S1 x THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. ffi i nAir i i mrPTiTiniiTt t A MA A Vt ( MNi J. F. DA VIES Fancy and Staple Groceries Telephone, Main 472. 1020 Tacotna Avo. TAGOMA, WASH. A. A. ALLEN, Manager The Singer Manufacturing Co. Telephone, lied 2.175. 118 12th St. TACOMA. WASH. Tacoma Shoe Co. I) r n hicunn n. . T-....., Phono, Onk 244. , 020 Pacific Avo. TACOMA, WASH. H. W. MEYERS & GO. Dealeri in FURNITURE, STOVES, RANGES. Hardware, Glassware, Mixed Paints Telephone, Jamci 2570. 1021 So. Eleventh St., Cor. K. TACOMA, WN. Thomas Bennett Dealer in New' ann Second-Hand Furniture Stoves, Carpets, Tin ware and Crockery. )1 Tacoma Ave, Tacoma Wash. WA Vauohak, rrc. E. P. Vauohan, Trcai. U. O. Wymkoop, VIco l'rcS- and tiocy. Wynkoop-Vaughan Company DRUGGISTS iD CHEMISTS Ninth and Pacific Ave. TACOMA WASH. THE BOHEMIAN john j McMillan, I'rop, FURNISHED ROOMS Telephone Main 240. 100 Tenth St. TACOMA, WASH. Kelly's Transfer . J. H. KELLY, Prop. Wood and Coal for Sale MOVING A SPECIALTY ' Steam Heated Room for Storing; Furniture. Tclophono, Main 401, Office and Residence 931 Tacoma Avo. TACOMA, WASH. THE ARCADE J. F. MUKPHY, Trop. Dry Goods S Men's Furnishings lv acme avo. TACOMA WASH. TEA AND COFFEE Aro th- ?reat popular drinks of the country. How Important to have It nice and fresh roast edof Dickson, the Coffee Roaster 1538 Faclflc Avenue, TACOMA, WASHINGTON. Makms Your fouth Water At jou slice on a tucculent piece of tho Under roast leef procurable at our es tablishment, of course much depends on the cook don't blame It all on the butcher but we'll take chances on that (or wo know our meats are Al cuts. Bay City Market. Main 0. Ilia Pacltlo Aw. iiliiw St. Helen's Hall PORTLAMn. ntornn AltiiBriltHKHiKl Utty School for Girls. Has a Normal kindergarten Training Depart ment, which has aseimrnto resilience for Kin dergarten classes. The Hoarding Department troTidei a cheerful and well arranged home for young ladle. For Catalogue or other In formation apply to MI63 KLKANOIt TKDIIKTT8. Principal. ?33X3) I WANT TO BUY FOR CASH jj Chicken, Duck and Geesofcath- ft crs. Adtlresa O. O. SMITH. 'i 10th and DavlmGtm.,Portland,Or In the Light of Utter Knowledge. "Your husband, I suppose, still keops up his habit of taking two baths a day, as proscribed by that physical culturo toach6r?" "No; ho got tired of it and hunted up n physical culturo tonchor who says bathing ia weakening and injurious." Chicago Tribune An Abbreviation explained. Tho origin of tho symbol "cwt." lor hundredweight ia ob follows: O Ib tho initial letter of tho Latin word "centum," moaning a hundred, ond wt are tho first and last letters of tho word "weight," and aro used as a contrac tion for it. PULLINd TEETH. No Pain, and Doesn't Cost Much, at Wise Uros., Portland, Oregon. Tho wonderful changos accomplished by advertising dentists aro well illus trated by tho fame of WIbo flrothors, whoso offices aro in tho Failing build ing, Third and Washington streets, Portland, Oregon. It Is truo that you can hava a tooth pulled entiroly with out pain and that tho cost of falso tcoth is very moderate. This great advance in dental turgory is 01m of tho blessings of tho proRont ngo. Establishments liko that of Wise Urothors in Portland render it about as pleasant to fit your self out with now tenth as to acquire any other nrtiulo of wear and useful ness. Wo suggest that our readers watch tho Who Brothers' advertleo monts and act upon them. He Set It. All Right. Bill Collector You say you intend to pay this bill somo timo. Can't you sot a certain day? Lawyer Furst Yea; Judgment day. Baltimore World. Mothers will flna sirs. tVlnslow's Booth. Ing Syrup the boat remedy to use for their Children during the teething period. A Feast of aood Things In St. Nicholas for 1003. St. Nicholas announces for 1003 "Tho Story of King Arthur," wrltton and illustrated by Howard Pylo, a com panion story to his famous "Robin Hood." Two short stories by Miss Alcott, will soon appear in St. Nich olas, with other stories and articles by othor well known writer's. St. Nicholas makes a specialty of papers of informa tion, richly illustrated articles ou prac tical subjects, like the navy yard, tho assay office, etc. Tho pricoof St. Nicholas is three dol lars a year. Tho publishers announce that new subscribers who begin with January may roceivo tho Novomber and Docembor numbeis free. Hirsute Calculation. Littlo Wynnio (just returned from Sunday school) -Is it truo that oven tho hairs of our heads aro numbered? Mr. Frontseat Tho Blbio says so, my child. Littlo Wynnio (after a pause) It won't be very hard to keep track of yours, will it, papa? Judgo. RHEUM A TISM CANNOT Rheumatism must be treated through the blood, and no remedy brings such prompt and lasting relief US.S.S. It attacks the disease in the blood, neutralizes the acids, and removes all irritating or poisonous substances from the system. I S. S. S. strengthens and enriches the thin acid blood, and, as it circu lates through the body, the corroding, gnawing poisons and acid deposits are dislodged and washed out of the muscles and joints, and the sufferer Is haooilv relieved from the discom HHHlFBil forts and misery of Rheumatism. I External remedies are all right so far as they go, but .they don't go f at enough, and you can't depend upon them to do the work of a blood purifier, aad those who pin their faith to liniments and plasters as cures are bound Rheumatic sufferers who write us aid and helpful advice from our physicians, for wiucli no cnaree is maue. , We will mail free our special book on Rheumatism, which is the result o , years of practical experience in treating mis disease n. ..- -condensed form much information about Rheumatism. THE SWitt SPEOlFiO CO,, ATLANTA, OAm catarrh thirty years, The Remarkable Experience of a Prominent Statesman Congress- 'man Meekison Gives Pe-ru-na a High Endorsement. Congressman Meekison, of Ohio. Hon. David Meekison is wo 11 known hot only in his own slate, but through out America. Ho was olocted to tho Kifty-fith congress by n very large ma jority, and ia tho acknowledged leader of 'his party in his section of tho etato. Only one flaw marred the o'therwiso completo buccobp of this .rising states man. Catarrh with its insidious ap proach and tenacious grasp, was his only unconquerod foo. For 30 ycaro ho wngod unsuccessful warfare against this personal enemy. At last Peruna enmo to tho rescue. He writes: "I hnvo used several bottles of Pe runa and I feci greatly benefitted thereby from my catarrh of the head. I feel encouraged to believe that If I use it n short time longer I will be fully able to eradicate tho disenso of thirty years' standing." David Meek ison, Member of Congress. If you do not dorivo prompt and sat isfactory results from tho nso of Peru na, write nt oncu to Dr. Hartman, giv ing a full statoment of your caso and he will bo ploased to givo you his valu able advico gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, Proeldont of Tho Hartman (sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Marriage Would Cure. Mr. Gumpps That boy will nevor bo good for anything until ho marries. Mrs. Gumpps I suppose not. Mr. Gumpps No; ho's got to get over tho habit of hanging around tho houso. New. York Weekly. Success In Sight. - "Now," said tho Irato debtor, "if you disturb mo again you'll got what jui v ivuMing sua "Thanks," said tho urbane collector. "I will try to mako it convenient to disturb jou about this time tomorrow." BITS Psrtnanentlr Ourra If o flti or ncrTOUioctl M I W nfUrrtrt.fT'"nionr.Klln.'(rftNem TlMtotn. 8 ml for PUB It 8'J.OO tri.l bolt. and treat. (m. Da.lUl.ttuxbLtf..MAKu3UPbUUhtiU,I' Pleasant Cure. "What can I do for my littlo boy," asked mamma, "so that he won't want to oat between meals?" "Havo vo moals fickor togovvor," re plied tho young hopeful. Tit-Bits. Discouraging Prospect. Tho boy was greatly troubled. "Is it truo, father," ho asked, "that thoy havo whipping posts in touio states?" His father assured him that It wan. "And they whip grown peoplo?" asked tho boy. "When thoy dosorvo it," said tho father. "Well," asserted tho boy, with con viction, "I don't seo what's tho uso of growing ud." Booklyn Eaglo. BE RUBBED OUT But a good liniment or plaster will often give temporary relief because it produces counter irritation or reduces the inflammation and sore uess. But no sort of external treatment can hav any effect whatever upon the disease itself, for Rhaummtlmm not m mkln ??, but is due to an over acid condition of the blood, and tke deposit of irritatlne matter or Uric Acid alts or 6ediment in the muscles and joints, and no amount of rubbing or blistering can dislodge these gritty particles or change the acid blood. Rheumatism often becomes chronic, and the mus cles and joints permanently stiff and useless and the nervous system almost wrecked, because so j much time is lost in trying to cure a blood disease with outside applications or doctoring the skin. Louisville, fey., Kerch 87, '08. Gontlomons I am triad to say that . . 0. aae cured ma of Khoumatlam. About two years aero Z suffered from XheuxaatUaa Ia aay knes-n4 feet, my ankle awollln ao taat Z could not put on my ahooa. Tbla oontlnuod for several moatba, durlBa walob tlsu Z waa applying- ltatmeata and s-olna by my pbyalelan's direction, but derived bo benefit. Z waa told of . a. B. and tried it. X lamed!. etely rot relief, and continued the medicine until Z was entirely well. 8108 rioyd 8t. D. J. DUAN. 10 meet wnu uiujjjiujiwuh, . be nursing a case of Rheumatism the greater part of their lives. 8. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy, does not contain any Potash or mineral of any kind, and can be taken with K-ttrtv hv old and voumr. about their case will receive valuable , Ilcro Is a bcnutlful and simple ex periment Take an ordlunry square wooden ruler nnd cut off n piece about, 30 Inches In length. Next take a thfti piece of wire, which must bo somewhat longer than tho longer portion of tho ruler, niul twist each of fts two cuds Into n littlo ring. After this Is done nail the rings to tho two ends of tho lnrger portion of tho ruler nnd then place tho smaller por tion under the wire In tho same posi tion that n string of a violin Is placed on n bridge. Now, If you strike the wire it will give forth a sound, nnd this sound will change according to the pressure of your finger. Next cut, out of cork, a few little figures. They must resemble dancers, nnd you can mnko them more pictur esque by giving them a cont of oil DAKCE113 1ft A BOA l' II U MILK. paint Moreover, under ouch there must bo three supports, which nro to be stuck Into tho oorlc, nnd can bo made out of little bits of wire. These miniature dancers are to bo placed on n tin Hoor (tho top op bottom of any coiuiuou tlu box will Billllco for this purpose), the edgo of which Is to ho nailed to tho upright portion of tho ruler In tho uinnuer shown In tho ac companying picture. The dancers are now tti bo dipped In soap nnd wnter nnd the tin lloor Is to bo moistened with tho name Iluld. Im mediately nfterward tho figures should bo placed In position on the tloor nnd n largo soap bubble should then bo blown over them, nnd In such u man ner that It will rest on tho fioor. As n result wo hnvo ns beautiful a ballroom ns one could wish to bcc. Moreover, wo can have music nnd dancing, for if we strlko tho wire tho vibrations will net on tho tin floor of the ballroom nnd tho tiny figures will begin to dnnco enthusiastically nnd will contlnuo to dnnco ns long as wo furnlBh them with music. WALK ON 8TILT8. A Picturesque Method of Locomotion In Routli western Krnnce, In southwestern, France there Is n de partment known ns Landcs, bordering on tho Bay of Biscay, which Is amoug tho most deaolnto and unproductive re gions In Europe. It hns an area of nearly 4,000 square miles nnd n popula tion exceeding 300.000. Whllo tho cast ern portion of this department Is fertile enough to permit of successful agricul ture, tho western portion consists only of desolate tracts of Hand banks, mnrahes nnd swamps, covered with heath nnd dwni-f shrubs. Tho Inhab itants live In scattered villages of mis erable huts nnd subsist by fishing nnd WALK1NQ ON STILTS. bunting and the raising of swine nnd sheep. The latter are of a wretched breed, thus partaking of the nature of their country. The chief peculiarity of the Inhab itants Is that they walk on stilts, tho use of the latter greatly aiding locomo tion on the arid lands and salt marshy plains. Illustrative of this method of locomotion we print a picture from the Illustrated London News allowing the peasants on the way to market. The Inhabitants are chiefly of the Gascon race, and while rude and naturally poor they aro good-natured and hos pitable. A Sorrowing Kansas Widow. In ber "card of thanks" a Miami County widow, after thanking every body else, concluded: "I also thank the band for Its consoling music and Mrs. Averlng, the milliner, who fur nished me such becoming mounrlug. My dear husband's farm Is for salo as soon as proper legal steps can be taken, and will bo sold at a bargain. Oh, death, thou art terrible." Mllo a Minute in a Ilalloon. Sixty miles iu sixty minutes was tho record mndo by Mr. Spencer, the aero naut, In a balloon with which ho ns ceuded ut Morley, Yorkshire, and camo to earth near T'hlrak, No, Cordelia, a plagiarist Isn't neces sarily the author of a play. YourHair "Two years ago my hair was falling out badly. I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and soon my hair stopped coming out." Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111. Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half starved hair. If you want Inner, thick hiiir. feed it B whh Ayer's Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. $1.00 a bdll. All drettlits. If your drrcp-lst cannot supply you, end us on? dollar aud no will express you a bottle, llo suro and giro tho nnmo 01 your nearest express oillce. Address, J. C.AYKU CO., Lowell, Mass. iM'iim WHtni. Ail llkK fills. Dost Cough Syrup. Tastes Uood. U0 1 in limo. toid dt nruggima. Frog's Skin Is Porous. A pioco of frog's skin not largor in diameter than tho rubber tip on your lend pencil hns more poros in it than thoro are meshos ln tho mosquito net ting on your scrcon door. To Hroik lit Now Shoes, Always shako ln Aliens Foot-Kaso, a powder. It cures chilblains, damp, sweating, achlnir, swollen foct. Cures Corns and llunlous. At all drtieirlsts aud Rtioo stores, Vim. Don't accept any substitute. Hnmplo mailed FUEL'. Addross Alton H. Ultnstead, Lolloy, N. Y Not the Only One. "Any lottors for mo, Pomp?" dc mnmled tho pompous old general as ho hobbled out to tho gate. "No, Bnhl" rcBpondod tho colored mnil carrier. "No letters addressed 'Genoral?' " "One, cob." "Then it must bo for mo. I am tho only genoral in town." "Ah doan think so, sab." "What general Is there?" "Gonornl dolivery." Fresh Corn. Would you like to know, In tho mid- dlo of tho winter, what fiesh corn Is liko? If you would, got a can of Mono polo Corn, nnd, if it wore not for the Benson, you would probably not know the difference. Monopolo Corn is canned wlioro it is grown, only tho best and tendorest ears boing usod. It re tains tho natural freshness nnd flavor of tho vegotablo, and you won't find it half so good if you ask for any othor brand. Your groct-r doubtlses handles Monopolo groceries and can furnish you with thorn. If ho will not, wrllo ub direct nnd wo will adviso you of one who will. Wadhams & Kerr Bros., packers, roitlund, Pro. Lovers of Dancing. Tho Porto Ilican native is vory much given to dancing. Botli men and womon hnvo a natural lovo for thu ball room. risn'a Ouro U a good couch medicine It hns cured coiil-Iis and colds for forty years. At druggUts, '25 cents. Ue Fair to All. Ono day a littlo fivo-year-old boy eald to his mother: "Mamma, didn't you cay yon took Lester to tho dentist's to got his tooth filled because It ached? Well, rav stomach aches. Won't you take mo 1 1 tho candy store and got it filled? Cleveland Leader. tkmSfi Arcgcfablc Preparationror As similating IhcFoodnndRcdula liagihcStoiaacliSQtslDovvclsof Promotes Digcallon,Checrfur rvcssandliest.Conialns neither Opium.Morpliine norXiiieral. Not "Narcotic. MtroUOrSiMVUPtTCmR MxJmMt Aperfecl Remedy forConsUpa non, Sour Stomach, Diarrlioai Worms .Convulsions .Fevcri sh iieas and loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of new Yonic. exact copy or wrapper. i JOHN POOLE, PORTLAND, ORB. Foot of Morrison Street. Can jrlvo you the best bargains In Holler and Engines, Windmills, 1'umps and done rat Machinery. Wood Bawlnic Machine specialty. See us bcloro buying. flME ln tno advanced pneo and Ullt dividends of our 1.500,000 Ilfll I AD shares of treasury stock, par UULLP.Tl valtio l each, all Is treasury CADMO stock no promoter's stock. tmlllO No dividends apportioned CO UUITUIN to unsold stock. Own our J)U II 1 1 nill factory ami machinery. Pros nMC VCaD cnt subscription prices cent Uilb I Lfltl K3rsharo until roniatnlnn al Intincut of MjO.WO shares aro sold, aftor which tho remaining stock Is to bo advanced to par. Uofer to Mercantile Aftcn clcs. An extraordinary, fafe and remuner ative mercantile mamifarturltiK Investment. Ariilrers for llxiilnnatorr l'rniticctus. copy ol I charlor and by-laws, Tho California 1'iiro hood MiMUiincumiiK lompauy, ai tan ruriinuuti St., Los Angeles, Cal. W. La S3 &$3a52 SHOES M listiibllBliud 1870. l'or more than o iiuiirtor of n century tho reputation of V. L. Douglas Blities for stylo, com fort, and wear has excelled all other makes. A trial will cnnvlnco you. W. L. DOUGLAS $4 SNOES CANNOT BE EXCELLED. i.v.,::i.. JMoa.saonw.'.v J2,iuo,oo Best Imported nni American Itathtrs. Hryt'J Patent Calf, Enamel, fl- Calf, Calf, Vlcl KM, Corona Colt, Nat Kanaatoo. Kint Color i:uli'l tisrrt. Cnntlnn I Th ireniilna hav VT. I DOyaLAS vuuiiiui 1 jiumn ntul rrlco rtitmpM on bottom. Shoti ly mnil, i'.V. Mfm. ". Vntiiloij frt' V, L. DOUGLAS, IIPOCKTON, MASS. MADfc BY THE MAKERS - OWElty 4tJRLti 0I1ED CL0TMNG HAVsHtSAHfrPOfflT OrCXCCllKKGIANlftTtl CONHtTlSATISFACrmt DYSPEPSIA " l'or elx year I we victim ofly PripolM In Un worht form. 1 tould rut iiotlilnr uiinllk toust, mill at tlinesmyiitomuch would not rotaln and dlueai oven Unit. Last March I hptfan taking CASCAKKTS and almo then! have steadily Improved, until I am a well a I over was in my llfo." Daviu 11. Mtiiirnr, Newark, O. CANDY I , AW CATHARTIC CATHARTIC TMADf MANN HSOieTSMSO rietiant. I'nlntable. I'ntont, Ttt Oood. De Oood, Mover Hii-Ken. Vciikc.i.(ir lrli, IK tte.Mto. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sl.rllM M.a.4; f ,, , (kl.M., M.alrttl, tM, 111 lift Tfl DAP fold i"l iiiiarantrrd liy all drug HU'lU'DAu vl,i. 111 UIJUIlTol'icoi lUblh CASTCRIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years 1HC CINT.UI, COMP.NT, KIN YOKK CITY. 12 iSWJlmWmwvm DOUGLAS WET WBATHSR rbVg SsB AAt A. sssa fu Hi 4 mil iMiirffiiii - - J-j'! 1. - -