THE NEW AGE, POBTLAND, OREGON. i n p 4S MISS MILNE AND I. CHAPTER XVII Continued. "Foitnnntoly for mc tho oyoa of tho colonel wore Htlll fixed upon the Arc, or my rn))ltl cliango of color must have awakened hl Biiuplclons. As It was, I do not, Judging fiom what followed, tli Ink lie noticed tho chango in my volco nnd manner. "I tlilnlc I know to whom ho refers; Fho 1h n nurse In tho Inclosuro who linB obtained, by her kindness, a great hold over Warren." "Hut why should she Interest nor Jiclf In our behalf?" (Now for n He, or tho truth which 7 A little of both.) "From what I hear, Hlmplo goodness of heart prompted her." "Itoally, mally!" this mualngly; then aloud: "If you got tho opportu nity, I should bo dcply grateful to you If you would convoy our thanks to hor." "Indeed, I shall bo very glad to do BO." "Now " said tho colonel, In a differ ent voice, nnd as though boglnnlng a now chapter, "now about, yourself I wlll rnko up no mora of tho past than If, (ibsnlutoly necessary. I felt It to bo my duty, wn'le in rcngianu, to pmco riysolf In opposition to certain hopes of vniiM, Doctor "("by, nnd, If I re member, yon admitted, after you hail bad time to think the matter ovor, the JiiBtlco of the course I had adopted. Your manner at tho cninrnntlno stn tlon, nnd cortnln remarks and actions of yours led mo to Htipposo that those hopes of yours ore not dend. May I tiflU is that so, Doctor Itlgby?" My elbows woio on tho table and my face hidden In my hands. Without looklnL' up, I replied, "ft Is so. sir." "Well, now, Dr. Illnby, I havo Klven Ibis traitor my most nnxlous thought, with this result: Wo Hko this new country: tho warm cllmato suits my old bones, nnd Edith's health Is 'better: the people, as far on wo hnvo hccii fhem, aro pleasant nnd agree able. The one or two friends wo have inndo wo Hko extremely, nnd then there are now neither associations nor nttrnctlons nor ties of nny kind In tho old country that bind us to It. I nm not anxious to Influonco you un .fairly, but It does appear to mo thnt Vu aro likely to succeed In your pro fehslon here. Just now you are very unfortunntely riltuated, but after your great sorvlco to tho colony, It Is e.xtremoly Improbnblo that tho gov ernment will nllow you to go unremu derated, nnd I might porhnps mention that, owing to a recent death, If our hopes aro. realized, my daughter would not come to you portionless, nut, of t ourso, tho wholo question centers, ns far as I know, on thnt terrible woman nml hor vengeance. Now you will forglvo me for linvlng told nil I know of tho nmttor to our mutual friend. Doctor May. Ho Iwib proved himself n Htancb nnd trustworthy friend, and oon a short ncaunlntnnca hna given mo n very hluh opinion of his Judg ment nnd nblllty. Neither ho nor I think It within tho bounds of possi bility thnt hor Inlluonco ever can reach you here, bo that, my dear boy" he lind risen to IiIh feet, and was now -ivnllMntr ncrnHH tllll 100111 to 1110 "It now only remaliiH for me to congratu late you on this satisfactory ending of what ua been for all of uh n time .of terrible nnxloty. And Edith, poor child she 1uh been very constant 0 you. Rlgby hor hnpplness will be very grent." lie had. during the Inst few words, put his luind with groat tenderness upon my shoulder, and I, nil tho tlnio -what shall I nny for myself? No strug gle had gone on within mo; I had loat .tho power of BtruggHng: ovory sonso -was In abeyance. Dnzcd nnd stupid, I rose to my feet, nnd my bloodless fnco told U own tnlo. Tho room went round nnd lounil, tho pictures on www-nil danced befnro mo like little hills noon through tho morning mist. I neUed tho tnblo to support myself. Tho colonol made domo oxchuun--tlon of nstonlshmont. nnd stepped back from mo; then I sunk ngnln Into my olmlr, nnd covered my face in my linndn. Then tho colonol onmo up lichlnd mo, nnd putting both hands on my HhouldorH. asked with all kind liness whnt It nil meant. "Aro you not hnppy? Aro you not lileased? Have I not granted you tho wish of your heart? Is thero moro I could dp for you, Doctor nigby will you not spenU to me?" "fllvo mo n second, glvo mo a mln uto; for Clod's Bake, glvo mo n min ute!" was nil tho roply I could lnako. Then ho walked up nnd down tho room, nnd I tried to collect myself. At length, when I had wasted some minutes In the vain ondonvor, tho colonel lost patience. Hooting his hands on. and lennlng ovor tho sldo of the tnblo opposite me, he nked: "Doe tor nighy. Is there, another trhnptlv nocrot Involved? If bo. bo bravo and ttll mo straight out; I can bear this eusponso no longer." "Colonol Tellium, Miss Mllno Is In Sydney ; sho Is nt tho quarantine sta tion; who sont Warren with you. She waved your life but she's there." "Clood Clod. Hlgbyl Is this can this rn bo?" Then, after a momont's pause: "Did tho woman know whom sho wns caving?" "Sho did." "la It posslbio thnt toho will now foroKO her vengeance? Hut why do I ibk? Whnt woman of thnt order over Old?" Then half aloud and half to lie eroaned out: "Kdltll. Kdlth, my poor, poor girl, back to your inelnncliolin, one to your lumuiu inolnncholla!" Tho mention of Edith's nnmo, nnd tho probable effect of. this new trou tile upon her, brought mo back to my BensoH; by n Bupreino effort I ro Knlned command of myself, nnd ns tttondlly ns I could I walked ncross tho mom to him. "This now black cloud, Colonol Pel ltnm, has ono llttlo bit of silver Hn Ing thnt tho other had not. I can Hovor forgot thnt I havo regnlnod your confidence, nnd that but for thtb -woman Edith would havo boon mlno, and your blessing would have been on : uu. IJut, sir, wo muBt try nnd think of her of suvlng her from tho knowl- odgo of this woman's presence I heard yoij mutter something of her going back to melancholia; that must not bo, though tho gods seem pitted agnlnst us. I havo a fcoling in my heart that things will como right." "Never, Itlgby; tho gods aro against us, nnd It acorns to mo they cannot rccnll their curses. But must you not be going? It Is vory late; daylight will bo breaking boforo you get back. For your safety s sake, you "Safety my safety! What do I caro for my safety now?" I almost shout ed, nnd for tho first tlmo my eyes filled with helpful tears. "You had bettor go, Mgby. You sroko, Just now, of a hopo you had. For Its sako, go!" Mechanically, and as In n dream, f put on my hnt. Tho good, thought ful old fellow poured mo out a lnrgo clans of beer and mndo mo drink It. Then wo sllontly shook hands nnd pnrtcd. I did not nwaken May I had had enough trouble without repeating thnt night's story to him but mndo straight for tho rortd Warren had rec ommonded. I hnd nolthor tho strength nor tho energy to dodgo tho police: I marched boldly and firmly on, with tho cnreless dorfporntlon of ono who knows thnt tho worst has happened. I think I must havo had soma kind of hysteria, for I remember holding n conversation with tho Fates ns 1 walked along, nnd stopping to Inugh nloud ns I got tho best of tho argu ment. I lost nil feeling of tiredness, nnd wont hnlf a mllo out of my way to seo tho big rock ovor which I clamborod tho night Edith was wrecked: I stood on tho top of It, nnd cntd nloud (still addressing tho supe rior powors): "Look, gentlemen! ono Jump nnd I could stop nil your fun." Then I lnughed ngnln; thon I Bat down on tho rock and burflt Into tears mad. hystcrlcnl tears; then tho mntlnom wns ovor nnd gono, nnd n now and better feeling nwoko within mo. CHAPTER XVIII. "You will find" It too damp to sit thoro, I urn nfrald, Miss Mllno; tho foam linn boon bronklng ovor thoso rocks." "Oh, thnnk you, but I don't mind. I nm not n hot-houno plant, and then I thought ono could not catch cold from nea water. Now, can you sparo me hnlf an hour?" "Yen, If wo nro safo?" "Wo're perfectly safo horo; that's why I clioso this spot. I havo wnlkod horo for hours; boforo Wnrron enmo I used to como hero ovory night." "You must hnvo found It horribly lonoly." "It was nolthor lonoly nor horrlblo. TIicbo great rocks wcro my compan ions, and tho waves wero by orches tra; thero Is scarcoly ono of thorn I havo not mndo n frlond of nnd told my troubles to. Tho poets talk of 'sermons In stonoB,' now," said Miss Mllno, turning sharply round on mo, that's exactly what thoy nro not. Thoy never pronch at you, and that's why I liko thorn. Lonely, Intlcod! Look at that Hat rock down bolow thoro, with your bath In tho contor. I havo pic tured It Bwarmlng with wntor-nymphs Bplrlts, or whntovor olso you choose to call thorn. Uut you nro wondering what mailo mo usk you down hero to night. Well, I hardly know myself; 1 wnuted to havo u talk with you boforc I go." "(Sol Whoro nro you going?" "1 nm going from hero; I havo ap plied to bo removed." "Uut wo nil have, and nouo of us can get away." "Hut I can, nnd If you want to go very much I can get you sent for. Uut, then," ulio added, tiiougnuutiy, "what about Warren? Ho can't bo left horo." "I don't seo how ho can possibly got awny." "Oh, ho enn got nwny easily enough; but tho question Is, will ho leave his wlfo?" "If his wlfo wero undor mo, Instead of old Mooro, I would roport hor as woll, as, of courso, sho Is perfectly well, and bo get hor off. Uut how could Warren get away?" "Easily." said Miss Mllno. "Ho has been to Sydney four or flvo times with loiters for me." "To Sydney?" "Yes," sho replied, with a lletlo Inugh; "via Mnuloy, by tho steamor, nnd waved n handkerchief to mo na ho snlled by. Hut I think your Idea Is n good one: I will get tho doctor to roport Mrs. Wnrron woll from small pox, but III from tho loss of her hus band. Thon I wnnt him to go up country with her nnd tho children, nnd tnko up n selection; I can find tho ne cessary funds." "You?" "Yen; I hnvo fifty pounds In tho bnnk at Sydnoy, nnd I hnvo forty duo to mo from tho Oovornment. Now. it Is vory unllkoly thnt I shall bo nblo to go to either, so tomorrow I will get convoyed to you. If you will allow mo, n letter containing an order on tho Oovornment, and n, chock on tho bnnk. You must nrrnngo to moot Wnrron soinowhoro nnd glvo him tho ninety pounds; that will mnko him anfo from detection." "Hut, Miss Mllno, why glvo him all your monoy? Why can't you go your boU for It? And why all this mystery with mo?" "I don't know," she said. "I did not mean to bo mysterious when I camo down horo tonight. TUo fact Is, I am Intensely miserable. My llfo haB been ono glgnntlo fnlluro, nnd now I am beginning to fool It. I nm absolutely alono In tho world. When society kicked mo out I Bworo society should rogrot It. Slnco then my hand has been against ovory mnn's, nnd every mnn's hand against mo, nnd ovory wo mnn's too. for tho matter of that and thoy" nro tho hnrdor of tho two. Hut eoclety hna had tho better of It. Slnco my boy died " (Sho pausod for sorao woconds.) "Ah, I had groat schemes for him; ho would havo avnod bU naothor, I road night and day the sneers of atheists, tho dreams of tho republicans, tho plottlngs nnd arguments of the dynamiters. I would havo saturated him with them, had ho lived, nnd ho would havo been a thorn In society's side." "Then It was well ho died," I could not help saying, "Perhaps perhaps; but I don't know. Ho would havo boon a man, and a mnn only rcqulros a modorato amount of sonso, and tho pluck to think differently to other people, to bo successful." Then, after a patufb, nnd very ser iously: "I wish I wns with him with out tho shock of getting there." "Hut, toll me, havo you no fear of death npart from tho momentary shock?" "Nono. Had thero been half tho do slgn In tho world that religious peo plo bcllevo In, I should havo bcon dead long since." "Why?" "Becnuso I hnvo failed ns a woman, and ought to havo been takon back to tho factory ngaln years ago, to begin nt tho othor end tho potato end. Pos sibly I should mnko good potatoes." " 'TIs strango to hear a woman talk Hko this!" "WlivT TTnvn vnii fttmh n wnnderful fear of death, Dr. Rlgby? Do you think It n thing to bo avoided by ovorybody?" "No, not by everybody. Now, for Instance! who shall I save? Take Warren, boforo ho camo under your Influonco. I thought, when I henrd ho had committed sulcldo, that is was for ovorybody concerned (hlmsolf In cluded) n vory wlso and politic stop." "I thought so, too: but lot us chnngo this Interesting BUbtect; I want to talk to you of something elso. Now, vou mtiBt not mind telling mo this Miss Phillips, or Pclham, or whntovor sho calls horsolf, nro you still In lovo with hor?" Miss Mllno did not look up; If she had done so tho moonlight would hnvo been sufficient to show hor tho toll tnlo blood rushing to my face, and no reply would havo bcon noccssnry. But' sho sat with hor hands on hor knees, gnzlng out to sen. "Why do you ask? Why bronsh tho subject, when you know ns much ns I do?" I said, taking no notlco of tho covort Insolonco of tho question. "I nBk." sho said, "not becnuso I ..n.t tr trtnw fni- T fin lrnniv hltt fie oniiBO It wns n convenient nnd conven tional way of oponlng n conversation Mmf T miint hnvo with VOU. hOWOVCr painful It mny bo to both of us." "It can not bo othor than painful to us, nnd If you will oxcuso mo I would much rnthor not contlnuo It." I hnd risen to my foot, nnd wns limy determined 10 lonvo ncr u nua tun- tinned. Tho Bamo feeling thnt used to tako possession of mo In London, whon sho was announcod an nlmost mmnrnMHniin dread of her- enmo back to mo with doublo force She rose to her root nnd bpoko vory .tnin.nrninlv "Wnlr." nhri said. "Wo hnvo agreed that tho capacity for do ing good nnd tno capacity ior uoins .,n .,-. l.ntul In hnnil. On tllCSO qrounds. especially If I nssuro you that It Is not my lnionuon to injuro you, i think you ought to Bit uown anu union to mo." I havo, throughout my narrative tried to glvo somo faint Idea of this mnnv-sldod woninn, but nt ovory eventful turn I havo hnd If I would bo correctly understood to throw my solf upon tho sympathetic help of my reader's lmnclnatlon; nnd now thnt I nm nppronchlng tho most crltlcnl pnrt of It. I find mypelf moro than ovor do nendent upon bis assistance. When Miss Mllno roso to hor full height, nnd iolibnrnto chnractorlstlc speech of hers, thoro waB, I folt, noth ing for mo but to sit down; not that I feared hor, though I did that, but becnuso sho had. as I havo hinted, somo supornntural hold ovor mo tho result, perhaps, of tho memory of hor .Miccepsful persecution of mo In tho pnBt, porhnps of somo congenial pccul larlty. At nny rate, I ant down ngnln to listen, with something of tho feel ing with which a crlmlnnl awaits his sontenco. (To bo continued.) TO RECORD LIC.HTNINa'3 FLASH Noy.l InttrjimeiU ot ku Isaatlna Col lea, Clevelnn I. Weather prophctB aro likely to bene fit by an Invention of Father Odcnbnch of St, Ignatius Collego In Cleveland. He has perfected nn Instrument which will record flashes of lightning long bo foro nny cau bo seen, nnd with tho clouds from whoro they proceed far below tho horizon. Tho machine which ho bus net up lu tho tower of tho col lege building Is somewhat complicated, nnd U worked on tho principle of tho 'Mnrcoul system. Tho electric waves, coming from a great distance, or from uenr by, aro collected mid brought through a series of delicate appliances to a recorder, which uotes each Impression with a distinct click liko that of a telegraph Instrument. Tho towor of tho college Is roofed with copper, which forms ai excellent conductor for tho electric rays. Counected with this copper roofed tower Is the llghtnlug-rod, also mndo of copper In the form of a cablo, ono thread of this cablo being connect ed with tho receiving and rocordlug in struments. Tho first real test of tho system came n few days ugo. Hours before tho storm visited Cleveland, when tho sky was perfectly clenr aud absolutely no sign was given of an approaching storm, tho Instrument was busy click lug off Its record of flashes from dis tant clouds. During the approach, du ration and recesslou of tho thunder Btorm tho record eoutluued accurato aud unbroken, and tho records contin ued long after tho flashes had become too ludlstlnct to bo visible. It Is thought that tho instrument will become Invaluable In meteorology, as by It local Btornia will be noted with certainty, nnd observers will be able to foretell thunderstorms and squalls, lo cal disturbances which It Is Impossible now to foretell with any degree ot ac curacy. Now York Post Golden Rule HOTEL W. B. KBLLEY, Proprietor. Headquarters for Traveling Men. Free Hus to nnd from depot. Ono of the leading hotels of the city. PENDLETON, OREQON. CAPLAN BROS. Hucccasori to KRIEQ & LEVY. TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES A SPECIALTY. DOTH 'PHONES 838. 394 Washington Ht., cor. Tenth, PORTLAND, OREGON. FRANK BCHM1TT, J. L. HEMIIREE. 1'resUlent. BocroUry. J. 1). CARR, MnEor. Frank Schmitt & Co. Manufacturers ot Fir, Silver Pine and Ceiar Doors end Finishing Material. I'hono Kutt 4S. Eat Tnjrlor unit ... ., . i:mit Eighth utrcoti. Portland, Oregon PORTLAND IRON WORKS MANUFACTURERS OF Saw Mill Machinery Flouring Mill Machinery Marine Engines and Boilers OFFICE AND WORKS: Fourteenth and Northrop Streets PORTLAND, OREGON. 15c. 15c. ELECTRIC LAMPS Edieon Electric Lamps reduced to 15 cents each, or $1.75 per dozen. Ubo these Lamps with proper voltage and mako your light tho cheapest and best. Portland General Elmctric Co Smventh and Alder Sis. 15c. 15c. BARR HOTEL European and American Plan, Furnished in First-Gass Style, NtwhonM.Dtwly turnl th4, two btocki irore tlnlou depot .All th rodrn Improttmenit, Arvprool, tol and cold waur, csalxaUr lo ttUi. Bates, $1 and $1.25 a Day. MttUMO,BUMllO. Cgr. Slxta -b4 GIUab, Portl&ai. VANP SOAP AND CHfX xfe PORTLAND. OREGON. WHEN' YOU DUX' Furniture, Carpets and' Stoves FOR, IIOUBElCKEPLVa. Cut TiiU Out nnd Got a. Rcduotlotr nt Henry Jennings. 174-174. Flcit Street- Eitab'llhed Jim MUSS; Incorporated Juljr 8,. 1091. Portland Coffee and Spice Go. For the. Trade. Only. Tea, CofTcc, Spices,. Bakiug Powder, Extracts, Etc OUII BrECfAr. RUANDSj Splc. Acme. Mult nomah: Unking L'owders, DcOance, Double Quick; CoRco, ltoyal IHeml;Bugr, xxxx Jtor. P4'SO F, nt Street, Hot. Auh ana Ankony, ponrumo. orecom. EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. BOTH PHONES NO. 607 BEN ST1NI0N. ttdf AtlllUnt. George MUlcr. Hiram Fugltt. Wagner Cafe I'hono Main 870, 118 Sixth St., Portland. Comtortahlo Quirtcra for Commercial and Dunlncps Men. Star Brewery Company llrawcn and Bottler ot Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash, Cast Third and Burnsldo Sts. Port land, Oregon. V !,Do You Know the News ? You can haro It all (or Per t Month t Month DUG InTheKvenlnfcTeleRram, ot Portland, X Oreeon. It It tlio UrKOteventnc nuni- I paper piibllihcd In Orrgou: It cmitalnt X all the newt ol the itate and o( the nn- Z tlon. Try It tor a month. A (ample X copy will be mailed to you Jteo. Ad X dreu J THE TELEGRAM, X Portland, Oregon. $ Any Slia Any Quantity Any Styl ,-jj MACKINTOSHES, RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING Itubb.r Hoote and Shoot, Melting, Packing and llni. f' Largest and Mctl Complete Aiiortment of alt Klndi ol Rubber Gooda. ' OOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY . B. PKABX, Pretldent. F. M. BIlEl'AUU. 73-76 FIRST STREET, THO Em C' ATKINS & CO. Atkins Saws are Always Ahead Loewenberg & MANUFACTURERS M29 te 233 Taylor Street I8S te 19 Second Street I hrmn ''I "Mwm Jul Phonet: OregntiiMaltaff7ti,.Cotambla42a, The LA GRANDE'CREIMERY COMPANY I BUTTER,- EOGS AND- OHEESE. All goods vhoklanil retail. 2(14 Yamhill St;,.nr.,TJilrd, Portland, Or A. E- S1EOEU,. Dmler in all kinda of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Butter, Cheese,. Eggs, Etc Ham and Bacon, x Specialty. Phone, Clay 584.. 95 N. Seventh St . Telephone Red 931; rrlrato roomi. Gambrinusi Garden Saloon. Andrew 8tuuoii, I'rop. Choice Winer,, Liquors and Cigars. Cor 23d and WAihlngtoa Hti. Portland Ori Blazierfs.M No, 24& Burnside Street, Bet. Second and! Third) PORTLAND, OREGON Tho Best of Wince, Liquors and Cigars Coat - Coal - Cpal "Western Feed & Fuel Co. Dtafcn In all kinds o( COAL COKE. CHARCOAL Try the famous ROCK SPRINGS COAL. Doth PhoMS. Olllcoj 1M North FltthflU G, D. DUNNING. P. CAMPIOIT Dunning & Campion. Funeral Bireolors and Embalmersp: almaviVw 2C0 llurmldo St., bet. Third and Fourth, rOtt.TI.AND, OHEGON. Oregon Phono Main 4.10. Columbia Pbonoloj Night calli ring night bell. W. I.. McCUbi, Seattle. K. 8. IUmiltok,, Tacoma.. M'GnBB & HAMILTON ..STEVEDORES.. PUGET SOUND, Also Honolulu, UU t Homd Off loo: Tacoma. Wmmtfrn Cable Addresat McCABE GRACIE, BEAZLEY & CO., Agent 14 Water Street, Liverpool Portland Club and! Cafe... t3Q Fifth Street OUR SPECIALTIES: ?, II Monogram and III Cyrus Noble 1-Whiaklca. A Roaort for Contlomen. 'Phone OregonMaln 008; Colombia 407 JR., Treaiurtr J. A. SHKPARD, Becretwy PORTLAND, OREGON. Paolflo Ooait Branch, No. 60 Hrmt Street, Portland, Orom Going Company OF AND DEALERS IN Stove Ranges, Hollowware nd Household... Specialties... Handled by All First Class Dealers... Royal Steel Ranges Art the Best and Cheapest in the Market. PORTLAND, OREGON , .. Sij Jjj mmmtmimmMm