' "'"ytVi V B8rjB T-SSfc. V - THE NEW AGE; POKTJJAND, OREGON. V- - ., k K .. B$.: ' f i !' , - ft yt-i !H"? 13 ". fcV" r OS (1 !& tfuf Bsk . fcr ti V . i H?r " rn rA j SV J1' .' f . .. m .- 'tJ V , '.& w SOU PI1ERN OREGON I RIFFIN HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail Hardwares BTOVE8 AND TINWARE. Willamette Btrcet, EUGENE, OREGON T HE UMPQUA BAKERY- FltESII BREAD DAILY. rics, Cakes. Cookies, Doughnuts, Runt. Rolls Cream 1'ufTs. Cake fer Socials, Partlei and Ranquets Made to Order. E. JENNINGS and MRS. FREEMAN, Prop, rhono 415. Roseburg-, Oregon dj kAY & HENDERSON All Kind o! ,.F0 UNITUKE-..... Practical Embalmer and Undertaker. Order by telegraph filled promptly. I'lione IJfack 47. Cor. Willamette and 7th 81. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. ST, CHARLES HOTEL IOHN GIBUN, Pr oiv Tlrst-CUM Accommodation and Prompt (rr Ice. Large Bample Qoomi tor Commercial Traveler. Phone 7. Cor. First and Washington SU. Albany, Oregon. Entertainer: CHA3. QILVIN. MLL PROTZMAN The Monogram TRANK KENNEDY, Prop. Cyrus Noble, Bourbon and Ryo Whis kies. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ROSEBURG, - OREGON. WILKINS' Railroad Eating House Furnished Room In Connection. IN THE NEW TWO-STORY BRICK Juat South ol the Depot. ROSEBURd - OREOON. Chicken Supper with Hot Biscuits. All Trains Stop Thirty Minutes. Buyless & Stormer. C. P. BARNARD, Proprietor of Bosehurg-Marshfield Stage Line Empire Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Caddie Horses nnd Stylish Single nnd JVOUU10 JUgH III All uuurtt. ROSEBURQ, OREQON. THE HOUSE FURNISHING GO. (Incorporated.) Mauufaoturer of Woven Wire Mattresses. Carpets, Portlrrs, Rugs. lace Curtains, Bhiules, Furniture. Wall Paper, Picture Frame, Mattresses, Redding. Undertakingand embalmings specialty Btores at Albany and Salem, Ore. Factory at Albany, Ore. Waeoulc Temple, Albany, Oreqon EMPIRE Livery Feed and Sale Stable C P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs 'At All Hours. Transient stock gircn the terr best of care. Kates alwa reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. Phone Main SI. Cor. Hose and Oak Sts. ROSEUURG, OREGON. The LITTLE DRUG STORE Near tho Depot, Roseburg, Oregon. Where you can And the BEST QUALITY OP Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Stationery, Etc. M. F. RAPP, Proprietor. When in Medford STOP AT The New Nash Hotel STMT CLASS IN EYERY PARTICULAR. w. j. Hamilton, Proprietor. The Dalles Advertisins: KSLyHiiHl TRYING TO MAKE Hin STOP in nnd order n bag of Dalles Fntont or Wliito River Flour for her baklnR tho housewife is continunlly raking of her husband, but if ho forgets alio will order it herseff, for tho lover of good, white nnd delicious bread will never use nny other after tho experiences tho satisfac tory results of tho Dalles Patent Flour. It is mado from choice wheat and milled by the best process. Manufactured by W. W. M. Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF EASTERN OREGON. T OUIS I1UNZIKER. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, JEWELER , AND OPTICIAN. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Op tlcal Goods, Cut dlnn. 7M Main Street. PENDLETON, Oregon mUE OWL. A GENTLEMAN'S REBORT. Finest Wlnei, Liquors and Cigars. Giro U a Call. Opp. Depot, Left Hand Walk. SMITH A ROCKWELL, Prop. La Grande, Oregon THE MINT SALOON o.x. MajLtwiar, jtrvj. BERT RRAND3 OF WINES' AND L10.U0K3 . IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC ClOAKS.... Tomer Depot Street and Jefferson Atenue, LA UltAHDF, ON. E. Y. Jcdd. Prut. F E. Juno, Ben'? and Treat, TlllitoH K. Fkll, Manager Incorporated, ltM Capital Block, I10.00Q PENDLETON Woolen IVIiBB Manufacturers of FleOCeWOOl BlanketS, Iddiail RotlCS Cnsslmcrcs, Flannels Pontile ton, Oro 'fhe Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND OF EASTERN 'OREUON IS ..M. A. RADER. Funeral Director and Kmbalmer Lady Asslttuut. rKNDLETON OHKOON Rates 2.60 Per Day and Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AMERICAN) A. GEISER, Proprietor. Commercial, Family and Tourist Hotel. BAKER CITY, OREGON For First-Class Livery BEE- The New Livery Stable C. L. SMITH, Proprietor. Beeond Street near I a-ighUn Street. The only TJp-to-Dato Livery in The Dalles. Telephone No. 27; Longdis tance 1871. The Dalles, Oregon. L.W.CARNAHAN. President. C. II. GARDNER, Vice 1're.ident. W. W. TEKRY.'Treanurer. Portland Implement Co. JOHN DEERE PLOWS, HARROWS, ETC. FARM MACHINERY AND VEHICLES. ' 188-194 Front Street, Portland, Ore. HEREn.WASHIRiTOMDYEIITISEMEIITS W. C. DICKEL1IAUPT, X. W. RR00K8, Prost. Sco. and Treaa. Everett Flour Mill Co. Manufacturers and Exporter of FLOUR Everett, Washington, U. S. A. W. J. RUCKER, Vice Pre. WM. TENNANT, Genl. Mgr. F. W. SUMNER, T. D. BUMNER, President Vice President Sumner Iron Works. MAUufftcturcrs of Marine. Mining and Mill Machinery Watir Tuba and Tubular Boilers. Everett, Washington. BOBBINS TRANSFER CO. General Transfer Business. Storage and Pree Sample Rooms Check and deliver your bnpjtngo for 2fc. pur piece four blocks north or south of Hewitt avenue, and botweon all trains and boats. Three days' freo storage. All work and prices guaranteed satisfactory. Phono 371. EVERETT, WASH Model Laundry and Toilet Go. J. W. DURR, Proprietor. A specialty of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC. FINISH IF DESIRED. PHONE SI. iaia Hewitt Ave. Everett, Wash. Centralia Advertising. QENY YOUR LAUNDRY WORK TO CEMBALI STAR LAUNDRY. Hand Laundry. Best Work in Town. Phono 50. M. A. WARINQ, Proprietor. THE OLYMPIC. Opp. N. P. Depot, Centralia, Wash. Straight Whiskies and Key West Cigar peclalty. Olympla Doer 011 Draught, llottle Good a specialty. JESSE LATSIIAW, Proprietor. THE CHEHALIS FLOURING MILL CO. IIORTEN HASKELL Jt CO., Proprietor. Flours, Feed and all Kinds of Mill Stuffs. MANUFACTURERS OF Haskell's Brands of Flour, Haskell's Best Fancy Patent, HaskeHTs Daisy. '' CHEHALIS, WASH. Surety Rond. Notary Public Established 1889. A. L. COFFMAN & CO. Successor to Coflftnan $r Keppnor. Real Estate, Insurance, AND RENTAL AOENCY. Money to loan on ImproTed farm at low rate, of Interest. List your farms with us If you want to sell them, llonds, warrants and other securities bought and sold. Phone 23. Chehall, Washington Q. F. TILLY. Undertaker and Embalmer HOQUIAM, WASH. FINE CHAPEL AND MORGUE ON J STREET. AUERDEEN, WA8H. BEARDSLEY BIOS. Licensed TSmbnlmers for State of Washington. FINE PARLORS and MORGUE 103 Whthkuh Street. ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescription Accurately and Care fully Compounded. Telephone Columbia 7W, Oregon Red 1664 PrmsorlpUom - Drugflstm 97 North Thlr Street PORTLAND - - OREGON THOUGHT IT WA8 8ILVER. But Was Only n Meteorite of Mnllenblft Nickollfcruua Iron. Several years ago some Mexlcnl mes callcros discovered In the mountains ot Sonorn a lump of metal which because it was malleable and silver white In color they regarded ns some form of silver ore, and secreted near the place of Its discovery until transportation for It could be secured. Their tracks, how ever, were not well covered nnd other parties, observing tke disturbed condi tion of tho ground, followed up tho trail, found the place of concealment and stole the supposed lump of silver. After soino time and considerable strife over the piece of metal It was acquired by Scnor Canlzarls at Cu curpo, In tho Magditlcnn district. At his hacienda a drill press was employed and a hole seven-sixteenths of nil Inch In diameter and two nnd one-half Inch es In depth was drilled Into tho meteor lto to test Its Interior for precious met als. When these drillings upon assay showed no value In either gold or sil ver It was thrown aside. A short time ago n Denver mining engineer got possession of It and shipped It home. It weighs '2X'l pounds, Is about twenty Inches long and twelve Inches In Its largest diam eter. Nothing definite has yet been determined regarding this meteorite ex cept that It belongs to the ulckcllferous Iron class, named siderolltes, no analy sis having been made. It contains tho usual cavities, or so-called cupules, while the blunt end is smoothed from the friction of the nlr. There Is also a streak of glace or coating on 0110 side suggesting n zone of fusion. Its value ns n rare specimen or one of un usual aclenttllc Interest will be ascer tained rk soon as possible. Should It belong to the group of mc'eorltcs of a certain great fall near tho City of Mex ico, known ns the Tuluca shower, It would bo of minor value, but If re lated to tho Tucson meteorite It will provo a most desirablo find. LIKE, THE AMERICAN SHOE. Qermana Hnyo Tokon Kindly to Voot wear Mado In United Btutea. Our energetic consul at Berlin has forwarded to tho Stato Department 11 comprehensive and Interesting account of tho opening of a largo shoe storo where American goods arc sold exclu sively. Tho venturo was a success from tho start not only on account of tho shoes, but by reason of American methods of doing business. There was a large, well-lighted store, with Amer ican furnishings and American tnitn.Hl salespeople. It was such 11 delightful placo to go to that It seems to hnvo been rlsltcds a matter of Joy regard less of the shoes, which, however, wcro sold In great numbers. Tho consul says that tho success of tho venturo was explained to him by a well-known Berllu physician who was a customor. IIo finds that Ameri can, shoes "lit," while Gormnn-nmdo do not For many years Herman man ufacturers have used American ma chinery, American patterns nnd huvo followed American styles, but for some reason they hnvo not nchloved either tho finish or perfection of lit which characterizes tho Amerlcnn-niado ar ticle. This customer said ho could not uso German rendy-mndo shoes and had shoes made by hand with unsatis factory results. It was tho Amerlcnn shoo that exnetly met his requirements, nnd Its popularity has become so great that an attempt Is being mndo to raise tho tariff to prohibitive prices. Thero Is on tho wholo of tho conti nent very naturally a decided objection to tho way In which American goods are getting to tho front aud no doubt restrictive legislation of n seven char acter mny bo expected, but ns long ns this country enn mnke tho best com modities In tho world they cannot bo kept out of tho great marts of trade. Philadelphia Inquirer. Kept Ills KyU'Olnss. Monocles wero plentiful In Capo Town, but In Johannesburg and Pre toria they wero conspicuous by their absence, for the reason Uint Lord Kitchener objected to them. Of all tho "swell" olllcurs, says Pearson's Maga zine a captain of n famous cavalry regiment nlono refused to glvo his monocle up. It was n current reiwrt In tho regiment that ho woro It lu bed and even when he took his bath, Ono day Lord Kitchener met tho "single-pane" ollicer outaldo of tho Trans vaal Hotel In Pretorlu. "One minute, captain," snld tho com maiMler. "May 1 nsk If It U absolute ly necessary for you to wear that glass In your right eye?" "Yo-os, certainly, Lord Kitchener; crer I could not see without It." "I am sorry to hear that, captain, as I Intended to give you a stnrf appoint ment; but I must have men around mo who can sou well. Kindly report for duty to the ollicer commanding tho llnra of communication." The discomfited cavalry ollicer obeyed the Instructions. Threo mouths ofterward he was taken prisoner by tho Boers, who stripped him of his clothing and sent him back to camp, still attired in his eye-glass, but little else. OoimI Holl Is Allvo. Formerly tho soil was regarded ns mineral matter. bIiiidIv decaved roek mixed with dead organic matter. Now wo know that the soil Is n living or ganism whose life is as Important as that of the animal or the plant Itself. If tho soil bo killed It Is absolutely sterile. ays tho Detroit News Tribune. In other words, If tho life organisms which make soil fertile are destroyed, the soil Is Incapable of producing a crop. Plants, ns a rulo, eat only min eral food, such as phosphoric acid, potash and nitric acid, but animals usually eat only organic food, such as fats, sugars aud protein uiuttec Walla Walla Advertisements. IEW18 W. II EATON j Manager Plomrri Undirtttklnw Pmrtarm. Graduate Embnliner and Dlslnfcctor. Licensed by Illinois Stato Hoard of Health. Member National Association of Embalmer. P. 0. Uox 782- Phone, Main 'H9. WALLA WALLA, WASH. T W. COOKERLY. Undertaker and General Funeral Furnisher. Embalming a Specialty. Rabcock' Ilrlck llluck, ,i First St. Telephone lllack S91. WALLA WALLA, WASH. B RYAN RROB. New Llvory, Feed and Sale Stable. Rubbcrtlred Hack a specialty. Carriage call attended to night or day. Southwest cor. Second aud Alder Strtats. "telephone 67, . WALLA WALLA, WASH. TtlODELRAKERY. CHAS. RETZER, Proprietor. All kinds of Cakes, Pics, Candies, Etc. Goods delivered to any part of tho City. No. 3 First Strcot. Walla Walla, Wash. mllE SENATE. GEO. RETZER & CO. FIRST-CLASS BAR. FINE IMPORTED CIGARS. WALLA WALLA, WASH. D EPOT LUNCH COUNTER. FRANK M. CUMMINGP, Proprietor. All Kinds of Lunches Put Up for tho traveling Public. WALLA WALLA, WASH. McBride Bros. LIVERY STABLE. Rubber Tired Hack a Specialty. Baggage Wagon. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. 124 E. Main St. THE WALLA WALLA Steam Laundry Can Suit You. Special Ordars Returned the Simi Day. Phono, Black 101. HOTEL DACRJES S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly Si 111 Oil HoUSC. Ratett $2.50 to $3,00. WALLA WALLA. WASH. GILBERT HUNT CO. Machine Shop anil Foundry Manufoctnrer ol Pride of Washington Tlircf hern, Self Feeders, Drapers and Machine Extras of livery Description. Repair Work a Specialty. Oatalcgje Free. WALLA WALLA, WASH. A. L. LORENZEN. Real Estate Broker. LOANS NEGOTIATED. Iuformatirn furnished regarding Wal la Walla and Umatilla Counties. No. fl Main Street, WALLA WALLA, WASH. Baggage and Omnibus Transfer ...COMPANY... Office 8. W, cor. Fourth and Stark St. Telephone K. PORTLAND, OREGON Exchange Your Checks With Meuenecr on Train and order Carriages or Coupe. Baggage chrcked at resi dence to any destination Rraneb office: Hotel Portland; United Car riage Co., SeTenth and 1 aylor. L. II. ADAMS, Mgr. BJBjBBJjBJBS,)tJ',- U V Walla Walla 'AuYs. - , pALL AT 120 AND 122.MAIJS ST. SCHWAItZ'S SALOON Lunch Counter nnd Club Room opea hour. 1J0 and Iti Main Street WALLA WALLA, WASH A. 8CHWARZ. Prop mllE RANK EXCHANGE FRED POST, Proprietor Ono of tho llrst claisaloonof Wall WJlv whoro outUl to treated right and alt ot tho finest brand of Liquor and the, beat, brands of Cigars always on hand WALLA WALLA - - WASB D EI1US Jk STAHL Finest saloon In the cltr 1 ' All tho latest and best brands of L1V SIS 8. Second Street WALLA WALLA WJ-Mt, mllE ELK SALOON JOHN DACHTOLD, Prop. 121 Main Street WALLA WALLA, "mllE EMAILS" 'm Strictly First Class Tlar EMAILS DUOS., Props. WALLA WALLA WAS T HE PORTLAND LUNCH COUNTER Tho Best Meal In the City WALLA WALLA WAML. B UTZ, THE TAILOR Alway. on hand a full assortment ot LATE8T FOREIGN AND DOME8TIO UOOD DEST WORK, RED ROCK PRICES A perfect fit guaranteed Corner Fourth and Alder BU. WALLA WALLA T)AC11 ACHTOLD & ACHERMANN Importer and Wholesale Liquor Msraki A cent For Behllt Milwaukee Ileer ARC St. Imte Sutter Homo Wine Astl llrandtea Yellowstone Whiskey Cedar Rrook Wh(ak- Jesso Moore Whiskey Cream Rye WbUkay- Avondalo Club Rye Jas. E. Pepper No. 11 Alder St. WALLA WALLA Phone White SR. WJJ-L . Our Stock I blooming- with Shoe for Fmtt aNT Wlntmr that aro Just as beautiful an graceful as the season and our customer demand. Every woman will be dullghted with the added graco that will be gtyea by our new Fall Wlntmr Shoe nt every man who ha ati eyo for tho IwautU ful will bo charmed, McKean's DRY GOODS STORE Clothing;, Shoe, Hats, and Mens' Furnishings Office: Fourth and Main Street WALLA WALLA - WASH: NETTLETON'S SHOES ARE- GENTLEMEN'S SHOES And ou will always find a nice lino of tho latest styles hero. Wo alvo cairy the best lino ol $3,60 Shcoi in tho city. THE CASH SHOE CO. 0. N, HATCH, MatwgQr. PHILLIPS TRUNK CO. Trunks Made to Order Also Taken in Exchange. TRUNKS REPAIRED. 3II Morrison St., Va ' ' m m fffi T SH Opposite Postoffic J