.. I)ltrABT Pottlsnd. Or. AB"'Y' Chicago Fntt Ijkn. Denver, 4:30p.m. Portland Ft. Wortli.Omaha, Special Kansas City, St. 0:uoa. m. Louls,Uhlcagoand via East. Huntington. At'antlo Walla Walla l.owl. 8:10a.m. Express toii,Spokaue,Miu. 8:M p.m. titapolls.Ht. Paul, via Dnliith, Mllwau Huntington. kco,Chlcauo.t:Kast St. Paul Bait Lake, Denver, 7:00a.m. Fan .Mall Ft. Worth.Omiihn, C.1& t. in. Kan. as City, St. via I.ouls,Chlcngoaud Bpoknno East. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE KltOSI l'OUTLAND. liop.m. All railing dates subject to change For Ban Francisco ball every ft days. fiiOO p. m. Dully Ex. Sunday KWni.m. baturday 1U:M) p. in. Columbia Rlvar Meamers. To Astoria and Vay lAiidlngs. 6.00 p. m, Kx. Sunday C.ISa.m Mon., Wed, and Frl. Wlllsmttla Rlvir. Water permitting. Oregon City, Now berg. Salem. Imlo iiendenrc, Corval. lis and Way Laud Ings. About 0:uip. m. Tues., Thu.. Sat.- 7:('0a. m. lues., Thur. and Sat. Wlllamrtla and Yam hill Hltsrs. Water permitting. Oregon City, Day' ton.tti Way Land' lugs. S:M p. m. Mon., Wod. ami Frl. Lv. Itlparla 4:0ft a. in. Dally except Snake Rlvor. Itlparla to Luwlston Lv. luwlston 8.00 a. m. Dally exeept Friday. Saturday i A. L. CRAIG, . General Passenger Agout, Portland, Or. C. W. STINOElt, CltyTickot AKOiit, Thtrk. and Washington Streets. TIME CARD OF TRAINS $m ci& PORTLAND Depart. Arrive. rugot Bound Limited 7:25 A. M. 0:4S P. M. Kansas City A St. Louis Bclal 11:10 A. M. 11:10 P. M. North Coast Limited 3:30 P. M. 7:00 A. M. Taeoma.Scattlo Night Express 11 : IS P. M. 3:0ft P. M Tako Puget Bound Limited or North Coast Limited for Cray's Harbor iKilnts. Take Pugot Sound Limited tor Olympla direct. Tako Puvet Sound Limited or Kansas Clty St. Uiulu Scclal for iioints on South llenil branch. Double dally train sorvlce on Gray's Harbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland and Ta coma and Seattle. A. D. CHAHLTON, Assistant General Pasenger Agent. iii Morrison St., Portland, Or. EASTvtA SOUTH LEAVE DEPOT, SIXTH AND HOYT HTS. AURIVE 8:30 P.M. OVEULAND EX. PRESS TUAINS for Salem. Itoseburg,Ash land, Sacramento. Og den, San Francisco, Molave, Ijo Angeles, hi Paso, New Orleans and the East. At Woodburn dally except Sunday, morn Ing train connects with train forMt. An Kel.SUverton.Ilrowns. vllle, Springfield and Natron, and Albany local for Mt. Angel and SUvertou. ...Albany Passenger.- ..Corvallis Passenger.. Sheridan Passenger. 7:45 A. M 8:30 A.M. 7:00 P. M, 4:00 P.M. 7:30 A.M. 10:10 A.M. 4:50 P.M. U 8:25A.M. 4:50 P.M. Dally. UDally except Sunday. YAMHILL IHVlHtnv TXa,se.?g?,r i 't o' Jefferson street.. ?.XCP SuP Jy. :S0. 9H0, A. M.. ft:05. ll:St :m. Hunuay only, 9 A. M. day 6:85 ,10:50 A. M.: except Monday, 12:10 A.M. Sunday only, 10:05 A.M. Uarefor Dallas dally except Sunday, 6:05 P.M. Arrive Portland. 9:a)A.Si. " IteUte tickets on sale between Portland. Sac ramento and San Francisco. Net rates, 17:50 nrnt rlAkd ntwl m eat.... iu.. o I .' neludes sleeper; first class does not. , 1V.cA5,i ,A'.?A?,.era l",nU aA Kuropc. Also Tui'Lli C,UNA' "OXOLULU and AUS- Oocan 4 SHASTA Z! ynV s Jo cv TICKET OFFICE, corner Yhlrd and ashlngton streets. Phone Main 712. jiii.2.t4tje At.- -e iLhm