V5WrT"-.!'"r THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON". -lJV"' U (FAX ADVERTISING !L BTFAM LAUN'DltY. Jry called for ami delivered free of Traveling men's laundry delivered lo day without extra charge. Wo malto ally of line eliks and woolen. 'I'hono North Main St. Colfax, Washington. MOOItE, Mgr. "J. N. BCOTT, I'rop. DltUO BT011E. Colfax, Wash. fas low as High Quality will permit. Zompllinontaot the Klk Drugstore. FKANK J. STONK, l'roprlolor. ;erior Warehouse Co. BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO., Managers. tieral Warehouse System oth 0, R. & N. and N. P. roads, Mi Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold. M. SCOTT, General Agent. Colfax, Washington. k. J. Davis & Co. (Successors to Knapp, Ilurrvll & Co') DBA MiUS IN v, arm Implements and Vehicles. Colfax, Washington. J. A. Perkins &.Cp. ltallroad Land Agency in eeuuecuou, REAL ESTATE. FARM LOANS. Bargains In Farm Lands and City Property. Correspondence Solicited, Colfax, Washington. I'.IF YOU FEED STOCK of any kind, it will pay you to buy one ot Carley's Roller Feed Mills THE ONLY MILL manufactured that will properly prepare Oats. Wheat or Barley so th.ey will thoroughly digest when eaten by stock. THIS MILL will KILL WILD OATS. Manufactured in Five Sizes, by Carley Brothers, at Colfax, Washington. MR. DEALER, It will pay you to han dle this Mill, as the terms to you are ex tremely liberal. IDAHO ADVERTISING MARSH, Outfitters ""for" Mankind Pocatcllo : : Idaho J.KOSENIIURO ARUHURA.COHN Pocatello Mercantile Company WHOLESALE Wine, Liquor AND Cigar Merchants.. Pocatcllo, Idaho Prink Old Fort Hall Whiskey Smoke Senator fihoup Cigars Boise Sash and Door Factory A. GORECZKY, Proprietor .ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER OF ALL KINDS s Sash, Doore, Screens, Brackets, Turn ings. Mouldings, Etc. Estimates Fur Hlsl.oJ. Factory Corner Eighth and Front Streets Boise, Idaho Ctas. Norwood J. 0. Breckenrldge Buckeye Grocery CHAS. NOXWOOD & CO., Props. Staple and V Fancy Groceries Fruits, Nuts, r I ur, drain and - Provisions, Stockmen . and Misers' Supplies, Etc.,' Etc: Cor. Seventh and Main Sts. BOISE ------ IDAHO Ellensburg advertising w. 0. WF.NTWOKTH. N. P. LUNCH ROOM. Ellensbutg, Washington. All Trains J3tny 10 Minutes for Luncli niM.KNBnuna steam laundry. 81IATBWKLL & haves'. Patronize a Home Industry. (loods Called for and Delivered TELEPHONE 11ED 151. J. H.BM1TI1RON, President. . C. H.BTEWAUT, Vice I'rJtldent. 0. W. JOHNBONE, Cashier WASHINGTON STATE BANK. ELLEN SBUR6, WASH. DIltECTOItS Jacob Furth. C. J. Lord. J. H.Stnlthson. 0. H.Btowart. Jos. Btovcnion. C.W. Johnsone Livingston advertising. MUELLEll'S HOME I1AKEKY, A. Mueller, Proprietor White and O'hcr Dread, Tics. CaVcs, etc. ' Also a nlcu lino of confectionery. Dread shipped to all point In tho stato. Livingston, Montana. ANE OF. THE 1IE8T SALOON8 IN LIVING' J I HTON. VM. GltAIiOW. I.Mnn Itrntula nf nil Ifltldll flf HnUnrS. Wholesalo dealer In Jos. BchllU lirowlng Co's Milwaukee I.ngcr licer, Livingston, Montana UNION MEAT MARKET. A. O.HASELER, Prop, CHOICEST FRESH AND SILT MEATS Gnmo and Fish in Hoason. Livingston, Montana. Employment Agency A1ALB AND PEMALB. Can furnish employment to all classes o( labor. Terms reasonable. Real Estate, Loans and Collections. C, 0. KROHNE, Agent. Oillco Opposite Postotllco, Livingston, Montana F. B. TOLHURST Taxidermist for the Tourist OPPOSITE DEPOT, Livingston, Montana. W. 0. Strasrcr, t'larlnda rape, Fred Papo. President. Vice President. Sec.&Treas National Park ...STEAM LAUNDRY CO... Park tourists may leave work until they return from the park. Domestic or gloss finish, MrudluK done free of charge. Telephone call promptly attended to. Telephone W-F. Opposite New Depot, Livingston, Montana. F.M.ATKIH, PHOTOGRAPHER. Park views furnished for Tourists during season. Kodak Work, Dovclopine;, Printing and Mounting. Livingston, Montana. mm & i DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Groceries Fine Teas, Coffees and Spices. Complete line of Canned (loods, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Pottofttcc Blcck, Corner Calender and Second Streets. 'Phone I B-B Livingston, MoaUa a Spokane advertising. J. D. BUCHANAN Funeral Furnkb'ngs Embalming and i)Wn a. specially 310 llivcrsldo Ave. Tel., Mai tins I SPOKANE WASH OLYMPIA CAFE 19 llemard 8tret Near N. P. Depot DEBT MEALS IN THE CITY LUNCHES PUT UP FOIl TRAVELERS (tco. Olommcr W. 0. Mania Proprietors SPOKANE WASH Tacoma advertising. ylENNA CAFE. ROUT. BICKER, Prop ' Oysters and Oatno In season. Homc-Mado Pastry. Fine Coffee Everything-First-Class and Up-to-Datc. 1311 Pacific Avenue. Tacoma, Wash C.F.JUNE. F. J. MOONEY "THE ABBEY" Tel. James 2121 No. 1511 Pacific Aveuue. Tacoma, Wash Tclophono Main 95. Opposlto Tacoma Hotel ROYAL DAIRY. MILK, CREAM AND ICE CREAM. No. 012 A Streot. Tacoma, Wash The Tacoma W. B..BLACKWKLL, Prop. One of the best hotels on the Pacific Coast. American Plan $3.00 perDay and Upwards TACOMA, . WASH. Billings advertising. mHE WOLFE CABH HAKERY. FRESH DREAD, PIF.H, CAKES AND CONFKCTIONEIIV. No alum or ammonia used. 2001 Minnesota Avenue, Wiling, Montana TTOLMESAltlXON. DRUGGISTS 4 STATIONERS. Tho only lint-clans In tho city. HILLIN08, MONTANA E. ER1CK80N. W. J. BCOTT. BILLINGS STEAM LAUNDRY. Work turned out on short notice. Wo mako a specialty of Traveling Men's work. Hillings, Montana c ITY MEAT MARKET. A.J.GIlsdorf, I'rop Fresh and Bait Meats. Fish, Iluttor Kggs and Oysters in Hoason. Free dollvery In the city. Telephone No. 11. Established 18H3. Hillings, Montana 1'aul McCormlck, Il.fl.Bhorey, Chaa.Bpcar, 1'resldent. Vice President. Cashier BILLINGS STATE BANK IIILLINOB, MONTANA. CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00. -DIRECTORS" H.O. HOHTWIL'K. Cashier Bouth Omaha National Hank. A.C.JOHNBON, Vice 1'res. American National Hank, Helena. i'AULM'CORMICK, Merchant and Btockman. C. O, ORUWELL, Real Estate and Btockman. U. Q. 8IIOREY, Btockman. . II II. I, I'll Ulnfllrm.n C1IAS. Bl'EAR, Cashier YEGEN BROS. SAVINGS BANK TRANSACTS A General Banking BueincsB, AdininiHter Kstntcs, Buy and Sell Heal Estate nnd LivuSUick, Collect Itcnta nnd Tuko Cliurt,') of BusineBH Affairs for Non-Bes idente. Billings, Montana. YEOEN BROS. (Incorporated.) CASH DEPARTMENT HOUSE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. DKALEItS IN Hardware, Cutlery. Stores, AKrlenltural Im plements, Wagons, Harness, haddles, Furnl; Jure, Crockery, Queeusware, Dry tloods and Carits, Clothing and Men's FurnlsbliiKS, Hoots and Shoes, (Irorerles, l'rovlilom, CI gars and Tobacco, 1'lumtlng. I-eter Yegen. Fres. and Treas. Christian Yegen, (ieul. Mangr. j, K, Kuril, t ice iiwiuui, Fred Inabnll, Secretary. J, Mashaw, Credit &, Col. Dept Fred fiAM'8 HORN BLASTS. Warning Note CuMlng the Wlcte'd t6 Repentance. LOQUENOE la not of iho lungs;. Wisdom seldom runs lu a rut Jinn Is over greater than his tools. , T h o death of self Is tho llfo of the soul Truo religion Is duty linked ta the divine. Tho best self- help Is helping others. Love Is the evidence of God's llfo In us. . Altruism Is the highest Individual ism. God's work must bo done lu God's way. AVe live Mdlo that wo mny die to live. The shield of faith will not at the back. The poor In goods nro often rich In grace. You cannot fatten your soul op fur niture. Full gratltudo Is the spring of free Bivlng. The Infernal must fall before tho eternal. INVENTION WORTH MILLIONS. John IlrUHn, n IMttatturs Steel-Work, er, Wliia Butt Annlnat Cnrticule. ICrom a cottage to a palace has been tho romance of steel In Pittsburg for many years. John Urlsllu, a former steel-worker, now lives In a cottage In that city, but his de clining years may be spent lu n palace If he so desires. Tho millions of Andrew Curnegic were near ly doubled by an In vention of this aged miui, 11 o w nearly blind nnd deaf, yet joiin liiiisLiN. for s e v 0 11 years llrlslln has been battling with the great Bteel mnmifactui'cr and philanthropist for a portion of those millions. Mr. llrlslln, with Antonio Vlnnnc, In vented tho mechanical roll feeder, with which four men enn do the work of twenty In the production of steel rails, beams and other structural steel. In 1800 tho patents were granted on tho machine, but It has been used by nil tho steel manufacturers lu tho country slnco then without the formality ot pay ing a royalty. ThOi patents were contested, and Judgo Bulllngton ot the United States District Court has Just declared them valid. This nwnrds the inventors mill ions of dollars, nnd every steel company In America must pay Its share of trib ute to the genius of tho Inventors. There Is no rancor In the soul of tho old man against tHo men who have used tho product of his genius and uc cumulated millions thereby. He snys tho millions due hlurwlll to-dny do him little good personally, but he desired to win that his children might bo en rlchcd. "Vlnnnc had tho first Idea of tho In vontlon of the mechanical steel rolls," said Mr. llrlslln. "They rolled only 0110 length when wo 'first went Into tho mills, nnd later they rolled two. Vlnnac came to me one dny and said: 'These beams are getting tco largo for hand work; It must bo clone uy mnciiinery. I havo an Iden, and If you will help mo wo will go halves.' "That was In December, 1803. Vlnnac was boarding with me. We started to work that day, and the model was built In my bedroom. No one but Vlnnac and I saw It until the Decoration day fol lowing, Mny 80, 1801, when wo took It to our lawyer and n patent was applied foe. That old model has been used all through tho patent cf.ee and Is kept locked up In tho steel vault In the law yer's olllce." Mr. llrlslln stated that ho hnd no Idea of the amount due him for the use of his machine. Every steel mill In tho country has used It, and only an audit of their books will disclose tho amount Mr. Brlslln's lawyer. James N. Cooke, of Pittsburg, figures that tho Carnegie mills alone should owe $50,000,000 for the uso of the Invention. He sayS oven that amount Is a low estimate, nnd when the case Is finally decided In tho highest courts new suits for an nccount Ing will follow. Too hate! As Illustrating Uip "Instantaneous" knowledge needed In tho profession of medicine, tho following story Is told of Dean Smith, of tho Yalo Medical School; nn one occasion ho cited n hypotheti cal case and asked a student how much of a certain medicine should be ad ministered to the sufferer. "A tenspoonful," answered the young man. In about a minute, however, ho raised his hand and said: "Professor, I would like to chango my answer to that question." Tlie dean took out his watch. "My young friend," ho remarket!, "vour nntlent has been dead forty sec onds." St. Louis Chronicle. Tho KaWcr'a Decorations. Tho orders of decoration borne by tho German Emperor arc worth a little over $225,000. Ills most valuable dec orations nro tho Insignia of tho Black Eagle, tho Order of St. Johu, of tho Garter, and of tho Tolson d'Or. In all ho has over 200 crosses, stars, badges and other Insignia. The average girl knows at least ono of her sex who would make an Ideal vlfe. rm Walla Walla Advs. TTARDWICK.THE JEWELER FOR YOUR WATCHES & SILVERWARE Can't bo beat for quality and prices. WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON. CITY BREWERY MRS. J. H. STAHL, Pi op. Dealer lu - FINE EXPORT LAGER BEER. Deer In bulk or bottles. All ordors promptly lilted. EUREKA MEAT MARKET. A. E. AUGUSTAVO, Prop. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK AND DRESSED MEATS. Choice Beef, Pork, Mutton. S'eiil. Hams, Bueon, ljiird nnd Poultry. Giuno in sen- ron. Telephone Mnin 01. No. 20 Kant Main Stie.'t. Walla Walla, Washington. ..CHICAGO STORE.. Pomtottlom Block. Wo aro solo agents for tho Gordmn Hat, . Walk-Over Shorn, Hart Shaffner Marx Clothing. Wo would npprcciato n share of your patronage. Walla Wnlla, Washington. WASHINGTON GROCERY & BAKERY COMPANY (Successors to John Alholt.) Dealers In and Manufacturers of Fancy and Staple Groceries, Bread, Cakes, Pies, Etc. j Mall orders will havo prompt attention. 23 Fast Main Btrcot. 'I'hono 88. Walla Walla, Washington. LUTCHERS DF.ALEII IK . Cigars, Tobaccos, Can dies, Notions, Etc WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. tern Ormmnt. Telephone White 121. No. 128 W. Main St. Walla Walla, Washington. BEDELL'S BAZAAR Third Door from Farm ers Buvlugs Bank. The only store in the city where you can ect what you call for. We are pleased to show our goods. J J It's thi Wonderland of Walla Walla J. S. BARRETT Manufacturer and denier lu Boots and Shoes Correct Styles Perfect Fits Lowest Prices No Misrepresentations No Shoddy Goods .... Repairing. ' 11 E. Main St., WALLA WALLA. a, v ) w 1M THE MARTIN JEWELRY CO. Watches Jewelry Diamonds Repairing: a Specialty. VALLA VALLA, VASH. GREEN S J1CKS0N DRUG CO. EVERYTHING DRUGS UP-TO-DATE THE YELLOW FRONT. 19 Vd Main. 'Phone Main J8 VALLA VALLA, VASH. SFOKAF'1 BRUM? Family Cigars ai Spokane Club Hit P SPOKANB. E- T'l MilwatJL. Only 180 Feet Prom NnT Fine Liquors S. is Bernard St&T SPOKA'Nna w1 WALLAL Pofor.J. (.ImmBhat FINE WINES, LIQUOR Dorncrd and u) SPOKANE "; i Cfc'.Wl The ORE SPOKANE'S OfHA - .' 1 Owned and Opera .j""-;! Spokane Dry OootlaO 2y m ,s2a -. 1 -' . . . - . VM MiJ. .T Mi Kivcrtuuo ayo. nua juai Spokane, ' -" ;? 'EWWjtfiSSfe 'fe4,'a4b- W ' IJ'il Wholesale and Retail ,jjl BREAD, ICE CREAM, PASTRY' $ SENGFELBkR'SC v Salesroom and Office S. II rJawCrdhfttreet. .k.t factory S. .Ml to zJ wasMnEion-4ircei ; Phone Main 30S- ' , W w amp bviiy num. i. .,..1 ji ..mw.. '.'V''--'tlr.'VsVr Rasher&Kingrqi Vehicles, tin d: Implements; Corner Lino Spokane, Night Dell. 'I'honoJJrowr?. Paragon . r- ;.- ittisbi PrcBcrliitlons a spccinltyWc mW Corner Howard and I nd PlrstAveT ir Spokane, - - - Wushn u jfbrKJvu .rjk. A -t p . Riverside -. - i& 333 RlVenWe Av. Spokane, 1 "i - Wholesale and Retail every nunc in ine i-me iu pjii Prionr Blacllc 3150 .' '-: Wc Deliver to All Pjrtt of)h; City Fr j .:. - LOUIS L. BrZRTONEAt The Log Cabin Family mm fmwirtel Wines, C4r- i dials and Cigars, I , ' V W. i.W pm 1 LWAm tine Di fjEWE MVFACTORY'SALE aV LHkc 1 wimta. LaKffl vHdTJPH XZfr: fY: 7- ,M mmmmLmHaiQBffi3BaammmamLammm h B2MHF IhS cmf&Yl laaWWWWW XmJemmmSStliOmamammmmttiMJlnBFMl irw wmwK, lffl vu Wm ii 0viMfi5ll -rtrr l -1 !BS9 JWti &$ m &7 T-.-.r Telephono Main 211," Ko. 8 Lincoln )trcet,,germr Bl'OKANK, -' . . . '' J 'S Mi LJfey.j-J-"Jh'. jtix sws. .f&TJ'j'u, '? ." Si'Trvfe''.?'.