THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. J TOPICS OF 5 THE TIMES. Every mnn pities himself more or less, but few deserve half of It. The death of Zola has served to re mind the world that Dreyfus still lives. A man suing for divorce calls his wlfo n cold-blooded proposition. Feet, prob ably. Mr. Ilacr has not as yet expressed any fear of whut may happen to a man who dies rich. Tho lady who swallowed a bottle of furniture polish doubtless had that ma hogany brown taste. IttiBBolI Sage has almost arrived at a point from which ho Is ablo to sco that money Isn't everything. Tho Yoho woman and tho Strong tnnn have been married at last, and this Is as good a time as any to forget them. A French physician says education breeds Insanity. Tho theory will enable us to account for tho sanity of somo jicople. A watched pot never bolls, and tho chances aro that those Venetian steeples whose collapse Is.untlclpattd will never tumble. Tho Sultan of Cardamonsccd was killed by tho Americans. The Sultau of Hulti was murdered some time ago by Georgo Ado. Lieut. 1'eary says that tho arctic re gion Is tho place for consumptives. Most people would prefer less lung and more comfort. l'i Zimmerman hns given tho Man-chesti-r baby ?l!r0,00). Tho dulco will now ho ablo to work up (jutto a llttlu popularity with chorus girls for a year or two. Tho defender of ono of tho St. Louis hoodlum alluded to bribery as a "con ventional crime." What 1h needed now Is hoiiiu good, conventional punishment to lit It. A Now York man who died tho other day left a collection of over MR) snuff boxes. So live, young man, that when you die tho world will see you had a dellultu object and aim In life. Ono of tho curious Inconsistencies of good people Is their eager sympathy for the whitewashed villain of romance, mid their unwillingness to believe of a living man that ho Is not ho bad as he Is painted. It Is said that ono American maga eIiio has received within ono year !(), 000 unsolicited manuscripts, of which number only ninety were accepted. Tho young man or woman who has chosen literature as a profession hus a luird road to travel. A citizen has been cut open by tho doctors to recover a set of false teeth which were afterward discovered In a mattress. It Is to bu suggested, there fore, that tho next time baby swallows Ills rattle tho skillful surgeons should cut open tho mattress on tho baby's crib. "You could not hit a bam door!" cried a little boy of eleven to an older lad who held a rlllo In his hand. "Is that no?" retorted tho other, as he tired a bullet through the child's lung. "It was all iny fault 1" gasped tho little fel low before ho died. Could tho "dare" offered and accepted, tho widespread lack of self-restraint, and tho reckless use of llrearins bo more concisely epi tomised? The school children In Uegglo noil' rmllla, Italy, aro required to commit o memory ten precepts formulated by the now socialist city government. Tho llrst Is, "Lovo thy schoolmates, for they will be thy coworkers for life," nml tho last Is, "Let It be thy purpose In life to hasten the day when nil men, as free citizens of n free State, live In jieneo nnd happlneos In truo brother hood." Theso aro excellent principles, nnd tho socialists deserve credit for teaching them, although they did not originate and cannot monopolize them. Among tho tendencies of tho times none Is mom gratifying than those that nro gradually making rural life less ob jectionable to tho best elements of our society. The tide of rural exodus to tho city shows somo signs of turning. Those who have been leaving tho old farms have more and more disposition to turn back. Tho rush of rural com inunltles cityward Is being stayed and tho country districts show more and more marked signs of being rescued from desertion. Certainly no more hopeful Indication were possible City life stands, on tho whole, for mental, moral and physical deterioration. Winston Churchill Is probably the most distinguished contribution to tho Now Hampshire Legislature since tho memorable accession of Charley lloyt. Mr. lloyt wielded n potent lutlueuco In legislation by freely distributing passes to tho "Hag Paby" and tho "Parlor Mutch," and Mr. Churchill Is lu tho name enviable position as a dramatic author of power and standing. Wo shall watch the nico to glory betweeu Mr. Churchill nnd Mr. Turkltigton with tho liveliest Interest. Whou a man has sounded nil tho depths and shoals of lit erature, and wearies of tho empty hon ors of tho arduous life, ho naturally turns with longing to the culm, peace- existence of tho State Tho bequest of a French millionaire follows to a certain extent a plan of Cecil Rhodes for educating Americans at Oxford. The sum of ono hundred and twenty thousand dollars Is set apart as a fund to enable French utu dents to study philosophy and religious sciences In German universities. Thero Is also n fund for tho support of a German university professor to lecture In Paris under tho auspices of the College of France. In such Instances of liberal giving thero Is more than n recognition of the educational advan tages In Institutions of learning for foreigners who enroll themselves there in. Tho civic acquisition, euro to fol low such a residence, Is not tho least result. To know other countries more thoroughly Is, generally, to apprcclato better tho excellences of ono's imUvo land, and to realize inoro clearly tho de fects of administration, If such thero be. John Charles Collins died tho other day In New York. Never heard of him? That Is because he was a bravo man who kept his sorrow locked In his own breast and refused to whine. You've seen tho picture of a Jolly boy, his arms full of snowballs, waiting for u victim to pass his way. John Charles Collins painted that. It was his best piece of work, and thousands of copies of It were printed. Hut ho was an art istnot a business man. Cod gives to few men genius nnd also tho ability to make money. Bo John Charles Collins dropped out of sight and pasted his Inst days painting campaign banners to gain a bare livelihood. Ills belong ings told a story of poverty. Thero were pawn tickets by tho scoro. At first ho had parted with paintings, and then one by ono his other valuables passed into tho hands of tho money lender. There weru letters tliut told of a con sumptive sou who was sent to Colo rado In tho vain search for health. They wero full of endearing expressions. This old man loved his son with all the forco of his nature. Every letter was signed "Pop," and tho artist had re fused to let his boy know of his fath er's poverty or tho cheorlessncss of his life. It was plain that every dollar that could 1m spared, that could bo rais ed by pinching and starvation, went to "Pop's" sick boy. That Is about all. John Charles Collins Is dead nnd John Charles Collins' boy Is dead. Tho thing Is one of life's little tragedies that holds humanity for a minute, brings a tear to tho surface nnd then wo for get. A Gorman peasant declared that his small earnings were divided Into three parts, one of which went toward pay ing nu old debt, another to support him self nnd wlfo; the third ho put out as a loan. When surprise was expressisl that ho could do all this, ho explain ed that tho paying of tho old debt camo lu tho support of aged parents, nnd that ho regarded tho expense of rearing his children, who would somo tlmo look out for him, ns money lent In a some what different wny tho world at largo Is living In part on an Inheritance of tho past, and nt tho sumo time Is lay ing by something for coming genera tions. Tho fresh grain Holds of this new country nro dispensing each year from tho wealth that they have been storing through tho centuries; our grandchildren will necessarily cultivate lands of considerably diminished fertil ity. In llurope tho scramble for fei tlllidug substances has become keen, and as they are found lu stored beds, In most cases, their uso represents only a more Indirect "wearing out of tho earth." Mineral deposits, such as coal, oils and ores, In course of exhaustion, affords a still more striking example of what the past has bequeathed to us. Can we do anything to maintain a good balance In the treasure house of na ture? This question Is entirely prac tical. It enters Into the work of sev eral divisions of tho Agricultural De partment, notably tho bureau of for estry. Inventors In the mechanic nrts aro also helping to suggest answers. Public Improvements In parks and highways, lu drainage works and Irri gation systems, except those which nro transmitted to posterity with huge debts, really constitute a gift from the present to tho future. Nations should practice economy with their natural stores, Just as Individuals do lu the use of a modest patrimony. It was only a wag who remarked that ho cared noth ing for posterity because It had neer done anything for him. KIhIi Flour. Ono of Norway's chief Industries Is represented by tho tlsherles, nnd Quan tities of fish aro sold at very low rates, particularly during summer. Ono way lu which theso are utilized Is by menus of an Invention which quickly dries and pulverizes the llesh of fresh llsh, Tho resulting product, called tlsh Hour, Is easy to transport from one plaeo to another and has great nutri tive value A new nnd prolltnhlo branch of Industry might be established lu America, by utilizing tlsh In this way. Doing tho llest Ho Coultt. "Hoyl" shouted the woman, with her head out of tho window, "what ye throwln' stones at?" "At yer cat," replied the loy. "And what are you throwln' nt my cat for?" "Hecauso ye hain't got no dog to throw nt." Htvoklyn Citizen. IiiinutleH lu tlio Army. A French writer states that of every 100,000 men of the army or naval pro fession 1D0 become hopeless luuutlcs. Among mechanics the number Is only slxty-alx per 100.000. Tho procrastination of tho baby's teeth is tho thef of papa's slumbers. Tho otllce may seek tho man, but tho boy looklug for a Job comes In buuehM. ful, scholarly Legislature. TACOMA ADVERTISING Tacoma Trunk Factory. Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases and Telescopes. REPAIRING DONE. 730 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. S. POSNER. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions. Cloaks and Suits. P46 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. T1IOMAH H. IlUKLKY, Mnnagcr. Km. Tel. John 801. HOlllillT McOULLOUOII, Secretary. Km. Tel. John 851. TACOMA TOG AND BARGE GO. TOGS FEARLESS, PAIRFIELD, FAVORITE and FALCON. Oonernl Towing. C'onl, llnllast nnd Wntcr furnished. Scows nnd Ilnrgcs for Kent. Tho 'Tearless" Is lifted with powerful llro nnd wrecking pump. All buslneM cornmtinica tlons to 1)0 ndrirt'Mrd Tncomn Tug and llargo Co. Ofllco: l'ncillo Cold Btorago bulldlug, Northern Pacific Dock. Telephone- Main 69. Tncomn, Washington. H. A. DURR, Proprietor of Cascade Steam Laundry Nowly Fitted and Ono of tho Best Laundries In tho Northwest. isoa-ll C Btroet 1810-12 Commercial Btrcct Tclophouo Main 320 Tacoma, Washington E8TAM.I8HED 1684. To The Trade: D. M. HOFFMAN & CO. EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE DEALERS Aro now opon for business with the largest and llncst stock in tho city. Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1340 Pacific Avo, Phono Main COO. Tho only excluslvo wholcsnlo Itouso in Tacoma. Boarding IIoriM Specialty, Tel. Main 499 CLARK'S LIVERY and TRANSFER STABLES JOHN CLARK A SON, Proprietor. Hicks and Rigs Furnished on Short Notlci No. 1210 A Street, Tacoma, Washington. CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS md Gents' Furnish Ing Eoods. Belter than the ordinary and without extra cost Best lighted and most convenient storo in the city. DICKSON BROS. CO. Cmmeral Outfitter , 170- Pmolfkt Avm. Tmommm SPOKANE ADVERTISING Wholesale and Retail WHISKIES Wines and Cigars. DURKIN. Telephone Main 731. Alllo and Spraguc, SPOKANE For tho Latest Styles go to W. W. DREYFOOS IKE HATTER AND F New Club Building Cor. Riverside and Washington SPOKANE, WASH. Established 1887. Arthur D. Jones & Co. (Incorporated.) Cor. Rlvcrsldo Avo. nnd Lincoln St. Telephone Main 055. Real Estate. Renting. Property Agent. Lands. Insurance. Loans. Capital $20,000. Agent Hillyard Townslte Co. 907 nivcrsldo Avcnuo Etnplro Btato Hulldtng SPOKANE, WASII. THE HIEBER Brewing & Malting Co.'s DOTTLED PILSENER Lager Beer riiono,205. SPOKANE, WASH. SPOKANE DRUG CO. Wholesale Drugs The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug; House in the State SPOKANE, WASH. Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD AND COAL. 120 Madison Street, SPOKANG, WASH. Union Iron Works Iron and Brass Founders and Machinists. Mining. Smoltlng and Saw Mill Machinery end Supplies. Engines, Hollers. Hoists, Crush, ors, Ho:no Whims. Pulleys, shafting. Ktc, Ktc. Heavy lllacksnilthtng aud Itepalr Work a Hpo. dally. Write us for estimates. Tel. Main 43. Codes: Lienor's, Morelng & .Seal. Montgomery St. and S. P. A N. Ry., Spokane, Washington Crystal Steam and Laundry Hand A Specialty of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED TEL. 670. Noar cor Division and North River Av. NATIONAL IRON WORKS Manufacturers of Stum Engines, Boilers, Elevators, Archi tectural Iron Work, Quartz Mills and Crush ers, Concentrators, Ore Cars, Buckets and General Mining and Mill Machinery. Every description of Wrought Iron Work, Iron and Brass Castings. Machinery and Boiler Repairs a Specialty. J. H. BOYD, Pros, and Manager. Tel. Alain 176. Spokane, Wash SPOKANE DRY GOODS COMPANY Importers and Jobbers Dry Goods Notions and Furnishings Office and Salesroom Riverside and Mill St Spokane Wash nV KAIL AND WATEIt. A lino ID CO. WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS I1KTWKEN Portland, istoria- Seaside Leaves For Maygcrs. Rain, ler, Clntskanlo Wcstport, Clifton, Astoria, Warren, ton, Klavcl, dear, linrtl'nrk and Sea side. Astoria A Seashore Express Dally. Astoria Express Dally. Arrives Union Depot Portland Union Depot rortiauu 80 a.m. 11:10 a.m. 9:40 p.m. dlMp, m. (2:30 p.m. Dally except Saturday. Saturday onlr. Ticket oflicc, 255 Morrison street, and Union depot, Portland. 1 J. C. MAYO, Gen. l'ass. Agent, Astoria, Or. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will Ul-fl tlA.II.H.1 foot ol Washington St., llinmdnv nvoiiini? nt A Sunday, Tuesday ant Ihursda o'clock, lor trauvlcs Island, St. Helens, Caples, Deer Island, Martins, Kalania, Ncer City, Itanler.Mt. Collin. Mavirer. Htilla. Oak Point. Frccinatis, Matuanlllo.Clatskanie aud all way landing. Ladies Especially f Traveling on Trains of the C. St. P. M. &. O. Ry. Tho daintily furnished rotlrliu; rooniH nnd cony I'omtmrtinuntH nll'ord nil tho prlvnw of your own homo a'ld naio trrtvil ij n tileiimiro mid dt light. The North-Western Limited Dally, between Minneapolis, Ht. I'aul aud Chicago, Is tho peer of all lino trains Ileforo starting on a trip no matter whero write for Intcrrittnir Informa tion about comfortablu traveling. C.J. ORAV. M. L. SISLRR, Traveling Agt. UcneralAgt. 348 Alder Htreet, Portland, Or. TICKETS To and from all POIINTS EAST SIIOIIT LINK TO ST. PaUL.DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND l'OI.STS KA8T. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers: Pining and Hult'et Smoking Library Cars. DAILY Tlt.UNS. KA8T TIME. For rates, folders and full Information regard. Ing tickets, routes, etc., call on or address II. DICKSON'. City Ticket Agent, 1'ortland, Or. J. W. 1'HAI.ON.T. P. A., Ki Third bt Portland, Or. A. B. C. DENNISTON, a. W. P. A., 61 J Mrst Are., Seattle, Wash. White Collar Line Portland -Astoria Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT." Dally round trips except Sunday. TIMK CAItU. Leaves Portland 7:00 A. M LeaTs Astoria 7.00 i, j( Through Portland connection with Steamer Itahcotta from llwaco and Long Deach points. White Collar Line tickets Interchangeable with O. It. i N. Co. and V. T. Co. tickets. TheDalles-Portland Route STEAMERS "TAHOMA" and "METLAKO" Dally trips except Sunday, ' Str. "TAHOMA." Leares Portland. Won., Wed., Krl 7:00 A. M Leaves The Dalles, Tues., "lhurs. BaL,7:00 A. M Str. "METLAKO." Leaves Portland, Tues., Thu.. Sat 7 M A. M. Leaves The Dalles Mon., Wed... FrL.7 :W) A. M, Landing aud office: Foot Alder Street. Doth phones Main Ul. Portlaud, Oregon. AGENTS. J. W.CniCHTON A. K. ri'LLEK WOLFOltl) AW VERS,. HENltY OLMSTEAD JOHN T.TOTTEN J.C. WYATT A.J.TAYLOU The Dalles, Or. . . .Hood Ither. Ore White tahnon, Wash, . .Caron, Wash. .... Stevenson, Wash, . . Yauoouver, Wash. ...Astoria, ore. E. W. CRICHTON, Portland, Oregon via Ill KAIL AND TVATEIt, OREGON Shot Line and union Pacific DSTABT TIME SCHEDULES Portland, or. Anatva Chicago Portland Special S'.bOa. m. via Huntington, Enlt Lake. Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louls,Chlcagoand East. 4:30 p.m. At'antlo Kx press 8:60 p.m. via Huntington. Walla Walla Lewis ton, BpoUano, Min neapolis, Ht, Paul, Dulutli. Mllwau kce.Chlcago.tittast 8: 10 a. m. St. i'aul Fait Mall C:15 p. m. via Spokane Bait Lake, Denver, 7:00a.m. Ft. Wortn.omatia, Kansas City, St. Louls,Uhlcagoaud East. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE VltOSI l'OKTLAND. 10 p.m. All railing dates subject to chauge For Fan Francisco 1:00 p. m. toll every s days. Dally Ex. Sunday a. :00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 p. in. Columbia Rlvir (tssmsrs. To Astoria and Way Landings. 00 p. m. Ex. Hundsy CMS a.m. Mon., Wed. aud Fri. Wlllamstl River. Water permitting. Otcpon City, Neir berg, Halem, Incl. pmdence, Corval. lis aud Way Land ings. 4:fp.m. Kx. Sunday 7:f0a.m. lues.. Thur. and Sat. Willamette and Yam hill fivers. Water permitting. Oregon City, Day. ton, A Way Laud lugs. 8:tio p.m. Mon., Wed. and Fri. Lr. Klparla 4:0 a. m. Dally except Monday. Snake River. Lr.LevTliton Hlparla to Lowliton 7:uu a. m. Daily except jiiouuay. A. L. CRAIG, General l'asscnger Agent, 1'ortland, Or. C. W. STINQETl, City Ticket Agent, Thlrk aud Washington M reels. TIME CARD OF TRAINS $m Cl! PORTLAND Depart. Arrlre. Puget Pound Limited 7:15 A. M. 0M5 P. M. Kansas City t St. Ixjuis Special 11:10 A.M. 11:10 P.M. North Coast Limited 8:30 P. M. 7:00 A. M. Tacoiun.Peattle Night Express 11:43 P. M. 8:05 P. M. Take Puget Pound Limited or North Coast Limited for dray's Harbor olnts. Tako Puget bound Limited lor Olympta direct. Take Puget Sound I.lml'jd or Kansas City; St. Louts Special for points on South lleud branch. I'uuuiu uauy irnui service on uoy ii.iuui 1 branch. At rour trains uauy uciween i-orwauu wui. coma aim ocaiiio. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant fleneral Passenger Agent, Hi Morrison St., Portlaud, Or. EAST SOUTH LEAVE DEPOT. SIXTH AND 1IOYT STS. ARRIVE 8:30 P.M. OVERLAND EX TRESS TRAINS for Salem. Iloseburg,Ash laud, Sacramento. Og den, San Francisco, Molave, Los Angeles, El Paso, New Orleans aud the East, At Woodburn dally except Sunday, morn. Ing train connects with train forMt.Au gel.Silverton.Browns. 7;UA.M. 1:80 A.M. 7:00 P.M. ville, Springfield and Itatron, and local for Mt. and SUverton, Albany Angel 4:00 P.M. 7:30 A.M. U:50P,M. ...Albany Passenger... ..Corvallls Passenger.. .Sheridan Passenger 10:10 A.M. 8:P.M. 8:15 A.M. Dally. UDaily except Sunday. YAMHILL DIVISION. Tassenger Depot, foot of Jefferson street. Leave Portland dally for Oswego at 7:20 A.M.. li:S0, 1:45, 3:25, 4:W 6:25, 8:30 P. M. Dally except Sunday, 5:30, 9:40, A. M., 5:05, W: P.M. Sunday only, 9 A.M. , Arrive at Portland dally at 8:30 A. M., 1:35, 8:10, 4;S0, 8:15. 7M0, 10 p. M. Dally except aun day 6:35 ,10:60 A. M.; except Monday, 12: A. M. Sunday only, 10:05 A. M. Leave for Dallas dally except Sunday, 5:03 1: si. Arrive roriiana, v:sj a. m. Dah.l. tl.l .1. An ..I. PnrtlAnd.SaO ram en to and San Francisco. Net rates, 117.50 first class and ftl second class. Second class Includes sleeper: first class does not. . Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. AJM JAPAN. CHINA, HONOLULU and AUS CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third nJ Washington streets. Phone Main 7U. 0 0CDEH4SHASTA I lfJ)MUttS0 X"