THE NEW AGE, PORTLAT5TD, OREGON". nt. H( TOPICS OF THE TIMES. "Every mnn hna a rlfrht to work, but llio otlicr fellow too often forgeta 1L Secretnrj' Slunv relunscd n little over '$20,000,000 the other tiny. How much of It did you (,'et.? The world liufl little use for n mnn mho docs IiIh bust only when engaged la doing othcra A Intly of 40 linn asked $75,000 for taniagd affeetJotm. Wliat would she Stave demanded at 20 1 "When the girl nays they are engaged tend the young man nay they uro not 4lt taken a Jury to divide. Fools may rush lu where nngeln fear to tread, but the theatrical angel Rome tlmoA baekN the fools who uro Inclined 4o rush In. President Itoosevlt has ordered do )artmcnt chlpfs to mako the govern ment reports nhorter. Ho must want to have some of tlicm rond. The latent l n storage battery trust Tt uh hope It may succeed boforo the ind of another century In finding a torage battery that will store. A. Chicago woman Is seeking n til Vorco from her husband who Is de--crlbed us an oiitliiuIuHtla amateur pugilist Kite says he was too eiitliu vlastlc. How (julrkly celebrities nro forgotten tn these strenuous days. Who wus the .young lady who had tho Crown Prince of (Jerniany going around lu a clrclo u few weeks ago? It Is still pretty hard to get grouchy old men who don't like tho boys their daughters lmvo selected in future hus bands to agree that arbitration Is u ood tiling lu till cases. "When n person has "left off" smok ing, nothing helps his resolution like a caller who lovingly fondles u cigar with tho bouquet of a Chinese restaurant and n draft like u soft coal lire In u hard coal furnace. Most statements nowadays nro taken cuui grano sails with an allowance for the discount. In apology for the sweep Ingness of tho title of his book, "Proper ty la Itobbery," Prnudhon said that he put his price high because ho knew that be Hhould be beaten down. Tho billionaire may coma, but will not his heirs tire of tho troubles and worry of handling tho money and scatter It? Klesh and blood cannot vtand tho strain this class of llnauclers Invite. These mammoth fortunes even tually will return to the peoplo lu ways never dreamed of by their creators. Tho greatest evil connected with the problem of power In the present life Is .he malcducatlon of men as to the wurces from which It Is to bo drawn ind tho methiids by which It Is to be wed. The many and the prosperous are rone to believe that power Is a deposit tf divine election. Finding one's self josseshed of It, the owner at once con Uudcs that he has been chosen of (led t order a part of the universe, tloni Jinte his fellows, dictate events and jcal punishments to those who offend gainst his self-nssumed prerogatives. iCno of tho noblest charities In nny Ity Is tho system of Pasteurized milk depots established and maintained lu Kew York by Nathan Strauss. Prom these nUitloiw nearly one million lxt leu of milk and milk foods for Infants JVero distributed during the past sum cer. Those who wero not willing to ccopt tho milk free wero allowed to li&y ono cent a bottle certainly a low crlco for self-respect. Through the co liberation of tho physicians of tho 'Health Department knowledge of the llk depots has been spread among lie tenement house mothers, and free niupons for thu bottles of milk have neea distributed. There could not pos uibly be a more term), more eloquent or -lore Impressive summing up of the c'orte than Is contained lu tho brief stn lujtlai of tho annual report: Since fttH, when the milk depots wero oh- frm.f.1A.f frlm jt.k.aH, titn iimniiif !!- , wwiiri, WIW ui.. miv Miw..n him 'ea under 0 yean of age has been policed nlnioat exactly ono-hnlf. n co inProfessor Welch, of Johns Hopkins diversity, announced at tho recent "Wleal cojigroaa lu London hU dls- 'Very of a universal virus, which la prevent and cure all diseases tho co, inau llesh is heir to. Professor Ich confidently declares that the vnrsou who is inoculated with this new jeirua "will never catch anything." It trite be regretted that the professor Is hot a little more explicit on tills point, 0XU) broad assertion that ono who 1ms 011 ea Inoculated with tho now virus jU uever catch anything is highly jricouraglng, yet It would lie more re wjtiurlug if ho had apccltled that It to raid keep people from catching old dn o us well as to make them Imniuue "irm mumps, small pox and iippen ''"Mils. It may be possible that the jyig looked-for elixir of life has nt lust cHjMi discovered, and the world will u piously nwalt further statements car" Professor Welch. Also u little dorwf lu supiort of tho claims made coir his virus will be very welcome, doi us hope that all this will bo speed. xcu forthcoming and that tho splendid us which tliu professor o.pects to i on tho market will in addition to thwarting ago and disease bo capable of delleetlng automobile and u-uuejr cars. If It covers thaw matters witi- factorlly and Professor Welch can ue - cure capital enough to start n factory we may prepare tyr everlasting life, provided the coal holds out It Is a good thing for tho American who Is Inclined to listen to the doleful lamentations of the pessimist to turn away from tho army In the Philippines for a moment and look at the greater army and mightier army described In the annual report of the United States Commissioner of IMucatlou, Just sub mitted to the Secretary of tho Interior. The report of Commissioner Harris shows that the total of pupils In the schools, elementary, secondary and higher, both public and private, In tho United States for the yenr ending June 80, 1001, was 7,2u0,2.'50, nn Increnso of 278,020 pupils over tho previous year. Of this number 10,710,301 were enrolled In schools supported by locnl and gener al taxation. If we add to this enrollment those who attended certain special Insti tutions like evening schools, commer cial schools and schools of cookery and of special trades and vocations, wo have n grand total of over seventeen nnd thrcc-iuartcr millions of the population that received education for n longer or shorter period during tho year. An In teresting feature of tho report Id tho Increased per capita expenditure for education. In 1870 the expenditure for schools per capita of tho population was $1.0-1; tho last year It was $2.03 per cap ita, the highest In the history of tho country. This army of seventeen million youngsters is thu hope of the republic. It Is the Invincible defense of our Insti tutions and of our democracy. No other army on thu globe Is comparable to It as a force for civilization nnd ns a bul wark for freo and popular government. A report of tho Commissioners of Primus In England wlilch was Issued recently pnyu pnrtlculur attention to tho case of young offenders between tho nges of 10 and 21. It Is said Unit under thu existing law there Is ade quate provision for thosu of n more tender age, excellent results having been attained through tho present In dustrial uuu reformatory school sys tem. Hut ever' person nbovo 10 Is nil adult for the puifmso of thu criminal law, nnd tho cliihtdllcutlon leads to seri ous mistakes. Discussing the question tho report s'i.vs: "Figures lmvo shown, and thu committee of 1801 have testi fied, that tho ago between 10 mid 21 s essentially the criminal age, and that from criminals of this ago the profes sional criminal of later years Is gen erated. It Is known also to students of human nature Unit this age Is a particularly plastic ago, mid that the habit which may lend to crime or vir tue cannot bo said to be fully formed before tho ago of 21." Starting with those premised tho report argues that separatu treatment Is required for tho particular class of criminals referred to. Their dlsclpllno should bo different from that of old offenders, and earnest efforts should bo made to reform them. Aside from tho special euro wlilch should bo given them lu prison It Is necessary that supervision should bo had over them after their discharge, and that a sutllcleutly long pcilod of time should bo prescribed during which they would bo iiuulo niucnublo to healthy Influences. Tho first of the to needs, It Is wild, hns been supplied "by thu benevolent and philanthropic action of n Isidy of gentlemen who have lately formed themselves Into an association for tho distinct purpose of dealing with these cases on discharge." For thu other, action by Parliament Is request ed, "should It become sntlstled by tho result of the experiment that Is being made that thu existing system of a suc cession of short sentences for young criminals Is Ineffective and mischiev ous, and that better rosults can bn obtained If iswer wero given to the courts to commit for long periods to the euro of thu statu young criminals who nre shown by their antecedents to bu graduating for u course of 'profes sional' crime." JiuIkihI liy tlio Hnaiipln. Htorlw conecrnlnir tho rivalry te twovn ChtciiKO nnd Ht, IxjuIh ovltlontly will novor Krow tJil. Tho latest con corns it vUlt which Ahlcriniin Michael IConiut, "Illnky Dink," rtcontly paid to St. IxiuIh. Ho wlxhcd to talk to a friend who liven In the suburbs of the Missouri city, und aB he had a dime In hlu pocket for chatiKo cnlltxl up over tho telephone. lie talked hut n few lulnuttvi, and then naked thu central operator how much ho must doixwlt fur tho cull. "Fifty cents, plonao," was tho nn HWer, in a most confident voice. "Fifty cents." Rasped tho Alderman. ""hat do you tako me for? A man with coin to hunt? Why, lu Chicago I can call up hades for M) cents." Terhapa so," was the answer, still framed In tho moat unrutlled tone, "hut that's within tho city limits, you know." Minneapolis Journal. A Gastronomic Feat. In a little schoolhouse lu tht north of Scotland tho schoolmaster kevprf his boys Krludhur steadily nt their desks, but K'lvoa them permission, says Tld-lllts, to nibble from their lunch Itaskots HometluuYi ns they work, Ono day whllo tho master was In structlnt; a ch8s In the rule of three, ho noticed that ono of his pupils was paying more attention to a small tart than to his lesson. Tom Ualn," said tho master, "listen to tho lesson, will ye?" "I'm listening. Kir," said tho hoy. "Llstenhifr, aro ye?" exelnlmed tho master, "Then ye'ro UsteftluK wP ono ear an witlnu Ilo wl the other." Nover JuiIko pictures uud horsoij by their frames. T iYilf 1 1 TWEDTICTXTr I AvAJMA ALI V M llOliw i" Tacoma Trunk Factory. Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit CaBOS and Telescopes. KISPAIKING DONE. 730 Pacific Are. Tacoma, Wash. S. POSNER. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions. Cloaks and Suits. 946 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. THOMAS 8. HURLEY, Manager, lien. TeL John 801. UOlJEIiT McCULLOUOIT, Secretary. Boa. Tel. John 851. TGQMA TOG IND BARGE GO. TUGB FEARLESS, FAIRFIELD, FAVORITE nnd FALCON. General Towing. Coal, DalUut and Water furnlnhcil. Hcowh and Marge for Kent. Tho "Fenrlcss" In lilted with powerful Uro and wrecking pumps. All buslni'M communica tions to be addressed Tacoma Tug and llargo Co.' Oiilru: l'nclfio Cold Htorago imlUUng, Northern Tactile Dock. 'iVlephonu Main 69. 'lacoma, Waihlngton. H. A. DURR, Proprietor ol Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted nnd Ono of tho Best Laundries In tho Northwest. 1X09-11 C Htrcot lnio-12 Commercial Htrcot Telophoui) Main 320 , Tacoma, Washington EETADLISHED 18S4. To Tho Trade: D. M. HOFFMAN & CO. EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE DEALERS Aro now open for business with the lurgoat and finest stock In tho city. ' Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1340 Pacific Ave, Fhono Main GOO. Tho only cxcluslvo wholcsalo liouso In Tacoma. Doardlug Horss a Specialty. Tel. Main tM CLARK'S LIVERY and TRANSFER STABLES JOHN CLAUK A SON, Proprietors. luki nd Rigs Funlthii ei Skert Notlci No. 1210 A Street, Tacoma. Washington. CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS ui tints' Finis., ill liiii. Belter than the ordinary and without extra cost Best lighted and xaoit convenient store in tho city. DICKSON BROS. CO. Cmneral Outflttora 112022 Pacific Avo, Taooma. P SPOKANE ADVERTISING Wholesale and Retail WHISKIES Wines and Cigars. DURKIN. Telephone Main 731. Mile and Spraguc, SPOKANE For tho Latest Styles go to W. W. DREVFOOS HE HATTER MD F New Club BuMng Cor. Riverside and Washington SPOKANE, WASH. Established 1887. Arthur D. Jones & Co. (Incorporated.) Cor. Illrcraldo Ave. and Mncoln St. Telephone Main CSS. Real Estate. Renting. Property Agent; Lands. Insurance. Loans. Capital $20,000. Agent Hlllyard Townslte Co. 907 Itlvcmldo Avonuo Empire (State Hulldlng SI'OKANn, WA8n. THE HIEBER Brewing & Malting Co.'s DOHLED PILSENER Lager Beer PI. ono, 205. SFOKAUE, WASH. SPOKANE DRUG .CO. Wholesale Drugs The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in the State. SPOICANE, WASH. Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madison Streot, SPOKANE, WASH. Union Iron Works Iron and Brass Founders and Machinists. rilM Smcltlnfr and Saw Mill Machinery and Hupplics .'Mill. i.uiiinea, iiouurs. iioism, urmn ers. Ho:o Whims. rulle)s, Hliaf tine. Ktc, Ktc. Heavy Jllacksmlthlng and Itepalr Work kHo clulty. Wrlto us for estltnatos. Tel. Main 43. Codes: Ueber's, Morelug it Ncal. Offlc and Works, Muntgomary St. and S. P. A N. Ry., Spokane, Washington Crystal steKnd Laundry A Specialty of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED TEL. 670. Near cor. Division and North River Av. NATIONAL IRON WORKS Manufacturers o( Steam Eagfacs, BolUrs, Elevators, Archi tectural Iron Vork, Quarts Mill and Crush ers, Concentrators, Ore Can, Buckets and General Mining and Mill Machinery. Every description of rought Iron Vork, Iron and Beass Castings. Machinery and Boiler Repairs a Specialty. J. H. BOYD, Prcs. and Maiugcr. Tel. Mala 176. Spokane, Wash SPOKANE DRY GOODS COMPANY Importers and Jobbers Dry Goods Notions and Furnishings Office and Salesroom Riverside and Mill St Spokane Wash BY BAIL AND WATKlt, OREGON Shoet Line and unqon PAcmc DtTiKt TIME SCHEDULES Portland, Or. AnRIT Chicago I'ortUnd Bpeclal tltOa, m. via Huntington. Enlt Lake, Denver, 4:30 p.m. Ft. nortn.umana, Kansas City, St. I-otils.CMcsgoaiid Kait. At'antlo Ex"p;e?s 8:50 p.m. tin Walla Walla Lewis-tan.Bpnkane.Mln-ncnpolli,Ht. I'ftill, Diilntli, Mllnnil kec,ClilcagoiKast 8: 10 a. m. Huntington, St. I'Atll inH Mall 0:15 ti. tn. via Spokane Ealt Lake, rjonver, 7:00 a.m. Ft. Wnrth.timaliii, KaliiM City, St. Ixinl,Chlcgoaud tast. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE 1'JIOII VOUTLANl). 10 p.m. All ratling dales 4:00 p. m. subject to change For Han Franclnco tall every 6 days. Dally Ex.Htinilay taturday lUitu p. ui. Columbia Rlvsr Slsamirs. To Astoria and Way Landings. 4 on p. m. Kx. Hutiday tMJa.m. Mon., Wed. and Frl. Wlllamtlts Rlvir. Water permlttliic. Oregon City, New. bcrKi Hnlom, ludo- ren(lence,Corvat Is and War land ings. 4:30 p. m. Ex.Suuday 7:00 a. m Wlllamelt and Yam J:S0 p. m. Mon., Wad, aud Krl. Tucs., lliur. hill Hlxrs. Water nerinlttlnir. and bat. Orrcon City, Day 'foil, ifa Way Laud lugs. Lv. Itlparla 4:06.a. m. Pally except Monday. Snsks Rlr. Itlparla to Lewlston Lr.TOtYlstort 7:oo a. m. Dully except uoausy. A. L. CRAIQ, General 1'assenier Ageot, Portland, Or. C. W. STINOEH, City Ticket Apcnt, Thlrlc and Washington Btrcots. TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Depart. Arrive. 7:25 A.M. 8:441. M. ruget Sound Limited Kaiuaa Cltv A St. Iiuls Special 11:10 A. M. North Coast Limited 8:S0 V. M. TftConiH-Seftttlo Night Express 11MS I'. M. 11:10 P.M. 7:00 A.M. 8:05 r.M. TaVe ruget Pound- Limited or North Coast Limited for Uray's Harbor points. Tako l'ugot bound Limited tor Olympla direct. Tale 1'iH'ot Hound I.lml'.d or Kansas City. Bt. iritis tiH)Clal for points on South lieud branch. Double dally train service on uray's Harbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland and Ta coma and Seattle A. D. CIIAItLTON, Assistant Cencral Passenger Agent, 255 Morrison St., Portland, Or. EASL, SOUTH LKAVK DEPOT, SIXTH AND HOVT STB. ARRIVE 8:30 P.M. OVERLAND EX PRK83 TKAINS lor Salem, Koteburg.Aih Und, Sacramento. Og. den, San Francisco, Molave, Los Angeles, Kl Paso, New Orlsaas and th Kast. AtWoodburo dally except Sunday, mom inr train connects with train for Mt. An. rel.81lTerton.I)rawns vllle, Sprlngfisld and Natron, and Albany local for Mt. Anisl and Sllrerton, .Albany PasMnfr ..Corvallls rassanger.. .Sheridan Passenger. 7itiA.lL 8;IQA,I. 7:00 r.M. 8:00 P.M. 7:80 A.M. y 4:50 r.M. nOilOA.M. 8:60 P.M. U 8:25 A.M. Dally. gDally except Sunday. YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street. Leave l'ortland dally forOswego at 7:20 A.M.. :, utA, S:.5, 4:10 6:35. b:30 p. m. Dally tx0 Sunday. 5:W, 0:40, A. M., 6.05, li;a) P. M. 6unday only. 9 A.M. Arrive at Portland dallv at 8:30 A. M.. 1:S5. 8:10, 4:), 6:15, 7:40. 10 P. M. Dallv oxcent Sum B:10,4;a), 6:15, 7:40, 10 P.M. Dal iay ;u ,10:.o A. M.j except A. M. Sunday only, 10:iv5 A. SI. 4iouuay, j.'au Leavo for Dallai dallv oiront Riiniiav K.n P.M. Arrive Portland, U-30 A.M. Rebate tlclets on ale between Portland. Sac ramento and San Francisco, Net rates, 117.50 Jlrstclasj and fit second clas. Second clasi i,ituiiv .ivvi'cr, urit cia uov0 not, . TACA?U ,.r,.!,,Jru points and Kuropo. Aha TRVMl c,UXAi HONOLULU and AUS- CI ry TICKET OFFICE, corner Third an J Wjuhlngtoa street. Phone Maiu 7li IIY ItAII. ANDWATKK. A STORIA & COLUMBIA A RIVER RAILROiD CO. Hi THROUGH PARLOR CARS J1ETWKKS Portland, Astoria s Seaside Leaves Union Depot l'ortland For Mnygcrs, Italn ler, Clntakan lu WeMport, Clifton, Astoria, Warren ton, Flarcl, Clear hart Park and Sea side. Arrives Union Depot l'ortland 8:00 a.m. Astoria & Bcaslioru 11:10 a. m. hxprcss Dally. Astoria Express Dally. fl:Mp. m. )2:30p. m. 9:40 p.m. Daily except Saturday. IHatnrdav onlv, Tlcketofllcc, 255 Morrison street, and Union depot, 1'ortlaud. J. C. MAYO, Gen. Pass. Agent, Astoria, Or. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will lcavo Portland, foot of Wellington St., Bttnday, Tuesday and 'lluirsday eveulni; at ft o-ctocK, lor Hiuvlc island, hi. llvicnn, Cuplt-i. linn. I.ln.t.t M...I... L'.l. V..... Al... iples. 'ii. ini.iiiu. ..ii.iiinn. niiinniii, ilL'i;! lliy iiiiiuur, n. v-uiiiii, iiuiKur, mcua, uaK t ol II I Frtoiiiuns, Mauzaulllo,Clatskanlu nnd all a y pinuillK. A Ticket Means moro (hnn your mcro transKirtatlon If It Is over NORTH-WESTERN LINE C. St. P. M. & O. Ry. It means that you will havo every luxury nnd comfort the utmost courtesy from all cmplojcs a sale trip and ono that will bo a pleasure and delight. It Is tho Short Line to Chicago And tho BEST as well. Anything you ulsh to know about Comforlablo Travollng will bo gladly told by C.J.CRAY, H.L. SISLHR, Traveling Agt. Ueneral Agt. SMH Alitor Street, I'ortlnml, Or. TICKETS To and from all POIINTS EAST SHOUT LINK 10 ST. PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO ANI POI.NTS KAhT. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers: Dining; and llullet Smoking Library Cars, DAILY TItAINS. PAST TIME. For rates, folders aud full Information regard ing tickets, routes, otc, call on or address i. II. DICKSON. City Ticket Agent, Portland, Or. J. W. PIIALON. T. P. A IW Third St., Portland, Or. A. II, C. DKNNISTON, O. V. P. A., 012 First Ave., Seattle, Wash. White Collar Line Portland -Astoria Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT." Dally round trips except Bundsy. TIMK CARD, leaves Portland . ...T00 A. M Uaves Astorla.............. .. ,7:o P. SI Through Portland connection with Steamer Nahcotta from Ilwaco and Long Beach points. ?JrJ,!ieCo.,,!L.p Une Mkt Interchangeabb with O. R. di N. Co. and V. T. Co. tickets. TheDalles-Portland Route STEAMERS "TAHOMA" and "METLAKO" Dally trips except Sunday. Str. "TAHOMA." Leaves Portland. Mon., Wed., Krl. 7:00 A. U Uaes The Dalles, Tues., Thurs. Sat,7i00 A. M Str. "METLAKO." Leaves Portland, Tues., Thu.. Sat 7:00 A. M. Leaies The Dalles Mon., Wed.. FrL....7:O0 A. M. Landing and ofllce: Foot Alder 6treet. Doth phones Malu S51. Portland, Oregou. AGENTS. J. V. CRICIITON The Dalles, Ore. llrwul IHlnr ftra A. K. KUI.LKII MCII.FOKI) I?NH.Mil3'-"Whl,0J- JOllNT.TirrrES'.: " L.VnA" il-lZ' ..."VATr Vancouver. Wash. A.J.TAYLOR , Astoria, Oro. E. W. CRICHTON, Portland, Oregon SfKSrSi-K 4 via $ iuj&i &L.b& UL y.-adtabiw l.vk, .a s- ' jSmamlBMama isLk i k Baa iiifimaiaiiiir tsrw u...La.:rii11nW(L. . ifaM,aaiJ.iaWJt.