THE NEW AGE, POBTLAND, OREGON. n. i SEATTLE ADVERTISING MORTHWESTEItN IIIOK WORKS. Manufacturers of 8tcnmboat,.Mill .nnd Mining Machinery. "Water Front, Foot of University St Telephone 1'IKK 73. Seattle, Wuh. Sohwabaoher Bros. J Co., Ino. WHOLESALE GROCERS COFFEE ROASTERS Agents for Hcrnan Cortcz, White Knight and Fonteila Cigars. Proprietors of Happy Homo and Silver Shield Brand Canned Goods. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Wittler-Corbin Machinery Co. Manufacturers and Dealers In Saw Mill, Shingle Mill and Planing Mill Machinery. Engines, Boilers, Etc., Etc. Complete Mills Our Specialty. Cor. JnckFon St. nnd Second Ave. South SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. THE SAKANAC CAFE KILLS A 01IL8, Props. Oregon Photic, South 1071. CYRUS N01ILB WHISKEY. Lending llramlsof Wtnam nnd Cholom Olgmrm. 41 N. Sixth Street, Cor. Couch. a'ORTLAND, OREGON CAPLAN BROS. SucccMors to KRIEO & LEVY. TEAS, COFFEES AND SPICES A SPECIALTY. BOTH 'PHONES 838. 304 Washington St., cor. Tenth, PORTLAND, OREGON. Hatters and Furnishers SoleAgen.sfor KNOX HATS BUFFUNI & PENDLETON 94 Third Street. PORTLAND, ORE. ifii&t cfRfm'Si5HtB .-W-.T- -, V lectures Framed. Furniture Repaired H. C. Schroeder THE ALUINA House Furnisher Hemes furnishod complete. Cash or installments. Undertaking and embalming, 344-246 Russell St., Upper Alblna, PORTLAND, OREOON. fhone, Pink 503. Res. I'hone, rink 917 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DESIGN! Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a .ketch and description mar onlcklr ascertain our ODlnton fraa i r opiuioa ire wuei r tuitentabla. Comn liether an Inrentlon Is probably patentable. Communlea. tionsstricurconDaeiitiai. iianabooaonfatenti sent free. Oldest airencr for securing patents. tlani.trlctlrcondileiitr&l. Handbook on Patents Patents taken through alunu & Co. recelre tfwialnctUt, wltboot cbsrto, Intba Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weeklr. I-sr.t rlr. million of anr selAiulfle loaruiL Terms. SI a year i f oar months, fL Bold by all newsdealtra, HUNH&Co. New York Branch Offlc. at Tt BU, Waahluitoa. D. C. nSSkRKr Ijrmrra The Dalles Advertising TRYING TO MAKE Hin STOP in nnd order a bag of Dulles Pntont or White River Flour for her baking tho housowifo is continually nsking of her husband, but if ho forgets alio will order it herself, for tho lover of good, whlto and dcliciouB bread will never uso any other nflor eho experiences the Batisfac tory results of tho Dalles Patent Flour. It is mndo from choico wheat and milled by tho best process. Manufactured by W. W. M. Co. THE DALLES, OREGON. LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS OF EASTERN OREGON. T OUIS IIUNZIKKR. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Op tical Goods, Cut Gluts. 720 Main Street. PENDLETON, Oregon T HE OWL. A GENTLEMAN'S RESORT. Finest Wlnci, Liquors nnd Clears. Olvo Us t Call. Opp. Dopot, Left Hand Walk. SMITH & ROCKWELL, Props. La Qraudo, Oregon THE MINT SALOON O. L. MELLQUI8T, Prop. TEST BRANDS OK WINES AND LiqUORS IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS.... Corner Derot Streot and Jcflenon Avenue, LA ORAMDE, OH. K. Y. Jcdd. Frast. F E. Jcnr, Bco'y and Trcas. Tiir.noM K. I'si.L, Manager Incorporated, 18M Capital Stock, 0,000 PEMDLETON Woolen Mills Manufacturcri of FleeceWool Blankets, Indian Robes Cassimcrcs, Flannels Pondloton, Onom The Leading FURNITURE DEALER AND OF EASTERN OREGON IS ..M. A. RADER.. Funeral Director and Embalmer Lady Asiistant. rUNDLKTON OKEOON Rates 12.60 Per Day nnd Up. THE GEISER GRAND (AMERICAN) A. GEISER, Proprietor. Commercial, Family and Tourist'Hotel. BAKER CITY, OREGON ..ESMOND .. HOTEL. Portland, - - Oregon. Front and Morrison Streets. KATKHl European Plan, 50c to $ .0 Per Day American Plan, 5 to $2 Ptr Dat OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager, J. C. PENDEGAST. Cblel Clerk. Walker's Home Cooking Parlors Lunches put up for Travelers. Wo guarantee satisfaction and prompt service. J. WALKER, Prop. 89 Sixth Street. SOUTHERN OREGON JRIFFIN HARDWARE CO. Wholesaler and Retail Hardware. 8TOVE8 AND TINWARE. Willamette Street, EUGENE, OREGOM rniiE UMrquA bakery FRESH BREAD DAILY. Pics, Cakes, Cookies. Doughnuts, Runs, Rolls Cream Pull's. Cokes fsr Socials, 1'iutloi nnd llaniUcts Mndo to Order. E. JENNINGS and MRS. FREEMAN, Props. Phono 410. Roseburg, Oregon D AY & HENDERSON All Kinds of FURNITURE- Practical Embalmers and Undertakers. Orders by telegraph filled promptly. Phone Black 47. Cor. Wlllamotte and 7th Sts. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. ST, CHARLES HOTEL TOHN GIBLIN, Prop. Flrst-Clars Accommodations and Prompt serv Ice. Large Sample Qoouis for Commercial Travelers. Phone 7. Cor. First and Washington Sts. Albany. Oregon. Eutortaluers: CHA8. GILVIN. DILL PROTZMAN The Monogram PRANK KENNEDY. Prop. Cyrus Noble, Bourbon and Ryo Whis kies. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ROSEBURG, - OREGON. WILKINS' Railroad Eating House Fumlihod Rooms In Connection. IN THE NEW TWO-STORY BRICK Just South of tho Depot. ROSEBURO - - OREGON. Chicken Supper with Hot Biscuits. All Trains Stop Thirty Minutes. Buyloss & Stormer. C. P. BARNARD, Proprietor of Roseburg-Marshfield Stage Line Empire Livery, Feed and Sale Stables. Saddle Ilorfcs and Stylish Single and Double Itipi at All Hours. ROSEBURO, OREOON. THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO. (Incororated.) Manufacturers of Woven Wire Mattresses. Carpets, Porllrri, Rug. Laco Curtains, Similes, Furniture, Wall Pnper, Picture Frame, Mattresses, Redding. Undcrtnklngand embalminga specialty Stores at Albany and Salem, Ore, Factory at Albany, Ore. Masonic Temple, Alii an v, Oregon EMPIRE Livery Feed and Sale Stable C P. BARNARD, Prop. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Rigs At All Hours. Transient stock given the very best of care. Rates always reasonable and satisfaction guar, anteed. Phone Main 51. Cor. Rose and Oak Sts, ROSEUURG, OREGON. The LITTLE DRUG STORE Near the Depot, Roseburj,', Oregon. Where you can find the BEST QUALITY OF Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Stationery, Etc. M. F. RAPP, Proprietor. When in Medford STOP AT TfeNew Nash Hotel FIRST CLA88 IN EVERY PARTICULAR. W. J. HAMILTON, Proprietor. REACHES HIGHE8T NOTE. Kdlth Helena Who BirtRSj to F Fhnrp in Altlselrao. Kdlth Helena sings to F sharp In altlsslnio, tho highest note ever reached by a soprano singer. For yenrs, says theNew York World, Mme. Nlls--son was queen of tho upper regis ters; then camo Pattl a noto high er, to wrest her lnurcls away. For years she held the scepter till Ellen Beach l'aw eclips ed her by another full noto. But now EDITH HELENA, M,B8 1Iclenrl nng eclipsed them all with consummate case. With nil this remnrkablo rango, Miss Helena's voice Is peculiarly pure nnd bell-like In quality. She can Imitate tho tones of n violin nnd Its highest notes with case. Sho comes on tho ntago with a violin. Tho audience sees her go through the motions of playing tho Intermezzo from "Cnvallerla Hustlcana" upon it violin. Rhe draws tho Iww with no un certain stroko ncross tho strings nnd fingers them correctly. The nudlcnco hears what sounds like a violin of lino tone well played. In reality no sound comes from tho strings they nnd tho bow hnvo been well soaped nnd aro noiseless. The music has been made by tho delicate strings In tho thront of tho Blngcr, who keops her lips nearly closed to heighten the Illusion. MM KJ. Tho up-to-dnto ndvertlser not only studies methods of advertising, but ho makes n thorough study of human na turo as it exists In his constituency. Printer's Ink. An Increasing unmber of establish ments, says tho Philadelphia Record, havo adopted a rule of making spe cial efforts to stlmulato trade In tho duller seasons of tho year. One ndver tlser said he could count on nil tho bunlncss ho could do at tho holiday tlmo, but what ho wanted was to In duce people to buy at other times. Ho found It profitable to pay unusual at tention to his newspaper advertising In the summer months. A newspaper whoso columns over flow with advertisements of business men has more lullueucu In attracting at tention to build up it town than any oth er agency that can be employed. Peoplo go where there Is business. Capital and labor go where there Is an enterprising community. No power on earth Is so strong to build up a town so well as n paper well patronized, nnd Its power should be appreciated. The man who overlooks his town paper Injures him self by Injuring his town and towns men. Wuiiitinaker. Tho first few advertisements may not bring many Inquiries, but like tho foundations of a building, they aro ful filling their purposes, oven If they don't make much of a showing. Keep right on building, and you wilt have an cdl lice of more or less value, according to the building done. Keep right on ad vertising. Don't bo discouraged be causo the foundation doesn't show up very much compared with what you expect tho ultimate result to bo. If the advertising Is well done, and In tho right medium, you are Just as sure of having a well built business as tho builder Is sure of having his house com pleted when the necessary expense and work arc put Into It. FIRST CUBAN MINISTER. Bcuor Queaadn Keprcaenta NewJtopub lie ut Wualiliiutou. Snnor Gonznlo do y Qitesnda Is tho olllclal representative of the Cuban re public at Washington. S e n o r Q u esndu, who was tho first in 1 nl s ter appointed by the new govern ment, Is well known at the national capi tal. During tho days beforo 1808 he was the secretary of the unrecognized 1 e g a tlon from the then struggling Inland, and nt that time was eo ,ueaua. made much of by society at tho capital. Senor Quesada Is descended from an old Bpanlsu fnmlly. One of his ances tors, Gonzales Quesada, was governor of Porto Rico. The Quesadas held large estates In Cuba mid before tho up rising were among the rich families of tho Island. His parents were suspected of disloyalty to Spain and wero expelled from the Island. Young Quesada, who Is about thirty five years of age, was educated In New York City and Is a graduate of the Col lege of the City of Now York. HMnovin(r Adipose Tihsue, Mr. Wolgbblgg-Doctor, your anti fat remedies are doing rno a great deal of good. I'm losing llesh right along, But, seems to me, your charges are ruinously high. Doctor (calmly) That's part of the treatment New York Weekly. A Woman "Watchmaker. Austria's first female watchmaker, Miss Glscla Elfreschltz, has Just been admitted to the Vienna Watchmaker' Guild. lEasf ft 1 'J J i Mimm TbMpH 4isiBsBHsKufxi Walla Walla Advertisements. LEWIS W. BEATON Manager flemrtl UtitlaHmklng Pmrlmrm. Graduate Embalmer and Dlslntector. Licensed by Illinois State Hoard of Health. Member National Association of Embalmers. P. O. Ilox 782' Phone, Main Hi. WALLA WALLA, WA8H. T W. COOKKRLY. Undertaker and General Funeral Furnisher. Embalming a Specialty. Ilabcock's Uriel. Dlock, 7 First St. Telcphono lllnck 891. WALLA WALLA, WA8H. nRYAN DROS. New Livery, Feed and Sate Stable. Rubber Tired Hacks a specialty. Carrta? rails attended to night or day. Southwest cor. Second and Alder Streets. Telephone 67. WALLA WALLA, WASH. McBride Bros. LIVERY STABLE. Rubber Tired Hacks a Specialty. Baggage Wagons. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Telephone 66. 124 E. Main St. THE WALLA WALLA Steam Laundry Can Suit You. Special Orders Returned the Same Day. Phone, Blnck 151. HOTEL DACRES S. SIMON, Proprietor. Formerly Simon HoUSC. Rated $2.50 to $3.00. WALLA WALLA. WASH. THE ROYAL CAFE Q, E. METTER, Proprietor. Strictly First-Class And up-to-Dato in ovory appointment. Seasonable dcllcndoi always on band. Banquets and Ball Suppers Served. Privato partio:! promptly sorvod. Main Street, bet. Second and Third WALLA WALLA, WASH. GILBERT HUNT CO. Machine Shop and Foundry Manufacturers ot Pride of Washington Threshers, Self Feeders, Drapers and Machine Extra of Every Description. flepilr Work a Specialty. Catalogue Free. WALLA WALLA, WASH. Blazier's... No, 248 Burnsldo Street, Bet. Second and Third, PORTLAND, ORKQON Tho Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars PORTLAND IRON WORKS MANUFACTURERS OK Saw Mill Machinery Flouring Mill Machinery Marine Engines and Boilers OFFICE AND WORKS) Fourteenth and" Northrup Streets PORTLAND, OREGON. EVERETT, WASHIN3T0N, ADVERTISEMEm W. C. D1CKELHAUPT, J. W. BROOKS, Prost. Bee. and TMMk Everett Flour Mill Co. Manufacturers aud Kzportorsof FLOUR Everett, Washington, U. S. A. W. J. RUCKF.R, WM. TENNANT, Vlco Prcs. Ocnl. Mffc. F. W. SUMNKH, T. 11. SUMNER, Prcsldont. Vlco Presides. Sumner Iron Works. Manufacturers ot Marino, Mining and Mill Maohinirv Water Tube and Tubular Boilers. Everett, Washington. BOBBINS TRANSFER CO: General Transfer Business. Storage and Frco Sample Rooms Check nnd deliver your bnpungo tot 2Gc. per piece four blocks north or Houth. of Hewitt avenue, nnd bustween all train aud boats. Three days' freo storage All work, and prices guaranteed satisfactory. 'Phono 371. EVERETT, WASH Model Laundry and Toilet Go. J. V. DUKH, Proprietor. A specialty ot Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED. phone ai. taia Hewitt Avo. Everett, Wash. Centralia Advertising, OKNY YOUR LAUNDRY WORK TO CENTRALIA STAR LAUNDRY. Hand Laundry. Best Work in Town. Phono CO. M. A. WAR1NO, Proprietor. THE OLYMPIC, Opp. N. P, Dok1, Centralia, Wash, RtralRht Whiskies and Koy West Cigar siKsclaltjr. Olympla llcer on Draught. Rottl (loods a spcclulty. JF.HSK LAT8HAW, Proprietor. Till'. GHEHAUS FLOURING MILL GO. MORTEN It.VKKELL A CO., Proprietors. Flours. Feed and all Kinds of Mill Stuffs. MANUFACTURERS OF Haskell's Brands of Flour, Haskell's Host Fancy Patent, Haskell's Daisy. CHEIIALIH.WASIL Surety Ilomls. Notary Public Established 18M. A. L. COFFMAN & CO. Successors to Collmaii .t Koppuer, Real Estate, Insurance. AND RENTAL AQENCY. Money to loan on Improved farms at low rates of Interest, List your farms with us If you want to sell them. Iloudi, warrants and other securities boutit aud sold, Phone '. Chehalls, Washing-tots Q. F. TILLY. Undertaker and Embalmer IIOQUIAM, WAHII. FINE CHAPEL AND M0RQUE ON J BTKKKT. AI1EIIDEEN, WAHII. BEARDSLEY BROS. Licensed F.mhulmors for State of Washington. FINE PARLORS and MORGUE 103 Wishkah Street. ..THE BROOKE DRUG CO.. Prescriptions Accurately and Care fully Compounded. Telephones Columbia 7H, Oregon Red ism Proscription Drugglmtm 67 North Third Street PORTLAND m m OREQQM i'