- 1 t) r'ttJV --Wi,,. w 3 L -thLAJt The New Age. & & Uai VOL. VII. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1902. NO. 35. --sAL- Ly I FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFS$22biFD' Daelanatad Depoiltarr and VlimnoUl Agent of the United BtatM. freetdeat, H. W. Corbvtt) caahler, K.O. Wlthlngtoni Militant caahler, J. W. Newkltki Moont aulitant cashier, W. C. Alvord. Utten e( oradtt lamed, available In Europe and the Baitern ititei. Btiht exchanre eleiraphlo tranalin told on New York, Boiton, Chicago, Omaha, 8t. Paul, Ban Franoiioo and the prlnolpal point In the Northweit. Sight and time bill! drawn In auina U lull on London, farli, Dirlln.rrank tor t-on-the-Maln, Ilonj Kong. Oollictloni made on favorable terini at all aoceiitbla points. LADD TILTON, BANKERS 3SSSEL Bitabllahed In 1SBS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest allowed on time depot-its. Collections made at all points on favorable tonne. Letters of credit Issued tradable in Europe and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington, Chicago, Bt. Louis, Denver, Omaha, Ban Francisco and various pointa In Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong, COFFMAN, DOBSON & CO., BANKERS. CHEHALIS, WASHINGTON. Pounded 1884. Oldest and Largest Bank in Southwest "Washington BAINK OF COMMERCE, LIMITED. BOISE, IDAHO. OFFICKttRt B. F. OLDEN, Preildontj M. ALEXANDER, Vice Presidents H. N. COF- 1'IN, Cannier! J. it. II A INKS, Amlitant Cannier. DIHKU'lOKSi Itobt. Noble, 1 ho. Iavl, 11. F. Olden, J. M. Haines, J. K. Yates, J.D. Morrow, T, IU'Kn, M, Aluxamlor, F, It. ColtlM. Aoomuntm of Bank. Flrmm, Oorpormtlonm mnt Indtvttlualm Rooolrod on Iho Moot Llbmrml Torino Oonolotont With Sound Bunking. J lack & schmitz, nn n MIMCC ANn IMlfCCTMCMTC UroKcrs. UUL.U millL-O HI1U 111 WL.O I III 1.11 I W BAKER CITY, OREGON. TEN YEARS EXPERIENCE IN THE EASTERN OREGON GOLD FIELDS. EXAMINATIONS AND REPORTS A SPECIALTY. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Walla Walla, Wellington. (Flrit National Dank In tho Stato.) Transacts a General Banking Business. CAPITAL 1100,000. 8URPLU8 SUW.WO. LEVI ANKENY, President. A. II. REYNOLDS. Vlco President. A. R. DUItFORD, Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Pendleton, Oregon. Capital, $70,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, (OO.OOt.OO. RESERVE AGENTS First National Bank. Cblrago, III.; First National Bank, Portland, Oregon; Chemical National Bank, Now York, N. Y. OFFICERS AND DIREOTOR8 Lvl Ankeny, President; W. F. Matlock, Vice Presidont: O. B. Wade, Cashier; II. O. Gnerenay, Assistant Cashier; J. 8. McLeod, W. 8. Byers, W. F. Matlock, II. F. Johnson. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK PENDLETON, OREGON. Organized March I, 1880. Capital, $60,000. Surplus, 856.000. Interest allowed on time deposits. Exchango bought and sold on all prisv Ipal points. Special attention given to collections. W. J. Furnish, President; J. N. teal, Vica-Presidont j T. J. Morris, Cashier. OUR OPTICAL DEPARTMENT HAS PROVEN TO BE BIG SUCCESS Five Reasons for It B Count 'Em. 1. No cbnrgo for testing. 5 2. Thorough examinations with modern scientific instruments. S. Courteous treatment, We don't hurry patients. 4. Our Glasses improve tho looks. S Count 'Em. 6. Very Reasonable prices. JAEQER BROS., Jewelers and Opticians. Remember the Place. 290 Morrison St., bet. Fourth and Fifth Willamette Iron and Steel Works. Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers, PORTLAND, OREGON. OE8ICNERS AND BUILDERS OF... Marine and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Saw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery, Roll Grinding and Corrugating Machinery, Povvor Transmission Machinery. Ws art constantly developing Modern Machinery for special purposee, whtck our up-to-date plant enables us to build accurately and economically. AW CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. - NEW LIFE TO ISi"ff5S Anchor Great Combination ol Strength and Beauty. "THS Trs That Bun." jf jEjsfc "" "ifffl i t t "t H wl t-JcTjiix Ti ni See Our Anchor Clamp Ton would be surprised It yon knew bow Utile It would coit jou to fix up that old fence, hatter ind for some Anchor Claups and Uprights, and . pair ol our pinchers, and make your old wire tence look like a new one. ANCHOR FENCE looki io nice and If io strong that fsrnitrs lomettmei think that it must ba high priced. It isn't, thonsh. US Cun Biroaa Usmo. Cattle, Sheep and FARM, RAILROAD Vrtta Ht Fries and CataJaf ua. Aieata Wanted la Terr Tawm. OLD FENCESI Clamps and Uprights. Thi Old Fkkcs. Tna Akciiob Fzxca, ftC'--'t -icgc-- tivmJvrfJ'' fSfr Hof Tight, it Ntvxa 8urs) alter cloalax AND LAWN FENCE. The Portland Anchor Fence Co. 7ta Nicola! St., PORTLAND, Ofecea. EVENTS OF THE DAY CJATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprehensive Review of the Import ant Happenings of the Past Week, Presented In Condensed Form, Most Likely to Prove Interesting to ur Many Readers. Comploto ordor hna beon rostorod In Havuiin. Inturnnl rovonuo rccolptB liavo boon roducod $100,000,000 by tho removal of tho war tax. Tho Yukon gold district is groatly excited over its flrBt election of n member of parliament. Dr. Enos, a woll known Oakland, Cnl., physician, Is at tho point of death from eating poisoned candy. Colonial Secretary Chamberlain, of England, has started on a tour of in spoction of tho South African colonies bolonging to bis country. Tho repoit of the interstate commerce commission uhows that tho net earn ings of tho railways wns, (51, 395,421 greater this yoar than lust. Two Nogro womon and ono Negro man have boon sold in Kentucky for threo months, two and threo years respectively. Thoy woro couvictod of vagrancy in tho circuit court. Tho big drodgo working nt Pearl harbor, tho Honolulu port, sank during a storm, adding ono inoro to the list of troubles encountered by tho contractors einco tlilb work was comtnonced. Signs for a better government for Ire land havo appoarud. President Roosevelt has his mossugo all ready for tho sonata. Threo hundred Negro colonists will go to Llboria from Goorgia in January. Rumor has it that tho czar may abdi cate tho I throno to his undo, Grand Duke Vladimir. Gould and Harrlman havo fallen out over tho control of tho Colorado fuel and iron company. Tho govornmont survey for tho Pa cific rablo lias boon turned over to tho Commercial cable company. A mossago recoived from Dr. Iluntor, from Guatemala, states that the killing of Fitzgerald was in self dofouso. Tho navy department haB decided on a distinctive garb for marines and en listed men sorving tinio in prison. Horotoforo they huvo worn their old uniforms. Coal minors and operators held tholr first conferonco towards n peaceful set tlement ol Uieir troublos in Washing ton.' Only the preliminary arrange ments wero discussed. John L. Mitchell, jndgo of the su perior court of Pennsylvania, will lo rotirod on half pay until tho expiration of hla term in 1010, on account o( ina bility to perform tho dutios of his ofilco through sickness. Whoat has rcachod tho htghost point at Ban Francisco sinco.1808. Great Dritaln and Germany aro co operating in serious rnoaeuroa to bring Venezuela to timo. The Amorican Fodoratlon of Labor re-elected all its ofilcers, and votod to meet in Doston noxt November. Horr Krupp, tho great Gorman gun maker, and the wealthiest man in Germany, is dead from apoploxy. Oil la to lo used as fuol on tho steam ers of tho Furnoss lino, ono of tho largest English steamship companies. Tho robbers who held up tho Rock Island oxpresB, noar Davenport, Iowa, secured in the neighborhood of (20,000. The report of Coneul Gonerol McNal ly on tho Hunter-Fitzgorold affair in Guatemala puis it In tho aspect o( a cold blooded murder. Matters are proceeding favorably for an agroemont between tho coal minors and operators. An increase of 10 por cent in wages is assured. Tho body of J. W. Fuller, who dis appeared from his homo in Portland October 27, has been found. There was a bullet hole in his right templo and a revolver with ono empty cham ber lay alongside tho body. Thirty peoplo were drowned by tho sinking of a steamer in the Danube river. Roports from tho district in Guate mala devested by tho volcano placo tho loss of lifo at 10,000. Tho (anions eating lion so at Meacham, on the O. It. A N., which burned a fow days ago, will be rebuilt. Prominent citizons of Denver have started a movement for tho establish ment of a sanitarium for actors. Augustin 'Oliacon, one of the most deeporate outlaws in Arizona, has been hanged. During his career he had taken at least a Bcoro of lives. A serious financial problom is con fronting Germany. Tho government expense deficit is larger than ever be fore and the pooplo can hardly afford to pay more taxoj. WAS A BAD NIQIIT. Robbers Secure Only 300 Stamps Among Thrco Towns Itettcr In Texas. Warren, Mich., Nov. 28 Clint E. Osborne, assistant proprietor of a gen eral store In this vlllngo, was shot dead early today by ono of a gang of robbers that had entered tho Warren bank and blown open tbo 'safe. Tho explosion aroused Osborne, who telephoned to ono of hla noighors that ho thougnt burglars woro nt work in olthor tho bank or postofllco, All tho telephones in tho village aro connected at night, and it 1b thought tho cracksmen hoard tho bell on the bank tolophono ring and listened to Oeboruo. Oeborno then started down tho street, and had gone but a short distnnco when ono of tho robbers, acting ns an outsido guard, shot him in tho face with a charge of buckshot, killing him in stantly. Then, without securing any thing from tho safe, the burglars rushed from tho bank and drove rapid ly away. No trace of them haa bIuco beon discovered. An Indiana Attempt. Akron, O., Nov. 28. Early today a desperato attempt was made to rob tho Exchango bank at this placo. Tho robbers captured and bound tho two night telophono operators and cut all tolophono wires loading out of tho local exchange They uIbo bound and gagged u physician whoso olllco is in tho samo block with tho Exchnntio bank. Tho first explosion of dynamite at tho bank aroused tho citizens, who hnstoned to tho scone with Are arms. Many shots wero exchanged, but tho robbers o capod without any booty. Tho bank building was badly wrecked. dot 300 Stamps. Colfax, Ind., Nov. 28. Tho post ofllco at Olark's Hill was entered early today and tho safe dynamited. About 300 stamps wero taken. The mall pouchos woro also looted. No clew to tho robbers. Better Luck In Texas. Dallas, Tex., Nov. 28. Tho First national bank at Morgan, Bosque county, was dynamited by robhors early today and (6,000 in gold, silver and curreucy was tocurod by tho burg lars. Boforo tho citizens, who woro uroupod by tho explosion, could reach tho hank, tho bandits had secured the monoy und mado their escape. ANARCHISTS AKKU5TBD. Street Fight Believed to Have Revealed' Secret Meeting Place. Now York, Nov. 20. As tho outcomo of tho arrest of two Italians fighting florcolytfn'th street, thepoliceof.vilio Oak stit station, In this cit, bollove thoy havo discovered an anarchist moot ing place within it stone's throw of tho station. Tho prisoners gave tholr names as Dominic Santo and Tony Monz. Santo had a big revolver, with which ho was trying to shoot Monz. Tho latter carried a dangerous looking knifo. When Boarchod, 15 cartridges woro found in Santo's pockets. Bo sides, tliero was an unoponed letter from Cannalolll, Italy. Monz had a rough map of Paris and tho department of tho Soino, with a dozen of the largoat building numbers. Ho also had a bill hoad from tho Carlton hotel, London, and admitted that ho came to this coun try threo weeks ago. According to tho polico tho fight started in a hall in Roosevelt street, whero a meeting was insossiou. Sunto waH charged with having revealed sec rets, and tno tight in tho street follow ed, resulting in their nrrost. Monz U said to have admitted that he is an anarchist. Havana Strike Under Control. Washington, Nov. 28. A cablegram recoived at tho stato department today from Minister b'nuiora nt Havana re ports that tho government is taking u firm stand and that the strike situation is hotter. Senor Quesada, the Cuban minister, talked ovor tho situation with Secretary Hay today. The conditions are being watched with tho c'osunt in terest, ns it is believed that the ability of tho Cuban government to maintain luw and order and adequately Hiifegiiard tho heavy investments of foroign capital at Havana is about to bo subjected to a sovero test. Death of a Coin Expert. New York, Nov. 28. Tho death of Francis G. Meyers, chief of the coin division of the sub-treasury, was an nounced today. Ho was considered ono of tho best coin exports in the country. Ho was 67 years of age. French Coal Strike Is Ended. Clermont, Forrand, Franco, Nov. 27. The strike of the coal miners in this region is terminated. The men have resumed work at all the pits, and troops who wero guarding tho propreties have been withdrawn. NEWS OF OREGON ITFMS OF INTEREST PROM ALL PARTS OF THE STATE. Commercial and Financial Hnppcnlnga of the Past Week Brief Review of th Orowth and Development of Various Industries Throughout Our Common wealth Latest Market Report. Tho postofllco at Pokonma, Klamath county, haB beon discontinued. Tho building boom, which has beon In progress at Weston for several weos, bIiows no signa of nbatomout. Tho citizons of Helix will hold nn oloction December 10 to vote on tho proposition of incorporating tho town. But very little of tho 1003 wheat crop in tho big Umatilla belt will bo fall wheat, tho rain proving so heavy that all seoding has been stopped. Dr. Lockenby, of Union, nas discov ered a process whore Dy ho can tnko photographs in which all natural colors aro reproduced. Ho will not keep tho discovery a secrot, but will glvo It to tho world. Tho soldier who was arrested at Fort StovoiiB for sotting the numerous teceiit Arcs has escaped from tho ollicorn and no trace of him can bo found. Ho con fi'BBod to having started tho tiros as ac cused. Tho second term at tho state normal school at Monmouth shows a markod increase in interest and attendance Ono noticeable foaturo is tho unusually largo number of young men, some 100 being enrollod nt present. Tho BUgar beet crop this yoar in tho neighborhood of La Grande wna oxcop tlonally good and more beets woro turned into tho factory than uvot bo foro. Iho amount received is 17,500 tonn, which yieldod 4,000,000 pounds of roflnodsugar. A groat many pooplo in tho east aro writing to tho stato agricultural college for information regarding thlH stato. There aro many peoplo In tho Middlo V oh torn statoa who would como to Ore gon if thoy know of its advantages. The Portland chamber ol commerce is devising pious to advertlso Oregon in each states as Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Iowa. A number of tho boards of trade throughout tho stato aro alto issuing Uteruturo, and oarly In tho spring a groat influx of pooplo with, moderate means is expected. Eugeno has soon red an additional mail carrier for city delivery. Burglars entered a Salem roaldonco and ransacked tho placo, tocurlug a small amount of cash and eomo Jewelry. "-"A-nttiBBHvof ol tie throughout Jliel state will hold municipal elections 'De- comber 1. Considerable local intorost is being taken on account of factional fights, prohibition meaBuros, ote. The Baker Olty lodge of Elks haa purchased a situ and will erect a 'two story stono und brick building 50x100 feet. When complete tho structure will cost about (25,'000. Threo prisoners under dotontion at the county jail nt Union, mado tholr escape by sawing through Iho bars of tholr cells.' The prisoners wero await ing a hoaring boforo tho grand jury, two chargod with assault and ono with mayhem. PORTLAND MARKETS. Whoat WallaWalla, 7h72n; blue stem 777Po; valley, 74J76c. Barley Feed, (23.50 per ton; brew ing, (24.00. Flour Best grade, 3.003.75; grah am, (3.2033.00. Mlllstuffs Bran, ' f 10.00 per ton; middlings, (23.60; shorts, (10.60; chop, (ltf. Oats No.H white, (1.15Q1.17K ; gray, (1.12M1.16 percental. flay Timothy, (10(311; clover, (0.00; cheat, (80 per ton. ' Potatoes Best Burhauks, 00(380c Htrsack; ordinary, 60(56o per cental, growers' prices; Merced sweets, fl.75 'J per cental. Poultry Chickens, mixed, (!.fi0a 4.25; per pound, 10c; hens, (404.60 per dozen; per pound, lie; springs, (3.00 (43.50 per dozen; fryera, (2.603.00; timllt.. !' 00fa2.fi(): ducks. S4.60tt 1 0.00 per dozen; turkeys, young, 12)$ lfio; geese, (0.00(;ll.60 or dozen. Cheese Mill cream, twins, inc 10&O5 Youug America, 16H17K factory prices, lQlK" less. flutter Fancy creamery, 80a32K per pouud; extras, 30c; dairy, 20 22,c; store, 15018. Eggs 25(330o per dozen. Hops New crop, 2320o per pound. Wool Valley, 12K16oj Eastern Oregon, 814c-r mohair, 2028u. Beef Gross, cows, 33c per pound; steers, 4c; dressed, 6 7c. Veal-7tf8Xc Mutton Gross, So per pound; dressed, 60. Lambs Grose, 3Xo per pound; drMd, 6Kc Hogs Grot "K3Jie per pound; dftflNd, 707 BLOCKS TUB CANAL. United States May Not Take Up Nlcaragtua. Route Again. Washington, Nov. 27. The cabinet mooting yesterday was devoted almost exclusively to tho consideration o tho status of tho reciprocity treaty with Cuba and tho canal treaty with Colom bia. Tho hitches that havo occurred In tho negotiations woro discussed, as woto oIbo tho prospects of sottlomenk. Hocretary Hay, whllo prosentig thenr subject of tho canal negotiations,, was not ablo to report that any progroia had beon mado dar ing tho paat week. In fact, it appears that tho negotiations havo como to dead stop, and whllo no such thing as an ultimatum haB pasted, tho precis situation may bo described In the state ment that tho Colombian minister her, Concha, has distinctly informed Una state department that ho cannot, in. behalf of hla government, accept th last proposition of tho United State as a basis for a canal treaty. Tbe stato department hna already lot it be known that it has como to tho end ol itB concessions, so tbo chances of m renown I of tho negotiations In the near future aro not vory bright. TIiIb statu of affairs will stimulate tho negotiations with Nicaragua and Costa Riaca for the ultornuto route, but it now appears that tho diplo matic ropropontatlves of those coun tries are not disposed to allow them selves to bo used to coerce Colombia, and therefore aro doslrous of remaining in tho background until it shall bo clearly established that no treaty can bo mado between Colombia and tbo United States. Ono of the Btatomonts of fact in connection with tho Panama ronte which has beon brought to tho atten tion of tho statu department Is that the- origlnal canal concession will oxplrn in luui, and It has boon suggested thai tho Colombian government has that fact in mind, and is disposed to re frain from making a treaty now, in ex pectation that tho franchUo will lapse, and it thus may bo in a position to build tho canal itsolf, or to roll a new concession. Such n course wculd raise a vory sorinua quuntlou between the Colombian governmont, the Panama canal company, tho Frouch government and tho government of tho United states as to whethor or not a supple mentary decree extending tho conces sion 10 yoars from 1U04 wan valid. SPANISH WAR CLAIMS. United States Took the Place of Seal In Cuba. Washington, Nov. 27. Tho SpanUh claims commission has enunciated the principles by which it will bo governed in passing upon the various demurrers which huvo been submitted to itin con nection with tho claims now under consideration on account of the war be tween Hnaln and Cuba. Tim aanaml nJAls'la-rcid-'dow?! thriK iie--3 responsibility which would have other wise beon Spain's tho United State is bound to pay all claims lor which Spain could havo been hold. It It further hold that tho Insurrection in Cuba had gone beyond the control of tho Spanish government und that it nas not respon sible for damages done to foreigners by tho insurgents. If, however, it be shown that tho Spanish authorities might havo prevented tho damage done in utiy particular case by the exercise of duo diligence tho commission an nounces that it will hold that Spain in liable. Tho commission announces further that it will take Judicial notica that the Cuban insurrection paesed from first be yond tho control of Spain, and ho con tinued until tho intervention of the United States. It is further held that Spain waH entitled to adopt such war measures for the recovery of her au thority as aru functioned by the rules and usuges of international warfare. If, however, it bo alleged und proved in anv particular cane that the acts of tho Spanish authorities or roldlora wore contrary to curb rules and usuges, Spain will be held liable in that case. TIiIh decision does not, however, go Io the extent of Buying that tho recon tentratiou orders woto legitimate acts o( war. There is to ho u further argu ment on that subject Ex-Senator Chandler, chairman of the committee, and CoiiimlHcionor Maury dissent from the rules adopted. Called to 'Washington. Memphis, Tenu,, Nov. 27. Goneral Luke E. Wright, vlco govornor of the Philippines, loft last night for Wash ington, whuro it U understood ho haa Imjou Himmom-d by tho president for a conference 011 tho proponed Philippine legislation. It is expected thutgencraL Wright will assist in tbo preparation of the bills which will ho piesented to congiufrs at tho forthcoming session, among which will Ikj ono for the estab lishment of a stable currency and an extension of tho civil servito laws in the urchipelago will bo recommended. l-'ntnl Locomotive Holler Explosion. IMHuttnrfs. Nriv. !'7.mA trainman waa killed und eoven others Hcrlously in jured y the explosion of a locomotive boiler at Thompson, on tho Mononga boltt division of tho Pennsylvania road today. Of the injured all are railroad employes and none ia expected to die. J" I ,1. VJ: J,dk.d.i i : aaaaiakttiMMiM