tTHE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON. The New Age A. D. GRIFFIN, Manager. Office, M43K Blnrk Ht., Coticord IIIiIr., Porttunil. Oregon. Entcrcil at tho postolllco at 1'ortland, Oregon, ea second class mailer. SUIISCKirTION. One Yen r, I'uynhln In Ailvnnco 92.00 Established lMfi. Printed At 215J5 Mark Bt, Third Floor. NEW HBPU11MCAN STATES. Tho Now Ago congrntulatcB the Ito publicans of the Pnclllc Northwrnt on tho ncqulRltlon to tho pnrty of Idnho, Montnnn nnil Colornilo. MnldnR thlrt coast solidly Republican. Tho Indica tions hnvc boon, as stated In formor Issues of this paper, that Idaho would certainly conio over, after several years' wandering after falso political gods, to tho snfe, sure, solid and "grand old party," hut It waB ricarcely expected that Montana, dominated by innltl-inllllonalrcs who professed to bo Democratic, would follow suit. Tho quarrels of tho professedly Dora ocratlc millionaires contributed, how over, to tho result. After Marcus Daly'B death Clark had everything Ms own wny for a time, but lately ho has been antagonized not only In bimlncss hut in nolltlcM by another reputed millionaire nml high-roller, formerly a Republican, Mr. Holnze, whoso unmo Indicates his raco and religion. Holnzo concluded ho could do Clark more harm by breaking In to Clark's party than ho could as a llppubllcun, and tho comwiucnco iti that whllo Ilelnzo lias won a partial, personal victory In the election of n Judge, ho has nelped materially to Timko Montana a Republican stntc. In order to carry his main point, and elect a Judge who It Is popularly sun posed will favor him In bis decisions on tho bench though this should not bo assumed too icadlly tho Demo cratic candidate for congress, and other Democratic candidates, wore sacrificed. Hut Holnzo hns ovor-dono his stunt, for Montana will almost surely go Republican hereafter, and If ho tried to snenk back Into that party ho will bo kicked out iih n man unfit lor honest Republicans to nsso ditto with. Washington rolled up a big majority, nltnoHt ns mini us It did for McKlu ley in 1000, for tho Republican candl dates for congress, anil elected 110 out of 130 mi'inborB of tho legislature, thus Insuring tho election of n Re publican senator In tho placo of Sen ntor Turner. California, though los Ing two congressmen who ought 10 huvo boon ro-olcctod, run! electing u governor by only a small innjorlty, Htlll showed that It Is solidly Repuh llcan on national Issues. Even Colo rado wont Republican, which was an other surprise, nml If there Is any do feet Ion now In tho Pacllle const It may turn out In Nevada, which con- tnlitit lint n linndful of voters. Con Hlderlug tho national elections of 1000 and 181)0, tho Republicans huvo gained three states, Colorado. Mnntauu anil Idnho, Washington having rojectcd llrynn Democracy two years ago, THE OENERAI. ELECTIONS. Tho country, except of course tho Solid South, where Republicans aro disfranchised, went very heavily Re publican this week, and whllo tho Democrats mnilo somo gains In con grcrtBinen thoy wero not sulllelent or of a natiiro to bo at nil discouraging to tho Ropubllcan pnrty. Its major ltv In tho next Hoiipo will not bo so lorgo ns in tho present one, but It vili bo quite sulllelent, n good "work lug innjorlty," which after nil Is bet tor than too largo a innjorlty. Tho light was close In Now York, Mr. Color receiving u tremendous major ity In New York City, but tho Repub lican majorities In tho rest of tho Btato wero sutllcleut to do him up. Tho other Republican states gavo very largo majorities for an off year, thus giving tho administration of President Roosevelt an emphatic en dorsement In fact, tho general id miration for tho President was tho controlling factor in tho election, for not only almost all Republicans but most independents ami oven umny Democrats deslreil to show their ap probation nn.l &pnt elation of tho 1'iealilent. There is no doubt that If he had beon running for President ho would have canted nil the stntes that tho Republicans did carry by oven Aetna Banking and Trust Company BUTTE, MONTANA t , .... Ompllml $100,000.00 Under state supervision. Hve pr cent interest, payable quarterly, paid on deposits Monoy to Loan on Roal Eatato F. AUO. NEIMZC, PrmmlUmnt A. B. CLEMENTS, Ommhlmr SCO. O. FLU8. Prmm J. O. FEM1E, Via Prm 1. CAPITAL STATE BANK OF IDAHO Llmltrnd Banking In all Its branches. Your business solicited. BOISE, ......... IDAHO much larger majorities, and this, from present Indications ho will do In 1901. Tho President Is a real leader of tho party, and towers high nbovo all other prominent figures In It. With a weak, vacillating, doubtful man In his placo tho election would havo turned out very differently, nnd nny considerable moasuro of Democratic success at this time would havo beon injurious if not disastrous to tho conn- try' Having spent somo dnys In tho Montana campaign in tho Interest of tho Ropubllcan party tho managor of Tho Now Ago Is particularly pleased at tho result In that state not thnt ho Is egotistical enough to stippoB3 that he contributed very greatly to tho re sult, but ho did at lenst a little, both In Montana nnd Idaho and so Is espec ially happy over the result In those states. Mr. Lovl Ankeny will bo tho leading candidate for United Stntes sonntor In Washington, nnd shouhl win out. Ho will mnko the best senator Washing ton State could send to Washington City. Negroes Bhould Improve every pos sible opportunity to Improve them selves, mentnlly, morally and financ ially. Only thus will thoy becomo more roBpccted thnn they are. Thoro Is plenty of room nnd good opportunities In tho Pacific Northwest for sober, Industrious, honest Negro workers. Como on. Certainly, Cholf Cnmpboll, Portland badly needs a flro boat, but It seoms iib If It would bo n long time coming. And still Governor Oeer does decldo about that extra session, will have to ibr.ldo pretty soon. not lie Now that the election In over, more attention will bo given to that Thanks giving turkey. Hurrah for Idnho! She's all rlht. WALLA WALLA NEWS WALDO IIOOL13, Correspondent. Walla Walla, Wash., Oct, .10, '02. Mrs. Ida Jeans Is slightly Improved. Henry A. Ulackman returned yester day from a trip to Pendleton. Mrs. Annie Miller, of Chicago, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Susan Ab bott. Coss Ooodwln Ib III of pneumonia at his homo In Cnthrlno street. J. F. Allon. of Wnltsburg, was a vis itor to tho city Wedncsdny. Mrs. J. II. Ryan, of Scattlo, Is a visitor to tho Garden City. Mr. Knylor nppeared heforo tho council and desired that ho ho grant ed a saloon license, Ho Is manager of a Mr. Conner, now In Omaha, who in tends to start n saloon In Alder street between Third and Fourth strecrt. Tho hendquartors band nnd thrco troops of cavalry of tho Ninth cavalry arrived here Friday night at 7:30 o'clock, coming utmost directly from tho Philippines. There aro thirteen olllceiH nnd -0T enlisted men. Not since tho spring of 1808 hns regiment al hcadqunrtoi-8 been established at Fort Wnlln Walla. The ofllcors and men nro nil looking well considering they havo traveled nearly D.000 mllen to reach this post. Troop E, which was expected to conio to Wnlla Walla also have not lauded at San Francis co yet. As tho train pulled Into tho depot thero were cheers fiom tho ttoopern who realized nt last thoy had reached a station where tho question of travel In transports nnd crowded enrs would not annoy them for somo tlmo to come. , Thero wero a great number of peoplo down to meet tho train. A number of tho soldiers havo seen much service and sovornl of them nro married. The soldiers aro without horses and It Is not thought animals will bo purchased for them until spring. Tho men will receive back pay for two months within a few days. Thoy nro still nttlrod In khaki and It Is possible they will havo to wear tho light summer clothing for a month yet. Tho band consists of twenty-six pieces, among which are seven Fili pinos, Carl S. OuukIII Is louder. John Wilson ehlof trumpoter nnd Major Woodward drum major. Tho band plays nt grand mount at 11 o'clock ami at retreat at fi In tho evening. WALDO 110GLE, Cor. Th"rUco for 8kat. Ttie luehrlnte wept tears of gratitude. "And you have actually put mo oa my fcetl" sobbed he, seemingly unable fully to comprehend his Bit nation. "Where else should I put you, you old skate?" exclaimed I, with all the earnestness I could summon. Now there was subtlety here, which fancy his beuiurketl brain was scarce able to grasp. Detroit Journal. H. r. MEAL. Omuhlmr FAY D. YOUMO, AmutOmmh'r Accurate Delay. Many stories are told of tho lack of punctuality upon Southern railroads. It is said that when a New England man found his train, advertised to leave at 11 o'clock, starting at exactly that hour ho complimented the conductor. "Just on time, I see," he said, genial ly. "All this talk I've heard of tho late ness of your trains is without founda tion, I've no doubt." The conductor smiled at him gently. "This train, sir," ho paid, without a trace of embarrassment, "Is not to-day's 11 o'clock train, sir. It Is yesterday's 11 o'clock. To-day's will probably not get hero from 'way down until to-morrow, sir." 0 1 ALL AT 120 AND 122 MAIN ST. KC-mVAlWS SALOON I.tinch Counter nnd Club ltoomn open nt nil hours. 120 nnd 122 Main Street WALLA WALLA, WASH A. BCIIWAKZ, Prop rniiK hank kxciianoi: KHKI) I'OST, l'roprlotor Onoot tho first clan1oonn( Wnlla Wnlla, wliero jou will l.o fronted rlttht nnd all of tho finest brands of Liquors and tho best brands of Cigars always on hand WAI.t.A WAM.A WA8II D i:iIUS & HTAHIi Finest saloon In tho city All tho latest nnd best brands of Liquors 310 H. Hecond Strcot WALLA WALLA WAHH mm: i:lk baloon JOHN HAOIITOLD, Prop. 121 Mnln Street WALLA WALLA WASH WT miu: hmailh" Htrlctly First Class llnr KMA1I.S 1IUOH., Props. WALLA WALLA WASH mm: foutland lunch countku Tho Host Mcnls In tho City WALLA WALLA - WAHH 1utz, thi: TAILOU ,h ays 011 hand 11 lull niortiiient of LATEST FOUKION ANI DOMKSTIC UOOPS lli:ST WOHK, 1IK1) UOCK l'lttCKS A perfect lit guaranteed Coruor Fourth nnd Alder Bts. WALLA WALLA WASH "IACHTOLn A ACHKUMANN Importers and Wholosnlo Liquor Merchants Agents For Holillti Milwaukee Peer Huttor Homo Wines Yellowstone Whiskey JcffD Mooro Whiskey Avoudalo Club Hyo No. 11 AldorBt. WALLA WALLA A II O Ht. Louis Poor Astl llraudles Cedar Ilrook Whiskey Cream Hye Whiskey Jaa. K. l'eicr Phono White !Wl WASH Our Stock Ih bloomltiK with Shoes for Fmll nntl Winter that nro Just as benutlful and grnieliil ns the season and our customers demand. I'.very woman will bo delighted with tho added grace that will bo given by our new Fmll mnil Wlntar Bhoos sad cnry man who has an eye for tho benutl ful will lo charmed. McKean's DRY GOODS STORE Clothing, Shoes, Hats, and Mens' Furnishings Office: Fourth and Main Street WALLA WALLA - WASH PHILLIPS TRUNK CO. Trunks Made to Order Also Taken in Exchange. TRUNKS REPAIRED. 311 Morrison St., ' Opposite Postoffice Butte Coat Company Coml nd Wood Hay and Grmln Dmmlmrm In Ooke, Oharooal, Lima. Oemant, Plantar Pari, Granlta Wall Plantar, Etc. City ottlre, 19 Fast llrosdway; Telephone 477 Yards, Upiier Mala Street Itatlroad Ttacksj Telephone wl. autre, meaTAMA. CHAKt.KH A. LUCAS, Atlornor and Conn. se) Room 629 Chamber of Com merce. Practice In all Federal and State Courts. 1'ortland, Oregon. J. Boeder. N. Mnrquart BEVKNTH & OL1SAN EXCHANOK. Choice Wines. Liquors and Ctunrs. Sclltvood Peer. 1'hono Clay ten. 115 N. 7th St.. 1'orllaud rpHK OAK CAKE. P. W. TICK, 1'rop. Choice Lino of Wines, Llqnors and Cigars. Ori'k-nn 1'lione Hood 82.1. Cor. Fourth and Oak Ms. Portland, Or. For n good social time call and see JOHN WOIDA. Fine Wines, LlqiiorB and Cigars. Tclcphono Clay C3, 4CO Gllsan Bt., Portland. Or rOIIN KKI.I.Y General Isurance Agent, Flro and Marine. Fcottlih Union A. National 1ns. Co., Kdlnbiirg and London; Western K. and M. Assurance Co., Toronto, Can. tfi, Third St., Colurnblau illdg. P. F. HALL. Cor. Commercial and Stanton Bts., Portland Ore. Wine, Liquors and Flue Cigars. Oregon 1'hono I'lnlc 413. V. M. PRESTON. OHOCKItlEH. Free delivery to all parts of the City. IM) I.nrrabce St., corner Ilasalo. Portland, Or. '1'hono Bcott 371. NEIL O'HARE. Oceanic Exchange. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Free Lunch. . . Cor ltusscll and Ilrcndle Bti., Portland, Or. mllK WESTEltN LUMUUlt COMPANY Office: Ecrcntccnth and FrontStrccts. Portland, Oregon, mllE EXCHANGE. George BcbcckL FINE WINES, L1QUOKS AND CIGARS. WEINHAKD'B 11EEU. 101 Third Sircct North. c ALL AT S31 FlllST HT, For Fresh Dread, Cakes and Ties Pally, A Fresh Lino of Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Etc. MRS. E. N. HUCHANAN, 1'rorrlctrcss. LIIINA FERRY EXCHANGE John Ercrson, 1'roprletor. Dealer In Cholco Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 18 Alblua avenue, corner Hirer streot. Alblna, Oregon. nALL AT NINTH AND GLI8AN STS. J. M. RYAN, Dealer In Groceries, Fruits, Confectlonory and Daklug. Corner of Ninth and Gllsan Streets A MKRICAN 11AKERY. Gas Mankerts, nro p. All Kinds of Dread. Cakes and l'los. llome- mado Urtad a Specialty, batlsfactlon Guaranteed. COO Williams Are. Portland, Ore. Bavaria Beer Hall. LOUIS 1CLUO, Proprietor. Cer. Second and Oak Bts. TORTLAND, Of. TOE HYNE8 BALOON. Northeast corner of Gllsan and Seventh Sts. X Choice Collection of Wines and Liquors. Imported and Domestic Cigars. c. r. JONES. CIGARS, TOIIACCOS, CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, ETC. Ill Sixth Ftrtet, Uetvreen Qlliau and Hoyt. Portland, Oregon UENRY FLECKENSTEIN & CO. WHOLESALE WINEB AND LIQUORS. Importers and Jobbors. S06-208 Second St., Both Telephones Main Hi. Portland, Or. mllE UAVAKIA SALOON A. I). BURGER, Prop, Imported and Domestlo Wines, Ltqeert and Cigars. Weluhard's Deer. Phon Oregon IlUoklSiJ E, E. Corner Second and Oak Btrttts, PORTLAND, OREGON. ADOLF l'ETTERSON, Proprietor. OLOF SWENSOM. Barkeeper. THE STOCKHOLM. Whtre can be (ound finest of liquors, Wines and Cigars. Oregon Phone Clay iti. Corner Sixth and Ylanders. Portland, Of T HE POPULAR. JOHN KCKLUND, Proprietor. Telephones: Oregon Red M4; Columbia S64. 1M First Strtst. Portland, Oregon, The Paper of the People The OREGON D AIL YJOURNAL By Carrier in Portland 10c per Veek. ALL TUB NBWS TM AT S NEWS TODAY. Weekly and Semi-Weekly Editions Weekly Journal, 53 copies, 1 year.. ... .11.00 Seal-Weekly Journal, 104 copies, ljrr,,. l.JC A Paper lor Oregon Homes IDAHO ADVERTISING. i DOLPH SCHREIBER. Funeral Director. 918-920 Front Street, Opposlto R. R. Depot Park. Bell phone 212F. Ind. phone 439. BOISE, IDAHO. s TATE BANK OF IDAHO. Welter, Idaho. CAPITAL, SBO.OOO. Edward Shalmvald, President. Chas. J. Solwyn, Cashier. Also has a branch at Cambridge, Idaho. Tho People's Dank. Solicits your business. T HE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. A. Hlnkcy, Proprietor. First class In all respects. Special attention given to commercial tnon. Loug dtstanco telo phone iu connection. NAMPA, IDAHO. The Bank of Nam pa. FRED O. MOCK, Cashier. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. NAMPA, IDAHO s TAR LIVERY, FEED AND UUAlUHMi HIAHLK First class rigs furnished to all points. Spe cial ratis to Kmmett, Star, Pearl and Snako River. Special attention given to commercial men. W. J. DUVALL, Proprietor, Nampa, Idaho. Hotel Weiser, Wclscr, Idaho. BARTON & BRIZENDINE, Proprietors. Frco Sntnplo Rooms. Ttntcs reason able. Miners', Stockmen's and Com mercinl Men's llemlqunrters. Largest nnd best appointed hotel in Western Idaho. Rooms with bath, steam heat and electric call bells, liar bur shop in connection. The Idanha IDANIIA IIOTKL, CO., Ltd., Proprietors K. W. SCIIUIU'RT, Miuiugor. BOISK, IDAHO. OPENED JANUARY, 1901 AMERICAN PLAN. RATES 2.50 AND UPWARDS. Headquarters for Tourists, Mining Men and Commercial Travelers. Prescott, Brandt & Co., Omce with J. II. QKAYIIILL, Immigration Agt. O. 8. L. R. R. REAL ESTATE AGENTS The great home land mild climate, pure mountain air, tine water. Tho death rato Is lower In Idaho than In any other stato In the Union. No cyclones, storms or bllitards. First premium on fruit at the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893; Paris Exposition, 1900. First premium on Lambs at Chicago Stock Show, 1900. Gold, silver, copper, coal, fine timber. Grow wheat, oats, barley, corn, all kinds ol cultivated grasses, and vegetables to perfec tion. We will be pleased to show you fine Irri gated lands at Nampa, llolso, Caldwell, Payette and other points. Wo have bargains In lands from 110.00 per acre up. Correspondence so licited. Address PRESCOTT, BRANDT & CO. Room 6, Hlckey Kuildtng, NAMPA, IDAHO FOR CHEAP HOMES And How to Ronch Thorn, Call On or Address J. H. GRAYBILL, Traveling Immigration Agent Oregon Short Line Ry. NAMPA, IDAHO. CITY LAUNDRY GO. Gents' Work a Specialty. Pioots: Oregon 429, Columbia 410. FOURTH AND COUCH STS., PORTLAND, OREGON LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY Dm Bist in Current Literature 12 Comflctc Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 pen yean; 25 ct. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES tVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF N.0NT1M HIEHTISEMEIITS. CLOTHES THAT WEAR and aro fit to wear, bear our label. Barbers' Coats, Waiters' Jackets and Aprons Garrs & Klein, HELENA AND BUTTE, MONTANA. HERRMANN & 470. Furniture and Carpets,. S01-203 Broatlwmy. Undertakers and Embalmers, 120 Bromdwmy, Telephone 249. 1IKLENA, SIONTV Kessler Brewery... BREWERS AND BOTTLERS OI Hlgh-Orndo Beers, Holcna, - Montana. CAM. AT THE ?! Fine Photographs We have all the latest styles In Mounts. IlrliiK yotir Kodulc work and get prices. iVdl I CD 131 N. Blrtln Htroat, IVCLLCKt Opji. V. O. Helena, Mont. EAST SIDE HARDWARE CO- V. 11. HAM., Managor. Hardware, Graniteware, Tinware,. Agricultural Cjooos. Oct Our I'rlccs lloforo Iluylng. Oregon 1'hono Bcott 321. 115 Orand Are. A. E. SIEOEL. Denier in all kinds of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Butter, Cheese, Eges, Etc. and Bacon a Specialty. Phont, Clay 584. 95 N. Seventh St Telephone Hcd Vol. rrlrato rooms. Bambrinus Garden Saloon. Andrew Swanson, Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Cor. 23d and Washington Bts. 1'ortland Orb WHEN YOII BUY Furniture, Carpets and Stoves FOK IIOUSEKEEriNO Cut This Out and Get a Reduction at Henry Jennings 178-174 First Street. A. Goodnough J. O. Stearns GOODNOUGH & STEARNS Real Estate Loans and Insurance Washington Dulldlng, 1'ortland, Or City, Suburban and Country Troperty, Im proved and unimproved. Timber and Coat Lands. Choice Water Frontage, suitable (or manufacturing purposes. Valuable business property (or sale. HENRY HEWETT & CO. Fire and Marine Insurance. RoomB 20 and 27, Sherlock Building. Cor. Third and Oak Sta. PORTLAND, OR. Savage and Omnibus Transfer ...OOMPANY... OtHce S. W. cor. Fourth and 8tarlc Sts. Telephone 639. POKTLAND, OKEOOK Exchange Your Checks With Messenger oa Trains and order Carriages or Coupes. Baggage checked at resi dence to any destination Branch otHces: Hotel Portland; United Car rtage Co., Seventh and Taylor. L. H. ADAMS, Mgr. BARR HOTEL European and American Plan. Furnished in First-Class Style, Htwhoasa.nawlvfanilati&e iwn Miw.v. . Onion depot Jill the modern Improvements, nre-prool, hot and cold water, centrally !. eeud. Batei, f 1 and $1.25 a Day. Keels aie,Btke Me. Cor. Sixth and Qlliaa, Ptrtlaat.