THE NEW AGE, POKTIiAND, OREGON. The New Age A. D. QRIFF1N, Manager. Office, 243 Stitrlc flt., Concord IIIiIk., FortUnil. Oregon. Entered nt tho postolllco at Portland, Oregon, MMCond class mattor. BlIISCKII'TION. One Tear, VujmUln In Ailvnnco R3.00 Established 1600. Printed at 2I5 Htark Third Floor. Ht. AN UNREASONAHLK DKMAND. Tho wlilto employes of a hotel Jn linker City attempted a boycott of tho hostelry last week becaitBO tho pro prlctor employed rfonie colored help, out It Ib reported Hint tho boycott did not Biiccced very well. It would bo ntrnngo If It hnd Bticccedcd in linker City, whoso pcoplo generally nro rtu intelligent and liberal ns tlioso of nny plnco In tho country. They bollvo In fnlr piny nnd tltoy linvo no objcctlonn to colored men coining ninong thorn nnd earning nn honest living, If thoy cnu find n clinnco to do bo. And to ob ject to colored help In n lnrgo hotel Ih ttbotit nn unrenflonnblo nn nny propo Bltlon over ndvnncod by nnybody. Trndcs-UiilonUm Ib nil right nB long hh It kcopB on rcnsonnblo ground nnd doninndH what Ib fnlr, but when, nB It hns done repentedly It do nlea to other men tho right to work bccmiRo of tho color of their uliln, it bccomcB Insolently nnd unbearably In tolerant nnd unreasonable. Merely on nccouut of their color, Negro In. borers, who only Bought or accepted nn opportunity tn mnko nn liontMt liv ing by hnrd work, linvo boon driven nut of Bovernl northern RtnteH, and Republican ntnteB, too. nt various times; have been assaulted, and many In tho nggregntu killed. Ah long nn this occurs nnd tho authorities do nothing to prevent It or to punish micli crimes, wo cannot call thin n elv lllzed, much less a Christina country, nor ouo of equal or fnlr rlghtH. Col ored peoplo nro cspcclnlly ndnptcd to hotel work, nnd nro employed In nil thu lending caravansaries of tho country, nnd no rensounblo guest, no person lit to put up nt n decent hotel, mnkes nny objection to them. Tho New Ago In pleaded to notlco tho po Bltlon taken on thU Incident by tho Telegram of this city, which says: "Such n boycott, undor tho clrcum stnncou ntntcd, Is entitled to no sym pathy or support whntovor. Why should not n "colored person" work in a hotel nB well nB nnybody else? Nobody but tho guests have a right to object, nnd luodt of thorn rather like tho colored pcoplo In such posi tions. These peoplo do acceptable Hervlco. Thoy linvo Just iib good n right to llvo, nnd to work, nnd to bo employed, and to earn and spend money, na whlto peoplo. Aro wo go ing to bar everybody with a dark skin from employment, from even menial Hervlco? Ib thin a specimen of tho civilization with which trades-un-louldin Is going to appeal to tho world for moral support? Tho Amorlcnu people, of whom tlioso of linker City nro n good typo, love fair piny, nnd tho colored poison Is entitled to n chnnco Just us well nnd iib much its tho per son with n whiter skin. The skin Ib only a thin covering; tho complexion Is it test neither of competency or of chnrncter. nomocracy demands fnlr and equal rlghta for men nnd women ut'd children, under tho law, nnd tho great Democratic American people will demand, and not vainly, that this rule bo not merely theoretical, but put nnd kept In practice." USUALLY THU CASK. It Is a noticeable fact that a very largo proportion of the people who aro loudest in their condemnation of tho Negro who commits, or Is uvea accused upon lnsuftlclcnt evldenco, of ciliuea of Ignorance nnd brutality, are tho very ones who object .most to tho education of tho Negro, and sneer moat scornfully nt ef forts to aid him to becomo a bettor man, Intellectually nnd morally. Theso men, themselves not only IncouBlatont but ignorant, con tend In support of their objections that the Negro Is not tho equal of tho whlto man In mental powers. Grant ing for tho sake of argument that this Is so, It Is no reason why ho should not be educated. Kducato him to develop his faculties nnd let him nnd his natural place In life. Professor Du Dots of the Atlantic University, in nn article lit tho Atlantic Monthly, makes n strong plea for higher education for the Negro nB the solution of tho Negro piobleiu of tho South. Tho Negroes, he Bays, aro not fools. They have tasted learning, and they will not cease to think or to try to read the riddle of tho world. "Hy taking away their best equipped teachers and cm, by slumming tho door of opportu nity lu tho faces of their bolder and brighter minds, will ou make them . hatisned with their lot, or w III you Hot rather transfer their leadlug from tho hands of men taught to think to tho hands of untrained demagogues? Wo ought not to forget tho activo dis couragement nnd ovon rldlculo of friends, tho demand for higher training steadily increasing nmong tho Ncgo youth. There wero In tho yenrs from 1875 to 1880, twenty-two Negro gradu ates from the Northern colleges; from 1885 to 1890 thcro wero forty-three, nnd from 1895 to 1000 nenrly 100 grad uated. From Southern Negro colleges thcro wero, In tho same three periods, 143, 413 nnd over 600 grnduntos. Hero, then, in tho plnln thirst for training; by refusing to glvo this talented tenth tho key to knowledge can nny sane man Imnglno thnt they will lightly lny nsldo their yearning nnd contentedly becomo he-wars of wood nnd drawers of wntcr?" . A DID VICTORY. Tho elections Inst week went ovon moro hcnvlly Republican than nt first nppenrcd. Tho Republlcnn majority In Wnshlngton mounted up to over 20,000, nnd In Idaho to 7,000, whllo Colorado nnd Montana nlao went Re publlcnn. This was n protest against Democratic policies to somo extent, but It wns Btlll moro nn indorsement of tho President. Ho will carry those states nn well as nil tho others of tho North nnd West, by tromondoiiB ma jorities In 1901. 'ino Now Ago con gratulates tho Republicans of Oregon, Washington, Idnho nnd Montana, In nil of which It tins lnrgo nnd Increas ing ntimbor of patrons, on thin Re publlcnn victory though considering moro poMonnllty thcro nro no better men thnn tho lending Democrats of thCBo grand young states. Hon. Levi Ankcny of Wnlla Wnlla, probably tho next United Stntos Sen ator from Washington, was In tho city thin weok, on his wny to Pugot Sound. Mr. Ankcny will bo awny In tho load of any other candldnto nt Olympln next wlntor, nnd mny bo elected on tho first ballot. Ho desorvos tho honor. In nlno cases out of ten tho same man who helps "roast it nigger" for being n brute refuses to aid In tho mnlntnncneo of nn Institution to tench tho Negro to bo something higher thnn n brute, nnd In nlno cases out of nlno ho wishes thnt thero wero moro brutes to bo roasted Governor Gcer has declined to cnll an oxtrn session of tho Legislature, and to, probnbly has grcntly ombnr rnssod tho proposod LowIb and Chirk fnlr; but tho Oovornor hnd to consldor hid senatorial candidacy nnd has no oeeasiou to lovo Portland over much. Something must bo douo soon about our closed bridges. Where Ib tho monoy coming from to replnco them? That Ib the Important question of tho hour, COMING ATTRACTIONS. Tho dlnloguo of "Pennsylvania," tho now heart story of the anthracite district, by C. 10. Callahan and Daniel L, Hart, Is always forceful and often witty, tho characters quaint nnd nat ural, being drawn from real person ageB living near Wllkesbarro; and tho climaxes, whllo very strong nnd ef fective, nro never overdrawn or be yond the bounds of reason. The com edy sltuntloiu nro extremely funny, nnd thero are no moro humorous bo lugs upon tho stage thnn Nancy Dav is, the conl bank girl; Sam Potts, tho man or cards, or llugliy Dougherty, tho Hibernian American, who despm cb "Furrlners." Tho Knglo quiirft Ib acknowledged to bo without n sup erior, if any equal. Tho scenery is nil special, nnd extremely realistic. This big production, "Pennsylvnnln," la announced to appear nt Cordrny's Theater Sunday, Monday Tuesday nnd Wednesday, beginning with Sunday matinee, November 10. Messrs. Gray nnd Heckert nro pre senting this popular comedy this sea son In a most elaborate and oxpcnslvo style, nnd their efforts to delight the comedy-lovers of this country are meeting with the unanimous support tiiat they Justly deserve. For threo nights only, commencing Thursday, No ember 20, with matinee Saturday, this play will bo given at Cordrny's. Neatly furnished rooms at reason able rates apply to Mrs. Aunlo Yates, S07 Couch street. Call at KuiiKtu it Wntkins, dealers in cigars, tobacco and confections, soda water, etc. 03 Sixth stieot, Portland, Oregon, Tho Yakima Market, H. A. Hroson, manager, fresh nnd cured meat and poultry, 143 First street. Oregon 'phone Main 989. Aetna Banking and Trust Company BUTTE, MONTANA ii j -, ommitmi ioo,oae.oa Under tate wpervulon. Five per cent inter!, payable quarterly, paid on deposits """ id ccMifv F. AUO. HEIMie, rrmmldmn OEO. D. ELLIS. Pram J. O. PC HUE, VlcmPrmt. CAPITAL STATE Llmkud Banking in all itt branches. Your business solicited. BOISE, A Wholesale Philanthropist. One of tho plnns of modern giving offers a certain sum provided an equal amount is raised to meet It In n re cent enso the amount to be raised reached n tantalizing total and halted. A friend of the Institution that was to bo enriched went to Andrew Carnegie and laid tho facts beforo him. Theso ho drove home by all the eloquence ho could comtnnnd. Mr. Cnrnegio listened attentively. Finally the speaker pnused and looked to Mr. Carnegie for tho fa vorable word. "My friend," said tho great million aire, dryly, "I nni not in the retail busi ness." Philadelphia Post A Designing AVoman. Sue She has designs on him. Hello HInco when? Sue Oh, ever bJiico ho consented to wear n nccktlo thnt sho embroidered. Philadelphia Record. TJ IVER FRONT BALOON. C. It. Finks, Prop CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. 410 Northrup St., Cor. 11th A X. Phono Clay 213. Privato Rooms Portland, Oregon rMPKMAL DRUO CO. H Sixth Street North, between Davis and Kverott. Oregon 'Phono North 1976. Portland, Oregon mllK REST BRANDS OF CASE GOODS. THE PORT 0V PORTLAND. II. I.UDWIO, Proprietor. Fltio Wines and Liquors of all kinds. mi M North Sixth Street. Portland, Oregon ..ESMOND .. HOTEL. Portland, - Oregon. Front and Morrison Streets. ItATKHl European Plan, 50c to $ .50 Per Day American Plan, $ to $2 Per Dai OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager. J. C. PENDKOAST. Chief Clerk. SPOKANE ADVERTISING BRUMMIT & GRAHAM DKALKRS IN Family Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Fancy Groceries Bpolano Club Building HO Washington St Phono Main t3 SPOKANU, WASH. The CRESCENT SPOKANE'S GREATEST STORE Ow ucd and operated by tho Spokano Dry Goods Oom ltlverslilo Ave. and Mill St. Spokano, Wash Wholesale and Retail BREAD, ICE CREAM, PASTRY SENGFELDER'S Salesroom and Office S. J J Howard Street Factory S. 207 to 2J3 Washington Street Phone Main 306 "We ship everywhere and anywhere Spokano Bakery Qo. V'sVsVVV.'V. Rasher & Kingman Vehicles and Implements. Corner Lincoln and Railroad. Spokane, Washington. NlKhl Hell I'hone Drown 961 Paragon Pharmacy J. H. FANNINQ, Prop. Prescriptions a specialty. Corner Howard and First Ave. Spokane, - - - Washington. on neai csiaio A. B. OLEMEMTS, CamAtor H. E. HEAL. Bmmhlmm FAY D. reUtte, lulOuA'r BANK OF IDAHO IDAHO IDAHO ADVERTISING. A DOLPH SCIIIIEIBER. . Funeral Director. 918-920 Front Street, Oppostto R. R, Depot Park. Veil phone 212F. I ml. phono 489. BOISE, IDAHO. VTATE RANK OF IDAHO. Welter, Idaho. CAPITAL, $60,000. Edward Shalnwnld, President. Chai. J. Belwyn, Cashier. Alto lim a branch at Cambridge', Idaho. People's Hank. Solicits your business. Tho rpHK COMMERCIAL HOTEL. A, Illnkoy, Proprietor. First class In all respects. Special attention Riven lo commercial raon. Long distance tclo phono in connection. NAMPA, IDAHO. The Bank of Nampa. FRED O. MOCK, Cashier. WE SOLICIT YOUR B08INE8S. NAMPA, IDAHO STAR LIVERY, FEED AND HOARDING 8TARLB First class rigs furnished to all points. Spe clal ratci to Emtnctl, Star, Peart and Snake River. Special attention given to commercial men, W. J. DUVALL, Proprietor, .Nampa, Idaho. Hotel Weiser, Wclscr, Idaho. BARTON a BRIZENDINE, Proprietors. Freo Fnmplo Rooms. Rates reason able. Minora', Stockmen's nnd Com mercinl Men's llendquarters. Largest and best appointed hotel in Western Idaho. Rooms with bath, Hteam heat and electric call bells. Har bor shop in connection. The Idan-ha IDAXIIA HOTEL CO., Ltd., Proprietors E. W. SCIIUI1FRT, Mnnagor. BOISE, IDAHO. OPENED JANUARY, 1901 AMERICAN PLAN. RATES $2.50 AND UPWARDS. Headquarters for Tourists, Mining Men and Commercial Travelers. Prescott, Brandt & Co., Office with J. II. OltAYMLL, Immigration Agt. O. 8. L. It. R. REAL ESTATE AGENTS The great home land-ralltl climate, pure mountain air, flue water. Tho death rate li lower in Idaho than In any other state In the Union, ho cyclone, storms or billiards. First premium on fruit at the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893; I'arlt Kxpoiltion, 1900. Flnt premium on Ijvmba at Chicago Stock Show, 1900. Gold, silver, copper, coal, One timber. Grow wheat, oats, barley, corn, all kinds of cultivated graaiei, and vegetables to perfec tion We will be pleated to show you line Irri gated lands at Nampa, Ilolie, Caldwell, Payette and other point). We hate bargains Inland from 110.00 per acre up. Correipondence so licited. Addren PRESCOTT, BRANDT & CO. Room &. Illckey llulldlng, NAMPA, IDAHO FOR CHEAP HOMES And How to Reach Them, Call On or Address J. H. GRAYBILL, Traveling Imnigratioo Agiiit Dngoo Short Line Br. NAMPA, IDAnO. CITY LAUNDRY CO. Gents' Work a Specialty. Plans: Until 421, bliahli 411. FOURTH AND COUGH STS., PORTLAND, OREGON UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY Tin Btst ki Currant Littratun 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 pen year; 2Sct.a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES - (VERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELP igBPfiBByauspsMtBifusliMB Ml 1 MyTyig'fcpJ9MBKBf HOTEL COST $1,000,000. The Portland h. o. mowers, muw. American Plan, $3 Per Day anil Up war A HEADQUARTERS FOIt TOURISTS AMD OOMMEROIAL TRAVELERS, Portland, Orogon. THE HELENA E. C. GREENE, Manager. AMERICAN PLAN. An Up-to-Date Hotel, is Be ing Refurnished Throughout. RATES: $3 and $4 Per Day. Free Sample Rooms to Commercial Men. HELENA, MONT. Southern Hotel BUTTE, MONT. Rates, $1 to $1.50 Per Day DAN TEWEY, Prop. Kum-C-Me. HOTEL STATE Under New Management. W. A. KOONTZ, Prop. Fint-Cla Dining Room. American Plan. Bar in Connection. Free Sample Room. Frc Bus. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS Walla Walla, Wash. The White House FOR YOUIt Clothing:, Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. EVER WILLING to SERVE YOU RALPH E. GUICHARD, Prop. TtleptoneKedCCl VIX MJn fctrtet. WALLA WALLA, WASH. The Hotel Ridpath SPOKANE, WASH. MRS. M. EATON, Mgr. A Strictly First-Class and Modern Hotel for Tourists and Com mercial Men. The Finlen R. B. TAYLOR, Prop. Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men. The Only Hotel in the City American Plan $3.oo to $5.oo Per Day. PORTLAND. Dewey Palace CHAS. WEIS1DE, Manager. Everything new and up to the times. Table and rooms the best the market affords. Assembly hall. Barber Shop. Billiard rooms. Bowling Alleys. Electric Lights. Hot and cold water. Rooms en suite with bath. Livery stable In connection. Steam heat. Best beds and rooms in the country. The bar is sup plied with everything you want. Bank in the building. Everything up-to-date. Nothing missing. Head quarters for tourists and commer cial men J J J J J J NAMPA IDAHO. The Spokane (European Plan.) The Leading: Hostelry in the State of Washington. Headquarters for the Traveling; Public Special Simple Rooms with Arc light. 50 NEW BATH-ROOM SUITES Eleg-ant Public and Private Dining Rooms. SPOKANE, WASH. HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICORD, Prop. Heated by Steam. Hot and Cold Baths. Electric Calls and Electric Lights in every Room, o J j EUREPEAN PLAN Rooms 50c, 75c and $1.00 Per Dty. Meals, 25 Cents. Freo Bus nnd Freo Samplo Rooms. 209-13 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE Hotel Cadillac EDQAR E. K. SCHMITT, Prop. Strictly First-Class. Mod ern. European Plan. Sin gle or en Suite J1 J Reservation by Wire. Commercial, News Headquarters. SPOKANE, WASH, HOTEL WHITMAN ALLEN & LARKIN, Props. A New Hotel With Modern Improvements. COLFAX, WASH. HENRY HEWETT & CO. Fire and Marine Insurance. Rooms SO and 27, Shorlock Building Cor. Third and Oak Sta. PORTLAND. OB. OUTTE. MONT.