"itamsamS0 WSSEUBSESg"' nSKSSM- THE NEW AGE, PO UT h AND, OREGON. u JHL'! tBKeKViill aW38,ll G Wl fjfjsif vertisino .Mnntntia. J t h 1 1 1 in , HIIDKH, hiiiI TIN mil Urilora, Mimtaim io (ion; Hcrtliulit) BglHALMEK. Telephone fit. n School of IIinlinllnliiKi I niul Montana CI rent l'alla, Montana Ti'wfiuiiin, Hoy i );I.M10 I'UHIIUHIUIIIU Piftnlfir Priii'M. JOIIH r!ll IIVA.t. matilnnt. - JHb 4 ssLH Pi)ir Priced f Wo;ic.7i. .'-W- - Montana. i a .'' 'J! i lis.:! lVJfllKNNIBSYi.Vlrol'rcnliloiitJ v;v" JOHN (I. MOUO.VV. CnHhU'r. 'ii. JfHOWMAN', .Wt CnHhler. fit- tt mi ui'liU I i ..ut.l. u v lWWv niJi Jii, rn i iiniiiui VDNITOD-STATUS depositary. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of .iCEAT FALLS, MONTANA. (Sinitni. fxo.ttoi. DoiKialtit. sijno.ooa !' Ij.A '' AfWOrtATi: IIANKSi Kffc ' M'eiy IimiK fi Trual i'i., initio. trK 'AIJ IHHIlt I mat I O., .IIIIH'IMIIIH, s ' - ,iuLi" ' H.'MVir)(mi:, (Tlftteronco Conrad Ilnnklng Co.) UEfkllWlB IKMI.SWICK. fnSffiici (,'oiinty roniiiilHulonorCnHciiiloCo ; ITVLOOBE & ROALSWICK i Kimu usia 1 i;, LOANS, I . INSURANCE, ' ' INVGSTA.ENTS. OK I 'AkoiiU for Tho N'.'lon Coal Co., of Sand lo.". ' . ... tiiHcoi.iiiim.'nu'iuit conriut iimik. 1'fllli .. Montiuui 511'ri-nMcnt 'KKNOIUISCII, Vli-n I'roaldont. '.NW.U.PT.See. tVTrvitH ...,..,.. -..EWING I rvlALtlNG COMPANY .. ! a: !'! UrotviTH niul JioltlOM of uxtra tiff (iiiullly la'or bcur. "AiiH'iii'an Hto: Hl"iyVi' iKittloil beur it Hpcclitliy, Wi Central Avontio. "i.n's."' filSL , J;nllS,N - Montnnn. i'M arl- BEE "VE STORE. Oil t'LASS irnJshlttgs, nHoi; MaUo Suits MontHiin '- WHarphffl WllKK!m an.tvm -r i i.n wTTOjiaJ Nf is 'o(iwyipi V 'GREA"TFAtLS, MONTANA. l'Miinfi (!rtlll r. W.nxt iniiiviaukj iiiHumiiiiiy .. '.'.WW.MKI , 1 " KlWIt'M), l'rfildont. MBRJAMlis'lSrirANrOltl). jJSw? ' . VtifO l'rv.H and .MuiiHKcr. s-vBt ' l K'!U'V' t','lU'r THEMONTANA (BREWING GO. llnnvcrs lunl lVittlors of Kxtrt ii..).. H..1......I.... ...,.i iv ...... i it.,.. Ill, I.lMIVflll.lll illld lAM, im'l h Beer t Siieelalty. S 1 GrvotjFalls, - - Montana. J . . THE GAS ABE, . H. H. RAGSDALU, ProFrle'or. fLiymry, Boaratitti & SmIvm Stables. Miuut K'KiiS1 iSecuiul-AvuiumFoutli, P ' &'o tli w Huh Streets. v. Moataiuu Great Falls advertising W. II I.K.UUl, I'rca. II . IK)Trfi:lll, 1st Vice 1'reii. ami Fee. XV. I.. JOHNSON, and Vice I'rcr. and Trcna CASCADE STI-AA1 LAUNDRY, XV. II. Lentil, Mminecr. Telephone 71 117 1 irat Ave. North Short order work a apcclalty. (Ircnt 1'alli, Montana North Yakima advs. N OltTII YAKIMA KUItNITUItB CO. Hug, Carpet, Draporlcs, Iron Ilcda, Wnll rnK-r, Klc. Funeral Directing and Kinbatniliig. Phone mi; NlKht Phone All. M.1 YnLImn .Uonnc. North Yakima, Wa.h Real Estate Broker and General Commission Business Good Farm Lands, Ihislnees iiiwI Residence Properties alwiiyH on liiuiii. Corre spondence solicited. J. P. MAYER 0,'tf South Firt St. NORTH YAKIMA, WASH. Yakima National Bank (HCO. DONALD, J. 1). COHNKTT, I'reHlileiit. CiiMlilcr. II. K. SINCLAIH, YijoTruH. North Yakima, Wash. STEWART & ILER BAKERY & RESTAURANT Confectionery, Soft Drinks l'hinio M. '.Ml YiiLlinn Avenue. NORTH YAKIMA, WASH. MEADOW BROOK CREAMERY ii. ij. wi:iNb-n:iN comiuny. Mnuufrtctiirom of Fancy Creamery BUTTER. North Yakima, Wash. Hotel Yakima N. S. JOHNSON, Prop. American Plan $2 to $3.50 per Day Rooms with bath single or en suite Steam Heat Electric LIkIUs UlcKant Nov Sumplc Rooms. NORTH YAKIMA, WASH. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of North Yakima, Wash. (No.xiM.) Capital Stock, $50,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $51,569.17 HtlltOllll'Ilt At I'UU of llUilllOK, Kept. 15, IWi W.M. I.ADIl, rre.Ulcut. I'llAB, CAItl'K.STKIt, Vloo l'ros. . U M'KIN WKll, 1'nHhlor. A. H. CLINK, Awit Cashier READ'S ..Steam Laundry.. Special orders returned suiue day. iHinuHitc iinihivor uuws. No saw edg 'ri on miliars or pull's. liet aco.uaiutiHl with our methods. Oir LaunJry Wdrk Is tha Comfortable Fitabli, Wearing Kind. I.ADNDKY AND OITICH PIRST AND A STREETS, 'I'tiono :l, North Yakima, Waih 18 South Sceoml St, lie Idonco 7U1 X, 4th St E, L. SESSIONS, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. CouiKletO lino of lmrUl rm'i. rasVuta. mboa. aulta, w mppera and lu0a. Kmlmlmlna and shipping ot bodies a Kclal Phon 52i North Yklau, "Vuh. "Cnn alio remember what happened on licr twcnty-fllxtli blrtlidny?" "Yes, nlio wns Just clglitccu." Yonlscrs Htnti'Hinnn. i juiIbc-i soo that wmicswouton iins elvon up atitoiuolillliii;. I utiKC Ylicn rIvcii up niiloniolilllng. KikIk will the funeral take place? Baltimore Morning Herald. Gladys That poor young Snoblelgh actually dared to kiss 1110I What could ho have been thinking of? Ethel Ills ifejits, iirobobly." Puck. "Do you bcllevo that the rain falls alike on the Just nnd unjust?" "Not n bit of It. 'The unjust have the um brellas." Detroit Free Press. IJacliley Why Is woman like tlmo? Benedict Because she never falls to get her innn In the end? Baehley No, because she reveals all things. A harassing doubt: "Oh, maggle, If I could only make myself believe tint ho loves mo for myself, an not because niQ mudder keeps er fruit standi" Bn zhr. "I wonder how Venus do Mllo enlne to lose her tlrtns." "Broke 'cm off, probably, trying to button her shirt waist up the back." Philadelphia Press. ! In a cemetery at Mlddlebury, Vt., Is ft stone erected by a widow to her lov ing husband, bearing this Inscription: "Best In pence until wo meet again." -Life. "What has made her so haughty and proud?" "She thinks she's a Daugh ter of the Revolution." "How Is that?" ''She went round In the Kerrls wheel." Chicago Kvenlng Post. . Jaspar What are you looking so an noyed about? Mrs. Jnspnr I expected a day's rest, and didn't get It. This Is tho cook's day out, but shu Insisted In staying at home. Judge. First Belgian Hare Wo nron't In It these days. We're forgotten. What can wo do about It? Second Bolglau Hare We'd better try some jjood liaro restorer. Chicago Dally News. Blzzcr It makes my wife nngry wliuil I refuse to let her have the Inst woid In nil argument. Buzzer Why don't you let her l"vo the Inst word? Blazer Well, then she says I iin afraid to nrguo with her. Kind Lady-Would you llko n stick of "cniuly little boy? Chlmuile Nltl I'm In trnlnln' ter lick Mickey" Welsji 'nex' week; but If yer want ter blow yerself to n free-pound porterhouse w'y? I'm on. Judge. "Seo here," protested tho chnrltable man. "you touched 1110 for 11 quarter last week, and hero you are agnln." "Well, ceo whizz!" exelaniled the beg 'gar, "ain't you earned anything since?" Philadelphia Press. "J low 1)0 you. ullla my rnclng nuto mobile?" nsketl tio yppng ehnuffeur; "don't you think It Is iiobby7 think It Is perfectly killing," responded thu friend, who knew n thing or two about tho machine' record, Borem I'm soinetliliig of n mind render. Miss Hltteni Indeedl Horem Yes; 1 can usually tell at a glaneu what a person thinks of me. Miss Hit. tern Wonderful I But don't you Ilml It awfully embarrassing? Ho Yes. ho was n great aeronaut. They sny ho mnde nearly n hundred ascensions, and the only nccldent he ever hml was the one that proved fijtal. She Really? And on which of tho as tensions did thut occur? Bridget Ol can't stay, pia'ajn, onless yo lve mo more wages. Mrs. Hlrnii) Often WlmtJ Why, you don't know how to cook or 1J0 housework ntt nil. Bridget That's Just I, Dia'nm, an' not kuowlu how, sure tho wurk w nil tho harder for i ma'am. Philadelphia Press. "Well," said the lady who wns cn-j deavorlng to give the widow consola tion on the way homo from the ceme tery, "the worst Is over now." "I'm nfrnld not," answered the nllllcted one; "the lawyer says there's n bad (law In I one of tho Insurance pollcles."-Olilcai;o iiecoru-iiiTiiiu. x' Teas Ho usetl to tako mo to tho theater every other oreuliis or so, hut oue evenlni: when wo were sitting In tho parlor, I foolishly alowed him to kiss me. Jess What has that got to do with tho theater? Tess Well, now ho wautsto sit In the parlor nil tho time. Philadelphia Tress. . An Extremist: "Is Mr. Fusse much afraid of microbes?" "Well I should say; be washes the antiseptic gauze gloves ho wears In an lutlxeptle tluld before he even handle the sterilized glass that contains the boiled and tit tered mineral water he Intends to drlukl" Ualtlmore Herald. Mr. Morris Falrarmour (of Chicago, nngrllyWhat do you take me foru savuge? I'm paying enough for thUi steak to have It cooked, I guess. Tako It back nltd have It well done. Tho Waltcr-Heg pardon, pir, but that will be llfty cents ex tin. Mr. Morris Fair-armour-Whnt? You robber! What' that for7 The Walter -We burn coal, you know. Town Topics. "In counlznnco ob de fau' dat to-morrow nni washday wltl a great many ob do slstern ob tils eougregashuu," 8.1 Id Parson Henrust at the camp meet lug, "do.oongregtishuu will now please arise Ih'dey beats an' jlue lu slugln' dat ol'-hymn 'Urlngln' In de Sheet$!' Let de.Qrchestr.t preceeU!" Baltimore Nowit. , a is' mm: oAituKN city.iiaki:ky. IICNKY ItOSENIiqitr, rroprlelnr. llrcml, enkcx nnd plci ot superior iinnllt) fresh every ilny. 1IC West Mnln Street, Mlxeotila, Montnnn 'rhoitoll. Hlgglns lllock PULLIAM BROS. Donlcrs In staple and Fancy Groceries, . r jrf j t? j riour ana reea. MlnHoiiln Montnnn STODDARD & ROSS Real Estate and Insurance No. 115 Main St., Alissoula, Montana. First National Bank of Missoula. Montana. (No, 3104 Capital, $(50,000.00 Surplus, $50,000.00 A. II. Ifnnimonl,l'reililciit. .A. (1. Knglnnit, Vlcc-I'uflilent. J. M. Keith, Cnihlor. It. A. IMily. ..T. I.. (Iri'i'iioiiKli. I.'. II. Mcl.col. u (. CI. liiiKlnml. DIRECTORS Bozcman advertising. 1 1 Oil A HT A YATKH, Denlor In Fresh and Salt Meats And Poultry. Mniuifnctiirvra of vniiimKu nnd lnnl. I'IhIi nml gnine In Honnon. Ilozemnn, Montana Statement ot tho Condition of the CHACIJIL NATIONAL BANK, of Bozeman, Montana, 1 At.the ClOso of business, Sept. 15, 190a (No, una,) CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00, Surplus and Pro.'its, $82,041.56', -oKricr.itfu. JO.sr.1'11 KOUNTZ, I'ri'hl.lcnt. - lMIUOOX MAItTIN, Vice lr-. (Ji:oiUiK COX. Cnnhler, I,. ItKKHi: W KI.IX. Aimt. (Tuihlor BOH ART & YATES, Dealer In fRESH M SALT HIS nnd Poultry Manufacturers of sausage and lard, Fish uiil iiiiiu in seaMiu, Bozcman, Montana, J. A. JOHNSTON DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES 3 Main JJt, West, Bozcman, Alont. Anaconda advertisinff. hkst.0LA8S work, ski: MODEL LAUNDRY. Ilavcmann .V l'l,era, Proprietors, Prompt eorvli'o, Gooil work. t'honeW, Alinconila, Montana THE SMITH DRUG CO. Car. Mn St. and Park Ave. AnaCOIlda, v riontana. 305 East Park Ave. 'Phone 30 (live Your Work to Id 11 lWst laundry In tho city. Anaconda, Montana, AUDI Butte City Advertising prnm-ii trvM i.vi: &,m ., (1 I'lchon, I'roirlctor. All Unils of LnilleV, (lentu' ntnl ChintrouV ClotMiiK, dloven, Nerklli'ii, llliinkct". la'o Cur 'iik, 1'nm mil Drnio lot CJenn a. Ilyejl nnil itcjmlretl. Work enllul for a nl ilelhoreil. I'hone 0M 23 Knn (Jimrtz Street. lliittr, Mont pALACi: STI'.AM LAUNDItY. NIUON .t IIHICKHON, I'rops. S'ntiHfiufon Ciuaranteid. Prompt Do livery. Telephone No. 11. 131-1311$ Hotith ArUonn Street. iiutti:, MONTANA. iU ONTANA'S I.AIUll'.ST(lHOCi:ilY HTOlti:. LUTKY BROS. Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Telephone 08. 17-19 XV. l'nrk Street. Hl'TTi:, MONT. PUFAHLS' The Artistic Shop OF BUTTE. Extends you a C'riial Invitation to visit our shop. Fine Chinas, Bih-a-Brac, Antique Furniture. .Respectfully, PUFAHLS. Butte Transfer Co. TIIOS. I.AVi:i.I.i:, I'roprlctor. Baggage and Passengers Checked TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. Baggage Stored Any Length of Tlmo Free of Charge. Phono No, inn, OI'KJf ALL NIGHT Butte Goat Company mmm Coal and Wood Dealer In Hay and Grain Goko, Ohafooai, Unto. Content, Plastor Paris, " Gran! to Wall Plaator, Etc Cltvolllre. 1 IIhkI IlroAilunv: Telenhitno 477. Ynrila, Upper Muln Street ltallroiul Truck HJ Tclcplionui'JI. BUTTE, MONTANA. MONTANA DRUG CO. Exclusive Jobbers of Drugs Stationery "and Cigars, Stato Agents "IIHN IHJIt" and "LA SINCIWIDAD" Cigars. Only exclusive wholesale house in Montana. 902 to 9H E. Front Street, Telephone 515, BUTTE, MONTANA .SSSjsv, lffSVSs On Your Back Von never had a ahlrt lotter lainnLiroil than Hit p. io o returiusl to j on Insi weik, Dlilnlt auml iih any: Well, that'a not our fault your mUfortuno. Try ua thin week ami aee the illt fcrciifo. Wo call for ami ilolleNKxl, of rourco, anil H la 'em uprlKht, aa ou'll Ilml alter o tackle tl.u that luatallineut, which )o hereby roijuost. ' Montana Steam Laundry, JOHN gl'OVII., l'roprkti-r. N'o. IA to M XV. Mercury Street. Teloihinj HI, Unite, Mojilium, r A Few Important Reasons Why you IhouM ncat your money In Hufo I'lty I'roporty: llutlohaailoublcd u populntlon In tho last alx yeara. OutsMo of the natural growth of Putte, tho lutvmltni; linprmeinunta ot tho Mining Com. itMlllea u lllliicreai!,) tho iMpulatlou to uu.uuola three ytftra, Thrrewertf7iV)biiilillii:aconatructeilU8t vear. There are over l,iu bullillugii contracu d. for tobulM thtajenr, There are no ilealrablo houtca for rent. Thero la more u o ley i-orc.npllH lurirculatlo't In Itutte than lu any other city of Ua alio In tho L'nlleil State. Uta BolttiiK for from 100 to .vi lira yeara ago In the aouthern part ot town aro now wll. Int! for from fvm to n;. Had toil lneatel In Hut it! tor trom fm io ii.sm. Hail )ou lineatetl lu llutto projcrty llvo)eara ago you Mouhl bo rich today, A FEW FACTS Whylniatu SOt'TII 1'AltK, llutto City, Mon tana, are me uioai ueairauio tor u.e money, The electric cara take you every 15 minutes to tho property direct from tho IiUdIucki center of llutto in tiro minutes for tlo cents. Water inalna run through tho groin d, The prorly la as level and amooth as a bll- Ijjiru ihuio (iooil weTl natter can bo obtained at a depth of JO feel, Main Street, the nrluclnAl buclnessatreet In Ilutte, runs through tho property. There la a Hue cfcool ono block from the Park. There ta no grading to do. There is no amrlter apioke In South Park. Vegetaion grows all over the prorty. 'uaUy, there are no lots In llutto City with tho iiboo facilities for tho money, - We deed th mineral with tho surrac, hi eh no doubt will bo north con4tralile in the near future, ItKPEItKNCKS'-Kirst National Bankj Silver Row National Itank, Montana Land & Improvement Co. N. I Bast Onmlt Si.. BUTrB, MON1ANA. n- Montana Advcrtis" MltOY PTIiAM I.AUNI1UY. jiirwort; Isour aihertl'i'tncnt. Fpccl to I'ntnlllf", Ilotdannil ItestAurn MI!S. I.. II. MOTT, t'roirlotrom, 'lirop Ollko Id.'! Unit 1 o it St. 'l'hoili Mlssontn, Montnnn. . 1.MT. IIOYAU A Fitt Class Rcstnuraut nnd Night, Ope rou THAVIIMNU mi:n. liYNCll A CO., I'ltiprlplnrii. i:uni:st nitCIIAU, Mn jcoityv 1'i.aci:. Fine 7ines, Liquors and Clears Everything First Clan. J. A. BCOTT, 1'roprtotor. MlMoiiln, I SK J'OIl GARDEN CHV BEER. There's Nothing Finer on the Mark (IAK11UN CITY llltr.WINO CO, Mluutlla, Muilt Johnson's Q round Floor LIVERY, FEED AND.SAI STABLEST Iligglns Avoriuo, Opp. Kennedy Ho CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Prop. rinmt Tlirtionta at nil tlinci. Cal), 'Hut nnil llngKnKO Wagoni to ami from all trs nml hotclii. Hornet bonTikil by the ilny, rc or month. MUiouaCnh ami Tranufcr Co. cuiincctluli. Ml!3UUI.., MONTA Missoula Mercantile Co. WHOLESAL UUALURS. Paid-up Capital $1,200,000.' Miss6ula's Largest Store. Tli la st rj with Its mcwlcrn mothods and unrlvolctl aorvlco la tho favorite ihopplnc plnco for nil. Ylxltors enn flml everything uanlut anil they m 111 bo Juat In tlmo to pick fr Jin the Inretat anil beat ntaortett atocka of l'all ami WIiUit (Icoda cvor ahewn In aMIa- auiiln atoro. Wo aell cvcrythliiE-, anil every- t tlllmr tho very beat. MIsDuln, Montana. Florence Steam Laundry 112 W. 1'ront Htrcat. MISSOULA, MONTANA. First-Glass Work Guaranteed.- Our Work speaks frjr itself. W9rk jlono on short notice, ' Ojvo ua a, trial order. Tplephoue 155, O. B. JAGQUCMIN& CO. JEWELERS i Illaiionita Watchea, Clocka, Jewelry. ' Mlycrware, fiiwclacl, a. Jeurlry jnanu- facturril to onler nml lino w atch repnlr IliK. Watch iixaiuliiora for .V. I'. It. Co, Anion repair r N. I. It. Co. Helena, Montana 9 N. AlJn Slrccf Model Bakery CHAS. SCHUMACHER, P.os Fancy Bakery and Confectionery..Mt.,t Pakery I-tinch 133 N. Main St., Opp. Post Oflc Jrielena, Montana ASK FOB Duties Brewing Co.'m 'Export Filsenerm BETTER THAN ANY EASTIRN BEER. Butto - a Montana. UNION STEAM LAUNDRY (CO-OPERATIVE) FINEST WORK IN THE NORTHWEST Short Orders a Specially No Saw-Eif j Collars Off.'c: eni Wcrks J3, 15 and 17 Pa k Avenut Phone Call 75 Helena, Montan Hi J iqjat. -c-'ife, 1 iiium,, aU iiMTrrr-miiBinTriliMiri 4VxsJ&2UJ!Wtt&SI$U -.vaui-.wat;J.,'JtiJ6fei" gai: