The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, November 08, 1902, Image 8

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C 1IA1TKK XVI Contimiud.
Tho list part of tlio nfoovo npcech
I lianlly heard, for I wn wiitclilns in
tently for Kdlth, but whon alio tit
tored her tcrrlhlu prophecy, I turnoil
Hharply round, and Hcolng close to
mo tho white fnco of her, with a
Hhadow of Hcom nnd triumphant
wIckedni'HH, I iiHked In no very peace
LcKcttliiK nccontH, whnt oho meant,
what bIjo dare liiRlntiato,
"I dare anything," alio replied, ns
nhi) drew heiHolf to her full height.
"Ab for knowing hut look, thero
rocb Mln l'clham now I'll toll you
what 1 know. If they havo only ten
minutes rough weather thoy will go
under. I know that."
"How do you know that?"
"IlpriniBo tho boat Is rotten."
"How do you know tho boat Is rot
ton?" "Wo thought at one time of Bond
ing Warren nway In her and a friend
of mine examined her nnd found hor
to ho lottnn."
"Then how dnro Warren "
"I did not say Wnrren oxnmlncd
hor: he kuowH nothing about It."
While UiIh heated conversation was
going on, wo were, ns I said, standing
on a I"dpo of rock well hidden In tin
Hlinilow of tho cliff that overhung us,
while below, and to the loft of us,
tho colonel and his party, In slnglo
fllo, wore slowly picking their way
from point to point toward tho boat
Hint lay hnlf hidden boneath my table-rock.
I wntched them, half
dnzod, for some seconds, wondering
what nevt would lumpen and what
wnn to ho done. With this terrlblo
woman about anything In the way of
misfortune was possible. Then, as
dazed men will, I folded my nrms and
stared at tho ground, and tried to do
clde what wart tho duty lying near
est mo; hut decide I could not; think
ing at all, In the hnlo of superstition
that I had built nbont this woman,
was out of the question. When next
I looked up, the two sailors woro on
hoard, and tho others preparing to
Join them. Something must bo done,
and at once; what that something
was could he better decided out of
tho ranito of this womnu's Intlueneo,
and so I decided, pioinlses to tho con
trary, notwithstanding, to make with
nil haste to tho beach. Sho, from my
movements, or by Intuition, divined
my Intention, nnd ns I was Just start
ing, put out her hnnd, and holding
my sleeve nulled: "Whnt aro you go
ing to do?"
"My duty stop them."
"And then "
"I don't know; but plenso reloaso
mo; there Is not time to "
Tho senteiico was novor finished,
for as I quickly turned round to ro
lenso myrtolf from hor firm granp, I,
forgetting the nnrrnw lodge of rock
on which wo were standing, took ono
stop baokwnrd and fell, how far I
don't know; I only ronmtnbor going
fiom bush to bush, from rock to rock,
until at last I lauded upon a bol of
soft sand on tho sea level. Almost
before I hail recovered consciousness
nho was at my side and lifting mo in
to a fitting position, and then, Mail
ing I wan all right, she was gone
Then, In the misty dawn of re
turning cnuscloUHiiess. I saw two
women tnllilng hurriedly, and om
tho vounger. gesticulating and point
ing to the boat; then the other ran
ncroiis tho wind toward the man who
hold the rope. The bout I could not
see for she was beneath the level of
tho rode. Thou, still half stunned, I
remember the man and woman em
bracing each other, and then the man
dlsan-'eaiod and the woman was left
Htnudiuir alouo, with both hands held
up to shade her eves that she might
nee tho most of tho man Just gone
from her. and perhaps forever. C!ud
ually. and at that as events that
had occurred long, long ago, tho nlfl
tory of the last hour repeated lUolf;
nnd then, as tho blood currents grow
stronger anil stronger, they (theso
events) came nearer and nearer, un
til tho hlHtory of thorn, tho details
nnd tho dnto of them, wero
cloBo to mo within my reach, and
yet I could not qulto grasp them. To
better my chnnco I hurlod my head
In my hands, and held my eyelids
tightly closed, and shut out tho wo. Id
nnd tho restless wavos, and waited
for the coming of memories that ovon
In that state of semiconsciousness
I felt wero pregnant with painful in
terest to mo. How long I snt thus I
don't know neither time nor spneo
lias any exlHtonco .to the semi-con-Melons
it was probably only a low
seconds, when n voice that was well
known to mo brought back with a
rush, as well known sounds and scents
will, all tho memories I hud boon
waiting for.
"Aro you bettor?"
"Thank you yes,"
"Can you walk?"
"I think so."
"Let us see."
Then sho half lifted mo, and half
cnrrled mo. up and down tho little
patch of hard sen washed sand upon
which I had been lying, and bo rnpld
ly did health and strength return,
that within ton minutes I was inyaolf
"Now. nro you quite strong?"
"Indeed, yes."
"Strong enough to walk a long dis
tance?" "Quito." ,
"Strong enough to understand mo?"
"Well, let us sit down hero and I
will tell you what I want you to do."
Wo sat down, nnd for several sec
onds wo wore silent and thoughtful;
then looking round to mo, dho said!
"J)r ltli'by. you love that simpleton
In tho boat yondor, don't you?"
".Miss Mllno!"
"Now, now, don't get exrltml;
thero Is no tlmo to weep and no tlmo
to laush oven. If you lovo Miss Pol
ham vou will nliully risk something
for her, I prosnmo."
"Ulsk! I would risk my lifo. my
toul, rather than a hulr of hor head
should bo Injured. Hut how can 1
be of service? For Qod'd sake, toll
mo that!"
"That's what I am going to tell
you, hut I am not going to ask you to
risk your boiiI no woman's life Is
worth tho risk of a man's soul 'tis
only In pursuit of IiIb pleasure that
such n sncrlflco would bo Justifiable.
You see, Warren has gone with thorn.
I havo sent him. That man would
Bacrlflco his soul for mo, because I
saved him from a crime, and have
been more or loss kind to his wife.
Well, ho is tho only trustworthy man
In tho boat; tho two sailors aro vil
lains, and will only think of tholr
own lives; tho colonel Is a pompous
old fool, and tho girl well, sho will
make hut very little effort to save
hersolf. Now your duty I think, Ib
clear. It will certainly bo a squally
night, and tho coast is dnngorous.
Now you miiBt tnko this ropo, got
past tho pcllco as host you can, and
follow tho bont along tho shore. If
thoy get snfo to Mnnly, you havo
dono no harm; If they aro wrecked,
you will bo tho means of saving
them; nnd It might end romantically
who knows?"
"Miss Mllno, from my heart. I
thank you. I will follow your ndvlco
to tho letter. Thoro Is no time to op
press my gratitude as I might, hut
some day I will try."
"No, no," nho said, with a laugh
that camo from tho bitter side of hor.
"Don't troublo to do that; put It down
on tho other sldo of tho ledger, you
know credit ncconnt, or debit, I for
get which thoy cnll It. Now romem
bor, keep closo to tho sen."
And with that sho left .mo.
The first part of my Journey was
well known and cnslly traveled, and
I. could keep tho boat within sight,
but nftor Hint I hnd often to loavo
tho conRt to avoid rocks and preci
pices; thon when I returned sho wns,
In tho Boml-darkness, dlfllcult to pick
up. I hnd gono nbout two miles nnd was
protty well dono up, when I wns sud
denly confronted by a stupendoun
overlinnglng rock thnt. from Its
smooth, stoop sides, entirely defied
nil efforts at climbing; thero wns
nothing for It hut to go round, nnd
that mennt another half mile. I
stooped down and took ono more looK
at tho llltlo craft against tho horizon.
I could boo that nenrly all hor sails
had boon taken In, nnd yet sho was
beating fnst beforo tho wind. Thero
was not a moment to loac. Desper
ately I dashed on, and after tearing
for n qunitor of an hour through tho
most torrlblo pleco of scrub nnd howl
dors I had yet had to contond with, I
found myself on tho coast ngaln, nnd
to my horror hero wns tho boat closo
to mo, so closo that I could almost
throw a stono on the deck. I could
henr tho men talking wildly; I could
henr tho colonel now giving pompoua
orders, now beseeching; I could seo
some ono, Wnrren, I think, lying
down over tho bows nnd peorlng
ahead; I could tako In tho whole
scone, and hoar every volco but
Kdlth'H and yet It all happoned In n
"Keep hor out! Keep hor out for
fifty yards, and you aro safe!" I
Warren rushed to tho holm nnd for
n moment sho obeyed, but thon the
rising waves woro too strong for hqr
nnd she was rapidly being wnshod
ashore. I saw till thin from a ledge
of rock that ran for mnny miles along
the coast, about eight or nlno feet
above tho narrow strip of sand that
remained uncovered by tho Incoming
tldo, mid this not for long. In the
rock I found a narrow crovlco, and
Into this I forcod my rope, after tying
a good knot In tho end; thon I Jump
ed down and throw off my boots, coat,
and shirt; my trousers I tied (Irmly
around mo, and then waited tho mo
ment for action. It camo soon
enough, for two big waves brought
tho boat within thirty yards of mo,
and there botwoon two hidden rocks
she stuck, ns motionless iib tho rockn
themselves. Thnnks to old school
days on tho south coast, I wan n good
swimmer. In a momont I hnd fas
toned tho ropo around my body and
plunged In. I do not know If tho
hope of saving Kdlth helped 01
hindered mo; all I remember Is tho
waves, mountain high, knocking me
almost back to tho shore, and then
desperately swimming up tho sldo
of a wavo that followed; thon I re
moinher a strong hand clasping me
by tho nrm nnd dragging me on board.
I recognized tho faco of Warren,
as ho Btoopod over mo to untie tho
cord from my waist; then he whis
pered: "Is tho shore ond firm?" I
had as yet no breath to reply, hut
nodded emphatically; thon ho collect
ed ropes and tied thorn Into n cradle.
Uy tho tlmo ho had Mulshed I was re
stored. Now camo tho question,
who would go ashore? Tho first
must swim and enrry with him tho
end of a smnll cord whorowlth to
drag the cradle. Warren volun
teered: but no. ho was too valuable
horo. Tho sailors hesitated, evident
ly thinking thoy had gono through
enough; so I decided to go myself.
Swimming ashoro was nothing to
swimming from shore. I took ono
last look at Kdlth. who had no oppor
tunity of recognizing mo, for sho was
tied to tho mast, and thon I dived
Into tho sea. With but nbout half
a dozen Btrokes I was ashoro, but tho
narrow strip of sand was now cov
ered. "A sailor nrst!" I shouted, nnd
soon the ropo Jerked with his weight.
"I liopo tho hruto goes under for
awhile," I muttered, ns I pulled him
ashore, nnd whllo tho cradle was
back again wo found n treo higher
up, whero tho rest could bo landod
above tho high water mark.
Tho other sailor camo noxt, to tost
tho now lauding plnco.
"Tho lady," I mndo tho sailor
And then, with but half tho weight
on tho ropo, I wns a million times
moro mulous. I Inslstod on ono man
standing down bolow up to his knees
In water, and then wo hauled away.
Tho ropo croaked and groaned, liko
a thing of life; conscious of Its pre
cloud burden, It trembled and Bhook;
and then In another moment sho was
In my arms, cradlo and all. Warren
how I loved tho man for It! had
placed his coat beneath her to keep
tho ropes from chafing. I disen
tangled her and laid her, half dead
and wholly unconscious, in tho mat
ted ferns behind, and as I laid hor
tli ore I kissed her.
'TwaB hut a momont, hut in
that moment my soul, llko an
instantaneous photographic pinto, ab
sorbed all tho picture, nnd tlmo has
but developed and intensified It.
Her nnlo, peaceful face, her closed
lids, hor well marked eyebrows, and
thoso Jutting roots of hnlr, and then
those clammy lips of hers! Oh, If I
could havo stayed to kiss them back
to warmth and life again! But no,
tho shout of tho sailors told mo thnt
something had hnppcncd. I rushed
up to find tho ropo broken, nnd War
ren, who hnd dived from the boat,
struggling with tho colonel In tho
wnter. Tho threo of us Joined hands,
ultimately reached them, and drag
ged thorn ashoro. Onco on tho ledgo
of tho rock, I naked for brandy, and
found to my lntonso relief tho colo
nel had a flask In his pocket. Re
gardless now of promises, for hor
llfo was in danger, I took It to Edith,
and gently lifting her head, I poured
somo of it Into her mouth; a gurglo
followed, nnd then sho swallowed'
her pulso quickened, and then I know
sho wns right. I returned to tho col
onel nnd gavo him somo, nnd thon
ottered Bomo to Wnrron, but ho told
mo to navo It for tho lady.
After n short consultation with
Wnrron, wo decided to throw awny
our big ropo and tako with ub tho
smaller ono, destroy what traces wo
could of our landing, and then trust
to tho Incoming tldo to wnsh tho
boat to ploccs. And whllo tho sailors
wero carrying out theso dctnllB, Wnr
ron and I hunted nmong the undor
growth for somo snpllngB, thnt wo
might mako a stretcher for Edith.
Half an hour from tho iimo of our
landing wo hnd stnrtod our strnngo
funcronl cavalcade, and a stranger ono
luiB soldom boon booh, I think. In
front marched a sailor, whoso duty
It was to pick tho road for ub; then
enmo tho other sailor nnd mysolf,
walking sldo by sldo, and nltornntely
cnrrylng tho front of tho stretcher,
then Warren cnrrylng tho rear, with
tho colonel, who by thin tlmo was
qulto chlldllko nnd stricken down, by
1:1b sldo.
Ab near ns I can Judgo wo had
about a mile to travel beforo wo
camo Into tho pleco of "common,"
whero tho Mnnly children plr&ycil,
that separates tho vlllago from the
quarantlno scrub; then all difficulty
would ho over; but until thon our
progress miiBt of necessity bo vory
slow nnd painful.
Wo rested about overy fifty yards,
nnd occnslonnlly gavo Edith a fow
drops of brandy. I sny wo, n8 I dared
not, for tho bracing brcezo that al
ways follows a "southerly bustor"
wns rapidly restoring her to con
sciousness. Suddenly tho light broke through
the thick underwood, nnd told us that
tho ond of our Journey wns ronched.
Then tho colonel saw Edith comfort
ably laid honoath a wide-spreading
gum treo, and motioning to Wnrron
to tako enro of hor, touched mo on
tho shoulder ns ho pnssed mo, ns nn
Invitation to fouow him. Mechan
ically I obeyed; ho had lost all his
old military bearing; tho night Just
passed had added twonty years to
his age; his faco was whlto and
gaunt; but what was most remark
ahlo of all was tho alteration In his
manner toward mo. Ho was almost
paternal now In his kindliness, mid as
I rested myself on a mound by tho
sldo of him, Just out of enr-shot of
tho other group, ho put his hand
gontly on my kneo, nnd in n volco
thnt startled mo, so unllko wns It to
nnythlng I hnd henrd boforo from
him, commenced: "Hero, then. Dr.
Ulgby, I supposo wo must separate
I am not going to try and thank you
now for all you havo dono for mo
and my daughter. I nm too un
strung for that, nnd plenso Clod." ho
added with a tinner grasp of my
kneo that sent n glnil echo through
every nervo of my body. "I shnll
hnvo other opportunities of doing so;
but I should llko to say ono word
with referenco to tho othors. espec
ially Warren, his wife, nnd tho ownor
of tho bont. Their nohlo efforts to
savo ub must not go unrewarded."
(ToIh) Continuod.)
Wliers) KiiowlcflKO tillatcra.
"Do you know, Tommy," said tho
minister who wns helping tho family
to dispose of their Sunday dinner,
"that, no matter how Insignificant a
thing may Mem, It has Its use? Now,
take tiles, for example; you wouldn't
think they wero good for anything,
yet "
"Ob. yes, 1 would," Interrupted the
youthful Thomas. "Pa says they are
good to keep folks awake when you
aro preaching."
Two Oomt Hoaaonn.
I heard tho other day of nn Inscrip
tion contributed by Lord Uosebery to a
lady's album. The guests at a ducal
country house were Invited each to put
dowu tho reason why they woro stay
lug thero. Lord Uosebery gave as his
reason; "To please their graces and to
shoot their grouses." British Weekly.
-vrrrrre' Qterj
Little Wllllo-Say, pa. this book saya
uaturo never wastes nnythlng.
l'n I guess that's right, my son.
l.lttle Willie Then what's the uso
of a cow having two horns when sho
can't veu play on ouo?" Chicago
Not Her Korte,
"She says sho would llko to get awny
somewhere whero she would havo tliua
to thluk."
"Well, I always feared sho wasn't
cut out for tt society girl." Life,
A l'orpctuai l'ralaer.
"So he writes poetry for a living?"
"No, for a dead. Ilia specialty U
epitaphs." Philadelphia Bulletin.
Coal - Coal - Coal
"Westarn Feed & Fuel Co.
Dealer In all kinds of
Try tho famous
Doth Phones.
Ottlcc; 151 North Klfth St.
Dunning & Campion.
Funeral Directors Embalmers
SCC Ilurnsldo St., bet. Third and Fourth,
Oregon Phono Main 430. Columbia Phono 430
Night calls ring night bell.
Sec Our Prices Beforo Buying.
fond for frco catalogue.
Extract from Hot. Har. Makers P. A. Mar.27, 1902:
"Vnnklrk A Wilson aro iiuotlng prices In their
catalogue that no retail dealer cares to meet."
That's what tho King says of us. (let our
Tradc MAnKS
Copvmiqhtb Ac.
tvielal notlct. without cbargo. lu tho
scientific JHtiericati.
A handsomely Illustrated wooklr.
I.nrecit dr.
dilation (if any sclontlfln Journal. Terms, f 1 a
yenrt four months, IL Hold by all nowsdealors.
".ranch Ortlce. C2J F BU, Washluaioii, 1). U.
fllvo us a trial and wc will convince ynu that
our goods aro the bent ns well as tint rhcapest.
Wo carry a full and complete lino of Monopolo
goods, hlch are known tho world over fo r
Host granulated sugar, sack (IM lbs) f l.M
llcst creamery butter, roll :Uo and
l'ourouuds nice dried apple Wo
"Wheat li," IJc seller, per package 5o
Table iiiche, Kars, apricots, can I'.'l.o
Lemons, per do lOctoiOo
liest valley Hour, sack 7i'o
t'holcejilnk beans, k lbs Wo
No. 1 while In mis, 7 lbs Wo
No. 1 lentils. 0 lbs '.'to
Heat prunes 4c tone
1-ltifttii Shilling's baking powder.. !'o
4 pkgs Jumbo mush (lu lbs) ., '.'io
Macaroni, box, . :t.V)
Ciiruiueal. sack (10 lbs) '-'.'c
Kugllsh breakfast tea, a good one, lb :tfc
l'ancy Mocha and Java collVe (luo kind)- Xa
l. H." Mocha and Java colfo (Mo kind) lU.-JAo
"Victor" blend colloo (iv kind) lb- '.Vo
"Hex" cotlee, a good one, lb I'-S0
Toothpicks, 3 pkgs luo
Our toas and coll'ees are unexcelled In llixvor
and strength always uniform, always tho best.
Good calsup, large un. 10c- big mackerel, 10c:
Kconomv cream, 'i cans, 15o: nice salmon, 'J
cans, !3o: pork and beans, 'J cans, Ito: mop
sticks. 10c shrimps, can, 10c: 7 bars Owl soap,
'.'.V, All kinds canned meats at low prices.
Wo want your trade. Tho hustling Orocers.
Woolley & Place
207 Third Street.
Edison Electric Lamps reduced to 15
cents each, or f 1.75 ior dozen.
Uso tlieo Lamps with roiM.'r voltage
anil mako your light tho cheapest and
Portland General
Electric Co.
Seventh and
Alder Sis.
Anronn sending a sketch and description mar
quickly aieortalu our opinion free whether an
Intention I probably pnteiitablo. Coniinunlm
lions strictly confidential. Handbook on Talents
otii tree. Oldest aiencr for sccuriiigpatents.
ninnta tnkon thniuuh Mil nil X Co. rocolra
Cltsbllinad tan. 1.1889.
Incorporated July 8, 1881.
Portland Coffee and Spioe Go.
For tho Trade Only.
Tea, Coffee, Spices, Baking Powder,
Extracts, Etc.
OUR BI'KCIAL niUNDS: Bplces, Acme, Mult
nomah llaklng Powders, Defiance, Uoublo
Quick OoDee, Itoyal Blend; Sugar, xzxz Uar.
24-2B Front Sfremf,
Oat, AbH Mitd Ankmny.
Our Friends aro All Cordially Invited
To Attend.
Fourth and Yamhill Sts.
RENA STINS0N, Lady AllllUnt.
I,. V. CA UNA HAN, President.
('. II. tJAKDNKIt, Vtco President
W. W. TKItKV, Troasuror.
Portland Implement Co.
188-194 Front Street, Portland, Oro,
Do You
l Know the News ?
You can havo It all (or
Month t
lu Tho KrenlnR Telegram, ol Portland,
OreKon. It Is tho larKisterenliiK newt
paper published In Odkmii; It contains
all the news o( the statu and o( the na
tion. Try It (nr a month. A sample
copy wlllbe mailed to you tree. Ad
Portland. Oregon.
....DEALERS IN....
Second Hand Machinery
260 East Wator Stroot. PORTLAND, OREGON.
Any His
Ituhlior Hoots nnd Nhoes, Melting, racking; mid Hose,
Lamest and Most Complete Assortment ot all Kinds of Rubber floods.
B. B. FKABK, President. K. M. BIIEI'AHD, Jit.. Treasurer J. A. SHEl'AltD, Becrstary
The Em Cm ATKINS & co'
Atkins Saws are
Loewenberg &
929 to 233 Taylor Stroot
tag to IB4 Smoond Stroot
Phones: Otegon Main 770., Columbia 420.
All goods wholesale and retail.
204 Yamhill St., nr. Third, Portland, Or
W. t. McCabb,
E. 8. Hamilton,
Also Honolulu, H. I
Hoad Offico: Tacoma, Wash,
Cablo Address: McCADR
J4 Water Street, Liverpool.
Star Brewery
Drawers and Dottlors of
Hop Gold Beer
Vancouver, Wash,
Cast Third and Burnsido Sts., Port
land, Oregon.
Ann Arbor Home
M. 8HIKLD3, 1'roprlotor.
Sixteenth nnd Gliaim Sta., Portlnnd, Or
George. Miller.
Hiram Fugltt.
Wagner Cafe
l'hone Main 870.
148 Sixth St., rortlnml.
Comfortahlo Quarters for Commercial
Itllll i)llHlllU8 Men.
Portland Club
and Cafe...
130 Fifth Stroet
II Monogram and III Cyrus Noblo
A Roaort for Gontlomon.
'Phono OreconMnin 008; Columbia 407
Any Btyla
Paolflo Ooast Branoh,
No. 60 Fir at Stroot,
Portland, Ory.
Going Company
Stove Ranges,
Hollowware nd
Handled by All Flrst
Class Dealers...
Royal Steel Ranges Are
the Best and Cheapest
in the Market
hisiiin 'iii''' "w " """frfo"-1