THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON". $?&5$&$M5 MISS MILNE AND I. 833eSM$S CHAPTER XVI Continued. "Colonel Pclham," I broko In, "would you mind leaving nil thoso details to me? Daylight Is rapidly breaking, and Warren and I should bo returning, for ull our sakes. Mlsa Pelhnm will bo nafo In the hunds of tho sailors for the rest of the Journoy, If I might advise you as to whuro to go, I would iiiik you to make straight for tho hoiiso of a great and good frlond of mine, tho Itov. Dr. May, who lives on the esplanade nt this end of tho village, and from whom tho mention of my name will bo suf ficient to Insure for Miss I'clham ovcry comfort and attontlon. Now, I must not go near tho stretcher ngaln for daylight Is breaking, and Minn Pelhnm is fast regaining con MclousiiesH. I will only ask that I may havo somo news of her." Tho old Colonol (or, I ought to say, tho now Colonol, for his manner and bearing wcro now to mo), roso to hto foot, nml motioning mo to rcmnln whero I was, Joined the other party, taking one glanro at his daughter and giving her a kindly, patornal nod, which was returned by her. Ho thon took Wan en a few stops nsldo, spoko to him for a moment, shook him heartily by tho hand, npd bid him Join mo. I. too, shook him by tho hand, for I had much to thank tho noblo fellow for. "Lot us wait and son thorn start, Warren," I said, when wo hail takon n few steps Into tho scrub, nml to gether wo stood ntul saw tho sailors, tinder tho direction of tho Colonol, lift tho Htretchor. and, with him leading, proceed on their way. Then Warren nnd I started on our Journoy homo vnrd. fortunately arriving nt our des tination without being detected. CHAPTER XVII. "Manly, N. W. S. "My Dear Hlgby. At ten minutes to four this morning a rap that conveyed, n raps always do, tho prevailing emo tion, ns well as nonio of tho Inherent charactorlstlrs of tho rapper, nimo to my door. TIiIh tlmo It was an anx ious, norvous, hurried, nnd yet self-nf-sortlvo rap that said, 'When 1 havo time, I am a man that thinks a good deal of himself and stands upon hU dignity, but Just now I havo not tho tlmo.' "1 hurried on my dressing-gown nnd Bllppern, to llud at tho door tho re markable cortege you had directed to my house. Now I know all tho ajiolo gius you aro dying to muko for the unheard-of llheity, etc. My dear boy, don't trouble; tho gnmo was worth n good many caudles. "Tho pompous old colonel, breaking down every moment over tho lovely girl, tho lovely girl gradunlly recover ing under tho administration of hot celTee that Tilly In a mlraculoiMly short tlmo had ready for lior, the millers In tho kitchen, not knowing I was near them, going through tho wreck nnd Its details, and constantly vondorlng what they would 'get out of It', tho overlastlng apologies of tho old gentleman well, It wits, to cut It Hhort, n most Interesting nnd busy night- -principally Interesting. "Now I dare say you will want to know rmiuethlug of what became of ytur friends. "Well, nhout 0 o'dock tho old col onel went into the kitchen nml had a long talk with tho sailors, lie told mo afterward they got live pounds each out of him. Then ho eunio hack to tho dlulng-ioom, and by dint of liiiicli persuasion consented to go to tho spare room. I (Ik daughter went to Tilly's room. Thev soon fell asleep, nnd did not wnlio till nearly noon; then he went out and took rooms ut the hotel for tho night. "I wrote a letter to their lodgings nnd also a short paragraph for the paper. "Now, If there U anything else I can do for thorn that you can think of, paid mo a telegram worded so as to be safe. "In the meantime, good-by. I smell u rat- I smell n rat; nnd I don't won dor. Hho la very beautiful. Yours sin cerely, .1. M. MAY.'' This letter reached me tho day fol lowing the memorable night Just re corded. I had, In the meantime, ttliown myself u good deal during the afternoon to the people on tho tint, tit lit oil of my llshlng. the gooil sport 1 nail louuil on inn iirt'iiu mm', uir. Then I went down to Wnrrcn'H envo and talked of the wonders of hist night Warren, by Intuitive sight, understood the motives of overyhody that Is. of course, with tho ono ex ception of the nurse; sho was a stand ing puzxlo to him; he would linvo done ni.ythlng In the world for hor, but not from any of the Impulses that usually Inllnmo men In their donllng with women. Not knowing anything of our past associations, ho nnturally ac counted for hor obvious Inlluenceover mo by supposing Hint I hnd the samo dread of her. "Wynvnrd St., Sydney, Now South Wales. "Mv Dear Hector Hlgby. It Is In compliance with my daughter's wish, nb It Is my own. that 1 now make si mo effort nt thanking you for :ill your great kindness to us. Sho had i"ii-n.i n iniieii from her own ob servation thnt It became necessary, for her (lUiots sni 10 ie ner oxteut of your efforts nnd siieriillces on our behalf. And we both feel that your care of us during our stay, your Miecessful hcIioiuo to hlilo us, and, lrrtly but principally, your heroism win n the boat foundered, entitle you to our lasting gratitude. When you do got released from your Imprison ment, I tmst you will give us tho op portunity of thanking you In person. My dnughtor'a health, I nm thankful to say, had not suffered from tho ex citement nnd oxposuro sho underwent; n dny or two of rost, and tho kind enre of your friends at Manly, havo done very much to avert nny ovll rnnainlirtll-on. Dill- medical I1UU1 linS done nothing beyond Insisting on hor remaining inuoora ior iurcu ur iui days. Will you convoy to the man Warren our heartfelt thnnks, and ns stiro him that ho shnll not bo allowed to go without somo token of our gratitude? Trusting you will soon be relensed from your most undesirable position, believe mo, dear Doctor Hlg by, slncoroly yours, "W. PRLHAM." "P. S. It Is my Intention to visit Manly this evening, that I may havo thn opportunity of thanking your good frlond, Doctor May, as I ought to thank him." This wan tho promised letter, and It camo tho morning following that which brought tho ono from my doar old friend Mny. And what did It mean? In tho first place, It meant that tho past was gone, tho evil undono, tho good restored; nnd tho Invitation to como nnd boo them could mean noth ing elso than that tho colonel himself wob willing thnt I should bo placed upon my old footing In tho family. If only I could go, not to meet him, but to havo n chnt with May after ward, and learn something of what was mildt Tho moro I thought of It, tho moro I longed to go. About thrco that nftornoon I, con trary to custom, wandered cautiously In tho direction of Wnrron'B envo. All was quiet, and I therefore slipped In. Ho was carving something from a plcco of soft wood with a pockctknlfo I had lont him. Ho started up from hip work iia I cntored, and tried to hide It. "You might let mo boo It, Wnrren." "I did not want you to until It wns finished, Doctor, It's for you. I may ns well Mhow It now, though.' Ho took from behind him an Ink stnnd, or, rnlhor, tho framo of nn Ink stand most oxqulsltcly carved a boat being wrecked upon n stormy Boa; It was n memento of Edith's Bccond wreck. It Ib on tho tablo boforo mo now, and hns throughout hold tho Ink for tho writing of thin narrative "Do you say UiIb Is for mo, War ren?" "Yes; If you'll tako It. sir." "Tako It, Warren! Indoed, I will; T shall value It ns ono of my choicest tronBuros. Hut I camo down this nftor noon to nsk you If you can dlroct mo an to tho ensloat may to Manly, and also If you think It safo for mo to go early?" "What do you cnll enrly?" "About half-past sovon." "If you nro vory cautloun. You must start with your fishing rod along tho ocean sldo; thon, whon woll pnst tho old mnn'B houso, muko for tho tclogrnph lino. Thero will bo no dan gor nftur that until you get within sight of Mnnly; thon you must boat' down to tho harbor, and by keeping well under tho cliff you will avoid tho police. Onco pnst them you aro right. Would you llko mo to como with you, doctor?" "No, thank you, Wnrren." A quarter pnst nlno found mo open ing the gate that lends to tho back promises of my friend, Dr. May. Onco In May's garden, I paused n momont to docldo whethor I should go straight to tho bnck door or climb up somo other way. Tho latter course, I soon decided, would bo tho better ono; 'twas well to koep tho sorvnnt out of our secret, so I mado for tho consulting room window. It was wide open, nnd from tho shadow of n coral-treo I could distinctly see tho doctor talking to somo ono on tho othor Bldo of tho tnble. To seo who this was necosal ti.ted my moving nearer, and this not only revealed Colonel Polham to bo the second porson, but nlso brought mo within hearing dlstanco. "I should not havo opened my heart to you In this wny, Doctor Mny, had not your oxtromo kindness to us and your friendship for Doctor Hlgby tomptod mo; nnd thon tho fact of being In n atrango country nnd among strango people Inclines mo to take tho full advnntngo of whnt fi lends ono does Ilnd." "Hut." nskod Mny, ovldontly full of Interest, "from what I can gather, Doctor Hlguy, tiirougnoui hub unior tunnto affair of which you hnvo told mo Homnthlng. did nothing that was really bhunable." "No; boyond sticking rnther tena ciously to IiIb engagement after I thought ho ought to havo glvon It "If from nis pouu or viow wioro was no reason why ho should give It up, that In Itself wna simply ovldoneo of his sincerity; but, may I ask, are these Impediments lemoved?" "1 havo no reason 10 suppose wwy Htlll exist." "And theroforo you would not any longer withhold your consent?" Colonel Pelhnm paused for several momonts before replying, and I came nearer Involuutariy, ror mo iouii tluobblngs of my heart rendered oven May's lust words almost Inaudible. AX length tho answer came, nnd every word, pregnant with desperate Import, burned Itself Into my memory. "The Impediments that existed In I.cndon were so full of danger to my daughter's happiness that I should hove to nssuro myself beyond nil shadow of doubt that they had disap peared; then, If that wero bo, my daughter's deep attachment to Doctor Hlgby, tho debt of gratitude wo owo him. and my own great re gard for him. would secure my joadlest nnd heartiest sanction, nnd tho day that made him my son-ln-lnw would be a very happy ono for me. I nm not tho mnti I was, Doctor May; tho troubles of tho last twelve months hnvo knocked nil tho reninnnts of youth out of mo, and I would glndly seo my ouly -child Bot tled nnd hnppy." "Quito so, quite so." replied my good old friend, with n ring of true sincer ity In his voice, nnd added: "Of nil tho men I know, thoro la not ono to whom I would trust n dnughtor'a happiness with moro conndenco thnn Doctot Hlgby." Then thoro wns n pnuso In tho con versation, nnd thinking I had hoard onough, I silently crept nwny round to tho other sldo of tho houso, Thero I was fortunato enough to find a door open; Into this I walked, nnd thon along tho passage until I came to tho consulting-room door. I rapped gent ly. It was Instantly opened by May. "Halloo! halloo!" ho exclaimed with pleasure, as ho shook mo by tho hand. "Talk of the you know I" After returning his salutation, I walked over to Colonel Pclham. "I am glad to bco you Colonel Pcl ham I mean Mr. Phillips." "Wo need not keep up tllo disguise," ho replied, laughing, as he greeted mo warmly. "I havo told Doctor May that we aro traveling under n nom do miPi-rn. I nm vnrv irlnd t.n see YOU. Doctor Rlgby. Wo wcro Just speaking or you nnu your troubles in quaran tine It la reported that you aro to b" released at an early date. You aro glad, of course?" Before I could reply, May had placed beforo mo some cold beef, pickles, bread, cheese, a bottlo of beer, nnd othor Items. "Como, Hlgby, you must bo hungry. Hero aro nil tho scrnps I can gathor together. Now oxcuso mo, la thero anything clso I can get you? No? Aro yen sure? Woll, then, I wish you a good night. Colonol Polham nnd you mny llko to talk of old times at home." Then turning to tho colonel. "You know your room, Colonel Pelhnm?" Whon ho wns half wny down tho pas sago, ho cnllcd out to m, nnd ns ! found him, ho, tnklng my nrm, Bald, "Do you know my bedroom window?" "Yes." "Woll, will you, when you havo fin ished your Interview, como outsldo nnd rnp, and I will got up and Join you; thoro nro a fow things I want to tnlk to you nbout." This I promised to do, nnd thon ro turned to tho consulting room. I found tho colonol In his fnvorlto at tlludo, nursing ono kneo nnd storing Into tho fire." "You had bettor tako somo food, Doctor Hlgby; you must bo hungry nfter your long walk; wo can tnlk at tho samo tlmo." I wan only too glad to fall In with this suggestion, for I wnB hungry. Dut In n fow momenta nil hunger flod. "My lottor reached you safely, Doc tor Rlgby?" "Thank you, Colonol Pelhnm, yen; but na you know, wo havo no legiti mate chnnco of replying. Had I boon ablo to reply, I should havo thanked you vory slncoroly for It." "Wo think tho tlinnkB nro owing on our sldo. You reached tho station safely, I trust, that evening, or morn ing rather?" . . . - "Yes; wo woro rathor tired, but an hour or two of sleep put mattora right." . . t "Now, this man Warron. I trust you hnvo mado for us somo nrrangoments with him; wo nro vory deeply In his "I tinvo trlod to do so. but ho will not hear of nny reward. Ho Is very determined, nml t no not minis uiuru Is nny moving him." "Denr mo! dear mo! I rcgrot to hear this; but tho man la strango In muny wnyB. I rcmombor asking him, nn lmnt-,1 tlin linnt. who hnd sent him. nnd why. Ho replied: 'Tho nurso;'" ('twns hero nt mis moment my jiuwur cunitnu.- tnfr moi. "nnd thon ho ad ded, 'sho don't llko this 'oro, bont mnl(B suoii go minor. i u . know tho nurso, do I?' I snld. 'I reckon .... .inn't aim nln't nno 'o thom sort tie only' does things for peoplo ns knowB 'or," no ropneu. nuw, iu m this strnngo womnn that tnkos such nn Interest In us? Do you know hor, Doctor Rlgby?" (To Ixj continued.) Bjmjwww California Is producing daisies a fool In clrcumfereuce. In Missouri, tnklng tho entire Stat ns tho basis of calculation, tho aver age annual salary of mnlo teaclioM la tho public schools Is S-Ut) a year, aud of female teachers $300 a year. In tho cathedral of Hereford, Eng land, there aro still nbout fifteen hun dred books with the chains that used to be attached to books In tho six teenth century In ecclesiastic and un vitrnlty libraries. At Moutulto, In the province of U uon. In touring down au old church, a small underground room was found full of art objects of the Homau time, chlully chiseled silver nmphorao nnd vases tilled with gold nml silver cotna Churles M. Schwab, president of tu Uulwd States Steel Corporation, Is au thority for tho Htatctueut that steel baa supplanted cottou lu Industrial klnr ship; that It exceeded the cotton In dustry In 1000 by more thau $100,000, 000. and for 1001 It will exceed It b more than f.MJ.OOO.OOO. A London physician has made cart ful calculations, and says tho average wiiltB takes dancers over turee-quartori of a tulle. Tho square dance repre sents a distance of half a mile and tin galop between two and three mile, Therefore tho evening ball means a tour of something llko fifteen lulled. A new Russian apparatus for reator lug hearing consists of a light rubber shell, furnished with a mlulaturo mi crophone, which Is eounected to a small galvanic battery. It Is claimed that tho microphone causes oven tho softest I speech to react on the auditory uorra 1 of the deaf when the apparatus Is plao ed to the ear. The Charm of It. Pho has finally convinced her bus baud that playing golf is sinful, espe cially on Sundays. Jess Why, 1 didn't know ho over cared for tho game. Tees Ho didn't. That's tho only way she could get him to play with her. Whiskey In Scotch Stores. Thoro wero lOO.'JdO.lDO proof gallons ot whiskey lu bond in Scotch stores a month ngo. Of tho total quantity 89, 040,611 gallons wero under lock and key for distillers nnd ttio balanie for tho "trade" generally. Golden Rule hotel. W. 0. KELLEY, Proprietor. Headquarters for Traveling Men. Free litis to and from depot. Ono of the leading hotels of tho city. PENDLETON, OREQON. CAPLAN BROS. Huccensorn to KRIEU & LEVY. TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES A SPECIALTY. BOTH 'PHONES 838. 391 Washington St., cor. Tenth, PORTLAND, OREGON. FIIAN'K 8CHMITT, J. L. HEMntlEE. l'roatilcnt. Sccrotary. J. 11. C'AHU, Mnuagor. Frank Schmitt & Co. Manufacturers of Fir, Silver Pine and Cedar Doors and Finishing Material. I'hone East 44. East Taylor and .. . Emi ninth atrcots. Portland, Oregon PORTLAND IRON WORKS MANUFACTUltKuS OF Saw Mill Machinery Flouring Mill Machinery Marine Engines anil Boilers OFFICE AND WOKK8: Fourteenth and Northrup Streets PORTLAND, OREGON. 15c. 15c. ELECTRIC LAMPS Kdlson Electric Lamps reduced to 15 cents each, or 11.75 por dozen. Use these Lamps with proper voltage and niaUo your light tho cheapest and beet. Portland! General Electric Co. Seventh and Alder Sis. 15Cm 15c. BARRJHOTEL European and American Plan, Furnished in First-Class Style. New house, newly furnished, two blocks from Union depot .All tha modern Improvements, areprool, hot and cold wafer, centrally lo sated. Bates, $1 and $1.25 a Day. MmU-4, Baths . Cor, Sixth and Qlhan, Portia-. V.ANP SOAP AND CHgX PORTLAND, OREGON. $" mmtahaaummwmmmmamm.mmemmmawaie9 WHEN YOU BUY Furniture, Carpets and Stoves FOR 110UBKKEEPINO Cut This Out and dot a Reduction at Henry Jennings. 173-174 First Btrot. Ettabllthed Jan. 1. 1009. Incorporated July 8, 1091. Portland Coffee and Spice Co. For tho Trade Only. Tea, Coffee, Spices, Halting Powder, Extracts, Etc. OUR RrECIAI, IIRANIW: Spleen, Acme. Mult nomah; Unklnir Powders. Defiance, Double Quick ; Coffee, Uoyal Ulead ; Sugar, xxxx liar. 24-20 Front SI mot, Del. A mh and Ankony. PORTLAND, OREGON. rJ EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts. BOTH PHONES NO. 607 REM STINSON, Ladr Assistant. Gcorgo Miller. Hiram Fugltt. Wagner Cafe l'houe Main 870. Ot 118 Sixth St., rortland. Comfortablo Quarters for Commercial and Business Men. Star Brewery Company Urewcri and Bottlcri ot Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash, East Third and Burnslde Sts., Port land, Oregon. t Do You I Know the News ? You can havo It all for Per Cffes-r Per. 50c Month ilU" Month Z J In Tho KvcnlnRToleRram, ot Portland, J Z OrrKou. It U tho UrKestevenlUK news- T paper published in Oregon; It contains X X all llio news ot the statu anil ot tho na X X tlon. Try It for n month. A samplu Z X copy will bo mailed to you free. Ad- J U.V.. W THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. X Any 8li Any MACKINTOSHES, RUBBER AND OIL CLOTHING Rubber nnota unrt Shoes, Uniting, racking and Hns. Lariett and Most Complete Assortment of all Kinds of Itubber Goods. OOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY E. H. PKA8X, President. F. U. BHKPAUD, Jit.. Truutirtr J. A. SIIBPAKO, Secretary 73-76 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. The E-Gm ATKiNS & co Atkins Saws are Always Ahead em Loewenberg & rVLNLTFACTURERS g29 to 935 Taylor Streot 189 to 19 Saoond Street j31SpX ml LLJ 7 ' KS3 wR fi ETaJhi 'ii AVL Ejjy ifi l B jrttF - v -. Phones: Oregon Main 7m, Columbia 420. ThoLAGRANDE CREAMERY COMPANY BUTTER, EGOS AMD CHEESE. All goods wholesale and retail. 204 Yamhill St., nr. Third, Portland, Or A. E. SIBCJEL. Dealer in all kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Etc. Ham and Bacon a, Specialty. Phone, Clay 584. 95 N. Seventh St Telcphono Ked 931. IMvato rooms. Gambrinus Garden Saloon. Andrew Swnnson, 1'rop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Cor 23d and Washington Sts. Portland Orb Blazier's... No. 248 Burnsido Street, Hot. Second and Third, PORTLAND, OREGON Tho Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Coal - Coal - Coal Western Feed & Fuel Co. Dealers in all kinds ot COAL. COKE, CHARCOAL Try tho famous ROCK SPRINGS COAL. llotta 1'honcs. Oillco; 1M North Fifth St. O. D. DUNN1NO. I CAMPION ' ,-i Dunning & Campion. Funeral Directors Embalmers 2C6 llurnslde St., bet. Third and Fourth, POIITLAND, OREGON. Oregon Phono Main 4. Columbia Phono 430 Night calls ring night bell. W. I.. McCadi, Beattlo. K. B. Hamilton, Tacotna. M'CABE & HAMILTON .. STEVEDORES .. PUGET SOUND Also Honolulu, H I, Hoad Offtoos Taooma, Wash Cable Addreu: McCABK GRACIE, BEAZLEY & CO., Agents 14 Water Street, Liverpool. Portland Club and Cafe... 130 Fifth Stroot OUR SPECIALTIES: II Monogram and III Cyrus Noblo Whiskies. A Rosont for Gontlomon. 'Phono OretjonMain 008; Columbia 407 Quantity Any fltyla Paolfio Ooaat Branch, No. 60 First Stroot, Portland, Ore. Going Company OF AND DEALERS IN Stove Ranges, Hollowware and Household... Specialties... Handled by All First Class Dealers... Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best and Cheapest in the Market PORTLAND, OREGON w rjl 1 fJ 'f IV t i ft. i & tl 'M . ' 'M'i ' l' ) USUI W --v..Tjaigi ' n "" -t.y-H .! ill ' ii'ftfri - --