The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, November 15, 1902, Image 1

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    y-K I
TfVWnu MmM
The New Age.
VOL. Til.
NO. 33.
I m
Daelgnated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States.
freaident. H. W. Corbctti caahler, B. O. Wlthlngtoni assistant cashier, J. W. Nowklrki second
assistant cashier, W. C. Alvord.
Letters of oredlt Issued, available In Kuropo and the. Eastern etates. Bight exchange and
elagraphlo transfers sold on New York, Boston, Chicago, Omaha, St. Paul, Ban Francisco and
lb prinolpal points In the Northweit. Sight and time Mill drawn la turns te suit on London,
ftrfr, Berlin, Wanktort-on-the-Maln, Hong Kong.
Collections made on favorable terms at all accessible point.
Katabllihed In 1800.
Interest allowed on tlmo deposits.
Collections made at alt points on favorable terms. Letter! of credit lssneel
Available in Kuropo and the Eastern states.
Sight exchange and Tologrnphlo Transfers sold on New York, Washington,
Chicago, St. Louis, Donvor, Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore
ton, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia.
Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Ilong Kong.
Founded 1884. Oldest and Largest Bank in Southwest Washington
OFFICICIlHt D. F. OM)KN, President; M. ALEXANDER, Vice rroildent! H. N. COP-
KIN, Cashier) 1. M. II AINK8, Assistant Cashier.
DIItKUTOHMi ItobU Noble, Thou. Davis. l. P. Olden, J, M. Ualncf, J. K. Yatoe, 3. D.
Morrow, T. Regan, M. Alexander, V. it. Co (tin.
Ammmunim of Bank. Flrmm, Oornormllonm nnd Indtwldnmlm ltmmhrmd nn
thn Mnnt Ubmrml Tnrmn Omnmlmlmnt With Sound Banking.
Walla Walla, Washington. (First National Bank In the State)
Transacts a Qeneral Banking Business.
CAPITAL 1100,000. SURPLUS 100,000.
LEVI ANKENY, Prosldont. A. II. REYNOLDS. Vico President A. R. DURFORD, Cuhler
Pendleton, Oregon.
Capital, $70,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, 100,000.00.
RESERVE AGENTS First National Bank. Chicago. III.; First National
Bask, Portland, Oregon; Chemical National Bank, Now York, N. Y.
OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Levi Ankenr, President; W. F.Matlock,
ice President: O. B. Wado. Cashier t H. O. Gnorensr. Assistant Cashier: J. S.
MoLeod, W. S. Brent, W. F. Matlock,
Organized March I, 1880. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, 8C6.000.
Interest allowed on tlmo doposits. Exchange bought and sold on all prin
cipal points. Special attention given to collections.
W. J. Furnish, Prosldont J. N. Teal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris, Cashier.
Five Reasons for it
8 Count 'Em. 1. No chnrgo for testing.
2. Thorough cxnminntlons with modern scientific instruments.
3. Courteous trcatmont, We don't hurry patlonts.
4. Our Glasses improve the looks.
8 Count 'Era. 5. Very Roasonablo prices.
Remember the Place
Willamette Iron
Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers,
Marin and Stationary Engines and Boilers,
Saw Mill. Logging and Mining Machinery,
Roll Grinding and Corrugating Machinery,
Power Transmission Machinery.
Wa art constantly developing Modern Machinery for special purposes, which
ur up-to-date plant enables us to build accurately and economically.
!&'"" SSnSSi Anchor
Qreat Combination ot Strength and Beauty.
Thi Tib That Botes."
H Turn Old Fxkcs. Tub Anchor Fxnca,
wjUMLm p l j 1 1 d
See Our Anchor Clamp
You would ba turprlstd It you knew
bow little It would cost jou 10 fix up
that old fence. Better send for some
Anobor Clamps and Uprights, and a
pair ot our pinchers, and make jrour old
wire fence look like a nw one,
ANCHOR FENCE looks so nice and
la so strong that larmtn sometimes
think that It must be high priced. It
Isn't, though.
Biromi Uhjio. Cattle, Sheep and
Write for Prices and Catalogue.
AgeaM Wanted la
Jtrerjr Tewa.
II. F. Johnson.
JAEOER BROS., Jewelers and Opticians.
290 Morrison St., bet. Fourth and Fifth
and Steel Works.
Clamps and Uprights.
Hog Tight, n Kim Slim alter cloala
The Portland Anchor Fence Co.
74a NIcoUl St., PORTLAND, Oregoa.
Little Doubt that Thousands Were Killed
by n Volcnno In duntcmnln.
San FrnnclHco, Nov. 15. That
tlrousands of lives linvo boon lost na n
rcBitlt of the outbreak of tho Gunlo
tnrtlan volcnno 8nntn Mnriu is tho bo
liof of coffco morebnnta of this city,
bneod on tho dofinito hows of n terrific
explosion, brought last ovoning by tho
atenmor Newport. Tho stonmor got tho
news of tho disaster at various points
nlong tho const, and while oxnet infor
mation is lacking, all indications nro
that tho cntn8tropho Is of tho most tor
riblo nnturo.
Whilo tho Nowport waB at Chnmpor
ico, n letter was received from tho
factor of thnt district, a German named
Knuffinan, announcing that tho vol
canic peak of Santa Maria, 40 nilloa
inlnnd from thnt port, was in oruptiou,
and that all tho coffco districts on tho
eastern slopo of tho rango, in tho im
mediate neighborhood of tho mountain,
had boon utterly destroyod, and that
thousands of lives had, in nil proba
bility, been lost. Tho lottor continued:
"Tho towns of Palmar, San Folipo,
Colombia and Contepoc nro nil ruined.
Ashes aro bo von foot dcop in tho linens
and towns. Mud, stones and lava havo
fallon all over tho country. Houbob
linvo boon crushod by tho weight of tho
volcanic matter thnt hna fallon upon
thorn. Rntnlhulou, Mnzntonnngo nnd
Quozaltenango linvo not Btifforcd so
much, but this calamity la ouly begin
ning. Wo hnve mud and ashos in
Rotnlhulou. Thoro is great loss of lifo.
Cnttlo nnd horses aro dond by tho
thousands, famine nnd poet nro ap
proaching. God hIp us."
Lnto in tho afternoon of October 25
tho pcoplo of Santa Mnrln tologrnphod
to tho president of Guntomaln, saying
thnt they woro groping in totnl dnrknoss
that had rushod upon thorn at noon.
Ashes woro falling thick. Tlioy nskod
tho president what was happening.
Tills dispatch was sent, apparently,
just boforo tho oruptiou, nnd not n word
hna boon sont sinco. Tho wiroB oi tho
tologrnph havo been destroyod, nnd tho
fato of thoso who asked thnt question
of tho proeident of Guntomaln is n mys
tery profound and ominous. It 1b
thought in Ghamporico thnt there nro
no survivors in tho town of Snntn
Mnrln, nor yet in any of tho towns
thnt lio upon tho eastern slopo of that
mountain of belching mud and lava and
smothering gases. It uiny bo a second
Tho nren in which those towns nro
situated covers 30 miles in a half circle,
and it 1b estimated that tho aggregate
population is 30,000. Tho town of
Snntn Mnrin contains 10,000 inhab
itants nnd tho other villages uro said
to n vertigo 0,000.
Pour Men Killed, Forty Injurcd-Uulldlng
nnd Contents Wrecked.
Lebanon, Pn., Nov. 15. Tho ox
plosion of a lnrgo boilor, without
warning, in Scrnp Puddle furnnco No.
3, at tho west works of tho American
iron nnd steel company's plant today
caused tho death of four workmon, and
about 40 othora were more or loss Burl
ouBly injured. Tho phvsicinns nt tho
hospital express tho opinion that sever
al of tho injured will dio.
In nn iuatant after tho oxplosion tho
entire place was blnck with debris.
Tho wrock of tho nino immodinto pud
dling furnaces wns comploto. Phjsl
cianH woro called from ovory quartor of
tho city, and hospital ambulances and
other vohiules woro hurried into service.
Tho ofllcea of tho worka were nt onco
convortod into a hospital, and a corps
of nurees from tho Good Samaritan
hospital woro brought to the sceno.
Into this tomporary hospital tho
maimed and scalded woro carried nnd
given nttonlon. Some havo thoir eyes
burned out, othora thoir hands blown
off. It it feared tho list of dead will
bo materially increased when tho ruins
of tho nino wrocked puddlo furnaces
nro explored.
The IkIIoi, which wna n 200-horeo
power, broke pquaroly in half. Tho
roof collapsed from tho Bliock, nnd the
flntnes from tho puddlo furnaces under
tho wrecked boiler eot fire to thodobris,
Tho firo force of tho company, however,
had tho flames extinguished in 15 min
utes. .
Wants Foreign Soldiers to Leave.
Shanghai, Nov. 15. Unusually
strong nrticloa aro appearing in tho
Chinoso uowppapors doclating that by.
tho withdrawal of tho British troops
from Shanhal to Wei Hnl Woi, and the
withdrawal of tho German forces from '
bore to Kino Ohou, tho indopendonco of
tlio lan;tbo valley is still menaced.
Tho Chinoso want tho Britlrh and
Germans to got out of China altogether,
Instead of merely evacuating Shanghai
and withdrawing to their respective
garrison stationa in China.
Successful Airship Trial.
Nantes, franco, Nov. 15. The air
ship built for tho brothers Piorro nnd
Paul LoEaudy mado u ery Hticcessful
trial today in this neighborhood. Sev
eral free wcenta nnd descents were
effected, accompanied by evolutions in
nil directions over tho flelda and woods.
Tho flying machine returned each tiino
to ita point of departure nt tho rate of
25 miles an hour. There were four
persons in tho cur.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happenings of the Past Week,
Presented In Condensed Form, Most
Likely to Prove Interesting to Our
Many Renders.
Members of tho Gorman roichetng
ennio to blows in n dobnto over n bill.
General Chnffeo was tondorod n re
ception in San Francisco by tho busi
ness men.
Southern Pacific locomotivo onginoors
linvo aBkod for an ndvanco of 20 por
cent in wngos.
The war department baa nnnounccd
that additional bnrrnckH to hold 410
mon will bo built at Vancouver ntonco.
Genornl Bliss hna gono to Hnvnnn,
where ho will work for tho early adjust
ment o! differences on tho reciprocity
Tho war department will reduce tho
cavalry down to GO mon to tho troop.
At prwont about 00 enlisted mon nro
in each troop.
A porter in a Now York hotel has
been found guilty of robbing tho guests
tor n number oi years. Ho jiaa about
115,000 in stolon owlcry.
President Gomport, of tho American
Federation of Labor, says thnt unlcsa
trndoa unions change thoir courso tho
day is not far distant whon thoy will
all go to pieces.
Tho troublo in Morocco promises to
bocomo a eoriouB nffalr boforo Buttled.
Tho country is without n cabinet. Sev
eral powers nro sending warships to
protoct their interests.
Klmor D. Bryan, formerly of Illinois,
hna been appointed superintendent of
oducntion for tho Philippines.
Tho monitor Wyoming, nenring com
pletion at San Francisco, willbo turned
ovor to tho government November 20.
Tho secretary of tho navy has direct
ed that tho army transport Hancock
procood to Now York, whoro sho will
bo usod as a rccoiving ship.
All Christmas prosonts entering tho
Philippines will bo subject to thn same
duty us other gooda, according to nd
vicoa issued by tho wnr department.
Forty prisoners in tho Arizona ponl
tontiary rjvorppworod tho guards nnd
escaped. This is thn second del Ivory
in n month. A now prison is being
built in tho solid rock of a mouutniu
Tho 28th annual convention of thn
American Bankora' association is in
session in Now Orloans. Thoro are
about 100 delegatos and 500 visitors
present. Soattlo wants the next meet
ing. General Owen Summora has boon
mndo commander-in-chief of tho Span-iHh-Amurlcan
wnr votornna. Tho
Nntlonnl hondquartora will be moved
to Portland. Colonel VK. II. Savage,
olectod commandor-in-cliief, was com
pelled to resign on account of ill health
and the honor Jell to tho vico com
mander, General Summora.
Genornl Chnffeo hns ronchod Snn
Frnncleco from tho Philippines.
The chiof of ordnnco of tho navy roc
ommends tho estnbliflhmont of wirolesa
telegraphy along tho entire Pacific
Tho annual report of Assistant Post
master Gonoral Wynno favors a greator
appropriation for tho rural tmnil deliv
eryjroutes. No trnco can bo found of B, F. lvgnn,
the Great Northern rnilrond man who
was loet in tho mountains near Bolton,
Mont., a week ago,
All tho monoy necessary for irriga
tion week at Portlnnd hna been raised
nnd the committeo has tho pinna of en
tertainment nlmost completed.
The main issue between tho negotiat
ors of the Cuban-United States reci
procity treaty is tho rate of rebate to
bo ullowed on sugar nnd tobacco enter
ing tho United States.
WiscoiiHln capitalists havo purchmod
221,308,000 feet of yellow plno timber
In Idaho for 81 cents p-"" thoiiFaud.
Tlio timber sold ia on lands eelcctod by
the statu along tho North Fork and It"
tributaries between Smith's Ferry and
tho upper end of ttio lakos. Thoco
lands cover 32,580 acres.
Tiro at Camden, N. J., doMroycd
three blocks, valued at $200,000.
Trust legislation is almost euro at the
short or long tossion of congress,
Dr. Nnnsen, tlio Arctic explorer, will
start on another expedition In 1003.
Major General MnuArthur has been
ordered to tho command of the Depart
ment of tho Lakes.
' Much anxiety is felt concerning the
condition of tho emperor of ItUKsia.
He is greatly depressed in mind and is
Minister Wu, Chinese representative
at Washington, will not await tho ar
rival of his successor, but will return
home at onco,
Governor AlcDrldc, of Washington, Asks
People to Observe Nov. 27.
Olympln, Wash., Nov. 14. Stato of
Washington, Kxocutivo Department,
Olympin, Proclamation by tho Govor
nor: "Whereas, tlio president of tho
United States, following n time lion
orod custom, hns designated Thursday,
tho 27th day of November, 1002, na n
dny of festival and national thanks
giving for the manifold blessings of tlio
past yonr, now, therefore, I, Henry
McBrido, governor cf tho state of
Washington, in accordanco with custom
and by virtuo of tho power vested in
mo by law, do horoby appoint Thurs
day, tho 27th dny of Novombor, 1002,
na n dny of thanksgiving nnd prayer
throughout tho stato of Washington,
and do earnestly recommond that tho
pcoplo, in grateful recognition of tho
ninny blessings wo nro now enjoying,
cease from thoir tiBtial avocations nnd
dodicnto tills dny to deeds of charity
and brotherly love, nnd in thoir churches
and thoir homes render prnlso nnd
thanksgiving to tho Giver of nil good.
"In witness whereof I hno horeunto
set my hand nnd caused tlio senl of tho
stato to bo affixed, this 12th day of
Novombor, A. D. 1002.
Vico fJovcrnor Wright Discusses Situation
and Makes Suggestions.
San Francisco, Nov. 14. Luko E.
Wright, of tho Philippines, speaking of
financial affairs in tho islands, said in
nn intorviow thnt tho monoy mnrkot la
continually fluctuating.
"A bill to afford tho necessary relief
wnB presontod to congress, but not
paseod," said ho. "I think that tor
the bonollt of tho commorco tho mattor
should again bo takon up nt tlio noxt
session of congress. It hns been sug
gested that a Fillpin) dollar of silver
should bo introduced into tho islniulB.
This dollar should bo worth nctunlly
50 cents of our gold monoy. I think
such n coin would remedy tho prosont
flnnnclnl situation. Such n monetmy
system would bo similar to tho ono now
in uso in Japan."
"It has boon suggested that a limited
numbor of Chinoso say 100,000 bo
allowed to laud in tho Philippines.
Do you think their presence would
relievo tho present labor shortage?"
was askod.
"I would not iiko to poo tho doors
thrown open to tho Chinese. Skilled
labor, yea, if limited, would ceitainly
prove beneficial. Some of tho Chinese
nro very elovor, and they would bo nblo
to teach the Filipinos many of tho In
dustries." Governor Wright, nccompnniod by
his wlfo, loft for tho East Thursday
Republicans Win a Sweeping Victory All
Through the Islands.
Honolulu, Nov, 7, via Snn Francisco,
Nov. 14. Tlio oloctlona yosterdny re
sulted in n victory for tho Republican
ticket. Prince Jonah Kuliio Kalani
anolo, tho Republican nominee, ia
eloctod na doleato to congrosa, and tho
legislattiio will Im) Republican in both
houses, in spito of five homo rulo sen
ators holding ovor from tho last legis
lature, to three Republicans.
Tho result of tho election, itiatlinuht
by Republicans, will ho tho end of tho
homo rule party. A division ot tho
voters along the lines of Republicanism
and Democracy, as on tho mainland, Is
now expected. It is nlso regarded as
disposing largely ot tho raco ismio and
tho Issue of royallsm in Hawaiian
politics, fr tho enmpain of tho defeat
ed candidate, Delegato to Congress R,
W. Wilcox, wan largely bapod on Ids
record us a royalist and on race feeling.
Will Search for Lost Treasure.
San Francisco, Nov. 14. Tho
Chronicle s.tya that there ia no longer
any doubt that tho object of tho '
a 'hoouur Louisa I)., about readv to sail '
for tho South, is to attempt to recover '
n part of tho treasure lost in 181(2 by'
tho burning of the Pacific Mail
Hte.imor Golden Gate off .Manziinlllo, on
tho Mexican coast. The wreck of tho.
Golden Gate caused the loss of 200 Uvea
and n property loss of $ 1,750.000. '
Much of this amount was in tho form
of bullion, and a considerable quantity
of it with never recovered.
Pennsylvania Mine on Fire,
Shamokln, Pa., Nov. 14. Tho Burn
side shaft, which employs 700 mon nnd
boys, was discovered on firo today. All
of tho employes got out in safety. Tho
mino is owned by tho Philadelphia &
Reading coal and iron company, Tho
flames were extinguished this evening,
and tho mino will resume work tomorrow.
Commercial nnd Financial Happenings ot
tho Past Week Drlcf Review of tb
Growth and Development of Various
Industries Throughout Our Common
wealth Latest Market Report.
Tho burglars who blow open tho eafo
at Helix a few days ago havo boon cap
tured and n portion of tho stolon monoy
nnd goods rocovorod.
Twonty thousand of tho 75,000 book
lots advertising Lnno county havo boon
printed nnd nro Jin tho hands of th
advertising department of tho Hnrriman
company for distribution in tho Enstorn
Goorgo Smith, colored, who murdered
lils whito wlfo in Portland, hns been
sentenced to hang on December 10.
Fifteen dny a' tlmo hna boon granted to
propnro n bill of exceptions to bo tiBod
in an appeal to tho supremo court.
Gcorgo L. Dlllmnn, stnto engineer
for tho oxnminntinn of land nppllod for
under tho Cnroy nrid land net, expresses
tho opinion thnt private oporntlona
will not provont government work, ns
tho amount roclnlmcd in small com
pared with tho totnl nroa ot nrid land
in tho state.
Suporintendont of Public Instruction
Ackorman has decided that na soon aa
n pnrent or guard Inn moves into a
school district with tho Intention of
mr.klng it his bonn fldo rosidonco, a
child of such parent or gunrdinn la en
titled to free tuition from tho tlmo ho
moves into tho district.
Linn county fnrmera nro nropnring a
protest to bo presontod to tho noxt leg.
islnturo ngninsl tho proposed change ot
tho gamo law, under which upland
birds may bo shot from Soptombor 15,
instend of from October 1. Open sons-
on befoio October 1 moans nt a time
whon tho fnrmera nro busy with har
vesting nnd they dceiro to hnve nn ovon
chance with huntora from tho cities.
Tho Tliroo RiBtora canal company hna
filed in tho ollico of tlio stato land
board an application for contract for
tlio reclamation of JO, 000 acres of nrid
land lying in tho woBtern part of Crook
county. Tho tract ia located botwoon
tho mountains known ns tho Throo
Sistora and tho Deschutes river. It ia
proposed to irrignto tho tract with
wator from tributarily of tho Deschutes.
Tho Tallant-Grnnt packing company,
of Astoria, has filed nrticloa of incor
poration. Thn Multnomah county delegation to
tho legislature, at n meeting hold Inst
week, indorsed a 500,000 appropria
tion for tlio Lewis ami Clark fair.
Eugene has nskod for nn increase In
mail carriers to meet the growing de
mand for frco del ivory.
Two million feot of logs woro swopt
nwny in a Lewis river freshet causedjjy
tho recent heavy rains.
Tlio work of installing tho now ma
chinery nt tho Mountain Viow mi no,
near Baker City, will soon bo com
pleted. Tho 1002 hop crop In this stato will
amount to about 85,000 bales. ' Of thin
amount loss than 20,000 bales remain
in tho hands of the growers.
Wheat WnllaWnlht, O88OO0; bluo
etom 73i74c; valley, 70e.
Barley Feed, $21.00 por ton; brow
lug, f 22.00.
Flour Rest grade, 3.60Q3.70; grah
am, $3.003.50.
Mlllstuffs Dran, $10.00 por ton;
middlings, $23.50; shorts, $10.50;
chop, $17.
Oats No. 1 whito, $1.12J1.15;
gray, $1.101.12 percental.
Hay Timothy, $10(311; clover,
$8.00; cheat, $800 per ton.
Potatoes Rest Burbauks, 0080o
ttormtck; ordinary, 6O055o per cental,
growers' prices; Merced awoeta, $1.75(1$
$2 per cental.
Poultry Ohlokena, mixed, $3.50
4,25 ; per pound, 10c; hens, $4 1,50 por
dozen; per iHiund, lie; springs, $3.00
?$3.50 per doen; fryora, $2. 50Q3.00;
broilers, $2.(0(j2.50; ducks, $4,50(0
(i. 00 por dozen; turkeys, young, 12J6
013c; geese, $0,000(1.60 por tloscon.
Oheeso Full cream, twiiiBj 16
10c; Young America, 15K01OK;
factory prices, 101 ko loss.
Butter Fancy crenmory, 3032)iio
per pound; extras, 30u; dairy, 20
22o; store, 15018.
Kgga 25030c per dozen.
Hops New crop, 22025o por pound.
Wool Valley, 12416o; Eastern
Oregon, 8MKc; mohair, 2028o.
Roof Gross, cows, 33o per
pound; steers, 4o; dresaed, O07e.
Veal 708c.
Mutton Gross, 3c per pound;
drossod, uc.
Lambs Gross, 3Jo per pound;
dressed, Oc.
Hogs Gross, 00o por pound;
dreseed, 77o.
iTJafi'i iWaifni. ff r" 4A--i.l
-ft. fc .