V r . r TACOMA ADVERTISING J.F.DAVILS Fancy and Staple Groceries Telephone Main 472. 1020 Tacoma Ave. TACOMA, WASH. A. A. ALLEN, Manager The Singer Manufacturing Co. Telephone, Kel 2.175. 118 12th St. TACOMA. WASH. Tacoma Shoe Co. F. Q. FISHER, Prcs & Trcas. Phone, Oak 244. 020 Taciflo Avo. TACOMA, WASH. H. W. MEYERS & CO. Dealers In FURNITURE, STOVES, RANGES, Hardware, Glassware, Mixed Paints Telephone, Jnmcs 2476. 1021 So. Eleventh St., Cor. K. TACOMA, VN. Thomas Bennett Dealer in New ami Second-Hand Furniture Stoves, Carpets, Tin ware and Crockery. 901 Tacoma Ave., Tacoma Wash. IltA Vauqh an, frcs. K. 1'. Vauokan, Trcas. u. u. wynkoop, vico rros- nna eccy. Wynkoop-Vauglian Company DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS Ninth and Pacific Avo. TACOMA WASH. THE BOHEMIAN joiin j McMillan, itop, FURNISHED ROOMS Telephone, Main 240. 100 Tenth St. TACOMA, WASH. Kelly's Transfer J. H. KELLY, Prop. Wood and Coal for Sale MOVING i SPECIALTY Steam Heated Rooms (or Storing Furniture. Telophono, Mnin 401, Office and Rcsldenco 931 Tacoma Avo. TACOMA, WASH. THE ARCADE J. F. MUIU'HY, 1'rop. Dry Goods & Men's Furnishings Cor. i3 and Pacific Avo. TACOMA WASH. TEA AND COFFEE Are th- ?rent popular drinks 0 the country. How important to have it nice and fresh roast ed of Dickson, the Coffee Roaster 1533 Taciflc Avenue, TACOMA, WASHINGTON. It Makes Your Mouth Watar As you slice off succulent piece of the tender roast Uef procurable at our es tablishment. OJ course much depends on the cook don't blame It all on the butcher but we'll tale chances on that for we know our meats are Al cuts. Bay City Market. Tml. Malm B. HIM Fmvlfle Av: SHADOW PICTURES ON THE WALL PO8TMA8TER FOR 74 YEAR8. Remnrlcnblo Hecortl of Hoswcll Bcnnla ley of Nortli Lntialim, N. Y. There Is hut ono mnn In nil the world who can boast of such n record na this. Tho oldest appointive officer In tho United States In point of scrvlco. Tho oldest post master In point of service In tho Uni ted Stntes or In tho world. The only mnn who has held an appointive olllce under twen ty different Presi dents. Tho only man who has con tinuously ailed BUAltDSLET. ono government oillco for Boventy-four years. The only man who held a gov ernment oillco heforo thero wns n rail road In tho United States and Is hold ing that snmo olllce now. That mnn Is Hoswcll Ilenrdsley nnd ho resldos at North Lansing, Tomp kins County, New 1'ork, being post master at that plnce, an olllce ho has held creditably for seventy-four years and which ho will 1111 until his dying day, as ho has no Idea of resigning nnd as thero Is no man or woman In all Nortli Lansing who would seek to dlsplnco "Uncle Hoswcll," as ho Is fa mlllnrly called, In the oillco ho has filled nearly three-quarters of a cen tury. Even should they hnvo tho temerity, however, to ask for U10 postmaster ship of tho town, the rostolllco Depart ment would take no notice of tho ap plication, for Undo Sum Is not tho In dividual to discharge nu employs who has served him so long and so faithful ly as has Hoswcll Ilenrdsley. "Uncle Hoswcll" was appointed post master at North Lansing Juno 28, 1828, when John Qulncy Adams was Prc-sl-dent, John O. Calhoun was Vico Presi dent, Henry Clay was Secretary of State and John McLean was Postmas ter General. Ho owes his appointment to William II. Soward, who thirty threo yeuis after tho appointment of Uncle Koswell, becamo Secretary of Stato under Abraham Lincoln. At tho tlmo of Undo Roswcll'a ap pointment as postmturtor nt North Lan sing, Seward wns associated with Un do He-swell's brother, Nelson Ilenrds ley, in tho practico of law. They ills solved partnership shortly thereafter, howover, nnd Ilenrdsley turned his at tention to fnrmlng. Sownrd coutinued In public Ufo nnd soon attained na tional prominence. Roswell Ilenrdsley was born July 5, 1800, near where ho now resides, nnd wheu in reminiscent moods tnlks en tertainingly of the early dnys of tho republic. Ho was born tho snmo year as Abraham Lincoln, pnly four months and twenty-threo days Inter. Uelng of the same political fnlth nnd having served na postmnster through Lincoln's administration, he Is nnturnlly n great admirer of the martyr President CONVICT HEIR TO ESTATE. Inmate of the Michigan City I'rUon Will Inherit $8,000. When Alex. Kllllon, tho Washington, Ind., "Lnnd King," died a fow months ago be left an estnto vnlued at $250,- 000. ne left no will nnd ns a re sult the property will be divided among tho legal h o 1 r s by tho court To cnuse n settlement of the estate suit has bcon filed and the com plaint discloses a peculiar stato of affairs. One of the heirs, a grnndsou JOHN SLATTON. nnraed John Slntton, Is confined In tho Michigan pity penitentiary for rob bery. The complaint asks that a trim teo be appointed to take care of young Slatton's pnrt of tho estnte until he is released. The complaint also asks the court to declare America Slntton le gally dead. She Is a sister of John Slatton. Ten years ago sho had a sweetheart to whom her father was very much opposed, and had forbidden him to come to the house. A few days later America Slatton and her lover were seen crossing tho White River bridge hand In hand. They were never seen or heard of since, and many think the couple either committed sui cide or were murdered. Their bodies were never i"und. Were aho living her share of the estate would be the same as that of her convict brother, about 18,00a m He Didn't Bellevo lb The typical Englishman slowness to graap the point of a Joke la a mat n. THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. ter of record nnd n constant source of delight to tho American "Jollier." A striking Illustration of this was over heard on a trolley car. Two young men were seated together In tho for ward end of the car, and one, by his accent nnd his nlr of guileless Inno cence, proclaimed his British nation ality. The other wns nn American of tho genus kltldcr. The hitter wns di lating upon the ferociousness of the Jersey uiosqulto and, after relating several very tall yarns, wound up wit! this one: "Last summer I was coming across tho mendnws this side of Atlantic City on my wheel when my attention was attracted by tho sound of n cow bell. It was such a strango, mutual sound that I dismounted to Investigate, and soon encountered n huge mosquito. It had eaten tho cow and was ringing tho bell to nttrnct tho calf, that ho might devour that also. Tho Englishman listened to this story very gravely, nnd without wen cracking n smile, replied: "Oh, I sny, old chap, you cawn't ex pect mo to bellevo that don't you know?" "CENTER OF THE EARTH." 801110 eleven miles from Delhi, Ind., says tho Wldo World .Magazine, stands tho rcmarkublo Iron plllnr shown In the nbovo photograph. It Is n solid shaft of wrought Iron, somo 22 feet high nnd 17 Inches In dlnmeter, nnd Its origin nnd ngo are wrapped In mystery. Ancient Hindu mythology says that tho spot on which tho plllnr stands Is tho center of tho enrth, and speaks of It as "tho arm of fame of Hnjnh Dha va." Now, Rajnh Dhava ruled In tho early tiik cr.NTi:n or the eahtii. pnrt of tho second century of the Chris tian era, and ho is referred to In tho Sanscrit Inscriptions on the plllnr, so that, although authorities differ on tho subject, it Is probable thut the plllnr dntes from this tlmo. Considering tho appliances which were nvnllnuio at thnt remote period something llko 1,800 yenrs ngo It would bo Interesting to know how this mysterious pillar was made. Tho WrotiK Station. It had taken considerable persuasion to Induce the old lndy to take a seat In nn nutomohlle, but finally sho had consented to do so because she wns anxious to reach tho bedside of her sick grandchild In a village somo twen ty miles away, tho last train for which had left somo ten minutes beforo she arrived at tho station. The big auto mobile was to pass through Hamp ton, tho village where the sick grand child lived. Everything went lovely until tho al most flying vehicle, In attempting to pass n""wngon loaded with liny which occupied tho entire center of the road, went unexpectedly Into the ditch, nud rather violently deposited its occupants in an adjoining field. v Recovering from the shock, though somewhat confused Trom tho rather unusual method of alighting from n vehicle the old lady asked of the chagrined chauffeur: "Is this Hampton?" "No, ma'am," he managed to gasp, "this is an accident" "Oh, dear!" said tho ex-occupant of tho vehicle, "then I hadn't oughter have got out here, had I?" Itetter than a Prayer Meeting. Tho child of strict parents, whoso greatest Joy had hitherto been tho week ly prayer meeting, was taken to the circus by his nurse. When he camo home "Oh, mummy," ho exclaimed, "If you onco went to tho circus you'd nover go to a prayer meeting again in all your life!" As Usual, Mrs. Waggles There's a. Are sale around at the grocery store. I wonder If he's selling bis milk any cheaper. Waggles I guess not That's only damaged by water. When a woman marries her deceased sister's husband, all the women say she did It for the sake of the chlldim vS m.Bi.gy. I 1 .' nif I Cits Corn Off the Cob. can bito nn applo ns woll I as I could when 1 child, and I can eat corn off tho cob as well ns any person alivo," paid a lady sixty-eight years old and a customer of Wise Bros., tho famous dentists, of Portland, Oregon. Sho hnd been fitted witli full eots of upper nnd lower tooth by Wieo Broth ers, nnd wns perfectly astonished to find thnt sho is I'ow ns woll supplied with tooth thnt sho enn uso ns she was when a little girl. Wluo Brothers hnvo revo lutionized modern dontal mothods. Thoro 1b no nioro pain to bo fenred by people who hnvo their toeth attend ed to, nnd tho cost is very moderate They mnko r. groat Bpocialy of crown nnd bridgo work, nnd oven when it is nccceenry to tnko out ail of tho old teeth and put in full now sets, tho re sult is simply wundorful. Tho fnlso t icth, of coureo, cannot bo told from natural ones, and tho person using them can do everything ho, or bIio, could do with natural teeth. Tho pots of teeth aro nindo to fit tho gums so porfectly thnt thoro is no slipping, and tho strongth of tho posalblo bito is just llko that of a natural healthy set of teeth. Tho exporionco of tho Indy customor hero related can bo yours if your tooth need attention. No ono can afford to poatpono having their teeth put in order. No ono need suffor n singlo dny longer becauso thoy luivo lost tho ubo of their own tooth. Wo hopo our readors will cnrofully rvntcli tho ndvortiaomonte of Wieo Brothors in this nowspnper, nnd ho persuaded to consult this eplendld dental institution. A Man's Idea. "Marringo often cliangosn man's idea of life." "Yes; fow men boo things tho snmo nflor exchanging views with their wives." CITS rrmnentlr Curra So nt) or ncrTonrnrat lllO nrflnt'Ur'iiorir. Mint's (IrrstNerrs Restorer, Snrf: -FKKKS'J.OOtrUHiottlritndtrrAt-il. DE.iUI.UUNi.LtU..vllArdi3t..l,lilldflpUl,l,ft Somewltnt Uncertain. "Ho's what you'd will n professional public speaker, isn't ho?" "Well, I don't know. Ho speaks in public every clianco ho can got, but tho public novor waits to hoar him." Mothers will find Sirs. SVlnslow'a Sooth. Ing Syrup the host remedy to uso for their Chlhlron during tho teething period. How the Miracle Occurred. "Why did tho evil spirits enter into tho swlno?" asked tho Sunday school teacher. " 'Causo lioga will cat any old thing," replied llttlo Sammy. Millions of sufferers use Hamlin's Wiz ard Oil for pain every year and call it blessed. Ask your druggist, lie knows. diving Papa Away. "Mamma," said 6-year-old Tommy. "I'll bet my pony can beat you." "Why, dear, what do you mean?" naked tho aBtonlshod mother. "I mean in a race," replied tho youngator. "I heard papa say that you could talk fnatcr than a horse can trot." False Economy. It is tho exporionco of ovory good housewife that to practico economy on such articles na apices, baking powder and tho liko is genorally at tho risk of health and comfort. Tho few cents possibly saved may bo vory expensive if thoy result in impuro and indigent .iblo foods. If you want to bo sure you aro getting only tho wry purest and strongest spices and baking powder mndo, see to it that your grocer sup plioa you only with tho Monopolo brand. If your denier doesn't handle them sond us his name. Wadhnma & Kerr Bros., Portland, Or. A Terrible Mistake. Tho other day a lady called on an oculist to liavo her eyes fitted witli glasses, saying: "Havo you magnifying glasses o make things look large?" "Yes, madam." "Thon I will tako a pair for tho other day I made n torriblo blunder." "How's that?" asked tho occullst. "I mistook a bumblobeo for a black berry," tho lady replied. Ha ft ;. I LU 1 1 1 LLtiLimiLLLLkt-BAWkkWkkk-g.'iJAt AAWW 'JL'lio Kintl You Havo Always turo of CluiH. II. rictclior, antl lias been iiiatlo uiultir lil.s iierHoiml Kiipcrvislon for over IJO ycarH. Allow no ono to dcoeivo you lu this. Counterfeits, Imitations audi Jitst-as-gootl" aro but Experiments, and endanger tho health of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a. harmless KtibHtltuto for Castor Oil, l'nro frorle, Drops and Huotlilntr Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotlo substance. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms nud allays Fovcrishness. It cures Dlarrliom and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural bleep. Tito Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. The Kind You Me Always Bought Bears tho (Juzyicu6&M In Use For Over 30 tmi smtsuis eoHNsr, tt Musasv STscrr. msw tobh city. ijaiaHBsaMftaBKaBMHBmaBaiava T-f. H:A JLJUin L.JLUII I mmmmmmrtmmmwMmmnnxxasimBBmwA " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a great many years, and al though 1 am past eighty years of age, yet I have not a gray hair in my head." Geo. Yellott, Towson, Md. We mean all that rich, dark color your hair used to have. If it's gray now, no matter; for Ayer's Hair Vigor always re stores color to gray hair. Sometimes it makes the hair grow very heavy and long; and it stops falling of the hair, too. tt.OO a bottle. All drortttts. If your druggist cannot supply you, end us ono dollar and wo will express you a bottle. Ho suro and plve the name of your ucftrest oxnrcss onice. Address, J. C. AYEH CO., Lowoll, Mass. JOHN POOLE, PORTLAND, ORE. Toot of Morrison Street. Can jrtvo you tho best bargains In Hollers and Engines, Windmills, I'ump nnd tlcno ral i Machinery. Wood hawing Machines a specialty. Heo us licloro buying. I Uost ounh Sjrup. Tunes (loud. Deo I t'.VHW WHiHF All HSf FAILS. in time, font or ariieuisis. Anything Dut Funny. Myor Tho nvorngo mnn takes much too seriously. Gyor Oh, 1 don't know. It's no Joko to bo nrrostcd for murder. Ton Onn Clot Allan's l'aot Rnso FItKK. Wrlto Alton B. Olmsted, Loltoy, N. Y for a frca samplo of Allen's l'oot i:nto. It cures chil blains, sweating, damp, swollen, aching feet. H makes now or tight shoes iitsy. A certain euro for Corns nnd lliinlons, All druggists soil it. 2ic. Don't accept any substitute. Women prompters havo been trlod nt the liorlin theaters with success, as it lias bcon found that their voices carry bettor acrosH tho stage nnd aro less audiblo in tho auditorium. For forty year's Tlso's Curo for Con sumption linn cured eoughs and colds. At druggists. Prlco '25 cents. Tho lioad of tho wlmlo has boon known to attain a thickness of over two feot. CrJ OLD PEOPLE Do not always receive the sympathy they deserve. Their ailments are regarded ns purely imaginary, or natural and unavoidable at their time of life. Disease and infirmity should aicu wuii am ngc. 111c eye 01 111c gray iiuircu gruimsircj may be as bright and the complexion ns fair as any of : his younger and more vigorous companions. Good Blood lu tho moor at of healthy old age, for it regulates) and controls every part of the body, strengthens the nerves, makes tho muscles elastic nnd supple, the bones strong nud the flesh firm; but whrt this life fluid is polluted or poisoned nnd loses its nutritive, health sustain ing elements, then there is a rapid decline of the vital powers, resulting in premature old age nnd disease. Any derangement of the blood quickly allows itself in un ulcer, sore, wnrt, tumor or some other troublesome growth upon the body, and rheumatic and neuralgic pains become almost constant, accompanied with poor digestion and cold extremities. C O C twi..a. L.a.Ala. ...mulnlitn a , 4l.n ... . .1 ailments disappear. improve n weak digestion and tone up the btomnch. It there is nny hctctll tary tnint, or the remnius of some disense contracted in early life, S. S. S. will senrch it out nnd remove every vestige of it from the system. Write us fully nbout your case nud let our physicians advise nnd help you. This will cost you nothing, nnd we will mail free our book on blood and skic diseases. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. Atlanta, Ga. AND lUHUITIuntH, a arise. time hsT cured II hones ns iTUMiAit luminal :f.slDcslrs. Hsll.Mc Free M-Pm Hnd Unutrht hits borno tho hltrnu- Signature of Years. TWO PER GENT DIVIDEND. Wo will pay n dividend of 2 per cent per month on money (fiuup), payable mommy i good security. Call or wrlto PORTLAND DIVIDEND CO. L. M. DAVIS, President. nittVVilnittnn Of f'llv . lU II ILUllI, tU Uki) vitt; ?5&S S)?J)5iXi5(jXi)1 ( ...... I WANT TO BUT FOR GASH Chicken, Duck nnd Gccso feath ers. Address G. O. SMITH. I iOth ondOavlaSta.,Porilnnd,Or d$SSitfS OR. G. GEE WO WONDI-RFUL HOA1E TREATMENT This wonderful Chi nese doctor Is called great became bo cures people without opera tion Hint are gUen up loillr. He cures with j I luxe nmiuerml CIil f iipmp hirli.. runt, bud. i-S'i, barks anil vegetables ,OK that are entlrrly un " Icunwn lo meillcnt scl- eiucln this country. 'Ibroimlitheuneof tlioso Imrmlem. remedies thin famous doctor knows the action or over 600 different remedies, which hpsuccesslutly uses In different diseases. Its guaranties to cure rntarrli, asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nenoiisnrss, stomach. Ilpr, kidneys, elc.l lias hundreds of testimon ials. Charges moileralp. fall and see Mini, l'atlenls out of the city write for blanks and rlrculars. Hnnil sientsln slumps. CONSUL TATION KllKi:. AltllUKsH THE C. GEE WO CHiilESE MEDICINE CO. 3Zii Third St., Portland, Oregon. SB" Men Hon paper. I THE BEST . POMMEL SLICKER! IN THE WORLD , BEARS THIS TRADEMARK rSfiWEk'S 1 f $W BR ' THOUGH OfTENIHlTATW A5ASAPPLEC0AT IT HAS NO EQUAL1 CATALOGUES TRU 1 5H0WING rUll UNC or OAHrltNTi ANO HATS A.aOrVCft CO.. BOSTON, MASS. ssl Punctuation Alnrks. Toachor Tommy, what is tho differ ence between n comma nnd a period? Tommy A comma Is n dot with a tall to it and a poripd is a bob-tall dot." nnd attention which not always be associ-Ta J, lifo ,,J. , yf)ta wmm- iV.W nxfJ- TvMmm 1 tAWJMzm i&-J&. slaWlBC' baci 1 jBB mm '$mm&f .j. tj. vj. uvui; jiiiii;iy viKuiu.i;, la wiv miicni uuii best blood purifier for old people. It docs not shock or hurt the system like the strong mineral rant-diet;, hut gently nnd thoroughly clcnttscs the blood nud stimulates the debilitated organs, when nil bodily S. S. S. is just such a tonic ns old people need to CURE Your HORSE of HEAVES Af fAU Plstemncr or l'itik Hye with I'miissian IIkavb WtSUrVy 1-owiMM. They ARE A 0REAT BLOOD PUairiEl sure cure lor an uiunents trout which Hearts niiDBn ai unnaea Ihsrs town uilnir 1'ruiiUn lleve 1'awder the. mm ebrht months snd In thst of Heaves 14 of llliteiiiiiersud O uft hroiilo Cough. nsys guuvu a great r-M.ut.umn in iuii miiuii. Boot, r runlsn Rsmedr C . St. Psul, Hlnn. .i-.ia. iicunuKib powarjf, paw ipti rOKTI.ANI, UKtCO CO, A'urlUuil, Urn., Uottst A gouts. S a A-a,5. tern W. L. DOUGLAS $3&$3? SHOES v. 1.. Douglas hhot'H are woin by more men lu nil stations of 11 fo than any other make, beciiuKO they aro tho only shoes that in every way equal thoso costing i.l.W) and jjm.oo. W. L. DOUGLAS 4 SHOES CANNOT BE EXCELLED. sw::!.. w,i0!i,820i !w:,.,.,a.. mt.m Bt$t ImDorttd and American Itathtri. Htul'i PattntCatf.Ennmtl, Bm Calf, Calf, Vlcl Kill, Corona Coll, Nat, Kanqaroo. Fust Color Kyulrts tiseil. Caution ! Tn enulns havsW.il DOUQIB ... nni and prlco stomp.! on bottom, bhot$ by mall, SSe, txlra, lllm. Catalog jtf. W, L. DOUOIAB, BHOCKTON. MASS. N, V, H, V, Ho, 4ri-10oaT" W UKM wriUaa; to 4TiUra plotua I