TELE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. HOTEL PORTLAND. COST 91,000,000. The Portland! H. O. BOWERS, Manager. Amorlcan Plan, $3 Par Day and Up war dm HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AMD . COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Portland, Oregon, THE HELENA E. C GREENE, Manager. AMERICAN PLAN. An Up-to-Date Hotel. Is Be ing; Refurnished Throughout. RATES: $3 and $4 Per Day. Free Sample Rooms to Commercial Men. HELENA, MONT. Southern Hotel BUTTE, MONT. Rates, $1 to $1.50 Per Day DAN TEWEY, Prop. Kum-C-Me. HOTEL STATE Under New Management. W. A. KOONTZ, Prop. First-Class Dining Room. American Plan. Bar in Connection. Free Sample Room. Free Bus. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS "Walla Walla, "Wash. The White House FOR Y0UK Clothing, Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. EVER WILLING to SERVE YOU RALPH E. GUICHARD, Prop. Telephone Red CS1 102 Main Street. WALLA WALLA, WASH. The Hotel Ridpath SPOKANE, WASH. MRS. M. EATON, Mg-r. A Strictly First-Class and Modern Hotel for Tourists and Com mercial Men. The Finlen R. E. TAYLOR, Prop. Headquarters for Mining and Commercial Men. The Only Hotel in the City American Plan $3.oo to $5.oo Per Day. BUTTE, MONT. Dewey Palace CHAS. WEISIDE, Manager. Everything new and up to the times. Table and rooms the best the market affords. Assembly hall. Barber Shop. Billiard rooms. Bowling Alleys. Electric Lights. Hot and cold water. Rooms en suite with bath. Livery stable in connection. Steam heat. Best beds and rooms in the country. The bar is sup plied with everything you want. Bank in the building. Everything up-to-date. Nothing missing. Head quarters for tourists and commer cial men , 0 J J 0 J NAMPA IDAHO. The Spokane (European Plan.) The Leading Hostelry in the State of Washington. Headquarters for the Traveling Public Special Samole Rooms with Arc light. 50 NEW BATH-ROOM SUITES Elegant Public and Private Dining Rooms. SPOKANE, WASH. HOTEL PEDICORD T. J. PEDICORD, Prop. Heated by Steam. Hot and Cold Baths. Electric Calls and Electric Lights in every Room, jt j ji EUREPEAN PLAN Rooms 50c, 75c and $1.00 Per Day. Meals, 25 Cents. Frco Bua and Free Sample Rooms. 209-J3 Riverside Ave., SPOKANE Hotel Cadillac EDQAR E. K. SCHMITT, Prop. Strictly First-Class. Mod ern. European Plan. Sin gle or en Suite, o o J Reservation by Wire. Commercial, News Headquarters. SPOKANE, WASH, HOTEL WHITMAN ALLEN & LARKIN, Props. A New Hotel With Modern Improvements. COLFAX, WASH. HENRY HEWETT & CO. Fire and Marine Insurance. Rooms 26 and 27, Sherlock Building. Cor. Third and Oak Sta. PORTLAND, OR. BUSINESS LOCALS. Always ask for the famous General Arthur cicar. EsbcroGunst Cicar Co., general ugents, Portland, Or. Call at Eunson & Wntkins, denlors in cigars, tobacco and confections, soda water, etc. 03 Sixth sticct, Portland, Oregon. For first class dental work and Erompt attention, go to the New York 'ontul Parlors, Fourth and Morrison streets. Tho Yaklm.i Market, II. A. Brasen, manager, fresh and cured meat and poultry, 149 First street. Oregon phono Main 9S9. Money to loan, on furniture, pianos, or any good securities. Notes and morognges bought. 8. W. King, room 45 Washington building. Ford & Laws, successors to J. T. Wllson.auctloncers, household furni ture and bankrupt stocks bought and sold. Olllco and salesrooms 182 First Btroot, Portland, Oregon. Columbia 'phono 605; Oregon 'phone South 2CI. French Dyeing and Cleaning Works. All work dono at very modrcate prices. Dyeing and cleaning of all kinds of ladies' and gent's clothing. Morn ing cloth dyed in 48 hours. J. De lcau, proprietor, 455 Olisan street. Wo want your trado. Musio half price; musical instruments of all kinds, cash or installments. II. II. Wright, wholcsalo nnd retail dealer in music and musical merchandise. Tho Musio building, 319 Wasighnton street, Portlund, Oregon. F. 13. IU3ACII & CO., Tho rioneer Paint Company, make a ppeciulty of felling the best things made In paint's, limine Paint, Floor Paint, Bam Paint, Fence Paint and Roof Paint; F.namulH, Varnishes, Colors, Stains, Cenicntlco Knit online nnd general build ing material. IHfi First St., N. W. cor Alder, Portland, Oregon. THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD FOR YOU. And wo can furnish you with tho DUST for no moro than you might pay for tho WOItST, thorcforo, don't throw away good money for poor ser vice, but if you aro going East, or havo friends coming West, let us toll you what wo can offor on Chicago, Washington, Now York, Doston, St. Louis, Memphis, Now Orleans, nnd nil lntormodlato points. Our rallB are laid In fourteen different states of tho Union. Communlcnto with us regarding frolght nnd passenger business; U'b a plcasuro to reply to your letter. B. II. TRUMBULL, J. C. LINDSAY, Commorclnl Agent. T. F. & P. A. 142 Third St. Portland, Oregon TiroDEl. IiAKEUY. CHAS. nr-TZEU, Proprietor. All kinds of Cakes, Pies, Candies, Etc. Goods delivered to any part of tho City. No. 3 First Street. Walla Walla, Wash. mHK SENATE. or.o. nirrzi:n & co. FIRST-CLASS BAR. FINE IMPORTED CIGARS. WALLA WALLA, WASH TEPOT LUNCH COUNTKn. FRANK M. CU.MMINGP, Proprietor. All Kinds of Lunches Put Up for tho Traveling Public. WALLA WALLA, WASH. mllE 8ARANAC CAFE J. KILLS A OHLS, Propi. Cyru Noble WhUkey, Leading Rranda of Wlnei and Cliolco CIgari. biclalty, Olyinpla Seer. Oregon 'Phone South 1971. 41 N. Sixth St., Cor. Couch. PORTLAND, OR A. L. LORENZEN. Real Estate Broker. LOANS NEGOTIATED. Inforuiatirn furnished regarding Wal la Walla and Umatilla Counties. No. fi Main Street, WALLA WALLA, WASH. Bar Fixtures and ..Billiard Tables.. Have Re-established their busi ness in PORTLAND, at 49 Third Street. A full stock of Bar Fixtures, Bil liard and Pool Tables. Bowlin? Alleys and Supplies always on hand. EASY PAYMENTS. J, G. REDOICK, Manager. FROM OUR EXCHANGES. The white man's prejudice against tho Negro uoesn't do tho race half as much harm as tho Negroes' prej udice against ono another. Educa tor. Blnnche K. Bruce, tho colored man who at one time was register of the treasury, Is publishing a paper li Bond, Miss., Its avowed object being tho elevation of tho colored rnco on tho Booker T. Washington plan. He advises nil Negroes to "buy homes, educate their children Industrially, servo God and prnctlco morality and temperance nnd let gambling and pol itics nlonc." Ab a rule, those Negroes who con tribute tho lenst, cither of money or brnlns, to different rnco enterprises arc usually those who havo tho most to say by way of criticism of tho same. Such inconsistent Negroes should shut their big mouths nnd "go way back nnd sit down." Blue Grass Bugle. A brass band contest took plnco In London on tho 27th of Soptomber, for tho "One Thnusnnd Guinea Challengo Trophy," nnd the piece selected for tho occasion was Mr. S. Coleridge Taylor'a "Scenes from Hiawatha." Bands from all over Englnnd partic ipated nnd tho winner realized ioii.o $8,000. Mr. Taylor, though possibly needless to sny, tho well-known Euro African musician, lies In Enr, land nnd has a colored Amorlcan wife. M,rs. Ooorgo Marshall, wife of tho proprietor of a hotel at Jcssum, Pn escorted n non-union miner through a mob of strikers In safety Thursday. Sho was armed with a shotgun nnd when the mob ndvancod sho peppered them with bird shot. Mrs. Mhrshnll hns shown how nny cownrdly mob may bo repelled and It Ih to bo hoped that her sisters In tho South will fol low her oxnmplo when n cownrdly mob of lynchers nro getting In their work upon ninmbors of her race. Just the past week n colored ulrl. nnxlous to propnro herself for llfo's arduous nnd exacting duties, Is barred out of n girl's dormitory In Chicago. Isabelln Ellis, n mulatto from San Antonio, Toxns, hos boon nttendlng tho Northwestern University. Sho hns had quarters In Chnpln Unll, but fooling nmong tho whites ran so high sho was removed yesterday nnd told to find n boarding limine outside tho University. Why should this girl bo so humiliated, when sho gives promise of being an ornnmont to civilized so ciety? Tho nctlons of tho whlto nctress, at Richmond, In hnvlug n room cleaned nnd cnlclmlned, boforo using It, mil refusing to enter It until her ordors wore carried out, on Recount of this snmo room having formerly been oc cupied by Black Pnttl, and the objec tion of tho two whlto crlmlnnls In Louisiana to being hnnged with n Ne gro, nro tho most ridiculously dusgust- Ing exhibition of their kind during tho present century. Wonder whnt kind of trcntmont will bo meted out to such reprehenslblo men nnd wo men, ns tli es o herein described, when tho flnnl day of reckoning calls them to nccount? It Is not generally known but It Is truo that Kentucky hns ono colored postmaster. Mr. Geo. W. Combs, post master nt Lenorson, Ky. Ho wns ap pointed two years ngo when tho post- offico wns established and 1ms mnde nn excellent record. Lenorson Is a llttlo vlllngo about thrco miles from Midway, Ky. TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE NOTES. Quito a number of now residences nre going up around tho school. Tho General Superintendent of Industries has orected u beautiful two-story houso, which ho recently moved Into. Greater stress Is being put upon t'io study of scientific nprlculturo tins year, than In nny previous yenr. The hospital Is being lighted throughout by electricity. COMING ATTRACTIONS. "YON YONSON." Coming to Cordrny's for ono ontlro week beginning Sundny mntlneo, No vember 9, Is "Yon Yonson," n piny which Is ono of tho most familiar and ono of tho best HKul of nil comedy dramns. "Yon Yonson" Is row In his 11th year of uninterrupted success. Tho play possesses In Itself n very strong dramatic Interest, as It Is rilled v'lh situations 'Ahlch aro both humor ous and sentimental. Tho character of Yon Yonson represents In a faithful ninnnor a quiet, simple-minded, Inof fenslve Swede, who In his own way tries to make n living In this country without offending or Injuilng tho next man. It is said that the actor who baa been cast for tho rolo of Yon Yonson this year, Nelso Frlckson, succeeds in giving n faithful and clenr-cut Imper sonation of a Swedish Immigrant pos sessing these qualifications. In tho company which will bo seen together with Mr. Erlckson aro such well known people as Harry Bond, Harry B. Roche, Florence Gear, PattI and Bello Dolan. Golden Rule HOTEL V. E. KELLEY, Proprietor. Headquarters for Traveling Men. Freo Bus to and from depot. Ono of the lending hotels of tho city. PENDLETON, OREQON. THE NEW AOE. Kitabllahcri 1890. A . D, Orlmn, MMinpcr. 0mcc,2428tnrk Strcot, Concord lIulldliiR, Portland, Oregon. AGENTS. O. A. Rlttcr Portland, Oregon K. It. Holmes Spokane, WahlnRton F. Frlli Keeblo audi Hlfi Prtclllo Avn., 1". H. Rrtico -...I Tarimin, Wnh. Waldo HorcI , Walla Walla, Wanli. To In bun publication, all local ncwa must reach u not later than Tlmradrt)' morning o( each week. Hnbscrlptlou price, ono year, pnyablo In ad vance, C1TV NEWS Mrs. T, Boldon Is considerably Im proved In health. Mrs. A. Nowsonio. n'lhough nblo to bo out, Is far from woll. Paul Lnwrcnco Dunbar Literary so ciety ovory Thursday cvonlng. All welcome. Mr. ,T. II. Unlncs hns been seriously III tho (inst week with nn nttnclc of pneumonia. Mr. S. T. .Tneksnn returned Monday from n brief visit to tho various cities on Pugct Sound. Our collector reports gratifying re milt In the voile of collecting niroam for subscriptions. Nontly furnished rooms nt reason nblo rates apply to Mrs. Annlo Yntcs. 307 Couch street. Mrs. Reno, Intoly of Minneapolis, nr- rlcd In tho city on tho 2Dtn lust, nun expects to Bpcnd tho wlntor hero. Mrs. W. L. 11. Plummor Is expecting her rlcco. Miss Ella Lopez, of Now OilonuB, to visit hor In tho near fu ture. Mr. Vincent, who hns been nttond Ing tho university nt McMlnnvllle. Ore, Is nt present stopping wun i-: D. Thomas of 3G5 Couch street. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Griffin enter- tnlncd at dinner on tho 2d liiBt. Mr. Fogg, of St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. fv. B. Perry, Miss Maud Lucas, Mr J. N. Fullllovo nnd Mr. Jno. Dearlng. Tho number nttendlng tho sowing circle on Monday ovoulng nt tho A. M. E. Zlon church has largely increas ed. A number of usoful ns well ns nrnnmontnl articles havo already b'jou finished. On Novombor 11, Miss Mnry E. Mooro wnH paid $10 In full for hor ef ficient sorvlco ns orgnnlst nt Bethel A. M. E. church. Aftor duo consider ation tho pastor nnd officers dud It liupnsslblo to contlnuo Miss Moore's services longer. Arrangements nro being mndo for nn entertainment to bo given on tho 11th Inst, for tho benefit of tho pnHto,' of tho A. M. E. Zlon church. Tho tickets have been placed nt tho low price of 10c eacli and should nssuro a largo nttendnnce. Mr. Jno. Freeman, brothor of Mr. Moto Freomnn, Is oxpoctod hero on the 8th Inst. Having served In tho U. S, nrmy In tho Philippines ho has received nn honorable discharge and hns concluded to lcavo tho army nnd locnto In Portland. Services nt Bcthol A. M. E. church, 68 North 10th street: Preaching at 11:00 a, m. and 8:30 p. m.; class meet ing nt 12:15; prayer mooting, Wodnos day ovenlng, 8:30. You nro Invited to all theso services. GEO. W. TOLSON, Pastor. Tho latest In fraternal circle fa "Tho Daughtora of Hopo" a secret so ciety composed of young misses from 5 yearB up. Tho society mootB ovory Monday nftornoon from 4 to C o'clock In tho Botho A. M. E. church. It (s undenominational nnd tho membership Is rapidly Increasing, Thero will bo u tacky party at Bethel A. M. E. church, Novombor 11, benefit for first pnymont on a piano, Thero will bo sovornl prizes for tho contestants; the most popular slnglo lady, married lady and widow lady. Tho tackiest person will bo rownrded a prlzo also. Refreshments will bo served. Everybody la Invited. On October 23 Bishop Abrnm Grant, D. D,, was united In tho bonds of mat rimony with Mrs. Lula Annstronf, of Houston, Texas, tho widow of tho Into Bishop Joslnh Armstrong, Tho coro mony took plnco at tho rosldonco of Bishop BenJ, W, Arnett nnd tho at tendance was limited to a very few In tlmato friends. Aftor tho wedding Uv, happy couplo left Wllborforco for In dianapolis, whoro thoy will rcsldo. Tho conforenco of tho A. M. H, Zlon church which wns hold at Los Angeles adjourned on Sunday ovenlng at which tlmo tho Bishop gavo out tho appointments wo aro unable to glvo a detailed account of tho proceedings nt this tlmo. Of tho nppolntmonta wo enn any that Rov. J. W. Wright has been appointed to tnlto ennrgo or. mo Los AngclcB church and Rov. J. W. Mooro. of Oakland, was appointed to tho Portland church. On Novombor 21 nt Grand Army hnll tboro will be given under the super vision of Miss Mnry Mooro nnd Mrs. Hnttlo Redmond a Dolsnrt drill by 12 young ladles. At the sumo tlmo n prlzo of a hnndsomo dlnmond ring will bo nwnrded to the most popular lady, nmrrlod or single, In Portland. Votes aro 5 cents each nnd tho vot ing begins November B. Tho pro coeds nro for tho benefit of Mt. Ollvol Baptist Church. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Griflln gavo n dinner at their homo on Stark strcot lost Sundny ovonlng. Thoeo present were: Mr. and Mrs. It. B. Porry, Mrs. C. A. Lucas nnd daughter, J. N. Fulll lovo, J. E. Bearing and Mr. M. Fojjg, of Rt. Paul, Minn. Tho decorations of nutumn blossoms and follow woro very dainty, nnd tho tablo presented n charming appearance. Ajj delicious menu wns enjoyed. Tho lint trimming contest nnd show er pnrty at tho Bethel A. M. 13, church on tho 31st ultimo., wns well attend ed nnd u neat sum realized for tho benefit of tho church. An excellent program had been nrrnuged consist ing In tho most part of songs nnd chor uses by tho llttlo folks who nil curried out their part of tho porformnnco woll. Tho Instriimontnl duct by MIbh Bon nlo Thomns nnd Mr. Geo. Carnnhan wns tho gem of tho evening. Mrs. C. II. .Inckson's recitation was oxcellont, us wnB also tho tableau, "Scenes In Fairyland." In tho lint trimming con test Mr. Sbepley carried nwuy tho first prlzo nnd Mr. was award ed tho second, Tho ladles furnished refreshments In tho vestry. PORTLAND HOTEL NOT11S. Mr. W. L. Sledgo of tailor shop fame Is railroading. Mr. O. II. Wells, tho boncdlct, bnd resigned his position nnd gnuo oast. Two prominent young men will bo foro yulo tldo hlo themselves bnck to their good old southern homo, whoro thoy will bo wedded and roturn to Poitland to reside, Mr. Newton Brown Is training on u piano. Mr, George Gnrdner, ono of tho vol ornu waiters, Ib sick listed, For Information about base ball cull on Tucker, Piiymi, Bendy, etc. Tho predoinlnnl Mr. A. II. Logan as sisted by tho Irresistible ox-stenm boater, nx-mlustrel man nnd baud ma jor, Mr, Ed. Ciimby, nnd otbors will soon pull off a conceit that promised to surpass nny yet given. MOKE ANON. lilluilncNN In InureuHiiiK. The proportion of sightless to seeing persons bus been watched with especial Interest lu Great Britain and the lat est statistics Indicate that It has fallen In a half century from about 1,020 In the million to some 870, or more than 14 per cent. This decline has been ho timed ns to show pretty conclusively that It Is the result of better conditions of living, Improved surgery mid doubt lesB a decrenso In the ratio of perilous to uon-perllotiH employments fur tho masses of tho people. AN ALL ABiniNO FAITH. Tho Illinois Central Hnllroad Com pany has nn nil abiding faith In tho futuro of tho Great Northwest. A short tlmo ago, thin was manifested by tho establishment, In Seattle, of rn agency to tnko care of their Inter ests thero. Tho latest effort U to put on n splendidly equipped now train Forvlco between St. i mil nnd Chlcngo. Tho now trains will bo running Sun. dny, Novombor 2. Thoy will uso tholr own rails between Chicago and Albort Leu, Minn., ami tho Minneapolis & St. Isolds By, track from Albort Len to Minneapolis nnd St. Paul, running Into tho union depot at St. Paul, which Is tho samo that Ib used by all lines In that city, Tho train Is to ho known ns "Tho Chlcngo, St. Paul nnd Minneapolis Limited" and will consist of slooplng enr, buffet library car nnd reclining chair cur through without chnngo be tween Chicago and Minneapolis nnd St. Pnul. Dining car Borvlco will also be maintained, supper being sorvod out of Chlcngo and breakfast Into Chl cngo. Trains will leave St. Paul at 7:10 p. m. and arrlvo In Chicago 9:30 n. m.; leavo Chicago at 0:10 p. in, nnd arrlvo nt St. Paul 8:40 a. m., making close connection nt fit Paul with all western lines. Tickets can bo pur chased via this lino, In connection with all westorn lines, nt all stations. For furthor Information regarding rates, routes, tlmo, etc., call on or address, B. H. TRUMBULL, Comm. Agt. III. Cent. R. R. 142 Third St., Portland, Oro. PAUL B. THOMPSON. F. P. A. 111. Cont. R. R., Seattle, Wash.