The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, November 08, 1902, Image 1

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    The New Age.
, , .. . - T , , ,
VOL. Til.
NO. 32.
l y n '
1 & s-,4'f-l 'CX
D.lliniUd Depositary stud Wlnanclal Agent of tha United States.
itrtwldent. H. W. Corbett! cMhier, K. O. Wlthlnjtont Militant cashier, J. W.Newklikj second
aiilitantcaihtcr, W. C. Alvord.
Letters at oredlt litued. available In Europe and the Eaitern states. Bight exchange and
telecraphlo transfers 10U on New York, Boston, Chicago, Omaha, at. Paul, San FianoUoo and
taewlnclpal polnu lu the Northweit. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to tult on London,
rath, Berlin, Frankfort-on-the-Maln, Hong Kong.
Collections made on favorable terms at all aoceulble point.
Established In 1800.
Interest allowed on tlmo depostta.
Collections made at alt points on favorable terms. Letter! of credit issues)
Tallble in Europe and the Eastern states.
Sight exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Washington,
Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, San Francisco and various points la Ore
on, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia.
Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong.
"Founded 1884. Oldest and Largest Bank In Southwest Washington
OFFIOKHHi B. F. OLDEN, l'rofUlonti M. ALEXANDER, Vlco IresMont H. N. COF-
KIN, Caihlcr j J. M. II AINKH, An-lMiuit Ranhlcr.
DIUKUKIf4i llobt. Nnblc, Tho. I)nvl. II. K. Olden, J. M. Hnlncs, J. E. Yatci, J.B.
Morrow, T. Regan, M. Aluxnnrter, F. It. Collin,
Aoaountm of Bank. Flrmm, Corporation and Individual Rmomlvmd mn
thm Meut Liberal Tormm Oonmlatant With Sound Bunking.
tt alia Walla, Waihlngton. (Flnt National Bank In the Htato.)
Transacts a General Banking Business.
CAPITAL (100,000. BUItPLUS 1100,000.
UJSVI ANKENY, PretldonU A. II. REYNOLDS. Vice Prcddent. A. R. DUKFOIID, Cashier
Pendleton. Oregon.
Capital, 170,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $60,000.00.
RESERVE AGENTS First National Bank. Chtrago. 111.; First Notional
Sank, Portland, Oregon; Chemical National Bunk, New York, N. Y.
OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Levi Ankeny, President; W. V. Matlock,
Vice President: 0. B. Wudo, Cashier; H. C. Guerensy, Assistant Cashier; J. 8.
lfcLeod, W. S. Byers, W. F. Matlock, H. F. Johnson.
Organized March I, 1080. Capital, $60,000. Surplus, SG5.00O.
Interest allowed on tlmo deposits. Exchango bought and sold on all prin
cipal points. Special attention given to collections.
W. J. Furnish,' President J. N. Teal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris, Cashier.
Five Reasons for it
4 Count 'Em. 1. No clinrgo for testing.
2. Thorough examinations with modorn scientific instruments.
8. Courteous trentmont, We don't hurry pationts.
4. Our Glasses improve tho looks.
8 Count 'Em. 5. Very Rcasonablo prices.
JAEGER BROS., Jewelers and Opticians.
Komember the Place. 290 Morrison St., bet. Fourth and Fifth
Willamette Iron and Steel Works.
Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers.
Marin and Stationary Engines and Boilers,
Saw Mill, Logging and Mining Machinery,
Roll Grinding and Corrugating Machinery,
Power Transmission Machinery.
W are constantly developing Modern Machinery fop special purposes, whle
our up-to-date plant enables us to build accurately and economically.
IfonTU,Vyu.einVour Anchor
Great Combination ol Strength and Beauty
Ti Tib That Burns.
See Our Anchor Clamp
Ton would be snrprlied It 70a knew
bow little it would cot rou to fix up
that old fence. Setter send (or tome
Aaebor Clamps and Upright, and a
pair ol our pinchers, and make jroar old
wire fence look like a new one.
ANCHOR FENCE looks (O nice and
U o itrons that farmtri fometlme
think that It tnuit U high priced. It
Un't, tbonzh.
ouw Bxroai Csure. Cattle, Sheep aad
Vrile for Wees and Cetalecoe.
Aieou Wanted In
B-sry Tews.
Clamps and Uprights.
TBI Old Fixe. Tni Ancuox Faxes.
Ho Tight, it Nstsr Burs after dosta
The Portland Anchor Fence Co.
74a NJcoUl St., PORTLAND, Oruoa.
How the Vote Went in
the Various States.
10,000 MAJORITY.
Idaho Republicans Win by About 6,000
In California the Strongest Fight Is
on Oovernor, with Pardee, the Repub
lican Nominee, In the Lead Returns
from Other States.
Seattle Nov. 0. Tho stnto of Wash
ington haB gono Republican, so far as
returns now in show, by at luaBt 12,000
majority for Btipromo court Justlco ami
congressmen. King county alono con
tributes betwoon 4,000 nnd 5,000 to
thoso majorities. Tho legislature on
joint bullet will stand at least 110 Re
publicans to an opposition of 120. Tlio
Kopublicnn majority is nioro likely to
bo increased than lowored by tho full
returns, which aro coming in slowly
from moro distant precincts.
Tho next souato will bo constituted
as follows: Republicans, 32; Demo
crats, 8. Two districts aro Ht ill in
doubt. Tho Iioubo: Republicans, 78;
Democrnts, 0; soven districts still un
Tho wost Bido of Washington pro
aonts almost a solid Republican dele
gation. Two now Democratic senators
go in from tho wost Bido. Thoso aro
W. II. Mnoro, of Scattlo, and John
Earios, of Whatcom.
Spokano, Nov. 0. With Okanogan
county to hoar from, tho Republicans
liavo elected east of tho mountains in
Washington throo stato senators and 28
representatives. Tho Democrats liavo
elected three, senators and 11 represent
atives. Thoso figures may bo changed
a rouplo of votes by later roturns, but
thoso to hand are nearly complete
Thoro mo four doubtful districts yet to
hoar from,.
Spokane County.
Spokano, Nov. 5. Tho Ropublican
congressional tickot has a majority in
Spokano county of from 1,200 to 1,500.
A this tlmo it eooms that tho Domo
cratH have carried seven of tho 12 legis
lative candidates, and tho Republicans
flvo. Of these ilvo, three aro under
stood to bo for Ankonv for collator, and
two for Wilson. Tho Republicans
havo carriod tlioir county tickot, with
tho exception of treasurer and coroner.
Rasher and Graves, Dein., for tho statu
Bonnto aro elected.
'.Yakima County.
North Yakima, Nov. 6. Election ro
turns aro coming in slowly. In the
city Jones leads tho congressional
ticket. Ho is over 300 ahead of tho
Democratic candidate Hndloy, for
juugo, loads by 175.
Walla Walla County.
Walla Walla, Nov. 5. Indications
point strongly to tho oloction of tho
entire Ropublican loglslativo tickot.
Tho Republicans lose tho auditor and
one commissioner. Roturns aro com
ing in slowly, only 13 out of tho 20
proclncts of Wnllu Walla county having
been heard from. Tho congressional
vote gives tho Republicans 250 majority.
Thurston County.
Olyropia, Nov. 5. -Thureton county
shows largo gains in tho majorities
over tho election of two years ago. Ro
turns from tho 14 largest precincts give
the Republican congressional tickot
500 majority over the Democratic.
Okanogan County.
Spoicano, Nov. 5. Eleven precincts
out of 24 reporting in Okanogan county
show that tho Republicans are carrying
tho state ticket, with the Democrats
breaking evon on the county ticket and
loading on the legislative,
Whitman County.
Colfax, Nov. 5. Complete returns
from 20 out of 58 precincts in Whitman
countyjshow a Republican landslide.
Indications piont to the election of tho
entire Republican legislative and coun
ty ticket, with the possible exceptions
of auditor, superintendent and survey
or. The Ropublican congressional
ticket carries the county by a big ma
jority. Pacific County.
Ilwaco, Nov, 6. Roturns are coming
in very slowly. Republican congres
sional candidates aro in the lead.
Cowlitz County.
Kalama, Nov. 6. Com pie to returns
from four precintcs in Cowlitz county,
and incomplete returns from five more,
indicate tho election of the head of the
Republican ticket by at least 60 major
ity. Van Name, tho Democratic can
didate for state senator, 1b probably
elected by 160 majority; Chapman,
Democratic candidate for representa
tive, may be elected by a narrow margin.
Kittitas County.
Ellonsburg, Nov. 5. Roturns aro
coming in vory slowly. Flvo precincts
show heavy Democratic gains, but tho
Ropublican congressional tickot is noil
in tho lead.
Lewis County.
Ghohalis, Nov. 6. RotuniB from 10
precincts give Cushman, Jonos and
Humphrey, Rep., n lead of 000. Tho
voto 1b lighter than it was two years
Stevens County.
Colvillo, Nov. 5. -Tho count in nino
out of 61 precincts in tho county, not
including Colvillo or Northport, glvo
Cushman, Jones and Humphrey a vory
small load.
Columbia County.
Dayton, Nov. 5. All tho Ropublican
congressional candidates have won in
Columbia county, witli majorities ap
proximating 200 each. For supremo
judgo, Iladley has about 200 majority.
Slxtoen precincts aro comploto hore,
and only thrco to hoar from. It ie an
ovon break in tho legislative race.
Mason County.
Olympia, Nov. 5. Incomplete ro
turns rocoivod from Mason county show
tho stato ticket to havo boon carriod by
tho Republicans by at least 100 major
ity. Stevenson County.
Siovoneon, Nov. 5. Roturns from
four of tho principal precincts in tho
county indicate tho oloction of "tho Re
publican tickot by a small majority.
Tills is usually a strong Democratic
Pierce County.
Tacomo, Nov. 5. -Tho Republicans
Bwept I'ierco county and elected tboli
ontiro ticket by good majorities. Tho
two stato senators and 10 representa
tives ato supposed to bo against a rail
road commission.
Klickitat County.
Goldondalo, Nov. 6.- Tho Republi
can statu tickot has carried Klickitat
county by 400 majority. Tho Demo
cratic candidates (or county auditor
and sheriff aro olected. whilo tho Re
publicans elect tho rest of tho county
Chchalls County.
Abordeen, Nov. 5. -Tho indications
aro .that Ghohulis county has given n
big majority tor tho entire Ropublican
uarflcld County.
Tcneroy, Nov. 5. Despito rain and
blustery weather, with snowfall in
mauntJtipVrepiBCtB,jt-bcavy yoto was
pollod. Tho Republicans claim to havo
olected tho legislative tickot. Tho
DomocratB claim tho prosocuting attor
ney, auditor and sheriff.
Clurk County.
Vancouver, Nov. 5. Tho oloction
pasted off quietly in IIiIh city and
county. It is conceded, however, that
tho ontiro Republican tickot is olected.
Comploto returns from six precincts in
tho county gives Jones, Cushman and
Humphrey, Republican represuuta
lives, 530; Cottorill, Holcomb nnd
Colo, Domocratie representatives, 210;
Ranck, Rep,, legislature, 512; Parcel,
Rop., legislature, 4051); Edmunds,
Dein., 2U; Ricker, Dom., 301.
Adams County.
Ritzvillo, Nov. 5, Incomploto ro
turns from seven precincts in Adams
county show that tho Republicans elect
representative, auditor, clork, surveyor,
superintendent and two commissioners;
tho Democrats, treasurer nnd sheriff,
with tho assessor in doubt. The Ro
publican nominees for congress are well
in tho lead.
fioleo, Idaho, Nov. 6.- Whilo oxact
figures from yesterday's election are
not vot at hand, enough is known to
assure a Republican majority on the
entire statu ticket of homo 0,000,
French, for congress, loads his ticket,
in most sections. Counties that were
supposed to bo certainly Democratic
liavo swung into tho Republican lino,
Hgures from Shoshone show that the
Republicans liavo carried that county
by at leaBt 300, and olected their legis
lative ticket. Ada county lias given a
majority of 700; Nez i'erco and I.atah,
400 to 800 each. Throughout tha
southeast everything is Republican ho
far as hoard from, and it is believed to
bo a clean sweep in that scetlon. Ran
nock county elves Mori icon, Hop., for
governor, 300 majority. Thoro French
did not do so well, his lead being com
paratively small. Republicans will
have 47 members of tho legislature, a
majority of 13 on joint ballot.
Tho count Is progressing very slowly.
Republican claims are sustained, so far
as tho voto is counted.
New Now York, Nov. 5. -In spite of
a phenomenally large voto in Now
York and Kines county for iilrd H.
Color, Dem., the returns, us far as re
ceived, indicate the re-election of Ron
jamin ii. Odell, Rep., to the governor
ship of New York state by 1,100 plur
ality. Color's plurality in Greater Now
York exceeded 116,000, but oven that
Jargo vote was not Biilllcient to over
come tho Republican majorities from up
tiie stato,
San Francisco, Nov. 0. Comploto
retuniB from San Francisco and partlol
returns from nil ovor tho stato indicato
that Georgo C. Pnrdeo, tho Republican
nominoo for govomor, is olocted by a
mojority of 2,000 or 3,000. Comploto
roturns from 1,185 precincts out of
2,277 in tho stato outsido of San Fran
cisco glvo Pardoo 00,4(10; Lane, 00,037.
Tho comploto voto in San Francisco
stood: Pardoo, 24,120; Lano, 33,087.
Tho legislature, which will choose n
United Stntos senator, ia lnrgoly Ro
publican on joint ballot. Tho Repub
licans havo lost two members of con
gress Kahn, in tho Fourth, and Lend,
in tho Fifth. They will bo succeeded
by Livornnsh nnd Wynn, Union Labor
Democratic candidates.
Butto, Mont., Nov. 5. Lnto returns
from tho various outlying counties In
dicate tho oloction of tho entire state
Republican ticket. Counties heretofore
Democratic report Republican land
slides. Lewis and Clark county Repub
licans claim tho election of six out of
seven members of tho legislature.
Ohio Indications nro thai tho Re
publicans carried tho stato by over
Minnesota Returns so fur Indicate
that Van Sant, Rep., is olected govern
or by 30,000.
Illinois Republicans havo carriod
tills stato by 46,000, Democrats lost
throe congressmen.
Michigan Tho Ropublican majority
is between 30,0000 and 40,0000.
Eleven of tho 12 congressmen nro Re
publicans. Missouri Indications point to a
Democratic plurality of at least 20,000.
New Hampshire Ropublican plural
ity in this state will bo about 8,000.
Tonnessoo Twenty-two counties
heard from give Frazior, Dem., for gov
ornor, a majority of 37,000.
Pennsylvania Tho Republicans
elected their governor by 175,000.
Indiana Tills stato went Republican
by 25,000 to 40,000.
Mnryland Republicans elected four
ami Democrats two members of con
gress. Now Jorsoy Tho Democrats miulo
heavy gains, but their control of the
stato 1b doubtful.
Kanssa Entire Republican ticket
elected by at least 40,000.
Connecticut Tho full Ropublican
tickot was elected by 15,000.
Mn8sachUBOtttirrl!atpB,Jtop., for gov
ornor, received n plnru)ity"b'f 371000.
Florida There was no opposition to
tho Democratic tickot, which swept
Alabama Tho stato ticket wont Re
publican by 25,000.
Rhode Island Democrats elected
governor. Republicans captured all
other stato ollicorH.
West Virlgnia Republicans elected
only 0110 member of congress out of
South Carolina Tho Democratic
ticket carried everything without oppo
sition. Iowa Tho stato went Republican
by 75,000.
Nobrasko Tho result on govornor Is
doubtful. Republicans elected the rest
of tho ticket.
Wisconsin Wisconsin has gono Re
publican by at least 35,000 plurality.
North Carolina DomocratB olocted
everything by oerwhulmlng majorities.
Mississippi A light vote was polled.
There was no opposition to the Demo
cratic ticket.
Georgia -A sol hi Democratic
tion was returned to coiigroHH.
Arkansas All of tho seven
crutlo nominees wore olocted to congress
by big majorities.
Colorado Republicans carriod stato
tickot, but ono or more Democratic con
gressmen win.
Nevada Entire Republican tickot
South Dakota RopuhlicaiiH control
stato, hut Democrats made heavy gains.
'MUST accept silver for debt.
United States Supreme Court Passes on
Cuse Involving liland Act.
Washington, Nov. 5. Tho United
States supremo court today dismissed,
on tho ground that no federal question
was involved, tho writ of error in the
case of Fred A. Darker vs. Stephiu
Ilaldwin, both of Michigan, involving
tho constitutionality of tho liland
Allison coinage act of 1878, providing
for the roinace of silver dollars. Tho
case arose out of tho refusal on tho part
of D.iker, to whom Baldwin owed $338,
to accept silver dollars. Tho case was
decided in Baldwin's favor by the su
premo court of Michigan, and Raker
brought it to tho United States supreme
court on a writ of error. The former
decision was sustained by today's de
cision, but the court did not enter into
the merits of tho controversy.
Submurlne float on Trial,
San Francisco, Nov. 6. Tho Holland
submarine boat Grampus had her first
surfuce trial trip today, and, ho far as
the test went, proved a success. She
madu nine knots, a knot more speed
than the contract calls lor, and, bo fur
as steering gear and driving machinery
aro concerned, gave every satisfaction.
Commercial nnd Financial Happenings ot
the Paat Week Drlef Review ot the
arowth and Development ot Various
Industries Throughout Our Common
wealth Latest Market Report.
Tho first heavy frost of tho season At
Tho Dalles fell last Wednesday night.
Tho drug store of Dr. II. A. Wall,
Lylo, was robbed of $1,050 by four
masked men.
Mrs. Mnry Starkey, an Oregon pio
neer of 1846, is dead. Sho had lived
in Salem for n number of years.
O. A. Fitch, of Lakcviow, Fusion
candidate for statu printer In 1808,
committed suicide by taking morphine.
Citizens of Portland havo started to
raise a $ 25,000 fund for nn immigra
tion bureau and permanent exhibit.
Tho sugar factory at La Grando has
already received 13,400 tons of boots,
which amount is greater than the whole,
crop of any previous year.
Tho report of tho superintendent of
tho stnlo nsylum for October shows
1,2(15 persons to ho confined in that
institution, nn increase of nino elnco
Master Fish Wnrdon Van Duboii do
clares that tho laws are violated in
many cases by millmon who do not
provide good fish ways in their dams.
Ho will proceed to enforce this net.
It lias been announced to tho stu
dents of Pnclfiu university, Forest
Grove, that tho Corlwtt prlzo for schol
arship of $50 and tho Tlbbala prlzo for
oratory of f GO havo been again offered
tills year.
An important ruling has boon mado
by School Superintendent Ackorman.
Ho Iuib doclded that tho residence of
tho parent or guardian, rather than tho
place where tho pupil is enumerated,
duterminoH tho place whore a child la
entitled to attend school without paying
Tho Oregon land nnd livestock com
pany has boon Incorporated at Eugene.
Tito capital stock is 1 1,000,000. Tho
objects of tho incorporation cover nonr
ly everything in tho livestock business.
Tho company lias boon formed by mem
UoTATofthoRi;hKoIly -lumborv coni.
pany to utillzo that portion of their
lands found to bo moro valuable for
stock rnislugthnn for timber.
Thu grain fleet now in tho river nt
Portland is tho largest on record for tho
Ono of tho richest gold mlpoe In tho
United States is tho North Polo, located
about six miles north of Bumpier.
About 1 760,000 lias been expended on
external improvements nnd underground
development work since tho mine was
discovered. Tho property is controlled
by English capitalists. Tho actual
value of thu North Polo . is probloinatl
cal. Tho management, of course, ia
familiar with tho value of tho ore found
in tho wonderful pay shoots, but it
does not know tho full oxtentof tho pay
shoots. Development work Is being
pushed to determine thu tidiness nnd
extent of this rich body of oru. If, an
there is every reason to believe, this,
rich shoot extends to thu depth, then
tho mine is easily worth f 10,000,000.
Wheat WallaWalla, 08Q70c; blue
stem 73(37 Ic; valley, 70c.
Barley Feed, 21,00 per ton; brew
lug, 22.00.
Flour Rest grade, 3.20Q3.60; grah
am, 2,903.20.
Mlllituffi Rran, 110.00 per ton;
middlings, 23.60; shorts, $10.60
chop, $17.
Oats No. 1 white, f 1.10 Q 1.15;
gray, $1.05(31.10 per cental.
Hay Timothy, $1011; clover,
$7.60; cheat, $8 per ton.
Potatoes Rest Itur banks, 0070c
per sack; ordinary, 6UG55o per cental,
rowers' prices; Merced sweets, $1.76
2 per cental,
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $8.50
4.26; perpoui'd, lOo; hens, $4(34,60 per
dozen; per pound, lie; springs, $3.00
($3.60 per dozen; fryers, $2.6093.00;
broilers, $2.002.50; ducks, $4.60
A. 00 per dozen; turkeys, young, 12K
18o; geeso, $H.00Q0.60 per dozon.
Cheese Full cream, twiiiSj 16
lOu; Young America, 16KQ10J ;
factory prices, l(glu less.
ftfiiftftii Wo. int. nn.ui.i.,1.
.i.tvj, . m.i viuituivf.
per pound; extras, 3Uu;
22iu; store, 16018.
dairy, 20
Eggs 26Q30o per dozen.
Hops Now crop, 2226o per pound.
Wool Vulloy, 12;16o; Eastern
Oregon, 80140; mohair, 2028c.
ISeef GroHi, cows, 33o per
pound; steers, 4c; dressed, ti7u.
Veal 7iQ8Ho.
Mutton Gross, 3o per pound;
dressed, 0c.
Lambs Gross, 3jc per pound;
dresbed, 0c.
Hogs Gross, OJiQOo per pound;
dressed, 707 Uc.