SPOKANE ADVERTISING Wholesale and Retail WHISKIES Wines and Cigars. DURKIN. Tclophono Muln 731. MHo and Spraguo, SPOKANE For tliu Latest Stylos go to W. W. DREYFOOS THE HATTER AND F New Club Building Cor. Riverside and Washington SPOKANE, WASH. EstnljHijlied 1837. Arthur D. Jones & Co. (IucorKrntc(l ) Cor. Klvcrslilo Ave. nml Lincoln St. Telephone Mnlu 655, Real Estate. Renting. Properly Agent. Lands. Insurance. Loans. Capital $20,000. Agent Hillyard Townslte Co. 07 Rlvcrsldo Avcnuo Empire State llultilltiK BPOKANn, WASH. THE HIEBER Brewing & Malting Co.'s BOTTLED PILSENER Lager Beer Tliono, L'05. SPOKANE, WASH. SPOKANE DRUG CO. Wholesale Drugs The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug; House in the State. SPOKANE, WASH. Diamond Ice and Fuel Co. ICE, W0bD AND COAL. 120 Madluon Street, SPOKANG, WASH. Union Iron Works Iron and Brass Pounders and Machinists. .-(limp, mi nil Humillcs m. ...... Smelling ami Haw Mill Machinery ra, Ho. u Whims, Pulle), Shading, Etc., Etc, i.iikuii'k, iioni'rs. iiiium, i ruu Heavy lllarktmlthlug and Repair Work a Spo rlalty rllo us (or estimates Tel. Muln 4A, Codot: l.leber's, Moreiug A Neal, Office ami Works, Montgomery bt. and S. I', A N. Ky,, Spokane, Washington Orystal stZnra Laundry A Hpvclatty of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel. DOMESTIC FINISH IF DESIRED ti:l. am. Near cor Division and North River A v. NATIONAL IRON WORKS Manufacturer! of Strain Enclnrt, Uollcri, EUvaton, Archi tectural Iron Work, Quartz MIIU and Crush crs, Concentrators, Ore Cars, Buckets and General Mining and Mill Machinery, Every description of Wrought Iron Work, Iron and Brass Castings. Machinery and Boiler Repair a Specialty. J. II. BOYD, Prcs. and Manager. Tel. Main 176. Spokane, Wash SPOKANE DRY GOODS COMPANY Importers and Jobbers Dry Goods Notions and Furnishings Office and Salesroom Riverside and Mill St Spokane Wash SPOKANE ADVERTISING European Wan. Rooms. COc. to 2.00. Rooms single or en suite, with or without bath. GRAND HOTEL It. C. HALMIUY. Proprietor. Newly Furnished. Elevator, Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Call Bells, Etc., Etc. Cor. Howard St. nntl Mnin Ave. Tel. Mnin 28. BPOKANK, WASH, k. J. dyer, President. r. lewis clark, Vice Frcsldont. C. K. M'llKOOM, Cashier. W. M. HItAW, Assistant Cnshlcr. Exchange National Bank SPOKANE, WAB1I. CAPITAL, $250,000. Surplus 150,000. Undivided Profits, $185,000. THE SLOANE-PAINE CO. 521 and 523 Sprague Avenue SPOKANE, WASH. Importmrm of Fine Teas, Coffees and Fancy Groceries. Dmmlmrm In Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors. II. LOUIH HCIIERMERIIORN O. It. 1IUOWN Pre, mid Mgr. Vlco Pro. A. IIENIIAM II. I'. YKAflKIt Truasurur, Secretary. Quick Parcel Delivery Co. 720 Plrst Avenue. BAGGAGE and PARCEL DELIVERERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Ilolntii your cheeks and cccliango with our Baggagu man who is at depot on arrival all trains. Orange color cap. l'lionu Main 517, Special rates to Commercial Travelers Walla Walla Advs. NETTLETON'S SHOES AUK- GENTLEMEN'S SHOES And you will always tlud a nleo lino of tho latest styles here. Wo nlbO carry tho Ivst lino of 3.o0 thous in tho city. THE CASH SHOE O. X. HATCH, Manager. CO. I c ilIBi a o 1 HB W a HlIlOS s m fell Sni !"- S i BffB'sr HP THE NEW AGE, POKTJL.AND, OREGON. HOW TO PRONOUNCE THEM. Names of Cities that Are Varlonalr Bounded by the Public. Tho suggestion has been mndo that tho proper pronunciation of tho nntno St Lou,Ih should bo finally determined ueforo the opening of tho Louisiana purchase fair In that city, and It Is urged the council of St. Louis or even tho Legislature of Missouri should pass upon the question. It Is pointed out tli at an Immemorial dispute over tho proper pronunciation of Arkansas was settled by the Legislature of that State In 18S1, when It was enacted that tho pronunciation should fbe "Ar kansaw," and tho State lived 'happily ever after. The name St Louis was bestowed by tho French when tho plnco was settled, and tho French pro nunciation Is Loo-eo, to rhyme with tho name of Admiral Dewey. The Kn gllsh pronunciation Is "Lowlss," prac tically rhyming with tho word Jew esw. Tho suggestion, once made, docs not of course, halt lamely at St Louis. Avion Uio dtsputo Is settled there It Is proposed to ask Kentucky to declare whether tho name of that Common wealth'B chief city Bhall bo Loo-ey-villa or Lew-ls-vllle. And Illinois might settle tho point whether tho nnmo of Uio thriving city of Jollct shnll bo pronounced as the French ex plorer after whom It was named did Zhole-ya or whether It shall bo called Jolly-yet All this Is exceedingly stim ulating to tho mind which keeps reach ing out for wider Holds, like tho mind of n man nflllctod with the habit of In discriminate punning. There arc plen ty of otlier towns which need atten tion. Tho nnmo of the city of Beau fort In France, Is pronounced How-for. A town In North Carolina, named after it, is known as Bowfort, while one In South Carolina Is called Bu-fert A noted French seaport, Calais, Is pro nounced Km May, while Its nauicsako up In Mnlno Is called Kal-lls. Tho HluhcHt IJuby. Tho prospective heiress to the great est fortune In tho world a tiny, blue eyed, blonde-haired baby with a grand father worth $1 10,000,000 (a father whosu worldly goods are estimated at over W),0OO,uO0, a great-undo rated at over 100,000,000 and another grand father with n modest fortune of about KSir.,000,000 ih's blissfully unconscious of her wealth In her father's cottage at ArdsIey-on-the-IItidsou, Her $.')(.000,000 father Is Tercy Avery Rockefeller. Her $110,000,000 grandfather is Will iam Rockefeller, tho Standard Oil mag nate. Her $15,000,000 mntcrnal grandfather Is James Stlllmau, president of tho City National Bank. Her 100,000,000 grcnt-unclo is John I). Rockefeller, tho richest man in tho world. What tho tiny lady, who Is Miss Isn hello Rockefeller, will be worth when she conies of age, no one will dare to estimate, for the fortunes of her father and her grandfathers are Increasing dally at an almost Incrcdlhlo rati.'. The occasion of llttlo Miss Rocke feller's coming was welcomed the mora for being a girl, for though William Rockefeller lias several other grandchil dren, they are all hoys. The day after her coming presents began to shower upon her from wealthy relatives and friends. It Was n Monkey. I was Invited, along with other Euro peans on tho beach, to one of the big gest plays that have been seen In OpolM). At the feast all kinds of llsh. fowl and soup, cooked after tho imtlvo fashion, were served. Every one thor oughly enjoyed tho feast until, near to tho tlnlsh, tho chaser (demturt) was brought In. This dish they called palm oil chop. Whllo It w;as being served there rolled out of the vessel what to all appearance was a human skull. Suddenly nil tho Europeans turned pale, as though suffering from an attack of seasickness, and the symp toms they developed wero Identical, for that dinner would not stay down. Tho chief, lu alarm, Inquired what had made his friends so 111. One of tho sufferers, whoso eyes protruded from their sockets, placed his hand kerchief to his mouth, and Jerked his thumb In tho direction of tho skull. Tho chief grasped tho situation and with unaffectM concern tried to com fort his sick guests by saying: "It bo all right. Ho be no man. Ho bo monkeyl" How HtiHHoIl Sago I" Guarded. Mr. Sago's olllcc Is lu the building occupied by the National Bank of Com merce, In Nnssati street. In nn ante room sits his faithful guardian and contldenttnl mnn, Mr. Menzles, through whom tho aged financier must ho reached. Mr. Memslra Is protected by a partition having n latticed wlro top with Iron spikes reaching to tho cell ing. It would bo Impossible for n man to climb over these spikes or to throw a bomb between them. Mr. Sago la not always accompanied lu tho street or In traveling between his home aud otllco by a bodyguard or detective. Frequently ho Kes about entirely alone, and seemingly Is without fear except when In his otllco. Now York Tross. Whero Woinou Aro l-'axoreit. At the old-fnshloucd Inns aud restau rants In Sweden It Is customary to charge less for women than for men, on tho theory that they do not eat so much. At boiue hotels lu Sweden a man and a wife are charged as ono and one half persons If they occupy the tame room. A husband and wife may travel as ono and one-half persons by railway and also by the post routes, furnishing their own carriage. If a man loves a Klrl more than tongue can tell he should show her hi pocket - book. TACOMA ADVERTISING Tacoma Trunk Factory. Trunks, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases and Telescopes. REPAIRING DONE. 730 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, Wash. S. POSNER. Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions. Cloaks and Suits. 946 Pacific Avo. Tacoma, Wash. THOMAS 8. HURLEY, Manager. Res. Tel. John 601. KOllEHT McCULLOUOH. Secretary. Kc. Tel. John 851. TACOMA TUG AND BARGE GO. TUOS FEARLESS, FAIRFIELD, FAVORITE and FALCON. Ocncral Towing. Coal, llallast and Water fnrniiihc'd. Scows nml llargcs for llcnt. Tho "Fearless" Is lilted with powerful lira and wrecking pump. All business communica tions In ho addressed Tacoma Tug and llargo Co. Olllcc: rarlllo Cold Htorago Imlldlng, Northern 1'aclllo Dock. Telephone Mnln 9. Tacoma, Washington. H. A. DURR, Proprietor of Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted and One of the Best Laundries in tho Northwest. IW-1I O Street IHIO-U Commercial Streot Telephone Main iO Tacoma, Washington ESTADI.ISHED 188t To Tho Trade: D. M. HOFFMAN & CO. EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE DEALERS Aro now open for business with the largest and finest stock in tho city. Wines, Liquors and Cigars 13 10 Pacific Avo, Phono Main 509. Tho only exclusive whoiesnlo house In Tacoma. Boarding Itortoa a Specialty. Tel. Main if) CLARK'S LIVERY and TRANSFER STABLES JOHN CLARK A SON, Proprietor. Hacks and Rigs Furnished on Short Notlei No. 1210 A Street, Tacoma, Washington. CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS and Gents' Furnish' Ing Goods. Better than the ordinary and without extra cost Best lighted and most convenient tore in tho city. DICKSON BROS. CO. Gmmmral Outtlttmrn U2Q-X2 PmoWo Av. Tmommm I i 11V It A It. ANO WATER. A RIVER RAILROAD CO. WITH THROUGH PARLOR CARS BETWEKN Portland, Astoria s Seaside r I.......M Ifnt... Arrives lllOll I)0tH Union Depot, Icr.Cliitsknn le UnlonlHspot l'ortlanu msipari, i mum, l'ortlniiU Astoria, nnrreii' ton, Klnvcl, Ocnr nnrirarKaimscB' side 8:00a.m. Astoria & Peanhore 11:10 a.m. hxprcss Dully. f.:Mp. m. Astoria Express 9:40 p.m. tz:3up. in. iJiuiy. Dally except Snturday. JSatnrdav onlv. Ticket olllcc, 253 Morrison street, and Union depot. Portland. j. 0. ,,AYO. Gen. 1'ass. Agent, Astoria, Or. SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will leave Portland, foot of Washington St., Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday cvenltii; at A o'clock, for Sauvles Island, St. Helen., tuples, Doer Island, .Martins, Kalama, Xeer City, Hauler, Mt. Collin, Mayger, Stella, Uak Point, Krt'cmans, Maiiranlllo,Clatskaiilu and all way iniidlni;. Ladies Especially Are Pond of Traveling on tho Famous Trains of tho NORTH-WESTERN LINE C. St. P. M. & O. Ry. Tho daintily furnished retiring rooms and cosy compartments nllbrd nil tho privaev of your own homo and make trnvcl'hg a pleasure and delight. The North-Western Limited Dally. letecn Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago, Is tho peer of all lino trains Ueforo starting on n trip no matter where write for Interesting Informa tion about comfortable traveling, C.J. OR AY, Traveling Agt. X. L. SISLRK, (icuerul Agt. 848 Alilnr Htrnet, I'nrllitiid. Or, TICKETS To and from all POIINTS EAST via SlinitT LINK TO ST. PAUL, DULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO ANI 1MH.NTS KAST. inroURn raiace and Tourist Sleeiersj Dining nun i.ititv. emw&wig t.iurnry i.nrs. DAILY TRAINS. KAST TIME. For rates, folders and full Information regard ing tickets, routes, etc., call on or address II. DICKSON, City Ticket Agent, Portland, Or. J. W. PHALON.T. P. A., 1 Third St., Portland, Or. A. II. C. DKNNISTON, O. W. P. A.. tiLi First Ave., Seattle, Wash. White Collar Line Portland -Astoria Route Str. "BAILEY GATZERT." Dally round trips except Suuday. T1MK CAltO. Leaes Portland -7:00a. M Leaves Astoria , 7.00 I'. M Through Portland connection with Steamer Nahcotta from llwaco and Long Heach imjIius. TheDalles-Portland Route STEAMERS "TAHOMA" nd "METLAKO" Dally trips except Suuday. Str. "TAHOMA." Leaves Portland. Mon., Wed., Krl 7:00 A. M Leases The Dalles, Tues., Ihurs. Sat., 7:00 A, M Str. "METLAKO." Leaves Portland, Tues., Thu Sat 7:00 A. M. Leases The Dalles Mon., Wed., Frl,...7ilO A. M. Landing and otllco; Foot Alder Street. Uoth phones Malu Ml. Portland, Oregou. AGENTS. J. W. CRICHTON. . The Dalles, Ore. A.K. FL'LLKR Hoo.1 River. Ore WOLFORD A WYF.R3... White Salmon, Wash 1IKNRY OUMSTKAD Canon. Wash, JOHN T. TOTTEN , ..Stevenson. Wash J.,lSVTT ' Vancouver. Wash. A. J. TAYLOR Astoria, Ore. E. W. CRICHTON, Portland, Oregon STflRIA & COLUMBIA ItT UAH. AND WATETt, OREC30W Smoip Line and mim Pacific .-, TIME SCHEDULES .,., PrBT Potlland. Or. """' Chicago Bait Lake. Denver, 4:30 p.m. Portland Ft. Worth.Omaha, Special Kansas City, St. fiiUOa. m. 1-ouls, Chicago aud via East. Huntington. m Atlantlo Walla Walla Iwli- 8:10 a.m. Express ton.Spokaiio.Mln- 8:60 p.m. neapolls.St. Paul, via Duluth, Mlltran- Huntington. kce.ChlcagoAKast St. Paul Salt Lake. Donver, 7:00a.m. Fait Mall Ft. Worth.Omaha, 0:15 p, m. Kansas City, St. via Ix)Uls,Chleagoaud Spokane East. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE J'KOM l'OHTLANU, t.-wjp.m. All railing dales subject to chaugo For Ean Francisco ball every & days. 4:00 p. nv Dally Ex. Sunday :uot.m. Saturday 10:00 p. in. Columbia Rlrir Slssmirs. To Astoria and Way Landings. 4.00 p.m. Ex. Sunday C:5a.m Mon., Wed. aud Krl. Wlllimttlt RIvar. Water permitting. Oregon City, New berg, Salein, Indiv pet!dencc,Corvat lis and War Land ings. 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday 7:00 a. m. Wlllamtlta and Yam 3:80 p. m. Mon., Wed. and FrL Tucs., Thur. hill HI. en. Water permitting. aud Sat. Oregon City, l)y. ton, A Way Land ings. Lv. Klparla 4:06 a.m. Dally except Mouday. Brisk Rltir. Rlparla to Luwlstoii Lv.LoirlJton 7:00 a. m. Dally except Monday. A. L. CRAIQ, Central Passenger Ageut, Portland, Or. C. W. PT1NOKR, City Tlckot Agent, Ihlrk aud Washington bt roots. TIME CARD OF TRAINS &m dcxtk PORTjUAIND Depart. Puget Pound Limited 7:23 A. M. Kansas Cllv it St. Louis Arrive. 6:43 P. M. Social 11:10 A. M. North Coast Limited 8:30 P. M. Tacoma-Peattle Night Kxprcts 11:45 P. M. 11:10 P. M. 7:00 A.M. 3:05 P.M. Take Puget Pound Limited or North Coast Limited for (irav'a Harbor nolnts. Take 1'uvet Sound Limited lor Olyinpla direct. Tako Puget Sound l.iml'jd or Kansas City St. Louis Social for iKilnts on South liend branch. Double dally train scrvlco on Cray's Harbor branch. Four trains dally between Portland and Ta coma aud Seattle. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant flenera Passenger Agent, 253 Morrlsou St., Portland, Or. EAST SOUTH LEAVK DEPOT, SIXTH AND HOYT STS. ARRIVE 8:S0P.M. OVERLAND EX- PRESS TRAINS for Salem, Roseburg, Ash land, bacramento. Og den, San Francisco, Molave, Ixjs Angeles, Kl Paso, New Orleans and the East. AtWoodburn dally except Sunday, morn ing train connects with train forMt. An gel.Sllverton, Drowns vllle.Sprlngrield aud Natron, and Albany local for Mt. Angel and Sllverton. ...Albany Passenger... ..Corvallls Passenger.. .Sheridan Passenger. 7;15A.M. I:S0A.M. 7:00 P. M. 4:00r.M. 7:30 A.M. U 4:60 P.M. 10:10 A.M. 3:50 P.M. 0 8:23 A.M. Dally. yi)ally except Sunday. YAMHILL DIVISION. Tassenger Depot, toot of Jetl'erson street. Leae Portland dally for Oswego at 7:20 A.M.. li:50, 1;U, 3:23, 4:40 6:23, 8:30 P. M. Daily except Sunday, 3:SO, 9M0, A. M., 5;03, 11:30 P. M. Sunday only. 9 A. M. Arrive at Portland dally at 8:S0 A. M 1:35. 8:10, 4;a),C:i5, 7:40, 10 P '. . day 6:33 ,10:60 A. M.: except Monday, U:0 I'auy except Sun A. J. DUUUIJTUUIT. IUIIUA, A, Sunday onlv. 10:03 A. Leave for Dallas dallr excent Sundar. -(V1 T. M. Arrive Portland, 9:30 A. JI. Rebate tickets on sat between Portland. Sac ramtnto and San Francisco. Net rates, 17:30 first class and lit second class. Second class Includes sleeper) first class does not. Tickets to Lastarn points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUsJ- CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Wuhlngtos itreata. Phon Mala 71A IXl 8UKMT C1