TELE NEW AGE, POBTLAND, OREGON. 1 TACOMA ADVERTISING Hopkins Bros. DRlKiaiSTS. Prescriptions nro our specialty. Orders by tclcplittno promptly delivered, Cam to nil part of Iho city pnsi our ilours. H, V. cor. K rid i:l t nth Sis, Tclcphonu Mnln 35I. thb louvre. WIU.IAM HlllUUd, Prop. Jlest brnml of Imported nml domcutlc Wines, Manors mill CiKnrs. Holn nirunt for I'arker llyc. I lnu 1'rt'i! I.utich. Telephono Jmncs 'Jl3l. 1300 Pacific Avonuo. 1305 Commerce Htreet. Tacutnn, Washington. THE NORTH POLE. HJ: NYMAN, I'roprjetor. I'lno Wltic. Liquors mid Clitnrs. l'rcsh Lager liter always on draught. Telephone Illnck lfi"2. First Hnloon from N. I. dc)Kjt, 1510 l'aclllc Avenue, cor. 17th Htrcot. Tacoinn, Washlncton. A. S. JOHNSON & CO. Wliolcsnlu mid retail dealers In Palnti, Oils, Brushes, Glass, Walt Paper1 Wo carry a full lino of I too in Moulding, Iioors, Windows, Ktc. Estimates given on 1'apcrlUK and (Hazing. Tul. John 'AMI. 1309 l'aclllc Avcnuo. TACOMA, WAHII. People's Cash Grocery 8. A. HKAKH, Proprietor. Wholusalo mid retail dealer In Btuiilc and Fancy Groiorles, Teas, Cof fees, Spices, Ktc. Tclcphonu Main 101. Wl 1, Htreut, cor. Ninth. Tncoma, Wash. When You Wnut Anything Oood ...TO EAT... Try tho grocer at corner Kit vonth nnd Q Wo PulronliuTliosu that I'ntruiilto Us. J. LINDUUKU. Tel. Main. 111. 1101 0 Htrcot. Opp, Court Homo. Ttiromn, Wash. J. KAUFMAN. Dealer In FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES, CROCKERY, ETC. Terms llvasouitblo. 03fl (' Hlrcct, Tacoma, Wash. SUNRISE BAKERY. 1). McPHKKKON, Proprietor. All kinds of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc. "Wcddinjy and Birthday Cakes A Specialty. ti:li:piioni: iu:d ism. JJ07 South K St. TACOMA, WASH. C. C. MELLINGER. Funoml Director Embalming a Specialty by Mel linger llros. Olllco Plume Main 2.11. HrsMvucu Pliuuu John 'Ml. 010 Tacoimi Avo, Tacoma, Wash Ole II. Lieu. Harry II. Kelvin. LIEN'S PHARMACY. I'oriuorly Central DniK Store. Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles Prescriptions a Specialty. 1103 Tiicoimi .Wcuuo. Telopliono Junius III. Tacoma, Wash Tacoma Baking Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of BREAD, CAKES, ETC. OKI Tacomu Avenue, Tncoma Washington TKT.KIMIONK 43. TACOMA CARRIAGE and BAGGAGE TRANSFER COMPANY. Ofilco lWTvntli Ht., Kiiutlirmt comer ot A. TACOMA, WASH. Hacks, Coupes, Carriages, Baggage Wagons Al All Hours. PsMeiiKors and Hakkhko transferred from mldrnct'tand hotels In and (rum all boats and train. Inuul )our checks for lKKaKO to our metst'iiKrrs, who will meet ) mi all Ineom- .... .Bul..u -...I l...d.a Ll.-&l lll..H I It'M.V II. ...II tilV.f KhvIV, lilt "III Mil. 1 .... .'I. ....... - lni: iralns and dosts. Klrst cls Livery. Open UiiUlit. All rltis marked ' 1 O. A II. T. Co." iDo You Wear Shoes? If in KUhrr. ThrtHhoa Man would Ilk to s Hyou. A thoroughly up-to-dato storo carryluK IJdl tho ItKI.IAfil.l' niakrs of shoes for men, . vri'uien sua ciiiiartiu. you MKN KdwInClaiinshooi The PackarU fj)tHti Tho J. H. Turner shoe. VOIt I.AI)lKd-Th "U.uen quality" snoe) Nm Kultum shoe. Fisher, Tho Shoe Alan. 9.M Pact no Avenue, tor at Uyerott, Tacoma, Wash. TACOMA ADVERTISING JL'HT HKCKIVKD A lino lino of novelties in all suitings. C. C. T. GLAUS. UNION OROCERY CO. Dealers In Staple and Fancy Groceries, Etc. 1'hone, Main 3G7 Cor. 13 and Tncoma Ave. TACOMA, WASH. s 1AYKK DItUO CO. The most reliable place to buy drugs and patent medicines, etc. This store Is noted for Its carefulness In lining- prescriptions and for fair rices. 1100 l'aclllc Avcnuo Tacoma, Wash. A HKItDKKN HTKAM LAUNMIY J. M. I.upton, Mgr. Kqulppcd with now up-to-dato machinery. No rough or saw-edgo cuds ami collars. HlRd gloss or domestic finish. Work llrst-class anh sure to please. Telephono 3.91. Comer Hume and It His., Opp, Firemen's Hall. mUK PACIFIC LIQUOR AND WINK HOUBE. N. RKUTKIt, 1'roprlctor. Tho best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. t-nimiy iraue a opeciaiiy. Tel. Ilcd 1781. iron l'aclllc Avo. lfA5 Commcrca Ht. Tacoma, Washington mllK JUNCTION. M. CHIII8TIAN, Prop. I'lno Wlncs, I.itiors and Cigars. Telephono lllaclc lttfl. Cor. l'aclllc Avenuo and Jeirersoti Ht., TACOMA, WAHHINOTON LOCAL HOUVKNlllS AND UNMOUNTKI) PHOTOS. HOLT'S AIIT BTORK. Frames Made to Order. Pictures of All Kinds. Klatlonery and Art (Inods. Tel. Illnck K773. No. "fi.1 ! Htrret, near Chamber of Commerce. TACOMA, WAHHINOTON. MICHAEL BROS. DRUGGISTS. Jcirersou and l'aclllc Avenues,, TACOMA, WAHHINOTON. W. W. WIiib. (I. II. Wing, Jr. EASTERN LAUNDRY. WINll llltOH.,Prois. Wo Launder Anything. 71 1 l'aclllc Avo. Til. Main !KW. Tacoma, Wash. D KNAIIHL, lX' 1'roiirletor of Till: (IKllMAN IIAICPUV AND COI'FKK PAKLOItH. I'rouli llrvud and Cukes daily. Ornamental Cities u spurlitlty. Only tlio y too nest nml parol mnlvrliil tired In our llnkery. Ilread delivered frro tonny mrt of tlio city. Telephono Park TU1. 1117 Paclllo Avenue. THComa, wasniiiRion, ROTHSCHILD tc CO. Port Townsrud, WaslilnRtnn. HIHPPINO AND COMMISSION MKltOHANTS. Clislom Homo llrokers and Ktuvedore. KslaMltlied 18.'. llraurli olllees Tacomu and fen tile. JENTUCKY LKJUOU CO. Peter Bnudhertr, Proprietor. WINKS', LlOl'Olta AND I'KIAIIS. Holoaceut for tlulneks' Htoul and linns' Ale, (Head Pros. llottllUK) Lstahllsheil 1MI. Telo. plume Main f.W. II to Puelllo Aveuupi Si ('omiiiercoht. Taeouia, WuihliiKlnu. OLLARD IRON WORKS. Foundry, Alnchine and Forge Shops. Heavy Iron Work. Iron and Brass Castings. Northern Pnritlc Docks and at llailoy St. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. We have everything you need in the Drug and Patent Medicine Line. VIRGES & CO., Druggists. i Ha Pacific Ave. DAVE GROSS Dave Gross Co. Cloaks at Wholesale 920 Paoltlo Ave. TAOOMA and NEW YORK Parsian Dye Works K.J. CLOTH Kit, I'rop. We Clean, Press, Dye or Repair Clothing Telephone, Ned 875. 1100 O Street. TAOOMA. TRUMPET CALLS. Ifim'i Horn Bound a Warning Not to tba Unredeemed. rrjp UK man Is not II rooted In Christ who Is fruiting In sin. Tho host healing may conic from tho lowliest herbs. To cherish an enemy on tho heart Is to nourish an enemy there. If a man loves tho person of Christ ho will live tho picture of Christ. Tho perfect mirror makes men forget Itself. Tho life of faith docs not depend on tho death of reason. Our losses and our gains furnish tho true estltnato of life. Religion Is to the moral what gravita tion Is to the natural. Tho most glorious task Is made up of Insignificant trifles. Tho pralso of religion may be iiulto different from Its practice. A man may go through life with tho multitude, but he must go through death alone. It Is easy to advocate Christian ser vice, when you feel you aro called to bo a master. ADOPTED BY THE GOVERNMENT. I'orincr rioldlcr's Invention lievolu tlonl.oa Army Cooklnir. From tho position of private In tho regular army of the United States at a salary of .fl.'l n month to that of jjov eminent contractor In transactions In volving thousands upon thousands of dollars Is a broad leap for a man to make In a few short years. Yet such success has been ac complished by n youiiK man wuoae homo Is now In Chi li. liizzACou. en go. ills name is Francis II. ltu.zacott. Mr. Huzzaeott rose from the rank of private to the position of an opulent contractor through the Instrumentality of patents secured by him on a unliiuc conception of cooking range for use by tho army In tho Held. For years he fought nnd struggled against reverses and Infringements, and Is Just now be ginning to enjoy tho fruits of his unique career. Within the last few days ho closed a contract with tho War Depart ment for 00 of the ranges patented by li 1 in, anil this deal Involves returns amounting to $27,000, n sum nutllclcut to round out a snug $200,000 which tho soldier contractor has received from tho government within the last two years. The rnngo which has been responsible for tho remarkable rlso of Mr. Huzza eott Is an Ingenious nlTalr, popular with the War Department because It Is com pact, portable, extremely durable, nnd simplifies cooking In tho Held nnd open air. It Is made of malleable Iron, which enn be beaten and pounded with sledges, but which will not break. When In transit tho range forms n chest In which are packed the boilers, pans and other cooking paraphernalia for 100 men. It requires no packing, burns nny kind of fuel, can be got ready for cooking In live minutes after being taken from a wagon or train, and as quickly taken down and loaded again If an emergency should arise. The range Is made In three sizes. One for twenty-live men Is In tended for the medical department, nn other for six men Is for olllcers nnd spe cial detachments, wiille tho third, with a cooking capacity of 100 men, Is for troop, battery, or company use. EMPEROR MENELIK NOW A TEMPERANCE REfORMER. Kmperor Menellk of Abyssinia has become a great temperaneo reformer. Moved by tho drinking excesses of his EIU'KKOH UENELIK. nobles, ho has forbidden tho sale of Intoxicants In any part of his dtmiahi, and tho heaviest penalties await tho one who ventures to Infrlno tho law. lluw to Keep Youuk, One of tho secrets of kivplutf young, vigorous and supple-Jointed. Is to cou tluuo to practice the activities of youth, nnd to refuse to allow tho ml ml to stiffen tho muscles by Its suggestion of ago limitations. If men like Peter Cooper nnd William B. Uladstone, who kept up the vitalizing exercises of ro bust manhood when far Into tho eigh ties, had succumbed at -10 to tho thought of npprojtchlug ago, how much of their valuable life work would have remained undone! Success. Of the Klmt Water. Customer Do you guarantee this anthracite? Denier Apply any chemical test, sir; that Is anthracite of the first water. Unkindly Communicative. Mr. Cash Clara holds her age well. Mrs. Cash Yes; but she tells every body else's." Wf mK .-J v mi "423 mm TACOMA ADVERTISING GAWLEY FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS Makers of High Grade Saw Mill Machin ery and Mill Specialties. Cor. 2lst and A St. TACOMA, WASH. Phono, Red 1041. Consumers Go-Operative Bakery JOHN PLUIIAIt, Manager. Cakes, Pies and Confectionery Ornamented Cakes a Specialty BREAD AT COST Two Loaves of Bread for 5 Cents Telephono, B'ock 1815. HOB Tacoma Avo. TAOOMAm THE STAR Livery S Boarding Stable A. KFAW. Boarding Horses a Specialty. Phone, Main 139. 1134-30-38 C St. TACOMA, WASH. CUE CEREAL COMPANY MANur.icTUiiKiis or Rolled Oats. Daily Bread Flour. Cereals of All Kinds. Feed. THE BEE HiVE Lunch Counter and Restaurant O. W1SSINOUR & M. C. RUSSULL, Propi, Tito only first-class and up-to-dato Restaurant now open and doing busi ness at 1544 Pacific Avenue. Our colToo is unexcelled. Sido dishes served such is sun ol in no other Res taurant in this city. Open All INight POPULAR PRICES. SEATTLE ADVERTISING MOIlTHWUSTKItN WON WOHKS. Manufacturers of Steumlioat, Mill and Mining Machln.'ry. Water Trout, Koot of Unlvcnlty 8t. Telephone l'IKK 73. Seattle, Wain. Sohwabaoher Bros. S Co., Ino. WHOLESALE GROCERS COFFEE ROASTERS Agents for Hernan Cortez, White Knight and Pontclla Cigars. rroprletoranjf Happy Home nnd Silver Shield Brand Canned (loods. BEATTLK, WASHINGTON. Wittler-Gorbin Machinery Go. Manufacturers ami Dealers in Saw Mill, Shingle Mill and Planing Mill Machinery. Engines, Boilers, Etc., Etc. Complete Alii Is Our Specialty. Cor. Jackson St. nnd Second Avo. South SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. BRUNSW1CK-BRLKE-G0LLENDER CO. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowllnpr Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J. G. REDDICK, Manager. TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. HENRY L0NGSTRETH, Pros. JOHN R. AKKLEY, Sec. and Trcas. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOHA, WASHINGTON. Write for copy of hnntlsomo illustrated booklet on Tacoma, just issued. WILLIAM W. MlLNEIt. DEGE & MILLINER. Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters Solo Agents for Hart, SchnfThcr & Marx and Alfred Benjamin A Co.'s Tnilor-Miulo Suits, Raincoats and Overcoats. Finest Lino of Haber dashery and Hats in Tacoma. Up-to-Dato Merchandise at Popular Prices. t : : ::::::::: 1108 Pacific Avenue. G. L. HOLMES FURNITURE COMPANY Patronize the House that has but One Price, and that the Right Price. "Live and Let Live" is our motto, Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Ranges, Crockery and Glassware, in fact, everything to furnish a simple cottage or a palace, either for cash or on installments. Nos. IIOI to 1105 Second Ave., Nos. 923 and 925 O Street, Tacoma Brass and Machine Works J. BAMFOUD, Proprietor. ...MACHINISTS... . ActntJ and Builder of the Flynn Shlnrjle Machine and Meteor Gasoline Engine. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. Telephone Main 477. Fifteenth and A Sts., Tacoma, "Wash Frye Bruhn & Co. 1310 l'aclllc Avenue, Tncoma, Wash. Wholesale and Retail Butchers Meats furnished for Railroads nnd Steamboat Lines. John Slobcnbaum. M. O. linker. Grand Central Hotel. hii:iu:niiai'm a iiakek, l'roprlotors. J2IJ-J213 Pacific Avenue. Prco 'Bus To nnd Prom All Trains and Boats. Rooms 50c, 75c, $1.00. Rates $1.00 a Day Up. American and European Plan. TACOMA WASH. Merchants Delivery Co. forwarding Agents for Northern Pacific, Great Morthern, Wells Fargo and American Express Compan ies; Swift & Co.! Omaha Packing Co.; American Paper Co. Etc. Baggage to and from Trains, Hotels, Etc. Telephone Main 168. 936 Commerce St. I acoma, Wash. Photo Supply Co. Kodaks and Supplies. TACOMA. 903 Pacific Ave. McLean, McMillan & Co. Wholesale and Itetail GROCERS. Proprietors of tho Laurel brand of high grade groceries. Telephones, Main 517 and Main 500. nil-13 O Street 012 Commerce Street TACOMA. WASH. JAMKS It. DKQE TACOMA, WASHINGTON Seattle, Wash. Tacoma, Wash. BLAKE?S DAVK BLAKE, Prop. Finest Resort for Gentlemen on the Pacific Coast. 1G1 Washington St., 8i:.mi.K. 110 fourth Pt, OI.YMPIA. 1Q1B PaoUIo Avo , TAOOMA. THE Pupt Sound Iron a Steel Works Machinists, Engineers and Iron Founders Marino, Saw Mill & Mining Machin ery. Lodging Engines. Works, corner Twenty-Hrst and A Sts. Phono Main 267. Tacoma, Wasnfngton. HUNT S IWOTTET CO. Dealers In General Hardware MILL AND LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. 1601-1603-1605 Pacific Avenue TACOMA, WASH. H. Hohenschild Go. FOREIGN and DOMESTIC Dry Goods Gents' Goods, Notions, Etc. 932 Pacific Ave. Tacoma. i Telephone, Black 1713. All work guaranteed. Gentlemen's clothing kept in thorough repair. Any losses made good immediately, 1152 Commerce Street TACOMA WASH. John Donahue Manufacturer of and Dealer in ...LUMBER Sawmill and OClce Twenty-first and Dock Sts. Telephone Main 289. Tacoma! Wash.