The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, November 15, 1902, Image 7

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Fancy and Staple Groceries
Telephone, Mnln 472.
1020 Tacoma Avo.
A. A. ALLEN, Manager
The Singer Manufacturing Co.
Telephone, lied 2375.
11812th St.
Tacoma Shoe Co.
F. 0. FISHER, Prcs & Trcas.
Phono, Oak 214. 030 Pacific Avo.
Dealer in
Hardware, Glassware, Mixed Paints
Telcphono, James 2270.
1021 So. Eleventh St., Cor. K. TACOMA, WN.
Thomas Bennett
Dealer in
New ann Second-Hand Furniture
Stoves, Carpets, Tin
ware and Crockery.
901 Tacoma Ave., Tacoma Wash
IRA Vauohan, rrcn. E. P. Vauohan, Trcai.
U. 0. Wymkooi, VIco I'rcS- and Bocy.
Wynkoop-Vaughan Company
Ninth and Pacific Ave.
john j McMillan, iTop,
Telcphono, Main 240. 100 Tenth St.
Kelly's Transfer
J. H. KELLY, Prop.
Wood and Coal for Sale
Steam Heated Roomi for Storing Furniture.
Tclophono, Main 401,
Office and Residence 931 Tacoma Avo.
j. f. MunniY, rrop.
Dry Goods & Men's Furnishings
Cor. 1 3 and Pacific Avo.
Are th- sjreat popular
drinks of the country.
How Important to have
It nice and fresh roast
ed of
Dickson, the Coffee Roaster
1G38 Pacific Avenue,
"TV ..., ,..! own1u8Bm
It Makes Your
Mouth Water
Ai you illce off a mcculent piece of the
tender rout beef procurable at our es
tablishment. Of course much depend!
on the cook don't blame it all on tha
butcher but we'll take chances on that
for we know our meats are Al cuts.
Bay City Market.
Tml. Maim 8. 111 Pmsllla Arm.
King Oscar's memoirs ought to prove
Interesting reading. Ills Majesty is a
man of great knowledge and an author
of acknowledged eminence. As n gen
eral thing It is quite dangerous for a
king to wield his pen nnd express his
opinions, hut King Oscar seems to he
an exception to the rule. Apart from
his llterury skill the King of Sweden
has many other attractive gifts. He is
a man of boundless courage, nnd many
authentic Instances of his fearless
deeds of valor are related. In every
pursuit his motto Is "thorough," re
minding strongly of our own Presi
dent's "strenuous" tendencies.
All the world knows that King Oscar
never desired the crown, nnd when
that responsibility could not bo evaded
ho was unprepared for the great office.
A king must of necessity ho n good
horseman, which Oscar was not. A
course of riding lessons lasting through
seven years made him a master In tho
art of horsemanship. Ills speeches nro
entirely his own, and ho is not only
eloquent, hut concise nnd epigram
matic and knows what elements nro
necessary In n successful ndtlress.
To tho outsider his accessibility and
nffablllty nro oven more remarkable
than his muny natural talents. Ho
dislikes royal tinsel nnd senseless cere
monies, and nny foreigner can obtain
an interview by simply sending In his
visiting card. King Oscar's receptions
strongly bring to mind tho simple days
of our forefathers. No special attire or
formnllty Is necessary to appear before
this king. All sorts nnd conditions of
men may approach him, nnd a merry
crowd often gathers about him.
King Oscar's favorite recreation Is
music, hut ho also Interests himself In
athletic sports nnd exercises. Ho takes
pleasure In letter-writing and keeps In
closo touch with many men of sclcnco
nnd learning.
Marking, staking or cleaning Ico not
yet of sufficient thickness for harvest
ing Is held, In IJecker vh. Hall (Iowa),
00 L. It. A. 573, not to amount to a legal
appropriation of it.
A condition In n life-insurance policy
that If, within three yenrs from tho
date of tho policy, tho Insured should
dlo by suicide, sane or Insane, tho lia
bility of tho company should bo limited
to tho amount of tho premiums paid, Is
held, In Schernr vs. Prudential Insur
ance Company (Nob.), 00 L. It. A. 011,
to be vnlld.
In a proceeding to requlro n receiver
to show causo why ho should not bo
punished for contempt for permitting
tho carrying away of property commit
ted to his enre, an ntlldavlt Is hold, in
Oster vs. Peoplo (III.), CO L. It. A. 40'J,
not to he necessary, whero tho facts
have nil been brought to tho attention
of tho court by testimony taken under
a petition, filed in tho causo In which
ho was appointed, to have tho property
A statuto permitting tho assessment
of property to tho ouo to whom It was
last assessed, In tho absenco of notice
of chnngo of ownership, is held, In Mor
rill vs. Lovett (Me.), CO L. It. A. 034,
not to apply In enso tho chnngo of own
ership arises from tho death of tho
owner to whom tho taxes were assess
ed, whero tho general policy of tho
tax legislation Is to create a personal
liability, as well as a lien on tho prop
erty, and another statuto provides for
the taxation of decedents' estates. Tho
assessment of taxes on property of de
cedents' estates Is considered in a note
to this caso.
The owner of land on a public navi
gable river, who has obtained a grant
from the State of a portion of the river
bed In front of his land, hut who has
mado no Improvements thereon for
commercial purposes, Is held. In Slln
gerland vs. International Contracting
Company (N. Y.). CO L. It. A. 404, to
have no right of action against a con-'
tractor for tho dredging of tho river
who, with the consent of the State nnd
federal governments, places the dredg
ings behind dikes on State land adjoin
ing his, although the result Is that they
'aro washed on to his submerged land.
Impairing his access to navigable water
and Interfering with bis fishing and
gathering Ice therefrom.
A Seat Garden.
On board the Japanese ship Asama,
now In British waters, there Is a gar
den plot of exquisite giant chrysanthe
mums and Iris In pots, which have
been made out of paper by the stokers.
Nothing could bo moro admirably nat
ural than tho flowers of this sea gar
den. A man Is painting a woman to rep
resent "Anxiety," and will take for h!s
subject a woman who has gotten up a
church social, aud Is watching the door
from her corner near tho Ice cream ta
ble to see If any one Is coming In.
Don't waste your time taking hint.
Was Given Up to Die Eight Doctors
Failed Po-ru-na Saved Her Life.
fc. f&jCX&aiP-JM&L S'
1 vrTmwrJGbkrATSsC. -
r -2r
' li J J. A- M? s
r 1 s r. .
El&&iK& M
Ui4A.i;lS OP If rcHBBBBl
wmmz wesmm. ; . immm
.&KXtt?-: mt2mmm1km MMMmmmm
m . frjr.: x mr TtVir i aaaaar i " 1 Ti vt -mvummn
' rzrsr vxt.y r w r w?. : r nmmr a rnif ri .nn
Thousands of women suffer from sys
temic catnrrh. This is euro to produce
such symptoms as cold feot and hands,
Bick hondneho, palpitation of tho heart
and heavy feelings In tho stomach.
Then begins a series of experiments
with niodiclno. They tnko medir'no
for sick headache Thoy takomedicino
tor nervous prosunuon, tor palpitation
of tho heart, for dyspepsia. None of
tliOso medicines do any good bocauso
thoy do not ronch tho cause of tho com
plaint. Pet una at onco mitigates all thoso
symptoms by removing tho caueo.
Systemic catarrh is tho trouble. Sys
temic catarrh porvados tho wholo sys
tem, deranges every organ, weakens
ovory function. No permanent euro
can bo expected until tho systemic ca
tarrh is removed.
This is exactly whnt Porunn will do.
MiBsAlmnCox, assistant postmist
ress ol Orum, S. O., writes:
"I have been a great sufferer from
chronic disease nnd dyspepsia for nvo
yenrs. How I suffroed no topguo can
tell. .1 tried eitht or ten of tho best
physicians without receiving much
benefit, also tried lots of pntont medi
cines, but still I fluff orod with sick
headache, cold feot and hands, palpita
tion cf tho heart, nnd such n heavy fool
tug In my stomach and chqst.
I would ho bo norvous I could
Feminine Baseball Pan.
'I sco you attend nearly ovory gnmo.
Do you understand it thoroughly?"
"No," replied tho protty girl in tho
whitii diick suit. "I linto tho camo
1 but that pitchor's mighty hnndBomo."
If you wnnt to try a can of tho finest,
largest, plumposc and most delicious
canned oysters you over saw, ask your
grocer to send you n can of Monopolo.
There is only 0110 packor in tho United
States who puts up as flno goods as
Monopolo and thureforo thoy nro not
to bo had tinder nny other brand.
Under tho Monopolo brand wo aleo have
packed a full lino ol canned fruits and
vegetables, spices, coffee, baking powder
and tho like. Thoy aro packed under
a bonutlfully ombosscd bluo and gold
label. Tho Inbol Is nno, but tho goodh
aro finor. Your grocer hnndlos then
or can got thorn for you. Soo that he
docs it. WndhnniB Kerr Bros., Pack
ers, Portland, Oregon.
His Favorite Kind.
Rimer And who is your favorite
poot, Mr. Kostiquo.?
Kostiquo Chattorton.
Rimer Huh I What do you find t(
ndmiro in him?
Kostiquo Ho committod suicide.
Philadelphia Rocord.
"One day n friend sent mo one of Dr.
Hartman's pamphlets, and I decided to
writo to him. Ho advised Porunn and
Mannlin, nnd after taking tho medicine
two weeks I lolt greatly relieved. My
head did not pain mo any scarcely, and
my stomach was roliovod of its heavy
feeling. I am so thankful that I can
say nftor using sovornl botttos of tho
Porunn and Manalin I am restored to
perfect iioatlh.
"Before using your remedies I could
not cat anything. I lived on dnrley
water nnd Panopeptin for two years.
Now I can eat with pleasure. Every
body is bo surprised at my improve
ment. Hveryono savs I am looking
I like n roEO. I would ndvieo all suffer
1 lng womon to take your romodios. I
1 know if it woro not for Porunn nnd
. . ., t ., 11 r ,11 1 i ...
At times 1 .Munuiiu 1 wuuni wivu uuun 111 my kiuvu
not boar 1 today. I cannot thank you enough (or
nny ono nronud mo. I had been given , tho kind ndvlco you hnvo given mo."
up to dlo. I Miss Alum L. Cox.
Dr. S. B. Hartman, president of tho llartmnn Sanitarium, of Colnmbus,
0., gives advice to women free during tho summer months.
Virtuous dnmblcr.
"So you wish to marry my daughter.
Do you drink or gnmblo?"
"Well," replied tho ycung man,
"I'm willing to tnko n chanco in the
mnrriago lottery." Indianapolis Sun.
Frequent Changes of the Mind.
"Slio is a woman who always speaks
her mind."
"Guess that'll why sho has to talk so
Sad Thoughts.
Preachor Whou you'ro tompted to
drink, think of your wifo nt homo.
HenpocK I do and Hint's what
drivos mo to drink.
Liberal Massachusetts Man.
Frederick Fanning Ayer, of Lowoll,
Mass., has just given f 100,000 to four
charitable institutions in that city. Of
tltis sum $50,000 goes to tho Old
Ladies' homo.
The liniment bottle and flannel strip are
familiar objects in nearly every household.
They are the weapons that have been used for
generations to fight old Rheumatism, nnd nre
about as effective in the battle with this giant
disease as the blunderbuss of our forefathers
would be in modern warfare.
Rheumatism is caused bv nn acid, sour
condition of the blood. It is filled with ncrid, irritating mntter tltnt settles
in the joints, musclc3 nnd nerves, nnd liniments nnd oils nor nothing
else npplied externally can dislodge these gritty, corroding particles. Thcv
were deposited there by the blood and can be reached only through the blood.
Rubbing with liniments sometimes relieve temporarily the aches nnd
pains, but these nre only symptoms which nre liable to return with every
change of the weather ; the real disease lies deeper, the blood nnd system
are infected. Rheumatism cannot he radically and permanently cured
until the blood has been purified, nnd no remedy does this so thoroughly
and promptly as S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and sends n stream
Ol riCIJ, .1UU1IK uiuuu vj nit iiiitv.iv.T-i jmivcj, hihi.ii
dissolves and washes out nil foreign materials, nnd the
sufferer obtains happy relief from the torturing pains.
S. S. S. contains no potash or other mineral, but
is a nerfect vegetable blood purifier and most
exhilarating tonic. Our physicians will advise, without charge, nil who
write about their case, and we will send free our special book on Rheumatism
and ita treatment, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta. 6a.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signature of
It Pac-Slmlla Wrapper Below.
Vary nsuall auil 007
19 take as sngnr.
1mm I umunia mnimiiiwuwiii , 1
ftfcttk I Vnrotr TegctahUvX-vtVS
y (
I Bargains in i
I Uniforms...
M I t..rt a tnrrlhtn f-nH find COUld
1.. .,11., Kmnth t thpn tried Avcr'l
Cherry Pectoral, and it gave me im-
W. C. Layton, oiacu, 111.
How will your cough
be tonight? Worse, prob
ably. For it's first a cold,
then a coughf-then bron
chitis or pneumonia, and
at last consumption.
Coughs always tend
downward. Stop this
downward tendency by
taking Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral. Three slitt t 21c, SOc.'St. All dratftttc
Commit your doctor. Itlniwi
than do as li tRji. If lietelf. you not
to take It. thon don't tntce it. lis knows.
Loto It with him. W? " wltllnff.
JtUAI T.Ifc V.VJ.. .VM vmmmi
Seeing Is Believing.
"Do you know anything about hyp
totisin?" nkeod tho girl in tho pink
illk waist.
"Well," replied tho fiuffy-hairod
maid as sho hold up her left hand to
display a sparkling solltairo to hotter
advantage "you can judgo for your
self." Chicago Dally News.
Mothers will flna Mrs. Wlnslow'o Sooth
ing Syrup the beat remedy to uso for their
)hlldreii during tho teething period.
Later Returns.
Upgnrdon What aro you looking bo
glum about? You told mo tho othor
day that you had thrown nil yout caroi
to tho winds.
Atom So I had. Rut tho wind
changed nnd brought them back. Chi
cago Tribune
Ffrmiinttillr Cutiii 5o ntt or nerromnoM
rl IO .Hrr llrntilnr'iiiifnf tr. Ktiriv'iOrpat Ncrv
Anstnnr. Bond for KK MJ 3-2.00 tri.l tiittlonnd treat.
I. TlH It 11 ITaiua. I a. I till ol.ktt III, Hi. Intnl. Irt &.
The Cook Objected.
Rlobbs Why waB tho ongagomont
hotwoon Hardup nnd Mlaa Ootror
broken off?
Slobbs Her fnllior's cook objoctod to
any further additions to tho family.
Philadelphia Record.
Piso'a Curo fit n remedy forrouRlui,coUls
nnd coimumptlou. Try It. I'rlcoliSconts,
at druggists.
nilnd Letter Carrier.
Arnold Scott, of llornnrdsboro, Mnss.,
who has been blind for CO years hnu
served tho'town as lettor rnrrior ond ia
said to bo particularly oflloient in both
tho collecting and dellvorlug of mall.
jg FOU BALK - Bupply of Military Full
Drera Coats, Wlilto llclmoln, (Bplkctl),
Wlilto llt'l'.n, sullnblo fur Hands, Lodges,
S Kto.
w Quartermaster Third Regiment, g
I SSfl
Hplcva nnd llnkliiK Powder to lio had
unions you nmVo your grocer
aiiiily you with
1 ... MONOPOLE ...
'(;) Portland, Oregon,
3 3
P. N. U.
No. 40-1003.
II KN wrltlnft to avdvertlterfl plaaa
aueetloB tnu prtper.
Wo extract, crown and lirldgu teeth
without IntllctliiK pnln, Our invthnds
aro modern mid meet with tho approval
of tho most oxacthiR. Cull and sue us.
Kxainlnatloti free, Kcca rtwisoiuililu.
Iloth 'phones: OreKouHouth'.Jl: Co
Iuinbla3AS, 0n evenings till 0. Hun
days from 9 to 12.
n.baaiaBBBK .0 vBBaai
WISE BROS., Dentists. ZLWtimXffiS?
Syrup.of Fs
tKfrbfest fajnily laxative
It is pure.
xt is gentle.
It is pleasant
It is efficacious, v
It is not expensive. v;
It is good for children.
It is excellent for ladies.
It is convenient for business men.
It is perfectly safe under all circumstances.
It is used by millions of families the world over.
It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians.
If you use it you have the best laxative the world
II -,
Its component parts are all wholesome.
It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects.
It is wholly free from objectionable substances.
It contains the laxative principles of plants.
It contains the carminative principles of plants.
It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which ore
agreeable and refreshing to the taste.
All are pure.
All are delicately blended.
All are skillfully and scientifically compounded.
Its value is due to our method of manufacture nnd to
the orginality and simplicity of the combination.
To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine.
Manufactured by
San FrBvnciaco, CaL
Louisville, Ky. New York, N. Y.
ron bale nriih lbadinq DauaoiaTa.
1 - 1