cr""- f"'-' jraryBr -- THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. 1 J. Rocder. N. Marquaat BF.VKjmHWOMSANlKXOHANaK. Choice Wlncj.'MquoTi and Cigars. Scllwon Ecr. Phone oiay K9. 115 N. 7th 6t.. Portland UK OAK ICA'KE. IP. W. PICK, Prop. Choice U-no-of Wlncn, Liquors and Cigars. urrpon t-nnnc- tioou ea. Cor. Fourtli.atid.OBk Bts. Portland, Or, T, For a good-aadlaMmo ciill arid sco JOHN WOIDA. FlneWlne, Liquors nnd Cigar. Tclcphcnot:layfl3. 4C0Ollnttn Bt., PortlnmUOr J OIIN KWl.TTl" Always -ask'for tho famous General "Arthur i clear. Esbere-Gunst Clear KCo., .general agents, .Portland, Or. For first 'class dental work and prompt attontion, gototho Now York ucntnl i'arlors, .Fourth, and Morrison streets. ' Money to1 loan on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notes and moraKiiEcs bousht. S. W. Kine. room i5. Washington building. f!cnpril3tirnnC( Accnt.'FIro nnd Marin. fcollleli Union A Nntlonnl Inn. Co., Edlnlmrg nnd London I iWovtcrn X. nnd M. AMtirnnce Co., Toronto, Can. iCJft Third it., Columbian Whig, P. r. HALL. Cor. CommcrcUl nnd Btnnton 8t., PorHntld Ore. Wlnei, Llquaii and Flue-Cigars. Oregon Phono Pink 413. V. MSPRESTON. GnOCKMKH. Frto delivery to nil parts of Cltv. '.CO Lurrubco Ht.t corner Ilro-milo. Portland, Or. Ti.'liotio Scott S71. MEILfLVHARE. Oceanic Exchange.' i Chuloo'Winti, t.lruori nd Clgnm. Free Lunch. Cor Ktiascll nnd Ilrendle Stsj Porttnnd, Or. T HE WESTJUtN iLUMIJEH COMPANY OfllcorBemmtecntii and Front Strict!. mm .locals. French Dyeing ond Cleaning Works. 'All work dono at very modrcato prices. Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of la'dies' and gent's clothing. Morn ing" cloth dyod in '48 hours. J. Do llcau.i proprietor, .455 Glisan street. vVo wnnt iyour'trado. Music half prico; musical instruments of all .kinds,, cash or installments. H. II. Wright,vwholcsalo and retail dealer in music and musical merchandise. The Musici building, 340 tWasighnton street, iPortland, Oregon. Tortlnnd, Oregon. T IIKEXUHANUK.. i Ocorgo ScWki. FINE W1NKH, laQUOBS-AND.CIOAlW. . . WKLVUAUIVgiUKKU. " aQUTfclrdflircet Nortli. (Q ALL AT 831 FIUSTT, f,For Fresh Dread, Caics.nmM'Us ilMHy. Ufl A, Fresh Line of Groctrk'H, low, i Coffees, EW. ?MHB. E. N. llUCHANAS.airorrlctreii. ifnltlJ BAP.ANAC CAFE. '1. KILLS 4 iQHW.Trqpi. iCyrunvNoMo Whlskojr. Lmdiog ilirnndn of tWIucf nnd Choice Clgnn. Bi;cinaix,iQlymnla Jllcr. Oregon 'Phono South l7tl M N. Sixth Bt, Cor. Couch. POHTC&Nq.tOU. .L11INA KKIlttY EXCHANOK ,,Joh,njJCacrson, Proprietor. JValer In iChc,teo,.WInj?fiLlqtiors and Clear. rtS.Albljin Vftn,v. corner Hirer strett .Albjfla. Oregon. tAJ4LI':HTM AJfrj.OLlBAN siS DeUrUiGiic4qrlei, FrulU,onfecttonery a4 '."akin. ;Nnth,)il OUtnn StreU A MKRICAN DAKttlY. Ctu Mwikerti, Prop. .All Ktndi ol Pread, Cakes and Plo, Ifc-mo- made Dread n hrrUlty. Satisfaction auitrau(4)t'd. F. E. BEACH A GO., The lIMoixser Paint Company, mako a specialty of. selling the best things lundo in paints. Houbo l'alnt, Floor Paint, Iiarn Paint, Fonco Paint and Roof Paint; Enamels, Varnishes, Colors, Stnius, Conientico Kali online and general build ing matorjaj. 136 First St., N. W. cor Afilcr, Portland, Oregon. .AN .'ALL ABIDING TAITH. .Tho Illinois Central Railroad Com pany has an all abiding faith In tho jfuturo .q tho Great Northwest. A snort time ago, thia was manifested by tho establishment, In Seattle, of ,ii agency to tako caro of their Inter prets thoro. Tho latest effort Is to put on a splendidly equipped now .train service St. raul and Chicago. Tho .now trains will bo running Sun. day, Novombor 2. They will uso thoir own rails between Chicago and Albert I.en, Minn., .nntl tho MJnnonpollB & .St- Louis Ry. '.track from Albert Lea to Minneapolis and St. Paul, running Into tho union depot at St. Paul, which Is tho samo that Is used by all lines In that city,. .Tho train la to ibo known m "Tho '.Chicago, St. Paul -and Minneapolis Limited" and will (.consist of sleeping car, buffet library icnr nnd reclining chair car through without chango be tween -Chicago and Minneapolis nnd St. Paul. Dining car service will also bo maintained, supper bolng served out 01 'Chicago and breaKrast into Chi cago. 'Trains will leave St. Paul at ', arrive In Chicago 9:30 a.m.; icavo Chicago at 6;10 p. m. and arrlvo at'St. Paul 8:40 n. m., making .close connection at St Paul with all western llnt-B. Tickets cari bo pur (Chadod via thls lino, In -connection wlth all -western lines, at all stations. "For further Information -regarding rotes, routes, ftlmo, etc., call on or adtWoas, B. H. TRUMBTTLL, .. iComm, Act. 111. Cent. ft. R. 142 Third St.. Portland, Ore. JPATJL . THOMPSON, T. 'P. A. III. -Cent. R. R., Seattle, "Wash. THE BRIDE'S ATTlltE. MORE LATITUDE 18 NOW LOWED THAN EVER. AL SO mo Pretty nitd Fashionable Kxnm plcRof UovrnltiK forHrldo ami llrldcs ntnltln The OoliiK-Away Conttimc Ktcctcraa for the Nuptial Eausou. New York oorrcapondence: lUtlDE now Is not roHtrlcti'J to a con ventional white snt In gown, but hint n choice of ntijtliltift between the most costly mid very lit expensive fabrics. .Nor In Jvory white the only ntlinUslblis sltnilo, cream white having just now .much invur. It :tmikcs up .prettily -mid has not tho .M Iff nppenrnuce that dcnd white gives. Lyons satin Is often chosen by those who are tiltrn-fnshlniut-ble and whu can uf- iord to trim tills material 'with the handsome real laces that Jt should hitvtt. OUl-fnsltkmod grus grnln silks are being used, too, n well as Hoft-flnished taffeta, plain and cmlirtilderud .chiffon, TJrtis'..lB net, politic d'cHprlt, silk crepe de chine, orRandio mill innncroiis transparent finished at intervals with five or six Inch tucks of pale pink liberty sntln headed with two rows of half-inch velvet ribbon. Wldto net covered with gold or silver snnngles innkes a beautiful bridesmaids' gowns, so does white net appllqucd with cloth of gold medallions. White peau do solo covered with Inch tucks of tulle from waist to hem is another fashionable ex ample. Tucking and pleating are used as much as ever. Cretonne panels and ltiednlllgns often are appllqucd handsome ly. The bridesmaids' gown may be high necked or cut out slightly, and have elliow or full length sleeves, ns suits the wearer. Handsome sashes of dresdeu, tinted mil llowered ribbons both in silk and volwt are added ns finishing touch. Nearly nil have corsage ornaments of some kind, a new sort being tinted ribbon rores caught together with twisted folds of ribbon nnd sprinkled hero and there with small arti ficial velvet leaves. The. designer of the bride's sown sketched here proposed for It white lib erty satin and point Ince, with yoke of tucked white moussclino. It 1b shown with n tulle veil. Of the two bridesmaids' dresses, the left hand one would bo ef fective In spangled white silk crepo do chine, with silver cream Russian lace for trimming, nnd silver gray panne velvet for the belt Tho other gown would mir ror now fashions handsomely If made of delicate peau de solo, with cream aifd gold lace In bunds and medallions, white silk cord pendnnts atid lemon velvet belt for trimmings. Next In Importance to these in the at tire called for by weddings is the going away gown. It mny bo of mixed mate rials or plnln cloths, made with coat en suite. Tho golng-away gown designed es pecially for this article holds the center IT'8 UNNECESSARY TO SAY. SPOKANE ADVERTISING e0CWUllami Ave. Portlnctf, Ore. THKi,UANACCAFK KILLS & OHM, Prop Oregon Phono, South IV71. CyfcUS N01ILK WHISKEY, finding Ilrnndiiof Vflnem fftd Che lorn Ofgmrm il N. t-ixih Street, Cor. Couch. rOUTLANP, OUEOON Bavaria Beer Hall. LOUIS KLUO, Proprietor. Cor. Second and Oak Sti. F0RTLAND, Or. TOE 11VNFJ3 SALOON. Northeait corner of Ollitn and Ueveuth Sti. A Choke Collection ol Wlnei and Liquors. Imported and Doracitlo Clgari. c, P. JONES. CI0AK9, T0DACC09, CANDIES, FKU1T8, NUTS, ETC. Europe Plan. Ite-orr Wc. to f2.00. ltoomi elujle or on ntlte, with or without bath. GRAND HOTEL It. C. IIALUDAY. Proprietor. tJewly FornlshcJ. Elevator, Stc$sa Heat, Electric UghU, Call Bells, Etc., Etc Many Remarks that Are Kntlrcly Bu ticrfluotiH at All Times. A new society Is proposed to hnvo for Its title "Tho Society for tho Suppres sion of Obvious Itcuiarks." A list of speeches Is to be prepared which the so ciety bluds Itself not to use, thus ele vating tho charndor of general conver sation. Hero nro some of tho speci mens of obvious reninrks: "It Is not tho actual degree of heat registered by the thermometer which makes It so un comfortable; It Is tho humidity In the atmosphere." "1 don't mind the money; It's the principle of the thing." "Ono never understands the name when ono Is Introduced to a per son." "If tho water were filtered It would bo Just ns good ns tho water of nny city." "Tho trouble about going to summer gardens Is It takes you so long to get home." "You can put on two fresh collars a day and then never have a clean 0110 on." These are statements over wlilch no one disputes nnd they may bo Increased to nu almost unlimited degree. The ob ject to be gained In refraining from them Is rather Indefinite except that they waste time, but ns everyone has Immeasurable quantities of time to waste, nnd no gain enn bo shown In saving It, tho work of tho S. S. O. It. society seems nn Idle expenditure of ef fort. If everybody carried on n thought ful conversation n state of mental ex haustion would soon be brought about where all conversations would ceaso, and silence In compnny, as everyouo knows, Is moro rasping on the nerves than an ocean of commonplace re marks. Tho babllng of tongues Is an excellent deadener of thought nnd no ono should permit his thoughts to work overtime If ho desires to bu happy, COMING ATTRACTIONS. TANKSQIVINQ WEEK DRAY'S. AT COR iBBJDK AND HRIDESMAIDS. Cor. Howard St. and Main Avo. Tel. Wain 28. SPOKANE, WASH. E. J. DYER. President. F. LEWIS CLAKK, Vice President. 0. E. M'HKOOM, . Cashier, W. M. BIIAW, Assistant Cashier. Exchange National Bank SPOKANE, WASH. CAPITAL, $250,000. Surplus 150,000, Undivided rroflts, tl85,0W). 1S3 Sixth Street, Uctueen Glliau and Ilojrt. Portland, Oregon JENRY FLECKENSTEIN & CO. WHOLESALE WINES AND LIQUORS. Importer and Jobbers. 206-208 Second St., Both Telephones Main 115. Portland, Or. mUE BAVARIA SALOON A. B. BURGER, Prop. Imported and Domestle Wines, Liquors and Clears, Wcinhard'i Beer. Phone Oregon Blajk 1913. B. E. Corner Second and Oak Streets, PORTLAND, OREQON. ADOLF PETTERSON, Proprietor. OLOF BWENSON. Barkeeper. THE STOCKHOLM. Where can be found finest of Liquors, Wlnei and Cigars. Oregon Phone Clay 687. Corner Sixth and Flanders. Portland, Or T UK POPULAR. JOIIN ECKLUND, Proprietor.. Telephones: Oregon Red 931; Columbia 663. US First Street. Portland, Oregoo, THE SLOANE-PAINE CO. 521 and 523 Spragoe Avenue SPOKANE, WASH. Immmrt9m ml Fine Teat, Coffee and Fancy Groceries. Ommimrmhi Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. H. LOUIS SCIIEBMERHORN C. R. BROWN Prea. and Mgr. Vice Pre. A.BENIIAM H.F.YEAOER Treasurer. Secretary. Quick Parcel Delivery Co. 720 First Avenue. BAGGAGE uri PARCEL DELIVERERS OPEN DAY "AND NIGHT. Ifotaln your checks and evchnngo with our Bajrgago man who is at depot on arrival all truinH. Orango color cap. . Phone Main 617, Special rates to Commercial Travelers fluffs. The range lxv-udttcd lsui;i;v.'Htcd iy n handsome bride' kuwii ,u cream iifcanu velvet wauuiuu nppiiqutu with one niednlllous DutJIucd with' thy' silk bawl. , J.iiierty ami nrmure satins nro weai that tnnko tip bcnujlfully, nnd .nn all-owtr bice sown U cotisldurol fine. 8p.h ummII nro uindo princess, JaviiiK dovk the back with whlto silk cord. They nro worn ov(r ovcrnl pcttlwnfa of clilffon or net, the lMjt?r covcrlnK a silk putth-out. A IiIk ninlority of stylish hridcsmalilH firo fluffy an olry. Whllo white U tht rfxTnlllng tint for tliem, dellcvate lmJc ere used. Silk jiiftrdln, silk mull, chiffin, organdie, tulle, m-J, (lotted swias, point d'esprlt and crope ,rj chine are fashlou ahlo fabrics. Not a of theso cowns of to-day's Becond croup, and Its iloHlini cr's scheme luchides llwlit tun brooileloth ns Its uintcrlnl, BelMrluimhiK outlined with blnck and whlto silk braid niul a tucked white chliTou yoke applhiued with ecru hico medallions. I'm- the rest, tho trousHonu may In clude, of course, a host of stylish items. Often there arc In It n drcHsy cloth kowii Jnlinriitely trimmed, nnd a velvet aown made rather plainly. Designs of after iMoti and mondiiK dresses suitable for the iroiisHenu appear in the Initial mid beside the pictured colnc-away model. Sett the first In whlto broadcloth mid erenin Inco, with Ilj;ht Kreen velvet belt; the second In bluo pastel cloth, whlto hilk bniids and t'w embroidered In sllyer, '. r ,, 1 "- , , - , : I il VlV I Zu'H.'nlBA la lm I IA Tho benutlful sconory nnd ninsslvo mechanical effects used In tho elab orate scenic production of Joseph Arthur's drnnia "Lost lllvcr" nr0 con coded to bo tho most costly nnd olnb orato over given n production of this kind. Ilesldea this outlay tho play has a multiplicity of offocts from a enmora to n henvy tollgato which strotchea across tho West llndon toll-rond. Down this rond throo thoroughbrcfl horses nnd their rldors dnsh at full speed durlngr ono of tho thrilling sit uations with which tho piny nbounds. Thirty nctora and actresses, besides a largo staff of mechanics, n quartet nnd a country orchestra, a drovo of Hheep nnd other livestock nro used to mako this Btory of Indiana llfo tho flnnnclnl and artistic ducccss It has provod Itsolf to bo during its six months' run In Now York. "Lost Itlvor" will bo tho attraction nt dray's for ono ontlro week starting Sunday matlnoo, November 23. In nd dltlon to tho Snturday matlnoo, thoro win uo a Bpociai Thanksgiving day matlnoo. A MAGAZINE THIRTY YEARS OLD. To do jllStlco to thU nnmlinr wUM, lor ueauty nnd utility touches tho highest .mnrk, It would bo nccossarv to print tho ontlro list of contents. It Ib BUfrtcIcnt to Btatothat In It tho host modern writers nnd nrtlsts nro gonoi ously roprcsontod. Tho book con tains ovor 230 pages, with 31 full-pngo Illustrations, of which 20 nro In two or nioro colors. Tho innirn Ittuln nt hi Docombor numbor, for which 728 tons or paper and six tons of Ink hnvo boon used, may bo uudorstood from tho fnct thnt 01 prcssrs running 14 houra n day. hnvo boon required to print it: ino uinuing nlono of tho odltlon of aio.uuo copies or Tho Dollnontor rep rcsontlng ovor 20,000,000 sections which hnd to bo gnthored Individually by human hands. TUB YOUTH'S COMPANION IN 1903 THE NEW AGE Established 180(1. A. I'.Orlllln, MnnnRor. Oillcc, 24'4 8tnrk Street, Concord Jlnlldliifr, Portland OrcRun. AOKNTS. O. A. Rlttcr Portland, OrcROi ll. II. Hdlinc, -Spoknne, WnliliiRtnti K. Prlli; Keelilo nnd IUf l'nclllo Avo., K. S. Itruce I Tncnnin, Wash. Waldo llojrcl Walla Wnlln, Wh. To InMiro tmbllcntlnn, nil lociil news nmnt reach us nut Inter than Thnrsiliiy mornliiK ol ench ueek. Sitfasprlptlon price, ono jrenr, pnyabli' In adf vancc, lieo. CITV 1NEV3 MIrs. SenlH id now located nt Fifth street North. C. A. Lucas, tho rising young attor ney, nrrlvcd In tho city this woelc af ter an extended visit to Washington. Amongst tho lato arrlvnlH nro Mr. nnd Mrs. .las. Hammond, lately of Memphis, Tcnn., who expect to locnla permanently hero. Wo nro Informed thnt nn opportun ity to secure n fine lot In Tncnnin will bo offered to our citizens In a short time. Full particulars later. Tho Tackoy party given nt tho Pethol A. M, 13. church wnH it decided success and a neat sum was realized for tho benefit of tho church. Mr. Eugono Meredith, who hns re sided horo for somo tlmo pnat, has concluded to mnko this his homo ,nnd hns sent to Illrmlngham, Alnbnmn, for his wife. Ho bxpecta her In tho near futuro. Mt. Olivet Ilaptlst church wits tho Bcone of great activity tho past woolc Quito exteitBlvo nnd much needed Im provements were In progress, which hnvo ndded greatly to tho nnnenrnncn, ns well ns comfort of tho cdlflco, Mrs. J. II. Hnlncs, who hns bnnrr oerlously 111 for somo time pant v.-lllt pulmonary troubles, loft Inst Tuti' for her old homo In llllnoln In honn-i thnt tho chnngo of cllmnto may bene fit hor. Sho expects to return Into la tho spring. On tho 10th of Docombor Now North west Lodge, No. 2filW, G. U. O. of O. F., will colohrnto their 18th nn nlversnry nnd oxtond a cordlnl Invl tntlon to all of their friends to Join thorn In tho fcstlvltlos nt thnt tlmo.. The celebration will bo hold Jn their' hall, southeast comer- of Second nndl Yamhill streets. FOR THE BRIDE'S OUTFIT. aro1 accordeon pleatwl all around and prettily appllqucd with lace incdulllon. Others are shirred ut tho woUt lino to suggest a ypko. nnd again below the knee, the rest falllnir very full about the feet. White noint U'esprit dotted hi pink cho- nlllo Is made very tight to the kuees and with white silk cord loops, ends nod hut tous, and the third In wldto Indies' cloth, embroidery of whlto silk, body tucked white liberty satin, ntdn of cream liicc, with rhlnestone buttons and corsage knot of green sntln, and you'll see them so In terpreted as to bo ditllcult to Improve, During 1903 Tho Youth's Compau Ion will publish In C2 weekly Issuoh 8 sorlnl Btorlcs, ench n hook In Itself, reflecting Amorican llfo In homo, ciiinp ami iioki, CO spoclal articles contributed by fnmoun men nnd women trnvolors, ossaylstH, BohIlor8, sailors, Htatesmen nnd mon of nffnlrs. 200 thoughtful nnd tltnoly odltorlnl nrtlclea on Important public nnd domestic questions. 2G0 short stories by tho best of living Btory-wrltera Btorlcs of chnractor. stories of achlovemont, storlod of humor. 1000 fchort notca on current events, nnd discoveries In tho held of aclonco nnd Industry. 2000 bright nnd amusing anecdotes, Horns of Btrnngo nnd curious knowledge, poems and sketched. TIiIb It what Tho YouUi'b Compan ion offers its readora during 1003, And tho quality of it Is fully equal to tho quantity. It is edited for tho on tlro family. Tho busiest people rend It because it Is condensed, accumto and helpful. Its weekly' summary of Important news Is complete nnd trustworthy. Its editorial comment on political and domostlc quostlonn is non-partlsnn; It alms to stato facts In such a way thnt tho reader can uso thorn ns tho basis of an Intelligent opinion. Its weekly artlclo on hyglono is of tho utmost value for preserving tho health of tho household. It roflects on .overy pago tho wholesome, Industrious, homo-loving, homo-making sldo of American llfo tho life of noblo uIuih and honor able ambitions. A full announcement of -.0 now vol ume will bo sont with snmplo copies pf tho paper to any address on request. Tho now subscriber for 1903 who Bonds $l.7fi for tho now volume at onco will rocelvo froo all tho re. mnlnlng Issues for 1902, Including 'ho Hon. Edward H. Morrlfl. who waft elected as a member of tho legislature; of tho stato of Illinois on tho -1th Inst. by a .majority of 15,000 votoB, In a Negro, born In Kentucky, Imb lived nearly all hlu llfo in Illinois. Ho Is prominent In frntornnl circles and Inn Juno was sont to England ns a rnpro Bcntntlvo of tho O. U. O. of O. F. ot Amorlcn, It Is oxpectod that Rev. C. II. Mooro, who haB boon appointed to tako chargo of tho A. M. E. Zlon church in, this city, will nrrlvo In tlmo to ofllc iato on Sunday tho 23d Inst. In an ticipation of fliich nn event tho choir hnvo mntlo nrrnngoiuontH to render apodal music. Rev. Mooro cornea highly recommended ns nn earnest, cP nciont worker nnd his record diirfutr his Into pnstornto la Oakland, Cali fornia, Is such aB to cause tho frlonriR of tho work hero to havo grent nxpect ntloiiB In regards to tho work. Amongst tho Interesting fonturr-H of tho Into A, M. 13. Zlon conforonco. hold In Los Angoles, was tho acquisition of Row McDuffoy, a whlto mlnlstor. who felt himself cnlled to labor with tho colored peoplo. Ho wiib aaslgncd to a. chnrgo In Vnllojo; nlso tho donation of 80 acres of land situated In Ala modn county, Cnl., oh a Blto to build a homo for supernuunted .mlnlstnrH and thoir families. TIiIh wuh a gift from Mrs. Morohend and tho only condition In that tho conference build nnd inalu tnln a homo on tho snmo so that whou old sho may find a resting placo Uiora PORTLAND HOTEL NOTEH. J. II. WIlllnniB Is resting up. Ed. Ruthorford Is In forcod rctiro ment for a whllo nt lenst. Jno. Tucker, tho grent prnguostlent or, wns laid up for repairs last week. E. D. Cumhy bus purchased n lariro violin and If you will listen you will' hear Romo howl, J. n. Hicks, ono of our most lllinrnl young men, Is no more; ho hns goun to Los Angeles, Cnl. A good sized audience nt tho Ilnthof Methodist church was greatly disap pointed on hist Sunday evening ho causo Mr. Morrill, the Bweot singer, failed to slug as ndvortlsed. Go out and hear him .Sunday, tho 23d. It is not tho objoct nor purposn of tho Portland Hotol nolo writer to turn tho calcium light upon your mltt deedB nor Impugn on your clmnictor. Wo purpose to record your doings nnd tho happenings Impartially, hnplnir. thereby to add a few moro subscrlbum to Tho Now Ago, Doing ono of you nnd knowing your sunny disposition wo mny grow funny and if by accident or othorwlso wo should pay you it sarcastic compliment, don't show your Ignornnco by gottlng angry, but ro member thnt nil great man nnd their public nets nro criticized and you aro no oxceptlon to tho rulo, Noatly furnished rooina nt reason able rates apply to Mrs. Annlo Ynteu. 307 Couch street. Call nt EuiiHon & WatkiiiH. dealers in cigars, tobacco and confection., sodu water, etc, 03 Bixth sheet, Portland, Oregon, Tho Yakima Market, II. A. UrHu mnnagor, fresh and cured moat il poultry, 149 First street. Orogort 'phono Main 989, Ford & LawM. successors to J. T Douhlo Holiday NumborBj also Tho Wllson.nuctl6nperu. household fur-il Companion Cnlondnr for 1903, llth- turo nnd bankrupt Btocka boueht nn( ogrnphed In twelvo colors nnd uold, sold, Oillco and Balosrooma 18JJ F'rsi THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. street, Portlnnd. Oregon. Coliv-li" 1144 ncrkcloy Street, Roston, Mass, 'phono 605; Oregon 'phono South ?',i --S .Ob to.: 1H4.AsViv jfc-. bmdKi.- JllJiki&L.t2Ai.!JXi