-J THE NEW AGKE POKTJjAND, OREGON.. TACOMA ADVERTISING Hopkins Bros. DRuaaisTs. Prescriptions are our specialty. Orders by telephone promptly delivered. Cam to nil parts of the city pnm our doors. H. W. cor. K and Kl t nth Hts. Telephone Mitln 351. TUB LOUVRE. WH.MAM BlHUltO, I'rop. llest hrmnlsnf Itnportpd And domestic Wines, I.i(tlorn nud Clan's. Hole kkuiiIs for I'nrker Itye. Fine Free l.unch. Telephone Jntncs'Jiai. VJOO 1'atlllo Avenue. 130 C'omtnerce Htreet. Tacoma, Washington. THE NORTH POLE. IIJ: NVMAN, Proprietor. Fine Wines, l.liiuors and Cigars, 1'resh I.agcr liver always on draught. Telephone lllnck H,T2. First Paloon from N. V. depot, lfilo l'aclllc Avenue, cor. 17th Htreet. Tacoma, Washington. A. S. JOHNSON & CO. Wholesale and retail dealers In Palnfs, Oil, Brmhts, Glass, Wall Paper1 Wo carry a full lino of Hnom Moulding, i)oors, Windows, Klc. Estimates xlvcn on 1'aperltiK and dialing. Tel. John Wll. 13UU l'aclllc Avenue. TACOMA, WASH. People's Cash Grocery H. A.HKAItH, I'roprlotnr. Wholesale and retail dealer In Btnplo anil Knncy Groceries, Tens, CSf ft'OH, SpiccH, KtC. Tclephono Main 191. sul 1. utrcut, cor. .Ninth. Tacoma, Wash. When You Want Anything Good ...TO EAT... Try tho grocer at corner Kltvjnth nnd Q We Patronise Those that l'atronlio Us. J. LINDBERO. T'1. Main XII. 1101 O Street. Opp. Court lluuso. Tacoma, Wash, J. KAUFMAN. Dealer In FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES, CROCKERY, ETC. Terms Ituasonablo. 938 f! Street, Tacoma, Wash, SUNRISE BAKERY. D. McPHEUSON, Proprietor. All kinds of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc Wedding: and Birthday Cakes A Specialty. TELEPHONE ItED 1504. IJ07 South K St. TACOMA, WASH. C. O. MELLINGER. Funeral Director. Kmhaluilng n Specialty by Mel linger llrou. Ortlco Phone Main 151. Ileeldeucu Phone John 12311. 010 Tacoma Avo. Tacoma, Wash. Ole II. Lien. Harry II. Selvlg. LIEN'S PHARMACY. Formerly Central Drug Store. Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles Prescriptions a Specialty. 111X1 Tacoma Avenue. Telephone- James 111. Tacoina, Wash. Tacoma Baking Co. Wholesale Manufacture ot BREAD, CAKES, ETO. 1M3 Tacoma Avcnuo, Tacoma - - Washington TKI.KI'IIONK 43. TACOMA CARRIAGE and BAGGAGE TRANSFER COMPANY. OOlco 1W Tenth HI., Southeast corner of A. TACOMA, WASH. Micks, Coupes, Carriages, Baggage Wagons At All Hours. PsuetiKors and 1Ibi:iko transferred from mldciu-vnd hotels to and from all loats and trains, hand your checks for Ukkuku tu our iufseiKi'r, "hq will meet you on all Incom- lK trains and boats. First cla I.hery. Open aUiilulU. AH rigs marked "V. O. A II. T. Ou." Do You Wear Shoes? . - ti..l.- fill. QtlrtA l.l U.,ltl,l Ilk tft . you. A thoroughly up-to-date store carrying all the ItKl.Uni.l' tnakts o( shoes (or weu, women and children. FOK MKN Kdwln Clapp shoi Th Packard ahoej The J. H, Turner shoe. 011 JJUIK3 Th "Queen Quality" ahoat The Kutture shoe. Fisher, The Shos Alan. Wt Paclflo Avenge, Branch itor at Everott, Tacoma, Wuh. TACOMA ADVERTISING Jl.rtl" UliOKlVKD A flno lino of novelties in fall sultlnsp. C. C. T. CLAUS. UNION GROCERY CO. Dealers In Staple and Fancy Groceries, Etc. i'hone, Main 307 Cor. 13 and Tacoma Ave. TACOMA, WASH. QAYHK UHUO CO. The most reliable plare to buy drugs and patent mi'dlclnis, rle. This store Is noted for Its carefulness In filling prescriptions and (or fair 1 rices. 1100 1'aclflc Avenue Tacoma, Wash. 1 IlKUDEKN 8TEAM I.AUNDIIY J. M. I.upton, Mgr. Equipped with new up-to-date machinery. No roug" or saw-edge cuffs and colla'.i. Illgrt liloss or domestic finish. Work first-class anh sure to please. Tclephono 334. Corner Humo and It Bts., Opp. Firemen's Hall T HIS PACIFIC LIQUOIl AND WINK HOUSE. N. IlKUTKIt, Proprietor. The best of Wines, Mquors and Cigars. Family Trad a Specialty. Tel. Ited 1731. lfior. Pacific Avo. 1505 Commerce St. Tacoma, Washington rniiK JUNCTION. M, OHM8TIAN, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Telephone lllack 1673. Cor. Pacific Avenue anil Jefferson St., TACOMA, WASHINGTON LOCAL BOUVENII18 AND UNMOUNTKD PHOTOS. HOLT'8 AHT HTOIIE. Frames Made to Order. Pictures of All Kinds. (Stationery and Art floods. Tel. lllack 2773. No. M C Htreet, near Chamher of Commerce. TACOMA, WABII1NOTON. MICHAEL BROS. druooists. Jefferson and Pacific Avenues., TACOMA, WASHINGTON. W.W.WIug. O. II. Wing, Jr. EASTERN LAUNDRY. WINO imOS.,Props. We Launder Anything. 711 Paclflo Ave. Tel. Main 200. Tacoma, Wash. T KNABEL, lx' Proprietor of TIIK OKKMAN IIAKKIIY AND COFFER PA It I.0 118. Fresh llrsad ami Cakes dally. Ornamental Cakes a specially. Only the beat and purest material used In our llakery. Ilread delivered' free toany purl of the city. Tclephono Park 7V1. 1117 1'acMo Avenue, Tacoma, Washington. ROTHSCHILD & CO. Port Tovrnsend, Washington. HIIIPI'INO AND COMMISSION MKHCHANT& Custom House llrokers and Slevedoros. Established 1KB. llranch offices Tacoma and Hcattle. JENTUCKY LIQUOR CO. Peter Haudberg, Proprietor. WIN KH, LIQUOlta AND CIO A KB. Hole RKMit for (lulness' Htotit and lints' Ale, (head llros. Dottllug). F.stablisla-d 1IMI. Tele phone Main V. 1M0 1'fti'lllu Aveuuol WW Commerce bt. Tacoma, Wushlugtou. OLLARD IRON WORKS. Foundry, Machine and Forge Shops. Heavy Iron Work. Iron and Brass Castings. Northern Pacific Pocks and nt Ilailoy St. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. We have everything you need in the Drug and Patent Medicine Line. VIRGES & CO., Druggists. 114a Pacific Avo. DAVE GROSS Dave Gross Co. Cloaks at Wholesale B20 Pmoltto Ava. TAOOMA and MEW YORK Parsian Dye Works E. J. OLOTHER, I'rop. We Clean, Press, Dye or Repair Clothing Telephone, Red 875. HOB O Straat. TAOOMA, GLACIER8 FILL GOLDEN POCKET8 Bcekera After the Mother Lode Bhonld Prospect lloth Hide of JJlrlde. A scientific discovery of great Inter est to geologists nnd of practical value to mining men lias been made by Pro feasor Atwood, of tho University of Chicago, who, with a party of students, spent tho summer examining the for mations In Uintah mountains of Utah. It clears up tho frequent mystery or the presence of small pockets of gold bearing ores far removed from tho main oro body. Professor Atwood's discovery. In brief, Is that tho water sheds of tho present period aro not Identical with tho Ice sheds of the glaclnl epoch nnd thnt occasionally tho great glacier of 10,000 years ago or so moved uphill with qutto as much facility as It coast ed down the ennyons, cnrrylng with It over tho divides Inrgo mnsscs of de bris scraped up In Its path, which as sisted In forming the mornlncs. In tho vicinity of Mount Watson, near tho headwaters of tho Weber HIv er, are abundant evidences In the shapo of small lakes, moraines, etc., of tho presenco of tho great glacier at nn GLACIAL OIlOOVKfl INUICATC GOLD POCKETS. earlier period Ono bMo of tho moun tain 1b barren rock, scraped clean and grooved by tho morlng body of Ice. Whllo exaniliilnff theso grooves Pro fessor Atwood discovered thnt they run uphill Instead of down. Tho evi dence of this was fragments of rocks pulverized by tho great weight and strewn along tho path. Tho professor called his companions and thoy spent sovcral hours tracing tho Indentations up tho mountain side. Every step con firmed tho theory advanced by the In structor. Professor Atwood will1 publish tho result of -Ills discovery la a sclcnttflo Journal. Ills explanation of tho phe nomenon Is that tho glacier, gradually pushed over tho divide, did not melt where It 'was, but when It receded wns drawn up tho mountain and back over tho other sltlo of tho dlvldb. As it moved, of cotirso, It picked up In Its path portions of tho ground beneath, which becamo n part of tho moraine. Tho discovery may lead to n revolu tion In tho method of prospecting. Tho miner who finds a detached body of gold-bearing oro will not bo content hereafter with seeking tho mother lodo In tho Kit mo ennyon, hutovlll look also ou tho other sldo of tho dlvldo from which tho detached fragment may have been drawn by tho glaclor. puns- MMKI A merchant over ut Holla states that his advertising last year cost him -15 cents for every $100 worth of goods sold. Ho uhcs a half pago for his busi ness announcements each week and says that as long 11s tho peoplo read newspapers ho will advertise. There's a man possessed of n good head. Just ns soou as merchants beglu to look upon advertising ns a branch of their business which requires as much euro are any other part of It, then will ad vertising commence to pay. Honesty, forco, originality and persistency In ad vertising make Is a paying venture. Ilottlucau (N, D.) Cournnt. There Is no luck about advertising, no chance, 110 scheme It Is legttlmato business from beginning to cud from tho day tho campaign Is started clear up to the closo of IiuhIucss at tho finish. Advertising Is a legitimate, reasonablo means of gaining ntt oud. Tho adver tisement which appeals best Is that which Is plauned with tho greatest In telligence, contains tho gspntest vol ume of honest Intention and speaks In frank, unequivocal words about relia ble goods and about tho careful, pains taking methods of those who aro han dling tho business; presents In the best way logical arguments for the purcbaso of goods from the merchants In ques tion. This Is advertising that will pay, that cannot help It. Now Tower flr Mill. Probably the only mill In tho world that receives Its power from an arte slau well Is located at St, Augustine, Flu. This power Is used In a wood working shop. Tho wheel Is alxteeu feet In diameter, and obtains the water from a well 0V4 Inches lu diameter aud 240 feet deep, reports tho Detroit News Tribune. After going down 150 feet through tho sand the contractor struck a hard pan. It was not until they had drilled Ufty feet farther that water was found. . aaaaalaaaaaWaaaWammmaaamaaaaaamhJ' 1 ' rLaWM&Ssfim EimaS2jaxtlNiJ8BJt!lBaKaL&aM May'yJrTralfcdBliHrTyl mWawm aKviai'ir 'J WSrmmaWaaavfaWajAtiJifiixj mmJmmmESmammE&aam jKlnaTlimtmmmmii3aaaaaaaaaaaaaai M 1 it TACOMA ADVERTISING GAWLEY FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS Makers of High' Grade Saw Mill Machin ery and Mill Specialties. Cor. 21st and A St. TACOMA, WASH. Phono, Ited 1011. Consumers Co-Operative Bakery JOHN PLUIIAK, Managor. Cakes, Pies and Confectionery Ornamented Cakes a Specialty BREAD AT COST Two Loaves of Bread for 5 Cents Telephone B'ack 1815. 110B Taoomm Ave. TAOOMA. THE STAR Livery & Boarding Stable A. EFAW. Boarding; Horses a Specialty. Phono, Main 139. 1134-30-38 O St. TAOOMA, WASH. CASCADE CEREAL COMPANY MANurActuniss or Rolled Oats. Daily Bread Flour. Cereals of All Kinds. Feed. THE BEE HIVE Lunch Counter and Restaurant D. WISSlNdBR M. C. RUSSELL, Props. Tho only first-class and up-to-date Restaurant now open and doing buol ness at 1544 Pacific Avenue. Our cofleo is unexcelled. Sldo dishes served such is serveJ in no other Itcs taurant in this city. Open AH INIght POPULAR PRICES. SEATTLE ADVERTISING MOKTHWKBTEItN IRON WOItKB. Manufacturers of Steamboat, Mill nnd Mining Machinery. Water Kront, Kootol University Bt. Telephone l'IKK 73. Bcattle, Wash. Sohwabaoher Bros. I Co., Iito. WHOLESALE GROCERS COFFEE ROASTERS Agents for Ilernan Cortoz, White Knight and Fontclla Cigars. I'roprlctors of Happy Home and Silver Shield Brand Canned Goods. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Wittler-Gorbin Machinery Go. Manufacturers and dealers In Saw Mill. Shingle Mill and Planing Mill Machinery. Engines, Boilers, Etc., Etc. Complete Mills Our Specialty. Cor. Jackron St. and Second Avo. South SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Ear Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowlin? Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. TACOMA, WAS1I1NCT0N. ADVERTISING. HENRY L0NGSTKETII, Trcs. JOHN R. ARKLEY, Sec. and Tress. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOHA, WASHINGTON. Write for copy of handsome H'uUrntcd booklet on Tacoma, just Issued. WILLIAM W. MILNEIt. DEQB & MHJTNER. Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters Solo Agents for Hart, SchafTrter & Marx and Alfred Benjamin & Co.'s Tallor-Mado Suits, Raincoats nnd Overcoats. Finest Lino of Haber dnsl.ory and Hats in Tacoma. Up-to-Dato Merchandise nt Popular Prices. : : : :::::::: i 1108 Pacific Avenue. G. L HOLMES FURNITURE COMPANY Patronize the House that has hut One Price, and that the Right Price. "Live and Let Live" is our motto, Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Crockery and Glassware, in factr everything- to furnish a simple cottage or a palace, either for cash or on installments. .... Nos. IIO! to 1105 Second Ave., - Seattle, Wash. Nos. 923 and 925 C Street, - Tacoma, Wash. Tacoma Brass and Machine Works J. IJAMFORD, Proprietor. ...MAOH INiSTS... Agents and Bulldm of the Flynn Shintfe Machines and Meteor Gasoline Engine. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Telephone Main 477. Frye Bruhn & Co. 1318 rsclflo Atenue, Tsxoma, Wash. Wholesale and Retail Butchers Meats famished for Railroads and Steamboat Lines. John Slcbtnbsum. M. 0. Baker. Grand Central Hotel. BlEIlEN'IlAUM & 1IAKEU, 1'roprlotors. 12II-I213 Pacific Avenue. Frco 'Bus To and From All Trains and Boats. Rooms 50c 75c, $J.0O. Rates $1.00 a Day Up. American and European Plan. TACOMA WASH. Merchants Delivery Co. Forwarding AgSnta for Northern Pacific, Great Morthcrn, Wclls Fargo and American Express Compan ies Swift & Co.t Omaha Packing Co.? American Paper Co. Etc Baggage to and from Trains, Hotels, Etc. Telephone Main 168. 936 Commerce St. Tacoma, Wash. Photo Supply Co. Kodaks and Supplies. TACOMA. 903 Pacific Ave. McLean, McMillan & Co. Wholesale and Retail GROCERS. Proprietors of the Laurel brand of high grade groceries. Telephones, Main 517 and Main 500. MM3 C Street 012 Commerco Street TACOMA. WASH. esssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH'SSSSSsSSSmsl' JAMES II. DEQB TACOMA, WASHINGTON Fifteenth and A Sts., Tacoma, Wash BLAKE'S DAVE BLAKE, Prop. Finest Resort for Gentlemen on the Pacific Coast. ltl Washington St., 8EAT1LK. 118 Fourth 8t, OLYMl'IA. 1D13 Pjteiro Arm, TAOOMA. THE Puget Sound Iron S Steel Works Machinists, Engineers and Iron Founders Marino, Saw Mill & Mining Machin ery. Logging Engines. Works, corner Twenty-Hret and A Sts. Phono Main 257. Tacoma, Wasnington. HUNT & IBOTTET CO. Dealers In General Hardware MILL AND LOGGERS' SUPPLIES, p 1601-1603-1005 Pacific Avenue TACOMA, WASH. H. Hohenschild Co. FOREIGN and DOMESTIC Dry Goods dents' Goods, Notions, Etc. 932 Pacific Ave. Tacoma. CALIFORNIA HMD LAUNDRY Telephone, Black 1713. All work guaranteed. Gentlemen's clothing kept in thorough repair. Any losses mudo good immediately, 1152 Commerce Street TACOMA WASH. John Donahue Manufacturer ol and Dealer in ..LUMBER Sawmill and Offle TwcHtyfirst aad Dock Sts. TcltffeGs Msia 219. Tacoma, Wasfc. mmamkU tfisMiij-siffifiiiiff in t irwf